xt76ww76tf6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76tf6b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1931 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 04, 1931 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 04, 1931 1931 1931 2012 true xt76ww76tf6b section xt76ww76tf6b   1 ° } 1 ,» " is  
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` E / Official Organ oi the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
  Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington   - Th<
   4 ”_;`#""_"_"’“"‘———————-——·   have
i' Volume IV. · OCTOBER, 19325 / Number 2   versii
I i  ·—·#'*  `fgf
g Entered as second Class Matter at the Postofilce at Lexington. Ky. May 22. 1929. under the Act or March 3_ imo ;i  ye
5 , , ,_ mmm T ,_ . Tl
  —‘-———»*·——--— AI sI—-————se~ - -   . L   .
f JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, '29 ..... Editor and Manager  
  l BETTY HULETT, '30 ........ Assistant Manager  
5 mnnouisairs McLAUGliLlN. ·0x ..... Associate minor   ‘
  HELEN KING, '25 .......... Associate Editor   _D1"
  ,..L.éf-..1-....L+—LL   ...LA-.-,.--.mL A .   I ,1- .... ..   sity.
  ormcans or THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE commrrrem   as I0
  LEON K. FRANKEL, '00 .... President W. C. Wilson, '13 Dr. George H. Wilson, '04   ._.—.
~ j Mrss sARAHB1..Al~1D1Nc., *23 . . . vice-President Dr. E. C. Elliott, ·02 Wayland Rhoads, ·15    
V _ JAMES S. SI-IROPSHIRE, '29 . Secretary-TYCRSHFBI Lulic LOSER, ’13 Walter Hlllemneyer, 'll   ’ 'R {Q,
  ir ASHLAND ALUMNI CLUB strong Cork and Insulation Co., 120 West _·   
,   J. Sneed Yager, president, Blackstone Build- Illinois St.  
; ing. Ashland GREATER CINCINNATI emo `    
·` p ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB John R. Bullock, president, 412 Dixie Terminal   ‘    
. ~ C. L. Templin, president, 764 Greenwood Ave. Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. *   , If"  
" George A. Wisenberger, secretary-treaslirer, I. B. Helburn, vice—pi-esident. ‘    
· Y. M. C. A. Carl Riefkin, secretary. A.    
[ Warren Clare, vice-president, care Clare and Lanton Daley, treasurer, 2111 Eastern Avenue,   I  
; co., Bona Allen Building Covington. Ky-    
. Mrs. Geo. w. McKee, secretary, Box 66, Pine- R- Layman Mays. president. 3018 E- Overlook fi.  
3 vine Ky Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.     *·*‘‘·
· i ' . ,,M•,:_·tt`_
I O R. E. Clark, secretary-treasurer, 1838 East  ,?_  
Y BIRMINGIIAM ALUMNI CLUB 101st st., Cleveland, omg.    
1 J. M. Sprague, president, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. N 4;.  
s, c. Ebbert, viee-president, 321 Brown-Marx LOUISVILLE CLUB · ‘   `ff ff 
L Building. Bi!'mi¤8h”·m· Ben Garr King, ’28, president. Q it
· E- J- K°h¤» $°°I`°ta·I'Y» B°x· 35v EIISI°Y· AIa‘_ Levi O. Coleman, ’14, vice-president.  
A. B. Haswell, treasurer, P. 0. Box 1174, Blr- Oscar J_ Stoesseu ,28, sccmtmy   _ ·
i mi¤Eh¤·m» AIA·· D. ("Dud") O. Williams, ’27, treasurer. I  
i W' J' CmIg’ pr°sid°nt’ care Western Kentucky Samuel A. Smith, president, 17 John Street. i l Im
1 State Teachers College New York City Pm
’ _; _ _ Trusi
. Mary Lec Tat;y;0r'T secactangoliamc was em W. G. Hillen, secretary-treasurer, 850 Freling- _ F8]
. Kentucky S a' ° mw ers egg' huysen Ave., Newark, N. J. , Pl`0f€
‘ John W. Gudgel, president, 149 Highland Ave. L_ C_ Davidson, .23, president F;
I DEII R”·IIIS°Y· VI°°'l°I`°SId°“t· Ha‘mbm`g· N' Y' Richard Bozeman, ’29, secretary-treasurer. _ 9  ii0l"l—
Cl d W. D ' l, s tar -tr asurer, care . · Fel
~ au °. imc °°r° I ° wnsumoron ALUMNI CLUB , , mm-
American Blass Co. _ _ _ _ _
Jesse I. Miller, president, Commercial Nation-- · O De
CHICAGO ·ALUMNI CLUB · . M Bank Building l _ Be
H. M. Nicholls, president, 104 South Michigan Elmer D. Haycs Secrctmy mm Interstate _ ‘ F
~ Ave' Commerce Commission, Oxford St., Chevy Th
— C. B. Sauer, secretary·trcasurer, care Arm- Chase, MCL .v —`,· {Tune
U .· I1lV¤
I   ' " ' " ' ' . COI'!]
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I   New Library Building to Be Dedicated
  The following invitations, beautifully printed people connected with the university and is direct-
_ _é have been sent to alumni and friends of the Uni- ly due to the wisdom and far-sighted policy of our
2   versity: chief executive The total cost of the building was
_   The University Of Kentucky $$9000  it; has a, bggéq capacity c¥h25?,g(30 vogimes
  requests the honor of your presence at the gmffsea S S? $,3 f 5€€S°nST le 1 jryd as 3
—. gi dedication of the library building t entnovgg t Ent ut`1m€ Emp Oyees an Over
J; Friday afternoon, October twenty-umd W Y S “ S“ FSSIS an S- _
_ j [ at three ryeteek The new building faces north, looking toward
it nineteen hundred end thh~ty-0ne the stadium and Stoll field. It stands on a hill-
Lexington, Kentucky side, its east windows overlooking Maxwell Place,
v_ ~ the home of President McVey. The building itself
n Dr. Frank L. McVey. PfeSident of the Univer- is a dignified example of the Georgian Colonial
  . sity, will have charge of the program which is type of architecture, with a wide brick and stone
as follows: · terrace at the entrance. The building material
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eet_ . Invocation-Rt. Rev. H. P. Abbott. used is brick with trimmings and facings of cut
` Presentation of the library building to Board of stone, thus harmonizing with the older group of
Trustees—Governor Flem. D. Sampson. buildings on the campus. ;
ng- Felicitations from the faculty of the uDiV€l`Si'0Y— A modern university library has many uses and  
P1'0f€§§01‘ Cr€01`ge R. Bmdy- _ _ many purposes. It must serve the casual reader '
Felicitations f1T0m· the CllZ1Z€¤S of the state- who drops in to look at the morning paper or a
Judge Samuel M. W11S0¤- _ _ _ new magazine; it must give full assistance to the
. F€hC1t8U0HS from @116 Am€1`1<>8¤ T-·1b1`aYY AS$0C1¤`· undergraduate in assigned class work; and it must T.
_ _   tionjlvlr. Edward A. Henry. _ _ endeavor to furnish the materials for research to
. ZFel1c1tations from the Kentucky Library Associa- the faculty and to graduate Studente provision
U0¤—M1`S. May MCCIUFG Cl11`1`€Y. _ for all of these various fields is made in the new <
ion. . Dedication Address—Dr. John H. Finley. building. E
_ B°m°d1°m°“_Rt· R€V·   P· Ahmm Ab*°°“— When you enter the building from the north,
tate Four o’clock The Library Open House er- main entrance, you find a spacious lobby in
levy The new university library, iirst occupied in which are museum cases where exhibits of various
, June, 1931, is a building of which all alumni of the kinds are displayed. On the west side of the build-
University of Kentucky may justly feel proud. Its ing is the Reserved Book Reading room, in which
'* C0mDletion is the realization of the dreams of many (Continued on Page Ten) g

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  ` october 13, 1931 ;I§§‘Q§‘
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; _ l tucky
- Octob
I wish that all the alumni of the University might come to the dedication glfrg
£ I of the new library. This building marks a step forward in progress. On ’ gffggg
I Friday, October 23, at three o’clock, the dedicatory exercises of the Univer- _ ‘ Evers
  I sity Library will take place. Doctor John H. Finley, associate editor of UN
. Dr
Z the New York Times will be the speaker. The University Glee Club will — C(£AC
; ovl
sing and felicitations will be presented by representatives of the American · gnd S
  Library Association, the Kentucky Library Association, the Faculty of the _ Trans
. comm
University and Citizens of the State. It will be a great occasion and I am · b Whi
» er of
urging upon the alumni who can come to be present that day. _ Ialnd a
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  Fraternally yours, 1°%l1§
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* FRANK L. MCVEY. . sygtelii
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  HCl\/lE( ZCl\/lIN( 1  
  Welcome back to the best University in the has taken his boys to College Park, Maryland, n _
  south old grads! Coming home is something that where they will meet the Old Liners. There is no Q t
  has come to mean more than ju·t a joy trip or an doubt in the minds of every one here in the Q ‘
  excuse to "get away from it all." Coming home, University of Kentucky that the ’Cats will come
  to the "ole boys/’ has taken on a new meaning; back the victors. ‘
  it means to come back once again and renew the . . . ,
  O1 d acquaintances, to revisit the past halls Of 1€am_ Our football stadium is one of the best innthe
._ _ . . ,, . ,, South, and the playing field 1S called by some the
  mg, to get back again into the old bull sessions, mattress Of the South., Tha Seam .t f
  and most important of all to cheer the Wildcats on the Stadium is in the néi hboghjod riglfggsm 1};i°h
'   te Victory This is the spirit Of Homecoming W€‘ will have to have an add?tion of songe 8000 bgach- i
ifi the present student body, extend the heartiest of Q t t d t th . * =
3 ~g1e Kaintuclw greetings to "you all" alumni.   G25? gte; ag; (:;;,13% gsgsafetgagstglgagroglcgftlggt R
  . e . e a e
  This year a great football game has been sched- 3,700 students will attend the game and give vent ‘
  uled for the Wildcats. Duke University, one of to their lusty cheers. The best band in Dixie will ·  
.1 the strongest in the South, will meet the Big Blue be on hand for the edification of all visitors. For  
Q in their own back yard. This game with the Blue your benefit there will be loud speakers erected. ‘
  Devils of Durham, starting at 2:30 Saturday No- So there will be no need of asking your neighbor
vcmber 7, will be sufficient justification for all the who that oversize giant is down there playing ·
spirit that the Alumni can muster. Why should- tackle. . Q ,
_ n‘t it? Duke will bring a strong aggregation here; The main attraction On Homscsming day Wiii t  
, e teeth that defeated the Wlldeete lest year hy be the present edition of Wildcats oavorting about l
~ the Seere el l4 te l·_ Wlth Wallace Wade et the the field. We have the best team in the Southern {  
, h9llll» the Blue DQVUS are Sure te here 8 team Conference, and whoever thinks differently see me. . `
."_·— that Will be kheeklhs et the Cehlerehee <>h¤mDl<>h· "Shipwreck" Kelly and the rest or the ’Cats will I i
¤‘ Sllllil d00l'$- work on the Demons from Durham until they are    
_. The team that represents the University of Ken- he mere- Whether we Will er lese. the team that   .
V tucky this year is ti mystery tsam_ On Saturday, represents the University on Homecoming day will g It
October 3, the Wildcats had a tough afternoon still be considered as the best team. That is the · I
— overcoming the small team from Maryville 19 to 0. $Pll`lt ef "e1e U- ef KY, .
[ j On the following Saturday the same Wildcats ran The activities of Homecoming day will come to . !
. rough shod over the Washington and Lee Gener— a close with a dance in the Alumni gymnasium. _ Q E
l I als to the tune of 45 to O, showing a complete All who have attended them need no other re- E ,
_ . reversal of form. At this writing Coach Gamage minder, except the time which will be from 9 to 12. i g
i .   ’
h it UNDERWOOD IS RE-APPOINTED TRANSY The University of Kentucky Law School has ' i
1 — COACH V been highly honored by being elected to tnernber- ?
  Lovell Underwood, graduate of College of Arts ship in the Order of the Coif. which is the Phi i ‘ 
i · and Sciences of the university in 1926, recently has Beta Kappa of the law school world. Thiray of i ‘
‘ bcén reappointed as head basketball coach for the leading law schools of the country share in i  
3 ;_ Transylvania and the College of the Bible for the this honor. 'Ihe installation of the local chapter Q
coming season. will be held in Lexington October 17th and Dean  
i — While a tthe University Underwood was a mem- Ferson of Cincinnati University Law School will  
ber of the varsity basketball squad for three years bg the principal speaker. Twenty—four students Q
_ and a member of the championship team of ‘26. who have graduated "with distinction" during the   i
` He coached the Transylvania quintette last year, last iifteen years will be initiated. Among the {
· winning four games and losing eight. Of the eight honored guests will be Frank L. McVey, President i I
` lest feet were by the margin ef one Domi- of the University of Kentucky, Chief Justice Priest e  
Underwood plans to start a new style of basket- Dietzman of the Kentucky Court of Appeals, Presi- 5 ·
ml gggtligatiiegeitett1hlSPt$€;;Ll;gWl;teé¤ xittolteglj dent Charles J. Turck of Centre College and Hon.   l
. T8 9 ` ` . s r
V system. The Wisconsin Style Of may embodies a John V. Conner, President of the Kentucky State i
flow, criss—cross offensive and was used to some Bar Assoclatloll {
‘ extent by former University of Kentucky net coach 2
  John Mauer.
`R ,. Reese, Shelton, and Miller, outstanding players RESEARCH WORKER ADDED I
Aof the Transylvania net organization of last year i
{_ will return this year and the former university Miss Margaret Barger, Columbus, Ohio, has been  
ri athlete feels confident of a successful season. A added to the staff of research of the College of A t
Spring basketball practice of two weeks was held Commerce as executive secretary to Prof. James  
_·~for the Crimson basketeers and it is expected that, W. Martin. Miss Barger obtained her Master’s   i
t 1 having brushed off the rough spots in the spring, deg1·ee at Ohio State University and will continue E l
j _{-8» Smooth team can be developed early in the com- her studies here this year. She was a teacher in  
_,..· ing season. Florida last year. , i
i l
` —.l i

  ·   ""
  NOVEMBER SEVEN seem to, or be glad of their actions. What ever   MIN;
Z November the seventh has been set aside by the the situation let the bigger and greater thing. the   LOU]
j executive committee of the almuni association as ¤¤iV€1‘SitY, have YOU? m05i3 IOYBI SUDPOFU   Fiff
  homecoming day for Kentucky graduates and for- —-—————··‘*"" `   gggcg
  mer students. It will be a great day for all those UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEAGUE   eveml
  that return to their alma me_ter_ _ Letters, authorized by the executive committee j  *28, p
_   A day to Witness the Wildcat beam of 1931 in o Io1u· association, are in the mail proposing to   tenda
`   action against another great tealrn Coachgd   th: graduates   fa,l']']'\€’1' students   in Kcntuckyy    
_ { S0uth’s outstanding coach, will be a feature; a day the formmg °f it State League Of the _Umv€1-Sm.   any 1
  to enjoy mectmg former acquaintances, and mak_ of Kentucky students.- what do you think of the _   Louis
" T img new ones of the present student body so faith- plan? Has it any posslbimms as A Supporter of the i iii ggpg 1;
§e fully following m your footsteps; gt day to stop “'“"°”‘YY· _‘°S “d’“‘“‘?“‘f*f°“· _~“‘ ‘“‘“““g9 pm?   liv It h
  in and chat at the fmt house, Sing a few Songs lems aftectmg the umveisity its problem. This   mgst
_ i and take part in another, almost forgotten "bull latter    Ot michglf aglalulsu; I? the ia? and   Lgvest
· g sesSi0n;" and lastly, and of the greatest import- mmc wmg Ou J B 8 S2? mesa u your   wefglig
` me see again the university that mothered you $“"¥’°'* *’"“" ’°“' °°“““°“‘s ‘“ °“°°““g S“°" “ ~ whetr
  ' . `. ° league are invited. V ‘
E , and the one that is today so well serving the youth . . - Chem]
l { and state at large in this commonwealth It is proposed that the league will take its mem- _ fact 1
  _; Since your day many changes have been wrought. Fsjjhrfmgfggl tizggecigscrfjgsdtdaEilobiggs 2;;; ._ .§ `
  the campus has improved, new buildings have been pclmcal financial or whit" ever may arise, affect; i_
  added. laboratories enlarged, and faculties increased in th; cchool Og which alumni me im ima al ‘·
‘ all to bring our school to the highest degree of ;_t Tlircc or more faithful leavue membcrgrin C h
j efficiency in serving the people. You will glory in P ` . . D . cms
_ the growth of the university and Wm go home each of our many counties will be of untold value · 100%
with renewed interest and enehusiarm looking d to the university as representatives in their partie- you V
" waiting for an Opportunity mb servém an C; an ular community, not as solicitors for students or » likewi
  ity our School y pac- money, but as friends. as buffers for any that ma'
1 » Homecoming let us all try to come early and not as yet realize the purpose and state wide bene- .` STUD
\ stay late with our university November 7. Hemi Work Ot; our Sch0?l` _ _ It 12
2 The executive committee is asking that the re- · Kerns
Q -—————-—é—— cipient of the letters send in the nme of thre: ting I
‘ i SETTLE THE AFFAIR or more interested alumni in their county that ·_ tions.
E F t A will take part in such a league; if you are called   1S ve
Or fw; yeals now the newspaper melt and WO' on, won’t you respond, pledging your hearty cu- 5U1‘idg·
  P18? 0_ he Stat°’ Clubme? and alumm Of both operation and support and trying to bring others ini ·»‘- We
, institutions have been talking the renewal of the {me `vith the plan? systen
old feud between Kentucky and Centre. To us it A league Organized as this (mc is proposed, fur, Sooo ·
~ S`§n?S that Enough Mme haé Elapsed to Settle the uishcd with the latest news of happenings at the
4 3 au" It amounts t’° nothmg more than a fO0t' university, aligned with the university’s state widv V  
_ :3;} gaine between Kentucky gentlemen {md We program of service would be an agent of good will The
evgive lt Sh°“1dt“£°; cause Such? °°mm°'°*°¤· both to the university and me me of which the _ as Ve;
‘ € are Sure a many Of he alumni Of Our members are now a part Direct contact between th? the fi!
I Emverslgg Wguld mi? to SBB relations renewed be' executive committee which has been elected b$ _ ggglmg
’ 0:/;;; Wl;) t;?nkSCK;(;};i1c;€ts;§§;§ lgiethpmbably alumni, and the alumni themselves would then be gf Hm
t mai th t y mgs rg` established, and contact for any cause is the surcs! r krlowr
nouings We ega my S a'l;d‘ In any °5S€· these IS way of getting results. Let us all respond to hr wighg
· H O HS Ong 35 XVB S By 1HSi C of C ll f Our c ut- 0 -1 _ _
‘ our fence, for alumni have bigger problems than ai 0 Xcc we C uml 5;%:2;
a football game to worry about, if they are in- VOTE the D)
terested to the nth degree in their institution, Final ballots for the election of the alumni ~ ident
although we are interested and want the Wild- member to the board gf trustees have been mailed . °fOW€1
cats always to have a team that is a credit both out, by the Seeretory of the board, and the elumni fron? (
, * to 0u1· sclgool and our state. executive coimcil urges you to send in your voif 2 Waltel
The 9. hletic council has made the break in and to urge other-S to do the some The Alummlf Hams
3 relations, we will deplore the fact, as most alumni (Continued ob Next page) Of thi?
2 n ·

 I. §  
1-  T
"" his  , *
EtQ. _  ·— 
Al f ·
-——   I
its   i
Ever   MINUTES OF THE MEETING makes a great difference to us down here. HOW-
5, ‘·h€   `·E- LOUISVILLE ALUMNI CLUB ever, a strong effort will be made to overcome _ ,
  · First meeting, of the fall months, was held at that; to a great extent. r _
Z  the University club which is located in the Brown Those present; Misses Margaret Gilhan Arnold ·
  office building at 321 West Broadway, Monday and Dorothy Tileston Arnold of 2329 Glenmary
  evening, October 12, with Ben Garr King, Class of avenue. Mrs. Ruby Arnold Dennis, 1916 South
nittcc   *28, president of the local group, in charge. At- Second street; Ben Garr King, Travelers Insur-
ng to ,   tendance was small there can be seen some ray of ance Co., 1252 Starks building; Jim Darnell, life
Lucky   hope for larger numbers at future meetings in insurance, 529 Y. M. C. A.; John B. Hutchings, en-
. "l’&i§ that three "showed up" who have not attended gineer, 1708 Heyburn building; and the writer,
'€¥`$nl’   any previous meeting. The Courier-Journal the whose address is 727 West BI‘09.dW8Y. — `
if the   Louisville Times and The Herald—Post; all local The Misses Arnold and Mrs. Dennis were the l
0; the   papers, "ran" news items concerning our meeting ones who were referred to as being the "flrst ‘
pmb_ ii; that the writer prepared and carried down to them. timers." Miss Margaret Arnold is of the Class of  
.   It has been decided to change from dinner-meet- ’29, but Miss Dorothy Arnold and Mrs. Dennis are ,
Tins if ings to luncheons. Ben Garr stated that he would pursuing work during Summer School terms tow- `
le and   investigate dates and announce later, since he ard their degrees. g
your   thought that Friday would be suitable day of the Dean Anderson will be in Louisville, October 30, · 5
ugh n   week but he would have to check up and determine and if he will have time it will be a pleasure for - l 
  whether there are any of the business men’s lun- us to arrange a little party for him. I hope that I l
I cheon clubs of Louisville meeting on Fridays. The we can. ‘    
mem— `_ fact that we are on} 85 miles from Lexington ——BOB MITCHELL. _` %
;1v€ 3 I .   j
social. ‘· ·i ‘ . 6
ages;. 7,   EDITORIALS anld their procgrag should ge an outsitagiding Event.    
j - _ · Q awrence oo , a en e organis rom ouis- j 5
ltegrél Y (COnFmu€d_ from Plecgdmg Pagd ville will present the first of two recitals, which j
mers m hopes the time will come when we can get the he is to give during the season, on Sunday, NO_ , l
l value `· 100% vote of our alumni. This may be the year if vember the fifteenth.
partie- you will cast your vote and remind others to do November the tW€ntY‘S€C0nd brings Hans MEI`X·  
mts or _ _ likcwistx lwiiiritone, in a' pgogram ol; tgiertriian llegderé Mr. K V
l erx is recognize as one o e oremos in erpre- . ,
M ma' _ STUDENT Ft"_" ters of the lieder appearing on the concert stage i  
e bene- . ROGRESS at the present time. 1 {
I ` It is gratifying to know the Student panel-_ The The University Philharmonic Orchestra with   ·
me     *?€m8l» ei the ¤¤lVe‘Si*y_ is %¤¤¤i¤¤¤g 3   E¥§5EZ§’§€§§‘§c3a0‘?p$§ §§§£}i$t$$ §’$$a¥{‘i§‘9‘§€t§§    
f th"? . tmg bnylng Plan nn nn“’€1`Sn?Y Student Ortfnnlitn twenty-ninth. Professor Lampert reports that h€ g l
,y that ;, tions. Such a step on the part of the student body has one of the best orchestras in years, so this ,` _ 4
, called . is Very significant, as it points to the great program should be of unusual interest to alumni  
rty cg.,   stridges of progress our school is maklncnl Of the umv€rS1ty'R. D· MCINTYRE, Chairman l L
Lherslir   WG congratulate The Kernel on promoting the Musicale Committee I
system, and express the hops that the system will   _ I
HL fu,. I Soon be instituted,   E
E   .
tgtwgge SUNDAY AFTERNOON MUSICALES The annual conference of county agents. home I i
' , _- T0 BE RESUMED IN NOVEMBER agents, and agricultural extention workers will {  
°°d wl The Sunday afternoon musicales, formerly known be held at the U¤1V€1'S1tY_ 0ct¤b==>r 28 to 31- APPY0X‘ P; g
rich the _ as Vesper programs_ will bg resumed on Ngvgmbgy imately 200 county agricultural workers are ex- { g
mm, {hg the first at four o’clock in the new Memorial audi- pected to attend. Among the Speakers for the Oc' { ¥
ded b, t01`1Um. These musicales are planned with the casion will be Dr. C. B. Smith and George E. Farrel ;
‘ . Idea of giving the university community an hour of the UH1t€d States Department Of Agrlcnltur? t
then be of fine music each Sunday afternoon by artists of All plans hal/8 ¤0l5 been announced Yegarnlng ,
ie sures! known ability. Lewis of the College of Agriculure, the meetings  
d to hg ` The program on the first Sunday in November for the women will be held_in the agriculture build- ;
will be presented by a world famous musical or- ing and those of the men in the livestock pavilion. <
` Eanization, the details of which are in the nature   ;
of a surprise and further announcement regarding The nrst of a series of Sunday afternoon ser- I
the program cannot be made at this time. Pres- vices at Memorial Hall on the University of Ken- l E
alumni  ident Frank' L. Mcvey will give a short address tucky campus will be held Sunday, November 1, , Q
n mmm _ of welcome. _ h with Dr. Frank L. MvVey, president of. the Univer- , k
. On November the eighth the Heermann Trio sity as the speaker. The program will be in the g ;
* ummm fI`0m. Cincinnati consisting of Emil Heerma,n_ violin, form of musicalefl `beginning November 8 and   E
our WV { Walter Heerman, cello, and Thoniie Prewitt Wil- will bring to the University and Lexington many ,
Alumnui · »l18Jns piano, will present the program. This is one prominent soloists from various parts of the F
of the finest musical ensembles in the middle west country. g
~ 1

 1   -  
   1._.i _    D1',
Q   I   Presb
.   for
. r . ALUMNI NEWS    
s if   moto:
i   for t
r Dickerson-Anna received her A. B. degree from Converse College.   de cl
l Beautiful simplicity marked the marriage of Miss The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Eugene   hot,
  Sue Catherine Dickerson, daughter of Mr. and P. Purcell who formerly resided in Waynesville, {si glove
  Mrs. W. L. Dickerson. to Mr. Anthony Eusibius Since the family moved to St. Petersburg, they ft Ag
i i Anna, Ashland, at the rectory of St. Peter’s church, have spent the summers here. The groom was   plttg
{ ; the Rev. Joseph Klein reading the service. Only educated at the University of Kentucky and the ,.jjj Medi
, § the members of the two families were present. University of North Carolina and is a member oi   of K
  The lovely bride Wee charming lh a gown of the Sigma Nu fraternity. He has numerous friends   Tau
i blue French crepe with black accessories. She car- both m W3YIl€$Vlu€ end A$h€VlU€ Wh0 Wlll be ln-   medi
{ ried an arm bouquet of yellow roses tied with t€F€$t€d lll his m3l`Tl3g€·   Th
Q white tulle. . W ` us grad
  Her only attendant, Miss Rutn Tutt, wore a DT/r“Y‘Sl"°°;/r_ L R D_ tr   1929,
g` stylish black and white ensemble and carried yel- It aid r   F8 d · héury r2“§r°'·“j'°€ tw li? ij Since
`   low roses tied with deep yellow tulle, Mr. Anna was gagemen , 0 EH ,8*ug Bri a Grmel O L   hom<
‘   attended by his brother, Mr. S. B. Anna, Jr. Gag? Sp1°.°i§*tJri·· Ifxmatczn ?m°%`rG°°ri°t°W¤· The ~   versi
  _Mr. and Mrs, Anna will be with Mr. and Mrs. We mg W1 a 9 pace a E m Ovem er` 2
  Dickerson on Clifton avenue while they both com- Mehleh_Crele
  plete their studies at the University of Kentucky Ml·S_ ployonoo Malden announces the marriage oi K Nav;
  Where the bride is a Junior in the department of her daughter Lena Barbera te Mr Hubert R 4 Tl
‘   journalism, and the bridegroom is taking his Mas- Craig, Wednesday afternoon" October 7, at Lex; V‘ Hug]
g ters degree in education. I meter] noor
r   Ml`$· AUU3 is 3 P3l`i?l0¤13l`lY Dl‘€ttY 3/Ollflg W0m3¤· The bride is a Lexington lawyer, associated with    
=   a graduate of Henry Clay high schc¤l._a¤d a mem- the law offices of Mr. J. A. Edge. She studied in _ Mr
e   bl_=>rLcf glee lérerurel gal? ll/lr._5l¤¤a is a member the collegiate institutions er Virginia and at the rrr
. Q 0 3m 3 1 D 3 F3 €l`¤l Y· University of Kentucky, and took the bar examina- . j
Q i Mrs. Dickerson wore for her daughters wedding tion in 1928. She was sworn in to practice in the gig;
3 ,~ . an ensemble s