xt76ww76tf3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76tf3k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-01-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1930 1930 1930-01-17 2012 true xt76ww76tf3k section xt76ww76tf3k Best Copy Available





Delegates Will Convene





Let's All See the Game
Saturday Night




17, 1030

Circle Voles 200 to Be Used
In Defraying Expenses of

Atlanta Journey

Committee Named to Arrange
Plans for High School
Journey in March

Herald Editor

Kentucky College Body
To Hold Annual Meeting


Is Honored By ANNUAL


Pin of Alpha Delta
Sigma Awarded to Desha Final Selection Not To Be
Made Till Early Part
of Next Term
Alpha Delta Sigma, national ad


vcrtlslng fraternity at tho University, gave a dinner in the red room
of the Lafayette
hotel Monday
nlfiht at C o'clock with Desha
Breckinridge as the chapter's guest
of honor. Mr. Breckinridge, publisher of The Herald, Is a member
of the fiaternlty.
After the dinner, Prof. Enoch
Grehan, head of tho department of
Journalism at the university, and
also a member of Alpha Dleta
Sigma, presented to the guest of
honor the Jeweled pin of the ira
ternlty, an honor which has been
extended to only 12 men In America, Mr. Breckinridge being the
twelfth to have the pin bestowed
upon him. It is given to those who
either have done distinguished ad
vertising in promoting advertis
Ing service, or who have been
active in promoting advertising.
The pin was first awarded to
Bruce Barton, prominent in the
events of the Fouth Estate. Last
night was the first time that the
pin hase been awarded In Kentucky. The local chapter is known as
the Breckinridge chapter, Alpha
Delta Sigma, being named in
honor of Mr. Breckinridge.
The dinner was attended by 14
members of the University chapter
of Alpha Delta Sigma and one
guest who furnished music for the
event. Those present were Max
Professor Grehan,
George Bassett, Prof. J. B. Miner,
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre,
Hillen, Roy Owsley, James Shropshire, William Cundiff, W. L.
Valade, Virgil Couch, Joe Rutten-cutte- r,
Albert Kikel and Mr. Breckinridge.

The SuKy Circle hold their regular meeting at 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon in the Men's gymnasium
and made extensive plans for the
coming semester. Officers were
elected and money donated for
sending the band to the Southern
Conference basketball tournament.
Plans were also made for the annual
banquet for high school athletes
during the high school basketball
Votes were cast at the regular
meeting and the following persons
to offices for the
coming semester: Frank Davidson,
William Young,
Francis Baskett, secretary; Mildred Little, assistant secretary; and Mary Elizabeth Fisher,
SuKy voted two hundred dollars
to be used in defraying expenses of
the band to the Southern basketball tournament which will be held
at Atlanta, Ga.f February 28 and
March 4.
In recent years the band has not
accompanied the basketball squad
to the Southern tourney, however,
arrangements are under consideration for sending at least a concert
band to be selected from the entire
band to this tournament.
Several years ago Coach Harry
Damage sponsored the idea of annually having a banquet for the
visiting high school basketball
teams during their tournament
here. Heretofore the "Letter Men"
of the University with the aid of
the Alumni Association have been
giving, the banquet, but this year
to assist them.
Aicommlttee appointed from the
SuKy Circle by off- University Marksmen to Fire"
menHsrs of the
the organization and one
With Foremost
chosen from the lettermen by Coach
TeamsThroughout United
Damage will meet within the
weeks and complete
next two
arrangements for the entertainment
Louis S. Payton, of Lynch, Ky.,
of the high school athletes, who
will engage in a high school tourna- Junior In the College of Engineerabout March ing, has been elected as captain of
ment to be held here
the University Rifle team, accord15.
Announcement has been made to ing to Captain Gessford, coach.
students who have been acting Clarence M. Christie, senior in the
as salesman for SuKy at the var- College of Agriculture was elected
ious athletic contests that they must manager of the team.
Captain Gessford and his assistcome out consistently if they expect to sell during the tournament. ant, Sergeant H. B. Bryant, started
been sent to 100 persons their schedule of competition this
Cards have
notifying them that the next game week, and they will compete with
and that they are
various universities each week duris
to there.
ing January, February, and March.
The contests will be held locally
and the scores of the opponents will
be received by telegraph for comparison.
Teams that the University squad
will oppose this week are:
State, Massachusetts Institute, of
Sulzer, band Technology, Ohio State, and the
Professor Elmer
University of Wyoming. Next week's
director, announced mis wee ui
positions as band directors have opponents will be the University of
two of his ad Washington,
been obtained for
the University, of
The positions Nevada, Indiana University, and
vanced bandsmen.
Cincinnati University.
were obtained through the UniverOutstanding men of the team upsity extension department.
Norman Hainsey, of Lockport, N. on whom Captain Gessford depends
"Sji a Junior in the College of Arts to stabalize the team in national
nna Science, has been made direc competition are:
Crady, Eades,
tor of the Georgetown high school Bradbury, Henderson, Mantz, and
band and Elton Durand, of Louis- Smith. Crady is considered as havof ing the edge on this group, and
ville, a Junior in the College
Commerce, will direct the high recently scored 392 points out of a
school band at May's Lick. Two possible score of 400. He shot from
trips a week will be made to these the standing, sitting, prone, and
high schools for the purpose of in- kneeling positions.
Members of the team are: the
Prof. Sulzer also announced that Rev. L. Allison, Birmingham, Ky.;
have two slmlllar posi- Robert L. Bradbury, Butler; Olen
he would
tions for advanced bandsmen with- B. Coflman, Jr., Lewlsburg, W. Va.;
in a short time. The positions are Edward F. Crady, Louisville; Willbeing obtained as encouragement iam Eades, Lexington; E. T. Evans,
Morehead; Austin M. Henderson,
for band members and to discourage playing in Jazz orchestras.
Ashland; Ira D. Iverson, Jr., of
Wilmette, 111.; Theodore P. Mantz,
Russell; Alvin McGary, Arlington;
William B. Parrlsh,
Smith, Canada;
John J.
Thornton, Lexington;
William E.
Florence, Paris; Orvlll W. Chlnn,
Lexington: Sanford o! Perry, JeriDr. J. C W. Frazer, a graduate of cho, and Philip Orem, Campbells-bur- g.
the University in the Class of
has gained world-wid- e
for his recent discovery of a means
of eliminating the deadly carbon
monoxido gas from motor exhausts,
press dispatches from New York indicated
this week. Dr. Frazer
formerly lived In Lexington.
Graduating as the honor man of
Tho second meeting of tho Hishis class from the College of Arts tory Club was held Monday night,
ho majored in January 13, In the lecture room of
and Sciences, where
also was McVey Hall. A film showing tho
chemistry, Dr. Frazer
prominent in baseball, football, and episodes in Daniel Boone's life and
sports ho was tho founding of Booi&csboro was
track, in which
awarded his letter. Following his shown. All members of the History
graduation from Kentucky ho at- department were Invited and tho
meeting was open to tho public. A
tended John Hopkins University.
tho meeting.
The nature of Dr. Frazer's dis- large crowd attended was organized
Tho History Club
covery is described by tho New
late last fall. At their first meetYork Times as follows:
ing in December, Judge Samuel
"In his research, Dr. Frazer dis- Wilson spoke. Tho following of
covered that carbon monoxide Issu- ficers were elected at the December
needed meeting: President, Edward Farmer:
ing from a motor-exhaus- t
only a touch of oxygen to render it
Mary Virginia
He subsequently in- Hailey; and secretary, Jesse Wilson.
vented a catalyzer to take oxygen The advisors of the club are Dr.
from tho air and combine it with Edward Tuthlll, Dr. Charles Knapp,
the carbon monoxide to form Mr. Hooerc Lunae. ana Mr. Ellery
harmless carbon dioxide."




Positions as Band
Director Obtained
By Hains&, Durand

Chemical Discovery
Graduate of


And Elects Officers


Present Status of Students
Selected is That of
The election Tuesday of Rex Allison and William B. Young as
editor and business manager, respectively, of the 1931 Kentucklan
was declared unofficial yesterday
by Virgil Couch, present editor of
the annual. The official selection
of students to occupy these offices
will be made some time next semester, he said.
The present status of the students
selected at the class meeting Tuesday is that of nominees of the class,
who together with the nominees
selected by the Kentucklan staff,
and those selected by a publication
board soon to be named by President McVey, will be subject to final
action of a special committee composed of student officials and
faculty members. This selection
will not be made until the early
part of next semester, Mr. Couch
Plans for next year's annual, as
submitted to President McVey, will
provide that both the editor and the
business manager will be given
salaries, the amount of which will
be fixed by the Junior class, instead
of the present plan of a salary onl
the commission basis.
Mr. Allison, who was named Tuesday, is a member of S. A. E. social
fraternity, a member of the Men's
Student Council, and a member of
Delta Sigma Phi, professional com
Mr. Young is a
merce fraternity.
member of Triangle fraternity and
active in campus affairs.
Other business transacted by the
class was the election of Sam
Worthlngton as treasurer, and the
appointing of the committee In
or- - the
charge- - of 'arrangements
Junior Prom. This" commlttte is
composed of Foster Phillips, chairk,
man, Eleanor Swearlngen, Jack
Neil Kane, and Robert Gibelection of the
son. Plans for the
"Queen of the Junior Prom" are to
be arranged by this committee.

Dean C. R. Melcher
Calls Conference
Kentucky Deans of Men Plan
To Organize Permanent
Dean C. R. Melcher has arranged
for a conference of deans of men
from various Institutions throughout the state, which will be held
at 10 o'clock, January 17, In the
committee room of the University
Club. This Is the first time these men
have been brought together to discuss the problems confronting them
in their1 work, and it is hoped that
a permanent organization, such as
they have in other states, will be
The following deans and councel-lor- s
of men are expected to attend
the meeting: C. R. Melcher,
of Kentucky; Elmer CampUniversity;
Robert L. Hlnton, Georgtown
J. H. Hewlett, Centre College; J. B. Kenyon, Asbury College; A. B. Austin, Murray State
Normal; Thomas A. Hendricks, Be-rCollege; W. J. Craig, Western
State Normal; J. B. Bacon, Union
College; H. C. Haggan, Morehead
Teachers' College; and J. Homberg-e- r,
University of Louisville.
A representative Is also expected
Wesleyan, and
from Kentucky
President Raymond A. Kent of the
University of Louisville, will be a
guest. Those attending the conference will be entertained by the
University at luncheon.

Exam Schedule
Classification Dates Are
Released From Office
of Registrar

Local Station


The onnual meeting of tho Association of Kentucky Colleges and
Universities will bo held hero tomorrow with the first session beginning at 10 o'clock In the morn-ln- g.
Pi of. Ezra L. GIllls and Prof.
P. P. Boyd, of the University, are
on the speakers program. W. L.
Donovan, president of the association, will preside.
The morning session will be
opened with an address by Mr.
Donovan, of Eastern State Teachers' College, on "Changing Conceptions of College Teaching." Dean
Paul H. Farrier, of Kentucky Wesleyan, and Dr. F. C. Grlse, of the
Western State Teachers' College,
will present a discussion on "A
Study of the Quarter System." Appointment of committees will be
"New American Literature" made before the meeting recesses
Is Topic of Address at for lunch. o'clock, Prof. E. H. Smith,
At 1:30
in of Murray State Teachers' College,
Memorial Hall
will give "A Report of a Study on
Extension Work."
"Records of
High School Graduates
In KenAt the regular monthly Univertucky Colleges" will be the subject
sity convocation held in Memorial
Hall, at ten o'clock Tuesday morn- of an address by Prof. GIllls, and
ing, Dr. V. F. Calverton spoke on he will be followed on the program
"The New American Literature." by a talk on "The History of the
He was Introduced by Professor E. 25 Years of the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Universities," by
F. Farquhar of the English departDean Frank L. Ralney, of Centre
Dr. Calverton said in his address College.
Prof. Mark Godman, of the state
that there were two main questions department
of education, will make
in connection with the new Amera report of the committee on acican literature, and also pointed out
credited schools, and Prof. P. P.
that there exists, or have existed, Boyd,
of the University, will make
three schools of literature in the
history of American letters.
Of a report from the Southern Assothese, the New England and the ciation before the meeting adjourns.
Southern were
Following is a list of the execuunoriginal and merely followers of
a type of literature that had long tive committee members: W. L
The older Donovan, Eastern State Teachers'
existed hi England.
forms and, we may look to it as the College, president; W. V. Cropper,
key to modem American literature, Kentucky Wesleyan,
Frank L. Ralney; Centra 'College,
Walt Whitman should be given secretary; Dean J. B. Konyon,
Colleee: Dean T. A. Hend- the place of the leader of the
movement in the latter school,
since he was the first to break away Cochran,
from the llllberallty and tradition Sister Mary Adeline, Nazareth Colschools of literature, he lege; Prof. Charles Maney, Tranof the older
said. The enthusiasm with which sylvania College; Dean Paul P.
the American people received Whit- Boyd, University of Kentucky; Dr.
man developed almost into a F. C. Grlse, Western State Teachdisease and was referred to by Dr. ers' College; Prof. Ralney T. Wells,
Murray State Teachers' College;
Calverton as "Whitmanla."
In the field of modern prose, and Dean William H. Vaughn,
several modern writers were named Morehead State Teachers' College.
who helped to bring about a new
viewpoint by their frank and C. O.
straightforward attitude toward the
real problems of life. The forms
of the older schools have been disregarded and ideas have been sub- Radio Talk on Hatching Eggs
stituted for metrical perfection, the
Is First of Series by
speaker said.
Ag. College
Real problems of life, that formerly were ignored through an exaltThe first of a series of radio
ed sense of delicacy on the part of
writers have come to a place where lectures on poultry raising was
modern authors, can give them the given Wednesday, by C. O. Warren,
attention their Importance de- whose subject was "The Production
serves", without shocking the pub- and Care of Hatching Eggs." The
lic. They can be met frankly and theme of his lecture was that the
profits of the entire year hinge on
without reserve and their relation
ship to human behavior need be ! the care taken In hatching
ryn lnnnoi.
' eggs.
Tills llkavnl
attitude should make it possible for
These lectures are given from the
writers of the present and the University extension studio of stafuture to deal with real life and its tion WHAS at Louisville, at 12:45
problems instead of with the mere p. m. each Wednesday.
The schedule of the remaining
forms and conventions of life, Dr.
Calverton said in concluding his lectures follows:
January 22 "The Feeding and
Care of the Breeding Pen," J. E.
29 "Count
Your Chickens Before They aje
Dean F. Paul Anderson of the Hatched,"
J. Holmes Martin;
10 "Necessary
College of Engineering, addressing February
Equipthe first general Engineering As- ment for Breeding Chicks," C. E.
sembly of the new year, at 10 Harris; February 12 "How, What,
o'clock next Wednesday morning and When to Feed Chicks," W. M.
in Memorial Hall, will speak on the Imsko, Jr.; February 17 "How to
topic, "Where Do We Go From raise a Large Percentage of the
Here." Dean Anderson proposes to Chicks Hatched," Stanley Caton;
review engineering feats of the March 10 "Sanitation In Chicken
past year.
Raising," J. E. Humphrey.
dates on
which students may classify and
arrange their schedules in the
dean's offices of their respective
schools will be found on page
six. The schedule of final examinations as released from the
office of the registrar is to bet
found on tho same page. The
registrar announces that a late
classification fee will be charged
all students who do not complete
their classification within the
specified time.



James C. Stone, vice chairman of
the federal farm board, will broadcast through tho University extension studio of radio station WHAS
as 12:45 o'clock, January 29, according to an announcement from
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the College of Agriculture. Mr. Stone will
be hero at that time to deliver two
addresses at the annual farm and
home convention.
Mr. Stone will discuss the federal
farm board and the work that Is
being done under tho supervision
of Its members at 11 o'clock, January 29, and will go Immediately
after his address to the extension
studio in the music department
building. While in Lexington, he
will talk to delegates of the con
vention on the tobacco situation
among growers and buyers In
central Kentucky. This talk will
be delivered at 11 o'clock January

Arrangements are being made for

a large audience to hear Mr. Stone's
addresses at the farm and home

convention, Dean Cooper has announced. This will be one of the
first public appearances of the farm
board representative In Kentucky
since he resigned his position as
president of the Burley Tobacco
Growers' Cooperative Association
to take up his new duties as vice
chairman of the farm board.
Aside from his knowledge of the
Mr. Stone is
tobacco situation,
recognized as an authority on var
phases of cooperative associa
tions among agriculturists, ne nav-in- g
made a study of cooperatives
all over the country. He Is ex
pected to discuss some of the more
farmers who are desirous of receiving farm relief from the farm
board, as well the steps that must
be taken to perfect cooperative

Two Mothers of University
Students Will Be Named

Master Homemakers
Agricultural Convention


Mrs. J. P. Dye, of Ewlng, Ky., and

Mrs. Earl Shockley, of Farmlngton,
Ky., were named as two of the five

Kentucky farm women to receive
the national honor of master home-makto be conferred upon them
at the annual farm and home convention at the University January
according to Miss Myrtle
Feldon, of the College of Agricul
The women will be presented
with gold medals at a special
luncheon and ceremony during the
convention by Miss Lucille Reynolds, representing "The Farmer's
The five women were
selected on a basis of their Ideals
of home work according to the best
standards at the present time.
This is the third year that this
honor has been extended to Kentucky farm women through the cooperation of the University and
"The Farmer's Wife."
Mrs. Dye has two sons in the
University at present, Given Dye,
the football player who wrenched
his knee as he was leaving the train
at Danville when State played
Centre, a Junior In the College of
and William Wesley
Dye, a sophomore in the College of
Arts and Sciences. Mrs. Dye also
has a daughter, who will enter the
University next year.
Mrs. Shockley has a daughter,
Miss Eva Shockley, a freshman In
the College of Agriculture, who won
a H Club scholarship to the University.
Tho convention will extend over
a period of four days during which
such topics as recreation,
dramatics, and household management will bo discussed. Speakers
for the occassion will be Prof. W.
Gordon, Pennsylvania;
Ruth Llndqulst, University of Cincinnati; Pres. Frank L. McVey, and
siren were all that was necessary j do In the Windy City, but there Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. Other memto produco tho desired effect., probably will be even more thrill- bers of the University faculty will
Several reporters were immediately ing experiences for them in the make addresses also.
sent to cover the story and when
When a copper approaches us
they asked tho pretty co-e"Is and asks us to take a ride with him,
this your first ride?" well, any- wo aro usually in condition to make
how, they said that It was "proba true prediction as to our destinaMcVey
ably" tho first.
Tho masculine tion, but suppose wo were to be acmembers of tho party were in a companied to a dance! Wo then
confidential mood just at the time would think that he Is the one who
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
of tho interview, so wo must leave is seeing things.
the University, addressed the resii
their answer as a guess.
year, in order to glvo a stu- dents of the Men's Residence halls
Happily, wo may say that most, dent dance tho realistic atmosphere Thursday, January 9, at the weekof the University students have a of ono of thoso affairs moro com- ly discussion meeting. "Building
different cognition of tho phrase monly termed a brawl, Jackson on tho Proper Foundation" was the
"taken for a ride" from that of tho j Hall, tho placo In which "Rattle subject of Dr. McVey's address.
Chicago gunmen. In that case, tho , Snake" Williams has often won
President McVey pointed out that
unlucky victim is usually taken to fights by the hardness of his head, although most students promised
a lonely roadside whero is either was selected. The orchestra was themselves they were going to Imcroaked or has to "walk home." We placed Inside tho boxing ring, and prove their work tho next semester,
havo also heard the old forceful a gong was sounded beforo each in all probability most of them
command "come with mo buddy" dance. The rest was left to tho would continue as they had been
and immediately wo aro assured ability of the students to "wrestle." in tho past. Only those who dethat it is for a ride. In this par- The only thing missing, as recently terminedly planned "turning over
ticular case, the victims did not ride pointed out, was the police patrol, a new leaf" were likely to change
for the last time as they usually I and that was attended to this year. Dr. McVey continued.

Warren Begins

Poultry Lectures

When Willies Get Ride in Black Maria





All-da- y

Jail House Dance Becomes Epic Event
By L. W. McMurray
Tho old maxim stating that "experience is tho best teacher" was
applied last Saturday night to a
group of 20 boys and girls who attended a fraternity dance In "grand
slam" fashion in a police patrol.
Tho "Jail House Dance" was given
by the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and
It is rumored that everything was
arranged to carry out tho desired
With Patrolman Roy Sharp at
the wheel of the rumbling Black
Maria and tho siren wide open, tho
party sped down Main street as if
there had been "another" raid on
group. One can
some student
Imagine tho consternation
turncd-unoses as some old
stopped In front of the
Phoenix to remark, "I'll vow, if it
ain't them pesky college students
Tuxedoes and evening dresses,
students, and a police


Delegates From Colleges and
Vice Chairman of Farm Hoard
Universities Will Meet
Touchdown Twins, Hackman
Will Deliver Address on
and McEvcr, Will Not
Tobacco Situation
Play Against 'Cats

A schedule of the


Stone to Talk
Over Radio at

Dormitory Men Have
Problem Discussion
With Doctor



Spicer and Combs Will Start
At Forward Posts in the
Kentucky Lineup






By Vernon D. Rooks
Kentucky and Tennessee will not
split the beer keg Saturday night.
Tho more or less Terrible Vols will
take anything but a tie with them
when they board a choo-cho- o
Knoxville Sunday morning
what they take will be the crepe of
their own funeral, says me.
Our neighbors from the South will
not be the underdog when the game
Is called at 8 o'clock by Referee
Frank Lane, of Cincinnati.
Tennessee squad held a final work
out in Knoxville yesterday after
noon and nine of the chosen will
leave the Volunteer stronghold for
Lexington tonight.
Tennessee is undefeatd.
scalps of Carson-NewmaClemson,
Maryville and Tennessee Wesleyan
dangle at their belts. And Tennes
see took the measure of Josh Cody's
Clemson Tigers by a count that
compares favorably with the 31 to
15 trimming the Wildcats administered. The Vols base their chief
claim on a victory over the Chattanooga Tepcos, one of the finest
Independent teams in the South.
All of which makes it the more interestingwho wants to lick a team
that everybody Is walloping around?
touchdown twins,
HacKman- vpa weaver, win not ni
among "tnoser present,
coacn bl
Britton has left the gridiron heroes
at heme. Maybe he's saving ther
for harder games. The Volunteer!
base their hopes around a figuri
that is only too familiar with thi
Wildcats young Bobby Dodd, whi
kicked Tennessee Into a tie and oul
of disgrace in Lexington last No
vember, is captain and guard on tha
basketball team.
The erstwhilq
quarterback Is the big noise on of4
fense and defense, having led thu
scoring in several games this seaH
Tennessee's probable lineup in!
eludes Faust and Sharpe, forwards!
Greenblott, center, and Lucas and
Dodd, guards. Others who are makl
lng the trip to the Blue Grass ari
Brown, Corbett, Reeder and O'Cor
And as "for the Wildcats Uncll
Johnny Mauer says: "All set!"
(Continued on Page Six)

Theta Sigma Phi
LUtllO V4J.U


At Lafayette Hotel
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honor?
ary Journalistic fraternity enter
talned with an Informal dinner for
memoers and alumnae in the Red
Room of the Lafayette hotel Tuesj
aay at b:3u ociock. Place care
reDresentlnc the matrix nnd benrin
the colors, purple and green, werl
twenty-on- e
was enjoyed
courses of the dinner.
Those present were Miss Kathleeil
Fitch, president; Miss Margarej
McLaughlin, faculty adviser; Mrs
cnocn urenen, sponsor.
Misses Lois Purcell, Louisa BickeJi
.trances Holllday, Bernlce Byland
Katherine Phelps, Henrietta Stone
Margaret Treacev. Virginia nnvH
Janet Lally, Edith Minlhan, Martha
Aiminan, Jesse sun, and Willy King

Enerineeriner Grad

Addresses Students
In Memorial Halj
In an Interesting and inspiring
address, "Roads and Civilzatlon," delivered before the student engineers
assembled in Memorial Hall tho
third hour Wednesday. Dr. Rodman Wiley, Louisville,
and sales manager of the Kentucky
Rock Asphalt company,
that "isolation is tho cause of
mental and moral decay."
Mr. Wiley pointed out that unless
there are roads there is necessarily
isolation, for "roads rulo tho world."
Tho world will not come to tho
community; it is imperative that
thus, roads and roadbullding have
revolutionized the world. "Today a
person's education is not complete
wtU, h.? has traveled about a bit."
?fr ,W1,le,y further stated that people,
life as well as In
should get accustomed to
thl"8s at hand.
Mr. Wiley is a graduate of tho
th$ College



� Best Copy



Intramural Finals To Be Held February 6 and 7
Final matches In the wrestling
nnd boxing tournament, being sponsored by the intrnmurnl department
under the direction of Sid Robinson,
will be held in the men's gymnasium
the nights of Thursday and Friday,
February C and 7, nccording to announcement yesterday.
Postponement of the finals until
the beginning of the second semester
was necessitated because of a conflict in dates with the basketball
games and examinations.
Preliminary matches and bouts
have been clicking off in rapid
fashion and the semi-fin- al
will be concluded the first of next
Mr. Robinson said. First
matches were held In the gymnasium Tuesday night with some 500
in nttendanco
threatening weather.
The intramural department has
erected a regulation ring on the
basketball pratice court for the
matches which is more than a
noticeable improvement over the
improvised affair of previous years.
Mr. Robinson said that the entrants in the tournament would
weigh in each time they fought to
keep anyone from going over his
class during the intermission between fights.
The grappling match
won by
Brown from Butner in the
division was the hardest and
most evenly matched of Tuesday's
matches. Brown won on the time
limit. Other results follow:
Bolser took a fall from Holt in
one minute and 30 seconds in the
Nesbltt threw Stranahan in two
minutes in the
Iron threw Terry in one minute
and 30 seconds in the
Toth disposed of Ivle in one minute and 30 seconds in the
It took White two minutes to
floor Smith in the 135 -- pound class.
Gowan won from Owens on default in the
Price required only one minute to
throw Murphy in the
Anderson won from Riddle on default in the
Nesbltt won from Garrison by default in the
Greenfield and Clark fought an
exhibition match with no decision.

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Phone Ashland 1419
"Leave your order with
Carrie Bean, our
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The University of Kentucky Kittens took n definite grip on the
freshman basketball championship of
Kentucky by handing the Georgetown Cubs a decisive 34 to 18 lacing Monday night at Georgetown.
The Cubs, previously undefeated,
kept the game on ice until the closing minutes of play when the
Kittens, led by Jackson, pulled nway
to a safe lead.
Kentucky (.14)
Georgetown (18)
Jackson (2) ...,F
Crabbs (2)
F.Wciscnbcrgcr (G)
'Darby (0)
Worthing (2)..G
Bond (7)
Johnson (8) ...G.... Thompson (1)
Substitutions: Kentucky, Congle-to- n
(2), Foster, Tracy (2), Rlffc,
Flshback, Skinner, Kruetcr. GeorgetownFuss (2), Samuels, Roberts,
Referee, Mohney,

pictures of the girls our fathers once
courted with a certain mixed feeling of amusement nnd regret. Surely
such clothes (they are costumes now) were cumbersome, but the idea
that girls were to be respected something divine, more or less at least,
feminine and apart from the coarser things of life, retains its appeal.
But along came suffrage, the assault on business, the demand for equality in dress and action short skirts short hair and other evolutionary
(or revolutionary) changes.
The most remarkable thing about the mind of a woman is its inconsistency. Why? They are becoming feminine again. Immediately upon
gaining the belated freedom they don't want it.
Girl's basketball, which flourished for a number of years, is dying a
rapid death. Central Kentucky Conference High schools have, for the
most part, disbanded girls' teams for good. A few schools that happen
to support stronger girls' quintets than boys' are doggedly countinulng; but
soon such teams will be In the limbo of the past. The sport is too strenuous for the girls. One young lady dropped dead on n western Kentucky
Short hair is no longer the vogue. Long hair, the same troublesome
long hair that was clipped by the shears not long ago, has returned. And
now, down come