xt76ww76td8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76td8z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1898 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1898 text Annual report. 1898 1898 1898 2011 true xt76ww76td8z section xt76ww76td8z L fe . — Lei?jfi¥}¥
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A Kentucky A9_r1cu ltur2Tl  
 T  Expemmcnt Skaxtmn,    
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_ Lexington, Kentucky.  
  A " ' N Bbwd l  
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T __.=- $88*  8%;
L F0}? T/-1 YEAR /888.  

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' Letter of Trcnrgsmittcl  
i “,  
Ta Mk Exe;//eng/, Hon. WM. O. BRADLEY,  
Governor q' {/(czzmcky .· »  
SIR-—Under tl1e authority of the Board of` Control, and in accord`- _ ` i ,  
ance with an Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, and entitled ,  
"An Act to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations in connection ~ 1  
with the Agricultural Colleges established in the several States, under — ‘ · 1 ;
the provisions of an Act approved ]uly 2, 1862, and of the Acts sup-  
plementary thereto," and of the Act of the Legislature of the State  
of Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, and entitled "An Act to ‘  
. . . 4'.*¢=?
accept the provisions of an Act passed by the Congress of the United  
States, approved March 2, 1887, for the establishment and mainte- A  
nance of Agricultural Experiment Stations in connection with the  
_ _ · _ a»·k?= 
Agricultural Colleges established by the several States and Territories  
under Act of Congress, approved ]uly 2, 1362,), I herewith submit ,‘  
the Eleventh Annual Report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi—  
ment Station. ·  
_ Very respectfully, ,  
M. A. SCOVELL, Director.  

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Board, of Trus_tees.   N .  
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———· It 1;;,.   V
His Excellency, Gov. \VM. O. BRADLEY,‘ex-oflicio, Chairman. ‘  
Jas. K. PATTERsoN, President of the College, ex-offlcio. _ , I  
Hon. C. U. McEL1;bv, Bowling Green, \Varren County. ‘ "  
J. C. FLOURNOY, Esq., Fulton, Fulton County. — I -  
Hon. J. T. GATHMGHT, Louisville, Jefferson County. ‘ `  
Hon. A. P. Goougno, Mayslick, Mason County. = , `  
Hon. \V. F. PEAK, Bedford, Trimble County. I '  
Gen. E. H. Hoisson, Greensburg, Green County.  
JOHN G. lVI.»\TT11E\vs, Esq., Barboursville, Knox County, -  
Hon. Hr·\R’l` Bos\viaLL, Lexington, Fayette County.  
. ew
JOHN B. Kicxxicnv, Esq., Paris, Bourbon County.,   .
Capt. Trios. Tom), Shelbyville, Shelby County. _  
D. F. Fu.-\z1~;1c,· Esq., Lexington, Fayette County. _  
Judge \VA1. H. Ht)I,’l`, Frankfort, Franklin County. I  
Judge Jos. I. L.·xNin·:s, Hopkinsville, Christian County. Y 
J. B. Miikcmi, Esq., Jackson, Breatliitt County. “  
R. C. S'l`<'Il.L, Esq., Lexington, Fayette County. _ 
\'. E. MYNCY, Si·:e1<1·:*1:xioR¢i*roi¤ THE “
  —‘ · a ment of a new fertilizer law; theiotlrer `a pure fOOd'Fi9.W.i`Y The enforce.
E .; ment of both these laws will _inatef_ii:illy`:i1icrea'se the iivorkiof the Sta.
    _ tion, but the laws also provideiforgiincreased revenue; ‘ Under the old Tr
  C C   . fertilizer law we received aninially aboi1t$4,ooo. The new fertilizer I Oi
j , ,. l , law has not been in effe&~long enough to-estimate t~he annual income, m
1 _"   A , ‘ but it should range from $I2,0QO'tO $r6`,ooo per year. rltrprovideg
      = funds enough to pay expenses-of'ahalyses, inspection, and»a`—thorongh mul":
l . · i enforcement of the law. , ·“ · ii ‘ "`   V · »--
t » l , . ·_ _ _ _.
  ` , i   ` The pure food law provides for the expenditure of only $2,500 Dtillag
  {5 7 A   per year out of tl1e State treasury. M W ‘ —· p 1 . xl
  ii l _ · The Station has purchased theitract or landiknown as the f‘Land
ji ° ‘ _   i i Place." It contains 64% acres, and lies nearly adjacent to the land ·
rj i ,`   now owned by the Station, just beyond the city limits of Lexington.
ii V     . Before this land can be put in proper shape for experimentation, al
  li ·   , least $3,ooo worth of improvements will be required ai fencing, re-
l, , V   4 pairing buildings, barns, etc. This has been authorized by the  
t‘   . . .
é 1 1 l tive Committee. ·
f'   - Ecu . .
li · ~ . , · More detailed statements of the work 1nay be found in the reports
  . from the various divisions which follow, after which the bulletins pub-
l ~ i K _ lished during the year are incorporated. » i
-   j lc M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
PY n
  . _ _ Division of Chemistry ` ‘
  C · M. A. SCOVELL, D11<1~:cToR,
  i · · Sr1<»—I herewith submit a report of the Division of Chemistry for
ii »' i the yefir 1898. Very respectfully,
sl '
'·: , ‘ ‘· A. M. Pl£'l`I£R.
ll _
1 The chemical work i11 1898, besides the analyses of coinmercial
, fertilizers published in Bulletins 75, 76 and 79, and the work done
j under the food law, included numerous analyses of butter, sugar
 j . , beets,'sorghum cane juice, waters both mineral and potable, fertilizer ·
 l materials rocks, nnnerals and miscellaneous materials, many being of
  · ‘ only transient interest. Such of these analyses as are thought to
{  be of sufficient general interest to be worth recording are reported
 [ . .
 1 herewith. -
  ` The analyses of foods made under the pure food law will be i11c0F·
 ` . porated in a report to be published later.

 . * · \ 5. . A *1
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. U _ ' ’ _  
f 1 KEN'1`17C1~Z\’ .-\GR1CUI.’1`U1V1des 1 Number 3 Fat Weuer Salt `Curd _ ’ .  
you h N.4119: OF Cow. 1 of From Milkiugs of T Per Per Per Per ` · ‘· " ·   .,
g 1 Sample.   Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent ` .. ` . ‘   f
»—--—-—1-—---—- -—·-—-—--—-1 -— -——. —---——-·` _ .-51
12 500 Do11y’s Valentine   4234 Feb. 25-27, 1898 1 82.58 13.39 3 15 0.88 · ~ _ F}  
` N0 105048   35 Feb. 28-1\1z11·ch 3 . ,   77.56 14.54 6.97 .93 I _ " _`-I  
A — E 38 March 4- 6 .....   .,,,_ 82 04 12.76 4.05 '1.15 — °  
1- 1 52 " 7-10 ...... . ....,. 82.58 13 27 3.12 1.03 ‘ ~ " ’  
Q 70 " 11-13 .............,. 1 80 93 14.82 347 .78   · T.'?"1
Land   72 " 1-1-17 ............... 1 80.19 15.00 3.67 1.14 —· `    
I 75 " 18-20 ...... . .......   8189 14.70 `2.70 .71 . _ .i_;f‘1
land · ; Q 81 " 21-24 _..... .. .... 1 83.16 13 44 2.57 .83 ’ " ’ ifi}?.
t 1 1 84 " 25-27 .,.........,... 83.46 13.32 2.37 .85 ·` ‘é}·;i~·
g. Ou 1 4301 "‘» 28-31 ...............   84.-18 11.85 2 58 1.09 1 ia,-—;·-1
m1 Ul 20 April 1- 3 ....,.......... 1 82.52 13.85 2.89 .73  
gl ye. ` 1 23 " 4- 7 ....,..........   83.15 13.28   72 .85 I .  
_ . 1 25 "·" 8-10 ........ . ..,..`_ 82.77 13.61 2.77 .85 ’ 123;-{1
- hX- 1 29 " 11-14 ..,.......,.,., 82.27 14.38 2.58 .77 · 1  
· 'L· “ 1 — 7 . ........ . 2.- ' 2 ."2 ·‘ if?-L
1 ig »· 13-5 1 ......... 1.1;; S3 32 11.23 1.33 1.12 6 .  
99715 44 " 22-24 .......,....,.. 1 82.73 14.37 2.11 .79 _ ·  
pub- 1 51 U 25-28 ............... 81.75 1-1 61 2.58 1.06 - . '  
1 59 " 29-May 2 .. .... . 81.25 14.34 2.98 1.43 · ' »  
62 May . 8- 5 ............... 82.50 13.86 276 .88*  
> 77 " 6- 9 ............... 82.79 14.12 2 15 .94 7 °  
78 " 10-12 ..........   1 82.60 14.72 1 87 .81 - *  
1 86 " 13-16 ............... 1 82.16 14.35 2.43 1.06 . . ·  
‘ 87 *‘ 17-19 ............... 1 86.12 14.79 4.09 1.00 ‘  
90 " .20-23 ....... ‘ ........ 81.82 14.65 2.65 .88  
gg y 24-26 .....   .... 1 81.90 14 72 2.69 .69 ~ _  
, . ‘ 27-30 ............... 80.55 14.81 8.56 1.14 _ — »  
) for 4400 " 31-june 2 ......... 1 80.37 14 83 4.06 .74  
  _1u11€ 3- 6 ..,........... 1 80.3% 15.21 3 65 .76  
» ‘ 7- 9 ............... 1 79.85 15.33 3199 .83  
I"_   " 10-13 ..... . ........ 1 78.85 15.29 5.68* .78   _
Zl'ClZ1l 3g   14-16 .............. 1 78.98 16 43 3.71 .88  
. . " ` 7-20 ........ . ...... 8311 13.6 1 2 71 T8  
dO““ 42 ·* 21-28 ............... 82.00 14.56 2.77 667 ·  
yllgfll » 52 " 24-27 ............... 81.22 14.08 4.07 .63  
~1·. 57 " 28-30 ............... 81.54 14.65 3.66 .81 1  
1 W1 ‘   561;- 1- 4 ............... 82.86 13.45 2.78 .91 ' ·  
1<>‘ 0 " 5- 7 ............... 80.23 14.96 4.12 .69 r J.
11:10 71 " 8-11 ............... 82.26 14.00 3 00 .74  
t 1 ‘ (*15 " . 12-1-1 ............... 81.6-1 14.03 3.67 .66  
Jr e< 1 7. " 13-18 ............... 82.02 14.00 3.26 .72 Y `~ .
81 " 19-21 ............... 81.68 1~1 03 3.68 .61  
86 " 22-24 ............... 82.44 13 64 3.37 ,55  V  
1c0r- 1 91 " 26-28 ............... 82.23 13.46 3.82 .49 ‘ 1’  
· 1 _96 " 29—Aug. 1 ......... 82.98 13.39 3.07 .56 ' 1 4 1 *3
1 -1502 Aug. 2-   ............... 83.57 13.26 2 59 .58  
- 1 . 12 " 5- 8 ..............._ 183.64 1 13.38 2.97 .61  

 · I . . 7
1 ‘ Number Fat Water Salt Curd NAME
; " ‘ NAME or Cow. of From Milkings of Per Per Per Per
{ ·’ ’ “ Sample. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cem -—-
F I ——— ——; —-———-—- —- L- —·- --— justa. P
{ · I :‘ I D011y’s Valentine 4516 Aug. 9-11 ...... 1898 82.99 13.41 3.06 ,54
I '· ` N0. 105048. 23 " 12-15 ............... 81.39 14.43 3.51 .67
Q   · 26 " 16-18 ............ .. 83.03 14.06 2.35 .56
1 . 45 " 19-22 ............... 80.96 15.11 3.29 .64
{ I 46 " 23-25 ............... 82.51 13.66 3.22 .61
z. . I 72 " 26-29 .......... . .... 81.98 14.06 3.27 .69·
1 ‘ 4608 " .30-Sept. 1 ......... 80.38 14.51 4.16 .95
E . l 9 Sept. 2- 5 ............... 80.09 16.42 2.27 1.22
1 '° 10 " 6- 8 ............... 83.73 12.61 2.91 .75 Nauoon
I I 11 " 9-12 ............. L. 83.41 12.90 3.00 .69
_ " 17 " 13-15 ............... 84.88 11.42 3.00 .70
[ _ - 20 " 16-19 ...... . ........ 81.13 13.53 4.67 .67
§ I _ ·· 4631 " 20-22   ........... 80.90 14.11 4.16 0.83
1 ·’ 71 " 23-26 ..........   79.24 14.96 4.90 .90
  I 4708 " 27-29 ............... 79 92 14.15 5.10 83
{ . 25 " 30-Oct. 3 .......... 80.53 14.55 3.92 1.00
E 32 Oct. 4- 6 ............... 81.01 13.94 4.09 .96
6 7 43 " 7-10 .............. 80.54 14.02 4.51 .93
§· I 70 " 11-13 ............... 82.32 12.94 3.90 .84
Q I 83 " 14-17 ............... 83.56 12.74 2.82 .88
· .· 91 " 18-20 ............... 80.02 15.01 3.58 1.39
· 1 . ~ 4830 " 21-24 ............... 82.00 13.15 3.68 1.17 Amelia
{ 42 " 25-27 ............... 80.53 14.32 3.68 1.47
{ ` 49 " 28-31 ............... 80.11 14.17 4.43 1.29
=_ 82 Nov. 1- 3 ......... . .... 81.17 13.12 4.66 1.05
E 96 " 4- 7 ............... 82.87 13.21 3.14 .78
1 4929 " 8-10 ............ .. 82.41 12.98 3.66 .95
1 36 " 11-14 ............... I 81.02 12.91 4.80 1.27
g. I 49 " 15-17 ............... 80.86 14.28 3.44 1.42
1 51 " 18-21 ............... 79.25 14.60 4.88 1.27
Ei · 64 " 22-24 ............... 81.42 13.03 4.63 .92
1 66 " 25-28 ............... 79.26 14.98 4.57 1.19
F . 76 " 29-Dec 1 ..... . ..... 82.97 13.12 3 09 .82
1 I' ` 87 Dec. 2- 5 .............. 83.05 12.35 3.52 1.08 Ethra
, 5000 " 6- 8 ............... 82.01 13.18 3.88 .93
Y 15 " 9-12 ............... 80.86 13.70 4.38 1.06
I4 22 " 13-15 ............   80.97 14.47 3.76 .80·
34 " 16-19 ............... 79.88 15.84 2.54 1.74
. · 42 " 20-22 ............... 76.46 18.82 3.75 .97
3 ‘ Lydia D. 5€C0¤1d--- 4271 March 12-14 ............... 81,70 14.63 2.83 0.84 May ..
_ — . 73 " 15-18 ............... 80.67 15.71 3.10 .52
— 76 " 19-21 ............... 81.97 14.55 2 96 .52
` 82 " 22-25 ............... 81.60 15.04 2.62 .74
» 85 " 26-28 ............... 83.73 13.40 2.14 .73
  Virginia ...... . ........ 4302 March 28-April 1, 1898 ` 83.60 13.28 2 34 0.78 L
G 21 April 2- 5 ............... 81.46 12.28 5.39 .87
. 22 Same, reworked ......... 84.19 10.34 4.75 .72
24 April 6- 8 ............... 83.02 13.54 2.53 .91
. justa Pogis .... . ..... 4389 May 18-21 1898 78.22 16.49 4.45 0.84
_ 93 " 22-24 ............... 81.00 14.68 3.46 .86

. . ’ ' 1
    · .'
_ ` Number ` Fat Water Salt Curd 11   5
rd NAME OF Cow. I of From Milkings of Per Per Per Per .  
7 Sample. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent ° '. V? L` ·‘
ut ---*-1 —-—— -——-—·———--— —- l- -—-- —· 7 QL ’`-,' [ ,
- Jugia. P0gis.. ........ 4397 May 25-28 ............ 81.24 15.09 2.56 1.11 ° 1}-@,31
$4 98 " 29-]u11e 1. ........ 75.62 16.30 7.25 ,83  
$7 4411 june 2- 4 ....,....... 78.38 15.15 5.44 1.03 “ "   -1
$6 19 ‘* 5- 8 ........... 79.01 15.89 4.22 .88 {-g;_  
34 24 " 9-11 ............ 79.31 15.40 4 47 .82 .   T1
11 34 ** 12-15 ............ 80.22 15.67 3.18 .92 - , 1.j¤·2·z17
39· 36 " 16-18 ............ 79.88 15.12 4.22 ,78 _   :  `1
15 _ l 41 " 19-22 ............ 82.00 13.85 3.28 _87 ·· A ‘§_f%T"’f1
22 1 ~ ‘ 1;-35;.
'5 Nauoonan ............ Q 4448 ·‘ 24-26 1898 80.80 14.86 3.66 0.68 V 2*}}  
19 1 56 " 27-30 ............ 80.82 14.56 3.90 .72 ."T?F’1-
'0 1 60 · july 1- 3 ........... 82.24 13.75 3.36 .65 .f`,;r4
37 V 62 " 4- 7 . ........... 81.96 14.12 ~3.38 .54 ‘  
13 ` 66 " 8-10 ............ 81.93 13.73 3.44 ,90 Y1>g·§A%-
I0 73 *‘ 11-14 ............ 81.15 15.28 2.76 .81  
:3 76 ‘* 15-17 ............ 81.17 14.75 3.46 .62 $4:7EU
10 80 *‘ 18-21 ............ 80.38 14.67 4.20 .75  
16 85 " 22-24 ............ 81.08 14.41 3.75 .76  
13 90 " 25-28 ..... . ..... 80.68 14.18 4.47 .67 ‘ V Hiéii
4 95 " 29-31 ........... 83.61 13.67 2.17 .55  
8 4501 Aug. 1- 4 ............ 81.48 14.33 3.41 .78 _ .  
7 Amelia Davenport ~ 4453 june 25-28 1898 81.13 13.96 4.13 0.78—  
7 ` 58 ** 29-]u1y 1 ......... 82.04 14.64 2.55 _77 · ` ·  
91 61 july 2- 5 .....,...... 83.06 13.33 2.85 .76- Qltéif.
5 65 *1 6- 8 ............ 81.56 13.73 3 98 ,73  
8 72 " 9-12 ............ 82.52 13.46 3.28 .74  
5 75 " 13-15 ........... 80.13 15.20 3 89 .78 · 4  
7 79 ·· 16-19 ....... . .... 81.94 14.03 3.32 .71  
20 84 ·· 20-22 ............ 83.01 13.57 2.78 .64  
7 87 " 23-26 ............ 82.45 13.35 3.52 .68  
2 93 " 27-29 ........... 83.08 13.43 2.86 .63  
9 98 " 30-Aug. 2 82.78 13.27 3.38 .57  
8 Ethra K ............... 4965 Nov. 23-26 1898 82.01 13 43 3.67 .89  
3 75 ·· 27-29 ...... . .... 85.36 10.54 3.37 .72   .
6 86 " 30-Dec. 3... ..   79.08 16.24 3.61 1.07  
0‘ 97 Dec. 4- 6 ........... 82.01 14.23 2.96 .80  i.
4 5001 " 7-10 ............ 83.04 13.12 3.00 .84 .~  
1 16 " 11-13 ............ 80.60 13.92 4.35 1,13 _  
4 May ........ . .......... I 4998 Dee. 4- 7 1898 83.12 12.57 3.68 .63 ‘  623
2 5002 " 8-10 ........... 83.50 11.83 3.75 .92  
2- 4 17 " 11-14 ............ 82 62 13.04 3.26 1.08  { 
4 23 " 15-17 ............ 82.94 12.83 3.47 .76 p  .— 
3 35 *‘ 18-21   ....... 84.06 13.25 1.72 ,97  
43 ·· 22-24 ............ 83.08 12.05 2.58 1,29  
?  *__——’;  
6 = ; 

- .   "   xvi EI.E\`l£NTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE
  l ~ » at ` NITRE EARTH   ·
E ‘ ` · `\.`... ._ 4..   ...»-·-— - i—-·’ Sn
;   l 4157.—Sent by Frank W. \Vatts, Oak Grove, Ky. A brown I_ 62
    material having the appearance of soil. It was found to contain much BQX
§ . V :· _ carbonate of lime and a very notable amount of nitrate. was ij]
‘ ·   4207.—S€lllZ by R. C. Brown, Cobb, Ky. Taken from a cave. Selecti
l . Sample from 2;/Q feet below the surface. A chocolate—colored material diffem
{ J I A like rich soil. Contains much carbonate of lime. Of tm
§ · 42IQ.—S€Il[ by B. 'W. Nuckols, Glasgow, Ky. Sample taken from
§ at large cave in Barren Co., Ky. The material has been found to be a
5 4 good fertilizer. A chocolate colored earth. Contains 1l1l.lCll carbonate when
4 I _ of lime.
  °] V -- 4469.—Earth from the bottom of a pond. Sent by A. R. Glas- Oct. I
{ I cock, Maysville, Ky. The material was moist when received and lost " “
  ip . 2O per cent. moisture by air drying. " `
E A ANA1.\‘sEs or T11]; A11<—D1<1E1> 11A’r1¤:R1A1.s. ,7 I
E i 4157 4207 +219 4+69 ·· ·.
I   ~' 1’<·r Ct. Per (J1. Per 1*1. Per Ft. H _
4 · Nitrogen ..,.. . ............. .0.57 0.11 1.29 2.12 A I
4 1 Potash, soluble in water. ...... 0.23 1.36 1.71 O.I4
  Total phosphoric acid .......... 1.33 0.89 1.36 0.34
  Lune ................., . ...,_.. n..e.__g__ .n. e. n. e. I.6O T
E. 4   `\VOOD ASHES. U. S.
  ° _ .|.134.—S€l]t by S8.1llll€l\Bl2llI', Pineville, Ky. The sample was EMP;]
  moist when received and lost 11.8 per cent. by air-drying. HCCOK
l _· · 4156.—Se111 by \\’. M. Riggin, Maclisonville, Ky. Sample was HUQIYE
t 4 moist when received and lost 19.3 per cent by air-drying. mlsed
. 4220.—HlCkOY)’ wood ashes. Sent by G. M. Alves, Henderson, Il
Kentucky. Kl€i¤*
E ' AN.\L\'Sl·]S or AIR-DRIEIJ ]\I;\’l`ERI;\l.S. beets
t 4134 4156 4220
I I l’1-1·(`t. l’1~1'L`t. l'»~r(’l.
Potash, soluble in water .......... . .... . .0.98 6.26 S QI
f A Phosphoric acid ......_ _; L._g.__ ....,. .. . . . .—— —— 1.16
* A " "»
Y .t32$.—A soft] clay-like material stained with iron. Collected by
4 l’rof. A. M. Miller from a railroad cut near Georgetown, Ky.
The air—dry material contained 7.76 per cent. phosphoric acid.

 KENTUCKY AyQ_l§lCI}L*‘1’UR‘AIJ "E}XBERlMENT STATION. xvii . ‘   A ·   
,¢e;;'$'/· ‘ A A A A A` » ` ‘ ;»  
,.   SORGHUM CANE JUICE.  ._ ‘    
S€€Clf`—£IQ}l1_Q_CQI}€_OfUISQ7,_lZh€ juice of which gave by analysis 5 _ ,.`v4_.>`  
E 17.62 per cent sugar, 2.58 per cent reducing sugar and 20.9 degrees `   1   l
Brix, making the coefficient purity 84.5 (ICU} Ann. Report, p. xvii), c . A  
was planted in Acre O in 1898 in continuation of tl1e experiment in _ ,  
  selection of seed. The cane produced was examined as heretofore at i    
L different times during the fall, and the analyses of the juice from some .  
of the single canes are given below; 4 i A   ,     
E · cams 311101;. Acne A. Panroanen sean. , ` ·  
c 1111.... ca. Nc Q Q Spcciec Dcscccc R§.$2L°$.“g   °ccAmc*c¤t    
°fJ“‘°€· (’““"tY· B""· Per cent. Pertleut. cf P“'“Y· Cixi
1- Oct. II, 1898.. 565 1.080 19.5 1.47 II.4I 74.6 , A  
.t " " " .. 255 1.090 21.5 .85 16.05 75.4  
" " " .. 260 1.086 20.6 .92 15.72 75.6  
A` Ai " »— 275 1033 I9-95 I-43 [4-45 724 . A  
" 15, " .. 525 1.082 19.7 1.79 4 14.64 74.5 ..  
? " " " ..515 1.081 19.5 2.15 14.64 75.0 . 4  
2 " " " .. 540 1.080 19.5 1.25 15.89 72.0 ·  
4 " " " .. 510 1.0847, 21.2- »-~`1¤o0 15.56 76.0 ‘ `  
D The sugar beets an_alyzed_were raised from seed obtained from the V ·‘  
U. S. Department of Agriculture and distributed to farmers in differ-  
S ent parts of tl1e State, who agreed to plant and cultivate the beets  
according to tl1e directions furnished by Dr. \Viley. The samples for  
5 analysis were forwarded to the Station by mail. The analyses of beets  
raised at tl1e Station are here also included. 4  
, In tl1e c0lu111n headed "Variety" in the table, "K" indicates the  
Kleinwantzlebener and "V" tl1e Vilinorin. It will be noted that the ’_  
beets are generally of very inferior quality. _  
5 t 

 V , I
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