xt76ww76tc8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76tc8d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1982-09-oct19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1982-09-oct19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1982-09-oct19-ec. 1982 1982-09-oct19-ec. 2011 true xt76ww76tc8d section xt76ww76tc8d 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, October
19, 1982.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met at 2 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on
Tuesday, October 19, 1982 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of
the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board, presided in
the absence of Chairman William B. Sturgill, and called the
meeting to order at 2 p.m. The invocation was pronounced by Mr.
William R. Black.

     The following members of the Executive Committee answered
the call of the roll: Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, and Mrs. Betty Pace
Clark, Ex Officio Secretary. Mr. William B. Sturgill was absent
from the meeting. Members of the Board of Trustees attending the
meeting were Professor Opal Skaggs Conley, Mr. James W. Dinkle,
Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. W. Terry
McBrayer, Professor William F. Wagner, and Professor Constance P.
Wilson. The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Chancellors Art Gallaher and
Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President
for University Relations; Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel;
Mr. Henry Clay Owen, Controller and Treasurer; Mr. David I.
Carter, Special Assistant for Business and Financial Affairs; Dr.
Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; and Dr.
Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator
of Research. Members of various news media were also in
attendance. The Secretary, Mrs. Clark, reported a quorum
present, and Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 2:03 p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    On motion by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black and passed,
the Minutes of the September 21, 1982 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved as published.

    C.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary called attention to his monthly report
to the Trustees, copies of which had been distributed earlier,
and recommended its acceptance. Without objection, it was so



    D.   Appointment of Scientific Advisory Committee for the
Tobacco and Health Research Institute

    President Singletary announced the appointment of a
Scientific Advisory Committee for the Tobacco and Health Research
Institute. He then called on Dean Royster who reviewed the
membership of the committee: Dr. Leo G. Abood, professor of
brain research and biochemistry at the University of Rochester
(N.Y.) Medical Center; Dr. Fred Bock, senior scientist at the
Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute in Miami, Florida; Dr.
Donald Heistad, professor of internal medicine at the University
of Iowa; Dr. Aaron Janoff, professor of pathology at the State
University of New York at Stony Brook's Health Sciences Center;
and Dr. Thurston Mann, assistant director in charge of tobacco
research at North Carolina State University's Agricultural
Research Service in Raleigh, North Carolina.

    Dean Royster noted that the responsibilities of the committee
would be to review the progress of research projects approved by
the Kentucky Tobacco Research Board, to evaluate the quality of
the research performed by researchers supported by Institute
funds, and to advise the Institute leadership in planning new
directions and techniques of research of importance in addressing
the smoking and health issue. He indicated the committee would
conduct annual on-site visits to the University and that the
first meeting would be before the end of the year.

    E.   Report on Selective Admissions Policy

    President Singletary reminded the Trustees that at the
September meeting he had indicated his concerns as to whether or
not the University would implement the selective admissions
policy with the Fall 1983 Semester.. He pointed out that a
Council on Higher Education committee had given preliminary
approval to a proposal for revised minimum admission guidelines
for all state universities, and he indicated that the Council
would not vote on the proposed change before January. He
explained that it would then be too late for the University to
review the guidelines and to put its new standards into effect
for the fall of 1983. President Singletary stated that there are
a number of legitimate questions, including the budget
implicatons, that need to be resolved. He informed the Board
that unless instructed otherwise he proposed to take the
following actions: (1) instruct the Dean of Admissions and
Registrar to proceed with the admission of students for next year
under the existing policies of the University, and (2)
disseminate this information publicly. President Singletary's
proposal for a one-year delay in implementing the selective
admissions policy was endorsed by the Trustees.

     President Singletary then asked the representatives of the
news media in attendance to assist in getting this information to
the high school counselors and public as soon as possible.



    F.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    In presenting the appointments and staff changes in PR 2,
President  Singletary   said  he  was  pleased   to  recommend  the
appointment  of  T.  Lynn  Williamson  as  Personnel   Policy  and
Procedures  Administrator,   effective  October   1,   1982.    Mr.
Williamson, who was present at the meeting, was introduced.

    On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed,
the appointments and staff changes as recommended in PR 2 were
approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3A)

    There were no supplemental recommendations.

    H.   1982-83 Budget Revisions (PR 3B)

    Noting that the proposed revisions in the 1982-83 budget were
routine, President Singletary recommended approval. On motiorn by
Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, the proposed budget
revisions were authorized and approved. (See PR 3B at the end of
the Minutes.)

    I.   Associate Degree Program in the Community College System
(PR 4A)

    President Singletary called on Chancellor Wethington who
explained  the  need   for  the  associate   degree   program    and
recommended that the Board authorize for submission to the
Council on Higher Education an Accounting Technology associate
degree program for the Prestonsburg Community College.

    President   Singletary   supported   Chancellor   Wethington's
recommendation. On motion by Mr. Miles, seconded by Mr. Farmer
and passed without dissent, the Board authorized for submission
to the Council on Higher Education the associate degree program
as recommended in PR 4A. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Resolution -   University of Kentucky Art Museum (PR 5A)

    Chancellor   Gallaher,  at  President   Singletary's  request,
explained that the resolution in support of the University of
Kentucky  Art  Museum  as recommended in PR 5A is required before
the Art Museum can be accredited by the American    Association   of
Museums.   He also added that accreditation would increase public
confidence in the Museum, improve competitiveness for grants, aid
in  attracting donors, and enhance the ability to negotiate loans
of art material.

     With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Black,  seconded   by  Mr.  Farmer  and  passed  unanimously,   the
resolution in support of the Art Museum was approved. (See PR 5A
at the end of the Minutes.)


    K.   Board of Directors Appointments, McDowell Cancer Network
(PR 6A)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Miles, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, the Board approved the
appointment of Mrs. Martha Haggin Broadbent (non-faculty member)
to the Board of Directors of the McDowell Cancer Network,
effective November 1, 1982 through October 31, 1985 and the
reappointment of Mrs. Cornelia Cooper, Dr. John Cronin, Mr. Billy
Joe Hall, and Ms. Rebecca Overstreet (non-faculty members) and
Dr. Philip DeSimone and Dr. Wimberly Royster (faculty members),
effective November 1, 1982 through October 31, 1985. (See PR 6A
at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Acceptance  of University of Kentucky Financial Reports
for the Year Ended June 30, 1982 (FCR 1)

    Mr. Farmer reported the Finance Committee met on Tuesday
morning, October 19, and reviewed the audited financial reports
of the University of Kentucky and its affiliated corporations for
the year ended June 30, 1982.   Representatives  from  the  State
Auditor of Public Accounts Office and the firm of Arthur Andersen
and Company, Certified Public  Accountants,  were  present.   Mr.
Farmer noted that Mr. Jack Dyer, Assistant State Auditor of
Public Accounts, was most complimentary of University staff, its
management practices, and accounting system. Mr. Farmer moved
the Board accept the audited financial reports of the University
of Kentucky, the Housing and Dining System, and the Tobacco and
Health Research Institute for the year ended June 30, 1982.    His
motion was seconded by Mr. Miles and passed unanimously.

    Mr. Clay reported that the management comments submitted,
even though considered minor by the state auditors, are being
addressed by internal staff, and that the Finance Committee will
continue to monitor staff responses. Mr. Clay noted that this
was the first time the University audit had been performed by the
State Auditor of Public Accounts, and expressed his pleasure with
the positive report. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    M.   Acceptance  of Audits   for  the  University of Kentucky
Affiliated Corporations (FCR 2)

    Mr. Farmer, acting upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee, moved that the financial reports of the affiliated
corporations,  as  audited  by  the  firm  of Arthur Andersen and
Company, be accepted. Included were audited financial reports
for the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, University of
Kentucky  Athletic  Association,  The  Fund  for   Advancement  of
Education  and  Research  in  the  University of Kentucky Medical
Center, Health Care Collection Service, Inc., and University of
Kentucky  Alumni  Association.   His  motion  was seconded by Mr.
Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the



   N.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 3)

   On motion by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black and passed,
the interim financial report for the two months ending August 31,
1982 was accepted. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

   0.   Meeting Adjourned

   There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
2:22 p.m.

                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Betty Pace Clark
                   Ex Officio Secretary
                   Executive Committee
                   Board of Trustees

         (PR's 2, 3B, 4A, 5A and 6A and FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                                             Office of the President
                                                             October 19, 1982

                                                             PR Z

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:

                              PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached appointments
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the
administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recom-
mendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate chancellor
through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appoint-
ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved   X      Disapproved


Date: October 19

, 198 2



                           CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION

I. Board Action


         Business and Financial Affairs

         Williamson, Thomas Lynn, Personnel Policy and Procedures Administrator,
             effective   October 1, 1982.



                         COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



             Hazard Community College

             Taylor, Sandra E., Assistant Professor in the Community College
                   System, appointed Acting Chairman, Division of Sciences
                   and Related Technologies, 9/1/82 through 6/30/83.

              Henderson Community College

              Lacefield, Arch S., Professor in the Community College System
                   (with tenure), appointed Chairman of the Division of Arts,
                   Humanities and Related Technologies, 9/1/82 through 6/30/85.



              Ashland Community College

              Davis, Cindy L., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   9/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              Kellarman, Lydia S., Librarian IV in the Community College
                   System, 9/13/82 through 6/30/83.

              Henderson Community College

              Hunt, Janice L., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   9/25/82 through 6/30/83.

              Hopkinsville Community College

              Curci, Katherine M., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   8/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              Strader, Cynthia 0., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   8/1/82 through 6/30/83.

              Jefferson Community College

              Allnutt, David R., Instructor in the Community College System,
                   (voluntary), 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              Edlen, Sarah, Instructor in the Community College System
                   (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              McCray, Bob, Instructor in the Community College System
                   (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              Norwood, Jean E., Instructor in the Community College System
                   (voluntary), 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.



         Sudduth, Sally, Instructor in the Community College System
              (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 6/30/83.
         Warren, Rosa F., Instructor in the Community College System,
              8/1/82 through 6/30/83.

         Lexington Technical Institute

         Turner, Beryl E., Instructor in the Community College System,
              9/1/82 through 6/30/83.

         Maysville Community College

         Ludwick-Huffaker, Kathryn, Assistant Professor in the Community
              College System, 9/16/82 through 6/30/83.

         Paducah Community College

         Blagg, Jacqueline W., Instructor in the Community College System,
              8/20/82 through 6/30/83.

         Somerset Community College

         Froedge, Mark W., Instructor in the Community College System
              (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 5/31/83.


         Hazard Community College

         Mitchell, Geanie C., Instructor in the Community College System,
              10/1/82 through 6/30/83.

         Henderson Community College

         Law, William J., Instructor in the Community College System
              (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 5/31/83.
         Madden, William L., Instructor in the Community College System
              (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 5/31/83.

         Jefferson Community College

         Mason, Jana, Instructor in the Community College System
               (voluntary), 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

         Paducah Community College

         Anderson, Jerry L., Assistant Professor in the Community College
              System, 9/1/82 through 6/30/83.
         Dortch, Nat, Assistant Professor in the Community College System
               (voluntary, 8/1/82 through 6/30/83.

         Somerset Community College

         Davidson, Betty, Instructor in the Community College System
               (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 12/31/82.



     Pearson, Dale, Instructor in the Community College System
          (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 12/31/82.
     Singleton, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College System
          (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 5/31/83.
     Winchester, Lula, Instructor in the Community College System
          (voluntary), 8/1/82 through 5/31/83.


     Jefferson Community College

     Muessle, Charles L., from Instructor in the Community College
          System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College
          System, 10/1/82 through 6/30/83.





             College of Agriculture

             Chamala, Shankariah, Visiting Professor, Sociology, 9/1/82
                  through 12/31/82.

             College of Arts and Sciences

             Clay, Rudolph Berle, Associate Adjunct Professor, Anthropology,
                  7/1/82 through 6/30/84.

             College of Law

             Elliott, Robert L., Associate Professor (part-time), 9/1/82
                  through 12/31/82.
             Garmer, William R., Associate Professor (?art-time), 9/1/82
                  through 12/31/82.
             Moore, Escum L., Jr., Professor (part-time), 9/1/82 through
             Perlman, Peter, Professor (part-time), 9/1/82 through 12/31/82.
             Savage, Joe C., Professor (part-time), 9/1/82 through 12/31/82.


             Vice Chancellor for Administration

             Skiba, Walter F., Jr., Personnel Director, effective 8/9/82.


             College of Arts and Sciences

             Aleem, M. Hussain, Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
                  joint appointment as Professor, Nutrition and Food Science,
                  College of Home Economics, effective 7/1/82.


             Vice Chancellor for Administration

             Aubrey, Bruce M., Assistant Superintendent, Physical Plant
                   Division, after 23 consecutive years of service, effective




             Vice Chancellor for Administration

             Hammons, Russell E., Refrigeration Mechanic First Class,
                  Physical Plant Division, after 17.5 consecutive years
                  of service, effective 2/1/83.


             College of Agriculture

             Baugh, Lucy G., Research Analyst, Regulatory Services, 7/1/82
                  through 6/30/83. To work as needed during peak periods,
                  not to exceed two months total.



             College of Agriculture

             Jones, Davy, Assistant Professor, Entomology, 9/13/82 through

             College of Architecture

             Ludwig, Lucinda, Visiting Instructor (part-time), 8/16/82
                  through 12/31/82.

             College of Arts and Sciences

             Adkins, Aude, Visiting Instructor (part-time), French, 8/16/82
                  through 12/31/82.
             Anderson, Richard K., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
                  8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
             Baltus, Marie-Sylvie, Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
                  8/16/82 through 12/31/82..
             Carter, William A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Computer
                  Science, 8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
             Chase, Dorothy, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
                  8/16,/82 through 6/30/83.
             Cogar, William B., Visiting Instructor (part-time), History,
                   8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
             Fauri, Michael Smith, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
                   8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
             Fox, Marilyn L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
                   8/16/82 through 12/31/82.

*Special Title Series



Graves, Ben, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Computer Science,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Hannaford, Renee R., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Kemper, Charles K., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Lyon, Edmund D., Visiting Instructor (part-time), History,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
McKnight, Phillip S., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time),
     Germanic Language and Literature, 8/16/82 through 6/30/83.
Peyrot, Mark F., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Sociology,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Ralph, Donald E., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Psychology.
     7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Rogers, Glen, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
     8/16/82 through 5/31/83.
Rozeman, Judith, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Shelby, Anne G., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Warner, John, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English, 9/1/82
     through 12/31/82.

College of Business and Economics

Clark, Robert, Instructor, Accounting, 8/16/82 through 5/15/83.

College of Communications

Gardiner, Cheryl W., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 7/1/82
     through 12/31/82.

College of Education

Cramer, Alberta, Instructor (part-time), Health, Physical Educa-
     tion and Recreation, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Pelfrey, Ronald, Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and Instruc-
     tion, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Stewart, Gary C., Instructor (part-time), Educational and
     Counseling Psychology, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Trenary, Diana, Instructor (part-time), Educational and Counsel-
     ing Psychology, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

College of Engineering

Combs, Trigg H., Adjunct Instructor, Mining Engineering, 8/16/82
     through 5/15/83.
Hsieh, Yu-I, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, 8/16/82
     through 6/30/83.

*Special Title Series



        College of Fine Arts

        Goodwin, Allen W., Assistant Professor, Music, 8/16/82 through

        College of Home Economics

        Bennett, Karen H., Instructor, Human Environment: Textiles,
             8/1/82 through 6/30/83.


         College of Engineering

         Kermode, R. I., Professor (with tenure), Chemical Engineering,
             appointed Acting Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs,
             effective 8/16/82.
         Leon, B. J., Professor (with tenure), Electrical Engineering,
             appointed Acting Associate Dean for Industry Relations,
             effective 8/16/82.

         Institute for Mining and Minerals Research

         Barnett, William P., Manager, Liquefaction Equipment Operation,
              effective 10/11/82.

         Vice Chancellor for Administration

         Wheeler, William H., Administrative Staff Officer IV, Physical
              Plant Division, effective 9/115/82.


         College of Arts and Sciences

         Meegan, William J., Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time),
              Pediatrics, College of Medicine, joint appointment as
              Assistant Professor (part-time), Psychology, 7/1/82
              through 6/30/83.


         College of Agriculture

         Murray, Glen, Instructor (part-time), Agricultural Administration,
              8/25/82 through 12/17/82.

*Special Title Series



College of Arts and Sciences

Allen, Susan, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/82
     through 12/31/82.
Anderson, Patsy, L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Blythe, Marsha J., Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Brown, Marsha S., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Campbell, F. Diane, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Cetrulo, Christine L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Chen, Dien, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/82
     through 12/31/82.
Cooper, John B., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Coz, Sigrid L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Crocker, Lina, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/82
     through 12/31/82.
Dawahare, Debra, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Dendle, Catherine, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), French,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
DeSimone, Shirley, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Digenis, Helen A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Duncan, Charles, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Physics &
     Astronomy, 8/16/82 through 5/31/83.
Duncan, Mary, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/82
     through 12/31/82.
Fain, Roger K.. Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Fulmer, Constance, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Furnish, Shearle, Visiting instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Godfrey, David, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Graddy, Dorothy, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Classical
     Languages and Literature, 8/16/82 through 5/31/83.
Hamilton, Sarah, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Holwerk, Mildred, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
Hoskins, Mary Sue, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
     8/16/82 through 12/31/82.

*Special Title Series



        Isenhour, Janet L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English
             8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Janecek, Susan M., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Dean's
             Office, 8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Kiesel, Linda R., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
             8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Kleppinger, Elizabeth, Visiting Instructor, Chemistry,
              1/1/83 through 5/31/83.
        Levine, Judith, Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
             8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        MacKinnon, Mollv R., Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
             8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Murray, Mary Ann, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Ralph, Margaret, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Rea, Joanne E., Visiting Instructor (part-time), French,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Sorokin, Larisa, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Slavic
              and Oriental Languages, 8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Stonecipher, Mabel, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Tandy, Caron, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Thomas, Stephen R., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Tipton, Louise, Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
        Willard, Norman, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.
         Wright, James C., Visiting Instructor (part-time), English,
              8/16/82 through 12/31/82.

         College of Business and Economics

         Wertzler, Jon, Instructor (part-time), Finance, 8/16/82 through

         College of Engineering

         Reed, William H., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Metallurgy and
              Materials Science, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.


         College of Business and Economics

         Henke, Lucy L., from Assistant Professor, Business Administratior
              to Assistant Professor, Marketing, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

*Special Title Series


-1 1-

         Institute for Mining and Minerals Research

         Snell, George J., Manager, Process Technology. To change
              starting date from 9/1/82 to 10/1/82.


         College of Arts and Sciences

         Hay, Jane, Instructor, Biological Sciences, 8/16/82 through


         College of Architecture

         Carpenter, Dennis, Associate Professor (with tenure), Sabbatical
              leave with full salary, 1/l/83 through 6/30/83.
         Dallerba-Ricci, Marie, Associate Professor (with tenure), Leave
              without pay, 1/1/83 through 6/30/83.
         Spaeth, David, Associate Professor (with tenure), Sabbatical
              leave with full salary, 1/1/83 through 6/30/83.

         College of Arts and Sciences

         Christianson, Eric, Associate Professor (with tenure), History,
              Sabbatical leave with full salary, 1/1/83 through 6/30/83.
         Lihani, JohnProfessor (with tenure), Spanish and Italian
              Languages, Sabbatical leave with full salary, 1/1/83
              through 6/30/83.

         Undergraduate Studies

         Greenway, John, Associate Professor (with tenure), Honors, and
              Associate Professor, English, College of Arts and Sciences,
              Sabbatical leave with full salary, 1/1/83 through 6/30/83.



                            MEDICAL CENTER



              College of Dentistry

              Gonty, Arthur A., Associate Professor (with tenure),
                   Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, effective 9/1/82.

              College of Medicine

              Wang, Paul G., Assistant Research Professor, Diagnostic
                   Radiology, 10/1/82 through 6/30/83.


              College of Medicine

              Belin, Robert P., Clinical Professor (part-time),
                   Surgery, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
              Saykaly, Ronald J., Jr., Associate Clinical Professor
                   (part-time), Medicine, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.


              College of Allied Health Professions

              Cromwell, Frances, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
                   Physical Therapy, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85. Incorrectly
                   reported in August 10, 1982 Minutes as being reap-
                   pointed Clinical Instructor.

              College of Dentistry

              Knight, Judson, Associate Professor (part-time), Orthodontics,
                   7/1/82 through 6/30/83. Incorrectly reported in August 10,
                   1982 Minutes as being reappointed Assistant Professor



              College of Allied Health Professions

              Campbell, Phyllis E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
                   Medical Technology, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
              Perritt, Lea J., Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series),
                   Allied Health Education & Research, 10/1/82 through
              Ross, Steven, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical