xt76t14tmt01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmt01/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-04-24  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 24, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 24, 1942 1942 1942-04-24 2020 true xt76t14tmt01 section xt76t14tmt01 are: :3: . :rfi man?“
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Minutes of the University Faculty ~ April 24, 1942


April 24, 1942 “Egg

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday, April 24,
1942, with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were Paul P. Boyd,
C. C. Carpenter, W. E. Freeman, Alvin E. EVanS, Henry R. Hill, Frank D.
Peterson° and Edward Wiest.



The minutes of April 10 were read and approved. k

The revised rules governing all academic matters were again presented h ’
the University Faculty, after having been corrected by the Rules Committee to
conform with the change from the semester system to the quarter plan. The E
rules as amended were adopted, with the provision that they be included in the

minutes of the Faculty by reference to the copy in the files of the Registrar°slnga~
Office. ' V

In this connection, the Faculty instructed the Secretary that the recenWE
made changes in the curricula and courses in the various colleges might also §
be included in the minutes by reference to the files of the Registrar's Office.

Dean Evans presented to the Faculty the revised courses of the Collegeoflc
Law with the changes made necessary by the adoption of the quarter plan. ‘
These law courses were approved by the Faculty and are incorporated in the H
minutes by reference. &


The University Faculty approved the request of the Pershing Rifles '
and the Confederate Squad to be allowed to make the trip to Ohio State
University in order to participate in the annual drill meet.. This permission
covered Friday and Saturday, April 24625, F

Upon recommendation of the College of Education, R. Douglas Montondo g‘hzg!
was allowed full credit for courses carried during the present semester. Mr. '"f‘ ;
Montondo left school on April 18. one week prior to the close of the twelve
weeks' period set by the FaCulty as the minimum requirement for full credit.

Half credit would have completed Mr. Montondo's requirements for graduation, i
but full credit was necessary in order for him to complete his requirements 5
for a certificate.


On motion duly made and seconded, the faculty voted to dismiss classes ‘ .
after the close of the fourth hour on May 6. the date set for the inauguraw rd
tion of President Donovan. (

In answer to a question by the Secretary, it was stated that students a
in military service would be automatically excused from commencement, and that I
the Dean of the College would include the names of these men in their lists >3
of excused persons sent to the Registrar’s Office. <


Dean Boyd read to the Faculty a letter from Doctor George H. Bay. in
which he requested that he be granted the combined degree in art39medicine.
Doctor Bay had left the University in 1925. Action on this request was post“
poned until the next meeting of the Faculty.







Minutes of the University Faculty - April 24, 1942

The next meeting of the Faculty was scheduled for May 8.



May 8, 1942

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday, May 8,
1942, with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were Jesse E. Adams,
Paul E. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans. J. H. Graham, Henry H. Hill,
C. C. Ross, and Edward Wiest.

The minutes of April 24 were read and approved.

Dean Evans presented for the College of Law a revised statement of
the courses of this college as they are to be offered under the quarter
system. By action of the Facultyg this revised list of courses is substi-
tuted for the one submitted at the previous meeting, and is made a part of
these minutes by reference to the files of the Registrar's Office.

The petition of Dr. George H. RaY. asking that he be granted the com-
bined degree in artssmedicine, was approved, with the understanding that 10.7
credits in the sciences and mathematics be substituted for a 9 semester hour
deficiency in German. Dr. Bay had left the University in 1925. Subsequently
he had entered the University of Louisville Medical School and had graduated
from that institution.

0n recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the petition of
Jack B. Baker was approved. This petition asked that he be allowed to sub-
stitute a course in English literature for 3 semester hours of deficiency in
foreign language. At the close of this semester Mr. Baker will have come
plated 132.3 semester hours, and will have satisfied all requirements for
graduation except the previously mentioned deficiency in foreign language.

Dean Cooper presented to the Faculty the following recommendation
from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics:

It is recommended that under Section III on Page 9 of the mimeor
graphed copy of the rules of the University Faculty, paragraph 2,
be eliminated and the following substitution made;

College of Agriculture and Home Economics. In addition to meeting
the general—requirements for admission to the University, the high
school units presented by the applicant shall include 1 unit in algebra
and 1 unit in plane geometry.

After considerable discussion of this recommendatiOn and its relation to the
recently adopted admission regulations, Dean Cooper asked that he be permitted
to withdraw the recommendation and return it to the Faculty of the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics for further consideration.

The following recommendations from.the College of Arts and Sciences
were presented by Dean Boyd.





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