xt76t14tmr6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmr6f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 2008 2008 2008-01-17 2020 true xt76t14tmr6f section xt76t14tmr6f Tennessee Pride



UK Hoops upset Pat Summitt’s top—ranked squad in 2006
and the L_ady Vols have not forgotten



llll _\'\ll\\

JANUARY 17, 2008





UK will pursue full funding for Top 20

By Jill Lister

After the govemor’s call for bud-
get cuts across the state. UK will still
ask for full funding of its Top 20 Busi-
ness Plan.

“That‘s part of the legislative
process." said UK spokesman Jay
Blanton. “You don‘t offer a trade until
you have to make one."

UK will have to plead its case to
the legislature in the coming months
for funding during the 2008-10 bienni—
um. This year the university will ask
the legislature for:

n A 6 percent increase in funding.
about a $20 million increase. for each
of the next two years.

n $130 million in state bonds for a
second science research building. to be

part of the new medical center.

n $75 million in state bonds for a
new Gatton College of Business and
Economics Complex. to be located on
Euclid Avenue between North Campus
and Memorial Coliseum.

n $20 million for a new Livestock
Disease Diagnostic Center.

In his annual State of the Com-
monwealth Address on Monday night.
Gov. Steve Beshear spoke on his call
for Kentucky's state agencies and pub-
lic universities to undergo funding cuts
across the board.

“It is my duty and my responsibili-
ty to inform you that we have some
tough times ahead.“ Beshear said in
his address. “The revenue outlook is

Beshear called for a 3 percent cut
in the budgets of state institutions and

public universities for the fiscal year
ending in June. He also advised the
same organizations to prepare for a 12
percent budget reduction for the next
fiscal year. about a $50 million loss for
UK all together.

HoweVer. the govemor‘s budget
recommendation on Jan. 29 will be
just part of the process. Blanton said.

“The legislature has got to approve
the budget too.“ Blanton said. “We
plan on presenting to both the gover-
nor and the legislature.”

Two of the projects UK will re-
quest funding for. the construction of
the science research building and the
Gatton College of Business and Eco—
nomics Complex, are scheduled to be
completed in 2012.

Without full bonding from the leg-
islature this spring. it would be “im-

possible" to start construction. said
Bob Wiseman. vice president for facil—
ities management.

If UK doesn‘t get the $205 million
in bonds it needs for the two projects.
the university will have to look at “any
and all options“ for funding. Wiseman

The new business and research
building would accommodate the in-
crease in faculty and staff mandated by
the Top 20 Business Plan. The plan
calls for adding 300 faculty members.
for a total of 2.500. and for adding
7.000 students to total at 34.000 by

“If we don’t get the money for the
Top 20 Business Plan. it makes it more
challenging. but we‘re going in with a
lot of support in the legislature." Blan-
ton said.








Psychology sophomore Brad True prepares to deflect a frisbee during his ultimate frisbee class yesterday in the Seaton Center.



Academics seek funds to finish black encyclopedia

By Leticie Jag


Poet Frank X. Walker is one of
many supporters trying to raise fund-
ing for the Kentucky African-Ameri-
can Encyclopedia to recognize
African-Americans‘ significant role
in the state. Yesterday. Walker ad-
dressed UK on the encyclopedia’s

“1 want UK to understand this im-
portant project of preserving and docu-
menting African-American history and
beyond." said Walker. a writer in resi-
dence at Northern Kentucky Universi-

Walker joined other writers. pro-
fessors. campus leaders and encyclo-
pedia contributors and editors at yes-

terday’s commencement ceremony at
the M.I. King Library to help raise
money for the project.

More than 200 people attended the
commencement that served to elevate
interest to promote preservation. col-
lection and teaching. said Gerald
Smith. one of the encyclopedia’s gen-
eral editors.

“This project is worth investing in
not only for now. but it will be some-
thing to look back at." said Smith. an
associate professor of African-Ameri-
can studies at UK. “But by no means
is this a one man show. it is a collabo-
rative project and I‘m honored to
have many scholars working on the

Chris Chance is one of many stu-
dent researchers working on the ency-

clopedia and he encouraged students
to contribute.

“I feel it is important to be work-
ing on such an innovative project."
said Chance. an agricultural biotech-
nology sophomore. “I do anything
from researching articles. mailing
things. and doing what needs to be
done around campus."

UK President Lee Todd attended
the commencement and encouraged
individuals. institutions and companies
to provide additional funding and sup-
port for the project.

“It is at times like this when peo—
ple have to have funding to help with
academic careers or have a passion
for the state of Kentucky. a pride for
the commonwealth." Todd said. “That
is how Kentucky moves forward. do-

ing things people don t expect us to

Encyclopedias on black history
and culture exist. but there is not one
focusing on a specific state. The Ken-
tucky African—American Encyclope-
dia. which is scheduled for publication
in 20H. is believed to be the first in
the nation. Smith said.

The project began in 2006 and
currently has three general editors. l2
topical editors. l6 members of the
editorial advisory board and under—
graduate and graduate student re—

There is still research to be done
and funds to be raised before the en-
cyclopedia's completion. Smith
said. The project is still in need of

See Encyclopedia on page 5


F inal
Visits today

B Jill Lester


The final candidate for UK's
newly created top diversity position
will answer questions and discuss his

thoughts on the job
during an open fo-
rum today.
Ovenoun Jen-
da. associate
provost for diversi-
ty and multicultur~
al affairs at Auburn
University. is one
of two candidates
for the vice presi—
dent for institution~
al diversity position. As part of a two-
day tour of campus. he will partici-
pate in the forum from 3:30 to 4:30
pm. in room 209 of the Main Build-

“He offers the unique quality of
not only having significant expertise
on diversity and distinguished schol-
arly success in mathematics. he is an
alum of UK and carries with him a
robust interest in giving back to this
institution." said search committee
chairwoman Carol Jordan.

If selected. Jenda would advise
the president and the provost on how
UK's policy decisions will affect the
university’s diversity goals. accord-
ing to the position advertisement re-
leased at the beginning of the search
in fall 2006.

He would also be responsible for
developing. implementing and evalu-
ating UK‘s diversity strategies.

UK initially planned to have a

See Jenda on page 5

86 Senate

By Katie Se_ltz
ksaltz@kykerne—l com


One SG committee voted not to
recommend expanding the Senate
while another had no opinion on the
proposal last night.

The amendment to add five at-
large senators will be voted on by the
full Senate Wednesday.

Senate President Tyler Montell
proposed the amendment and said ll
would be an effort to represent more
of the student body

"These senators are supposed to
represent the university at large."
Montell said. "The university is
growing. so why not the Senate too.’
lt‘ll give five more people a chance
to make a difference."

lntcmal Affairs Chairman Tom
Rauf voted against recommending the
amendment and said adding more
senators could complicate procedures,

“My fear is that it‘s going to
make it more difficult to get to know
people in the Senate." Rauf said.

The amendment would not just
add senators. Montell said. but the
opportunity for more opinions to be

See 86 on page 5


System designed to lower student drop outs to launch near midterm

21 Jill Lester


UK has begun setting up a new sys-
tem designed to boost retention rates by
improving how faculty and staff com-
municate about advising students.

A new online system the university
plans to launch this semester will up-
date students‘ advisers as soon as they
become at risk of dropping out.

“When we see that students are at
risk. instead of finding out about it later
and screaming about the numbers. we
can become more personal and much
more appropriate ." said Randolph
Hollingsworth. assistant provost for in-

tegrated academic services.

The system will work to improve
UK’s Early Alert System. which is used
to notify advisers if students are in dan-
ger of dropping out of school. Current-
ly. to submit an early alert. instructors
must fill out an online form. The form
is then delivered to the student’s advis-
er. who requests a meeting with the stu-

Since its launch last semester.
Hollingsworth said the Early Alert Sys-
tem was used to file 3.000 referrals.
which she hopes increases with more

The new program will be competi-
ble with myUK and will require no


training for employees when it is
launched around the middle of the se-
mester. Hollingsworth said.

UK cunently has about 27.000 stu-
dents. Last year. the university had a 59
percent six-year undergraduate gradua-
tion rate.

To raise the number of students
who stay at UK. the president and
provost announced a “War on Student
Attrition“ in June. a $35 million effort.
Hollingsworth said she believes the
new software will aid the effort by
keeping students from dropping out.

"Our information shows that if we
get a student right when they need it. it
helps with the attrition rates.“ she said.

UK bought a four—year contract
with Hobsons Student Retention Solu-
tions for the system. costing about
$28,650 per year including mainte-
nance and with an installation fee of
about 524.000. according to the compa-

Although UK recently learned of a
$10 million state budget cut for the fis»
cal year ending in June. the proposal
for the attrition program was approved
in December and will go through as
planned. Hollingsworth said.

The new program will make com-
munication more efficient. said Sara
Snyder. marketing communications di-
rector with Hobsons Student Retention


“Before. retention efforts were pret-
ty scattered." Snyder said. “If a student
might try to register with the hursar‘s
office. admissions might not know

Hobsons is “just now forming."
Snyder said. and UK is one of the first
large, state schools the company has
had as a client. The student retention
program that UK purchased is modeled
after the program used at smaller
schools. but Snyder said her company
does not anticipate many problems.

“It‘s not that UK is going in with an
untested solution." Snyder said.
“You‘re just one of the bigger schools."

m 257-1915; W 257-2872



PAGE 2] Thursday January 17. 2008

yourfidiaily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ QI




























‘b I

WI'BCll Villll‘ 100m.“:.N0l your car

a Horoscopes"

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 701's the easiest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 — It's your friends who are
critical now, perhaps out of jealousy.
Take their ribbing with good humor
They can't stop you now. Your real
friends are proud as punch.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is an 8 — You can accomplish just
about anything, if you begin it now
If you can't actually go yet, like on a
world cruise, at least begin your
planning Choose a destination,
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 6 — Your savings account gets
fatter as you improve your shopping
skills. Frugality is a game you can
learn how to play Pretend you don't
have to do it, and some day you



Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 A— One good deed leads to
another. That's how you advance
You do favors for people you care
about; they do favors for you. Let
them know what you need.

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 2) Today is a
5 i, Lately you've had to do a lot of
the work yourself, to have the job
done right That won't be much of
an option in the coming phase. Find
people whom you can give jobs to,
who will do them perfectly

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 2) Today is
a 10 v Your partner’s imagination
seems to be out of control You
want to stick closer to reality, Is that
absolutely necessary? Let yourself
go Reality's hard to define, anyway
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct 22) Today is
a 6 fi What else does your family
want, to make life comfortable?
Stock up now, while the sales are
on You won't have to shop again
for months

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov. 21) Today
is a 9 ——~ You're teaching and learn,
ing simultaneously, to and from the
same person The exchange makes

Collision Center
ring all inlurance claims.
ennie Drive (2 miles from
cam us) 277-1972

your head spin. Don't push; relax
and let it happen,

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 5 - The routine may
seem unbearable, at times, but you
can bear it, Hard work makes you
stronger. It also provides the coin, in
this case, to buy yourself a nice va-

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 10 — You're very lucky
now. Ask for favors. Make promises
and commitments, especially with
loved ones and children. You'll end
up looking very good.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 5 W It may seem like it
takes longer to get just about any-
thing done Don't argue with what
is, adapt Things will go much more
smoothly once you stop worrying.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is an 8 ~- Practice and listen
and pay attention to what other
people are doing Copy the most
successful ones and you'll naturally
become one of them



Today' 5
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Burn 9129

"Are you Britney Spears?"
asked the woman behind the
cosmetics counter at Saks Fifth
Avenue in Palm Desert. Califor—
nia. [I was ”:30 am. on Janu-
ary 6. and the singer. who. just a
day earlier. had checked herself
out of an LA. hospital follow—
ing a breakdown during which
she held her own child hostage.
was buying lipstick. "No. but I
wish I was.“ Britney answered
in a singsong voice. holding
hands with Adnan (ihalib. the
married paparazzi) turned love
interest. 35. with whom she had
fled the city.

Yes. just as Britney finally
seemed close to getting the help
she needed. she bolted. running
away from her new rock bot—
tom: the night of January 3. It
was on that evening that the
Britney saga became both surre—
al and Shakespearean. With po-
lice. fire and paramedic crews
on the ground and news heli-
copters above. the pop star —
on nearly the ninth anniversary
of the release of her l4.6 mil-
lion-selling “ Baby One More
Time" ~~ was seen laughing
maniacally as she was brought
out of her home on a stretcher
with her legs restrained.

At long last. Britney's ap-
parent mental illness w specu—
lated to be anything from bipo-
lar disorder to postpartum de-
pression -— was laid out for the
world to see. "She needs to be
on suicide watch.” aunt Chanda
McGovern tells Us. And Alli
Sims. Britney‘s relative and best
friend. tells Us. “She is a beauti-


Inside the night of terror as Spears
holds her son hostage — and flees

me Big... from the help she so badly needs

in]. wonderful girl. and it‘s so
hard for me to watch the situa-
tion." adding. “I just hope. soon-
er rather than later. we can look
back on it and go. 'Wow. did
that really happen or was that a
bad dream?m

In Need of Help

Britney‘s mental health has
long been a concem. “Really.
she can flip a switch at any time
and go crazy." says a source
who has worked with Britney
for years. Kalie Machado. her
assistant prior to the head-shav-
ing incident. has told Us her ex—
boss is plagued by "crazy
thoughts" and “needs mental
help." In November, Britney's
court-appointed monitor. Lisa
Hacker. evaluated Britney‘s par-
enting. saying the mood at home
ranged “from chaotic to almost
somber." (For more on her men-
tal health issues. see box. page

Moving Fonrvard

Britney faces an uphill battle
if she wants to see her kids
again. The afternoon following
admittance to Cedars—Sinai. she
was stripped of all visitation
rights by commissioner Scott
Gordon. who gave sole physical
custody to Federlinc. The next
hearing: January 14.

Hope is not lost. says private
family law judge Alexandra Le-
ichter. who tells Us. "Even axe
murderers get to see their chil-
dren." The court is generally re-
luctant to cut off all contact be-
tween a child and parent. she

University of Kent Licky Bands


adds. Time with her children
might be exactly what she
needs, McGovern tells Us. “Part
of me thinks a lot of what Brit-
ney‘s doing. she’s doing because
she's so distraught that she does—
n‘t have her kids. She’s crying
out. I‘m truly. truly concerned. l
don‘t think things can get any
worse now than us losing her

What's wrong with

She’s no stranger to sub-
stance abuse. but multiple Brit-
ney sources tell Us that her un»
stable behavior likely stems
from a possible mental disorder.

Bipolar disorder Britney
often has extreme highs (known
as manic episodes). such as
when she shaved her head. fol-
lowed by intense lows. Her
marathon partying is also a sign.
“You can go all night without
sleeping." says psychiatrist
Pauline Wallin.

Borderline personality
This is characterized by instabil-
ity in moods. self-image and re-
lationships. “She is showing
borderline features," says spe—
cialist Dr. Drew Pinsky, such as
her revolving door of staffers.

Anxiety attacks Britney
may be suffering from unex-
pected episodes of intense fear.
In fact. Sam Lutfi said she
missed a December dep0sition
because of a panic episode.
“You're worried all the time."
says Wallin.


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January 17,


kernel #

Emily Coovert

Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915



— Rosie O'Donnell. reacting to being voted Most
Annoying Celebrity by Parade magazine readers


Rock stars, pirates. designers
have led skull’s rise in fashion

By Melissa Cassatt

The Gazette (Colorado Springs, Colo.)

Colo. - Alas. poor Yorick.

Had Hamlet only known
how popular skulls would be-
come. he might not have tossed
aside the court jester‘s skull so

Not just for Halloween any-
more. skulls are being stamped
on everything from panties to
baby onesies. and though it’s
something of an old trend on
both fashion—forward coasts.
skulls have only recently become

You can find them in chain
stores such as Underground Sta-
tion. a shoe and accessory shop
that has increased its skull stock
in the past year. Besides slip-on
canvas skull shoes. the stores
sell a variety of skull socks. wal—
let chains. belts. hats and T—






We randomly asked a few students on campus what
they were listening to on their iPods in between classes.


Red Hot Chili Peppers -— “Snow"
Blake Summarell, marketing sophomore

Led Zeppelin —- “Tangerine"
Kristin udor, health communications sophomore

John Mayer‘— "Not Myself"
Patrick Burk, linguistics sophomore

ESPN: Pardon the Interruption podcast
Patrick Gilkey, psychology junior

Lil' Wayne — “You Ain't Know"
Natasha Perry, psychology junior


For the week of
JAN.l7 ~JAN.23


TONIGHT w/ Murder Mystery and

V rt' USAzAT'b t t Some Other Meanness
U‘; igo n u e o 9pm.,The Dame. Tickets

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets 505‘ $5-

mm$6 SUNDAmimr2o
FRIDAY, Jan. 18 Martin Sexton

Store manager Ryan Pabalan.
at The Citadel in Colorado
Springs. Colo., attributed the

The Yellow Belts w/ The
Vibrolas and Arsenic on
the Rocks

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets

8 pm, Headliners,
Louisville, Tickets cost $21.

TUESDAY, Jan. 22


popularity of skulls to a desire to
look like a rock star.

But in certain counter-culture
circles (which embraced skulls
years ago). the mainstreaming of
the skull trend is a bit insulting.
says Paula Loukakis. who. along
with husband Athan. owns the
Colorado Springs clothing store
State of Mind.

“They’ve been around for l2
years. It‘s nothing new. it‘s just
popular now in the main cul-
ture." she says.

Blame couture designer
Alexander Mc-Queen. whose
2003 skull scarf became popular
with Hollywood fashionistas.

Or Gwen Stefani. for giving
skulls a rock star appeal.

Or even Disney's “Pirates of
the C aribbean" trilogy. which led
to a retail fury of pirate-style



Skull rim is found on scarves, shoes, anties, bab clothes and countless other items as it ets more mainstream

Regardless of the reason.
mainstream fashion has indeed
embraced the skull. with even
the big-box stores - Target and
WaI-Man ~ stocking up.

And shops that have carried

skulls all along have seen more For the most part. skulls arc
skull products come to market. sported by younger generations
Because of that. State of Mind _.- teenagers to early 30s — but
started stocking more skull fash— Loukakis says he's occasionally
ions about a year ago. says Athan

Loukakis‘. See Skulls on page 4



The old family slideshow '
gets a modern update

By Jay Clarke
McClatchy Newspapers

MIAMI — You‘ve gone on a great
trip. taken tons of digital photos. Now.
how to share them with family and


For growing numbers of travelers.
the answer is an online photo album.

Making one “is very easy." said
Elaine Hoffman. a psychotherapist who
shuttles between an office in Miami
and a home in Washington. “I love
what these sites are capable of doing.
the ability to be creative. to edit. to
crop. to use different formats. It‘s very


Dozens — maybe hundreds — of

Web sites now offer albums that can be
shared online or printed and bound into

a traditional book.
Kodak Gallery

boasts 205 million photos.



gallerycom). one of the biggest compa~
nies. has 60 million members and “bil—
lions" of photos under management,
according to the company's Liz. Scan-
Ion. Snapfish (www.snapfi.sh.com) says
it has 40 million users. Shutterfly
(www.shutterfly.com) claims I5 bil-
lion photos. and even SmugMug
(wwwsmugmugcomt. which admits to
being smaller than the big companies.

Online albums have even gone to

See Slideshows on page 4


7 he”

. :52 l
Putting logic skills to the test

Students have a chance to put down their Rubik's Cubes
and come test their logical skills with the latest puzzle craze
to sweep the nation.

The logic game Sudoku has become so popular that a free
tournament is being offered to students and faculty tonight
from 8 to 10 in the Cats Den, located in the Student Center.

Sudoku, a short form of the Japanese words meaning
"only Single numbers allowed," became popular in the United
States after taking hold in Britain around 2004 Now newspa-
pers across the country, including the Kernel, publish Siidokii

According to an e-mail from the Cats Den. the puzzles at
the tournament consist of easy, challenging and difficult lev-
els, and participants will be judged on time and accuracy

Student winners wrll receive gift certificates for various




All Time Low
8 pm , Uncle Pleasants,
Lomsvrlle Tickets cost Sll

' 3

cost $5.

Winter Rock Out
ll pm, Phoenix Hill
Tavern, Loursville Tickets

cost $11 Young Guns of Comedy

9 pm, The Dame Tickets

Lagniappe cost $3

10 pm, The Southgate
House, Newport. Tickets
are free.

The Scourge of the Sea

Dan Mecher w/ Rusty
Morris and Max Fender
9 p m , The Southgate
House, Newport Tickets
are free




l. Gearing up

Hot rods and monster trucks will be ripping it up at Rupp
Arena this weekend. The Wintemational finals will be held
at 8 pm. Friday and 7 pm. Saturday Spectators can also
watch the Southeast's first indoor rock climbing commotion.
Tickets cost SIX to $22 and cart be purchased at Rupp Arc»
na's Web site in w“.ruppareitas'om). For more information.
call 233-3535.

2. Jamming with Buddies

Sit back and enjoy the melodies of the Three (lirls and Their
Buddy tour. Iimmylou Harris. Patty (iriffin. Shawn (‘olnn
and Budd) Miller will be performing at 7:10 pm, Sunda) at
the Singletar} (‘cnter for the Arts, Admission is $60 for the
general public. $50 for senior citizens and [K facult) and
staff. and $40 for students. For more information. \ isit the
Singletary Center's Web site i“ \\ \~.tik}.cdii SCI-A l.

3. Dazzle with Dribbling

Still amazing crowds after 32 years. the Harlem (Tlobetrot
ters are coming to Lexington. The} “I“ pcrlorm .it .1 pm.
Sunday in Rupp Arena. Tickets range from $20 to WI and
can be purchased online through the Ticketmaster \kcb \llC
twwwtickctmastercomt. For more information. call I.“-




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 PAGE4 | Thursday, January 17, ZOOQW


Continued fioin page 3’ i

sold skull apparel to customers in
their 60s.

"It‘s hard to define who‘s going
to buy it." he says. "Some people buy
it to go to a party to look tough. And
some people buy it to wear all the

So what, exactly. is it about

"The appeal is the badass image

the bad boy." Loukakis says.

Ryan ()lgren. a ltryear-old
Mitchell High School student. in Col-
orado Springs. agreed. Though he
owns only one skull T—shirt. he says it
does evoke a certain je nc sais quoi
~ mostly because skulls represent

"People like pirates
they‘re rebellious." he says.

The design that accompanies the
skull W pirates. hearts or a death-
metal scene ~ also determines how
edgy the message is. says l7»year—old
Damon Lowe.

"There's the skulls that are for
girls that are like cute - the eyes are
hearts and stuff.” Lowe says. “Then
there‘s the skulls for guys that are all


Which is what
made Mc-Queen‘s
scarf edgy: Plas-
tering the human
head on highcnd
fashion was cutting
edge. says Simon Ungless. director of
graduate fashion at the Academy of
An University in San Francisco.

But now that skulls are main-
stream 7 they are in Colorado
Springs. after all some couture
lines have since shied away from

Still. there's evidence that high-
end skull style is alive and well.
British artist Damien Hirst recently
sold a human skull cast in 8.601 dia-
monds for .‘Sltltl million. Also avail~
able: a Theo Fennell skull ring sold
for about Sl8.800. and a sterling sil-
ver King Baby Studio skull bracelet
sold for $725 at Neiman Marcus.

Or. save yourself a few bones and
buy a pair of $4.99 skull shoelaccs
from Hot Topic.




Continued from page 3


sea. Earlier this year. according to Photoworks
(www.photoworks.com). Camival became the first
cruise line to offer photo-album creation on board.

"It‘s grown exponentially.“ said Jessy Hanley. di—
rector of photo services for Myphotoalbum
twww.myphotoalbum.com). "Each year we've grown
by 50 percent."

Miamian Mark Hunsberger learned about them
from a traveler last year in Switzerland.

“Now I have 4,000 photos on my Web site." said
Hunsberger. who chose Myphotoalbum as his service.
“l have 242 cousins and I sent links to the Web site to
all of them." lf he has just a few photos to share with
family and friends. he said. he evinails them instead.

How it works

Even for point~and-shooters. the process is easy. The
photographer creates an account (often free) with one of
many online photo services. uploads his photos as di-
rected. then selects the best for an online album. corn-
plete with captions and decoration. Then he can give
family and friends access to his Web site or account and
they can view the photos on line.

For those who want something tangible. print—and-
bound options run $l9.99-$29.99 for a standard size
linen-covered book of 20 pages with as many as a
dozen or more photos per page. Leather-bound books
and larger sizes cost more. Extra pages and different
sizes also are offered. with varying prices: shipping
costs are extra.



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5 35 pm. Sunday Worship
Home cooked mul to follow

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As strike strangles

l V season,

industry frets over its future

MC Clatchy Newspapers

Like mutilated corpses on
“(‘Sl" or "Law 25’: Order." the
victims of a television writers
strike are starting to pile up:
Last week‘s People's Choice
Awards. Sunday nights Golden
Globes ceremony. The rest of
this TV season and very
soon. Hollywood insiders say.
next season as well.

Although the increasingly
bitter strike is in its third month.
a stockpile of completed shows
kept it largely invisible to TV
viewers until the replacement of
Sunday ‘s glitzy Golden Globes
ceremony with a dry. celebrity»
free press conference. IThings
aren‘t looking so hot for the
(ilobes' big brother. the ()scars
ceremony. either.)

But the backlog of finished
programs is about to run dry.
And industry players say the re—
fusal of writers to produce
scripts has made it impossible
not only to resume this TV sea—

son. but to plan the next one.
The strike. they say. has qui—
etly strangled the pilot season.
when network executives order
sample episodes of proposed

new shows for next fall. liven if

the work stoppage were to be
resolved tomorrow ~- and no—
body expects that 7— the TV net-
works would have trouble
stitching together a fall season.

“I don‘t think it‘s going to
end anytime soon." says one
network official. "I don‘t know
what the worst—case scenario is.
but none of it's good."

The strike has inflicted
hundreds of riiillions of dollars
in damage. thrown thousands
of stage hands. technicians.
teamstcrs and production per-
sonnel out of work. and sent
economic ripples through every
segment of Hollywood. hurting
everyone from caterers to

Because the backlog of orig-
inal programs kept network
schedules relatively normal
through December . and

Nielsen ratings typically dip
during the Christmas season
anyway ., there is no evidence
yet of a massive desertion by the
TV audience. But there are signs
that viewers are restless:

The Internet video site
YouTube‘s audience has jumped
18 percent in the past two
months. Crackle.com. a Web
site that offers short scripted
shows. more than doubled its
hits in November and Decem-

“If the television viewing
experience is altered negatively
by the strike. it makes sense that
people are going to try another
platform." says Josh Felser. the
former Fox executive who
founded Crackle. Adds Jim
Louderback. chief executive of-
ficer at Revision3.com. another
video-sharing website with a
billowing audience: “Once
they’ve seen us. will those peo-
ple spend as much time watch-
ing T\".’ Not if we do our jobs
right - they‘ll find some of our
show s addictive."

ABC's fading news show
“Nightline.” competing only
against reruns of late~night talk
shows. scored its best ratings in
years and finished ahead of
David Letterman’s “Late
Show“ in one key demographic
group in the quarterly Nielsens.
Letterman promptly reached a
side deal with the union that al-
lowed him to go back to work
with his writers (“I know what
you're thinking." Letterman
cracked during his first mono-
logue. “You‘re thinking: This
crap is written?"). and Jay
Leno and others returned to the
air with makeshift shows.

Ratings also have surged for
new reality shoWs. which are
not affected by the strike be—
cause they are produced without

NBC. battered all season in
the Nielsens. racked up big
numbers three times in a week
this month with the debuts of
“American Gla