xt76t14tmq9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmq9n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 2002 2002 2002-09-26 2020 true xt76t14tmq9n section xt76t14tmq9n Head Coach Ian Collins puts players before personal accolades | PAGE 10



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Plan: less parking, more dorms

A different campus: Master plan would increase
housing, decrease parking and create green ways

By Tracy Kershaw


Imagine cash rewards
for biking to campus. dorms
surrounding the library and
green ways traversing

By 2020. it could be a re-

Increasing housing. de-

creasing the demand for
parking and creating green
ways are among the aims of
a master plan that would
give the campus a facelift by
the year 2020.

The plan‘s masterminds

architects and planners
from Ayers. Saint. Gross. a
firm based in Baltimore.
Md. are on campus this

week presenting the plan to
faculty. staff. students and

The master plan. which
the Board of Trustees will
vote upon in October or No-
vember. would create several
centers of activity on cam-
pus. each bringing housing.
academics and student recre-
ation closer together:

The consultants based
the plan on three principles:
creating academic communi-
ties. creating a sustainable

growth pattern and creating
connections to the city.

They are. involved with
the college-town project.
which would create a retail
corridor on South Limestone
and a residential corridor on
Martin Luther King Boule-
vard, linking UK and down-
town Lexington. The college-
town plan fits into the mas-
ter plan. said Ayers. Saint,
Gross associate Mike Glaros.

The master plan ac«
counts for a projected 39 per

cent increase in campus pop-
ulation by 2020. Glaros said.

Increasing housing is a
priority. Glaros said.

New housing would be
spread across campus —
with possible sites ranging
from replacing Greg Page
Apartments with higher den-
sity. longerlasting campus
housing and to building
dorms on current parking
lots at Memorial Coliseum
and behind the Funkhouser

Building. See PLAN 3


Students are invited to hear a
presentation of the proposed

campus master plan; 3 pm.
today at Worsham Theater in

the Student Center.

The Board of Tmstees will view
the plan, which would be im-
plemented over the next 20
years. at its October or
November meeting.




Rhonda Hale, an undeclared freshman from Washington County, changes her registration to Fayette County on Wednesday afternoon
at a table registration booth set up by Campus Progressive Coalition. Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote to be eligible for the
November election. "Students just don't understand how important it Is [to votel." Hale said.


Some say water
ownership will
decide election

Sale: Group rallies at Young for city ownership

B_y_ Steve _lv_ey

Political candidates and community members con-
vened Wednesday night at the William T. Young Library
auditorium to show support for a government purchase of
Kentucky American Water Company and oppose a sale to
RWE. a German utilities conglomerate.

Brian Privett of Lexington Greens. a group formed to
support local environmental and social justice issues. or-
ganized the meeting.

“(The sale of Kentucky American Water Company) is
the biggest issue in this election." he said. “And we believe
the community can be better served by local ownership."

Mayoral candidate Teresa Isaac supports city owner-
ship; candidate Scott Crosbie does not.

Those who support private ownership argue profitdri-
ven companies are more likely to provide a better service
and government monopolies are often inefficient.

Privett said he hoped the meeting would allow voters
to make a more educated choice on election day. Isaac
spoke at the meeting.

“We believe local ownership is the best choice. and we
want to inform voters on which candidates share our
view." he said.

Former Gov. Ned Breathitt. also a UK trustee, spoke
on behalf of Bluegrass FLOW.

Breathitt said he saw Kentucky Utilities employees
lose their jobs after KU was bought out by a German con-

“(Foreign utility companies) are trying to gobble up
every utility they can so they can control the economics
and politics of the world.“ he said.

Breathitt said foreign owners would have to pay stock
dividends to share holders. which could result in in-
creased rates, deferment of maintenance and downsizing.

“We‘re not going to be asleep at the switch this time
and we're going to fight for the people of Kentucky.“ he

Foster Ockerman. attorney for Bluegrass FLOW.
addressed legal issues of local government ownership.

“It‘s not a takeover.“ he said. “The Lexington Fayette
Urban County Government will pay fair market price."

“It makes no sense to subject our water in Lexington
to the whims of German tax laws," he said.


Man calls dorm home for eight years

Old guy: Lexmark employee Brandon Skaggs, 27,
mentors engineering students living in Blanding ”I

By Amy Jo Gill

Brandon Skaggs dubbs
himself the “old guy in the

Though Skaggs is a 27»
year-old engineering alum-
nus from UK. he has not es-
caped dorm life .., but has no
problem living it up in
Blanding III on South Cam-

“Hopefully the students
see me as an older brother
figure. not a father figure."
he said.

Skaggs works at Lex
mark and resides in the
dorm as a Resident Engineer
It‘s his eighth year in the co—
ed dorm. Though he lived

there as a student. he now
takes the role of supplemen-
tal staff to the resident advis-
ers. Skaggs helps plan activi-
ties and programs for the en-
gineering students and is
also a fixture in tutoring ses-
sions on Monday nights.

The environment in this
case is one without parties.
without alcohol and without
late-night visits from the op-
posite sex. It's a world usual-
ly occupied by the 18-20 year-
olds that reside in the dorms.
but Skaggs shrugs off the

“I've lived on campus for
years." he said. “I'm used to
the environment.“

Skaggs resides in a hall
director-esque suite on the

second floor. newly renovat-
ed especially for him. The
immaculate suite is complete
with a living area. kitchen
area. full bathroom. a large
closet and a bedroom.

He keeps the room basic.
with a TV. comfy couch. com-
puter. and robust wooden
table and chairs. in case stu-
dents ever get the urge to
swing by. The place main-
tains a dorm smell and is
complemented by Skaggs‘
never-been-played mandolin.

“I have yet to take a les-
son to learn to play it." Skag-
gs said with a chuckle.

With most dorm rooms
on campus having to be
shared by at least two people
« ofien resembling a sardine
can more than a living space
_. Skaggs can appreciate his
dorm suite for its space and
luxury. He admits most peo-

ple don't get this opportunity

“Residence halls can‘t
compete with apartments."
Skaggs said. “but it helps
moms to know we make an
effort to help out folks.“

Skaggs first moved into
the dorm in August 1993 to
do an engineering coop.

“I had a goal to stay
there [in the dorms) because
it's just easier." Skaggs said.
“When I moved off campus
in May 1999. I never thought
I‘d be back."

The plan to return to
South Campus was partly
Skaggs‘ idea. In March 2001.
Skaggs pitched the idea that
the engineering program
needed continuity. someone
without RA responsibilities
and time demands. but with
an interest in helping stu-

See $0665 on 3

"I” I mm“



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky,




 Tl" fillet!


“Does it
mean I
was snub-
No. "

on getting up and
leaving just
before his
counterpart spoke

at informal talks
in Poland.

Official resigns after abuse charge

FRANKFURT ~ The commissioner
of the state Department of Juvenile Jus-
tice resigned Wednesday after his arrest
on a sexual abttse charge. Ralph E. Kelly
was arrested Tuesday at a New York (Jity
hotel after one of two men with whom he
was traveling told police Kelly had
touched his genitals. Barbara Thompson.
spokeswoman for the Manhattan district
attorney's office. said Kelly was ar-
raigned Wednesday and released on his
own recognizance He was charged with
forcible touching and thirddegree sexual
abuse both misdemeanor charges. Kel-
ly. 65. was recruited to head the Depart-
ment of Juvenile Justice when it was cre-
ated in 1096. The agency operates a net-
work of juvenile boot camps. detention
centers. treatment centers and group
homes. Kelly was New Jersey‘s director
of juvenile services for two years before
coming to Kentucky. Before that. he was
deputy commissioner for juvenile justice
in New York (‘ity

Isidore sweeps Gulf Coast

NEW ORLEANS Tropical Storm
Isidore drenched the (lulf Coast on
Wednesday. swamping parts of New Or-
leans with thigh-deep water and chasing
tourists and residents inland as it swirled
toward land with a potential 20 inches of
rain. lly evening. the center of the
sprawling storm was 17.5 miles south of
New ()rleans and moving north at 12
mph, l‘i‘it‘et‘aslt'i's said Isidore was expect-
ed to come ashore along Louisiana‘s
swampy shoreline early Thursday but
tropical storm force winds sustained
winds of more than 39 mph were al-
ready hitting the coast Wednesday
evening. Residents fled flooded coastal
communities in Louisiana and Mississips
pi. In Alabama. pounding surf eroded
beaches and storm preparations were un-
der way as far north as Birmingham. 200
miles froin the (itilf of Mexico. At Bayou
La Batre. Ala. Wilson Johnson pulled
away from (‘oden Bayou in his pickup
truck. giving his crab boats a last wistful
look, I hope they 're here tomorrow." he
said. Isidore battered Mexico‘s Yucatan
Peninsula as a hurricane over the week-
end. killing at least two people before los-
ing its punch. But the storm strengthened
after moving back over the (lulf. and was
packing lihrtllpll winds as it headed to
ward the US mainland.

Mas "Road to
Perdition" really
the start of an
image shift for
Tom Hanks? Sure.
he played a gun-
man, but a nice.
fatherly gunman.
In one of his next
movies, however,
he'll play a thug
who tries to kill
an old lady. Vari-
ety reports that
he'll star in the
Coen brothers'
remake of "The
Ladykillers." the
1955 black-comic
classic that
starred Alec
Guinness and
Peter Sellers.
Though the origi-
nal took place in
England, the Coen
will set their ver-
sion in the Ameri-
can South. some-
where near the
territory of their
crime capers
"Raising Ari-
zona" and "0
Brother, Where
Art Thou?" llan-
ks, who won an
Emmy this week-
end for directing
part of HBO's
"Band of Broth-
ers." will play the
leader of a gang
of thieves who
try to dispose of
their hideout's
landlady, only to
find she has more
lives than the
Terminator. First,
however, Hanks
will revert to
nice-guy mode to
star as a train
conductor in
"Polar Express."
a kids' movie
about a railroad
that leads to San-
ta's workshop.

NYPD asks easier surveillance

NEW YORK (‘iting a climate altered
by terrorist threats. the New York Police
Department asked a court to sharply curtail
the powers of a panel that oversees the de-
partment's surveillance of political groups.
The request. filed Wednesday in federal
court in Manhattan. would eliminate many
of the panel's powers to monitor and regu~
late surveillance of domestic activists. The
department now must seek permission
from the three-member authority to use un-
dercover officers to investigate any political
group believed to be involved iii planning a
crime. The authority. which consists of two
deputy police commissioners and a civilian
appointee. mttst grant permission for the
NYPD to conduct such investigations for
more than :l0 days, Police investigators are
also restricted from gathering all but the
most basic information about planned polit
ical demonstrations. Those restrictions
would be eliminated under the depart»
ment‘s request. David (‘ohen. the NYPD's
deptity con‘iniissioner for intelligence.
wrote in the court filing that terrorists have
used the First .-\mendnient protections of'
mosques and Islamic institutes to hide their
activities. The authority's guidelines have
become a grave impediment to the NYPD's
thorough investigation of such groups. he
wrote. Mohammad Sherwani. director of
the Muslim (‘enter of New York. said the
panel provides an important check on the
department. They should not become
overzealous about it. They have enough att-
thority.” he said. They should go through
the proper channels. We have to trust those

Company permitted to negotiate

HARLAN A Texas-based company
blamed for contaminating [)ayhoit with
cancer-causing pollutants will be permitted
to negotiate settlements with residents and
others who frequented the Harlan County
community. Circuit Judge Ron Johnson has
approved a deal that will allow Cooper In-
dustries to work out individual settlements
with people who may have been adversely
affected by polychlorinated biphenyls. or
P(‘Bs. More than 3.000 Dayhoit residents
and others who frequented the community
were asking for $600 million in the class—ac»
tioti lawsuit. Only a portion of those are ex-
pected to receiVe settlements under the
deal. Lead attorney Louise Roselle of
Cincinnati. Ohio. worked out the settlement
agreement with the company in August.
The settlmnent was viable only if Johnson
dissolved the class‘action. Johnson did that
on Friday. the same day he ordered an attor-
ney not to try to win clients away from
Roselle The lawsuit originally asked for
compensatory damages of at least $400 mil.
lion. punitive damages of at least $100 mil
lion. and $10 million to provide for future
health needs. A previous lawsuit filed in

Pulitzer Prize-
wlnnlng scribe
David Mamet
("Glengarry Glen
Ross") has
agreed to create
an hourlong dra-
ma series for
NBC's fall 2003
schedule, Variety
reports. The se-
ries will be a
sort of "'Robin
Hood' meets
'Mission: Impos-
sible' meets 'The
A-Team,‘ " ac-
cording to NBC
senior VP for
drama Chris Con-
ti. Mamet will
earn a mid-six-
figure sum for
writing the script
and will serve as
an executive pro-
ducer. The unti-
tled series will
be produced for
NBC by Paraiah
Television. Conti
said each
episode of the
Mamet skein
would open up as
the show's core
group -- likely
four men and a
woman -- are at-
tempting to pull
off a con. As the
episode pro-
gresses. viewers
will learn what
led to the con
and how the
group became in-
volved. "These
guys are private
sector," he said.
"Vle don't know
why they exist;
they just do. But
they do cons to
bring down bad
guys. When the
system screws
you over, they're
the guys who get
you back what
you deserve."

1990 against the company was settled in No
vember 1996. Holt represented more than
500 residents who received an undisclosed

Rumsteld says exit not a snub

'ARSAW. Poland Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld got tip and left the rooin
just before his (lerman counterpart spoke
during informal talks in Poland a move
he insisted Wednesday was not meant as a
snub to his German counterpart. The rift
between the United States and (iermany
has raised concerns about unity within the
53‘year~old alliance. which is struggling to
determine its future iii the post~(‘ol(l War
world. Ruinsfeld acknowledged that he left
one of Tuesday's lttit-rev‘lilltg sessions ear-
ly. but said it was not intended to cause af-
front lle noted however. that Defense Min
ister Peter Struck was not present during
part of the meeting in the afternoon. "Does
it mean t was snubliing somebody" No," he
said at a news conference.

UK breaks ground for gardening

The Kentucky (iR()W prject will hold a
demonstration of barrier free gardening at
11 am. Friday at the 17K Lexington Fayette
Urban (‘otinty (hivernnient Arboretum
Matt John. project director. and (‘andace
Harker. Extension Specialist for Horticul
ture. will show ways that special tools atid
techniques can make gardening possible for
virtually everyone.

Former UK student wins title

Women‘s tennis standout. Brooke Skeen.
won her first professional title on the Unit-
ed States Tennis Association professional
circuit. Skeen. who starred at UK froin 1997-
2000. won the doubles title at the 8.10.000
Satellite Tournament. Skeen and her party
ner. Jennifer Radman. went into the tourna-
ment unseeded. btit upset the No. 2 seed tan-
detn of Julie ' ty and Michelle Dasso in
the final. +7. 7-3. or; They defeated the No. 1
seeded team in the quarterfinals. Skeen also
made a terrific showing in singles play. She
defeated No, 2 seed Julie DeRoo and Stan-
ford star Erin Briidette before losing to
eventual champion Neyssa Etienne in the
semifinals. "This is a great acctimplishment
for Brooke." Guilbeati said. "It‘s her first
professional title. She has had very steady
results on the US A professional circuit
and will likely achieve even more. "This is
no different than the type of amazing rev
Stilts she produced throughout her colle-
giate career at UK. I am so happy for
Brooke. and am proud of her continued ef-
forts. spirit and enthusiasm. She is a re-
markable competitor and a great tennis

Compiled from staff and wire reports.



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Continued from page]

“These would be more
apartments. more suites that
are attractive to juniors and
seniors.“ Glaros said.

The consultants also sug»
gest building housing around
William T. Young library Yet
William T. Young donated a
$5 million endowment for the
library on condition nothing
would be built around the fa-
cility for 50 years.

“If the demand is there.
maybe it will change." Glaros

William T. Young could
not be reached for comment
last night.

UK'S housing capacity
now accommodates 29 per-
cent of undergraduates. not
including the 18 percent in
crease in freshman this year.

The plan would increase
capacity to 33 percent of un-
dergraduates by 2010 and 40
percent of undergraduates by

Much of the plan‘s suc-
cess depends on decreasing
the amount of surface park-
ing lots and building more
parking structures. Glaros


UK should implement
programs to curb the high de-
tnand for (in-campus parking.
said the firm's principal.
Adam Gross,

Those initiatives include
increasing student housing.
subsidizing housing near
campus for employees and
paying commuters who find
alternate transportation to

UK now has one parking
space for every two people on
campus. Surface parking.
such as the lots behind
Memorial Coliseum. ac-
counts for 16 percent of cam»
pus. Glaros said,

This plan would reduce
the number of parking spots
to one place for four people by
2020. “This would require a
change in attitude." Gross

The consultants present
ed the plan to the staff and
faculty senates Wednesday

“I do really like the parts
that make it more pedestrian
friendly and adds trees." said
Milldred Bailey. 3 staff mem-
ber who came to View the
presentation. "It looks like a
real campus."

The consultants will
meet with President Lee
Todd today to discuss funding




Continued from paqei


Phone calls were made
and plans began. From that.
the program blossomed and
started to take shape.

“I think some people
think it’s weird, but he tutors
and does programs and gives
opportunities to the stu-
dents," said RA and mechani-
cal engineering major Aaron

To Skaggs. it‘s not all
about work.

“I’ve probably done more
social stuff than Blanding III
stuff," Skaggs said.

Even though he may be
up to nine years older than
his neighbors. Skaggs pays

no mind.

“I've got a group of
friends I've met over the
years as students. and friends
at work.“ Skaggs said. “It's
hard schedule-wise to make
friends with freshmen. but
who knows what will happen
by the end of the year

“I don't know the B-III
residents as much as I‘d like
to.“ he said. “I know a few I'd
like to become friends with
but the year is just getting

The students seem to like
him just as much.

“It's great because they
can get help from him when—
ever. because he's just right
there.“ said Clay List. an un-
declared freshman resident.
“It's helpful to have special
interest dorms like this.“

One of the main events
for the dorm is tutoring on

more man i THURSDAY,SEPIEMBERVZS,72002 L 3..

for housing and other aspects


of the plan.

Some changes are al
ready budgeted. such as a
new building for the (iatton
(‘ollegc oi. l’illsllii‘ss and l'll‘o
nomics near Memorial (‘oli
scum and a new Law School
building near Scott Street.

The plan calls for other
changes, including

Moving the (‘oliege of
Architecture and the (‘ollege
of interior Design to build
ings near the Reynolds Build
ing on Scott Street. which
would transform the "ware-
house district" into an arts
community (‘ilaros said.

Connecting the two
Student (‘cnter buildings
with a glass atrium.

(‘onnecting Virginia
Avenue to Rose Street and
closing Rose at iliigulet Av
enuc to decrease traffic coli-
gestion on Rose Street.

Funkhouser Drive to create a
pedestrian friendly pathway
to classes.

Building new research
space on Virginia Avenue.

Adding more cross
walks to South Limestone.

Extending the bicycle
lanes on Rose Street.

. Adding bicycle lanes to
University Drive.

'ueld aqi anew a
'spuagii Jno/i ”93 .

fi'uaasaqiiUirdnrdis/O/ mg 40g

'1”an Niau uo 1nd o

“(in mous spuagig a
'"gensn 8H1" dn Japio a
'aluus ieqi useH a

Monday nights. At 0 pm. stu-
dents pack up books and go to
the study rootn. hoping to get
a better grasp on a subject.

"He's very helpful and
gives us ideas for homo
work." said resident Michael
Pillis. a computer science
sophomore. "But he won't
give us any answers."

Although Skaggs went
against the norm and moved
back into the dorms after
graduation. he does not plan
to live there forever.

“When I took the position
last year. I figured it would
take three years to define the
role." he said. “i would like
to. over the next year-anda
half. identify new candidates
to take my place and groom
them to take the position."

Until then. Skaggs will be
found kicking back in
Blanding Ill,

'ueld au), asiAag .
'pmon aqi ueag .

',,puaui Niau,, Jo; LUOOJ anew . 'Siaznadde l 10; z iapio . 'aaueiiua mo/i anew a
"Deiuoa aria anew o

3 Mel-D U! puma :2 wens HbiH


llllllli (llillllll

Week of September 23-29, 2002

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office oi Student Actiwties.
Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts. can submit information for
FREE online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear
at. http://www.uky.odu/Campus Calendar. Call 2518867 for more

Thur 2 6
'Dovotiona Br Lunch l2 00pm. 429 Columbia Ave. SLOO
'Fraahman Focua. 7:30pm Baptist Student Union
'Convarntional English Class. 7 30pm. Baptist Student Union

'Synargy, 8'00pm, CSF Building
'Amnoaty International Meeting. 7 00pm Student Center Rm 228


'Raaumo Writing. 3 3074 309m. Career Center

”Interview Tips for Tachnical Students. 3:30 4:30pm. Career Center
”Beginning and Intermediate Japanoae Tutoring. 8008 00pm. Young Library,
check the Circulation desk for the room

'Franch Tutoring 3'00-4'00pm.l .~ . 1;} 4. .


I.” I"; ‘A a,_ t.» ‘ 'l a ’ '.
IS > '80“

II]! >

. ‘ {I x .
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imam WWI“

to board In)


”Wm“... You (in Free!
a 5 ~ '





Fjflflv Johanna Hamilton. Lainey Wimsatt Lindsay Jones. Lally
Lehmann, Carolyn Petredis CaSSIe Ben. Lindsay Saylor Emily Ellis
Back Rcm Carly Hoffman Courtney Haag Jenny Priddy. Ashley Tabler.
Gina Lesch Holly Amshofi. Tarah Hawkins Liz Lawrence. Mindy
Schweickhardt. Deda Kurlz
ffiptPiclureg Almee Boyd. Ashley Steenburgen Lize Man Bottling.
Marea Clements


UK VS Hanover
Sunday, Sept. 27 72pm tin/44)

UK VS Miami (OH)
Saturday, Sept. 28 2pm

UK VS Dayton
Sunday, Sept. 29 2pm

UK VS Centre
Wednesday Oct. 2 5pm

UK VS SportsBlast Club
Sunday, Oct. 73 7pm

UK VS Bluegrass
Sunday, Oct. 27 3pm

UK VS Rhodes




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Man lost at sea
found alive, well

Survivor: Richard Van Pham lost 40 pounds while
living on his damaged sailboat for three months


man who survived three
months adrift in the Pacific
Ocean by collecting rainwa
ter in a bucket and roasting
sea birds that landed on his
sailboat returned to
(‘alifornia 'I‘uesday.

Richard \‘an Pham. 0'2. of

Long Beach. lost about It)
pounds but was in good eon
dition when he was found
aboard his damaged sailboat
a week ago by the San Diego-
l>ased frigate McClusky.
Navy officials said.

"It' you travel at sea. you
take what you find.” l’liam
said in Wetlnesdavs editions

of the I.os Angeles Times. "If

you are scared. you will die."

Van Pham set sail frotn
Long Beach in his 26-foot
sailboat. Sea Breeze, bound
for Santa Catalina Island.
.\(llllt‘ 23 miles offshore En
route. a storm broke his
mast. and his outboard ino-
tor and two-way radio also

()n Sept. 17. his boat was
spotted from a plane about
2.300 miles away from his
original destination. When
the Met‘lusky neared. its
erew saw the jury-rigged sail
flapping from a splintered
mast and a man cooking a
seabird on a makeshift grill.

\lin I’hain described
hashing a sea turtle with a
bat as it swam near his boat
and then cooking part of the
meat while using the remain-

Drug-tested inmates

Drug testing: Inmates waited too long to file suit;
University of Pennsylvania offers inmates free exams


Prisoners who were deliber
ately exposed to diseases and
given mindraltering drugs
during jailhouse medical ex
periments from the 1930s
through the 1970s cannot sue
the city and the university
that conducted the tests. a
federal appeals court ruled.

A thi‘eejudge panel of
the 3rd [18 (‘ireuit (‘ourt of
Appeals on Tuesday upheld
a lower court‘s ruling that
the 298 fortner inmates wait»
ed too long to bring their

In most eireumstaiu-es.

iail titne long ago

state law requires that the
type of lawsuit filed by the
prisoners be brought within
two to four years The exper-
iments stopped in 1971.

The prisoners all of
whom finished serving their
sued in
zooo after Temple ITtiiversity
instructor Allen Hornbluin
wrote about the testing in his
1998 book “Acres of Skin."

For decades, the Ifniver-
sity of Pennsylvania and
dermatologists led by Dr. A1-
bert Kligman. who is credit-
ed with developing the acne
treatment Retin A. per-
formed experiments on in-

der as bait for seabirds.

Capt. Terry Bragg. com-
mander of Destroyer
Squadron One in San Diego,
which oversees the Mc-
(jlusky. said he had never
heard a story of survival like
Van Pham's.

Van Pham had used a
small grill on board his boat
to cook seabirds and turtle
meat after he ran out of food
a week into the ordeal. To
keep the grill going. he be-
gan disassembling parts of
the boat for fuel. Bragg said.

Each day he drifted at
sea. Van Pham said, he
looked for any sign of life,
any sign of land.

"I see nothing." he said.
“Then one day. I see a plane. I
know I‘m close to people.
They tip their wings to say
hello. TWo hours later. a ship
comes to my boat. I am very,
very happy"

can't sue

mates at Holmesburg Prison.
a city jail that closed in 1995.

Many of the tests were
harmless. but at city hear—
ings conducted earlier this
year. one former prisoner
said his hands and feet
swelled grotesquely. Others
said they lost feeling in
limbs or had bad reactions
to psychotropic drugs.

The lawsuit said the in-
mates had not been in-
formed of the risks or prop-
erly asked for their consent.

After Hornblum's bo