xt76t14tmq34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmq34/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1997 1997 1997-01-17 2020 true xt76t14tmq34 section xt76t14tmq34     


By Brian Dunn

Contributing I‘Vrirer

given it away."

' “Love isn’t love until you’ve

Patricia Carter, a senior in the ‘
College of Allied Health, crooned
these words at yesterday’s celebra— CELEBRATE Students speak in honor of lVlam'n Luther King]r., yesterday. Patricia Caner, allied health senior, sings in the program.
tion honoring Dr. Martin Luther
King]r., at the UK Chandler Medical Center.

“He has done much for all Americans," she said.

I 5. Partly cloudy tonight, lou'
around 5. Mostly sunny tomor—
row, high 25.

El“! HIM UK entertains Auburn

Saturday afiernoon for a t'atfight in the
[Vildcats’ home den. See Sports, page 2.

She and six other students spoke, sang and read
poetry about their reflections on King and what his
life and teachings mean to them.

About 70 people attended the celebration at noon
in the atrium of the Markey Cancer Center Combs
Research Building.

Erica Murrell, a first—year pharmacy student, said
the celebration was about a person who gave his life
for equality and opportunity.

“\Ve should always give the best in ourselves in
hoping to be the best we can be for ourselves and for
others,” she said.

Tjuan Overly, a second—year student in the Col—
lege ofMedicine who sang “Deep River" and “Some
Times I Feel," said the songs represent struggles
blacks face and continue to face.

Carter, who also sang “America the Beautiful"
and “Statue of Liberty," said the celebration was to
contribute to the memory of King and his efforts

The event has been held for about seven years and
has always been the kick-off event of the citywide
celebration of Kin ’5 birthday, said juanita Petter—
son, a member 0 Dr. Martin Luther King Day

Students from public schools throughout the
Bluegrass participated in the Medical Center cele—
bration, but this year the Medical Center wanted to
show offa few ofits own gifted students, Petterson
said. In addition to Overly and Carter, fourth—year
dentistry student Garyjennings, first-year dentistry
student Demetres Williams and fourth-year medical
student Reginald Hall all gave speeches. Kacy Allen,
a first—year nursing student, read an original poem,
“What Dr. Martin Luther Kingjr. Means to Me."

The Chandler Medical Center’s celebration was
the first of several events scheduled over the week-
end. The celebration's grand finale, The Downtown
Freedom March, is Monday morning at 10.

The march features internationally renowned

during his life.

By Jennifer E. Smith
Srafl' H ’r'iter

i There’s a lot to be said for
" shock value.

The Tunnel of Oppression
presentation uses shock value
L through a multimedia experience
‘ to leave an impression on the
minds of UK students and the

The program deals with all
types of oppression, affecting
people from different back—
grounds and heritage.

Some forms are very obvious
and other types more hidden.

At 2 pm. this in 307 at the
Kirwan—Blanding Complex
Commons. the UK Office of
Minority Affairs will present a
workshop dealing with many of
the issues affecting the quality of
life for many UK students.

The Tunnel of O ression
program, headed by Miliii'ed Bai—
ley, Minority College Achieve-
ment Program director through
the Office of Minority Affairs,
and Melanie Tyner—Wilson,
assistant director of Residence
Life, promises to have an impact
on all participants.

The presentation addresses
common issues like racism, sex-
ism, homophobia and body



-'., . - By Stephen Trlmhlo
~ * ' Senior Staff Writer

Roughly 70 parkin permits
recent] issued for Usz social
fraternity and sorority students
are waiting to be picked up at the
UK arking office at Rose Street
and .uclid Avenue.

A parking lot off Woodland
Avenue for fraternify (R4 per-
mits) and sorori ( 5 permits)
students Wednesday



image but touches on domestic
violence, anti-Semitism, and
xenophobia as well.

Through the course of the
afternoon, Bailey said the presen-

package presented by the group,
students will take part in an
intense grou discussion with
facilitators to fielp them deal with
the emotional conflicts stemming
from the issues.

“We don’t care how ugly it is;
we need to be factual,” Bailey

Students also will perform
skits and hands—on activities.

The Tunnel of Oppression
has been performed several times


tation will cover “all 0,“ UK Sb campus
the isms, through 51151;: It egan 1“
experimental learn- 3
ing.” It is open to all

“We want you upset
and angry enough to
go out and do some—
thing about it,” Bailey

said. [OMING

students, though it’s
often performed for
a specific group.
The international
community is espe—

The multimedia cially invited for
program shows black “bind today’s , program.
slaves being transport— Bailey said she wants
ed, hangings, beatings A workshop on the to get more feed-
and a burning, as well Tunnel of back on what issues
as resent day acts of $1.0?!hW trouble students the
vio ence a ainst the grmmllhe held most.
black popufation, like :71 3071919471- Bailey urged stu-

ang crime, the Ku 314%"ng dents to become
ux Klan and skin- Pl“ CW“ involved, to “learn
heads. 2 p.911. today. to interrupt preju-

Scenes from movies


dice and take a risk,
and to step in and



like Higher Learning
and Schindler’s List are inco 0-
rated into the session to furt er
the effect.

“We want it to be shocking.
We want people to sa ‘how hor-
rendous’; people think that these
events are just stories,” Bailey

In addition to the multimedia

morning, said Patrick Cass, asso-
ciate director for transportation
and management systems.

But only six cars had been
parked in the lot by yesterday
afternoon, parking director Don
Thornton said.

The parking lot contains 103

Sandy Gary, associate director
for parkin services, said only a
handful 0 about 80 new permits
for the lot have been claimed.


The ultimate goal for the
Tunnel of Oppression is to per—
form for the whole campus com-

“We are all very special and
uni ue and we each have a place
in t e universe, a right to just

be,” Bailey said.

' ranking oiiice opens new lot and automatic gates

Along with opening the lot,
UK unveiled a new method to
crack down on parking violators.

A arking gate that scans each
vehic e’s permit guards the Iot’s
entrance, Cass said.

Each new arking lot around
the William PF. Young Library
will be equipped with a similar
parking gate, c said.

The Rose Street parking
structure and the parking struc~

See PARKING on 3



WEATHHI Sunny today, high


Ayinde jean-Baptiste, the 15-year-old speaker from
the 1995 Million Man March in \\'ashington. I).( i.
jean—Baptiste highli this the theme oftlic march,
“Let the Light of Yout Shine: Honoring the Lega—
cy of Dr. Martin Luther King,_lr." Mostly children
will be participating in the march and main program.

Catherine “'arner, co-chair of the King Day
Committee. said the committee hopes to inspire
something in the children who participate.

“\Ve were hoping to give them a chance to let
their light shine in Lexington," she said. “\Vithoui
them, there is no future."

Children chosen from area high schools will lead
the march, deliver a special pledge and speak on
behalf of such public officials as L‘K President
Charles T. \Vcthington and Lexington Mayor l’aiii
.‘Vlillcr. Derrick Ramsey, also co-chair of the King
Day Committee. encouraged all students to attend
the events.

“This isn't a black issue, it's a people issue," Ram-
sey said.

i Program employs
shock in education

lexington clinics, now
aware of anniversary

By Stephen Trimble

Senior Staff H 'riter

News reports of an abortion clinic bombing in
Atlanta yesterday reminded jan Harman that the
anniversary of Roe v. \Vade Supreme Court deci—
sion is next week.

“Everyjanuary we see an increase in these crazy
incidents,” said Harman, executive director of
Planned Parenthood. Seven other Planned Parent-
hood sites nationally were either car—bombed, fire-
bombed or shot at last year.

“This will be the 24th anniversary of Roe v.
Wade,” Harman said. “Why this is still going on is a
little beyond me.”

Atlanta police are looking for those responsible
for two explosions at an abortion clinic on Atlanta’s
northside. Six people were injured in the second

Lexington’s Planned Parenthood, UK N()\V
and the UK chapter of the American Civil Liberties
Union are sponsoring a presentation at noon
Wednesday in Student Center room I I I to com—
memorate the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. After a
panel discussion, organizers will show a video titled
“When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories."

The memory of the Supreme Court decision is
important at Lexington’s Planned Parenthood,
where the possibili:y of violence “concerns us every—
day,” Harman sai . “It’s not something we ta e

Roughly 30 employees and volunteers are briefed
on internal security procedures. Harman said Work—
ers never leave or enter the building alone.

As executive director, Harman is responsible for
opening all mail sent to the building.

“I don’t think about it very often,” Harman said.
“I guess I’m an (optimist) about these things. I
believe that it can’t happen to me.”

But it’s not somethin she ever forgets.

On Wednesda , staff workers grew concerned
about a man they fiiund wandering through doctors‘
offices on the second floor of the city’s Planned Par—
enthood building on the corner of Jefferson and
West Second Street, Harman said.

They called Lexington police before the man left
the building. Although they sometimes refer
patients seeking an abortion to a Lexington doctor’s
office, and clinics in Louisville and Cincinnati, Har-
man said, Lexington’s Planned Parenthood doesn‘t
perform abortions.

“That makes no difference to these crazy peo—
ple,” she said. “Planned Parenthood does more to
reduce abortions than an other organization in this
country.” Her staff wor ers offer self-esteem and
abstinence lectures to about 6,000 rople each year
in F wtte County and UK, she sai .

K ’

e re dedicated to serving patients” despite the
dummi- elm mid “Wo aim) Man I- rbniroc ”

I .




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Bombs explode
at Atlanta area clinic

>\Tl..\\"l‘:\ . Two bomb blasts an hour apart
rocked a building containing an abortion clinic
yesterday. injuring six people who had rushed to
the scene ofthe first explosion. including federal
agents. rescue workers and a TV cameraman

“The second explosion is clearly designed to
iiiaiiii and hurt those who were coming to assist."
said Mayor liill Campbell. “So we're dealing with
a warped mind here."

The explosions left the Atlanta .\'orthside l'am
ily Planning Services clinic in ruins and blcw out
windows across the street. Police immediately
tightened security at all other clinics in the city.

The first bomb went off at Will a.m. near the
clinic (ill [be ground floor of ;l fi\c sion iifflt‘t'
building that also houses lawyers. dentists and
other professionals. The second bomb went off
iicar a trash bin in thc parking lot.

>\ crowd of investigators, police. journalists and
bystanders who had gathered outside after the first
explosion heard a loud boom and felt the concus~
sion. They could see a bright flash and debris fly
ing in thc air.

Bill Goshy's son shot changing tire

l.( )S -\N( il‘ilfS . . liill Cosby‘s only son was
shot to tlcatli early yesterday in a possible robbery
attempt while changing a flat tire on his \lercedes
convertible along a freeway. police said.

The body of l’iinis \Villiam Cosby. 27, was
found about b4; am. in a pool of blood next to
the car by a woman passei-«liy,

lilit' yutlllgt‘l‘ Cosby‘s car was In it “1'” lo tlii
area near the crest ofthc Santa Monica Mountains
not far from the exclusive llcl~:\ir section of l.os

l’olicc Cnidr. 'l mi Mt Bride said: “It is
unknown whether he was followed at this time or
not. I think that's a good probability."

However. nothing apparently was taken. lic

The star of CBS~ “Cosby" was in New York,
w here the show is produced, when Mcliridc broke
the news.

He had placed the spare tire on his dark green
car and apparently it as replacing lug nuts when he
died of a single gunshot wound, police said. Tirc
changing equipment was beside the car. but the
trunk and passenger door were still open.

I’olicc talked to a woman at the scene who saw
“at least a portion oftliis and we are interviewing
her. It is her description that we have a male whitc
suspect," Mcliridc said.

Ballet's dad denied weaken“ Illl'lollnll
:\.\'( ll II )R.v\( if} \laska Adam Ake is the

kind of young man who makes his own luck. using
hard work and brains to win a Rhodes scholarship
and the top spot in this year's \Vest l’oint class.

\'one ofthat helped :\ke. featured last night on
CBS‘s “l".veniiig News" persuade (iov. Tony
Knowles to give his father, a conncted rapist, a
weekend furlough to attend the cadet's gradual--

Adam Ake. .3 l. e-m-ailed Knowles on \Vednes—
day, seeking the release of Kenneth Ake from
Hiland Mountain Correctional Center. The for-
mer gynecologist began a III~ycar sentence in
I‘Nl for raping five patients on his examining

The governor's denial was immediate, said his
spokesman, Bob King. “There was no hesitation
on his mind. He had just announced a domestic
violence initiative the day before," King said

State law also forbids out—of—state furloughs.
King said, and sex offenders must complete a
treatment program to be eligible for a furlough _
and Kenneth Ake hasn’t done that.

Billfll'lfll FBI!!!" to House BOIIIIIITHBE

WASHINGTON -—— Special counsel james M.
Cole labored to finish his report on Newt (iin—
grich‘s misconduct yesterday and clear the way for
abbreviated public hearings and a vote to punish
the speaker.

Cole’s report was going to the House ethics
committee, but not yet to the public, after a week
of diversions over the hearing schedule and an
unauthorized recording ofa Gingrich phone call.

Televised hearings were not expected to begin
before this afternoon, and could continue into the
weekend. Gingrich was not expected to testify at
the hearing and has not decided whether to
address the House on the day his punishment is
debated, said a Republican, who commented only
on condition of anon ity.

“We're going to o whatever we’re asked to do
and we are goin to try to be helpful,” Gingrich
said when asked y reporters ifhc would appear at
the hearing.

NAMEdiv’oppz'n g

Man attempts longest balloon trip

CHICAGO — At I pm. EST on the third day
of his Solo Spirit flight, 52- ear—old balloonist
Steve Fossett was 300 miles 0 Portugal as he tries
to be the first to circle the earth.

“He's hummin right along at 120 mph," pro-
ject manager Bo Temper said from the flight’s
ground headquarters in Chicago.

Fossett’s course was expected to take him
across North Africa.

Kemper said Fossett had no permission to fly
over Libya and was trying to avoid it.

Compiled from wire reports.





“2:“:- r \‘t‘t‘fif .a. we






2 Friday. ]nuny 17, 1997, Kentucky Kernel



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Affirmative ,
Action l y


Lani Guinier

Professor of Law
University of Pennsylvania

legal scholar on voting rights
and race and gender representation
in American politics - Nominee to
head the us. justice Depanment’s
(nil Rights Division - National voice
on race relations, emphasizing citizen
problem'soivinq and the need
to reutalize public discourse in
\menca - Author of The Manny
e n/ the lid/(Wm: lundamenta/ fairness
‘ //7 Represenm/i'e Democracy °
‘ lounder ot “('ommonplace," a new
national nonprofit center designed
to connect citizens, communities,
F and ideas - former civil rights attorney



with the NAACP legal Defense
and lducational lund






Thursday, February 6





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UK’s Memorial Hall
Free/Open to the Public





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.UK Town Meeting Seri ,1
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Come to the first in a series

of discussions with a topic that
is sure to create spirited
conversation about issues and

Possible issues are :
Affirmative Action
Discrimination/Reverse Discrlmation
-Interracial relationships
-Self segregation
-Cultural differences

Worsham Theater
7:00 .99} Tuesday, JarIEEary‘Zl

(ӣ17 * ~.







By Brett Dawson

Senior Sufl' Writer


lip-tempo Tigers ready
for track meet in Burn

the Rebels’ win.

But the key to that loss, the Cats
said, was a lack of focus. The rec—
tified that problem against GA,




‘Tllltll’ "1' "IE "EM W'ayne Turner has become an integral part oft/w

Southeastern Conference; morr potent ofirense.

Rick Pitino professes to be only
“about 60 percent happy” with his
fifth—ranked Wildcats midway
through the season, but he has little
doubt his team is ea er to please.

“Before the ( eor 'a) game
(Tuesday), they were rising ques~
tions in the locker room,” Pitino
said. “Jared (Prickett) asked a ques-
tion about a specific out-of-bounds
play and I think Jamaal (Magloire)
asked something.

“I about fainted.”

\Vhile UK’s head coach nearly
needed smelling salt, his team got
the wake-up it needed in a loss to
Ole Miss last Saturday. After that
73-69 setback, the Cats (15-2 over—
all, 2-1 in the Southeastern Con-
ference) routed Georgia 86-65 on

And though the friendly fans,
familiar rims and 21 straight wins
of Rupp Arena will be a welcome
sight for UK when it takes on
Auburn tomorrow, you’ll forgive
the Tigers if the trek to Lexington
doesn’t make their list of favorite
road trips.

Auburn (l l -6, 2—2) hasn't won
in the Bluegrass since 1988, and
that win marked only its second all—
time triumph in Lexington.

With the Cats coming off their
dismantling of Georgia, AU Coach
Cliff Ellis doesn’t expect this to
game to be any easier than
Aubum’s previous 40 tries.

“They go to (Georgia’s) place
and virtually just manhandle ’em,”
Ellis said ofthe Cats. “\Ve take it to
Kentucky and they’re at home, and
(Derek) Anderson seems to be back

Anderson was anything but
healthy when UK took on Ole
Miss last weekend. His limited
appearance greatly contributed to

but complacency has a way of rear-
ing its head in Ru p Arena.

The key, U]? pla ers said, is
duplicating their roa focus — at
least, the road focus they showed
against Georgia —— in Rupp.

“What we need to do is treat the
home games sort of like road
games,” point guard Wayne Turn—
er said.

“We get too comfortable at
home. We need to not think about
the crowd and that kind of stuff and
just et out and play our game.”

hat’s been easier said than
done lately. UK’s 86-point show—
ing a inst Georgia broke a rare
stretc of two straight games in
which the Cats failed to clear 70.

If Ellis has his way, UK will get
the opportuniz to rim and gun.

“Some (SE ) teams are going to
play you deliberate, some are oing
to lay you up—tempo,” said His,
in '5 second season at AU.

“Our style, the way we play
most of the time, is an up—tempo
type game. We’ve had some delib-
erate games, but we prefer the up-
tempo game.”

And thou h with Anderson
healthy the ats should be more
than willing to indulge Ellis‘ tempo
hopes, UK would likely feel better
about running with a warmed-up
Ron Mercer.

The so homore entered last
week as a ong-shot player of the
year candidate, but began missing
all his long shots. The All-America
hopeful has hit just 8—of-35 shots
over the past two games.

“I’m in a little bit of a slump
right now, but I can’t let that worry
me,” Mercer said. “Auburn is a
good team, and we need to focus
on playin them, so that’s what I’m
gotng to o.”







Auburn plays a three-guard attack, led by point guard Wes Flanigan who knows
something about waging a winning fight. He was diagnosed with an aggressive
form of cancer that required surgery in the oilseason. But Fianigan is picking up
where he left off last season, when he led the SEC in assists. The Cats again
look to Anthony Epps and Derek Anderson. who continues to nurse a sore back.


The Tigers sport Ail—SEC center Pat Burke in the post. Similar to Tennessee‘s
attack last year, Auburn looks to Burke to anchor the middle as the Tigers
surround him with shooters. UK will counter with Jared Prickett and Scott Padgett
at power forward. with Nazr Mohammed and Jamaal Magloire platooning at
center. Ron Mercer looks xto make a strong run tor league MVP at the three.

The Wildcat bench has emerged as one of the nation‘s most dangerous. Allen
Edwards and Wayne Turner are called upon trequentiy to make significant contri-
butions and could easily be starting at many other Division i-A programs. The
Tigers look to Kentucky native Daymeon Fishback to anchor a weak bench.


Fishback was named Mr. Basketball in Kentucky last year, averaging 23.3 points
and 10.0 rebounds for Greenwood High. He lead his team to a berth in the Sweet
Sixteen. UK has a record of 68-16 against Auburn, including nine straight wins.




Auburn at Kentucky
Saturday, 3 p.771.

Rupp Arena
Kentucky (15-2, 3-1)
National ranking: No. 5

Probable Starters: Pts: Rob:
6 Derek Anderson 190 4.2
(5 Anthony Eons 7.7 3.2
C Nazt Mohammed 7.4 5.3
F Ron Mercer 17.5 5.1
F Jared Puckett 8.6 5.5


Reserves: FAilon Edwards. 9.5 poo;

F Scott Padgett, 7.5: C Nazr Mohammad. 7.4;
G Wayne Turner. 51; G Stephen Masiello. ti.
F Cameron Mills, 17.

Auburn (11-6, 2-2)
National ranking: None
Probable Starters: Pts: Hob:
G Bryant Smith 10.6 5.2
G Wes Flanigan 10.7 3.1
C Derek Caldwell 6.0 2.0
C Pal Burke 11.9 7.5
F Frankie Williams 9.2 5.0

Reserves: 6 Doc Robinson. 7.5 pug;

G Daymeon Fishbacit 7.3;F Alvin Jefferson, 36;
C/F Mamadou N’diaye, 2.9; F Adrian Chilliest.
1.9, G Earnest Brown. 1.9; F Jeremy Beasley.

TV: Jefferson-Pilot (live); WKYT Channel 27





Seniors leaving with a splash

By 0. Jason Slapleton
Antwan! Spar-tr Editor

This Saturday seven members of the UK
swim team come full circle.

Their meet against the Clemson Tigers
will be the last for the senior strokers at the
[Tar 'J. Lancaster Aquatics Center.

T ose hard-core UK swimming fans
who shun the basketball game should be in
for a good match between the two teams.

“I think it Will be a real close meet. lt
should be very exciting,” said UK swim-
ming coach Gary Conelly. “If we’re going
to have a chance to beat them, we’re going
to have to swim real fast."

(Ionclly said the meet would probabl
come down to the final relay races for bot
the men and the women.

Clemson’s men’s team is currently
unrankcd while its women's squad resides
in the :thcreal “other teams receiving
votes" category.

The real focus will not be on the rank-
ings of the respective teams, but rather all
eyes will be focused on the Wildcat seniors.

The meet will begin with ceremonies
honoring UK’s graduating swimmers, then
kicks into high gear as the races get under-

The seniors are hesitantly looking for-
ward to their last meet here in Lexington.

“I’m kinda excited. This is a new begin-
ning for me," said distance freestyler, Mike
Thar. “But I’m also sad because I ve made a
lot of friends here and I know I Won’t ever
get to compete in this pool again.”

Price Atkinson, a native of Greenville,
S.C., is especially looking forward to the
meet because he knows many Clemson


“There’s nine people from my club team
that swim for them," Atkinson said. “So I’m
going to be pumped up just to want to beat

Atkinson’s family will be in the stands to
provide additional inspiration in his last
ever meet at UK.

Rick Barber, Tom Bate, Matt Brown and
Chris MCCabc round out the rest of the
senior class for the men, a roup that has
learned the true meaning 0 what is like to
be a part ofa team.

“All of those guys are real steady and real
team—oriented,” Conelly said. “They’ve ut
the team in front of a lot of things they
would rather do, but realized that they had
to sacrifice.”

Conelly also said the senior men have
provided great senior leadership for the
other members of the team, especially when
getting the others on the team fired up and
read for a meet.

'1 he women will only be losing one
member from its nationally ranked team.

Mandy Swift came in with a large fresh-
man class but is the only one left at the end
of her four-year career.

“Mandy’s the only one with the intesti-
nal fortitude to make it to the end of her
four years,” Conelly said.

Swift said her love for swimming made it
easy for her to com lete her tour of duty
here at UK. If the U women’s swim team
was a body, then Swift would be its heart.

“She epitomizes the character of the
women’s team," Conelly said. “She always
gives it a good shot, and she's had a lot to
do with the shaping of the character of that



Gym llats prep tor busy
weekend; Ewing injured

The UK G Cats kick off the weekend with a
meet against eorge Washington and Radford on
Friday night. But then it’s time to kick back and
play, as the Gym Kats (1—0) hold Excite Nite, their
annual theater—type exhibition on Sunday.

Though thousands of people are expected to
attend the event, one uestion will certainly weigh
on the minds of many flirts as the Kats storm Memo-
rial Coliseum.

thre’s Jenny?

Jenny Hansen, UK’s record-settin superstar,
exhausted her collegiate eligibili fast season,
thereby ending perhaps the most pro ific gymnastics
career in NCAA history. While in Lexington, she
single—handedly put the Gym Kat program on the
ma by winning an unprecedented three straight
N AA all—around titles.

But Leah Little, who is entering her 22nd year as
head coach of the nastics program, is optimistic
about her team’s c ances this season.

“The cherry, the whip cream is gone,” Little said
of losing Hansen. “Our number one goal for this
season is to prove to the world that we can be as
good or better without Jenny. People think we’re
done — we want people to know we’re a good

However, the team has gotten off on the wrong
foot, er, ankle this season. All-American Robin
Ewing injured her ankle against Ohio State last
week and is listed as questionable for tonight’s meet.

This year’s Excite Nite theme is “Flippin’ Down
to Toon Town.” In addition to the gymnasts’ per-
formances, a state-of-the-art light show will enter-
tain the crowd. Tickets are $5 for reserved seating
and $3 for general admission.
















 mum-iron u-iUu..










library “movers inurnals

New: Editor

al interest journals, anyone at UK can access and
print articles the library does not have.

“It's free except for the printing,” Cox said.

When the search is on for research information,
the Margaret 1. King Library has
new resources to assist UK’s


information-starved community. “mm. m.
UnCover is a new service
available to access and order com- UK libraries MVQ MW WOIma'
tion services available.

lete journal articles that UK’s
ibraries do not have.
The service’s data base con-
tains more than 17,000 journals. search fps are available through
Although anyone can browse the library web pages at
the service and get citations, Bon- htth/www.uky.edu/Librariasllibra
nie Cox, collection development ry-homepage.html.
librarian, said only faculty, staff
and graduate students can actual-

ly order the complete articles and . .
have them delivered. for tree article access and deliv-

“We thought we'd start with 61V I0 graduate SiUdentS and tac-
the group that was more likely to "W-

use this,” Cox said.
Undergraduate students are VUMMQMWM c." ”99“
not allowed to order the journal complete art'c'es UK does "0‘
have through Search Bank. but

articles. . .
Cox said she didn’t anticipate a they mus‘ pay I0! 9"me-

need by undergraduates for these
types of journals because UnCov—
er is more “geared to research

Cox said another journal ser-
vice, Search Bank, is available for undergraduate
use. http://VVWVVJ]

With Search Bank, which Contains “more gener- hage-html-


VUnCover data base of more
than 17.000 ioumals is available




The data bases are an advantage for the library,

Cox said, because it is cheaper to
pay for access to the data bases
than subscribe to all the journals.

“The advantage we see to the
UnCover data base is that that's
seven to 8,000 more ioumals than
we have,” Cox said.

The data base also cuts down
on the workload for inter—library
loan while providing fax delivery
of complete articles not held by
UK within 24 to 36 hours. Inter-
library loan takes days.

“It's very fast,“ Cox said.

“\Ve actually had someone get
an article in less than five min-

The UnCover data base pro-
vides eligible users with an order
screen where they designate a fax
number to have their articles
sent. Users must do their own
searching and ordering. but
librarians can assist them with
setting up delivery profiles.

UnCover, Search Bank and
additional data base services can
be accessed from the UK

libraries‘ pa e on the World Wide \Veb at



New gates sbould
cut down on tickets

From PAGE ‘I

ture under construction off South
Limestone Street also will have

The gates are expected to
decrease parking violations. Gary

UK officials write close to
50,000 parking tickets a year, she

Throwing out Saturdays and
Sundays, that’s nearly 190 parking
tickets issued on campus each day.

“This gives permit-holders a
better chance to find a parking
place.” Gary said.

UK officials designated the
new W'oodland lot for fraternities
and sororities to make up for
scores of spaces eaten by the con-
struction of the new library.

“Each (fraternity and sorority)
chapter has an allotment based on
safety and need," said Susan West,
UK assistant dean of students and
sorority adviser.

Greek members must live on
campus to be eligible for permits,
West said.


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