xt76t14tmq2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmq2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-10-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1995 1995 1995-10-23 2020 true xt76t14tmq2j section xt76t14tmq2j  















WHAT'S THE fllEllllflllCY? REM.

rolled its ‘i‘lIor/srer’ tour into 1012‘” and
excited a Rupp Arena crowd. Rez'ieu', page 4.


WEATHER Sunny today,

bigb near 75,- mostly cloudy
tonight, lore around 5 5; cloudy

tomorrow, low near 60.


Three nabbed ill stadium lflt HIGHS

Group may be responsible
for 28 incidents, police say

By Brenna Reilly
News Editor

Three people have been arrested for allegedly
breaking into and stealing items from student's cars
parked in the Commonwealth Stadium lot.

UK Police believe the group may have been
involved in at least 28 incidents this semester.

The police arrested two of the suspects ()ct.12
after receiving a call on the emergency phone at
Cooper and University Drives.

The caller said he saw people breaking into cars in
thgjstadium lot, UK Police Chief W. H. McComas
sai .

UK Police responded and arrested Gabriel VVar~
ren, 22, of 1333 Centre Parkway. He was charged
with receiving stolen pro erty, a felony charge.

John Gray, jr., 19, o 1317 Centre Parkway was
arrested on a warrant assist and providing false infor-

mation to a police officer.

Additional charges against \Varren and Gray were
filed last Monday.

Warren was charged with receiving stolen proper-
ty, a misdemeanor, and theft by unlawful taking over
$300, a felony.

Gray also was charged with theft by unlawful tak—
ing over $300. '

A third person was arrested and released Friday in
connection with the K—lot thefts. _Iessica Rucker,‘20,
of 1317 Centre Parkway, charged with theft bv
unlawful taking over $300. I '

McComas said Rucker was in the car with \Varren
and Gray when they were arrested. Police recovered
several expensive Dooney and Bourke purses from
Rucker, McComas said.

UK Police recovered stolen property and are in
the process ofmatching the items to recent cases.

“We have recovered so much property,” McCo-
mas said. “We have to match serial numbers with

McComas said most of the property recovered
was typical automobile items like stereo equipment,
purses, speakers, CDs and tapes.

More charges likely will he filed as the investiga-
tion continues, McComas said.

Lexington Metro Police also are starting an inves—
tigation and are working with UK Police, A'lcComas

\Varren appeared in Fayette Circuit Court Thurs-
day for a preliminary hearing, and his case was
waived to the grand jury.

\Varren is being held in the Fayette County
Detention Center on a $30,000 full cash bond, said a
detention center official yesterday.

At Gray's preliminary hearing the receivin stolen
property felony charge was amended to t eft bV
unlawful taking over $300. '

He is still being held in the detention center with—
out bond.

His next scheduled court appearance is on

Gray also received 10 days in jail for contempt of
court for violating a domestic violence order. He also
received a fine for giving false infomiation to an offi—

Gray will appear in Circuit Court Friday, a deten—
tion center official said.



irst-year architecture students dis~
fl pla ed projects in the Arboretum Sat—

urday. The spent last week getting
the projects ready, said Tony Rocconova,
an associate architecture professor.

Students began the projects on Monday
and built the full scale structures Wednes—
day in Pence Hall.

They were given free masonite and ply—
wood and rope to use in building the pro-
jects. The project tau ht the first year stu-
dents about building tlgings at full scale.

Saturday morning the students assem—
bled the structures at the Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Government arboretum on


Setting the scene-ry

the edge of South Campus.
Rocconova said the project was used to

expression, and learn to work as a group.

First—year architecture
divided into three sections, each student
worked with one other student from each
section on the project.

“The purpose was not to make a sculp-
ture,” Rocconova said, “but a site.”

The arboretum was chosen because it
had a public aspect and because of the bean—
tiful topography, Rocconova said.

The architecture projects will remain in
the arboretum for about a week.



students to go beyond individual

students are







Walk lfll‘ l'lllllQBl‘
aims lfll‘ donations

By Lindsay Hendrix
Staff Writer

Not even the deep gray sky and the occasional
drizzle could dampen the enthusiasm of God’s
Pantry’s volunteers on Saturday morning.

Early arrivals surveyed the weather around 7:45
a.m., and decided that there was little hope for an
excellent turnout for the 1995 Walk for Hunger.
But those who stayed for the duration soon found
that once the walk started and body heat increased,
the frigid air became hardly noticeable.

_Mary Jo Votruba, executive director of God’s
Pantry, said she believed the dismal day would
decrease attendance for the walk. But since individ-
uals had been collecting money for weeks in
advance, the amount of money raised stayed the
same if peo le decided to ski walking.

Althoug the money is efinitel beneficial to
the organization‘s goal of alleviating hunger in
Kentucky, fund-raising is not the only reason the
grou holds the annual event.

“ ne of the most important reasons we do this
walk is to make people aware that there is substan-
tial hunger in our communig and throughout cen-
tral and eastern Kentucky,” otruba said.

The pantry expects to raise $40,000, a $5,000
increase over what was collected last year.

The money will go directlv to the Pantry’s
Emergency Food Box and Food Bank. These ro-
grams serve 48 counties in central and eastern n-
tucky, by way of 275 agencies.

One hundred and seventy teams si ncd up to
walk, and had a choice between a 5K an 10K route.
The teams included schools, churches, businesses
and service groups from UK.



r a

"mu nu and mi]

ll “If [If The Walkfiir Hunger was one of several
wcntrfor God’s Pantry tbiryur.

Alpha Phi Omega, a UK coed service fraternity.
sent peo le to help direct walkers along their way.
During t c preparations, member Craig Demoran,
a marketing senior, could only take time to say what



More than 200 greeks
raise funds with service

By Angela Serey

Contributing H 'rifcr

From cleaning neighborhood yards to using some
old~fashioned elbow grease, more than 200 members
of the greek community donated their time to help
raise money to help improve the greek system yes-

“I think Rent-a-Greek went really we”. We sent
over 100 greeks to )rivate homes, and another 100
to do neighborhood clean-up around campus,“ said
Thomas Ha 'es, chairman for Rent—a-Greek and
member of P i Kappa Psi social fraternity.

Pre aration for Rent—a—Greek, which was spon—
sored y the Inter—Greek Programming Assembly
(IGPA) began last week by soliciting people in the
community to particrpate.

By calling the Rent-a—Greek hotline, people
could re uest two students to come to their home to
help wit various chores. The cost for the service
was $30 for the entire four hours.

Not only did the greeks who participated help the
community and campus, but their work will also
profit the entire greek community.

The money raised from the event will go toward
two $500 scholarships for greek students, and to the
greek pro amming Fund.

Keith ichardson, freshman and member of Phi
Sigma Kappa social fraternity, did both gardening
and cleaning. He helped thatch a lawn, c can out a
basement and mop floors for a Lexington resident.

“It was reall a good time and a break from class—
es. It felt goo to get out and do something physi—
cal,” he said.

Sophomore member of Alpha Gamma Delta
social sorority, Jennifer Monk, participated by rak-
ing leaves wit a few other greeks.




October 23, I995


Crossword 7 Sports 2


DIZ’t’I‘Swm‘ 4 Viewpoint 6





warns at budget veto

VVASI {INGTON — The Republican plan to
redefine the shape of government, due for votes in
both the House and Senate this week, is “dead on
arrival" because of a certain presidential veto,
White House Chiefof Staff Leon Panetta said ves—
terday. '

Panetta, speaking on ABC's
“This \Veek “’ith David Brinkley,"
also said House Speaker Newt Gin-
grich and Senate Republican leader
Bob Dole will have to make con—
cessions if they want to move their
agenda forward.

“The speaker of the House and
Bob Dole cannot afford to have paneua
chaos in this country,” he said.

Beginning Wednesday in the Senate and Thurs—
day in the House, Republicans are goin to move
toward passage their massive package 0 spending
3nd tax cuts designed to balanced the budget by


GOP leaders say that it is President Clinton
who is going to have to bend, and have warned that
they will reject any long—term extension of the fed-
eral debt ceilin , an action that could cause the
government to efault on its debts, if Clinton does

not sign their bill.



Allirmative action programs targeted

\VASHINGTON —— The Pentagon will termi-
nate a major affirmative action )rogram in
response to a recent Supreme Court ecision that
narrowed the scope of contract awards based on
race or ethnicity, Defense Secretary William Perry
said yesterday.

“We have to obey the law of the land," Perry
said on NBC’s “Meet the Press." “This pro ram
cannot continue in its present form. \Ve wi I try
our best to achieve its objectives through other

The Washington Post reported yesterday that
the Penta on will announce Monday or Tuesday
that it wil stop using the so-called “rule of two”
program under which $1 billion worth of business
was funneled to minority firms last year.

The rule, applicable to all Defense Department
contracting business since l987, states that only
small, disadvantaged businesses can compete for a
contract if at least two such qualified firms express
an interest in bidding for it.

National Guard commanders disciplined

ALBANY, N.Y. —— The Air National Guard has
disciplined two commanders accused of tolerating
sexual discrimination that drove the Guard’s first
female fighter pilot out of her unit.

Maj. Jacqueline Parker, a former Air Force
flight instructor, asked injune to be relieved of fly—
ing duties at the 174th Tactical Fighter \Ving in

Investigators found she was held back from
some missions flown by male pilots with equal per-
fonnance records. She also was subjected to sexual—
ly offensive comments from other unit members,
including a false rumor that she was having an
affair with an officer, an Air National Guard report

The wings commander, Col. David Hamlin,
was removed from command Friday and asked to
resign. He also was taken off a promotion list for

general. . ‘ '
Col. Thomas D. Webster, the Wing 5 Vice com-

mander, was demoted to a low-level position with—
in the 174th.

83'0"! jury Ill net 0388 today

HOUSTON _._ Prosecutors and lawyers for the
former Selena fan club president accused of fatally
shooting the Tejano singer both have up to 90
minutes to sway the jury in closing arguments

“The question in this case was always; Did she
intentionally and willfully kill Selena?" said Fred
Hagans, one of the lawyers for Yolanda Saldivar. “I
think we'll be focusing on one simple thing ——~ that
she’s not guilty."

The jury was expected to start deliberations
about midday today a ainst Saldivar, 35, who rose
to become manager 0 Selena's boutiques.

The defense wrapped up its case quickly Friday,
calling just five witnesses whose testimony lasted all
ofthree hours.


Eddie Murphy looking lor anethsr hlt

LOS ANGELES — Don’t ask Eddie Murphy
how to make a hit.

“I‘ve had movies that I thou ht, ‘()h! This is it!
This is going to be the one! T ey’re oing to line
u around the block to see this!” Murp y told TV’s
“Extra" in an interview for broadcast toda .

“And it comes out and I’m like, 'They didn’t like

Murphy has had successes — “Beverly Hills
Cop" and “48 HRS.” —— as well as some box-office
bombs, including “Harlem Nights,” “Boomerang"
and “The Distinguished Gentleman.”

He predicts I hit with his remake of the 1963
Jerry Lewis comedy “The Nutty Professor,” which
will be released next summer.

“It‘s really a funn picture. I can‘t wait for Jerry
Lewis to see this,” Nfiirphy said.

.‘mpildfim wire reports.





2 Monday, Oaaber 23, 1995, Knltut'lfy km“!

Bats get revenge on Butler

Hockey team
splits two games

over wee/rend

By 0. Jason Staplelon

The Cool Cats were out for
revenge Saturday night.

After a 9-6 loss on the road to
Butler Friday night, the Cool Cats
had something to prove when that
same Butler squad came to Lex—
ington Saturday night.

Goalie Kevin Fraser was
shelled in the Friday loss and

“He was ejected for tripping,
which is ridiculous,” Summers
said. “They called it kicking and
ejected him."

Hosie will be suspended from
the Cool Cats’ next game because
of the penalty.

Fraser atoned for the earlier
shelling by taking Hosie’s place
and turning in a great perfor-
mance, more than making up for
the nine goals he gave up on Fri-
day night.

Kentucky got on the board
nine minutes into the game when
captain Chris Boyd scored an
unassisted three-to-flve short-
handed goal.

Midway through the second

putting Butler on ice.

The final tally was a 7-4 UK
victory, with honors going to
UK’s Cerabona, who had three
goals and an assist. Cerabona
missed the last 10 minutes of the
game because he was ejected for a
general misconduct penalty.

What did UK do differently in
order to win?

“We came out fired up,“ Sum«
mers said.

“We played a good game even
without one of our better players,
Bryan Morgenthaler.”

Morgenthaler missed the game
because ofpersonal reasons.

Summers also said UK would
be practicing hard this week in









Coach Gord Summers elected to period, wingman Paul Cerabona preparation for its toughest series l rr
go with freshman goalie justin added another UK goal. of the season. i l t(
Hosie in Saturday’s matchup. But Butler came back to tie, It will be made even tougher by jj Si

He was not disappointed early, scoring two goals in just eight sec— the fact that UK will be without i a 6'
because in the first five minutes, onds. star defenseman Ryan \xVard, who i “ le
Hosie had two spectacular saves. That’s where Butler’s highlight will be unable to make the trip. . t C

Then, on a controversial call, reel ended for the night, though, Next weekend, the Cool Cats "A" BARTON “WWW/f I d‘

Hosie was thrown out of the

because the Cool Cats went on to

travel to East Lansing to face

ICE ACTION The UK Cool Cars split a pair of games this wee/rend against Butler. The team travels to East Lansing





game. score three unanswered goals, Alichigan State for two games. ”-713 u“’¢’£’"”‘1lbr apair 0f§””"’5 against [Michigan State. i
....nu..........................ou.ooo.o...o.o.con.u..................................u..u..u....................;.uuu.u.u...................... : , l;
Wildcats salvage weekend, heat Carolina SPORTSbytes I
,, V in
2x13353313“ hmick’iilillret iii: loss in Nashville was not a disaster, a home loss "K drops two Ej
It was a weekend full of opportunities for UK‘s women yeSUKiijirgi'ehrtfiln:fatvfliigsitgiiiea136;?iker Karin Schneider 8E6 matches e5

soccer team. With two wins, UK would have clinched first
place in the Southeastern Conference’s East Division.

Too bad No. 15 Vanderbilt stood in the way Friday night.

The lone goal of the night was by Vanderbilt’s Amanda
Pulliam in the 67th minute, which put a damper on the
dream in Nashville.

It was a busy night for UK goalkeeper Carrie Kuhnell,
who faced 17 shots. In comparison, UK had only three shots
on goal.

Even with the loss Friday, UK head coach \Varren Lipka
did not see it as a disaster.

“We knew we could have done better but it wasn‘t a total
disaster,” Lipka said. “Defensively we were fine, but we
didn‘t create enough offensively."

The loss for UK evened the season series between the two
teams at 1-1. Earlier this season, UK defeated Vanderbilt 2—1
in overtime.

scored with the help of Diane Rajca’s assist at 35:20. Carrie The UK volleyball team lost th
Staher’s unassisted goal in the final minute capped offa 2-0 two Southeastern‘ Conference
“in {HF the CENS- matches on the road this weekend

The win ended SEC play for the Cats, who wound up dropping Coach Fran Ralston—
with a 6—2 conference record, guaranteeing themselves a spot Flory’s squad to 8—10 overall and
in the SEC tournament. 5—3 in SEC play.

L’K also wanted revenge. Friday the No. 3-ranked Flori— A

Last year, it was Arkansas who ended UK’s season by da Gators downed the Cats in
defeating them in'the SEC tournament. three games 15-5, 15-10, 15-10.

“\Ve knew ifwe didn't win this game, it could hurt us in But the Cats fared no better Sun- I]
the SEC," Schneider said. “Last year we played them in the day as the South Carolina Game-
SEC and they just talked a lot.” ' cocks inflicted a 15—13, 15-11, 15-

This time it was the Cats who severely outshot their 9 loss on the Cats. ‘ d
opponent. UK took 26 shots compared to Arkansas’ one Boll lllllSlIBS tlell lfll' 81h

shot. 2 i
For the game, Lipka decided to modify the team’s offen— The Lady Kats finished in an i an



sive scheme. eighth-place tie with Memphis

























Playin the lSth—ranked team in the “1‘11““ 31“" gave “\Ve changed our system up a little bit,” Lipka said. “We after the final round of the 23- i le
Lipka an his team confidence. created a lot of chances today, but just didn't end on a few of team Lady Paladin golf tourna— l ( f
“It's another confidence builder that we can play at that them.” ' ment at the Furman University. i ”
[EP‘ZO level,” Lipka said. “The." fought fl” that “in d““‘“ The lack of goals didn’t change Lipka’s optimistic atti— The top individual finisher for I en
t ere." rude. UK was Kristen Kro srud, who ; ‘
. . In the long run, the 1055 Will th‘dhl," not hurt UK‘S “Overall, we played real well, but I think our team knows shot a three-over par 7% yesterday 5 sa
"ELENA "‘U W"""ll chances for its ultimate goal — the NCAA tournament. we could have finished a couple more ofthose,” Lipka said. to finish tied for eighth with five ga
KICK UP YOUR HEELS L’K‘s Amanda Varner and “The NCAA will look upon it as a good match,” Lipka The Cats must now wait and see who they will play in the other golfers at 227. i, l ya
Arkansasfldndie Hirkmanfigbrfar/iossession. said. “If we came away losing four to nothing, then it would SEC tournament Nov. 3-5 in Auburn. Compiledfrom staffrepom. ' S]
. a 2
T G l ( u i we
thNlSDni Ill/25 .. m“ '" ‘ " .‘ ‘ smuuni iii/28 .
- uman Resource Course. Grants & . , ao
flRTS a mUUIES Contracts; CALL 257-9555, ext. 183 to reg- QRTS g mUUIES sat
A KNIGHT T” ( ELFHRAI 1'” -Radiation Safety Classes: Intro to Radiation ‘ I 2::
Q T/ - Safety/Regulations, 2:00-4:00pm, MN263 3 i
94/” /"”7// Med. Center; 323-6777 at
-Easy-to-Use Bookkeeping Systems. 2200- l en
4:300m. Lex. Central Library. $10; 257-7667 do
-Donovan Scholars presents William Caylor, , y , lea
Overview of Kentucky's Coal Industry. 4:00— ‘ , ..... , , gi:
5:000m. 230 Student Ctr; 257-2657
-HE|E Meeting, 4:30pm. 202 Erikson Hall; . Ge
323-0417 .
«pre-Pharmacy Club presents Robert Yokel ' an
and Robert Kuhn on “Careers in Clinical l : igt
and Research Pharmacy," 7:00-8:00pm. 220 I ‘ ' na'
College of Pharmacy Bldg, No membership l ;
reguired to attendrEvegone welcome i ’ rig
The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organiza- Campus Crusade for .ChHSt WIeek'y meet- tat
tions wishing to publish meetings. lectures, special events and sporting events. must have "El 730me 201 Nursnncl Bldq. 2782620 i
all inlormatlon to Student Actiwties room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication. , _, _ _ . , gal
230 Student C"- , . TRlDlly lll/Zl -SAB MOVIE: Apollo 13, 9:00pm, . 2U!
mUNDny "1/23 —"New Research Thrusts in Peptide mf ETINGS g [ECTURES Student Ctr. Worsham Theatre; $2 . 8?;
Research Potential Relevance to ‘Human Resource Course: Managing “RT; 6 mDUIES SPE