xt76t14tmp8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmp8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1992 1992 1992-02-10 2020 true xt76t14tmp8h section xt76t14tmp8h  

u . 1

King iibréry

Kentucky Kernel

1.. Wy‘gfwmaw 10. 1992

t A}

to implement
new check-out

Staff writer

Students checking out books from the Margaret 1. King Library recently
have been getting a taste of library nostalgia.

The library has scrapped its old circulation system and is checking out
books by hand as it prepares to install a new system next month.

“In some ways. it‘s a bit of nostalgia to remember how things used to be
done," said Judy Brown, head of circulation.

The new system. tailed NOTIS, should make it easier for the librarians
to keep up overdue books, according to Brown.

NOTIS, which is also the system used in the reference section, will be
similar to the previous LS 2000 system, which had been effect since 1985.
NOTlS, however, will provide better tracking information on borrowed


Most students will probably not even notice the change. Brown said.

“Students will still get overdue notices." she said.

Brown said the library had to disconnect the LS 2000 and check out
manually instead in order to transfer inventory to the new system.

Although the manual method takes more time. students have been very
understanding. says Kelli Stevens. a worker at the circulation desk.

“Most people have been pretty good." the psychology senior said.
“Some of them claim they didn‘t even know that we had computers be-


The library is also not allowing any holds or recalls until the change in
order to accurately update circulation on NOTIS. Brown said that has
caused inconvienence for some students.

B&E trip offers students
chance to visit Austria

Staff reports

The UK College of Business and
Economics is embarking on its
sixth-annual summer study program
in Vienna. Austria.

Participating students will have
the chance to earn up to four credit
hours this summer with three cours-
es. including marketing. manage-
ment, finance and history.

Also this year. a one credit Arts
and Sciences class will be available
so that students can lcam about
Vienna's history and culture.

Even though the main emphasis
of the program is studying, students
will be doing more.

A two-day trip to Prague and a
five-day trip to the Alps are part of
the program.

Selected students from other
countries. including Poland and Ro-
mania, also will participate in this
program at the Economics Univer-

Students will have time to do
some sight-seeing and other activi-
ties, like hiking. biking and playing

The program will be offered for
two sessions. July 6-28 and July 31-
Aug. 20.

The cost is $980 plus airfare. UK

See AUSTRIA, Page 12

since 1971






An empty tequila bottle lay in UK's Kirwan-Blanding Complex yesterday morning, University policy
currently prohibits possession of alcohol in all campus housing.


GREG SANS Kernel Staff







lan Hershey of Lexington got a few pointers from Wildcat diving ooach Milton Braga. Hershey is a
member of a Wildcat diving team for ages 9-18.

GHEO EMS/Kernel Staff



UK professor
1 of 5 finalists
for provost

at W. Virginia

Associate Editor

A UK mechanical engineering
professor is one of five finalists for
the No. 2 academic job at West Vir-
ginia University.

Leonard K. Peters. a former carn-
pus administrator, is the first of the
finalists for provost and vice presi-
dent for academic affairs and re-
search to visit the Morgantown.
W.Va.. campus. His visit began
yesterday and continues through to-

Peters withdrew from UK's
search last year for a vice president
for research and graduate studies.

Peters withdrew just before the
finalists for the position were an-
nounced. Linda Magid was chosen
by UK President Charles Wething-
ton for the position.

At the time, Peters had been the
acting vice president. Prior to that.
he was the Vice Chancellor for Re-
search and Graduate Studies on the
Lexington Campus.

Currently. Peters is on leave of
absence at a federal laboratory, Ba-
telle Northwest Laboratories in
Washington state. said Thomas
Lester. dean of the College of Engi-

Peters began his one year leave
on July 1.

Some administrators said a re-
searcher of Peters‘ reputation
would be missed at UK.

He‘s an excellent person." said
Chancellor for the Lexington Carn-
pus Robert llemenway. “i think
that he'll be a serious candidate for
that type of position at West Vir.

“Anytime you lose a good facul-
ty member, it's a loss to the institu-
tion." he said. “And Len Peters is a
good person."

Lester said Peters is “very highly
respected." and is internauonally
known for aerosol science research.

The other finalists are Mary Ann
Price Swain. University of Michi-

See PETERS. Page 12

Ingle, Cranston will seek
top SGA spots for ’92-’93

Assnstant Editorial Editor

Jay lngle. a Student Govcnimcnt
Association college senator. said
Friday he will run for president in
the March election.

lngle. arts and sciences senator.
had showed interest in running but
hadn‘t officially announced his can-
didacy as of last week.

He said his hesitancy “was in re—
lation to making sure that l was
ready. I was 99 percent sure and
over the last week I‘ve become
even more confident after seeing
what has progressed and listening
to other people evaluate what I‘ve
been doing.“

lnglc. whose running mate is
SGA Senator at Large Jill (Trans-
ton. said his waiting to commit was
unrelated with other candidates‘ an-


Since lngle said
he was consider-
ing running for
president. three
other candidates
have emerged.

S(iA comp-
troller Petc No-
vember an-
nounced he will
run with Senator
at Large Lea Ann Davenport.

Junior David Easlcy announced
his candidacy last week. and he will
run with senior Jim FA ()bcrst.

Kirk Haynes and Brian Bowman.
both of the Baptist Student linion.
are expected to announce their czui»
didacies for president and vice pres-
ident. respectively.

lngle. a political science and phi-
losophy junior from Greensboro.


N.(‘.. has served
in StiA since he
was a freshman.
He began his ca-
rccr in the group
on the freshman
council. As a
sophomore. in—
glc was an exec-
utive branch of- CRANSTON

He is also a member of the Stu-
dent Library iindowmcnt Commit-
tee. the (ircck Activities Steering
Committee. Student Development
Council and Phi Kappa Psi social
fratemity member.

His experience outside and with-
in SGA. lngle said. will help him
serve all students if hc is elected.

“I've experienced all phases of


See lNGLE. Page 12

Excelsior sponsors anticipating ‘dance under sun and stars’

every IS minutes from 0 pm. to 2
am. said Kim Kay. who is in
charge of transportation.

Contributing Writer

If your plans for Saturday night
are looking bleak. consider the fol-
lowing advioe: “All people from
afar, dance under sun and stars."

That is the theme for Excelsior,
UK’s annual campuswide semi-
fonnal dance. which will be held
Saturday night at the Radisson Pla-

za Hotel.

Sponsored by Student (iovem-
ment Association, Excelsior origi-
nally was held in February 1989 as
a formal event designed to unite
students. alumni. faculty and staff
in an entertaining setting.

“T he whole idea of our slogan.
‘All people from afar. dance under
the stars‘ is to promote the idea of
every person on campus participat-

ing, not just one specific group.“
said Heather Hennel. general pub-
licity chair for the event.

“Wc'vc sent out fliers to donns.
visited all the various student organ-
izations —— everything we could
think of to get all groups involved."

Tickets for the dance are availa-
hle at Ticketmaster ()utlcts or at the
door for $15 for general admission
and $10 for students.

All proceeds go to the Excelsior
Scholarship Fund. in which a mi-
nority student will be awarded for
his or her financial need and aca-
demic capability. The recipient will
be chosen by a comtnittcc :uid will
be announced at a later date.

For the first time. an lixcclsior
postgame reception will be held af-
ter Saturday's basketball matchup
between the Wildcats and the West-

cm Kentucky Hilltoppcrs.

Ilenncl said the dance committcc
decided to add the postgamc party
so that ”people who don't wzmt to
go to the dzuicc can still come out
and show their support."

The Jan (‘ats will provide enter-
tainment for the reception. and tick-
ets are $10 at thc door.

To accommodate students who
need tmnsptmation. buses run about

Students can catch buses at Hat»
gin. Holmes and Donovan halls. the
Student (‘cntcr parking lot and the
Hilary J. Boone Faculty (‘lub

Musical entertainment for lixccl-
sior will be provided by 15 Miti-
utcs. formerly known as [Exquisite








UK Cool Cats retain their No. 1 ranking and
earn a bid to the Collegiate Club Hockey
Tournament in Chicago next month.

Story, Page 4.


The student-to-student fund-raising effort
for the UK Commonwealth library will kick-
off with a rally/news conference at 11 :45 in
the Student Center Great Hall.

Toby Gibbs on
TV prefers ABC
to CNN.
Column, Page 3.


Diversions ..................... 3
Sports ......................... 4.5
Viewpoint ........ _ ............ 10
Classifieds ................... 1 1





 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February 10, 1992






~ am - us Calendar



onttieCdendaraCampusCalendarForm muet belilledeutat

hforman'on on this cuendar of events ie collected from he Student Adviuuvoud Room 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The Information is pubiahed ee auppied by the

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a erUniverdty Deputmentanmdreentnee‘

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Monday 2/10
- SAB Movie: 'La Dolce Vita' (Italy); free;
St. Center, Center Theater; 7:30pm; call 7-

- Exhibit: Louis Zoeller Bickett, Joseph
Haske, Thelma Mathias, Mauren McOuil-
Ian, and Marianne Stikas; The Galbreath
Gallery; thru 2/29

- Exhibit: An American Sampler: Children's
Books from the Kerlan Collection of the
University of Minnesota; UK Art Museum;
thru 2/16

- Exhibit: Portraits from the Golden Age of
Jazz; The Headley Whitney Museum; thru

- Exhibit: 'Coming to America: Selections
from the Permanent Collection by Immi-
grant Artists'; UK Art Museum; thru 3/22

- Exhibit: Black Memoribilia Exhibit; Martin
Luther King Jr. Cultural Center; thru 2/15

- Recital: Song Recital, Darlene Welch;
free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm; call 7-4929

Don‘t Miss!
BlackLight Theater



Alice in Wonderland
(1 week from today)

Tuesday 2/11

- Artist Series: University Artist Series-
Beaux Arts Trio; $17, $10; SCFA Concert
Hall; 8pm performance, 7:15 lecture by
Daniel Mason; call 7-4929

- Movie: 'lda B Wells: A Passion for Jus-
tice'; free; King Cultural Center, St. Center;
10am, noon, 2pm, and 4pm; call 7-4130

Wednesday 2/12

- SAB Movie: 'Frankie and Johnny'; $2 for
students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- Recital: Faculty recital, Skip Gray, tuba,
and Caryl Conger, piano; free; free; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8pm; call 7-4929

- Movie: 'FUNDI: The Story of Ella Baker';
free; King Cultural Center, St. Center;
103m, noon, 2pm, and 4pm; call 7-4130

Thursday 2/13

. SAB Movie: ‘Frankie and Johnny'; $2 for
students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- Performance: 'The Foreigner'; $8 stu-
dents, $6 senior citizens; Guignol Theatre,
Fine Arts Bldg.; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets
and 7-3297 f0r info.

- Performance:$oap Opera: 'Common
Wealth: Passion in the Bluegrass', per-
formed by UK students; Old St. Center,
Center Theater; 12:30pm

- Movie: 'Never Turn Back: The Life of Fan-
nie Lou Hammer‘; free; King Cultural Cen-
ter, St. Center; 10am, noon, 2pm, and
4pm; call 7-4130

Friday 2/14

- SAB Movie: 'Frankie and Johnny'; $2 for
students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- Exhibit: Gallery Series-Music of Brahms
for Voice and Piano; free; M.I. King Library-
North, Peal Gallery; noon

- Performance: 'The Foreigner‘; $8 stu-
dents, 36 senior citizens; Guignol Theatre,
Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets
and 7-3297 for info.

- Concert: Valentine's Concert, UK Jazz
Ensemble; free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm;
call 7-4929

Saturday 2/15

- SAB Movie: 'Frankie and Johnny'; $2 for
students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
7:15 and 10pm; call 7-8867

- SAB Movie: 'Blonde Venus' (USA); free;
St. Center, Center Theater; 7:30pm; call 7-

- Performance: 'The Foreigner'; $8 stu-
dents, $6 senior citizens; Guignol Theatre.
Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets
and 7-3297 for info.

Sunday 2/16

- SAB Movie: 'Frankie and Johnny‘; $2 for
students; St. Center Worsham Theater;
4pm; call 7-8867

. Performance: Keith McKutchin Trio; $3
for performance, 315 for series; Headley-
Whitney Museum; 3pm; call 255-6653

Wednesday 2/12
. UK Basketball: Vlfildcats vs Alabama;
Rupp Arena; 8pm

Saturday 2/15

. UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Western Ken-
tucky; Rupp Arena; 7:30pm

- Hockey: CoolCats vs Vanderbilt; $4; Lex-
ington lce Center; 11:30pm


Monday 2/10
- Volunteer: UK Student Center, many op-
portunities availablel; call 257-8785 to find
out how you can help!

Tuesday 2/11

- Self-Protection Seminar: International
Kung-Fu lessons on self-defense; free:
Blending Tower, 23rd floor; 7~8pm; call










Wednesday 2/12

- Questionnaire: Prep-M: A Questionnaire
for Your Valentine; $6 per person, $10 per
couple; St. Center, across from popcorn
lounge, and Funkhouser, main entrance,
call 7-7750

- Meeting/Movie: S.A.V.E., meeting and

movie, 'FoIdger's Boycott‘; free; St. Center,

room 309, 7pm, call 252-0615

- Self-Protection Seminar: International
Kung-Fu lessons on self-defense; free;
Blanding Tower, 23rd floor: 7-8pm; call

Thursday 2/13
- Self-Protection Seminar: International
Kung-Fu lessons on self~defense; free;
Blending Tower, 23rd floor: 7-8pm: call

all beings from afar. dance under sun and stars
A UK Traction
Saturday. Feburary 15. 1992
Rndissrin Plaza Hotel
(KinKnad Towers)
too-it (Iii Poet-Game Reception--
9.00 1? (10 St‘lfll'FOllHill Dance

Saturday 2/15
. Dance: EXCELSIOR, United Semi-

Formal; $10, students, $15, general; Radis-

son, Kincaid Towers; 9pm-1am; call 7-
3191 for info, and 257~TICS for tickets

- Reception: EXCELSIOR, Post—game Re-
ception; S10; Radisson, Kincaid Towers; 4-
6pm; call 7-3191, tickets at the door

- Training Program: Lexington Rape Crisis
Center volunteers; call 253-2615 or 252-

- Reading: Writer's Bloc: James Baker Hall
reads from his autobiography; free; West
entrance, Singletary Center, president's
room; 2pm; call 272-7511




Tuesday 1/23
. Weekly meetings: Chess Club; free; St.
Center; 5:30-10pm; call 887-2574

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Open Student Meeting; free; Newman
Center, Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society; $5 per semester; Barker Hall,
dance studio; 7-9pm; call 277—0664

. Weekly meetings: 'Totally Tuesdayl' Free
dinner, worship, and fellowship, United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 Co-
lumbia Ave.; dinner-6:45pm. worship-
7:30pm; call 254-0250

. Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Seaton Center Gym; 10pm-midnight;
call 8-2686

- Weekly Meetings: Society for Creative
Anachronism; free; Old St. Center, room
117; 7-9pm; call 255-2100. ext. 562

Wednesday 1/29

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion; St. Augustine's Chapel;
5:30pm; call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Encounter; free; New
St. Center. room 205; 7pm; call 276-2362
- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting: free;
St. Center, room 205; 7pm; call 276-2362

- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting; free;
Old St. Center, room 309; 7pm

- Weekly Meetings: Writer's Bloc Meeting;
free; Old St. Center, room 117; 5-7pm; call

Thursday 1/30

Soap Opera: 'Common Wealth: Passion in
the Bluegrass', performed by UK students;
Old St. Center, Center Theater; 12:30pm

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm; call 254-3726
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Night; Newman Center; 7:30-8:30pm;
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Bible Study, United
Methodist Student Center; free; 508 C0-
lumbia Ave.; 8pm; call 254-0250

- Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee;
free; Seaton Center Gym; 10pm-midnight;
call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: 'Thursday Nite Live';
free; 502 Columbia Av.-UK; 7:30pm; call

Friday 2/14

- Radio: 'Pop Odyssey- the best in British,
Australian, New Zealander, and American
alternative pop music; free; on WRFL.
88.1; 8pm; call 7-WRFL

Saturday 2/1
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
free; Newman Center; 6pm; call 255-8566

Sunday 2/2
- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion; free; St. Augustine‘s
Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm; call 254-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
free; Newman Center; 9 and 11:30am, 5
and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-
U-Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center; 6pm; call

- Weekly meetings: University Praise Ser~
vice; free; 502 Columbia Av.-UK; 11am;
call 233-0313






Monday 2/10

. Program: Newman Center Winter Even-
ings Program 3 Part Series-'On Families,
War and Economy: UK Professors Ad-
dress Catholic Teaching'; Newman Center;
7:30-8:30pm; call 255-8566

Tuesday 2/11

- Seminar: ’Road Block to Intimacy'; free;
Bradley Hall, room 207; 11:45am-
12:45pm; call 7-1467

- Lecture: Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Dir. of
the Womens Research Center at Spelman
Coiiege; following the movie, 'lda B Wells:
A Passion for Justice'; free; King Cultural
Center, St. Center; noon; call 7-4130

Wednesday 2/12

- Seminar: Mr. Deepal Mandi, Dept. of Bio-
chemistry, ”T Cell Mutants Defects in the
Biosynthesis of Glycosylphosphatidylinosi-
toI Anchor';1ree; UK Med Center. room
MN563; 4pm

Thursday 2/13

- Seminar: Dr. Mark Kindy, Dept. of Bio-
chemistry, 'Acute Cellular Response to
Brain lnjury'; UK Med Center, room
MN563; 2:50pm, refreshments, 3pm lec-
ture; call 3-6032

- Meeting: Stress Management for the
Caregiver; free; Bradley Hall, room 207;
11:45am-12:45pm; call 7-1467

Friday 2/14

. Seminar: Minas Barbarakis, Dept. of
Chemistry; 'Enzyme- and Flurophore-
Linked Binding Assays that Employ the Av-
idin-Biotin System; free; Chem-Phys Bldg,
room 137; 3pm refreshments, 4pm lecture



Alifhf‘r Plinth-ru- ‘phr‘:

FriCICiy12OO 12 SO C8118

Sunday 2/16

- Lecture: David Danton, 'Mythic Thinking
Won't Go Away'; free: SCFA President‘s
room; 2pm; call 7-4929










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CNN competes with networks
in quantity, but lacks quality

Cable News Network's coverage
of everything under the sun has eve-
ryone and his cousin drooling with
awe. From the Persian Gulf War to
the Clarence Thomas hearings, peo-
ple say that CNN leaves every other
news organization, including the
big three networks, in the proverbi-
al dust.

In addition to that, many critics
are writing that the success of CNN
makes the death of network evening
newscasts a foregone conclusion.
It's only a matter of time, “they"
say, until Dan Rather, Peter Jen-
nings and Tom Brokaw start host-
ing game shows.

i don't know if that‘s the case or
not. It’s true that ratings for the eve-
ning newscasts are down. It‘s true
that CNN's ratings are up. But rat-
ings and quality are not one and the

The growth of cable has a lot to
do with the ratings success for
CNN. Some people are busy during
the dinner hour and can’t catch the
networks. 50 CNN grows. But that
doesn‘t change one thing: CNN ~—
day in, day out — still isn’t as good
as the big three networks.

CNN has the quantity but not the
quality. Having to fill 24 hours with
programming each day all year long
means filling space even when
nothing newsworthy has happened.
Though Mario Cuomo is not a can-
didate for president, CNN (and oth-
ers, admittedly) loves to interview
him about his views on everything.

It means repeating things over
and over again. It means interview-
ing people of only medium intereSt
because no one else was available.
CNN is like an enormous computer,
spewing out talking heads, pseudo-
news babble, color-coordinated
computer graphics and commercials
all the live-long day.

The correspondents and anchors
on CNN, while tolerable, don’t
have the stature or experience that
their network counterparts do. Most
are adequate, of course, but few
really reach below the surface of a
news item or a guest. CNN just

*t‘lllll ill "I " ‘l illiiil

l 1‘

I: i

i ||l|||| Iii :iiitttttil ii ll' 3

doesn’t have names like Ted Kopv
pel, John Chancellor, Bill Moyers,
Charles Kuralt, David Brinkley,
Sam Donaldson, Morley Safer, etc.
Compare them to Wolf Blitzer.

CNN still doesn‘t have a daily
discussion program of the caliber of
ABC‘s “Nightline.”

For many, the end of the day
means tuning into “Nightline” just
to see what the topic will be. It may
be interesting, it may not be, but I
feel compelled to tune in. I don’t
want to miss what could be a dyna~
mite program that brings new per-
spective to an issue.

There’s nothing on CNN that
compels me to tune in. It’s filler —
stuff to flip through when there’s
nothing else to do. I don’t look for-
ward to anything on CNN. I don’t
make it a point to watch. Meaning-
ful shows would change that.

Nor does CNN have a weekly
public affairs panel show that
comes anywhere close to “This
Week with David Brinkley," “Face
the Nation," or “Meet the Press."
More often than not, CNN‘s panel
programs turn into shouting match-
es where out-yelling your opponent
becomes more important than mak-
ing a coherent argument.

Shows like “Crossfire" and “The
Capital Gang" are the joumalistic
equivalent of professional wres-
tling. Issues take a back seat to the
participants' egos.

CNN doesn’t even attempt to do
a probing investigative magazine
show in the style of “60 Minutes"
or “Prime Time Live." The latter
program, in the last few months es-
pecially, has evolved into one of the
best news shows on the air.

Insightful interviews with Hil-
lary Clinton, Oliver Stone, modem
day Nazis, and TV evangelists have

The correspondents
and anchors on CNN,
while tolerable, don't
have the stature or
experience that their
network counterparts
do. Most are adequate,
of course, but few
really reach below the
surface of a news item
or a guest.

made “Prime Time Live" a must-
see show, just like “Nightline.”
CNN has nothing like it t and
that’s a serious omissiOn.

CNN has some good points. I am
a fan of the Larry King show, but
only when he has a guest I’m inter‘
ested in.

When there truly is some break-
ing news in the middle of the day
that the networks choose not to cm
er live, CNN can come in vet)
handy. But when the hie three are
providing coverage as well, I’ll turn
to one of them every time.

If you’re a political junkie, as I
am, you shouldn’t turn to CNN,
where too many journalists inter-
view other journalists about things
no one outside the beltway cares
about. I’ll turn to C-SPAN every
time, where 1 can see the actual
newsmakers talking without tons of
unnecessary analysis.

When everyone else is tuned to
CNN, 1 still find myself turning to
ABC, the home of the Brinkley
show, “Nightline,” and “Prime
Time Live.” For me, CNN will
have to improve drastically m or
the big three will have to radically
decline — for me to make the
switch to the television version of
USA Today.

Senior Staff Writer 'l‘n/iy Gibbs is
a UK employee and a Kernel ml-

Stall reports

The 1991-92 University Artist
Series continues tomorrow night
with a performance by the high-
ly-acclaimed Beaux Arts Trio at
the Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts.

The trio is composed of suc-
cessful musicians who have urt-
tied their talents and experience
from their respective solo ca-
reers, which have taken them to
some of the most prestigious
musical organimtions in the

Menahem Pressler, the
group‘s pianist, came to the
United States frotii Israel and
Germany at age 17, when he was
awarded first prize in San Fran-
cisco‘s premier International Pi-
ano Competition. Since then, he

Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February 10. 1992 - 8


The Beaux Arts Trio (left to right: Isidore Cohen, violin; Menahem Pressler, piano; and cellist Peter
Wiley) Wlll perform tomorrow night at the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts.

University Artist Series to
bring Beaux Arts Trio to UK

has appeared With the Philadelphia
and Cleveland Orchestras and the
New York Philharmonic. He has
also appeared Wth the prestigious
London Philharmonic and the ls el
Philharmonic, as well as numerous
other orchestras.

The trio's violinist, lsidore Co-
hen, studied music at the respected
Julltard School of Music alter his
discharge from the armed forces.
Among his credits is a membership
in the Julliard String Quartet.

When cellist Peter Wiley joined
the Cincinnati Symphony at 20, he
hatl been studying the instrument
for 13 years. He has performed at
the Kennedy Center anti Carnegie
Hall, as well as appearing with the
New York Suing Quartet. He
joined the Beaux Arts Trio alter its
30th Anniversary in 1985.

The 8 pm. UK concert by the trio

Read Toby Gibbs on Television -— every Monday and only in the Kernel!

will feature Mozart‘s 'l'rtu m (.7
Major, K. 548; Dvorak‘s l‘riu in
F Mirror, ()p. (i8; and Ravel's
Trio in A Minor.

The concert will be preceded
by a lecture Daniel Mason. 3 UK
School of Mustt laculty member
and concertmaster for the Lex-
ington Phillianiionic Orchestra.
The lecture begins at 7:l5 pm.
in the Recital Hall of the Single-
tary Center and is open only to
series SUhS‘CfIiK‘I‘s.

The Bcuttt Arts 'I‘riti will per-
form tonuirrmt rug/it at The Hits
A. Singletary Center for the Arts
(118. Tic/(UM. available (Ill/16’5”!-
gletary Ccrttt'r lickei Office. are
317 general ,titt/iltt: and $1!) for
students and 5171!!” citizens. For
more information, t:t11l357«1929.

The Student Library Campaign
I Q d ay
Be at the Student Center


v '-

 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Monehy, February 10. 1992



Lady Kats fall 77 -54 to No. 4 Tennessee

Nearly 5,000 fans see
Vols win fifth-straight

Staff Writer

The distance between the wom-
en‘s basketball programs at UK and
Tennessee is significantly more
than the 250 miles separating the

The Lady Vols (17-2 overall, 6~1
Southeastern Conference and
ranked No. 4 ) won their fifth con-
secutive game Saturday night and
displayed their
when they clini-
cally dismantled
UK 77-52 in
Memorial Coli-
seum in front of
UK’s largest
crowd of the
year. An esti-
mated 5.000
were in atten-

“For us to
win, we would‘ve had to play the
best game of our lives," said Lady
Kat coach Sharon Fanning. “And
have bigger, stronger, quicker ath-

Compared to defending national
champion Tennessee, quicker,
bigger and stronger are the holes in
UK’s arsenal.


UK (12-10, 4-3) was given a les—
son in get-in-yourvface defense.

A slight moment after any UK
player received a pass, a woman in
orange was there to frantically
thrust and rotate waving hands in
her face.

“They’re gonna be in your face,"
Fanning said. “When you settle for
a bad pass, they're pressure is tak-
ing you mentally out of the game.”

The Kats were mentally removed

UT pounced quickly for an early
23-8 lead. Six of those points were
13pr off of steals.

The Lady Vols had 12 steals for
the game —— Peggy Evans forced
four with, well, force. The 6-foot
sophomore yanked three clutched


balls out of UK’s hands after the
Kats grabbed rebounds.

Fanning said the fans witnessed
the most consistent defense in the
country. Tennessee, she said, stands
for defense.

"There's no one that's been any
better this y,"ear she said. “There is
no one on our team that we can use
to simulate a Peggy Evans or Dana
Johnson. We don’t have ’em."

UK trailed 36-24 at halftime, but

UT burst out of
, the lockerroom

and outscored

UK 13-2. The

Lady Vols

scored four

more points off
of steals.


At 6-foot-2.
Dana Johnson
—~ along with
Evans ~ con-
trolled the paint

by intimidation. Johnson is listed at
199 pounds, but could weigh as
much as 210 pounds —— little of
which is body fat.

The freshman center stomped
onto the floor in warm-ups with a
gritty and determined look on her
face and proceeded to score nine
points, hammer the boards for eight
rebounds and swat away three UK

UT coach Pat Summitt said John-
son has unlimited potential.

“She plays in spurts, but she is
going to be a great player." Sum-
mitt said. “When she is playing
well, she can make more happen in
a shorter period of time than most
people that step on the basketball


The referees officiated the game
like it was a championship match-
up: They let the players play.

UK got a combined 27 points
from Tedra Eberhart and Stacy
McIntyre. Eberhart, a sophomore
guard, scored 13 points, but only


See LADY KATS. Page 5




Gina Hatterick sores Friday night at Memorial. UK‘s gymnas-
tics team finished second to Florida in the competition.




Cool Cats

Staff Writer

The UK Cool Cats found out last
weekend that sometimes it can be
lonely at the top.

In last week‘s national poll, the
Cool Cats (18-2) retained their No.1
ranking in Division 11 club hockey.
UK also got the long-anticipated
bid to the Collegiate Club Hockey

retain No.

Tournament, which will be held
March 13-15 in Chicago.

However, not all was peaches for
the Cool Cats last week, as Georgia
came up a bit yellow.

After seeing the Cool Cats de-
stroy fellow Southern Club Hockey
Association opponents at the Bull-
dogs' home rink (Stone Mountain
lcc Center in Atlanta) on two con-
secutive weekends, the winlcss





SALUE POWELL lKernol Staff

Lady Kat Christe Jordan drives to the basket against Tennessee's Peggy Evans Saturday night in Me-
morial Coliseum. UK is now 12-10 overall and 4-3 in the Southeastern Conference.

Signees give UK cool hand

Senior Staff Writer

UK football coach Bill Curry dis-
cussed his 1992 recruiting class at a
press conference in Wildcat Den
Friday as if he were holding four

Curry sat cool and calm, with his
pro football-worn body hunched
over a microphone. He addressed
the media confidently but he re-
mained humble showing no
signs of a poker face.

‘I didn't think we’d get some of
these guys.“ Curry said with smile
spread from wall to wall. “But
Tommy (Limbaugh), of course he
thinks he‘s gonna get everybody."

Early on, the big recruiting gurus
had UK's class being less than me-
diocre this year. But when Curry‘s
recruiting coordinator Tommy Lim-
baugh reeled in a couple of talented
junior college players — the gurus
changed their tune and called UK‘s
1991-92 class a possible “standout"

Most of the attention was geared
toward the five junior college
players who were signed in hopes
of having immediate impact at UK,
especially at the defensive line.

The two most-talked-about
players appeared to be a 270-pound
defensive lineman and a 6-foot-4
wide receiver from San Francisco.

The lineman has a name that al-
most guarantees greatness — Jim

The wide receiver,
Browning, has good speed.

Brown is from McKeespon,


Penn., and attended Hudson Valley
Community College in New York.
At Hudson Valley Brown's l6
quarterback sacks broke a school
record. He also played a big part