xt76t14tmn56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmn56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1979 1979 1979-01-24 2020 true xt76t14tmn56 section xt76t14tmn56 o
Vol I \XI. \0- 90 Ke‘ e] l'niversity 0f Kemuu"
“ Edntsdfib January 24~ “’70 an independent student newspaper lLexmgton. Kentucky
” —
‘ . 2" "iii: ’ "3’3511f33‘-:="~.'..;'°."5":31:... ~I~ %‘ ’ V . ,
8) Mil": ”ETER said Datid i telds. the coordinator oi 5i ' ' “33“??? If]; /
stati writer the program "I didn‘t think oi the M” 112223 ) a. w».
. detious minds oi the students." ‘ g; 3 i. g “is “‘ . 3 3' e. h §i_ _ i
lhe Wildcats have ltad art erratic Some oi the merchants already ltad ,_.. a (en-5'» 'iii"???“3" ; ' ' ' . ' “Wage: ”.13" . ,
season so lar on and oil the court discourtts available to students with A. Imam; I: f , r“ _ ,. gt ‘ "it"fi‘ ‘é' .i 3"
but l'K's Student goternmcui ll)s. with or withoiitthe buying power ‘ " ec‘efli y...- .' > __ *9“ i We; “ ., "i I '1‘»
demonstrated last nightthaithetcam‘s cards. kields‘ said. “"’ ""'7 i t x“ ‘ at . .. V, " ' . ’ - i _.
fans are still loyal. toting to support Students should contact merchants . “‘ t be ‘ 1"“ If I v ** H3 ,( - _; - 7‘ s‘ a a: ’ II
the athletic stall tn its etiorts it” about special limitations or call S0 “I . -‘if- r 4- I? .. . 1* ’_ ..... ., . ‘ 3.“ «gem- ;s‘. . .2?
prottde the best possible tacilities. abotit problems they encounter when ' \ é - Q55?“ . " ‘ cg“ g 5*...‘*\L . __ M... 1" , _. >1 ‘ a
Although the National Collegiate using the cards. if i , g " . ts: '... é it e“. ‘ . 5.5; , , fl ._ w . _ iii-35?: ..
Athletic Association has not approt ed l-ields said the cards are “probably g 35:; > ‘2 ~.. '. 3,,» , ‘ it; § " .,:.. '__‘:‘-:‘~- - ”a?“ “‘_ I "N . ., gt 3
oii‘ictalgutdelinesiorathleticiactlrties. the most tangible project Student é " “ “x ( g . ' - ' i7 iiswi-i’.‘ :3 .. . i . = ‘ t“: I so“ ' i
' there is a question oi "what‘s legal arid (ioternment has had all year."adding _ _. 09° . ~ t: e 1 '. fl ’ x: e ,1 .
what‘s to be done" about the dorm. that it was more prod iictite than . 3 ‘ s ' s i v s K \ - ,, -*-, ..
Senator Btlbb.‘ Dee (iuitnell said “We discussing the Iranian issue in terms oi ' , ’2 s s; f3 \" >_ ‘s‘i \ .i \‘4 , ,
need to stipptm-‘t‘heitt (the athletic beriei'itstothel Kstiidentpopulation. i. "V , g is . ‘ ‘ ' Lt. * \ ._ ”:2." T "r .
stali . and they tteed the support right Another productite elior't is a new i , ' 5:? \_ :3 a ' Q s: g; ,2 ,. N‘s c... i'si.i.i::;;»:.\,ii§§i: . a; _ V‘
now." teletision show that Brad Sturgeon. . ' " 12‘ “essfi “ s "
lhe resolution said the team is “a ptiblic relations committee chairman ., é ' K \\ V 3 ¥ , .7 4' 5’ WWW V
special group oi athletes deserting is engineering with \\'l l-.\'-l\' ltwill IN; gAXk H e _ ' fig t. ' ‘N‘ .
“WW” treatnte ”1-“ and (h? hil‘kflbil“ be broadcast lor the ltrst time gt.“ s l '. ,. . . it, I 93*" V ”- “if"??? a"? {I‘- a a
program is a special part ol this preceeding the Si (‘(iameoi the \\ eek ‘ 5' ,gt': ‘ _. / i U M iii» § M Ki; ‘, t. . _ ’ i
L ““0“”; on i‘Ch ll) s.“ ::, .,.,.:i§‘_:‘ ,flr . __ t- , ., . c ,.
‘\ it other program ”9"“ mg "Basically Student (ioternment is , d ' , " ~ -- 1'.
additional support is s(‘.\ looked at as a rubber stamp or a ._ g, ' '
reincarnation oi the student buying resume builder."Sturgeon said. "It we 1 . “Kg?
power card, Another 3.500 cards will can get corttntunitt support. lobby tor ' ' ~ i ‘
be printed in addition to the 5,000 new iimds, we can show we are doing 7" .
already H‘mliibl“ legitimate work " lhcre was once a 5“ ’ “'- .
th reaction TU ”'16 CitrtiS has hL‘Cll siltiu concentrating on pl‘tllllL‘S of
stronger because oi the more populzu proiessors. but this is the irrst program ' ‘
“”95 P“r"'c'p"1'ng‘ C‘pw‘im [ht "c.“ mummy [V K “mum“ h“ “”d Student Government met last night to endorse special treatment for basketball players and discuss ways of showing studenisthey do legitimate work.
MacDonald's on limestone -\l_\sia \\'1 l \ re iunding the entire ' '
\\ heeler. senator-at—large_ said sortie program. he said "\\ e protide the .
students liked the otter oi a tree item :ttanpowcr. they provide the bucks "
each month so mticltthey hatetrtedto \t the nest S0 met-ting, his 5, l’ I I, I ’e S 6 er
get more than their share tone per members will tote whetherto endorse
student) lust ior that bargain U the proposed espansion oi theStttdent _ '
'th a. Mi Mi ”i * ‘W ‘ YWCA refuge for battered women to open in spring . .
4v "‘
5 3.5;; ) ks- Mflm 1' By PAH. T'.A\|):\'l':\l)»\ adtertise tor and interview people to that period and was attended by 39 their children. Housework and meals ‘
I 'f f: g v ii ‘” stair \srrrt-r work at the house lhis staii will people. Warren said the totals decline will be the responsibility ofthe women _
4 _"3 'iv ,1 15 9’: ' include .i lull—time director. a case around holidays because the women staying in the house and all Will be
‘ "r "" . i' l-itnds tor a shelter house tor rude. and two lull-time etening make an attempt to keep the family e\pected to participate. Activities will . '
' _ ., battered women in l ettngton hate sitpertisors together, be provided for the children I
- £33” ,3; ' . been raised so quickly that the Young Meanwhile. the Y“ (' v‘s prosides lhe calls came irom as iar away as The YWCA's 24-hour hotline will
' “i, , ‘ é ' _- up.“ 5) ' \\ mum‘s ('hrtsiian ;\ss0L‘l£tlli\n now tolunteer servicesto abused women \lassachusetts and Honda as well as be maintained at the house.
4:; ' °‘ , hopes to hate the reitige open b_\ and the need is apparent all ot er Kentucky. Warrcnsaida lot ol~ A two-weeklimitwill beimposed on
. I” ' .’ . g; ; spring i-or llTSIllliCC. between Sept. 1 and callsarelromiriendsand relatives (via the entrants to the house so that a '
' o r“ .. j' = . i “\\e'te had a lot oi good luck with . l)ec l3 last year the organi/ation battered \tctim who are trying to find permanent change in lifestyles won't _
I g -. ' Z _ - us." said Susan \\arren. acting received 39 calls concerningshelter.~‘to inlormation and sertices atailable. occur. Warren says the YWCA can‘t
' flag-3% £93; ' director oi the shelter on counseling and 50 ior iniormation Once the house is set tip. sertices let the women stay there too long '
4" g i ,-\H the money isn‘t in. though, lhe on advising. social serttces. etc will include adttsing and counseling. because the shelter house will serve -
' « 95.32% ,m .. L *i “WW “ “Ml“? ”" '“dm‘ “”“1‘ W ‘\ “PW” EMUP “u‘ ill-W Prmtds‘d both In grottps and indniduall} lhe only as ‘f‘ l'orm oi "temporary crisis
*fifié“? ”a a t S . ‘44:» ,, staii salaries, ior counseling abused women during women entering the house may bring intertention."
' ”54%;? , :3 ",4 figs? . ' “"""'"’“ ' to relurbish a house to use tor the a a a I ‘
4"” a? V >3 we ; ,vw ‘- shelter and is now searching tor a stall. T estl ng S erVI ces ta rg et Of ca I lfo rn I a law '
e a . w
i , (My; 5‘"? a; p .. i ‘ . ,. l he idca ltll’ a shelter originated two
fife/w» N “we 4, years ago when the Y‘kk‘Ck began (up) right 5 (‘ollegiaie the bill requires E18 and all other number of applicants has been greatly
i _- ;«"°‘ 6 ._ ,. fv _ _ ”r . I‘N‘l‘mt: ”‘m the ”9th 9' “W1 “0m?“- ( onsumer Reporting Service testing corporations to: outnumbertng the openings at many .
9"“ ,5 ft" .'_5_'__ My ' a» . , Mil”) “’C'il' ‘9“ W e . agencrcs disclose copies oi old tests schools.
;V . ' ' _ Jam ' v. {g csprcsscd ths‘ Its‘s‘d it“ ll ”lid the Caliiornia students can now cquttalent iii content to those Controlling 80 percent ofthe testing .
. . r; I at; i, & , YWCA responded by tor-ming a Hamm- those who examine them, currently in use; market is ETS. says the California ‘
' ‘ .,iv a, ‘ ~«w ' committee to ““d} ”‘ ‘C‘V‘Sih‘hu‘ A landmark “Truth-irtJIesting" bill disclose data bearing onthequality Student Lobby. According to ETS.
I ”‘3? ” . ' , Oncs‘ ll \‘4‘>_d‘~‘s‘ld0d ‘0 “a“ ("it ”‘9 was signed into law last Spetember by and thetalidity olthe tests and on how over L75 miillion students last year -
" i ‘ (3% L; problem oi trading a large enough (im, .lerry Brown. The law allows well they actually predict success in look its tests.including the Scholastic ,' '
.. cg, ”,5 v, 4 "MIN ”T ROW Shape arose. students i‘or thei'irst time to look into college: . . Aptitude Test. the Law School "
' I ._ ‘ it? ’ ' »_ lhe “WC“ began “N slime and the workings oi organiiaiions likethe disclose iniormaiion on test costs Admissions Test. the giraduate .
fl ‘V an ” 3 g a ended m October ”she” “ “1”“th Educational Testing Service; oi and what money received bythe tester Records Exam and; the raduate _ ; .
t , , 5;” g . dwelling was iotind. Some money has Princeton. \..l.. and the American is used tor; ‘ _ ‘ Management Admrssrons Test. . _
get" 5 ,4 iii e .i at , z . been obtained irom urban county (ollegeTcsting Program oi Iowa City. disclose inlormation on the The nonprofit group also says it .
g. a , W t -:.,5 ,. government tor iuriiishings and the Iowa. that detelop and administer purpose and subtect matter of each took in last year $70 million from its
3’ TO“ “0““ Km" "m hi‘lm‘ is being Ch?¢‘k°d ‘0 596 if any standardized college admissions tests. test. and how each test is scored. operations. a million dollars of which -
()ne-year-old Marv Saviors doesn‘t \s‘s‘Um.‘ \Ns‘rm “I“ be needed.‘ The bill was a reaction to the Administrators are putting more was “in; excess of expenditures."
I _ I seem to appreciate the luxury of k‘lhs‘ httfgkmu [til :th MIN: “Illl'be California Board oi Regents' decrston weight on test scores than grade pornt “Legislation is very crucral because ‘-
. Slttln pretty personal transportation given by her ti“ (0” l inlld‘d“ womenapp ying last yearplacrng more importance on averages ior admrssrons. Isays Joel ETS is a very secretive corporation.
' mother. Shery. Mrs. Savlor found Iti‘t’nls‘f “I” be screened 801ml! no one standardized tests as a basis for Packer. legislative director ofthe US, said Alan harm. a Columbia »
toting the 22-pound youngster around “'4” “'59 the “WW for problems other admission. says ‘L‘Cll-CC Smith. co- Students Assocration. the national linrversrty graduate student working ;
"a bit tiring" as she walked across than abuses ‘ . directoroithelvniversityoi(‘aliiornia lobby group for student governments. wrth Ralph Naders Center for the ,
campus on the way '0 an organ lesson. ”k l V‘ ( A hi“ db“ begttn ‘0 Student 1 obby. sponsor oi the bill. Packer said this is mostly because the Continued on page 5
O 3 "We want relici irom tasatron." said J.l . .lohnson. “The new ioundation l have discussed tonight can help us abroad. He was sentenced to four years in prison and given: i ‘
} president oi the Taxpayers Action (iroup. one of several build a nation and a world where ctery child is nurtured and fine of $24 million. ., ‘
persons testitying at a hearing bei'ore the House can look to the i'utiire with hope where the resources now The iudges dropped two of the four years of Pontis . ' .
State ‘\PP“‘Pr|al10ns Committee on House Bill 44. ‘ wasted on war can be turend towards human needs where sentence under a pardon previstons ., . ’
lhe bill would limit annual property tax increases by iour all people have enough to eat. a decent home and protection At the same time. the court acqurtted Penn 5 w1fe.vactre_ss .
.‘ percent unless toters agreed to a higher rate. State and local from disease." Carter said. Sopia Loren. and her private secretary. Ines. Bruscm. who ,
- d t"Hid SENATE. {( ()SilbllTTIZJ-i on Judiciary Statutes gowmmcm‘ “fluid be required to reduce [in rates 100mg weriehafrged a; acedomplices and with attemptingto smuggle _ ‘
C CH? ilL‘llOl’l In C inate \ tester d\ On il measure \Cllln UD . \‘ . \4 s s i - - ‘ v ‘ . ‘ Wof S 0 art a ma .
j m“? P'mmm“ «WWW ”L‘VL‘ mCdlii Watch“ g I the and m mkn‘md Pmpsrl) assessments. SEN' H'RMAN ,TALMADGI'” D'('A“ ha.” been Neither Ponti nor Miss Loren attended the trial. They are
. Senate Bill H would have required approtal oi the admitted to Bethesda MN” ”MN" for treatment oi alcohol French Citizens and live iii Paris. having given up their ltalian .' , . ,
L. ctccumc branch belorc the media was searched by - abuse and (“her mmpla'nh' an “it ‘a'd yesterday. . citizenship because of legal problems surrounding their
, ' authorities ' nat'on Talmadge. 65 years old and a 22-year veteran oi the Senate. divorces and marraige. France does not extradite its citizens .
-' I The measure had been added to the current special session PRFSIDFVT (‘APTFR ASKFD (‘OVGRFSS last night Enterzdthe Marylan: hospital M()nda)‘n'ghg.::‘;:: :j(:;,:::' for prosecution in other countries. '
‘ _ agenda by (iot .ltilian (‘arroll in the wake ot a l .S Supreme tthel [h m burl l n“w '; “ind?" ‘) .. tor. . " it h "up ystc‘ian. accor ”‘8 0 "CM 5“ch ary ' ~' '
' Court decrsion which prompted much concern inthe national ,‘ p ' ‘ d ‘ ‘ H it NOW“! )at ome The (“30'8” senator 31$de ”‘3‘ he be admitted ml” ‘
{1 press and peace abroad. d"m"""3 3‘ myths ”‘6 notion that treated ior exhaustion. fatigue and alcohol abuse. which ,
_ 1 However. the gmernor indicated ”1" past weekend that he hmerican s only choices are between inflation and recession. assoaaies . said was the result ol prolonged stress and weather c,‘ ‘ g .
. ‘ planned m withdraw the bill Wmmnlalm" and surrender pressures.‘ Roberts said in a statement '9 -
s The re uest (or, dei'inite delat came ””m'c‘w Sh'ii'ier In a State oi the l nton address that marked the midway ‘ '
i q an m ‘ ' point oi his iour»vear term. ( arter \cnturcd no dramatic new 3 ’ .-
i director oi the Kentucky Press Association ‘ i i t i
. j ' proposals, but bid ior enactment oi those he already has TRAVELERS ADVISORY WITH SNOW continutng b ‘
i IF('IS ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ - “u"med world today. Temperatures lowering to the mid 20:. Snow 5,
. . - . LATION T0 (-|\ I, VOTERS more direct control ”c “M ”we , l . - .. , accumulations of two to four inches are likely by tonight. -
3 over how much local governments spend was praised .. proposas would be the basis lor the new - . ' ' ' n I ' ht l ntheteens Cloud ‘ '
9. yesterdav b) taxpayers and lewed by “me local 0mm!“ loundattons that was both the theme and the slogan oi his FILM PRODl ( ER CARLO PONTI was found guilty diminishingto “Tm? ate ‘0'“8 - lows |_ , - y . ,
. i - messgae yesterday by a Rome court of |||¢ga| transfer of money and cold (OHIONOW Wllh a few “UNICS. Hl‘hS In the '0' 2013;; .
.. _ ...... .,» ’ ,.,.._-,‘V‘_.L t . - ~~ssu’-’ ' '"' ‘.""'*". a
. . . - .. ,,.. . . . . _ . \ .
. . ,
. W

‘ l
Sine Bailing" [hum-s ( Ink Mir) Ann Bush-rt Walter Tunis .llmle Vaught Torn Monn
[door ill ( hic/ liliiomu' IAIN!” Ruth Mllllnlly 4‘“ film» Spout Editor [humor ol Phologmphi
Debble Mclhnlel ,
Gregg Holds P. Jenny Tile (4", Willls . l
Richard “(Donald in"... “ehncs Juli Wllnwvlghl “"’“"' "“ “""" John (‘lly Undo (‘Impbell g .
Uanuww lt/IW l\\mlult’ It/llitfl (it/H MINI” Nell Holds Brian Rlcltml Photo Manager
. . . Antwan! Sm” lem
I u .. I ‘ ‘
editorials 89 comments '
' d '
Coopera tron between cops, stu en ts l
///.r«‘\t i
nee e 0 reven U ure 3 ac S 1/ Wt
747‘ "‘
. . . 7,; . 6 if -
Right now. caution should be the \satchword for ('ampus and city police should make the recent " '6 \fl 25:;
female campus residents and women who l|\C in the incidents a top priority for investigation. Patrols on s~ “I'll-II I. " -.......
l'K vicinity. campus and in nearby neighborhoods should be .. ‘V pip-l, V
Three attacks on women. including one rape. increased. and 5mm” consideration should be “@C\’ 7 ‘wjioetcic.k:t:;u F‘
have been reported in the last few weeks. ranging gii en to establishing someVVsortV of escort service for ”-‘,V Ill-Ill] ll." _I g
from the Complex to Hilltop Avenue N Rose l ane. students and faculty who find it necessary to travel \ //‘\ \
The assailant is still at large. as no suspects have after dark. . . ———f/\\ 'y_' / VF"
been arrested in connection with the assaults. Mu“ ”llp"rt”;‘[:~‘"l communication between TU O 9 \ \l ”/4; ill
. . , . olice offi 'ials ant tte Tniversitvcommunity needs ' , ‘- ‘ ‘ U W ‘.
Asked to comment onthe situational lsofficial p . L . '. . EN CK)” ' \ l v Q . ,ya, o\
. . . to remain as clear as possible. lhe chances of panic If,- r . . , .
said that many students no longer use good . ._ _ _ . . . . ,« . 1"" \,/ \.
. ' . can be reduced if students are kept informed with , Q k fr r‘
iudgment in traveling around campus. Attacks can .. . . . . . ,- . . V_ . _ I / . K4 45 V. V m
- . . descriptions of the assailants and aduce on how a I t o . )\ J, i.
come at unexpected times and places. he said. . .. . . . . . .. V 2. . c 4/ V.
. . . woman can resist such an attack. . . 'K/ ~ VJ l
There s a good deal of truth to that. L old weather . , . ~ . ‘ . :‘/
, . . . l l\ students. faculty and staff can cooperate b\ r
is no safeguard against rape indeed.becausetheic . . _ V V . - V ‘1 / G
. . . reporting suspicious persons matching the , i -
are fewer bystanders outsideto act aswitnesses'.the . . . . . V . . 0 '.' .
. ' description (about 5-foot-l0. short brown hair). Q ‘
chance of assault could men be greater. _ . , . V . , .. V a . f. fl
Also. haye patience if you are asked to identify ‘fi s V . ‘
Meanwhile. ll\C as safely as possible: trayel in yourself or ifthe police want to search your home. V7? . f v “III!” \“
pairs. restrict movement after dark. avoid Remember your constitutional rights. but comply ( 9‘ \ W L t ’1‘“ ‘ v: . a" L'
\ulnerable situations and me other safeguards such as much as possible. lhe danger of one attack is V A , ' iTA‘ @ m f- ‘ a _
as carrying a whistle. worth taking a lot of precautions and cooperation. //.
Carter’s federal budget means 5 I
' | f b f' f d ‘ l
. _ ' ’
08$ 0 ene ltS Ol‘ stu ents ~— My 4- . WJ‘
v ' V 2 V
President Carter's new budget would gnc many many students who depend on Social Security 4
college students the chance. whether they want ll or payments to stay in school will be unable to obtain t \V i
not. to become a front line fighter in the front lines Basic (irants. for various reasons. and will have to l
in the war against inflation, leaye school because of that. {a l v
_ . Pl‘dI h‘ .., lh‘ . , ‘ , ’$\ ‘Hfi‘ Vi VV A
T he biggest economic blow to students would be 0 m?“ 5‘ n ‘ anot cr Cd“ 0 I ‘ pm?“ “”hgth‘ us“ 1‘ f’ 73" ,s ‘ i j
the proposed phasing out over four years of Social least influence getting the 5m” end of the “'Ck' ‘\.‘\“Nb $ng 1 l ’/ /
Security benefits for college students between the \attonally.college students ha\enoorganizationor fi/ _~ . % \/ fl, 4 '\ t , \.
ages of lg to 2|. cohesive \OICL‘. and rarely can respond effectively to /‘ ‘ - . inf _: ".' 11
. . . . issues that are im ortant to them. to »
Because of astronomical increases protected to . p . . - WELLvHERE THE FIRST OF mE NEW ROOMATES!
Social Security a\ment‘ th't . yo 1 b But there is a good chance (ongiess will —--'
50m? 01 the mostpo ul : deVVrograthV “1: c\comc rearrange the President‘s budget. Lexington's
. a ' v j ‘ g ‘ .. . . . ,
. . . .p p r arge S 0m” u “ Ltd) freshman Congressman larrv Hopkins receiyed a
students. say (arter and others. should be able to ~ - i -
get money from th Ba ic Cr 1 good deal of his support from students in the
e ,5 . , , .V . . . .
' g . 'V an progrim \oyembcr election and this issue would be a good
Hypothetically. they re right. But practically. time for him to repay the debt. ’ l l
Letters to the Editor Col m - tt k - -
£33”; i V- ‘ "if ” ..;"'......,..;a r m... p 1.. so... a. per; .ngragam .1, U DIS 8 GS U D JOQQ I “Q I -
9 use U drills. lhey not only deseryethe dorm the new \(‘.A.»\ regulation
V but they also dcseryc our support. David J. Bensema ' ' '
Vl dMSWC “uh ”10% “h“ sec lhs‘ lhc dorm is necessary to the Biology sophomore rewrltes IS reVIOUS tu ne
Wildcat lodge as being unfair and program because it pi‘mides a
, unnecessary. i feel that UK controlled entiroiimcnt for the M ' I
. . ein ih ., .
Basketball Head) ( oach players One does noisimply enterinto e t 9 ton g t BY ROBERT HEMENWAY In November I w'rotethe following: ofmy early efforts wasdealtacrushing
UOC B.l Hall and hls players dCSL‘HL‘ u gumg “1th Kama“ VHIhUUl . . . . “The jogging explosion is the final blow when I heard IhCSOUl'ld ofrubber
fiUCh 11 film”) and that II b nCCC\\itt.\ participation. Part of that preparation Now that 1mm) ( arter has Joined Emerson said. “A f'ooliSh conclusive evidence that the {OOISICPS approaching Before I éOUld
“er the program. .. is focusing one's attention and energy a.“ that?“ of I'dnmm ('0 Home. the consistency is the hobgoblin of little ‘ environment is lost. People run offer a comradely hello. something
“1" basketball “MW“ brought on the game and getting proper rest. (omniitice to Defend the Ele\en '5 minds." The Chink. in Tom Robbins' because there is nothing left to see. roared P35“ me 3‘ an impossible pace.
home a national championship last Anyonc who has lived in a [K QWM} determined .10 WSW any Even ('ou'gi'rls 0“,, The Blues. shouts nothing to 510p and look at. One obviously embarassed to be seen on
spring. The benefits of such. an residence hall knows how difficult it is “”th WWW] ”WM“ against the “Only cretins and logicians don‘t moves through the landscape as the same asphalt. Suddenly my ‘
accomplishment areinnumerable lht‘ to concentrate and that it is often defendants m m" Stansfield lumcr contradict themselves. And in their quickly as possible. carrving the self- Herculean efforts were rendered
l niyerstty recened an incalculable dam-“1r m N {N “‘50 .#._ __. _H‘__*....... ., .._.___.__._.————-———————' pathetic.
amount of free publicity lhe lhe football team has to leave We km“ the” are many ““0 I . , (4) Go slow nevertheless. I have
championship a'mfN “”le brought campus and stit\ in a hotel before belle“ “5 “Cd“‘h‘n the H should not ff 1' blues established a pace somewhere between
money into the academic sector games. lhat‘s a large expenditure of pay 1h” Pm" ”er“ “crime“ 0‘ 0 Ice ower a stately crawl and an arrest for
(Erough private donations.inspired b.‘ money. lhe basketball team can now speaking out against the brutal loitcring. I refuse ‘0 be tempted by
t e team-s performance. And it was .11“ on campus. Hallcan now control dictatorship in their country and b b h m tw'o-vear olds ontricycles whowant to
and is an excellent recruiting point for mt- hum. h]. players keep and it is against the CIA which brought it to y r0 err e enway race:
all athletics as well as thel'nnersity as much me.” for him m keep in touch power. ———————-_—»—————————-—-——-——"—— (5) Remember hubris. the Greek
a whole. . . . with the players. We need new people. new energy consistency. they contradict life.“ righteousness of expanding capillaries concept of pride and arrogance. After
‘lnFridays kernel.itwasmentioned Furthermore. the dorm was built and ideas. and we welcome everyone Well. life has reached out with a like a shield to fend off the ozone- three weeks of running contributed to
that only the resident advisVors receive Nth pmate funds. raised by Hall and who is interested in joining in t .e swift kick and sent mejogging around infested air available for breathing. ‘a weight loss of l0 pounds. I bought a
roomswith Prl‘fllcbamjV“h.\th€.\ his assocuites. lhe l‘niversity Committee's work. in learning more my neighborhood park. two miles Jogging is a narcissistic. heroically new pair ofpants.foundaclose-fitting .
get special facilities. ()bvioiisl} community lost nothing. and in fact about it. We will be meeting tonight every day since New Year‘s. and futile gesture.“ shirt. and walked around the office ‘
because they “OHM" ”herhfms‘wm gained the rooms the team had and esery othchednesdasyat7pm. journalistic integrity demands some 1 believed it too. Many of the tower for an entire day. anxiously
the glamour 0‘ the 194”“ competing previously occupied, So why keep in ll9 Student Center. kind of formalcrow—eating. or at least runners I knew were insufferably anticipatingremarksaboutmygeneral
and ““"S ‘n 3 WWW dorm- hf” ‘6“ lumping on Hall and the athletic . . V an apology. for the ill-considered arrogant. unbearably self-satisfied good health. Nobody said a thing.
see the year-round sweat u. they 1m department" lnstead.startgivingthem SubmittedVb) ('90'89 Potratz {9" remarks about running uttered in this with their bodies. The combination of Finally. accept the fact that non-
weights. run intervaLs on the track and the support they need and deserve.and “‘9 ( ommittee ‘0 Defend the Haven space last semester. running and mega-vitamins. so I was running cynics (as I used to be) may
t‘——_ ""““‘““ 'm‘w ' ' "“W'r“—‘—*r'—-——“—A——#—~——————-———~—————-————————————— told. cured everything from scarlet still be right joggers could be the
' fever to scrofula. Joggers were people dying gasp of civilization. a bunch of
I lsm '5 W( SAID 0K ? E L LDAthID SOMG‘ who thought sweatpants wereakind heavy breathers who can‘t help
LOUD ! MUCH UK: THE END OF I of kinky vestment. True believers themselves. Buoyed by expanded
l W A mom LIV“ Harm‘- I ENDED 6 could not distinguish between incense capillaries and general good feeling. I
l ; \ and drying perspiration. told a friend it was embarassing to
i rs l have not converted to a religious have to admit that my prejudices had i
fV ,. ‘ runner yet. but for those three or four been unjustified. that joggers really i
I r (v A ‘ readers who don‘t run. here is what a weren‘t crazy after all. He felt I had a t
\ i . w \ // non-believer has discovered in a rather limited view. It seemed to him ,
i A - month of huffing and puffing.through just as possible that lhad become one
. 4 $‘1fl/ good weather and bad. in the hope of of them. unable to see my own lunacy. ‘
i. / " " g I / reclaiming a rapidly deteriorating every bit as warped and waffled as
l l ‘ . 7 f. body. someone like Joel Henning. author of
i - , . f ‘ , (I) You don‘t need expensive shoes. Holistic Running. Henning. who
, ‘ ck 1/ '4 . ? ... [l/ ’ My old basketball sneakers do quite “annoits"his feet with petroleum jelly.
t I V C’ / well. and all those soaring jump shots believes that running “is indeed aform
' / l ' f / don‘t seem to have worn the soles of worship. an attempt to find God."
4 ' own muc at a . am scare in ora man re a can
V l ”V l 3 d h It I h gf t m t
. I ‘ ~ ' K.‘ I ' ,, (2) If you run in the snow. IO-ycar be chanted in slow motion.
f ’ / / old ruffians wil throw snow balls at
‘ l _,__.__. I/ / you. You will resent this considerably. Robert Hemcnway teaches English at
. . t ~ I. l . , but be too dignified (i.c.. tired) to give UK and runs the mile In less than an I
. chase. hour. His column appears every other
. —-——-———~——~—-~——~#—-~«—-————————————_—____._-v-.___.___.________.____._~——______ (3) Try to avoid other runners. One Wednesday.
. l
' ' i
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V .' VV . Elk“ .;.V:..V.:“V V . . V V‘ . . ’ . . . ‘ l
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g H” K} \ ll ( Kt kl R‘H I . \‘edncsday. January 24. “179—3
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lty t0 try computer/zed SO UthflS t0 tra IC "7883 258-8672
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. ,v-Wf’fi is} {x 11$? .1 ."i- 3- 1: 110‘, 1,133,:sz55‘ fa} ‘ R, 53,813 - 3 : fig Cardlnol Volley Shopping Center 5.1, 3 I.m.-3 om.
" “R "t: . 11'. 1:11 “11V“ 9-1-5511 " - ~- . 199%" _ -
. 4'7);in i, "EVE?“ .;,1&::§'6::.:*1.,‘. .5: . } .IIIII fléfi‘VIRi I5 19,,IZ13I._.9I-':‘I. - .5“ I I A“ _ 9:; "S. t, :"kier' "‘1":- ‘i"' D el ive r H el l
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1 ”w 1. 9 1- .1 "$1“ , ”,1 8. ~19 . .. z e a; ’ Domrno Przza has Immedrate openrngs for full 81 GROPER’S MASS l
. ,.,:_: ,: ,,,._,.:.. _~ 1 9 t - W59. .... .. .. , ..., - . -, 9 ;
9.. . ‘“ it I .19; ., 1.3;. ‘1 “*3- part ttme, Our drtvers earn $4.00 to $500 per hour 1
W" We“; 3M . 95% w- . 1 Must be 18 81 have relrable car wrth unsurance. able
"n.1,,” _,... -'-i-3'fi=1.,,..,"'"a :J, .. -.1 I'\-"" \ .14.” 5. . -. ‘
' ..-35::1:..fi , I a “'21 ' 1 to work nrghts 81 weekends 8. hustle durlng rush _ .
2' . «9% . hours. Strarght wage $2.90 per hour plus ttps. A SpeClal