xt76t14tmn4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmn4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1979 1979 1979-03-01 2020 true xt76t14tmn4m section xt76t14tmn4m Vol. LXXI. NO. 116 ‘ Ker 2' U“"°"‘" °' “mm"
Thursday. March l, 1979 .n independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky 4
Mac y-Ied Cats sneak past the Rebels 82 — 77
- By JAMIE VAUGHT Wit" SEC tournament with IS seconds left to clinch the bench." 4 tough downthe stretch. We need more Stanley Malcom and forward Elston
SPOrts Edhot games page 4 victory. .A crowd of 9.769 saw both teams good players. and plainly. we need a Turner each added 12 points.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala. A- Kentucky _‘_;________ In the opening half. UK appeared start the game on almost even terms big man." “John Stroud has carried us all
junior guard Kyle Macy gunned in 32 Weltlich. "He has been through the ready to put the game away when it until Ole Miss outraced UK 8-0. That In addition to Macy‘s 32 points year.“ praised Weltlich. “He's lost 20 '
points -4. a UK career high ._ to pace wars and you cannot downplay raced to a 44-34 lead with 2:56 rally gave the Rebels a seven-point surpassing his previous Wildcat high pounds and has takenabeatinginside.
the Wildcats to an 82-77 victory over experience. He gives Kentucky great remaining. But Mississippi. behindthe lead at lit-l I. But Macy‘s hot hand put of 30 against Florida last year the and even though he‘s been beaten
the Mississippi Rebels yesterdayinthe leadership and direction. which is the hot shooting of All-SEC forward UK back on top. Cats had three other players in double around. he still produces. I doubt if
first round of the Southeastern reason he‘s out there.“ John Stroud. narrowed the Cats‘ UK. now I7-l0. outscored the figures. l.aVon Williams poured in I4 anybody is more valuable to his team
Conference Tournament, Macy said. “It was the most points advantage to two points. 46-44. at Rebels 33-18 before Mississippi points. Dwight Anderson had I3 and than John is to us.“ -
The Wildcats will play Alabama I’ve ever scored. but I‘m happy intermission. Stroud scored six ofhis' bounced back just before the half. Truman Claytor l2. Fred Cowan Kentucky hit 30 of its 52 field goal
tonight at 7 in the second round of because it gave us a first-round game-high 39 points during that I0-2 Macy had I8 in the first period. grabbed a game-leading II rebounds attempts for 58 percent.butthe Rebels
tourney action. The Crimson Tide victory.“ surge. Weltlich. who had three of his (Macy's overall career-high is 38 almost matched Kentucky. They
defeated hapless Florida 8I-64 Kentucky, however. had to “I want to complement Ole Miss for starters foul out. was not ashamed of points against Minnesota when he was connected on 28 of 50 from the field
' yesteday to kick off the SEC‘s first withstand alateMississippirallyinthe coming back realwellaftcr we hada I0 his team‘s performance. a freshman at Purdue.) for 56 percent. From the free throw
‘ post-season event in 27 years. second half when the Rebels sliced point lead and a chance to put it away “We played well attimes. butwe ran Stroud. the SEC‘s top scorer. took line. Ole Miss shot 84 percent.
“Macy obviously was the man who UK’s biggest lead ofthe game. at 16. to in the first half." said Kentucky coach out of people.“he said. “It hurtsto foul the game scoring honors with 39 compared to UK‘s 67.
‘ hurt us. even though we had fairly three. During that rally. Mississippi Joe B. Hall. “It was partly my doing. against a team that hits its freethrows points. hitting l5 of 2| field, goal The victory gives Kentucky a 58-6
good pressure on him." said a outscored the Cats 16—3 before Macy becasue we had three freshmen in the like Kentuckydoes. lam proud of our attempts for Ole Miss which finished composite mark in SEC tournament '
disappointed Ole Miss coach Bob cashed in two of his eight free throws game and Kyle Macy sitting on the team and of the fact that it played the season with an ll-I6 mark Guard history. 4
. ',--2'7’¢'- ,... -* ' .4 _ ' I I
Professors -r'=e=* - UK absence DOIICY
‘ ’ 5' ' 'i i “
> see a need - "tre' . ma be invalidated
for astronomy ‘4 g. 44 a.“ 4 y
- ‘, ‘ ' , ”he.“ ‘ I
equment T a ~ = by ItS vag UGDGSS
By BARBARA WARD _.-;4§J' $44.44 ~, - 4 44- ' .. 2,-‘_; % 4 3:4 . 43:5
Staff Writer at”?! 3 I!“ ‘4 ‘ " *. 44 3y STEVE MASSEY
.-- 41:; =3-'.. 4 ' . ' . :, f .' Copy Editor I
' UK students would have better -- «313’: . 2 v h anaIYSIS
facilities to help them learn about i t. a -_4. A recent ruling bythe state attorney -
starry nights, if UK astronomy 4% general. which says giving students '
professors had their way. , .. 447,444, _. are ,, .f‘ji y was failing grades because of absences is the right to establish academic
ButUKastronomy professors aren't ’4 449-“ 44 .. , , ”43’s? : .44 unconsitutional.does not apply to UK attendance requtrements." 4
known for having their way. 44. 4g ‘ ...::2::- ' 444 4 1 g . students. according to Assistant And this is where the problem lies.
, Last spring. the department of 444 “if; if f f 4 Attorney General Robert Chenowith. Section 6. 2.41 of the Selected Rules
4 physics and astronomy submitted a4 a 45 However. the ruling raisesquestions of University Senate Government '
'4 proposal to the administration 3‘3“: . ‘ about UK‘s policy in regard to Academic Relationships states h IS UP
,~ requesting that UK build an ' .. . ‘ " mandatory attendance requirements. totheindividual IHSttUCtQYtO dCCideif _
astronomical observatory. No ' 444 _ fl ‘ h 4_ Some professional school and attendance willberequiredinacourse.
. response has been forthcoming. " 44 . 4 ,. 4 . ' ;~4,..""’ undergraduate English courses have He must announce his policy within '.
In addition. the department has a“, - .4 "Jr '4.’ orgy 44‘ - .4. 4. a" ‘ such requirements. the first two class meetings. '4
tried for IS years in trying to get a 44 fi- "3 ..4 4 ' On Feb.8.aruling was issued saying A violation ofthe rule may lead toa 4
i Plhhttal'lum (WhICh recreates II‘IC Sky . 4,»; ‘ , V \ I "3" 44 that any school system‘s policy of SIUant being dropped fme the ' *
on the inner surface of a dome with a K 4 , 2* 4:34.44 4,. - failing a student for a certain number course. according to section 6. 2.43 of .
special projector). Dr.W.S. Krogdahl. % 44443.3 W- .; ”IN of absences is unconstitutional. But the 5““th RUICS 0f University a
astronomy professor. said. The last 444‘: K, ' .4 W4 . Chenowith said “the university Senate Government. .4
'4 proposal was submitted four or five ‘ s 4. i i a. ' )4. «‘7 it? situation is different.“ HOWCVCT- thi‘ FUICS make “0 _
years ago. but no action was taken by 44 etc. 3' 4 “a... s ’- 444 " ”I“; He said the rule applies to school distinction between excused or ~ _
the University. he said. . 4 . 4 ' 4143.4 ’3; systems under the Compulsory unexcused absences. but only allow
At one time,UKhad an observatory ' “fix '- d!) -' Education Act for Public Schools. dismissal whenastudents‘s attendance
near Cooperstown — but it was given .s h 44 . ' which includes elementary and is “irregular“ with “no improvement." >
to Eastern Kentucky University in the '744 ‘4:. ; a ' ' ' secondary schools. but notinstitutions Another problem then arises: how i
- early sixties with the promise that a ‘4'. 'I.:_4_ _444 3 444 " ' I. . of higher education. are the absences to be classified? ~ ‘
new one would be purchased. ~' " . - , ' _=""'i-’.;4 " ‘ ‘ '1 What makes adiffercnce atthe post— On one hand. irregular attendance
‘ according to Dr. Frank Clark. ‘ ~z. ' secondary level. Chenowithsaid.isihe may be classified as an “academic '
astronomy professor. So far, no action 4 51.4 , » distinction between excused and deficiency.“ . .
has beentakenonthepromise.hesaid. “4 -. - 4 a unexcused absences. In this case. the student can be .
The need for facilities that enable ' ‘By LINDA CAMPBELl/Kernel 8“" ..T0 simply have an arbitrary dismissed from a course. according to
students to see what they are learning Intermezzo ' ‘ number ofdaysta student is allowed to the I978 US. Supreme Court decision 4 4
about — a planetarium and an be absent) without reference to what which states that academic standards
observatory —- is great. said Clark and Freshmen music major DavidFord gets in a few more and the rest of the members of the l'K symphonic band type of absence is unconstitutional." must beVioIated "1 03h" fordismissal.
3:433:23444ThEa4I3“ pfiposzl for the practice notes at Memorial Hall. This weekend. David Will participate in a music educator‘s convention. he said. "I do think the UhIVCTShX has Continued on page 3 , ' . '

l . e ommon- ' , .
wealt and the Universit are la in - - - _ '
behind m. r... or my. muff ii Unrversrty worried about state coverage . . . ..
providing the depth of scientific ‘ '
education desirable in the space age.“ I I I I -

UK Sun filed over Medical Center malpractice p ans - ‘
astronomy courses each semester. ‘ I
4 hdzrmosrilfhafi‘deguhIlIgduigriItleiggzliinrfx FRANKFORT~ IEY-(AI’I ~Thestate which voided a broader state Edelman said that when4the circuit valid specifically 4by the Supreme It said the legislation setting up . _
years “the percentage of total attorney generals hfhce yesterday malpractice statute. court rules on the validity of the Court of Kentucky.4 The statement UKs self-insurance program was . »
University enrollment (in the classes) {15de FrankthltchltCOUTttO decide “As it stands now there is statute which set up malpractice said UK pays premiums in excess of “uncomfortably Similar to a bill ‘-
- ‘ “the law “hdetWh'Chthe UK Medical - ' - coverage. the school may thenbeable 5300.000 annually for commercial relating to health care malpractice ' 4 4
IS smaller than at most comparable Center handles mal t' ‘t 4 disagreement between our office and 4 . , . . . . . h ns red b the 4 ~
. . . ,, prac ice SUI S IS , t0 aVOId duplicate Coverage. medical malpractice insurance for its insurance I at was spo 0 y
institutions. the Observatory . . the IJK Board of Trustees as to . k M d' I A 'at'on on
proposal states constitutional. . whether the present coverage is valid " In Lexington the University issued Staffs and students In the Colleges Of Kentuc y e lcta 550“ I '
‘ Astronomy. classes now have "filed foradeclaratoryjudgement. Edelman said I astatement saying it was “reluctant to Medicine. Denistry. Nursing. behalfofthestatesdoctorsand passed i ' i
observing sessions with ortable and 3"“th to the complaint was a B ‘ ll .h 'd h U ' ' rely solely on state statutes which have Pharmacy and Allied Health by the I976 General Assembly. That "
telescopes but the _. p . letter from the UK legal officesetting asica 43" 3 e 5‘“ ~ I e niverSity 4 b . at' n fund Professions. bill was declared unconstitutional by .
. ‘ .. y are very time forth some of the problems in that hastwotypesofcoverageforsuttsfiled SC up a 3.“ compens '0 ‘ “This commercial insurance is a SI the state Supreme Court. .
consuming. Clark said. There are against medical personnel. called a self-insurance program. from . . . . . h .
PTObIemS — findin faint ob'ects and flew. ~ ' - - - WhICh judgements for medical million deductible policy. Whlc ~
maintaining telescrg) e ali nInent 444 “We believe the statute IS One is basic and is made up of malpractice claims against UK agents prOVides up to $6 million aggregate 4 . 4
that a permanent Obzervati facilit constitutional and we think they are contributions from UK. originally and employees can be paid .. coverage for medical malpractice “Because of the potentially huge .4
would solve the proposal c? lainedy covered.‘ 83"] ASSistant Attorney $350300 plus whatever CISC '5 44 4 4 ‘ . claimsm any one year. The University sums involved in medical malpractice
Clark is hopeful that UK will et ah General BarbaraEdelman. “But they necessary to maintain the fund Therefore. UK intends to continue of Kentucky does rely on the self— Clall‘l4'iS4. the UniverSIty of Kentucky is 4 .
observatory but added ”48444 a are not Willing just to rely on our annually. carrying commercml medical insurance program for the first 4$I unWillingto 4rer uponmereopinionas ,
planetarium may be too ex nsive 4.0 statement. which is understandable." The other is excess. funded by the malpractice insurance until such time million aggregate malpractice ,0 the validity of coverage provided
, P6 r The concern stems in part from a legislature and presumably tapped if as the self-insurance program exposure in a year." the statement under theself-insurance program. the 4.,
. Continued on page 3 court ruling a couple of years ago the normal coverage runs out. established under state law is declared said. statement said. '4
. it ‘
I o ay—-—— —
€135“th shortage “"5 by the U-5- Department Of Health. world victories by Tanzanian troops in the four-month-Old war. 4 g 4 .-
Education and Welfare. In 3 Uganda Radio broadcast monitored in Nairobi. ‘2‘ , .
state The committee stopped short of recommending that a VIETNAM CLAIMED TUESDAY to have put L600 Keyna.4Arnin asked Kenya. Zaire. sud-n. Rwanda and 4 . 4
. 4 similar formula be developed for the states three legal (‘hinese troops outofactionin anorthwestern provincewhere Burundi to try to persuade4Tnnziinian4 PreSIdent Julius I \
A SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL schools. analysts believe the armies are jockeyingfor position priorto Nyerere to accept Ora-nintlon of African Umty pm: 4.
4 4 -4 SCHOOL ADMISSIONS yesterday endorsed a proposal _ one of the most decisive battles of the II-day-Old border efforts. 't ' .
that would give added consideration to medical school naflon battle. The Ugandan broadcast appeared ‘0 “‘0“ 4°“ ”Th0“ : _
‘ . . applicants who are from areas of the state underserved by The Voice of Vietnam said its troops wiped out a Chinese that Amt" and h“ tithtly hid "9“ Uganda. but 'I underlined '4 ~
. _ ; medical personnel. THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION regiment and two battalions inthehillyprovinceOfLangSon. Amin‘s Phlht- - '-
-'. ' 4, . The proposed loo-point scale for judging applicants was disclosed yesterday that is has been unable to credit nearly $69 but did not give the exact location of the fighting. '
‘ 4 ."4 drawn up by the administrators of the medical schools at the billion in wages to the correct workers' accounts because of A Chinese spokesman. who asked to remain anonymous. weather , ' ,
’ i ‘ i Universit of Kentuck and Universit of Louisville. identification roblems datin back to I937. dismissed Vietnamese claims on the Chinese casualities and I .
Z. L. -' I .. The prhpoul wouldygive students qu to I0 of the points if The problerii. which meansgthiit retirement benefits for the declined to indicate the actual number of casualities. WET AND WARM TODAY" tempemtum unexpected ' 4
. 4‘ they are from underrepresented geographical areas or affected workers could be reduced. stem from inaccurate or to he.“ the “PP" 50' Cloudy "Id "“M "I" showers ending 4 . . = '4
' . ‘ - - - ' . , toni ht Wllh I low in the mid ‘03. Look for it to be partly
. . . minorities. incomplete earnings reports filed by employers or the self- 3 . . . h h‘ h, . 'n
i - . , Sixteen ofthe 21 counties with no medical school students employed over the years. Social Security Commissioner UGANDAN PRESIDENT IDI AMIN. apparently sunny nnd.continued mild tomorrow "I I; ”I ‘
.- ’ ‘ . and I9 of the counties with no dental students have been Stanford G. Ross said. desperate. sought pence yesterday amid reports of repeated "‘Ch'hl the “PI,er 50* .
. '1 I .
y _ .
‘ ‘ i

 \ye. . .‘ ‘ . . _‘ . I. , 77‘ . . ' ‘ a"‘}"""‘i"l‘~"‘$“ t "“’iskthrflfiwmynhmnonvm 3L , ., ‘ ,_ .. g _ n‘ _ .. _ _ ... , ..«..~».v.r*i~»..~zvo-'i~ prison . . . i- .. . ‘ . , . I .
ft i
a l‘ i
~. 5- Steve Iallnger Tho-u (‘Iark 5t!" Ml“?! Walter Tunis Janie Yaughl Ton Moran
“‘ Eililul m U"?! filmmal film" Ruth M'ttiM'! Adi-f film" Spam tililm Ullft‘lol of Photography
. ; ' . m at , .
, Richard McDonald :m’mm J“. Wilnwrlght Assistant Adff t‘tliiur J ohn (‘lay Unda Camphdl
Manaxmx fill/HI Aim-rare Miran Com Edi/0n Brian Rickard Pholu Manager
. . . . 'Asstilanl Spom Editori- ‘
. editorials 8: comments i
Balar iCBd-bUd 961‘ amendment COU/d be trouble
_ Question: What’sthe nextamendmenttotheU.S. way toward abolishing deficit spending. various demonstrated at. the recent special session. is cool decline of the dollar abroad. It‘s not legitimate to
Constitution going to be? factions might strike deals that would bargain away towards PTOPOSthg a national cconvention. The expect balancing the budget to savethe economy by
whole sections of the Bill of Rights. Freedom of reason is probablya basic distrustofchange andthe itself. and there‘s every reason to fearthe harm that
If you said the Equal Rights Amendment. good speech. assembly and the press could all be lack 0f support from the political establishment. would be caused by an immediate cutback. Peter
foryou but that‘s wrong. The ERA looks like it‘s compromised. Fortunately. any amendment must Gov. Julian Carroll supports a balanced budget Rodino. D-New Jersey. chairman of thejudiciary‘
, completely stalled in the state legislatures. be approved by 38 states before it passes. amendment. but not by the convention route.) committee. has said any proposed balanced-budget
Meanwhile. the item with the most momentum isa Thatkind ofpredictionisoutlandish.arguesome. The strong interest in abolishing the federal amendment should be considered with caution.
push for balancing the budget. the elimination 0f But at the last constitutional convention in I787. budget dehCh is caused by concern over inflation. Both Congress and state governments should keep .
deficit spending. reminds Wisconsin Gov. Lee Dreyfus, a whole new DehC't spending undoubtedly causes inflation. that advice in mind.
Twenty~eight of the required 34 states have document was produced after the Articles of through an expansion ofthe money supply to cover
passed resolutions asking that Congress call a Confederation were thrown out. Who knows what the national debt. Correction '
constitutional convention to propose a balanced- the present restive political groups might decide on BUt it would do well to remember that deficit
budget amendment. That figure comes from the doing today? spending has helped the country. t00- By borrowing An editorial Monday incorrectly stated that no
National Taxpayers Union. a lobbying group that A safer way to legislate a balanced budget. if it is money against future revenues. the federal team has ever won the NCAA championship after
seeks to control government spending. necessary. would be to propose such an amendment government has been able to encourage advancing from aconferencetournament. Actually.
Altering the constitution through a convention in Congress. The House Judiciary Committee is PTOdUCttVtty and fund important social programs. North Carolina State‘s David Thompson-Tom
would be a hazardous exercise. Among other legal examining a number of such bills now. and when a Employment has been kept below l0 percent since Burleson team accomplished that feat.
questions ,, it‘s never been done by states before. so measure does reach the floor. it will have strong the Depression. when deficit spending was The contention that pre-NCAA tournaments
nobody really knows what the rules are « it‘s backing. ln fact. many states probably called for a introduced to save the country from strict. boom- weaken teams. however. is still obviously sound .
uncertain whether a convention could be limited to convention only as a way of spurring the bust fiscal policies. because ofthe many highly ranked squadsthat have "
the budget issue. amendment through Congress firSt. There are a lot ofthings in the US. economythat been eliminated in early NCAA tournament games
it‘s not difficult to imagine the dangers. On the (Kentucky. despite the tax-cutting mania need fixing. such as waning productivity and the after surviving intra-conference battles.
Student apathy L h E d 't
_ 'fK / ett‘erstote [or i
CO/UI I JnISt wonders I erne Mi'itary satire ROTC program.) Also. there is no And if he looked even further atthe
such thing as a green khaki uniform. record he would seethat it isthe armed T“
d ' . In reference to Gregg Fields‘article No officer or cadet in ROTC runs services that have been inthe forefront i;
rea ers care a OUt anyt [”9 in Mondays Iu'mei. it seems to me around expounding the virtues of when it comes to actual progress made i
that to write good sattreone must have fighting anyone ~commies.gooks.or by blacks and women in breaking .
50:]: typ: of knotwlftigje 2:38:31?gfi:: Iranians. No one wants to fight. not gown the barrizrs ofllérejudiccs and :
. W a IS In S lr 7 . ' ‘
By JOHN COOKE Cheng‘f‘anyth‘l‘g-lam only‘sayingthat provide pile carpeting. saunas and required :xfgngation must nit be even those who are trained to do so. niicirlilantltIeTSEat 2212‘s slltfifidlblbritssrf)‘:
, . ‘l‘hlS. s‘cathing critiCism from room service for 0‘” warriors and who overused to the point of being abused. Fields would be surprised to know feels like.
lb?“ come m for some negative writers who have hardlyImastered can really blame them? The students (ls Fields biased?) I tend to think some of the ROTC cadets on this F' I ~. . d . d’
critiCism lately and l have deCided to subject-verb agreement I? rather “’0" it in stride WithOUt a wimper. Fields‘ knowledge ofthe military. and campus. It is obvious from his article la dIS '5 a VH3 goo . writer an h'."
”‘9’“ the favor. .h seems that an tedious. The" paralyzmg naivete and Many directly supported it- After 3“ those men and women who take part that he has never been in contact with palrticu arva $00 satiristd. Whoyh, '5
oblique ”9’9““ Just glances 0” the heavy-handedness negates what they those guys really work hard and they in the ROTC program and later any military except maybe through C0 1m" bvery r3”; anh WhlS I":
the“ 5km 0’ ”View“. so I We say. . . deserve it The sports program become members of the officer corps. hearsay and secondhand reports. not ”.‘g. uthgoo 'l utw 6: If“: e,
elected to shove it in your face. hoping A fine example of this IS the generates alot of revenue for UK and in particular. is lacking. l also believe However. if he looked around he to satirizelt e rlni IiItarIy.:n bt e drrIiIiy
that it wontgo over your head. After excellent piece by Michael Breen. that‘s certainly more important than that Fields‘ridicule and sarcasm in his would see that ROTC cadets are bn'gdmiiuli‘r‘d ht in e urne is
all. you can only beat ortrain yourdog Student Government Press Secretary improving the quality 0f education last articlevergeson theabsurd.(Afull among the better and more open ' n ges e m 'm'
With ‘f‘ newspaper. you can I get him to Whmh. appeared here yesterday. here. colonel paying a personal house call to students. both with regard to studies
read It' Knowmg that SUCh mature and - - Franklin who has already cut his hair and to other people‘s feelings and Kenneth F" Emberton "
I suppose it is {mile to assume that articulate individuals are representing .1 hf‘d a d‘tef‘t encounter W'th these the fool , before even 'oinii'i the ideas Political Science junior )
you will ever figure out that the our interests makes you wonder why misaligned i’tlontleS when l t00k a J g ' 1
perspective a writer adopts is not other students consider the $0 a class With several football players. it
necessarily an accurate representation travesty and avoid it like the clap. They . rarely attended class and a
of his personality. Does Lolita mean l! seems that only the most blunt sometimes "01 even the exams. That ‘5 ea r e O r e i.
that Nabokov was a pedophile? approach makes any impression. “0‘ unique. ”OWN?“ the" 0W” I .'
l have a tolerance for disgust. but I Unless an article is as subtle as a rat in cheating was really disturbing. They
sat together. exchanging answers at a . _ .
V .
- . f;"..°‘f:§“:2:'m“ii:§§.i.f 23.1.3312 Keeper of the eternal flame of justice and more :
10h” 000ke exam. One particular player would .
- occasionally badger the professor for .
the answer. lspoke with theinstructor By STEPHEN A. LUTZ different from your own! How can I is on their side. Yours is a crippled. -
about the problem and he said his hope to pit my feeble resourcesagainst limited vision; and it is essentially a f
have to admit that l have reached my a punchbowl. it is overlooked and hands were tied. An appeal to higher All Praise to George Potratz! someone who is already an assistant worthless one. .
hmlt- lt is hard to express my everyone turnsto the sports page. bUt levels was patently ignored. He had Defender 0f the Faith! Keeper 0f the professor of English? Please Mr. If the “revolutionary“ victory in ’
profound disappointment with the what can you expect of a university given up. Eternal Flame of Justice! Protector of Potratz. don’t strike me dead! l‘m Iran is so dedicated to bringing justice
Kerrie/Ts readers. I started writing for obsessed with the deification of the l tsa in athlet retheonl the Down~trodden! Ah. the saints be sorry l forgot that anything Iranian to Iran. how do you explain the
this paper with the assumption that l athletic teams? I suppose this aim noho Zhegt 0 es an th t ail praised for we have among us a truly students do is all right. no matter how summary execution of hundreds of
was reaching an informed and pathological sports fetish is the most p33): w h t I: t lr eve kén a righteous man! Ah. good ole George. repulsive or disgusting it may be. Oh. former Shah supporters? ls this how
discerning audience. but nothing repugnant aspect of UK. I am all for a f e es cteatI‘ u l' am mafi g f where would we be if we didn‘t have dear George. how sorry l am to think the Khomeini intends to deal with
could be further from thetruth. [I has vicarious thrills. but when you must rt;er:nce{ 0 ti mllplg. safflonflfi him to tell us what iscorrect to think? that the people who charged the those who oppose him? Is his an
become apparent that the readersjust subjugate your education to them. I C ea '33 drom “ea (:ninishr: “:1” (1‘ Where would we be if we didn‘t have Shah‘s mother‘s house had any example of his idea of revolutionary
lounge about in their torpor and believe I'll pass. as an or inary stu ent a. c eate ' him to tell us if a given belief was violence on their minds. Surely those justice? It sounds more likea reign of
. . . . . . would I have been given any .. .. . ..
almost nothing can elrcrt a response. For instance. the eXistence of the t t' ,I C t . l t C . d correct or not? Ah. dear sweet people Wished only to “educate the terror to me. Tell me. Mr. PotratLdO
You may get a tremor if they decide Joe 8. Hall Basketball Bordello is an Em €330“ I.” ainy no ' in“ e; George. The man for all seasons. Boy. lady about the excesses of her son. you rememberthe French ReVOlUtiOh?
you have madea swipe at some sort of affront to everyone not involved with hi”; isdpracice ma es a moc cry 0 I tell you. my life would not be Truly they had no violent intentions Do you recall the terrible suffering
institution or concept which they hold the sports program and some people lg er 8 ucation. complete if I didn‘t have him to advise whatsoever. They needed their clubs that the French people went through
dear. In that case. they bring the full who are. especially the women. Think Those are some 0f the more me on all my major politicaldecisions. only for self defense. right George? Or during those dark days? How can you 3
force of their ineptitude to bear. what that money could have done in upsetting things that I wanted to talk I swear. the man is the biggest law- did they? Did they really believe that believe that the lranian people that
presenting a response in their defense terms of improvements for the King about t0d3Y- From the academic giver since Moses. they might need their clubs to you claim to be so concerned about
“'htCh only further illustrates the Library or the inexcusably inadequate purgatory. see you next time. Oh Mr. Potratz. l humbly pray for overpower a 90 year-old woman? Tell willescapeasimilar fate? I put it to you
validity of the original criticism. Seaton Center or the language lab. your forgiveness for surely l have me George. wasthis beastly woman so sir that adark shroud has fallen across
lam not a crusader. I am not foolish Instead. the people who donated that John Coolie is an English senior. His sinned against your holy word! How formidable [hat 500 healthy ampsnah the race of lran. and that death and .
enough to believe thatthe Kernel will money to UK. felt compelled to column appears every Thursday. dare I. a mere senior. offer an opinion fanatics were needed to insure she terror shall stalk the land. i
would be convinced of the error of her But you won‘t have to deal with mat .5
i. / , / W ways? little slice of reality. Will you. r.
_ ALLKlGlT WE OF %// CLlflk..CL|NK“C|-uu6- Him ME Yak Yeah sure George. Potratz? No. fortunately for you.
we COMW‘ZE 7 47’4// m KEEP N M'UD ml You think anybody beficvcg that you‘re able to sidestep that llttlc 318
~ POEM COKE 7,?!” ./ V55 YOU 21145“ bullshit?Not me pal.lsawthoseguys. quite nicely. You set to play Bis
MMHlNS-I / ,. 4/ ./ They wereafter blood.Theireyeswcre Revolutionary._ 5‘0“" It"! the
. / / / ;// // // / 1/ . glassy with thoughts of murder and knowledge that if it all getsa ittlfetoo
.~ / /// /,/ l // //’// ’/ ./////; ‘ / their hands were clenched in fists of real you can always '0‘?" yourse “to
/ " // /// f / o / t / ’//// hate. your little cubicle in the Office Tower
//z . ///'r /m»/ on - ' h b‘ bad Id oesawa
”é , I / II . - /7// I' g All that holter-than-though crap “ht'l t e t8~ war 3 y.
.' / , /// / w l M 5. . "‘ ’// ////// . you‘ve been handing the student body You'don‘t have to worry about guys
_ 4. I/ ’ / . / l . v ' f M/ 1.1: for the past several months is coming around at midnight to blow I
. ”14¢ / ll ‘ f ’ ' /// C . a beginning to wear pretty thin George. your head 0“ . .
, . ‘ Z ////? 1) i //% Y . ' People just aren‘t buying your t‘holy All that you have to contend w“" i
._ //V 1/, , . g %/7 i it: man lecturing to the philistines“ act are opinions different from'you'r own i
. . , 17/, /, ,/ TI . /, / I anymore. Even the most cursory that appear on the _Kemel's‘editorial ;
I. 3 : //I %/ . | 7‘ ' // .’ . l' examination of your articles reveals page. All I can say '5 met its a 809d I
. . . / / , II / / ' u that you have little conception of the thing. because if you ever came in l
I I. i M II ' // ‘" complexities of the modern world. contact with anyserious revolutionary
/ 14 ll I / Yours is a world of black and white violence you'd be one of the first to
i ' .. / stereotypes. of fiendish plots by fall. But then the fair weather
.- , ‘ . ' i // shadowy CIA agents. of valiant revolutionaries always are.
. ' .. ' i l , ///I// “freedom fighters"struggling against .
'_ . .. 'I )’ .-' i DD ' 7, fl // / I, oppression and venality secure in the Stephen A. Little! Political Science
a ' I i m I / A N. 7/ '/ . " ml belief that they are right and that God nation
'iifiifiésii‘f-i‘ .y'. ‘ L
”If?! fLArg‘i'éi-f: ,- _ .
:s l
’5‘,” . "7'f"":"17"."' 7W. ,‘ _ g. d. W .1 “‘T" " )1'" ”W. . . , . I. . _ .. .. -. " ' , ”waiw.-M--~W ......... ‘
‘§‘€?%;';.ng Ign‘ L, :‘vv'fr " ‘:Iv..';’I*o, .1: 0'“ 3‘ ' '. ’ .4- ‘ I ~, . ,. i g . I, . '. .'._ l‘ f;i‘~"§f’§f“fi f‘éfikf‘ig .. I _. _ '7 . ' ‘I . (A i i " “ ' ' .‘ '
e 73:...» tee-:23 MM.- «"2»: . r .« ~.- » , . ‘ .‘ .. . » , -» .s‘ s, .. s“ s ~ ' ' ' .. 1:: . ‘ . ‘ « .. " . ‘. ,
' figj‘g’flfish: Lvflmw’e‘ - 4- -1 " ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘ .i‘ . a... gait ‘ . ' ' ' . . - ' ' -- « r '

 i, h d lllt ht 'I\ ll ( Kt Kt R\H.. Thursday. March 1. "796-3
Professors say t ey see a nee _
i . camp 8 b efs department it: mi 'I, on; up engineering llit' Aim/mitt Army/.3“)
- I
r for campus planetarium, observatory u n ... . .4 r Hmong.
. ,. .i (I ,lltUli'i t'..i 'l_'.l'r_“ 1‘ ~i I- l ll .cisit l K'nt ‘k ‘
5‘ Continued from PIICI Priorities tor funding must Ihe astronom) Piotessois ()ne ol the tint-moo .tltlllttttllt'\ ..n the [Till W I, p I, ‘1' . I,“ ‘5"; K“ I \‘Ml H‘ :\ Infill: .‘I‘
:«r the administration to build. l3? set by President ()tis htllcit.lhtldtllllltswnuldhtnl LMurrentmqllu $21anle Nth Ii “l h WINNING h.‘ w \1t-i...;iiio.trii \ith'l‘. ”I whim“, L.Iuh m“ da\
Krogdahl said planetaria cost Singletary, who then conlers general interest to a large onda). ‘ "r‘ 1* [nt- Min-h... 1,411.“; ..g “In“, ituiiii: lltt‘ spring an