xt76t14tmk3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmk3x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1990 Vol.61 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1990 Vol.61 No.10 1990 1990 2019 true xt76t14tmk3x section xt76t14tmk3x 'Zfi 8 ’ M 7
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)ff1c1al Pubhcatlon of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce — Vol. 61, No. 10 - October 1990 _
_ ——-————-—————————————-—-————-—————-———-—-———————————_—_
' ‘ 2 a i elephants fly
“"th013 it th
11 ac y C615 5 1 SUD e 01‘ arcom
3L5.i}5‘;:“il1..-.-.J'Str the good news: The Re- Signed by Chairman BobGable, that was for ’eating out.’ You must also growingage group wehave. ..probably
Kites-25:; the; ’arty of Kentucky is getting the letter indicated that scripts were notice that in other categories tested, the same group that has a good record
its .aunch a major advertising already being written and air time re- radio barely made any showing what- of voting in primary and general elec-
eampaign. served. soever,” Thompson’s letter said. tions.” '
Now, the bad news: None ofthe ”Words cannot express the He further cited evidence that In the case for newspaper ad-
money is targeted for newspapers. Shock and dismay I had when reading 76 percent Of those surveyed said they vertising, Thompson began, ”1 WOUld
’ The state GOPapparentlyspent the . . . ’urgent’ message from you to ”NOt Often/ Never”. rely on radio ad- also point 01-11”, as you d0, the COSt of
a bundle the first of the month faxing GOP supporters,” said Executive Direc- vertising.'Ihis figurejumpsto 90 percent production time and spot purchasingl
and mailinga fund-raising letter to past torDavid Thompsoninaresponse, hand for persons 55 and above, ”the fastest See GOP, page 8
contributors. delivered on Oct. 2 to state Republican
But, this one didn’t go down SO headquarters located on the same block 0 o .
well with one publisher who shared a of Ca itol Avenue as KPA. M d-E t tt k
copy ofthe letter with KPA.The ”urgent p Thompson included a copy of 1 a S crl S 1 S a ac S
— high priority Message,” dated Oct. 1 the 1987 statewide media survey by '
and setin allcaps, proclaimed the party’ 8 Hamilton, Frederick and Schneiders of K t k
advertising budget was committed to Washington, DC, which shows radio en uC y newsp ap er S
radio. dead last in the race to reach Kentucky
. —. =». ~‘ i ‘ ' , . reach'rr-e.eonsumers.e.en es . s. , . : Regroupand recoup seems to companies,” said Stone, adding that a .
(voters): Radio ads,” the missal read. - ”You will note that, compared bethe accepted formula fori'neeting the recent memo from his paper’s parent
”Production time and cost is reasonable, to other media in 20 tested categories, increases hitting the publishing indus- company, Knight-Ridden said to eXpect
and air time is more accessible.” radio did no better than a 7 rating and try, partly as a result of oil shortages the paper and ink increases.
attributed to the Middle Eastern crisis. ”People are going to have to
Le islators more re ce tive "hveryttnnesgorngup.won't take another hot at soy-heed ink."
g . p think anything’s ever going to come said Stone, whose paper uses the soy
. down,” said Marty Backus, publisher of product in its color printing.
to Open parOle board hearlngs the Appalachian News-Express in See Oil crisis, page 8
Pikeville. ,
Like most other publishers, .,
KPA representatives who ”had ——.—-—-—- Backus is facing ink prices as much as 10 ‘ i ' V
topresstheGeneral Assemblyforaction Kentucky 15 one Of only 12 percent higher than in September. An ”A V. I,
on the opening of parole board hearings states that close parole board article in the October presstime says that @K ‘ r? f _ 3
appeared to have lost the war during hearings to the press and to ink prices increased as much as 20 per- id't’t '1 r a;
the 1990 regular session. the public. cent last month, with ink companies “ 'Mfi._ , Cam I '
But the group testifyng before —___________ blaming the cost of oil which has almost r t; he; .. '
a legislative committee on Oct. 1 may estin beingaparty to the parole board’s doubled sinceAugustwhenIraqitroops " Q” , . (
have regained some ground. work. Most of the time people in small marched into Kuwait. i ‘ W e . .
"1 f9“ much better about this," towns learn of a felon’s parole when The COSt 0f newsprint is also , , I '
said KPA board member Steve Lowery, that felon is charged with another going up. Two reasons are generally £25; % .
referring to the response 0f Program crime,” Lowery told the legislators. cited by the paper suppliers: (1) Strikes jég‘, ' ‘
Review and Investigation Committee. Citing the case of a Marion at Canadian mills have cut output by hi% '
"It appears we finally have some ad- County man who wasparoledbackinto about a fourth, and (2) many mills are V _, , '
vocates.” the community three times only to recouping costs of converting equip- ' 7 t ,
Lowery, publisher of The Ken- continue to commit crimes, Lowery ment for production of recycled paper. ’ _ ,
' tacky Standard in Bardstown, joined concluded, “The public that is preyed . “
Attorney Jone L. Fleischaker and The upon by _ _ . violent felons should be Backus said he expects to raise t '
Courier-journal’s Stan Macdonald in granted theright to listen to paroleboard advertising ratesbyianuary, his paper’s fiy ' V . is
speaking to the group charged with re- hearings so that they can better under- first increase in three years. He’s also , ’ ~ " ”a ' . 3
viewing the states Parole System stand why parole is granted to people ”looking for more customerS” for his 7y '" , ’” “a. . 1;:
The three were able to present who have committed outrageous acts.” presses WhiCh print the Pikeville paper, , a 5” t
evidence that 38 of the 50 states have "It is difficult to understand the Martin Countian 8Mercury in Inez M "“
open parole board hearings. "Kentucky why such secrecy isnecessary, especially and commercial jobs. Hands on
is one of the few states in the union that in view of the fact that the criminal Although he buys through A University of North Carolina com-. r
allows the parole board to do its work justice system is required to be open to Knight-Kidder Supply, David Stone of munity journalism student tries her .
behind closed doors,” testified Lowery, the public and to the media at all stages the LexingtonHerald-Leader said he isn’t hand at lay out and design. She is one
who also chairs KPA’S Freedom Of In— leading up to incarceration,” said surprised by the increases. ”The price of 10 whose class project is to study
formation Committee. Fleischaker in a prepared statement on (of ink) has been depressed for the last and evaluate The Georgetown 1
”The public has a vested inter- See Parole, page 8 year because of a price war among the Graphic this semester. Story, page 2. '

 Page 2
The GmEhiC details V B
More than grade 3 r1d es on this rep ort p" Ingsgemukv l
I A coin toss mightbe needed to _ , . iii;are}:2:522:15>=3ii::;<;:j.§;f‘i:it;22%;: b:
determine who’s getting the most ben— ;. . if 'i 1990 Officers Tl
efit out of a KPA-sponsored project: the . . ' President
staff of The Georgetown Graphic or the .. . David Hawpe. Louisville Courierdournal
students in Sfisan Ross’ Community , " j President-Elect tic
Journalism class at the University of ‘ ; . , -. ,4; " Celia McDonald. LaRue County Herald News fa]
North Carolina. ' ,1 ' (I 'f . V .52.; ' ,. Vice President . 95‘
”For an independent paper to , “5% W . .. ,, . , ' “vary :hirirz, Danvrlle Advocate Messenger . q.“
get thiskind ofserviceisgreat,” said Jim I rag My ”fly/K” JgfrisLyles, Benton Tribune Courier tio
Rector, general manager of the now f g; '1," , . , / Past President
twiceweeklypaperincentral Kenm€ky- . " , ‘ ’ , Larry Craig, Green River Republican > 05
”The only critique we generally get is in , , , ’ ~ ~ w1
newspaper contests.” Board of Directors if 3
”SittinginaclassroominNorth / , ; . t. .Y Districti - rea
Carolina and being critical is certainly I; _ , / . ' Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier On
differentthanwhenyou’rehavingto do / #4, MW“ ,5 District2 cor
it," said Devon Hyde, one of the IOUNC , ) y ~ ”j g Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress hay
students who packed the Graphic’s tiny :31 f . i . ,. ’ , DISlYICt 3 - . anc
office complex Sept 24-26- ,. , ,. . 1; . ,, is... Review McLean County News -. . =
hometown Paper again,” the senior i Eli"? 23““ “am” Fame 2
public relations major said, as she - ’_ , Wig I if : “2%,”, 0'8 "Ct .
. _ rm.“ ,/ 7 MW ,y/n/ ( oleman Love, Elizabethtown News
carefully cropped a picture of a local , (I! [:2 , Enterprise —
women’s group. » ” 5“ ; ' Districts
For three days, the studentsand ' , , f ,/ ,z/Wf Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era all
their teacherappendaged themselves to . , ’ - -' ’ wag/1..., fl District7 thart
the Graphic. They followed staff mem- , ' , r ”j, ,/ _ Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News the'
bers through their paces, they inter— ' . 3:, £92,; "i " Districts I
viewed and observed them, and they ' ' f M ”'3'“ Gary Quinn
literally walked the streets asking Scott H , , , . ' Mays-ville Ledger Independent fie:
County residents for their opinions The ultimate benef1c1ar1es District9 4
about the paper. Jim Rector, general manager of The Georgetown Graphic an- K9" Mell, Bath County News 0Ull0°k p in
Before the tri north the stu- swers a question for two University of North Carolina students, D'Sti'Ctlo'" . se 9‘
d "it ‘p . ’ ; members of a community journalism "class that is evaluating the John Del 33"” ‘ N. ..
ents pored over back issues of the Kentuck new 4 a er Ashland Daily Independent “is:
newspaper and critiqued its look and y up p ' ‘ District12
content. Back at school, they’ re con- , _ . _ Louise Hatmaker
tinuing the critique of each issue, in- the class 10 seats. AS a result Of Its alackofcommumcationamongthestaff. Jackson Times/Beattyville Enterprise '
corporating their observations and ex- popularity, the course carries a number NOhOdY_ seems l0 know what anyone District13 . Chit
periencesinGeorgetown, and preparing Ofprereqllllsltes: . else is domg,” said one student. ”They Glenn Gray _
a report, due in December. I like it because I am finally seem to relate really well personally, Manchester Enterprise new
The result will be an evaluation getting to do something hands on,” said but not professionally.” District-14 crea
that the small paper could not afford to Alisa DeMao, a junior innews—editorial. ______— Stuart §imPS°n Ami
have done b f - 1 1 While at the Graphic, she had a chance to _— PillaSk' Week Assr
y pro essmna consu tants " , , District 15A
and an insight into community row- typeset and do layout and paste up. Anything they say IS J Green Ind].
nalismthatthestudentswouldfindhard The final report, WhiCh repre- important. The report will LEington Herald-Leader ,
to get on their own. sents the. bulk of the students’ grades, help us know what we're (10- District 158
”We hope to gel a good, objec- w111consxst of three sections. personnel, ifig right or wrong." , Guy Hatfield . M‘
tive view of ourself,” said edltOI‘ Byron prOdUCt and process, according to Stu' General M a 11 a e 1' Jim Rector Citizen Voice and Times, Irvine
Brewer. ”As reporters, we spend time dent Connor. The students had to keep ____________g—_ State At-Large
trying to be objective, but it’ 5 hard to be those three areas in mind as they re— _ Steve Lowery Cli
objective about yourself. We hope to yiewed the newspaper. Based on the“ _ General manager RECtOT 15 Kentucky Standard, Bardstown Cl
learn how to improve our product and interests, they Will div1de into groups to primed to take the bitter With the sweet Associates Division ‘
to find out whatreaders and advertisers make the evaluation of each area, she in the final report. ”Anything they say is Ralph Derickson
think about us.” said. important,” he said, referring to the University Of Kentucky
' __________ Going into the report will be evaluation. ”The report will help us Advertising Division
"_“"‘—“'—_—"’—'_'— evaluations of the issues the students know whatwe’redoingrightorwrong.” Larry stewan _ y
"The ultimate benef 1' read; their gleaning of materials on ”The ultimatebeneficiaries will LOU'SV'He COUT'GV'mea' .
ciaries will be us and them.” policies, practicesand financeSProvided be us and them," said editor Brewer. gigfiglrfisgmflfgmm Dram
Editor Byron Brewer by Rector; the TGSPOHSGS 0f community Rector and Brewer, as well as Bonnie l-loward, Business Manager
——-—-—-——-—-- members, and the students’ own 0b KPA board members, hope that the Gloria Davis, Advertising Director ]
Brewer also believes the expe- servations and experiences. course will be adopted by some of the Reba Lewrs, Administrative Assrstant
rience is a dose of reality for the stu- One of the positive points that state’s own collegiate journalism pro- gflgyc?mhnm8::k gflemgq Assrstant
dents. ”In journalism school, we all ex— Will surely go into the report is how well grains. pam Shingler, News gureau Director
pect to go to work for The New York liked and respected the staff members ”I’d like to see some of our own
Times. In reality, 90 percent will work are in the community. ”Everyone we students going to North Carolina or The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) is
ata paper like this, at least to start.” talked to mentioned how much they Illinois or some other state to do this PilbliShed m°mhly and second 01355
Senior Megan Connor, who like the people who work here," said type of project,” Brewer said. Image paid ”Frf‘kfm' Kf’mm‘y‘
managed to get a story and picture in Hyde. ”Evenpeoplewho said theydon’t KPA is underwriting the cost of 4060113“? at afi‘hhmal mailing Offices-
the Sept. 27 edition 0f the Paper, said the read thepaper commented on how much the program. The Graphic was selected SHbSChpmn Pme ‘5 $4 Per yeah P05" (
class is one of the most sought-after in they like the people.” from among independently-owned [1233' Sag: mag: 2f afidrle: to the
UNC’s journalism curriculum. She said . A negative perception that a weeklies in the state who applied to 12%;: K31“), 402:6? (5;;;;;_
about 40 students wanted to sign up for couple of students received, however, is participate. 8821. '

 {1 Page 3
l Black and white and Red all over -
i . _ ’3
't t 1 d 2 b' '
i i
Don pu wor s on 1, 1t Items 1
l . . .
i by Martin L. Red G1bson
1 The University of Texas at Austin . l
I . Despite the potential for intellectual gratifica- ThusI would entertain serious objections if you called A decision to wrap oneself in the cloak of
3 tion inherent in the display of one’s lexicographical apersona pusillanimous straightout, requiring readers elegance Will not bring universal approbation. Some
, range, writers can best fulfill their responsibilities by to be cognizant of that word’s meaning in order to readers Will hurl invective and calumny at you for ,
eschewing inordinate manifestations of grandilo- fully comprehend your sentence. Haunting your vocabulary for no readily ascertainable .
quence employed merely for the sake of ostenta- On the other hand, selection of the following reason. By contrast, no one, not even the cognoscenti ,
: tiousness. method of verbalizing the concept would be proper: with large vocabularies, will voice animosity toward
1 Some writers opt for polysyllabic phraseol- ”Jones is considered brave by many, but he’s really a your presentation 0f material in a Simple form. And
l ogy primarily as a means of flaunting their familiarity weakling, a pusillanimous twit, when the going gets intelligent people with smaller vocabularies will praise .
j. with obscure parts of the dictionary. Their error, even tough.” you-
i if not egregious, disturbs the natural equilibrium —-—~—————___——-——————— Does the foregoing articulation of incipient
l readers expectbetweenlocjuaciousness and terseness. However, the thoughtful writer need not cerebral processes constitute an appropriate reason
1 One suspects that such wrlters torl 1n Ignorance of the blindly Shun all special words. for wrltmg to be understood? Sure. lndubltably.
._ counterproductive effect their verbal pyrotechnics m
. haveon ordinary readers, those who read for meamng Writers must take into consideration the r e c- Write to express, not to impress. ,
and not for lex1cograph1ca1 affectatlon. . . . . _________-—-————-—-——'_________——
. ________.________ ogruzed and expected reading skllls likely to have _
1 R l (1 been attained by their audience. Most readers cannot _ However, “I“? thoughtful. writer need "Qt ,
.3 egu ar rea ers may not knoto as many be categorized as stupid, but educational insufficien— blindly shun all 8196031 words. At times, such a word
: words as one who works with words cies of one sort or another may have left them devoid works when “one other would Y9“ max need to use
all day. of a vocabulary adequate for the comprehension of pusfll'anlmous or metamorphosls or 1nchoat'e‘ or
——-————————————————- writers who regularly display the full panoply of their eclectic. I mean, .1 rn “Qt pusfllarumous about airlng .
: Still others elect this course in the belief that literary background Regular readers may not know my Whom Ph’losoi’hy 0“ .the mEtamorPhoi‘s,“
all perusers of their prose ought to be enlightened and as many words as one who works with words all day. eclectlc language. 0’" {‘5 .we might prefer to Put ltr I m 9
that the writer bears the onerous burden ofexpanding Accordingly,a writer increases his chances of no? mud about exPla‘mng my mFompletely formed x
their vocabularies. successful communication geometricallyby adopting philosophy on the vast change 1“ the structure 0f '
Irecognize thelimited validityofthisproferred a style favoring an endearing simplicity. Maximiza- languages that come from multiple sources. ‘ .
pedagogical course of action, but I feel impelled to say tion 0f readership is more readily accomplished With . BaSlcally, your g0?“ ought to be to maintain
’ it meets my parameters of usefulness only if the ex— the employment of terminology readily understood COHSCIQUS control over innate longings for self- .
' pansion of vocabularic content is accomplished by the by the great majority Of those individuals likely to agrandlzement and thus to write w1th elegance 0f
‘ selection of a word thatcanbe understood from context. encounter the literary effort. thought but not wuh elevated language. i ' ‘
“LA Write to express, not to impress.
W WMMW°“”4“%§
‘ Chiefs’ salaries rise survey is summarized in the September lishers Association. A CNPA staff review would affect the verdict of the case. In a
, Average base salaries for all top issue of yresstime, ANPA’s monthly found that Souter used his position as a 1985 case, however, he ruled against a
i ' newspaper management positions in- joumal.Overa11 base pay for executives superior court judge to create a report— newspaper in a libel suit, but in a 1988
. creased this year, according to the rose by about 5.8 percent, while base ers’ shield law in New Hampshire. In case, he disagreed with the majority of ‘
, American Newspaper Publishers pay for manager-level personnel in- the 1981 case of New Hampshire V.Siel, the state’s Supreme Court in allowing
Association’s third annual Newspaper creased about 4.1 percent, the survey the article says, Souter ruled that a re- an out-of—state resident to sue an out—of-
; Industry Compensation Survey. The says. Pay for non-managerial positions porter cannot be forced to testify in a state publication in New Hampshire
‘1 went up by about 4 percent. criminal case unless the defendant can courts.
' show: (1) that he has attempted unsuc- Groups study co-op .
YV-B- GR'MES 3‘ QOMPANY Souter rated by CNPA cessfully to obtain the information by American Newspaper Publish-
‘ ‘ Med": Br°k°'S/V°'”°l'°" 0°"sunams The US Supreme Court’s new- all reasonable alternatives to question- ers Association and the Newspaper
Over 300 Sold Since 1959 . . . . . - -
Dick Smith _ Broker est member, Justice Davrd Souter, has a mg the confidential source, (2) that the Advertlsmg Bureau have selected the
Clarksdale, Mississippi (601)627-7906 good understandingofpressissues and information sought for or through the consulting firm of Booz*Allen & ,
. Larry Grimes - President has ruled in favor of the press, says a source wouldberelevant to hjs defense, Hamilton to study ”options for a pos-
. c'a'kaU'Q' Mary'and (301)507'6047 recent edition of CNPA Bulletin, pub- and (3) that there is a reasonable possi- sibly more formalized relationship be-
: lished by California Newspaper Pub— bility that such information as evidence tween the two organizations. The study
‘ , is expected to take several months and
Y Farm is supervised by a joint committee of the
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 "Page 4
The Spencer Magnet in The London Sentinel-Echo has CARMAN and ED GRAHAM. KNIGHT, died Sept. 19 at Woodford
Taylorsville hasanew editor/ manager. promoted STEVE WYATT from book- RICK JENKINS is the new as— Memorial Hospital. The 96-year-old
JENNIFER LYNN FELDMAN, a May keeper to circulation manager. He has sociate editor of The Georgetown Graphic. woman had written for the Sun for more
graduate of Eastern Kentucky Univer- been with the paper for 16 years, start- Former community correspon— than 38 years and was the last of the
sity where she was 1989-90 editor of ing as a part-time delivery person. dent for The Woodford Sun, NELLIE paper’ s community news writers.
The Eastern Progress, took over Oct. 1. CHARLIE DAVIS has left the m
She recently completed apostgraduate ci editor’s post at The Messenger in
intemshipwithKnight-Ridder/Tribune Mtaydisonvine to become editor of the AEJMC sets lst Amendment contest
News wire service in Washington, DC, Marco Island Eagle, a New York Times _ _ , . 3 h .
and was a summer intern with Land- Groupbi-weeklyin Florida. He hasalso . TheNewspaperDiv131onofthe press10n guarantees. 0 t 6': FlrSt
mark CommunityNewspapers in 1988 worked at the Gleaner Journal in Assomation for Education ,1“ Journal- Amendment _ mean 1? practice 200
and 1989. She replaces ANDY IVERS Henderson and the Evansville Courierand 15“} and Mass Communication ‘5 spon- years after they were, written.
who resigned to pursue business op- Press. His replacement at The Messenger SOTmS a contest to recognize the best 3 I“ practice, he said, can mean
portunities,accordingtoLCNl President is MIKE HERONEMUS, a former editorial or opinion column concerning everything from Freedom Of Informa-
Larry R. Coffey. military journalist stationed most re- the FlrSt Amendment. : _ tion laws to peaceable assembly.
AMY HECKROTTE has been cently at Fort Gordon, Ga. U SpeCIfically, the wnhng ShOUId Entry feels $15 and entries mUSt
named associate editor of the Boone STEPHEN 1' CHAPLIN is the show readers how they are affected by be postmarked no later than March 18'
County Recor derinBurlington,replacing new managing editor of The Sentinel— the First Amendment, particularlyflas it 1991. O h 1 1 _ 1 3
JULIE PFEIFFER who has joined the Echo in London. Chaplin, a Morehead deals Wlth freedom 01: expressmn, ac- 3 _ t er genera ru es inc ude.
staff of the Sentinel-News in Shelbyville. State University graduate, has previ- cording to coordina tor Raleigh Mann. Each editorial or column must be SUb- ’
A 1988 graduate of the University of ously worked with the paper, as well as The melenty 0f newspapers 1“ Humid as iseparite :elntry. lUse a sepa-
Kentucky, Heckrotte most recently was With papers in Carter and Greenup Kentucky areeligi blet oenterthecontest rate 0m» or eac e itoria_or column
a staff writer at the Greenville Daily Ad- counties and Design Forum, a graphic smce It is open t9 editorial writers and entered. - Insomplete entries WIH be
vacate in Ohio where she won an aWard design studio in Philadelphia, Pa. columnists at daily or non-daily news- disqualified. Materialsubmitied for the
f h Ohi, V t _ A _ ti The Kentucky New Era in papers w1th Circulations of 100,000 or contest will-notbe returned. The date
rom t e _ o eerinary ssoc1a on Hopkinsville has added two new staff less. Entries must have been published 0f publication must show clearly on
for her articles. 3 _ members: DARREN RICHARDSON between March 16, 1990, and March 15, each item entered. "Entry forms may be
K t Th; new businescs editortof The as design specialist and LAMAR 1991_ The contest has 0.111), a single cat- photocopied. fihere is no limit to the
en ucky "WW" “1 ov1ng on 15 BRYANasgeneralassignment reporter. egory to include editorials, whether the number of editorials or columns that
335252331? (2311115: {:3 23,3” 1:331:13: A recent graduate of Southern Illinois opinion 0f aboard oranindividual, and each contestant may Smeit for judg-
TheWestemKeituck Universi hon r University, Richardson also attended columns 0f opinion. . . mg. Staple the entry form to the entry.
y ty 0 . The Winner w111 receive $500 Do no use paper clips, rubber bands, or
graduate has written and edited for the Army Defense Information SChOPL and an expenses-paid trip to Boston, cement.

‘ “writ-“WW? "tr 51331.2“ESE‘QQgtihiefigi’vliffifi Mann no nnnMCnnnnn-n . nnn *
sever ai iesm entuc yan ennes h r 3 P 3 _ 7.10, 1991. The Winner w111 present the published column or editorial entered,
see. _ t e Northern Wyommg D ally News In winningentryataconvention program. not a PhOtOCOPY; the $15 Buffy fee, and ‘

LISA K. CALLIHAN, a Stu Worland. He Wlll cover primarily farm Th 1 f h leted f d - ed
‘ dent at Ashland Community College, and agribusiness news in the Southern - . e goa 0 t e contest, Mann acomp entry orm,type orprint
has joined the accounting staff of The Penn ,1 3 said, is to encourage newspaper writers legibly. 3
. . . . y“ e d editors ”to raise the consc10usness KPA has copies of the entry
Dailylndependentin Ashland.New retail PAM MOORE has left her po- an . . . .

- - - _ . . , of their communitiesabout whatthe Bill form or you may request them by call-
advertismg sales representative at the SlthI'l as ClaSSlfIEd /1egal ad representa- f Rl h , 1 . R l . h M 91 9 /9 62 4071
paper is DEBBY HENSLEY, former tive at the Cynthiana Democrat for ajob 0 g ts — particu arly the free ex— ing a eig ann, '
advertising sales manager for Times in Lexington. Democrat Publisher . 3 3 _3 _

Mirror (DimenSion) Cable Television GEORGE JACOBS was the speaker at V 3 ' F3: 3 3
and a graduate of George Mason Uni- the recent banquet of the Harrison L . . l 3 3517‘ --j w o ' ‘ 2 I:
vers1ty. County Educational Development J I. ' i; . goat ,
Foundation Inc- " -; . on; o3. ' . j 3‘59.
. VICKI WILLIS is a new staff ' 3 l . ' goof“: ' 3". 3333 J: il?’ '
Locals named memberatthe Beattyville Enterprise. and -' . :‘l H '9 ‘ o"; " . ‘l t . t . .
ELAINE MANNING has joined sister . 3 V, .5 ‘ 33’. :3 3
t0 NNA groups paper The Jackson Times. ‘ ,3 ' 3o «55 ' 3f; ' ' '
Nine Kentuckians havebeen Theoriginal artwork of Licking 13%;“ " , '
a int ed to National Newspa r Valley Courier staff member CARLA fiwwflfifio g3 33% 33:3,: ,.
Aggciation committees for 199013931 JANE NICKELL was on display at the ewfléfigffiw 9’ f’ I: A ..
"by President Bruce Brown Morgan Inn in West Liberty, Sept. 13- 3 333333333: 4» n 3 .
Journalism Education Com- Oct. 10. The exhibit of oil paintings, ‘. *3”":’ :[ a 3 "9 ' 3 3
mittee' David Hawpe and Don Famed Fem” “Wings and Pen and a no. '2... o ' ' i .
Towles, The Courier-Journal; Mem- inksketcheswassponsoredbyFoothills . § : {‘3 33:33 2. , ' '
ber Services Committee: Guy Artists. KP A scholarship winners 1%: , 3 33“ ago" 3
Hatfield,Citizen Voiceé'Timeervine; o3; . 1,3": e ” . 3 ,3: ' f’ .’
Postal Committee: Max Heath, LEIGH LANPINI .and AMY HELM , A ,3 If?" “£33433 ’ 7 3 :55» '” ,
Landmark Community Newspa- are etude” writersm the office Of Uni- 333 3 ‘33; f 3 ” ‘ 3 ;
pers, Shelbyville; Government Rela- verSity Information Serv1ces at Murray %”’i'eil , I
tions: David Thompson,KPA; Better See U niverSity this acadenuc Yet“: ' ' V: a; I“ I e . . i _
Newspaper Contest: Celia and Bob Leighis the daughter of Dr. AnnLandini Half a century together in prmt
McDonald, La Rue County Herald, of the MSU joumallsm department. . KPA Associate members Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of Boonville, Ind.,
Hodgenville; Government Affairs Former Elizabethtown News— celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 11. .Most of those years were
Conference: Russell Metz, Bath Enterprise newsroom Clerk SHARON spent in the newspaper business. Mr. Johnson is publisher emeritus of .Waran
County News Outlook Owingsville R ATCHFORD has accepted a copy PublishingCo.andpastpresidentoftheHooswrSfatePres-sAssoaation:Hgsfather,
3 . I I edi tin ‘ob with the Lexin ton Herald— Charles H. Johnson, also had a 50-year history in printing and publishing. The
ad xerztbershgp. Betty Berryman, Leaderg JJOining the Newsg Enterprise Johnsons sold their papers to Brehmn Communications of California in 1983, but
e 1716 ester un. mailroom staff are FRANCES . still serve as consultants. 3 . .

 , Page 5 _
.. : ~
. Two Kentucky papers are mation from the former publications. winner.Saturday'swinnersget$50,and The Murray paper was also given an All .-
among 20 finalists in the Associated Also, the company’s senior citizen pub- in the final week, Monday—Thursday American rating and named one of the r
Press Managing Editors Association’s lication, New Age, has been transferred winners get $100, Friday’ 5 get $500 and 20 best university non—daily newspa- ,
20th annual Public Service Awards to the retail advertising department to Saturday’ 5 $1000. Merchants also carry pers in the country. 7
competition. Selected from 122 entries be published in two editions, Purchase entry forms. The Georgetown Graphic has 2
were the Lexington Herald-Leader and area and Pennyrile.Wally Lage, general - Kentucky winners of the fifth added a free Tuesday edition with a {
The Courier—[ourmzl in Louisville. The manager of The Sun, said the changes annual Production Awards presented circulation of 15,000. The paper has ‘
widely heralded series, ”Cheating Our will enable the company to concentrate by Landmark Community Newspapers regular news and advertising and is not . .-
Children,” boosted the Lexington pa- on publishing products for the beauty at a Louisville seminar recently were: a ”Shopper,” stressed general manager ’
per into the finals. Amulti-story exami- industry and on commercial printing The Sentinel News in Shelbyville, 2nd Jim Rector. The Graphic continues its y’
nation of the state’s public school crisis which now go into 10 states. place, best in typography (non-daily), paid circulation run with the Thursday ,
helped the Lousiville paper make the . 2nd place, Bestlayout, design and use of edition. . '
Cht- The winner was tobeannounced at SNPATI‘adEShOW color in special section; Cynthiana Grants to Metro Umted Way
the APME convention in Dallas this .11}: Democrat, lst place, best use of mechanj— and the Greater Louisville Fund for the I
month. hasadealforyoufi cal color (non-daily); Lebanon Enterprise Arts by The Courier-Journal are appar-
The Kentucky New Era in Reglvory,executivedirec~ and The Oldham Era,