xt76t14tmk2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tmk2b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1946 Vol.17 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1946 Vol.17 No.6 1946 1946 2019 true xt76t14tmk2b section xt76t14tmk2b . .. .e.. a: 2.. 3221:: :.;‘:;r:-::,:227::r.:"...':'.::-1".\2"": r":-'.:‘:::*:‘.t{? f": i123?"- §’~'1f 37f“ ‘f‘: g: 7 i 'C .. H h 1' " Z : VV‘ ' I ' i . . _' 3 - f " 1'33";
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It We‘v‘mma
l ewspaper Contests Resumed This Year :
/ By unanimous vote of the lil’A Executive weekly or semi-weekly in the state. The news edition" issues should not be included in . ‘ 3 y
i Committee, prize contests, discontinued in story contest is open to country dailies. the :\ll-i-\round Contest entries. . . t j
1945 due to various circumstances beyond Every editor is urged to send in his entries Beautiful Trophies Procured .. V 3 f
{ i0ntrol. will be held this year. Call is hereby for each contest and every entry will be Beautiful utility prizes will be ollercd ill « i V
issued for the 1946 contests and every news- judged on its merits. Let us make this 1946 this year’s contest. They are made possible 3 '
piper in the state, regardless of Association contest the biggest contest of them all! No through the courtesy of the Louisville Cour- . ‘ .‘ ,
illiliation. is invited to submit entries in newspaper shall be eligible for more than ier-journal, Lexington Herald—Leader, The p; C
lu'ei‘y contest. .Announcement of awards will one of the above first prizes. ' Kentucky Post, Covington, President Harold ;' ' i V,
3 he made at the mid-summer meeting. Disinterested Judges to Act A. Browning, and Ed \Veeks. - 3 g '
I" ‘ . Please read the rules governing each con- Conip'etept outsid: jigdges willf sltudy the AligA‘roundl- Contest . 1 i ,.
5 , tilzind iollow them to the letter. Any vio- entiies in tie (,ontes s. etausc 0. tie neces- in giii-caiice of. the competitors the fol— . ‘ 4
lilion ol' the rules will result in the entries sity of getting the contests in then hands at lowing “Iii constitute the percentages by \ 3 y
:i ' being discarded. Send in as many entries an early date, all entries must be /1n Elie which the newspapers will be scored: Gen- 5 .
3 , lam“ please, but observe the deadline. The Elnnerisitlylr p:)5tl(l)fl:lcii not lat: than May .51. end appearance, 30 per cent; local news, 25 3 f
a ) rule that no newspaper is eligible to enter ease o own rues regar ins preparation pei (CllL, county correspondence, 5 per cent; . 3 V. y
s ,die Allaro‘und and Front Page contests if ot.th.e exhibitsand the deadline. The ~10b personal items, 10 per ceiltalarm news or y 3 , '
e illias been a winner in the previous two printing exhibit shall be brought to the news [)61‘Lillnlllg to the duel industry ol the , *3 ,I
D films will be strictly enforced and your co- lVIid-summer meeting, not mailed to Lex- section where,the paper is l)llbilSllC(i,'5 per . [/5 3 }
n . “ptratiim is requested when you send in ington. . cent; general news, 5 per cent; andveditorial, _ J 3 1 y 3
Iim entries. May 31, Deadlme 20 per cent. factors to be consniered in , I, . i
. Attention is )tirticularl' called to the re— All entries must be in the hands of Secre- scoring of general appearance include make- . , s
s quirement [hairleiitries in ilieieditorial news tary Victor R, Portinann on or. before May up ol front, page and composition, headline , i ‘y: .
i‘ . 1nd fldvertisin contests must e'icli l)‘€’)'l§[6(i 3]. Entries can be included in the same schedule, literary excellence, community V l i V
ll on Separate sighs of. n )er or cardboard bundle, but each entry must be plainly service, headlines' content, illustrations, , 3 ‘
e ) lisewise ilie 6:11 t1“ esV willl lnot be ccinsidered: marked as to the contest. The packageyrnust typography and press work. . . S
5' The exhibit this year promises to be one of be marked 13.)] I A Newspaper contest, and Front Page Contest , , 1 _V V
iliie largest and ‘best since the contest began addressed to ”0365““ lOTtlT'HUIH, UanBrSlt)’ lvactors to be Judged include headline con- ' ' 3 :2
3 i ‘ s ' ol Kentucky, Lexmgton. It is suggested that tent, headline schedule, type balance, make- ‘ ‘ '
‘ .Ellclosed With this announcement are the editor write El “0th announcing that the up, name plate and ears, press work and ink- ' ‘- 1‘
Emma 12113615 WhiCh must be PEI-“ed 0” en» package has been sent, to avoid delay and ing appearance and illustrations (if any), _ 3V :V
9: I":381101 each contest. All contest entries possible loss of entries: and contrast. 3 ;; ,
. 3%; l ’6 enclosed 1“ one package, b1"; each Contest Selection Rules . (Note—Special emphasis will be placed on I .1 1
.Entest should be wrapped separately with Each contestant may select any issue of the make-up of the entries in the above two A, 1“ .
u .“e alppropria-te label attached thereto to this paper, or may .CliP any specific entry, contests.) y .
\g Lifgsltte Pilstt‘r‘bfmon ‘to the 113313:qu th:t between the dates ol June 1. 194.3 and May Best Editorial Contest :_ .
3ilille of. t1w”::fli::’tl):lnfltfh;n1:11;; ”2:11;: $1, .1946. 'frhis change 'froni reqctlnring lspecr Inprderdto' Istimulate ' the. editors in ex— 3 5. ' . :3
3 Pen‘to Evelr N‘ s I - fic issues 0 newspapers was ma e at tie re- pressing in iVic uality, initiative, and leader— , y ' i .3
3.3; Y CWSPHPCI‘ quest of many of our members. It has also ship in this department which IS the editor’Si g . .i ,
it5:3Eggfigaggggggggggfgigigiégifiiifimgh‘EHCh and every contest is open to every been suggested that “election” or “special” own. attractive prizes are offered in this con: ‘ \ 1 VV 3 ‘
3:3 . » , é , i V
'ng 4:} ' . V A ‘ , . ' , r" ' ‘. 3" :3
‘ , ‘ , . , ‘ 51%"? " .r
‘ it: ’ _ . . _ , - »- .

 " EE‘EC l E l?
l‘ill‘ Hit; . - :
EE , E E Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1946 l ,4
I: l s i» "ll , l
. :‘I‘Il llI . l: test. The factors which will be considered in on a religious subjecti with the prize being Trophy Offered For4 l—
, .l .I, ' E, l l [3:3 the judging are: subject matter, thought offered by The Salvation Army through the Job Printing Exhibit 4 _—-
. Il‘II 4 El 'EE Ill: sequence. community appeal, rhetoric (dic— courtesy of Brigadier Vincent Cunningham, Through the courtesy of Thomas F. Smith,
.I llv' E l l tion, unity. figure of speech, punctuation), . editor-in-chief of the “Mr Cry. Atlanta. The president of the Louisville Paper Company, l
E l 4:44,: and vocabulary. Each editorial should be first prize is a certificate and $50 in cash. a special contest is again open for the edi~I
E " IiI I:I I l l IE; pastedon a sheet of paper with the notation Second and third place winners receive cer- , tors of the state at the mid-summer meeting. l
: .:lI’=I?. ‘ I I l of name of newspaper. (late of issue. and tificates. Mr. Smith will present a handsome and \'al- I
. 4|EEE 444 .4: 4 writer's name. No feannecl" orclipped edi- brigadier Cunningham stated, in making uable trophy for the best exhibit of lobl
. llll E‘ I' l ‘ “3‘“ 4t0rials will be considered in this contest. this award available 4to kentucky news- plinting at the inceting. ]4L\4€1y editor is 4
E’I h ‘f i Grehan Memorial Plaque papers, Our purpose in ottermg the award urged to prepare an exhibit, preferably E
j' ll’ll 4. E ‘3: The winner for the best editorial will is, first ot all, to stimulate a revival ot re- mounted on a large cardboard, for Exhibi- .
.4 lI‘l t E l again have the name of his newspaper en— ligious interest among .the readers of the tion and Judging during the meeting. E
I ll,“ll IE: E El graved on the beautiful Enoch Grehan Me— newspapers affected. This, as you may know, fi The lollowing items are to be included.
4. l: lllll‘ l E morial Plaque which was establiShEd by Mrs. l5 the cliiillliusinesls of ftlhe; S\ll::lltlglll AIru414y1I; 41::liil4)4:tc:i4‘(sl ;Ehe44ii:g::l4€t4o‘lhzliilieliveihyti4terri, l
‘l‘ l‘Illl l l‘ I EHOCh Gl‘Chilll Imd Eh? mémbel‘s 0f the :ErlIZ‘lay('ai:r(riiim ZS: )tlie eSalvationYIAriny every item in(hils files at leastgeirliIt oflllli: v
EEEllEll 4’ E :E Department 01 Journalism in memory of I, lk)’4 ‘4 )1 f l'ff 4 4 4 =4 4‘44 45 4444.4 44.464 44:46?“ 44(4e(i4 b |
lllf“ lElr E A Mr. Grehan. The first name to be engraved wor 4m ‘1 itte ‘1 616“ man ‘el’ )‘ ‘1 ““6 5 ( "“5 ) 1 4C1: -
I lllllll E I‘ E on the memorial was that of The Pineville eflectively. 4 4 4 4 41- Letter head—one “’1‘”- E
. llEEEE I ‘4 4.- Sun, Herndon l Evans, editor. Second win— At his suggestion: the following ruleswill 2.1:etter head—two ()1: more colors. 4
4 i‘IllI : E4 lII ner was The Shelby News,I Wade McCoy, preyail: Any editorial wrritten on a 1eligious 5. hiivelope—()iie colol. 4
will 4= ll editor. Winner in 1940 was the Lyon County subject, printed in any hentucky newspaper 441.1;11velope—nvo or more colors.
‘ ll.|lll El l‘ Herald, Gracean M. Pedley, editor. The between the dates 0i May I, l945,4and May J4 Program.4 ,
E:EE:4l|ElIl Elh I name of the Cumberland Courier, Charles 1141946, is eliglible for entlry 1;; tlusEc4onte4sti (3. l4:oo4klet—lour4 or more pages. I
: llIlIlIllll l l K. Steele, editor, was added in 1941. Gra- 30:1:65???“ 1:11;: adjflmint This est ( ”on“ 4/4 C‘:;4‘4':4C4:5C(4;‘:4( l
, llIll‘ll l l cean M. Pedley’s Lyon County Herald re— T1 “7- C .4141 Y ’44 4 44- 4’ . 44 9- “‘7 dd? ‘4 1.4444
IillI‘l’l ’: 2|‘ ,4! peated its triumph of 1940 in the 1942 con- _ 16' ar W4“ :S‘i'm‘h es 1464 same ““4“” -- ’6 “‘48 ”“41 ‘1. ion.”
"llIll I'll 4.4 test, and Editor Pedley again triumphed in in the annual Gcoigia Piess .:\ssociat10n con- 10. Statement oi bill hcad.
lIlElll .‘ l E-1943 with an editorial printed in the Prince— tests. W“: hope [hilt ‘3“61’)’ lxentucky 6‘11”“ 11- B10361“ 4 4
lIl‘IIIiI " ll l. 4 ton Leader. The Paris lientuckian—Citizen Will consider entering this contest. 12. What you consKler your best Job.
1;.E‘lw‘EIl‘h i' ‘. . i ‘ ’ ' " 7 I : . I :
EEEEE‘Ell E 4' I won the honor in the 1944 contest. Space (41he flit“ (4‘2“;‘34SL4 “’4: “‘4’“ Ely 41,116 ill’yd BeflthEdl4tor41al Paglel Comes: 4 4 f 44 4:4
lll’ll ‘l. 4 is reserved on the plaque tor subsequent iounty imcs, iestonsn11g,1oiman. cn, . e 4Jucges 4wi4 cpnslc 61 [16 0021143
I‘l‘Ill‘l‘ll 4 i winners and your paper’s name will look edi4tor. [mints 1n the (‘e("l_\‘\41.141"‘1“4 l\I4emonal ‘0 |
. llllll 4 proper thereon. 4 Daily Contest 154 Continued 4 . phy tor the best editorial page. 4 4 44
lI‘lI‘El‘El ‘l‘I‘I E‘ :4’ Best News Story Contest The contest lor the Best Small Daily is 1.. Page content: the page must toiithil
ll,ll‘EIlIEI II I‘ At the request of a number of editors this :wtirnufid :lIlgIIlIn Pthji 4l’earH‘E‘i4th4 4th: SOPEU’ :::I:l4(4‘]:45 oiilly literary, ieature. and Edmond
lllIIl‘I‘l ||l contest is continued [or competition this 44:17nb421 €311; fy iicsic ent44 alpIL iB.) 41‘02114- 2: N0 advertisement should appear on | .
IIII‘lIE‘IIIll E E: : year on the best community news story. The ADI Id” 1 E" “E465 4‘“ 401 44 1‘34 C5 . ‘ the )44 ’e However [444$ “4444 4104 bar con-
I‘IIIIlII‘ l E factors to be considered are content, sen- 4 roun weekly “”11 )e consideied by the IIS 444 4 44 ” 44 ‘4 :4 44 43444 siid |
El IIIEEEll E IE‘: ,} tence and paragraph strticture. thought, Judges, teélfllltb usmD .51,“ 414acxe1tis4ein4en s, .r
l I‘illlEl E: . unity, coherence, vocabulary, the lead and Best Advertising Composition use “:11. count against peilectmn. {.11 be :
EE I‘ll El l community service value. Each story is to be Three prizes will be awarded toIKentucky .5I LdImIIiflI matter: prelelcnce “I , .
l:l:.¢i‘ll:!l‘ = l’ ‘ . . - , ,_ - , . . . . . given to home—written editorials “11116
I IIII IICIE I l I Pasted on a sheet .01 ‘MPU “‘Ith the nota— editors m this contest: lor the best lull page I“canned" editorials will be a detriment. ‘
lIll'llI, ',4 E: , tion of the name ot newspapei. date of issue, advertisement, the best hall-page advertise— 44 Clipped editorials of communit)’ na- l
llIImli‘ | l, :4 4‘- namc ot editor. and name of the “liter of ment, and the best quarter-page advertise- ture “'44: be acceptable.
ElllIl l' l the story. Open to weekly, semi-weekly, and ment. Prizes for these contests are again 4, Fe' 4.444 4 and literirV' features such as l
E ,E E l ‘ country dailies in the state. Only crime sponsored by Ed VVeEks, manager of Bush» “TJIY d is: A0 l'('te materials
ll' l E | stories will be barred from this contest. Krebs Company, Louisville. Factors to be S44C‘1161114:yw44;::4: 4.) DOII)OCI::)I:(I(€:peland, Bob
El 1, l E E -=l Best Editorial l’age Contest judged included type content, type arrange- B44444; etc. essaysypoems. etc. will be at-
EE ‘ illI 4E AS a memorial “7’ 1:1” husband. 0111‘ 1736 ment, value oi illustrations, selection of bor- ceptable. ’ ’ '
l“ E; E E ‘ loved late C65” 4\‘\‘1]m“lS-. MYS- “HY. “.11' der and decorative material, and fulfillment 6. A column whether serious 11411110101154
{Ell-1‘ E! l l liams, Somerset. ‘5 Sponsoring the editorial ol three lunctions of advertising—attention, 4 . I -, ’ .11 l 4 "1 red editorial l
1“ 'l l‘ E El page contest "5 the Ben COZiUE Memorial interest, and conviction. The entries are 01’ 4‘1 mixture], “II )e consue E
I lllIl‘l l-I- ‘I’ -II Cup was won by Gracean MI hetlley and limited to advertisements set In the contes- 1)“l7%4€;:4‘414t::41:4 cartoons will be accebtablfi 4
ll I Iili ‘ lI‘ ‘ I hls Princeton Leader In 1944 tor perma- tant’s oflice either hand or machine wmI 8 Headlines whether spot heads or stand-
ll Ill l 2‘ 1‘ nent posseSSion. The same rules .Wlll prevail position. b _ .de 144 “’4 he'd' will be 'udged for
ll ill l‘ jll as tormerly—permanent possession of the . Each contestant may select any adver- ing P‘l dill 4 “4 5’ l
IIE , 4.4 l E .4 trophy will be gained by any newspaper tisement that appeared during the year, typogra’pvrical bill ance. I 1.:111 wlfiar‘l
‘ ‘: ill l .l which wins three “legs,” not necessarily being May 31: 19454 and May 314 1946, each entry J' Mast head. [1416 tl‘l"’§l_“l) “L‘ thel page -
I l I ~I= .Il ll: l l adjudged winner in COHSCCUUV‘: years. to be mounted on a sheet of cardboard with ance, the content, and4relati40n to l
2 l. 1: li E l Prize Offered For Best Editorial the notation as to the name of the news- as40a wéplizfill)ei44c2141)side4:(434(4. be given full ,
l E ii gill E g = On A Religious Subject paper, date of issue, and name of contestant. consideration I ‘ y’
‘ E E LE E i E A new contest was added in 1944 for the Christmas advertisements only will not be ( I . ;
: ‘ ‘, l ‘E best religious editorial, or the best editorial considered. Please Turn To Page FEW :
. l ll; .
' l l ‘l ~ g; '

 . 13'1"“?5'???It"?PTZTE-IIi‘f‘E‘E-“5—2,.. . {ire-tstarirfiz‘isi‘a-tizii2"i‘:'.'--":“-:lsii‘5§'?'~-:?‘i‘f’j:::;=§:j'v‘-‘;=.:i':;:r???“=:1‘-'~"'-';‘3:*"!f'37“} '--. 1' g “1,
I946 "I l - - V ‘ . l i
i April, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS . Page Three ; ' l ..
mas F. Sinith, l . . ‘V
ter Company, ‘ ll
for the edi—i ‘. i;
mer meeting. I P bl . O . . D . ‘. l .
‘.()me and val. ‘ . j l
,0, u u: ptmon eszgns .
ery editor is l. I .
t, preferably ‘ 1 \
M A t A d s t Pt t
teeting. ' u 08 a o o o n wee 0 a 088 I. g
be included. i l
6 every item, ' V i »
ight not have . j -. I I
. eight of the v j ’ i
i Louisiana’s State University and Agricultural Experiment Station re— . ‘
1 l cently conducted a survey in A & P food stores which indicated that, of the ‘ i"
3 C0 01‘s. ‘ 1 _
y ' various grades of sweet potatoes grown in the state, the top grade will outsell ' , , .
0010” the others by a four-to-one margin even when sold at a premium. - I . l . I
' ‘ L a " .l i
”65' I This test was made to help farmers, whose bumper harvest in 1945 l '1
l _ amounted to 10,824,000 bushels, plan future crops to conform to consumer } . l l ‘i
l demand. 1 .5, i i‘
best job The Louisiana experiment is one of many developed by A & P on the >-
i sound business theory that knowing exactly what consumers want is as help— , j j j
the ‘9“0“""g- ful to producers as to distributors, whether they turn out automobiles, top- ‘ "Hi‘ . '
.Iemorial Tm ;: i ‘ ~
3; l - coats or sweet potatoes. 3,: 3 “l ‘ , ,
must contain . it 3 j _
and editorial For testing consumer tastes and taboos A & P stores in many sections ‘1 , ‘
1 cu on . of the country have become virtual laboratories of public opinion. Besides I _. l‘
( app 2‘ ‘ ,
not bar con- A helping farmers produce for a pre-determined market, they have served to ‘ . .
lints’ bumml eliminate waste which occurs whenever production reckons without con- ’ vi
Lion. . - ~.
rence “"111 be ‘ sumer demand. 3 , l
litorials while ‘ . ; 1 ‘
letriment. i It is through such constant efforts to find new and better ways of serv— “ "/1 j
, 't‘ m " . 1"
ommum) . ‘ ing a discerning public that the men and women of A & P have been able 4“,"; 3 '
zltures SUCh “5 , for more than 80 years to do the nation's most effective job of food dis— " l 3'.
cate materials . . ’ . ‘
Jopeland, BOb lr'bUt'on- « . l ; ‘ j '
C., will be a0 . ”I: 'l
' l l .
)us, humorous, l ' U . '
:lered editorial ¥ ¥ ¥ , :‘ ’ j
be acceptable. 4 :1
heads or stand‘ ‘ 3 l :L _
be judged for * :
tphical appear‘ I ~ A & I FOOD STORES I; l
in t0 the page ' 'l V. =' _
I be given full ‘ l V I!- : V _
To Pagem' ' “fl“ 3
_ ' wi. l ~
. . . ~ . A; t
:11 ; . l,L: ‘;:;%_"v";gi ._

 “:11 1: 1 . 5 . 2*: :2
1‘31" 1 1: .1 1‘ ' ’1' =
,2; i1 :{115‘ 1 . : , ._5'
I11 121‘. ‘ . t
11; 1 3 . Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1946 Ap.
. : i: . 3 . ,2 ‘ _
2' 1 1:1 1.1 111 '1 1: I
. . ; , 1.2 .-‘3 ; 1 '1'
.. 1 1:11;; ; ; OffiCial Publication of the Kentucky and merchandismg ideas in a small way be- wspril
- 121 1 2'111 1111 1 1 . 1178 Press Assocratlon fore launching a campaign embracing their: loine
I 111: 1111211 11 12 K t 2 P 3 Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher entire marketing area. Newspapers make P
' 1'- ‘111{: j. 1. ,.. . .; , : ’ ‘ . . . . _ qu )‘
5 'E :I z: 2 .2 221. en > >. r 88 —‘—-—— the ideal medium for this ur 0 he ‘ 11
111 ‘11; £1 .1 3 r Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington e b . P p se, as they ,. in] “.i
4 ,1; ‘3 21:2; 3:; .. 3 ; na Ie the advertiser to confine his test to y
,. 1;; .1112 . 3.1.2 5 1' ' I ~" ' ~ -. 2 1 ”01“”)
;{ 1";1’1 ., 2 .. T a llnl[6( area, at comparatiVely Small ex- I
1 11, 1111.1 1 1 1? he Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance pense, and with minimum demand on time: 111" figl
1 15113115511111 1’ of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination. of public Newslmpers parallel distribution and en- 11111116“
.- .13, . y- y _ ' . . . z
> 11 "1.115111 . 1 11 1 1 information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- able the marketer to select the areas in which 1911 1
;, 1"; ,11 >11. 1 senlation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates he can adherme Whh the grate“ Profit and‘ be]; 0
. 1:52 1132;". . =. I. _ , _ . . , 2 . .. ,, _ Y 4215, 350:
.. 11 111111131 1 strict ethzeal standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publzca- the 16%;:1‘1‘1Ste' Fmther’ “C“Sl’ai’ers .make in Ne“
.. g.’i,:f'~:;3 l1 ' ' , ' , ‘ _ _ '[ j . ’
> 1.. 1111‘ ‘1 tron of propaganda under the guise of news. It aflirms the obligation of a 1 how 6 10 “116111116 affiemsmg 0" the 1.1 -
‘ 1 MD ,5 111' ,1 . . . b21515 of the potential business in each mar- 1116 m"
.3 1;. «33%;; 11 .1 1; newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expresszons. It respects . y
, 1' 1.11. 11' l‘ . . d h . h . . d' 'd l . . . . ketmg center, and to adopt the advertising “on _
y 1; .1; 111;; equa ity of opinion an t e rzg .t of every in 1121 ua to parttczpation m to local buying habits. ‘.P.A., ..l
1; 11.2131231111; 1 the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the 31m cel-
! . .13 *1; ‘ 1 ' . . . . . . ’
1‘1.3__11=;; 21,111 1 newspaper as a vital medium for czvtc, economic, soczal, and cultural com- “”——“—_.‘—‘—‘—— ibase ‘
. 1: 111: 111 1; , munity development and progress. What Relation Between 1;?th ;
3 2,; :311113 ' 1 . { . . , hecent
. ;; 1111.“ 111 1 ._—————————-—-—-—-———-——___—___ . News And Advertismg [in C“
‘ 1 1. 1:11; = Volume Seventeen, Number Six Henry County Local; Owenton News- Newsliaper publishers [0,. decades have 1,30,, 131;
‘ 12:2, : , - ‘ . . , ' ,' . . . .
1‘, 2211i311", :21 .1 'i K t k P A . t‘ 11 Off' e Herald, and Panitsulle Herald. liked to have some rule 015 thumb as a guide nted t1'
1:1 1111121: 11 1 1 HaroljiugryWZSS P253221? w rs Dally members are: Ashland Independent; to determine the proportion of advertising 'otiate t
- 1.11'1'1‘1!‘ .1 ' O 1 v. r r ' y. . . . . .
. 12.: 111;, 11:11 : _ Whitlef Republican, Williamsburg B0“hhg Green Park C'ty Ne‘”: Frankfort to news and editorial matter in each issue. isprmLI
- 1 :"‘.,"211 1‘”. 1. .2. - . n , . ' . . .
. . 11': 11 11; 1 1 12 2 - Fred B. Wachs, First Vice President State Journal, Lexmgton Herald, Lexmg- Thus, one publisher Will try to keep a pro- its are 11
1 1 11111-1 He’ald’Leade': Le’hhgmh ton . headers 1401115111116 Courier-Journal; portion of 60 per cent news and 40 per cent (IS were
' 1511‘.111;1111 1 121 Tyler Mug°f¢ in”: 12:6 P'lfSifi“: anfield Lonisville 1‘ imes; Owensboro Messenger; advertising, while another may figure that There i:
’ :1 .:2. 3 .. in gun vocae o , . - - .. , , , . . , ’ . . .
11 1111:; 3:11:12; 11.1: V' R P on Sy t M, g Ouensboro Inquirer, and Paducah Sun- 30-30 is about right. The underlying issue, 2' 8 W1“
11 2111 1111 1' ictor ' ortm'ann" acre ary— anager ' Democrat. of course is to )l'i s uar w'tl the sub- uction
{, 9113:; .11; a; ; University of Kentucky, Lexmgton Th NEA ; ; f . ; , 1 Ky .q C l i
1: f11:72:; 111 E ’ . District Executive Committeemen , e committee or ABC has 56‘ the scribers and see that they receive a well- ‘tipacity
131 1,111 : .5 Chairman, James M. Willis, Messenger, Bran— hChtUCkY quota 101‘ 50: but The Press 136‘ balanced diet of local news instead of 21' jump f1
; {1:2‘; 11;; ‘ 1 dDenburg1t(Ii:liidh)h Férst, .LoeJLsn %orgati9:;- lieves and urges that Kentucky should boast sheet with little else but ads. As'a matter of 11001000 I
. first “‘ ‘ 1.; emocta , a uca ; econ , o . , ~, . 2 -y . . ; ; ;
= 1.2. 3112.5. 111 1 1 :2 Park City News, Bowling Green; Third, J, M. 01 ‘11 161151 fifty 10 Slhty ABC members ”1 the lact, the percentage method is not a sound; it, presn
I 1 1 1111 2‘ 1 'Wynn, Courier—Journal, Louisville; Fifth, Vir- near luture. Assuredly, there 15 every advan- yardstick. As publishers, we have at least a lisliers l
.:;: ,311 . _ - v , 7-, ~ - -
1 2: { 1:52:13 . 1, gli‘lxthplEnSoingaz’in Szgvgghgjrwagsegggdgggi lage [.0 the “hehly he“ 51ml)C1 111.61“: mem- strong moral obligation to our paying sub- tinned
' f:1 351- 1311 1 11 ville; Seventh, No’man Allen, Floyd éounty 1361151111?! espeCially as one advertising agency scribers to present each week a good local ion trap
125;; 1. 2’! 1 111 Times; Prestonsburg; Eighth, J. W. Heddon, executive pointed‘out that ABC membership coverage of news and features. That job 11116131116
3315;311:5111 >11131‘1 11 figzocgi’texsseStg-ifii, 121,212: 8,113,: gewglg: would assure that an ABC weekly WOUld can be done with an approximately uniform ‘11 will b
1 1 1112 1 111: . 1 moui: B. Goodmhn, Enteiprise,‘ Elizabethtown; have every chance of being included on amount of space each week. But advertis- 1180f iie‘
> 111111 1‘ '13 s Immediate P351 PfeSideTIt, Chauncey Forgeyi ”“10th schedulesin “'hidl “99111195 “1011“ ing volume ebbs and flows and it is the liains i‘t
-' ‘ .' .11 22 = ‘ . . . . 1 . .
. 5 2 $2111 13;. Independent’ Ashland be 1156(1‘ amount oi Image which determines the .tie is ]
u 1 1 ‘ 1:11 [11 1‘ '_—‘~‘—__—'__V_—__—- ‘ ; ; _
2.: 1‘ y 11 11 1 . T .. _________._________ number oi pages. A rule at thumb percent- an03 g(
21. 11; 'i ‘2 NATIONAL EDITOR'AL... 1 age figure works well enough, say, on a nor- it $67 ;
1: 1. {:11 f . ; “xa—Q/ ASSOCIA'HON Flexibility And Control mal 8~page newspaper. But when our ad 11cm sol
1h 1 i within”) - I / Make Newspapers Desirable Volume requires us to jump to 12 or even ~11Iams ad
5 :j;:;;1 .1 , : Efl'ectiven _ f , 'd _ 16 pages, it does not necessarily follow that 11- S. h
2l (1:111 . ”—“—‘—_‘—"’—‘_ liei htenel 655 i) dn ‘1 ibertis‘eiihent may be the volume of news and editorial content hprint."
_ : a : ‘ t 2 - _ _ ; . ..
1 2 1311111 '. ; 25 KPA News Cl ers . g , 0r 8556.1)“ Y suc en changes also must pimp in proportion. “16 have dis- 1verv S]
‘ ' “211-2. :3 p P in inarketin conditi l 1 , ' ‘ . . i
. ‘ ' >?.111'!.:‘ Are ABC Members g ons, Om or national charged our obligation to readers it we st111 “8 (it 53
111 _ events, the weather, seasonal changes, com- give a Good local coverage in the larger 51111“.
: ; :1 , ; - ; Y 7 ; ; ; 1 y. 1. . o ‘ ‘c
1 . ',311 1 .: “1111‘ the Baidstonn 1‘61”“th S‘hhdhld’ fen: Ldmn Badger “”111‘95 Angeles offices issues. A better rule of thumb, therefore. 111 it con
1" . ‘111111 A- 5- VVathen, Phthheh being elected ‘0 :0)" 1i: Thomas. Continuing, Mr. hadger would be to establish a minimum space €031 .“lising
. : : ,; 11; ; 1;; membership in the Audit ;Bureau of Circn- . :65. ; euspapers enable the advertiser to for news and editorial matter for each issue: 111,, the 1
1:; ;11{1; 1‘ lations, hentucky now lists fifteen ABC eep close control over hls advertismg re- regardless of number of pages. This mini- said the
32; . “1.1; weekly members and ten daily members. leases, toact thd‘l)’ 1“ meeting unforeseen mum goal might be, in case Of some news- it].
1111; 1;; ' The weekly members including Bards- 61111555611065; (0 start 01‘ stop his C0py 011- papers, 24 columns in another 30 columns, _.
3: ”2:11.: :3 , . ,2 .- : _ - siort notice. 1 1
. ; 11:11 : tomi are. Campbellsulle Neitsjournal, ; ;_ . . etc. In other words, the greater the number WS 10
11 '{ Carrollton NewsDemocrat: Cynthiana Log Newspapers prOVide great HCXIbllltY Ch of pages, the higher percentage of advertis-I 1m P
1‘: 1111; Cabin; EddyVllie Lyon County Herald; space. They enable the advertiser to use as ing which is justified. “ye know there are 5 es L
‘ 3:13 5 . ' . . ' . ' . ' , ._ ,
1 .1; 1 Elizabethtoun Haidin County ; Enterprise, little or as much; space as he may care to some holes in this line of reasoning, so shoot iugh po
1 111:; 1 Harrodsburg Herald; Hodgenville Herald—~ use at any time; It can vary from one inch at ’em if you wisli 11110110
12 1,111; 'f News; La. Grange Oldham Era; Leitchfield to a multi-page section; it can run any day .1 lion' V\
' 1 . 2 2 11 1 Gazette; London Sentinel-Echo; Murray or week at the will of the advertiser. *_____'—.—————"'_ :2'110; cc
1: Q; 111‘: Ledger Sc Times; New Castle—Eminence Advertisers find it advisable to test copy ABC is advertising insurance. .jPaper
11 1:111 . 5 -'>:‘..='>_
> 1% i 5112- | > - = , , 223:7; ..
: 1'1“; 311 ‘ ‘, = 2 - = . . »,
k; ...1 \1 111; j y : . .. ; ‘ 2;;

 ~ ’ s v: . ii

946 April, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS , Page pm 1 11.1
mall way be- stprint Situation “Qt be Permitted. The new order is so lengthy and compli— 1 .
bracing their? plOlHEd By AN PA No approval is required on Jobs costing cated that no adequate summary of it is pos- 1
)apers make“! 1 1 1 1 less than $15,000 as is outlined by the fol- sible. It places restrictions not only on new 1 L
pose, as they I; [he SUPP”, 01 newspimt m 1946 almost lowing statement: “A newspaper plant building construction, but also on alteration, ' l -I~
e his test 11-). “fly “1“ ieturn ‘0 P16“ ‘“ level of 1941 should be considered as a structure coming additions, and the installation of machinery. I '
:ly small e1; Pmbfi‘flély “ '1: exceed th‘” years 592:” under sub~paragraph (vi) of paragraph (d) It does allow the completion of a structure 1 ',
and on time: . 10" guie, ‘ inerican newspaper Pu ‘ i of the Order. This means that construction on which construction was actually started — 1
[ion and was were told, Aiilll 171- NCWSPrmt CX- jobs, the cost of which does not exceed before March 26, 1946. Demolition, exca- 1
teas in which led "1 panel (1159651911 0f some 400 $15,000 may be started on such a plant with- vation, and similar site preparation do not I 1 .'II

’.- -- -; . , _ . . . . . H 1 l -,
:st Profit and , be” Oi 1‘11? Americin NeWSPdPer PUb out obtaining authorization to do so from constitute construction” and are, therefore, r ~
papers make is Association 1“ ”S 60th annual meet- the Civilian Production Administration. permitted. I' i
[sing on the 1m New 1\orL. 11 _ Paragraph (e) relating to repair and main- Certain “Exemptions for Small Jobs” are I 3, "
in each mar-,IThe 11111111111111“ fmecast for 1946’ said tenance work also applies." listed. Although printing and publishing I“ I I f
e advertising ston \11\illiams, general manager f’f In reply to the question concerning the establishments are not specifically men- -

'P‘A" ’5 5’81’0’000 tons. T1115 ‘5 ‘Vlthm installation of equipment, such as printing tioned (as was done in L41), the order ap- ’ I 3:

1’” cem 01 the Immage 1“ 1941’ fed presses, the following paragraph is cited: “In pears to permit an expenditure of as much ;'
‘— - v ti . n n w en - . . - - - - . . ,, . _

11’1““: 11ear1by ((1:11Gmerni e t figuring the cost of installing a printing as $15,000 for a Single 101)” on a newspaper 1
1 sprint “as ratione ' ' press to see if it comes within the exemption plant. ' 1 1‘

iit rise in the ceilin )rice f news- . . . . , , .
1.1119C3C 11 _1 1 1 g 11 1 10 the cost of the press need not be counted as 1Nhat constitutes a single Job is also de-

1'” 31"“ d ‘5 FXPFQ“ ‘0 stimu ate pro- the press is consmlered to be processmg ma- fined. There is no restriction upon expendi- . ’.
lCCHdES have ,110" there. meSh experts have an— chinery. However, the cost of a concrete or tures for maintenance and repair of “indus— :
1b as a gUide ' “d that they shortly “”11 begin to other base on which the press may be erected trial” buildings, which term appears to i I l
t advertismg tiiite contracts for 1947 delivery 01 must be included in the cost of the job along include newspaper buildings but mainte- . ; 1-
11 each 155119- pprmt, and SOUthem mills 1“ the United with the value of paid labor used to prepare nance and repair are defined and the mean- i ‘

ro- , tsare increasin their out )ut, the )ub- . - v n - . . ’ . , '- n ‘I‘ I‘
1126061) a P 1 1111113116 told g 1 l the foundation, 311d COUthtOTS fees. mg of these terms is strictly limited. They 1 l _
fi per Ci“ 1] ‘ . ' 1 b h h , , ' —————————O————-—-—— are not to be stretched to cover improve~ 1, I.‘
I ure tat 'iere is no tou t t at t e minimum . , 1 . 1 , , , - m
g _ 11 11 1_ _ 1 Mrs Emma WOChS DIES ments. In the case of damage by disaster, it 1
erlying issue, = e “Ill be exceeded, \Nilliams said. - 11 'b1 , , a I , _
_ 1 _ 1 11 1 1 1 is a owa e to do the minimum work neces- .1 ~
'ltll the sub- urtion already is on the rise. Members of the Ixentucky Press Assoc1a- 1 _ _ ,;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sary to prevent mote damage to budding or I ‘ .
:eive a well- NOW 01 a newsprint mill in Texas tion extend their svmpathy to Pred B. 1 _
. 1 if , 1111 1 1 _ H] 11L 1 d C 1 contents, but not to restore the building to . 1 ,
’ ‘ " ' c .' .‘x ‘2 . ,( ar . .. .. ,
instead of 21 11111111111111; iom 11:5 l;resent§0,000c1‘:onsca ye: B nail} usington Cfl ilt Sm er 1:11 M 1 its original condition. 1 1 1
' , Oi eJtem , . , ar . . ac is, ecretarv 0 tie xentuc /Unl- . . I i. ,
s a mattero 1 t is y 1 er 1 7 1 i 1 _ Y On the whole, this order is about as re-