xt76t14tk501 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tk501/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_526 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 526 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 526   2014 true xt76t14tk501 section xt76t14tk501   wl] ., ' V '· .2:; A} z :i»s   ‘ lr nu €* * "`   "`”"'-""""` ‘I
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Circulcr 526
College of Agriculture ond Home Economics
Agricultural Extension Division
FRANK J. WELCH, Dean and Director

 C O N T E N T S
Breeding Cycle .........................,.................................................. 3
Fecundity ..........................,...................,..................................... 4
' Barrenness ..,..................,.......,....................,...........,.....,............. 5
Abortion .............,....................,...........................,...............,..... 5 l
Planning for the Breeding Season .............,...................,....,..,...... 6
Conditioning the Ram ..... . .............,........,......,..i..........,.............. ll Q
Method of Breeding .............,.......,................,............................. l3
Number of Ewes per Ram .........,..........................,............,...,,..... l5
Breed for Early Lambs ..............,...........,.........4...................,....... l6

 Breeding the Farm Flock of Sheep
By Richard C. Miller
About 85 percent of the income from the average Kentucky
farm flock of sheep is from lambs. \Vhile Kentucky normally
raises more lambs per 100 ewes than any other state, there is much
room for improvement, as shown by recent production records
from several hundred flocks in central and western Kentucky.
The income per ewe in the upper fourth of these flocks was
greater than the income per ewe in the lower fourth by more
than 60 percent. The number of lambs raised per 100 ewes was
the principal factor in this difference in income. This circular
deals with problems in breeding the farm flock and points out
` certain practices which lead to larger, more uniform, and more
prontable lamb crops.
Most ewes produce lambs only once a year. \Vhile it is often
possible with some breeds, notably Dorset, to get two crops of
lambs a year, it is seldom practicable. The ewes wear out earlier,
the lambs are unseasonable, and the costs of feed and labor in
growing them out for market are comparatively high.
September and October are the principal breeding months in
V Kentucky, but the season is often extended from early August
through November. For a small but increasing number of flocks
the ewes are bred in late spring for fall lambing. \Vestern ewes,
i strong in {inewool blood, can usually be successfully bred for fall
lambing, but with blackface westerns only a small percentage can
be bred in late spring or early summer.
. The time of the first oestrus. or heat period, is determined
principally by the breed of the ewes and the weather. liwes high
in iinewool or Dorset blood usually come in heat early. (jool
nights lead to early oestrus. The condition of the ewes may also
be a factor, as will be shown later.
The average interval between one heat period and the next is
about 16 days, though this time may vary a day or two either way.

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Aged Western ewes in June after their lambs had been weaned and sold. Such ewes
should be turned on sparse pasture at weaning time to keep them from getting too fat
for breeding.
The heat periods generally last about 27 hours, but with individual `
ewes the time may vary many hours.
The gestation period in ewes is about 21 weeks, though it may
be a Yew days shorter or longer. The period is shortest in ewes of ‘
the earl —maturin<>‘ breeds and longest in the late or slow-maturin<¤·
()x·ulation in sheep oerurs toward the end of the heat period.
The lil`e ol both the sperm and the egg is about 24 hours, and
the ram sperm requires from 5 to (S hours to pass the genital tract
ol` the ewe to [ertilize the oyum. Thus it appears that the
best time to breed sheep is in the last 5 or 6 hours of the heat
period. Il` the mating takes place too early in the period the sperm
cells may become exhausted and die before they reaeh the ovum.
There is mueh diflierenee in leeundity in ewes of difTerent
breeds and in different strains ol the same breed. Floeks of Dorsets
and Sullolks. lor example, normally produce a higher average
1ereenta<>‘e o[ lambs in a single season than do Merinos or Ram-
5 D
bouillets. ,\ge is also a laetor, as yearlmg ewes produce fewer
twins than older ewes.

Possibly the most co1n1non cause of barrenness in Kentucky
ewes is their being in too high a condition of flesh at breeding
time. Certain types of ewes often get too fat to breed, especially
if they failed to raise a lamb the previous season. It does not pay
to keep ewes that go through a breeding season without getting
with lamb, unless they are valuable purebreds or it is apparent
that the ram used was sterile or a slow breeder. Barrenness
naturally results where infertile rams are used. Each year some
farmers learn too late that the rams the used did not "settle"
the ewes. An untried ram should never be used as the only ram
with a flock of ewes, unless some check is kept on ewes to de-
termine whether or not they are being settled. See Methods of
Breeding, page 13.
. Abortion in ewes may result from their being chased by dogs,
crowding in close quarters, and squeezing through narrow doors
or gates; rough handling, climbing over high sills, and butting by
bossy rams are other causes. Abortion 1nay also result from im-
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Ram shown with marking harness that enables him to mark ewes he serves.

proper feeding. Outbreaks of abortion, apparently of an in-
fectious nature, have been known to occur in sheep in Kentucky,
but so far the causative factor has not been determined.
\Vhen ewes that slip their lambs prematurely are retained in
the flock they should be separated from the ewes with lambs and
given less feed; otherwise they 1nay get too fat for breeding the
following season. \~Vhere the abortion appears to be of an in-
fectious nature, the ewes should be culled and sold for slaughter.
It is important to plan ahead so as to be ready for the breeding
season when the time arrives. New sheep, either ewes or rams,
should be on the farm well ahead of breeding time. Sheep
shipped a long distance, ewes from the \rVest for example, should
have several weeks’ rest, with good grazing or other feed to over-
come any ill—effects of the trip. New sheep should be quarantined
for at least a week in a shed or lot and treated with phenothiazine
before being turned out to pasture.
Ahnormally fat sheep may prove disappointing unless their
condition is corrected before the breeding season begins. Failure
to keep sheep on the farm long enough to properly condition
them for breeding often results in a late or uneven lamb crop.
Culling and mcrking
Fxamine each cwe carefully and cull any unsound ewes from
the flock before turning in the rams. Give particular attention to
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These ycorling roms uppeor uctive, vigorous ond in good condition for breeding, ond
they have good bone and size for the breed.

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Early Western ewe lambs like these, weighing 90 pounds and better, are often bred as
lambs. Expect 70 to 80 percent lamb crop first year. Such lambs should be sheared
before breeding.
the mouth and udder, where most unsoundnesses are found.
Broken mouth or "gummer" ewes should generally be culled. If
kept, they may need to be fed separately from other ewes. This
extra cost, of course, may be justihed if they are extra good pro-
ducers or valuable purebreds. Finding any unsoundnesses of
udder before breeding rather than at lambing time will save much
trouble and loss.
Unless the llock is small, use some marking system that makes
possible the ready identification of any ewe in the {lock. This will
enable you to keep a dehnite record of each ewe and make it
easier to weed out unprohtable or poor-producing ewes. Possibly
the best method is to ear-label the ewes and paint corresponding
numbers on their sides. Paints durable enough to last; a year, but
that can still be removed in the scouring process, are now available
from dealers in livestock supplies. Metal ear labels numbered
consecutively can be had in quantities at about 2 cents each, or in
small lots at somewhat higher prices. Paint numbers are usually
placed on the ewe`s side. Sets of numerals for use in painting the
numbers are available commercially, but you can make your own
for a fraction of the cost. Cut No. 9 wire into pieces 18 inches
long, and shape one end of each piece into the numeral desired,
and then build up with tape. You need only numbers O to 8, in-

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Yeorling Blockfoce-Cross Western ewes on u Kentucky form in June. Brought in us
lombs the Full before, they ore ulreody in good breeding condition.
elusive. since (5 upside-down will double for 9. Four—inch numbers
are desirable.
Remove wool from dock
liwes sometimes go unbred because wool or tags around the
dock prevent the rams from making satisfactory connection. It is a
small task to remove any wool or tags that might interfere with
Cure of the feet I
The feet of all sheep should be kept well trimmed so that the
sheep can walk naturally. and as a precaution against sore feet and
foot IUI. Sore feet of rams may seriously affect them as breeders.
Sheep handled on dry ranges usually keep their feet worn down
smooth. ()n farms in Kentucky, however. the horn of the hoof
generallv grows faster than it wears. lf not trimmed it may cause
the sheep to walk on the side or heel of the foot and. in immature
sheep. result in crooked legs and bad pasterns. The accumulation
of filth under the overgrown horn may cause sore feet.

The feet 1nay be trimmed with a sharp pocket knife, but
ordinary pruning shears or secateurs, made for the purpose, will
make the job easier and faster. In Kentucky it is important to
examine the feet at least three times a year and trim when needed.
This can be done most conveniently when the sheep are corralled
for shearing, drenching, or culling.
It is generally believed that if ewes gain during the breeding
season, a larger percentage of twins and a shorter lambing season
results. Using extra feed to get ewes into a gaining condition for
breeding is known as "Hushing." The IHOSK convenient method of
flushing is to change the ewes to a good field of grass.
Bluegrass is especially good for this purpose, as are also mixed
grasses, timothy, or rape. It 1S important, therefore, to arrange
the pasture rotation so as to have some Helds of extra good grazing
for sheep just before and during the breeding season. There is
some doubt as to the value of some types of clover at this time.
If a good grazing crop is not available, the same results can be
obtained by feeding the ewes at least one—l1alf pound of grain
The shearing of ewes just before breeding time may also be
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Yeurling Bluckfuce-Cross Western ewes in good breeding condition ot the beginning of
the breeding season. Hove enough flesh, but not too much, ond have just been sheored.

helpful, and some Kentucky farmers have followed this practice
for many years. However, the cost of shearing and the lower price
of the wool, because of the shorter fibers, should be considered.
In a normal year, about 70 percent of Kentucky lambs are
sold off the teat as "fats," and others are weaned mainly in july.
Ewes that have suckled well are often thin at weaning time but
will put on flesh rapidly afterwards if left on good pasture. Often,
in fact, they put on too much fat for a successful breeding season.
Special treatment for over-fat ewes
Ewes too fat to breed are common among ewes stron ‘ in mut-
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Condition of feet before and after trimming. Under Kentucky conditions, feet may
nccd to be trimmed two or three times ¤ year. _ _

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This ram is in rather high flesh for ¤ successful breeding season, and he has too
much wool. All rams should be sheared before turning with ewes.
The problem of over-fat ewes is of considerable importance to
most Kentucky sheepmen, and while this condition often can be
corrected, it is important to prevent it, il? possible.
lf it becomes apparent that certain ewes are likely to be too
fat for breeding, even though on poor pasture, they should either
be culled and sold lor slaughter or put in a drylot and fed only a
little hay once a day, with water and the phenothaizine—salt mix-
ture available. It is sometimes necessary to handle over—fat ewes
in this way for a month or longer and reduce them 30 to 40 pounds
er lletle 1 ndt nl l lng
ewe >e `or 1 are i1 co iio `or >reeci <·.
Should be vigorous but not fat
The importance of having the ram in proper condition at
breeding time is seldom given the consideration it deserves. Best
results can be expected only when the ram is active and vigorous
during the breeding season. Too many larmers wait until near
breeding time to purchase their rams. The result often is a long
strung-out lambing season and an abnormally high percentage of
unsettled ewes. Rams should be purchased long enough in ad»

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Well-developed ram lambs like these may be used on a small number of
ewes. Such lambs will be more active and serviceable if they are sheared
before breeding.
vance ol breeding time to become accustomed to their new sur·
roundings and conditioned for breeding. In buying early there is
a better chance for selection and the rams can usually be bought
lor less money.
Under Kentucky conditions healthy, vigorous and active rams
on good pasture, seldom need grain to condition them lor the
breeding season. It’s lar more likely, in the case of newly pur-
chased rams. that they will need to be reduced.
The show ring ol this country. unfortunately, calls [or such
high—htting ol` breeding sheep that many valuable rams and ewes
are rendered worthless as breeders. Some ram breeders also over-
lit their sale sheep. Rams that carry too much [at olten prove
sluggish and disappointing as breeders.
\\'hile high—litting lor show or sale may sometimes render a
ram permanently sterile. usually he returns to normal when re-
duced in condition, provided he has not been too long in an
overlitted condition. Rams older than yearlings should never be
litted lor show. and high-htting. even ol yearlings. is never ad-
visable. il they are to be used for breeding. Rams in high condi-
tion should be reduced by gradually decreasing their feed and
providing proper exercise.

\\'hile overfitting is the most common cause of sterility in rams,
lack of exercise, sexual overwork, and improper feeding 1nay have
the same effect. Rams with a heavy coat of wool in hot weather
are sometimes infertile until after the wool has been removed.
Rams should be sheured
Farmers should shear their rams before breeding. Shorn rams
are more active and can stand hot weather better. The practice
of some ram producers of leaving most of the wool on their rams
so that they will present a larger, thicker appearance at sale time
must be condemned severely. Rams of our improved mutton
breeds do not stand hot weather any too well, at best, and to leave
a heavy coat of wool on them during the hot summer months is
inhumane. This practice may deceive a novice, but not an experi-
enced and cautious sheepman.
The plan of breeding generally followed by Kentucky sheep-
men is to let the ram run with the ewes day and night during the
g breeding season. This system certainly is convenient, but close
check should be kept on the ram to see that he maintains good
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This rum is in prime condition for breeding. He does not curry excess flesh und
has iusr been sheured.

breeding condition. If the ram is heavily worked or appears to
lose flesh unduly, pull him once a day for a feed of grain. Corn,
oats, and bran, equal parts, or 2 parts of oats and l of bran are
suitable mixtures. Start with a half-pound and increase to a
pound or more, if needed. Some farmers allow the rams with the
ewes only at night or for an hour each morning and evening.
There is some doubt about the practicability of this system, how-
ever, since ewes appear to conceive most readily during the latter
piift of the heat period.
Some breeders of purebred sheep as well as some commercial
shee men use a kind of "hand cou lin   method of breeding in I
which an inferior ram, known as a "teaser" is used to find and
mark the ewes that are in heat. These are then turned into a lot _
with the breeding ram. An apron is fastened on the "teaser" in _
such a way as to prevent him from breeding the ewes, and he is
fitted with a ewe-marking harness so that he marks the ewes he
attempts to breed. The apron may be tied or sewed to the belly
wool that has been left, at shearing time, for this purpose.
By fitting up each ram so that he chalk—marks the ewes as he
serves them, all guessing about the time and extent of the lambing
season can be eliminated and barren ewes can be detected, taken
from the flock and sold. The marking-chalk should be changed ·
to one of a different color about every 16 days. In one-ram Hocks,
this marking system provides a means of detecting infertile rams
early in the season. If most of the ewes which the ram marked .
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Before and after trimming. Use blade or power shears to remove any excess wool or
tags around tailhead that might interfere with breeding.

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A numbering system makes identification easy, and in one-ram flocks when
used in connection with a marking harness makes it possible to find out at
an early date if the ram is infertile.
with the hrst color are marked again, after the color has been
changed in 16 days, the ram should be replaced.
\»Vhere more than one flock is made of the ewes during the
breeding season, the rams should be alternated, since ewes that
will not become pregnant to one ram sometimes will settle to
· another.
\Vhi1e it is considered good management to divide large llocks
into several groups for the breeding season, so1ne farmers End this
impractical. A good practice under such conditions is to save back
one or more rams to be used fresh, late in the season, after the
other rams have been removed.
Suppose a farmer has just purchased 100 ewes. How many
rams will he need? Perhaps   maybe 4, or possibly only 2. There
are many factors to consider, since rams are of different ages and
. breeds and vary in condition, activity, vigor and size. A Hamp-
shire ram, for instance, can serve more ewes than a Southdowu,
and a mature ram more than a yearling.
` The size of the ewes may be a factor—often is, if the rams are
small. The wide demand for small purebreds for the production
of show wethers has caused many breeders to overlook utility
values. The result is that many rams are too small for ellicient

breeding ol large crossbred western ewes wl1icl1 are used by most
Kentucky larmers.
\\'eather conditions and methods of handling the flock during
the breeding seaso11 are also [actors. I11 England and New Zealand.
where tl1e weather is Illll(Zll cooler at breeding time tl1an in Ken- `
lucky, a much larger number ol ewes, per ram, can be served.
lll general, under Kentucky conditions where the rams are , _
allowed to run with tl1e {lock during the breeding season, 35 to 40
ewes is a lair average number lor a mature ram in good breeding
ttondition. .·\ yearling ram is usually allowed a few less, around 30
to fla. The number ol ewes per ram (1111 be greatly increased by A
tl1e "hand coupling" method, as previously described, but l°ew of
o11r commercial sheepmcn use this system because of tl1e additional
labor involved. .
liarly, well—developed ram lambs may be used on a small num- ,
ber ot ewes, seldom more than 15, when allowed to run with tl1e
llork. Ram lambs should never be put in llocks_where there are
older rams. Tl1e older rams will hght and annoy tl1e lambs to
surh an extent that they may be killed or ol little service.
Kentucky is well suited lor the production ol lambs for late T _
spring and early summer marketing. These early dropped lambs
get advantage ol pasture when the nights are cool and tl1c herbage
is young, succulent, and most nutritious. They make much laster
gains than late-season lambs and can be marketed belore hot `
weather slows their development, a11d at a time when prices
usually are higher.
.·\ll pI1nto1;raphs in this publication were made by the author. _