xt76t14tj54v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76t14tj54v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966-05-may3. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-05-may3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-05-may3. 1966 1966-05-may3. 2011 true xt76t14tj54v section xt76t14tj54v 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, May 3, 1966

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room
in the Administration Building on the campus of the University on Tuesday, May 3,
1966, at 2:00 p. m., Eastern Standard Time, in accordance with KRS 164. 170, with
the following members answering present to the roll call: Governor Edward T.
Breathitt, Chairman, Dr. H. B. Murray, Dr. Harry A. Sparks, Dr. Harry Denham,
Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright,
Mr. 0. L. McElroy, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. William R. Black, and the two
non-voting faculty members, Dr. Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul Oberst.
Absent were Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. W. F. Foster, and
Mr. Wendell P. Butler. President Oswald, Vice Presidents Albright, Willard,
Kerley, and Johnson, Provost Cochran, and Dean Ellis Hartford represented the ad-
ministration at the meeting and members of the news media were also present.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Governor Breathitt called the meeting to order and asked that Dr. Stephen
Diachun pronounce the invocation. Dr. H. B. Murray, who called the roll, reported
11 voting members and two non-voting members present, with 4 members absent.
Governor Breathitt indicated a quorum was present and announced that the meeting
was officially open for the conduct of business at 2:10 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the reading of the
Minutes for the March 17, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee was dispensed
with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Board Thanked for Flowers

       Governor Breathitt read a letter from Dr. Glenwood L. Creech expressing
thanks and appreciation for the flowers sent by the Board of Trustees to the funeral
of his mother. The letter was accepted and ordered filed.

       D. Executive Committee Appointed and Dr. Murray Named Secretary

       Dr. Bushartcalled attention to the fact that with the termination of Judge
Sutherland's appointment to the Board on March 1, 1966, when Mr. William R. Black
was appointed to the Board of Trustees, there existed a vacancy on the Executive



Committee and the Board was without a secretary. He made the following motion:
(i) that the present members of the Executive Committee--Dr. Angelucci, Mr.
Broadbent, Mr. Hillenmeyer, and Dr. Murray--be re-elected and that Dr. Denham
be elected as the fifth member of the committee; (2) that Dr. Angelucci be re-
elected Chairman of the Executive Committee and Vice Chairman of the Board; and
(3) that Dr. Murray be designated as Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the
Executive Committee.

      Mr. McElroy seconded Dr. Bushart's motion and it passed unanimously.

      E. President's Report on Activities

      Dr. Oswald commented briefly on each item in his Report to the Trustees,
reminding them that copies of this report (PR 1) were not only distributed at the
meeting but were sent to the faculty members and selected alumni following presen-
tation to the Board.

      Governor Breathitt ordered that without objection the report be accepted and
file d.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       PR 2I, Recommendations of the President, contains routine but important
items of business and is sent to the Board members in advance of each meeting.
Dr. Oswald recommended that the report be approved as a whole. He said two items
in the report merited special. mention prior to approval:

       (1) Section III which recommended the transfer of course work in astronomy
from the Department of Mathematics to the Department of Physics and the redesig-
nation of these two departments to reflect the transfer.

       (2) Section V which recommended the reappointment of Dr. Ralph Angelucci,
Dr. Carl Cone, and Mr. Edward Dabney as members of the Board of Directors of
the University of Kentucky Research Foundation,

       On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and carried PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the May 3, 1966 meeting of the Board of Trustees.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       In presenting PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, Dr.
Oswald explained that the items in the report were similar to those in PR 2 but had



reached his office too late for inclusion in the latter report. He called attention to
the following items in the report.

       (1) Section I - reminding the Board that this was the first time approval had
oeen sought for the associate degrees and certificates for students completing the
two-year programs offered by the Community Colleges. A total of 270 persons were
included from six of the Colleges--Somerset and Hopkinsville were not included
since they have not been in operation long enough and Fort Knox has such a transient
enrollment that there were no candidates who had completed a two-year program.

       (2) Section IV - recommendations for promotions and for the granting of
tenure. Promotions were recommended for 18 persons from Associate Professor to
Professor, all with tenure; I person from Visiting Associate Professor to Associate
Professor with tenure; 25 persons from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor,
with 23 recommended for tenure; and 19 persons from Instructor to Assistant Pro-
fessor--making a total of 63 persons. Ln addition, 7 persons were recommended for
tenure without change in rank.

       (3) Sectionl IV - In connection with Dean Matthews' sabbatical leave for 1966-
67, Dr. Oswald announced that he had appointed Professcr Paul Oberst to serve as
Acting Dean of the College of Law for the academic year 1966-67.

       (4) Section IV - retirement for 13 individuals, 7 of whom had been with the
University for 40 or more years and 2 who had served for more than 36 years. The
other 4 had served for periods ranging from 15 years through 26 years.

       Mr. Ezelle objected to approval of PR 3 as a whole inasmuch as the Board
members had -not had an opportunity to examine the individual items in advance.
Governor Breathitt suggested that action be deferred until later. Following the
presentation of the next item on the agenda, the Governor called for a motion on
PR 3 and Mir. Smith moved that PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the Presi-
dent, be approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
May 3, 1966 meeting. His motion was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and passed without
dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Approval, of Degree Candidates (PR 4)

       Dr. Oswald said that the primary purpose of the meeting in May was to ap-
prove the candidates for degrees. He asked that the Board approve the recommen.-
dation presented in PR 4, indicating as a matter of interest that a total of 2, 129
names were included in. the list, for the May 1966 commencement exercises, cornm
pared with 1, 799 for 196-. A breakdown of the figures shows the following:




August       December         May             Total
1964 1965     1964 1965     1965  1966      1965   1966

179  181      250  368      952   1100      1381   1649

183  160       79   119     156    201       418    480

Total               362  341      329   487    1108   1301      1799   2129

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, duly seconded, the recomrmenedation for approval
of candidates for degrees was accepted and PR 4 with the attached list of the candi-
dates was ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the May 3, 1966 -meeting.
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. ).

       I. Community College Established in Perry County in the Vicinity of
Hazard (PR 5a)

       Dr. Oswald said that following several studies which had been made by Uni-
versity personnel, both before and since he had become president of the institution,
relative to the selection of a site for a community college in tihe 'Blackey-Hazard"
area, he had appointed a Special Advisory Committee of Trustees composed of Dr.
Harry Denham, chairman, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Dr. H. B. Mu-aray, and Mr. Floyd
Wright, to review these studies, to visit the proposed sites, and to prepare recom-
mendations for presentation to the Board of Trustees. He asked Dr. Denham to
present the committee's report.

       Dr. Den'ham said that the committee had met several times and had held two
meetings in Letcher and Perry counties. They talked with many individuals and
found everyone to be most cooperative and helpful. On. the basis of their visits and
a careful study of all available data, the committee reached the ccncl-lusion that the
best site for the community college was i.n Perry County in the vicinity of Hazard.
He called attention to PR 5(a) which contained the cornmitteeis recommendation for
the site for the college, listed the twelve criteria used in dete-mi.n-.rg the location
of community colleges and the application of these criteria to She recommendjed site,
and gave a brief historical review of the situation.

       As chairman of the Special Advisory Committee, Dr. Denhamn made the
motion that the Board of Trustees (1) rescind its actioon of September 18, 1962,
locating the hlBlackey-Hazard'! college i:: Blackey; and (2) that it locate its te.nth
community college in Perry County in the vicinity of Hazard. The implementation
of this decision is conditional upon the provj.ision of an approved site. including
utilities, police and fire protection, and upon satisfactory arrangements to provide
faculty housing by responsible authorities or organ.;zations in that commrunity. The
Governor is urged in appointing the Advisory Board to the comm-unity college to
provide strong representation from the entire region to be served, including Letcher




and Perry counties as well as the cities of Whitesburg and Hazard. The Uni-
versity should proceed so that the college can open possibly in 1967, but no later
than September 1968. Mr. Sam Ezelle seconded Dr. Denham's motion.

       Governor Breathitt said that prior to any discussion of the motion, he
wished to read a letter from former Governor Bert Combs to the Board of Trustees.
He said that he wished the letter, which follows, to be made a part of the Minutes of
the meeting and, without objection, he so ordered.


          Prior to 1962 several community colleges had been authorized by previous
  and separate sessions of the Legislature without much regard to planning for a
  statewide system. At the 1962 Sess on, Senator Archie Craft of Whitesburg, who
  represented the Letcher-Perry District, announced early that he intended to
  sponsor a bill for a community college in Letcher County. As the Session pro-
  gressed it became apparent to me that Senator Craft had enough votes in both
  houses to pass his bill.

          It was also apparent that unless the then existing corrmnity colleges, and
   such others as might be created in the future, were made part of a unified
   system, with proper planning and direction, the colleges would not be able to fully
   accomplish their intended purpose. Consequently, I, as well as others who
   thought as I did, prevailed upon Senator Craft to permit the proposed Letcher
   College to become part of a statewide system, under the direction of the Uni-
   versity; and Senator Craft was requested to work for a bill which would accom-
   plish; that purpose. He agreed to do this providing it was also agreed that one of
   the new colleges would be located in Letcher County. (At that time some of us
   were under the impression, later found to be erroneous, that Blackey would per-
   haps be a suitable location). I, as the then Governor, promised Senator Craft
   that if he would agree for his bill to be presented as part of a more comprehen-
   sive proposal to establish a statewide system of community colleges, under the
   direction of the University of Kentucky, I would explain the matter to the Board
   of Trustees and would recommend to the Board that the new college in the Hazard-
   Blackey area be located in Letcher County. The phrase "Hazard-Blackey area"
   was inserted in the bill at my insistence in order tc placate the then representa-
   tive from Perry County but he was informed at the time that there was a commit-
   ment, insofar as I was able to make one, that the college woul.d go to Letcher
   County. We thought at the time that the college woul.d be const-rij.cted, or at
   least the location agreed upon, before the expiration of my term as Governor.

          My commitment in regard to the location of the new college was made
   known to many people in both Perry and Letcher Co n~ty, both privately and
   publicly, and I understand that Governor Breathitt has stated pablicly that he



  would use his efforts to keep the commitment which had been made by me.

         Perhaps no commitment should have been made by me and it might be
  said with some basis, that it was a political commitment, but actually the com-
  mitment was made in order that the community colleges could be taken out of
  politics and incorporated into a unified system, with proper planning and di-
  rection by the University. I thought at the time the price was not too much to
  pay and I take some pride in the fact that the bill did pass and that our com-
  munity colleges are making great progress under the capable direction of Dr.
  Oswald and Dr. Ellis Hartford.

         In order that the Board may have this background on the question of lo-
  cation of the college in the Hazard-Blackey area and in order to keep my com-
  mitment to Senator Craft and the people of Letcher County, insofar as this is
  possible under the circumstances, I have asked that this memorandum be read
  to the Board of Trustees.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Bert T. Combs

      Following the reading of the letter from Governor Combs, Governor Breathitt
said he wished to state his position in the matter. In his campaign for the governor-
ship, he made commitments to the people of Letcher County, both plublicly and in
private, that he would honor Governor Combs' commitment to locate the college in
Letcher County and he had continued to pledge his support to this commitment since
becoming Governor. He said he wished the record to read: ''i-n the event a motion
were made for the location in Letcher County, I would cast my vote for the location
of the college in Letcher County. 't Thils was part of his cornmitment to Governor
Combs and to the people of Letcher Counity. He added that Governor CombW actions
were entirely proper and in the highest concepts of what he felt was best for the Uni-
versity of Kentucky and the Commonwealth.

      Mr. Smith said that a motion and second was before the Board but he would
like to suggest that following action on this rnotioon, a second one be made which
would include an expression of thanks to the Special Advisory Committee and would
call for the inclusion of Governor Combs' letter and Governor Breathitt's statement
as official. parts of the Minutes of the meetirng. He said that he had been. a rnember
of the Board when approval was given to the location of the college at Blackey but
that this site was no longer available and that cond:`tionns had changed so that he felt
the Board should follow the recommendations presented to ;t by the Special Advisory
Committee and that he was sure neither Governor Combs nor Gverenor Breathitt
would wish for the members of the Board to vote foT ar any locatYn that would not best
serve the area in which it is to be located. Commitments are sometimes made
under conditions which frequently change, as has the Blackey site.



       President Oswald said he wished to comment on the portion of Governor
Combs' letter relative to the community college system and the act which set it up,
saying he thought the foresight and the action in setting up this system and relating
individual colleges closely to the community and yet assuring the strength and re-
sources of the University behind it was of tremendous importance to the Common-
wealth. In fact, other states look to Kentucky for guidance in this area. The Uni-
versity is greatly indebted to Governor Combs 'or his wisdom in encouraging the
passage of this act and to Governor Breathitt for his support in launching it. The
University is currently operating 9 colleges, the site for the Louisville college was
approved at the April meeting, and the sites for the Blackey-Hazard and Maysville
colleges will be determined at this meeting. in addition, negotiations are being
carried on with the Paducah Junior College for possible inclusion of it in the system
under permissive legislation passed by the last General Assembly. The Special Ad-
visory Committee should be commended for the effo ts made to study as objectively
as possible the 12 educational criteria and to apply them to the Blackey-Hazard

       The Chairman called for a vote on the motion before the Board which had
been made by Dr. Denham and seconded by Mr. Ezelle. The motion was approved
without dissent, the Governor abstaining from voting.

       Mr. Smith then made a motion that the Special Advisory Committee be com-
mended for the time and effort which had gone into the evaluati-on of the situation and
which had resulted in the motion just approved, that Governor Combs; letter rela-
tive to the location of the college in the Blackey-Haza.rd area be made a part of the
Minutes of the meeting; and that Governor Breathitt's statement be included in the
Miniates. His motion was seconded and approved without dissent. (See PR 5a at the
end of the Minutes. )

       J. Activation of Maysville Community College (PR 5b)

       Dr. Oswald, in presenting the three recommendations relative to the acti-
vation of the Maysville Community College as contained in PR 5(b), a copy of which
is appenlded, indicated that the North Licking Independent College Foundation had
shown the selection committee seven different sites, On the basis of the type of
land and its lay-out, not only for immediate building but for future recreation and
other facilities that go with it, the seventy-five acres, known as the "Wood proper-
ty", was deemed by the committee as the best site for the community college.

       Dr, Denham made the following motion (1':;; that the site popularly known as
the Wood property be officially designated as the site of the new Maysville Communi-
ty College at Maysville; (2) that appointment of an architect and development of
plans and specifications for the construction of the new facility be initiated; and (3)
that the above actions be taken with the understanding that the North Licking Inde-
pendent College Foundation will cause this site to become a-ailable by deed in fee



simple of the property, as specifically described on the sketch attached to PR 5(b),
to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the University of
Kentucky without cost to the University. The motion was seconded by Dr. Murray.

       Prior to calling for a vote, Governor Breathitt said he wished to express
his deep concern over the limited acreage in the proposed site. He cited the
problem which Hopkinsville is facing now in attempting to provide for expansion of
the campus there. He said that all too frequently the land adjacent to a community
college site is purchased by developers and it becomes impossible to acquire ad-
ditional acreage for the college either because there is no longer any land available
or because the price for the surrounding land has become prohibitive. He, there-
fore, urged the Board to amend Dr. Denham's motion to include addit.ional acreage.

       Dr. Denham said that the land under consideration was high priced land and
that it would be almost impossible for the North Licking Independent College Foun-
dation to raise sufficient funds to acquire more land at this time. It was then sug-
gested that the motion before the Board be acted upon as presented and, if the
motion should be approved, then an additional motion might be made urging the ac-
quisition of more land.

       Governor Breathitt called for a vote on Dr. Deniamls motion, which had
been seconded by Dr. Murray, and all present voted "ayes . Mr. Smith then made
the following motion: that the Board go on record as commending the citizens of
Mason County and the adjacent territory for taking the initiative in establishn.ing the
North Licking Independent College Foundation to raise money with which to acquire
the minimum acreage approved in the previous motion of this Board and, further,
that the Board express to members of this Foundation and the people of Mason
County and vicinity that for the greatest public benefits in the future they should
also acquire additional acreage contiguous to the 75 acres of not less than 50 and
preferably 75. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and approved. (See PR 5(b)
at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Report on Educational Television

       Before asking Dr. Albright to present the report on the plans for educational
television, Dr. Oswald indicated that the University had been working in '.o areas:
the internal developmn.ent of television instruction within the University, and with the
state educational television system which plans a tie-up with the Univezsity and its
community colleges.

       Dr. Albright said the University for some time has had a Commlittee on Edu-
cational Television and this is a part of the institution's strong effort to improve
teaching and instruction not only here but in the community college system. as well.
Institutions across the country have used educational TV for various inst-rctional
purposes. It should not, however, be considered as a supplement for able -taff and
advisement of students but certain things can be done better through ETV t"ao-d can be



done otherwise. For example, it is easier for ten students to look in a person's
mouth on TV than to look down someone s throat. Dr. Michael T. Romano, Coordi-
nator of Television for the Medical Center. has been asked to assume the responsi-
bility for educational television on a University-wide basis for the next few months
and to bring all the elements together into a "package" which will represent a
program for the whole University. it is not difficult to foresee the time when edu-
cational television will be used as a Gmeans for extension and service programs not
only through the community colleges but to all communities. This is the first step.
Dr. Romano will work with the group planning the production studio which will tie in
with the state ETV system for which the University has provided the land.

       Mr Ezelle commented on a recent experience he had had in seeing at first
hand what educational televisicn was doung for some of the inmates of the penitentiary
at Eddvv-.lle. The Governor said that he had scheduled a conference on the state edu-
cational televis3ion system on M 1ay 17 and President Oswald responded that Dr.
Romano would be present at this conference as a representative of the University.

       L. Implemrientation of Capital Improverenet Program Authorized (PR 7)

       Mr. Kerley said that he would like to assure the Board that the University
has the capacity to finance the programs presented in PR 7, Implementation of Capi-
tal Improvement Program, with the projected bonding capacity of the University and
the general obligation bound issue of the state The recommended program is the re-
sult of a long period of wncork, steady, and planning, particularly on the part of the
President's Adiisory Comm- ittee on Bu.ildings and Campus Development of the faculty.

       On motion by Mr Black, seconded by Dr Murray, and passed unanimously
the recommendation presented as PR 7 was approved- (See PR 7 at the end of the
Minutes )

       M. School of Biological Sciences Established; Dr- Conti Named Chairman
(PR 8)

       The recommendation to establish a School of Biological Sciences in the
College of Arts and Sciences marks a most significant step in the development of the
academic program Dr. Oswald commented in calling attention to PR 8 (attached).
The combination of the biological sciences into one School will provide a much more
effective undergraduate program and will strengthen the graduate program.

       In recommending the appointment of Dr. Samuel F. Conti as Professor of
Microbiology (with tenures and as the first Director of the School and Associate Dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences for Program Planning, Dr. Oswald said that the
University was particularly fortunate to have been able to interest one of the out-
standing young scientists in the country in accepting the position and he predicted
that Dr. Conti would provide great leadership in this area.



      Dr. Willard concurred in all that Dr. Oswald had said and added that the bio-
logists in the Medical Center considered this one of the most important moves which
had been made to attain academic excellence.

      Mr. Smith commented that it was one of the most important reorganization
steps taken to strengthen the University program and made a motion that the recom-
mendation as presented in PR 8 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr.
McElroy and passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

      N. Report on Retirement and Hospitalization Programs (PR 9)

      Mr. Kerley made the presentation of PR 9, Report on Retirement and Hospi-
talization Programs. He said the report was self-explanatory and was presented
primarily for the purpose of keeping the Board informed relative to these two im-
portant programs of the University.

      The report was accepted with thanks and ordered filed. (See PR 9 at the end
of the Minutes. )

      0. Mayor Dawahare Comments on New Community College

      Governor Breathitt recognized Mr. William Dawahare, Mayor of the City of
Hazard, who was present at the meeting. Mayor Dawahare expressed his gratifi-
cation with the action which the Board had taken in establishing the college in Perry
County near Hazard and pledged the support of all the citizens of Hazard in helping
to build the "best" college in the system.

       P. Mr. Hillenmeyer and Dr. Creech Thanked

       Governor Breathitt expressed on behalf of the entire Board thanks and ap-
preciation for the tremendous job done by Vice President Creech and Mr. Robert
Hillenmeyer as co-chairmen of the Steering Committee, in connection with the As-
sociation of Governing Boards meeting which had been held on the campus May 1-3,
1966. He said that from the comments he had heard this was the best meeting the
Association of Governing Boards had ever had.

       Q. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the meeting, the Chairman called for a motion for adjournment. Such motionbeing



made, seconded, and passed, the meeting adjourned at 3:55 p. m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      Hershell B. Murray, Secretary
                                      Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5(a), PR 5(b), PR 7, PR 8, and PR 9 which follow are of-
ficial parts of the Minutes of the May 3, 1966 meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky.



                                   May 3, 1966


     The University has been both pleased and honored to serve as the
host institution for the 44th annual meeting of the Association of Governing
Boards of Universities and Colleges  a most successful three-day conference
which closed only this afternoon. A preliminary examination of registration
totals indicates that, from the standpoint of attendance, this meeting has
established a new record for the organization.

     Noteworthy, too, were the timely and significant thoughts which the
delegates heard expressed in talks by such outstanding speakers as Mr.
Jerome C. Byrne of California, Chancellor Herman B, Wells of Indiana Uni-
versity and President Homer D. Babbidge of the University of Connecticut.
Equally effective were the views shared by guest panelists Edwin S, Hewitt
of Grinnell College, Manning Pattillo of the Danforth Foundation, Maurice
Harari of Education and World Affairs, Glen Olds of the State University of
New York, and our own Dr, Richard Butwell,

     A special word of commendation is in order for members of the Board of
Trustees, who more than a year ago took the initiative in seeking to bring
this meeting to Lexington for the first time,


     The Kentucky Constitution Revision Assembly came to the campus on April 26
for an informational session for benefit of the general public as well as for
faculty and students, Although the audience was not large, its participation
was lively and many searching questions on the merits of various sections of
the proposed new Constitution were addressed to the Assembly delegates.

     Governor Edward T, Breathitt, who spoke briefly, praised the contributions
of two University faculty members, Dr, Thomas D, Clark, who is the Assembly
historian, and Prof. J. E. Reeves, whose services as an Assemblyman were termed
eminent.  Former Senator Earle C, Clements, chairman of the Assembly, presided,

     The delegates were guests of the University at a luncheon at which Vice
President A. D. Albright served as host,


                                      - 2 -


     More than a year ago9 the University Hospital became the first anywhere
to install the "unit-dose" system of dispensing medications. Several apparent
advantages of the system were reported by three of the hospital's representatives
at last week's meeting in Dallas of the American Pharmaceutical Association.
Presenting their evaluations were Richard D. Wittrup, the hospital administrator;
Paul F. Parker, director of pharmacy central supply, and Miss M. Sue Kern,
director of nursing services.

     Chief among the system's indicated advantages is improved patient care.
Because they are relieved of the time-consuming tasks of preparing medications,
nurses can spend more time wiLth patienrs. The patient also benefits because
the danger of his receiving the wrong dose or the wrong drug is greatly
reduced. The unit-doses are accurately labeled by the manufacturer or the
hospital pharmacy so that the nurse can check the label with the physician's
order for treatment,

     An exhibit displayed at the Dallas meeting included the three components
which enable a hospital pharmacy to dispense medications entirely in unit-doses--
drugs purchased in strip packages or in prefilled cartridge-needle units, a
machine that packages and labels tablets or capsules as single units, and another
that fills small glass vials with individual liquid doses. Eventually9 as more
drugs are prepackaged in ur:.t-doses by manufacturers hospitals will be able to
purchase virtually all medications in this form and will have to do only a minor
amount of their own packaging.

     Other economic benefits from unit-dose dispensing, in addition to billing
patients only for medications received, are the