xt76q52fbg41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52fbg41/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1991 1991 1991-09-05 2020 true xt76q52fbg41 section xt76q52fbg41  

Kentucky Kernel




Dave Schlesser, Vice President of





ties on campus for non-traditional students.

UKANS a refuge for older students

Stall Writer

When Dave Schlesser retired
from the US Army, he found
himself in the same position as
his young son James.

“I retired the same time my son
graduated from high school." he
said. “We were both saying.
‘What am I going to do with my
life." “

Schlesser saw going back to
school as an option.

The fact that he was 25 years
older than most freshmen and had
a family did not slow him down

“i don‘t worry about the fact
that I don‘t fit the traditional stu-
dent mold." he said. “I'm doing
more at 48 at college than I did at
13 and I‘m having a better time
than I did at 28."

Schlesser‘s only complaint of
being back on a college campus is

there's not enOugh to do for peo-
ple his age.

So. he and fellow nontraditional
student Ginni Childers to form the
group UK Association of Nontra-
ditional Students.

The group was formed in spring
1990 and became an official stu-
dent orgamzation last August.

UKANS president Childers said
the first year was not an easy one.

“We struggled along throughout
the year. never having been a pan
of starting up an organization,"
she said.

UKANS sponsored several ac-
tivities last year including 3
Homecoming tailgating pany. a
”night at the movies" and other
activities which they hope to con-
tinue this year.

Childers said that older students
who want to get involved at UK
often can’t because of the lack of
activities for non-traditional stu-

the University of Kentucky Association at Nontraditional Students. said there should be more activi-

GREG FANS/Kernel Stu”

older students is disenfranchised."
she said. "UKANS is hoping to af-
fect some changes in that"

Nontraditional students have
nontraditional problems, said John
Banton, a civil engineering sopho-
more and nontraditional student

“When you're balancing a job
and school something is gomg to
have to give,” said Banton, 36.
“You either have to cut back at
work, meaning less money, or
take longer to graduate."

Banton said commuting and
child care is hard to balance as a
f ull-time student.

“One of our biggest problems IS
we have a hard time finding meet-
ing times. People are at home
feeding the kids. at work and do-
ing other things,“ said Schlesser,
vice president of the group.

The purpose of UKANS ES
three-fold, said Childers, 39. “We

See STUDENTS, Page 7


“As adult students and as a vi-
able. recognizable pan of the Uni-
versity we‘re overlooked." she

Adults make up about 34 per-
cent of UK students and the per-
centage rising. she said

The University is partly to
blame for the lack of activities.
Childers said. “Maybe they‘re
looking for solutions," she said.
“UKANS can be the catalyst for
change. We definitely have the po-
tential to do that

“If anyone is likely to fall
through the cracks of this campus.
it’s the non-traditional student, es-
pecially those that go on weekends
and evenings who never become
pan of the University."

Childers cites these facts as part
of the reason UKANS was

“The key word to describe most




UK profes

Staff reports

Funeral services will be held
today for UK sociology professor
Harwin L. Voss, who died of a
heart attack Monday at Humana
Hospital Lexington.

Voss, 59. has been a professor
at UK since 1965 and was chair-
man of a National Institute on
Drug Abuse committee at the
time of his death.

An Indianapolis native. Voss
specialized in teaching about
juvenile delinquency and crimi-
nology. focusing on drug abuse
and AIDS.

The committee he chaired
works to fund research concem-
ing AIDS as it pertains to intrave-
nous drug abuse.

“sor Voss
dies of heart attack

at Second Presbyterian Church,
460 E. Main St

Voss had taught at the Univer-
sity of Hawaii. Portland State
University and at Hacettepe Uni-
versity in Ankara. Turkey.

He earned a bachelor‘s degree
from North Central College in
Napierville, Ill., and a master‘s
and doctoral degrees from the
University of Wisconsin.

Survivors include his wife.
Carol; three sons. Dirk Voss of
louisville. Ky., Jon Voss of Lex-
ington and Greg Voss of Flor-
ence. Ky.: a daughter. Lynn D.
Voss of Chicago; a brother. Don-
ald Voss of Slippery Rock. Pa;
and five grandchildren.

Services will be held at 2 pm.






Place kicker Doug Pelfrey
thrives on pressure. Story,

\J. pageZ.


W‘s—r... » .i

5 i99l

Phoenix gunman
kills 2, injures 5
in shooting spree

Associated Press

an a truck pulling down the
l :lllt'\\ w'iiv‘ttt‘ic got shot in
U . .i llq‘sluu- aid. “A police-

PilOENIX —— A man sprayed a ;, j up getting out of his
residential street with high-powered '
weapons fire yesterday, killingfitwo A gut ‘m A ““16 riding
people, including a police otticez ‘ f, 1:: ”my“ mt gm” and l
and wtiunding five others. . ‘

The gunman then held police at
bay from a house for more than f:
hours before officers stormed ti.»
home and found him dead.

"It appears he took his own lite,“
pOliLC spokesman Kevin Robin-mt:

Reporters — who were kept sew
eral blocks from the home ~ heard
two loud bangs as police entered lb"

Robinson wouldn't say it” Pliliek‘ , _
fired any shots when they took the . V, Mm,"
home, nor how long the man may “ "
have been dead.

Robinson reported earlier that the
gunman may have had a ht’istagi‘
But he said nobody else was found
in the home.

A witness said a girl or young
woman was gunned down as she
rode past the home on her bicycle
Robinson said two police titicers
were shot as they reached the \(CITC.
one before he was able to get out oi
the patrol car

Neighbor Kip Hoskins. I"
he heard a volley of shots and r:.r;
out into the street.

UK chosen as one it
country’s best

Staff reports

‘I slit I

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:.IiI‘i ~

UK is among a select group t-!
colleges and universities ieatureo .i-
a new guide to the country's titi
values in higher education.

UK's i'lClLlSlOl'l e'i "lhe .4“):
Guide to ltil oi the Best le‘tlc.‘ ll
Arnencan Colleges and immin-
ttes" makes the min publication c it
has recently ranked Lis' a\ a.» ex...
lent college choice.

"We’re pleased to he intruded .
there. It shows people around if»:
country that it; it in tin; .
Joe i-tnk, associate vice wanton)»:
for LtLdthllilL .liilllls.

Calling i i\ sitting .‘ s.
state universities ill the h
book goes on to say that; Is x i 1
it)! excellence and Pig tti :,. x ._

,is beginning to pa; .

The l‘tMK also praises .

\CFSII) Studies


Gorbachev reform faces strong opposition

Associated Press

central govemment greatly weak-
ened in the wake of last month's
unsuccessful hard-line toup was
put forward by Gorbachev, Rissnm
Federation Presrdent Boris Yeltsin
and nine other republic leaders.

Gorbachev told delegations from
each republic to submit proposals
for amending the measure to a leg—
islative commission that was to
work through the night in advance
of Thursday's sessron.

The Soviet president, mindful of
lawmakers' opposition, also decid-
ed not to put the issue of Baltic in—
dependence to a vote. and told offi~
cials he would grant it by
presidential decree instead.

The decree releasing the Krem—
lin's grip on Lithuania, Latvia and
Estonia will come after the conclu-
sion of the congressional session.
said Lithuanian official Algimantas
Cekuolis and Gorbachev confidant
Alexander Yakovlcv,

Despite passing an imponant pro-
cedural test. the fate of the restruc-

MOSCOW w Mikhail Gorba—
chev's plan to revamp the Soviet
government and transfer most pow—
er to the republics ran into stiff op-
position yesterday from lawmakers
who stand to lose their jobs.

Gorbach prodded a reluctant
Congress of People‘s Deputies into
giving preliminary approval of the
resolution. But the margin was far
short of the two-thirds majority he
would need for final passage of con-
stitutional amendments. A show-
down vote could come Thursday.

At times. the mood during yester-
day's daylong session was angry
and tense.

“You're insulting us!” angry leg’
islators shouted at one point.

“If you behave like that. it won‘t
make our work any easier." a testy
Gorbachev shot back.

The plan —— aimed at ensuring an
orderly transfer of power from a

UK Ton it
The UK Athletics Association
Board meets at 5 pm. in the

Administration Building.

v , we”

turing plan was tlll'c't'rLilri.

“All right. all right." sari. \IUII‘d
Cht‘k “The Li» is still a; ; i. a...

In other developments } 3 'terda)

- Secretan of Suit: Kittie» \

Baker III, in Washington, .‘tgsd .ric

Soviet government to return :wt .‘

along lines “consistent with dens.

cratic values and principles " halt.-

who is to Visit the Sovtct limit

next week, also said he thought i . t. . ..
would be “advrsable” if the Smut He w
nuclear arsenal ended up under -. {‘li
tral authority,

- The Congress oi People's ixpu
tics voted to dismiss ousted Su
premc SOHCI Chairman Anatoly
Lukyanov and \ ice President Gen
nady Yanaycv irom thtir posts for
their role in the failed Aug. 18-21
coup. The \Olt‘ was a torrnality 11f»
firming dCtISIOIH madt ulfllCr at
the Supreme Sonet. tht‘ smaller
standing legislature that is elected
by the Congress Yanaycx his beer
charged with high treason Lukya-
nov has not yet been chargct‘.

who ‘3‘“; - '.
tlllhi“ »' ~-
‘lt‘ f'~'~li ;
.t.l.i) .i‘ '.


who} .v we.‘ I il‘»\lll.lkc‘l\‘

expressed "tist'w " .‘LV‘til the PH"-

”ll‘\ ~ ‘i'\ firth: H I" 1“ Mill \‘II
this law ‘~\C i" 3‘; "rxt‘t‘; to this
big .t‘lilt'ti‘u .i.u‘ w Ac‘rt' sup
posed :0 \‘JIC to ““5. :‘lt‘tt“ll N d lot

of separate i-‘il':.'.‘\,” ~\lc\.tndcr

Set) SOVIET, Page 8

s i“~” \
Will the UK-U
series ever
kick oft? Sto-



 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, September 5, 1991









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Nerves no problem
for Doug Pelfrey
with game on line

Senior Staff Writer

What do people seem to want to
know most about UK’s placekicker,
Doug Pelfrey?

How did it feel to win the game
against Georgia last year?

Do you get nervous beforehand?

How do you kick the ball that far?

Are all those big guys scary?

Doesn't it hurt your foot?

No. On all counts.

“Probably my most asked ques-
tion," said the Wildcats' number
one footman, “is if I'm related to
John Pelphrey."

While a quick spelling check re-
veals that the kicker is no relation to
UK's clutch basketball forward,
Pelfrey’s attitude toward his game
probably isn’t too far removed from
his namesake’s.

he said. “If the
game‘s on the
line. I bring my
concentration to
a new level."

Pelfrey ex-
plored that new
level on a cool
October night
, last season
when the Cats

PELFREY found themselves
trailing Georgia by a point, 24-23.
with seven seconds left.

Pelfrey squared up and won the
game by nailing a three-pointer of
his own.

The former defensive back said
that. like his basketball counterpart,
he also deals with “trash talk" from
opposing players who tell him he‘s
going to shank the kick or have it
blocked. but he deals with it. “I just





block it out.” he said. “It doesn‘t
bother me.”

Pelfrey said his main worry is just
“kicking the ball straight."

The position's relative simplicity
may give kickers a few less varia—
bles to wony about. But it doesn’t
lower their expectations or their
teammates‘ expectations.

To do that, Pelfrey said he has to
try to adjust to the wind and keep
his form as consistent as possible.

In preparation for his second sea-
son as the Cats‘ No. 1 kicker, Pel—
frey said he‘s “trying to get familiar
With the field from each spot,
playing a different wind because we
have a lot of wind in Lexington.
You look up at the flags (on top of
the stadium) and they’ll be blowing
in the opposite direction of the ones
one the goalpost."

Nevertheless. he said that the
non-kickers generally “expect you
to hit it because all you do is kick,

“That‘s the hardest part. Watch
ing these guys - how hard they work
- and knowing that the game hinges
on my kick," Pelfrey said.

During practice. while many of
his teammates grunt and careen into
one another on one field. Pelfrey
and the Cats’ 14 other punters and
placekickcrs send pigskins flying on

“I’m more of a pressure player,"






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.- A; . .

UK place kicker Doug Pelfrey hopes to improve on last season's per-
formance despite the smaller uprights.

an adjoining field. He said that sep-
aration sometimes makes kickers
seem different or apart from the rest
of the team.

Pelfrey. who also played quarter-
back and defensive back in high
school, said the days he spent on the
field earned him a little more re-
spect When he misses a kick.
“They just pat me on the head or pat
me on the butt and tell me to get
them next time."

Pelfrey‘s collegiate kicking debut
last season was a SO-yarder against
Central Michigan that proved to be
the margin of victory. He nailed 63
percent of his field goals last season
and split the uprights on 24 out of
25 extra-point attempts.

“I had a steady season.” he said.
“I didn't really hurt the team but I
could’ve had a better season. I end—
ed up IO of 16 and feel I should've
been 13 of 16." ‘

This year. Pelfrey wants to kick
his numbers into the record books.

The former baseball and basket-

ball letterman from Edgewood, Ky.,
wants to set the single-season field
goal record -19 field goals — col-
lect at least 20 touchbacks on kick-
offs, boot four field goals in two or
three games and chalk up an 80
plus percent accuracy rate.

But. he added, “It’s going to be a
lot more difficult kicking this year
because of the new rule."

In the off-season. the NCAA nar-
rowed the distance between the
goalposts from 23 feet, 4 inches to

Coach Bill Curry said that may
keep Pelfrey on the sidelines more
often than last year.

“There may be times where we
won't try a long (field goal) where
we may have a year ago" because of
the narrower goalposts, Curry said.

If UK is down by a point or two
in the final minutes this season, will
Curry have any reservations about
sending the football Cats' basket-
ball name-a-like on to the field?

“Heck no." he said.

Cats announce
1991-92 schedule

Assoclatod Press

Eight Kentucky basketball games
will be on national television during
the 1991-92 season. including
matchups against West Virginia and
Louisville. athletics director C.M.
Newton announced yesterday.

At least 28 UK games will be tel-
evised either on live or delayed ba-
Sis, beginning with the preseason


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National Invitation Tournament
against West Virginia on Nov. 20
on ESPN.

Other games slated for national
TV are Indiana on Dec. 7 on CBS,
Louisiana State on Feb. 2 and Van-
derbilt on March 2 on ABC and
Georgia Tech on Dec. 2l. Lows-
ville on Dec. 28. Georgia on Jan. 7
and Tennessee on Jan. 21 on ESPN.

Kentucky could make several
more national TV appearances if it
advances in the NIT.

“It should be an exciting year of
Kentucky basketball." said New—
ton. “It will be a demanding sched-
ule. but one that should be great fun
for our players and fans."

The Wildcats, who will be eligi-
ble to participate in the NCAA
Tournament after being banned for
the past two years, open with an ex-
hibition game on Nov. 10 against
Athletes in Action in Memorial Col-

Kentucky meets the Soviet Na-
tional Team in another exhibition
on Nov. I4 in Rupp Arena in a final
tuneup before the NIT.


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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. September 5. 1991 ~ 3







‘Remnants’ looks at Hollywood facades

Staff Writer

Karl Gemot Kuchn brings togeth-
er an eerie sense of abandonment
and old-world beauty in his photo-
graph exhibit entitled “Remnants of
Noble Facades: Photographs from
Metropolis and Divas” at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Art Museum.

Kuchn, a native of Frankfurt, Ger-
many. is a west coast photographer
and film editor. Through the eye of
his camera. Kuchn presents old Los
Angeles buildings as they appeared
in the early age of Hollywood.

The unpopulated streets along
these buildings suggest that time
has ceased and that these buildings
of once high esteem are nothing
more than scrapbook pictures.

But if you look hard enough you
can still see the beauty of “Boule-
vaid Theatre" (1985). Although it
is surrounded by rubble. its majestic
stature hints to greater days.

The image of “Walk ol Fame #1“
(1085), With its ghost like. haunting
air is of legendary appeal. Al-
though the word “legend“ is partial-
ly cropped out of the photo image,
the point of I'lollywood‘s tinielcss~
ness is made nonetheless.

The peculiarity of these images is
magnified by the fact that there are
no pedestrians along these mean
streets. This photo essay contains a
son. of deadening elfcct because of
the \ i. ant scenes it pirtrziys

The lone extepuon is “Venue
Beach" (198m, which l had to look
at closely before I realized that the
sole person in the picture was not,
1s 1 had first thought. a parking me-

Not only does this exhibit include
these L.A. buildings but portraits of
some of the past’s best leading la-

In the Divas section of the exhib-
it, the viewer can find everyone
from Lillian Gish to the Wicked
Witch of the West herself. Margaret

All of the portraits were taken in
the early- to mid—1980s and show
that Hollywood is built of human as
well as architectural facades.

These women were captured
striking a pose—something which
was popular long before Madonna
was conceived. That same 19403
glamor Is Still ever-present in these
women, only distorted with age by a
few wrinkles.

The composition of these photos
forces us to remember the “good ol’
days" of black and white film. True
glamor is seized by .,- but not given
to —~ these women. And they know
how to use it.

Kuchn has an exceptionally
unique way of abstracting these im-
ages to suit his purposes but they
are not irrational.

The sharpness of the photos is en-
hanced by the grandness of their ap—
pearance. making them that much
more enchanting,

“Remnants of Noble Faraday,"
an exhibition of silverpn’nt photo-
graphs by Karl Gcrnut , opened at
the L'ru'writtv of Kentut‘ky Art Mu-
seum Aug. .35 and K!” rmrttnue
through Oct 0.

ll tr free and open to the public.
For further information call 257-




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Karl Gemot Kuehn's photo exhibit at the UK Art Museum, which in-
cludes this image of “Boulevard Theatre." runs until Oct 6. The ex—

226 E. Moxwell Sire
hibit is free and open to the public.



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