xt76q52fbc01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52fbc01/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1967 Vol.33 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 1967 Vol.33 No.5 1967 1967 2019 true xt76q52fbc01 section xt76q52fbc01 ;' <9 ’7 / , é ?
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VOLUME 33 ' . MAY, 1967 N0. 5 *
l.“ x: §~~‘( ~‘~“ . fie «as» ,1 ,WJ fl \ fl
" ' we... ‘. .. W , . E; V ;_ _ 2 free , r The Kentucky Press Associ-
' ass a gut-51 r“ atlon will hold its 98th Summer
, a. " We t i?“ tucky Dam Village- The dates
Q» M>#»t.*3 The highlight of the summer
1 _‘ , . - a g a v = «3.3“ n a N , . . ., .- , ’1» r “l presentation of the KPA News-
' iv:~*b\./fi a. Q . ‘:&g_“wmj.:kfrrfj”’jfgj‘vN/q. ' 35 .paper Production Contest
f $3, _ . . ffiwr'ai. f _;;y.‘:';:_:3“",\‘W'1§\\§~lr we“! , w ‘33 awards. This year will be no
_ ._ y “ :,.. ”3 fig Y " 7f, _ .. .1 . ~55: :1“ ” 4’ X" tr“ .V‘ exception, with the award pre-
.r ”- ==..‘ «3:. ‘fl ; ~52; «a, e’w .‘iii’fw , w 5' .‘ 1 I" . a?“ :* ' . . .
. " l“ -. _: , x "’1‘: 3-,, 3.; .J ’u/fl 2,“? 3* .1 .. L sentatlon follow1ng the Friday
' . _ .~ ~ ' , 7“ fig 1., j .. new 1,,“ . V, git ’H X; night banquet. In addition to the
"53:" j a . ' 1 ~~'~ “1.3421; n. 1"; 1 KPA wards the Ken-
, . , . . 5 g . g "#M_ . MJH ~ . "at: regu ar a , ' .
. , ._ ' ‘ ._ r?» WrxV‘firf-‘f 0‘1». " A,» ; g tucky Education Assocmtlon,
«a- .Q. § .- ~ “N; 'e 3.36” , ~ . J ‘ ‘ the Portland Cement Associa-
:3 “settings ' ,_ " 4 were Huck Boyd of Phillips-
. . . . its")? {frawggtégif egg fires ,fgi’é? a burg, Kansas; James Finney,
f f i ”"se‘sit‘mh W13: t: Jr of Columbia Tennessee‘
" r T15 ‘- ‘Wyfitiiyfiia.$‘fih?hwi it» J; 13° F 1tz 0f Morganton, North
. ','=..-v. '7? - f5 a “an ”3'“ 9.: North Dakota Press ASSOCia'
l ' SUMMER CONVENTION. . . . .More than 250 members of Kentucky newspaper families tion; Dr. Wllliam Baxter of '
are expected to gather here at Kentucky Dam Village State Park for the 98th summer conven- Samford University, Birming-
1- tion of the Kentucky Press Association. The convention schedule has been arranged so there ham, Alabama; Jerry Kavanagh
y will be plenty of time in the afternoon for fishing, swimming, boating and other recreation. of Conrad, Montana; John Jep-
- son of Townsend, Montana; Tom
' Mayhill of. Knightstown, Indi-
M'S'e' x '° “'6'“ Convention Schedule K c. Y. N... of
convenfi on; . Mills, North Carolina; Phil
Thursday June 1, 1967: 1:30 AP Meeting (Place to be Fourney of Ravenswood, West
Shake His Hand 4:00 Registration (Village announced) . Virginia; Delmus Hardenof Ful-
. . _ Inn) . 5:30 Reception John Marcum, ton, Mississippi; Richard John-
1; Who 18 MISteI' X? It really 5:30 Beer Reception John C. host son of Booneville Indiana' Ed
doesn’t .matter. What is iln- O’Conner, host, Ken-Bar Inn 7:00 98th Annual Summer Meyer of the Virginia Press
-{ portant 1s that he W111 be Wlth 7:00 Dinner (on your own) Banquet S. C. Van Curon. Box Association; Ed Schergens of
- us at the 1967 KPA Summer Friday June 2. 1967: lunches and babysitters for chil- Tell City Indiana; Tiny Hunt of
1 Conventlon. Why IS he comlng 9:00 Registration (Village dren Versaille’s, Indiana; and Mrs.
t0 the KPA C9hveht10h? The Inn) ' 8:00 Presentation of News- Sue Wahlgren ofLexington,Ken-
; answer to that is that he is go- . paper Production Contest tucky. .
_, lhg to make one Of you $2.500 10:00. Gubernatorlal Candi- Awards A. J. Vieham, Jr. KPA president 8. c Van
5 richer than you were when Wu dates Old Theater Building Saturday June 3, 1967: Curon, appointed Bill Nelson of
. arrlved- Only Your Secret”? 12:00 Lunch (on your own) 9:30 Summer Dancing, E. C. Benton, to head the convention
Manager (who was sworn to 1‘00 Recreation Calman Dance Band . committee. On his committee
secrecy by the Elf ofthe Fourth this year than you did lastyear. 9:00 Executive Committee were Ben E. Boone, III of Elk-
', Estate duringarecentbashheld That’s because the 50th PER- Breflfast Dining Alcove ~ ton, W. T. Davis of Eddyville,
by the Jouhhallstlc Elves OfKen‘ SON TO SHAKE MISTER X’S 10:00- BuSiness Session: Cirou- and Niles o. Dillington of Daw-
. “101W SOOlét-‘Il under Penalty.Of HAND IS GOINGTO WIN$25.00. lation Division Report, Dave son Springs.
eternal_Wr1t§rIS<:raHfiP) and 3415' That means you’re going to have Schansberg; Advertising Di- Howard Ogles of Franklin and
‘ ter X himse 0W IS identity. to arrive early and leave late vision Report, Ed Moores,S.C. Joe La Gore of Paducah were
3:; “What good is it to have some and shake hands all the time Van Curon presiding. appointed by Van Curon to serve
j goofy Mister X guy walking you’re there. The award will be 12:00 Convention Adjourned. as the program committee. A
I‘ . around if nobody knows who he presented after the banquet on Box lunches and baby sitters relaxing convention has been
i is,” I hear you cry. The only Friday night. It just won’t pay furnished at KPA expense ‘til planned, with ample free time
good in the whole idea is that to be shy during this conven- 12:00 midnight on Friday, June to SWim. fiSh. boat, 01‘ Play g01f
V you shake a fewmore hands tion. 2. (Please mm to page four ) V

7’ THE KENTUCKY P.RESS ' " By A. J. Viehman, Jr. g "% t
. Kentuciifllgxl‘:Eggégitiztrfon, Inc. AdUlt Dellnquency Ja Cl{-N Otes Sec. & Mgr. KPA 1%
I Lexington, Ky. Guest Editoral . , g;
- Printed By Ff°m The KY Lab“ News . Things seem to be looklng come up with some tax money 1%:
' Madisonville Publishing 00.. Inc. It is a 10W type 0f humanity up on the political advertising there.” “You may be r1ght. ”s
Madisonville, Ky. 42431 that will cheat anewspaper 7003'! scene. Several candidates have Let’s go back and see if we 5’75

; A. J. Viehman, Jr. Editor It is not the poor who de- placed orders through the KPA can find anything on the books _ :‘(J

‘ . Kentucky Chg/[Ifitfetf‘eEf Commerce frauds him. (The poor knowthey Central Office. We thought, in already that will give us .the' , s;

: Newspaper Association Managers must keep their credit good!) our ignorance that The Kentuc— power we need.” “Hey, I Just a... ~

. National Newspaper Association It Will be those who HAVE BET“ ky Press would have its pages had an idea. There must be :31

, ,._ NationalNeWSpfper PromOtion TER— and knowbetter— who be- graced by the pictures of the millions of taxexempt organiza~ ' 1“

I Bette? 153511135333“... guile the lad and deprive hirnof various candidates during this tions with trade publications. ‘* '

Kentucky Press Association, Inc. his modest earnings.ln most 1n- primary election, but 10 and be- Why we can even expand the I ”fig;
5. C. V1231 ctusrsnt, Igresidelnt stances, our newsboys in Ken— hold, we discovered that a sta- idea to take in trade shows.” , set '
Fran or . a 9 9mm . tucky buy newspapers from the tute had been passed durin the “H01 expansions, man, let’s ,
Howard H. Ogleshtvccerlitesment.Frankllnr publishers, and RE‘SELL them last legislative session, \ghich just {ax advertising, period, in V
A J- ViehmantJr- Secretary to the subscriber. If the Shh” made it illegal for a candidate all publications.” “You’ve got
‘ .Manager‘Trgasurer’ Lexmgton scriber is that low breed who to advertise in any trade publi- newspapers, magazines, radio,
‘ F19Er£3§ut§e ggriigsittnee:Ac§:3rgqer§/isg:11: bamboozles the price ofanews- cations. Of course you can see television, bill-boards, and ”
son, Chairman, Hardinsburg (Second) paper, HE IS CHEATING THE the reason for getting the poli- that’s onlyastart.” “Naw,man, 3
Ben E. Boone III, Elkton (Fourth); BOY WHO IS OFTEN SAVING tician Off the hook, SO to speak. 0001 it. If we try to do anything :-
Frank C. l3ell, ViceChairman, Bedford MONEY FOR HIS EDUCATION Why he might have to advertise like that, it’ll get tOO much at- g i;
fffimsvgfigéigegDitfshi‘tgggfiegfiffét OR ASSISTING WITH THE in as many trade publications as tention. These association folks
Thomas M. Buckner, Lexington (Sixth); NEEDS OF HIS FAMILY. . . . . he has friends, and then he don’t get to mingle With people a .
., , Warren R. Fisher, Jr.,Carlisle (Seventh); During the week, we inter- wouldn’t be able to reach the outside their own associations .
V ' 13111333???“hifitmbhayfiffigkfifieé viewed a newsboy, aged 12- - - people that he can reach by very often. It’ll be a lot quieter , ‘ i ,
g er Hoskins, Harlan, (Tenth); James L. Here is the way the greatAmer- using that unmentionable audio- this way”. “I guess you’re -
. Crawford. Corbin (At-large); Donald B. ican public swindles children: video medium, big signs which right. Who knows, ifthis works, g
‘ 3335.1, Lgtiiitigfé Eit'li§§§:3;Tfir§$§ (1) some subscnbers pretend are seen when one takes adrive maybe we can try it on all ad~ , pg

, stone. Central City PostPresident. they are gone when the news- on todays highways, and literal- vertising in a couple ofyears”. ,

‘ —-——————'—_ i’oyt fiakfs h1s£hroucnds to POI‘ 1y thousands of press releases, Think of the possibilities this ,,

t . r 1 A) . ' ec ' e ears e S ereo gems- which I am certain are devour- idea has. All those fat juicy ad- " .

> I he «1 I'CSldthS He has seen movement Mthm ed thoroughly by all who come tax dollars can finance guaranr V
(1011111111 the Wise from the street. They in contact With them. I guess teed salary programs for people , 47 3

: hlde when he knocks or rings we’re Net a little sore that who don’t want to work, wars on /- ,7!- ‘_

g BY S.C. VAN CU RON . the bell to get h1s money. candidates can no longer com- poverty all over the place, and g ,

, Not the least among the v10- (2) Some will humbug the boy municate with the Press of think of the millions of scrub g ,_
lators of the new Corrupt Prac- by saying they have no change. Kentucky through the logical pinesthat can be planted along » _
tices AOt (fair campaign prac- These big time operators have means of advertising, in the the highways so the citizens ,.

. tices IaW— KRS 123) passed by such wealth that newspaper Press Association’s own pub- won’t have to look at the scen- ' , .;
the 1966 General Assembly money— chicken feedstuff— isa lication. _ ery”. “Hey, man, we’d better s ,7

g were members of the Kentucky bore to them. They tell the lad By the way, the poor old Ken- cut it short or we won’t get to if}

V 1 Press Association. ‘ ‘ to come back later. He does, tucky Press is about'to take it the suggestion“ box" “before it“ h: _

, , To make 1t worse, the news- and they are gone. on the chin in another area. closes”. “Holy runningmut-of- .

'- paper for Whloh I labor was an (3) some move away andmake The Big Brothers in Washing- things-to-tax, you’re right. I‘_ : _-
offender, not once, but on sev- no provision at all to pay the ton have decided to tax the ad- hear that first place this week - ’ I

‘_ eral occas1ons. newsboy the money they owe vertising profits which the is another exemption”. V fir») ,.

, The new law spec1f10ally him for bringing themthe paper Press might be able to comeup And so it goes. Some of- the .. .
states that every political ad- through the snow and the rain. With at the end 0f the year. other press associations inthis '

’, vertisement mustbear the name (4) Some. subscribers lie You can almosthear the conver- country have alertedtheir mem- .' g ,
Of the person msemng the. ad’ through the“ teeth that they sation which inspiredthis move. bers in order that they might + ,. .

" or the name Of the comm1ttee have paid when they know they “Say, listen, man, we’ve just write letters of protest about W '
sponsoring the ad along withthe have not. Theyraise their voice, got to come up with some new this tax on advertising. Your gig-if; .
name 0f the treasurer Of this browbeat the boy, and rush to areas to tax”. “Yeh, you’re Secretary-Manager has already _ C
committee. _ . . church the following Sunday to right. We’ve been tapping the written one to the COmmission-. ’

3 If th1s law Is rigidly enforced get a booster ShOt and hear all 01d sources pretty hard lately. er of Internal Revenue in Wash- ' A”

‘- this time, the courts won’tget about a golden rule 0f some and we’re starting to get a few ington. The American Society _ m »

’ through With all the cases in a kind that they‘vvill steal if they grumblings” “You have a point of Association Executives, of ‘ .
year: and It IS my guess that ever get them hands on It. there. I read in the paper the WhiCh your Secretary-Manager ~

, , every candidate would be 1nel- is) Some use dogs effectively. other day that LBJ decided to is a member, has mailed a N .

.- glble under str1ct enforcement Vic1ous animals are convenient- postpone asking for a tax in-. questionaire in order to feel out \ _g _* _- g

_ of the law. . _ ly on the loose around the house crease in order to have a more the opinions of associations .,

Every daily newspaper 1n the when collectors Of any kmd ap- receptive audience when he did toward this proposed tax. Quite.
state has pointed out these re- pear. Some kids prefer being ask.” “Hey, man, ain’t that frankly, the taxable amount of '

' quirements in stories reporting cheated to having a leg maimed National Geographic over profit from advertising in the ’ g .

5. the new law and its provisions by an irate German Shepherd there? Man, look at all the bread press would be a very small . g, , o ‘
. . . .not once butseveral tlmes. with a freeloadlng master. they’re raking in on their ad- sum. However, we hope that this .
Yet, .many newspapers carried There is a Kentucky law to vertising. I betcha we could amount will grow in the future. . ‘

f PM?“ advtemngliittfttii _______.__pr°te"t the “9““is fr°m_..t_h: W— Please tear in mind that this ,

, have in pas years W1 e . . . . KRS 434490 D f d' _ revenue 1s necessary 1n order , is:

g’ line of “paid political advertis- had 1n a long time. It. wfll be d f - e/rau mg ven that we assure a growth within 4"

g ing.” short on busmess sess1ons and 01‘10 XeWSPaPeI‘S- h bt . our Press Association and con- _

' ~'~ Let’s all get a copy of KRS long on time for recreat1on. ( ) ny person W 0 0 a1ns tinued expansion of our 0pera~ g _ g ,,

I 123 and P051; it in the advertis- The program committee has newspapers from a person en- tions. We are not a wealthy as- it " '

L ing departments and be surethat set all business sessmns 1n the E23511 1%:féhltnganirvfsrthggeioit sociation. We have to depend on , a;
every staff member 1s familiar mornings so afternoons can be 'th "’1; t t dpf y E h : sources of revenue other than . 3

' with the law and lives up to its devoted to rest or recreation. W1 1n eh 0 e r311 suc per that which comes in in the form 3;;

. requirements. Of course the highlightof this son _sell1ng newspapers, shall- of dues if we are to promote _ 3%

t V The newspapers are the first 98th annual meeting will be be fined not more than twenty- undertakings such as our schol- A
to howl editorially when other awarding of honors 1n the news- flVe dollars er 1mprlsoned not- arship program, maintain a de- 31
, laws are transgressed and it paper product1on contest. Th1s more than th1rty days, or both. cent Central Office, and handle ,

'I certainly behooves all of us to comes Friday night r1ght after (2) PI‘OO-t that any person re- the legal questions which come ‘-

. comply with this one. a delightful smorgasbord. fused or neglected to pay for up nearly every day in this as- .

_ _ _ Everyone will be ready for such newspapers upon demand , , 1. , .

; . . . f - 'd .soc1at10n. It seems a shame to _ -

, The June convention prom- thlS after hearmg the guberna- shall be prima .3016 ev1 ence us that just when we start to " -,

i n ises to be one of the best mem- torial nominees speak Friday 0f the fraudulent 1ntent contem- (Please M" to a 8 seven) . j .

; bers of the Kentucky Press have morning» Come prepared. Plated by thlS sectlon- , g P 9

. , . . esmfi

I l ' o o o o
‘Worksho Begmnmglune 12 Henry Named C-rw'a'ms W-ih 3-"
A - two-week WOTkShOP for ' classrooms, in social studies: . .
3 - teachers on howtouse the news- classes, and in language arts ARH Chal rma“ g/ltaengugllglson
paper in the classroom will be classes. Maurice K Henry publisher Frankfort K
held at the University of Louis- A teacher will demonstrate of the Middlésboro {Daily News Dear Bin: y°
ville, beginning June 12° with her own students how she has been elected chairman of Con ratul'afions on a most
I Mark F' Ethridge, former uses the newspaper in the fifth the bOard of trustees for the Ap' rofitagble circulation meeting!
editor and publiSheI‘ Of The grade. Another teacher will alachian Re 'onal Hospitals. II? ho e that future meetings will
courieh'Joum-h and The Louis' dem‘mStrate how he uses our" RRH is a non-30m corporation dravh a better attendance from
‘ Vllle- Times W111 apgear ontfin rent events filmstrlps Wlth the which runs nine hospitals inthe weekly publishers. Many 80055 H
Sv‘girllilsrhgoppggiafl Hllsr 1:13gpealf negzplgpseré etz Universit of states 0f Virginia, I West Vir- ideas await them if they will
7 - ance is Olsen to the public at 8 Louisville I:00th studiesyin- glma’ and Kenmoky' Mr' Henry only Show up' . I , ,
pm. in Bigelow Hall at the Uni- structor, will talk on “The ghltfilm‘éifibmfii gi‘éirii’; If 1111:0513 wetelkly pubéisrnliléet .:
verSitY 0f LouiSViHe- Ethridge. Newspaper and Geography i” seeI-hved. as intzrim risident of ghethei: tlinrfle griffin? on ad—
who now lives near. _Chappel and U. of Lt economics pro- the corporation. p vertising and worrying about ,
H111. N- CH IS_ a vls1t1ng lec- fessor Carl Abner W111 discuss The changes are to be effec- getting enough help to get next
i .7 tCurer1 at the Universny ofNorth the “Newspaper and Econom- tive June 1 when Combs will week’s paper out Circulation
' aro ina. . ics.” , -’ . . ' . . _
Stewart R. Macdonald, mana— Louis J. Torstick assistant gecome a Judge on the.U, .S' 15 either left to Shaft for It
r - a - .. ’ ourt 0f Appeals, SixthC1rcu1t, self or turned over to an over-
ger 0f newspaper information director of curriculum of the The trustees adopted a resolu- o k (:1 'rl 'n the front office -
t . services. American Newspaper Louisville Public Schools, will Von WmchsaidComb,sserviceS W 1‘ e g1 1 3 ‘ 3
, Publishers Association, will be appear on the use of the news- ‘hrepresent one of the mos t mag- t1 1picked uphslevehrlail glood ide‘gs w
' the workshop’s keynotespeaker paper in bulletinhoard displays. nificent contributions of our a e mee g - c_ 3 can. e
_ , _ on June 12. A day of the Workshop will time to the health and well be- usfld t: inéfease kCirculation ,
Purpose of the workshopis to be devoted to a visit to The ing of thepeopleof Appalachia”. W1 ve y 1 e wor .
Eggwmts; 01:1: 1.382322116811113;ng C(lllrieIT‘iJournalbuarlg The Liuis- The former governor helped or- The talk on postal regula-
‘ - . . ' Vi e mes 1 ing W ere anize ARH four ears ago, tions cleared up some ques-
" teachmg any subject. The work- teachers Will hear from the End has been a trgstee since tions for me, too. _
ShOP is co-sponsored by The newspapers’ reporters news 1963
,Courier-Journal and The Louis- editors h ’ -_ 1 ’ 3 I certainly will attend future
l . . . p otographers and edl .h \ _
Ville Times. torial writers on how a daily _—— \) meetings and urge all weekly
y ' Publishers of Kentucky and news a er is roduced hfifltw publlshers and small daily 01r-
‘. > Southern Indiana weekly news- p p p. ' NEWSQAEEm Qt)». culation managers to do like-
, . . Also appearing on the work- 1' i era .
3 papers w111 appear on the pro-r sho r .11 b L' 1 B _ GET Tfiififir .'5‘,’::p"lrl NATIONAL Wise.
gram discussing “The Role of k p p ogrilm W1 3 e we a. n_i__.~ whéEySPAPER Sincerely
Community Newspapers.”They' er, execu ve Vice-pres1dent, Daft-LL i , Geo M V,V‘lso
are Lewis Conn, of The Jeffer- NormanvIsaacs, ekecutlve edl' ' “‘— OCT' 844' 9'67 ' ' 1 n
, ' son Reporter; Frank Stanley, tor i and Barry Blngham, Jr., ‘
, A , Sr., of The Louisville Defender; ass1stant to the publisher, all $ 324
: - s and Howard Grossman, of the if The .(llloui'fl'er-Journal and The t _ .
. :33, ",{13 3 Salem (Indiana) Leaders 01113“ 9 lmes. ff. . t .
‘ m“ ‘3 Teachers , from Louisville The workshop 0 ers wo ‘NZ _ _
' area schools, who have suc- graduate or undergraduate KNO 2 BIG REASONS 3 ‘
r ' ‘ cessfully used the newspaper in credit hours and information on
‘ a " their own classrooms, will dis- registration can be obtained by WHY TRADING STAMPS
i cuss how to use the newspaper calling the University of Louis- ,
in the primary andintermediate ville, 636-4707a WORK?
’, 3 N ews 3 er week_ New Theme Trading stamps are more efiectlve
' p p ‘ _ ; , . than any other promotion because they have .3 ,
:7 3 ATLANTA -— “Newspapers functiOns of newspapers in the tWO rare distinctions: - 3
;3 Get Things Done” is this new everyday lives of Americans.- _ i
3 theme for this year’s observ- Most people take their news- They putfright back in the customer’s pocket the ,
v ance of NatiOnal Newspaper papers for granted, he said. 1 money we retailer paid for the stamp wombat,“ in 3
j Week, October 8-14, it has an- Few hilly realize how ranch , .. the first'place. ,
«7 nounced here this week byGlenn 'flieir local; newspapers get one 3 ‘ 1 , , i
V McCuIIOugh, executive manager for their communities, and for ‘ 2 {fiyfifhheig‘fofifmflfmy—m Pmpomoh to ‘ ‘
. of the Georgia Press Associa- individuals by promoting hones- SP ‘ . g
* tion and newly appointed ichair- ty and efficiency in government, S&H is able to pass on more total value than the cost of ‘-
man of the Newspaper Public improved education, public the promotion—morethanthe retailer paid for the stamp
Information Committee of health » and safety, promoting service—because it buys merchandise in great quantities 3 _
, ' Newspaper Association Mana- religion and the arts, providing for more than 70 million S&H Green Stamp'savcrs. . .
» gers, Inc... sponsor of National promotion and publicity for * Bnynig wholesale, and using modern niethods to keep
Newspaper Week sinCe ‘ 1939. worthwhile funderaising drives distnbuilon costs 10w, S&H Is able’wprowde brand-11am: > ‘
‘_ McCullough who served as NPIC and not the least of all, what merchandise that represents a 21/2 per cent discount on -
vice chairman last year.» plans newspapers do for their ad- every purchase! __ ;
" to activate the year around vertisers and for the economic The S&H retailer gives each customer one stamp on ‘
3_ newspaper public relations pro- progress of the community. every 10 cent purchase. The more the cuetomer buys, the :3
gram inaugurated by the: com— For the fifth successive year, more stamps he .or she gets. This Is qu1tc unlike other
‘ mittee two years ago. ‘ John F. Blatt Who retired in forms of promonon where only one person~the lucky *\ i
it ' “Every newspaper in Ameri- 1963 after 15 years as promo- winner—takes something home. For instance, an average
- ca,” McCullough said, “large tion manager of The Daily Ok- food retailer doing 21$1.2million business per year, coult‘|
V or small, daily or Weekly, 13 a 1ahoman and Times Will serve give away six autos n yearforthc same cost as stampsTha:
. living testimonial and visible as National Newspaper Week , way siX, out of thousands of customers, are rewarded. '
‘ pr 00f 0f the fact that ‘News- Coordinator, preparing mUCh But everyone takes home extra value every single time j
; papers Get Things Done." . ” of the material and organizing they mop where S&H Green Stamps are given. 3‘
‘ Observance of National News- the continentwide observance ‘
5 paper Week, he pointed out, is of the Week. r .
' being encouraged not only by By popular demand, a pro- An American way of thrift since 1896 ' e 3% ‘
newspapers, but by schools, li- motion kit will be available l 37.15%“
_ braries, clubs and organiza- this year, prepared according ‘ h 3 :
tions to re-emphasize and give to McCullough with the smaller f
f ,_ recognition to the important dailies and weeklies in mind. chg _ 5 3 3

\ .. ‘- .
\ 5 _. 3090 Copies ‘
. . ; « Being Sent,Week|y '
" . . WWW..- ’ , " The Courier-Journal and The 5
ryewyaw, : Louisville Times have es- 5 f
. ' I * “if tablished a weekly Vietnam .
» " * ‘ ~ . ' a? Sports Section to be sent free '
mg fix“ to Kentucky and Southern Indi-‘ 5
k 4 \1 :1... .‘$ ana servicemen stationed in the
j . _ ,1“ . .. .1-.... , .1 0 Vietnam war zone. Sonie 3.0.00 5
1.5%,»? ' e “W“ ‘l“" Eamwwu-W‘f . copies of the section, fllled Wlth '
' _ ”’ ' 3 k» local sports news. are being .- ,—
gff“ j .Ww Q i. a. 1. ’ $ :1 , mailed each week. 5
. a. ~- ‘ _ .1 an started whenaKentucky .
gig} g 1, i . ‘*::::1‘:::§‘¥?‘?‘_ ‘ sailor wrote the Louisville , :3
”g f . “1..-1...» , . ".1.; , newspapers that one of the - f:
1. ‘ gag} - ' ~"W‘f‘"'““"‘" “:;:‘;;:. “w things he and others missed -
um“ ‘ we fol“fil‘1313‘l7537/: {A ‘f 1; 3‘7}; home. He asked if there wasn’t _ I;
. . f u-iw ‘ __ _ 1 e something that could be done.
i a - Times came up with the idea of :3
a. sending reduced-size pages of .
‘- “2% 9““ W é» selected sports news to the ser-
_ ,. 5 5 1 " L ° . ‘ vicemen. The papers asked Ken- {
z , ’* ents, wives, sweethearts and . 3..
i ‘ ' ‘3? ‘. dresses of their servicemen ‘2 i
3‘ 4"” ' » stationed in the Vietnam area. ‘
§ - "va ,, ' A flood of letters and cards 3%
' *l 5 ' ' poured in during the first few 4%
' .1 ,, days. 1 "1“
. The first edition of the sec- .3;
The Courier-Journal & Times Vietnam Sports Section is pasted up in full-size news- tion was mailed March 1. Let— 1.;
paper format (left) and reduced down to an 11 X 17 inch mini-version (right) for mailing to Ken- ters being received from ser- j.
‘tucky and Indiana Servicemen in Vietnam. vicemen in Vietnam indicate
—~——————“———.————‘——_—.—_‘—_:——_fl that the sports section is being ‘,
' Norfleel' Runs For Superintendent Of PUbIIC Instruction delivered there within three to
_ l ' five days after it leaves Lou-
(Editor’s note: Last month torial in the Russell Springs outstanding educators in the isville. ‘ x
we carried an article by S. C. Times Journal, “We should all field stood by, apparently afraid If you have a friend or rela— "t
Van CUI'OH. 1n thCh he gave a take part in politics, for poli- to file against a man who is in- tive serving in Vietnam, send ‘3‘, .
breakdown of the varlou-s can— tics IS nothing more than gov- volving the Kentucky Depart— his name and military address 3%
' dldates seekmgpubhc Offlce.In- ernment in action. When gov- ment of Education in his self— (including APO or FPO num- ;%
advertently, weleftoutthename ernment becomes bad it is’ ish tune of musical chairs”. - - 3 '
of one of our fellow ublishers th' th b d It ’ ' ber) to Vietnam Sports Section, “3%
Andrew J Norfleet 1;] ho is run: no mg more an a po 1 108 . Mr. Norfleet s goal if elected The Courier-JouI-na1 and The 5 _
_ . . , . 1n actlon . is to up-grade Kentucky schools Louisville Times, Louisville, .. *5
nlng for Superintendent of public “Some one once said, to para- to the national level and beyond. Ky. 40202. .4
instruction.) phrase the quotation that the He feels that the end result of _ _ _ _ ._ _ g
Andrew J. Norfleet told this saddest thing in the world was a higher level educational sys- .
editor that shortly before the to observe good men standing tem should be to prepare young D1scovery 0f the 'Week: In
deadline for filing, he never by and doing nothing.” In the people to take their places in so- English U Thant’s name means
even entertained the thought of case of the office of Superin- ciety as useful,intelligentvoters Mr. Clean.— Richmond News- 1;
running for public office. All tendent of Public Instruction and citizens. Leader _ i
that has changed, and as Mr. '
Norfleet said in a recent edi- «’i
PRESS (.1..... a... 1... .n.) Publishers: Save $7.50 on your copy of ANR’s New
or any of the other recreation— ‘ .1
al activities available at the "A Iflunl n '
Village. The main business
functions will center around re- 1 1
ports by the Circulation Divi- .» ’ 1 * , ..1¢:.. . iii
sion of KPA, which just com- ;1 .5i -, f,» _ f it; ; ‘
pleted a very successful meet- . ‘ , , 1 " I w - ‘ . . .iu_st off_the press, the new 1967 Directory is a library of up-to- g
mg. and the newly formed Ad- ' ' ' f §i§;?;"‘§§.'{;i:;m1i2?§f.“.§“§6§'32§.?eii.'iEswétiieéiiif'ti"
‘ vert1sing D1V18‘10n of the Press ? , ' 3 Maps. It is the only publication listing national line-rates andycom)I ,
Assoc1at10n Wthh W111 getunder 1“ J ,g NATIONAL ~ plete data under these headings: Publication Name & Addres's; T
way this fall, and of course, a <2; DIRECTORY Population; Area Designation; Representation; Circulation; Issue ~
few words by both of the guberw : , ,5 g: (a: Day; Alcoholic Beverage Policy; Mechanical Requirements; Color; 3‘.
natorial candidates. At this ,1,*::.j“:5:j . OF WEEKLY TypeofAudit; Publisher's Name and ZipCode. .
time, we do not know who the ff}? NEWSPAPERS ; R | . . - ~ . -
. speakers will be, due to the fact egu ar Price $15. Special To Weekly Newspaper Publishers $7.50
that our issue will go to press 1 " " . {If “f____'______________________'________________ . I.
before the primary election is “W” Directory Editor: "5--.:
held. We can promise that you American_Newspaper Representatives, Inc. 7 ‘ g
will be in for a political treat if ~ ~ . 4°4Fifth Ave-. New York, N. Y. 10018 , 1 -» g I
gagsfgffn%ech:rfnlgg 3551102322? 1.1;} send me"— °°py (“pi”) 1957 Dirabw, Check E“°'°sed D E '
tions and get set to hear some 7.. Newspaper_______.—____" . i
ans wer S . ‘ . .......... .1..- .. ../.I . .1..—1...)... .:: r. . "2.... . ' - ‘5
g All in all, it looks like the 98th' - ' :fii‘.’ fit "“5 ad _ i C‘W————-————~$tate—————— i
" Kentucky Press Association I -In - ecouPon'" ' (Signed)______.____-_______ : 3i
. . _ Mail wuth your check I I -
, Summer Convention 15 shaplng #'
_ 5 up to be one of the best ever. '

 l: I

Henry Starts Newspaper Career As Teaching lob Folds

g By ROBERTA POND per cent unemployed area. simplified logotype and several His civic contributions also

MIDDLESBORO, Ky. ._ Re- What about publisher Hen— new features and columns. include taking off four months

turning home after service in ry’s product? Since 1950 the Besides his newspaper, Hen- to serve as active. full-time

World War 11, Maurice K. Hen- Daily News has won 104‘state, ry is general manager of radio interim president of Appa-

;5 ry was looking forward to re- regional andnational neWSpaper station WMIK, president of the lachian Regional Hospitals.

, suming his career as a school awards. The paper was named tri-state Outdoor Advertising As head of ARH, Henry di-

principal. by the Kentucky Press Assn, 00., treasurer and trustee of rected a non-profit corporation

(L To his surprise, the new in 1960, 1962 and 1963 as the the Appalachian Regional Hos- which owns and operates a sys-

school administrator said, Sweepstakes winner among Ken— pitals, director of the Kentucky tem 0f nine community hospi-

:1“ “You can have your old prin- tucky Community daily news- Industrial Finance Authority, tals, with a total of 970 beds,

{' , cipal position back, but you will papers. In 1962 the National director of the Kentucky Civil in the mountainous area of 7

l. have to work one year’s pro- Newspaper Assn. awarded the War Commission and director Eastern Kentucky, Virginia and

i bation.” Daily News top national recog- of the Kentucky Travel Coun- West Virginia.

I. _ “This was after seven years nition for a series of editorials oil. This hospital system has 1,-

in the same school system, plus published earlier. His accomplishments in Mid‘ 750 employes, operates on a

. 38 months ofmilitary service,” The paper has increased its dlesboro have been many and budget of $15 million a year,

; Henry recalls. “With that fine circulation 20 per cent and has varied. During his two years as and represents an original in-

' howdy-do my school adminis- built a new plant with new ma