xt76q52fb96f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52fb96f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1989 text GLSO News, May 1989 1989 1989-05 2019 true xt76q52fb96f section xt76q52fb96f NEWS 1939 (9 L5 @
S Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.I killed Health Service to subsidize AZT.
legislation that would have extended by six George Mitchell (D-Maine), who
months the federal government's funding schedules legislation in the Senate, had
program for AZT (Retrovir) for low-income stipulated the bill would be brought onto the
individuals. The move comes as two states -- floor only if Senators could agree not to add
Georgia and Kansas -- have exhausted their amendments. Helms, along with Senators
AZT grants. Funding in several more states William Armstrong (R-Colo.) and Don Nickles
is expected to expire in the upcoming weeks. (R-Okla.), refused to agree to the
Approximately 7,000 people in the U.S. stipulations, thus preventing the bill from
are receiving government assistance under the being considered by the Senate.
AZT subsidy program. AZT -- which costs ”When we say Jesse Helms is ~King of
about $8,000 a year at full dose -- is the only Killer Amendments,‘ we really mean killer,“
government-approved drug for directly said Robert Bray, HRCF communications
fighting AIDS. director. "More people are going to get sick
Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) and die faster because they cannot afford
lobbyists said the bill would not have allocated life-prolonging drug treatments."
additional funds for AZT, but would have HRCF suggests people contact their
given the government time to reprogram Senators and Representatives and urge their
already existing funds into federal AZT support of future federal AZT subsidies.
subsidies. For example, funds from states Individuals may send Congress a pre-
with surplus money could be moved into states authorized mailgram through HRCF's Speak Out
whose funds have expired, or additional program by calling HRCF's Field Division at
monies could be located within the Public (202) 628-14150.
During April, scientists from the immune system. AZT, the only approved AIDS
University of California and Cenelabs, |nc., treatment in the U.S., can not kill infected
reported that a plant protein appears to kill macrophages.
the AIDS virus in test tube experiments. The GLQZZ3 has undergone animal testing for
drug, called GLQZZ3, is a highly purified form toxicity but has yet to be tested for
of the protein tricosanthin, found in the root effectiveness against AIDS in humans. The
of Chinese cucumbers. report in the Proceedings of the National
ln test tube experiments, GLQZZB Academy of Sciences only dealt with the
inhibited virus production in infected T-cells, preliminary findings. The drug must be
a type of white blood cell attacked by HIV. proven effective in humans and approved by
The drug also killed infected macrophages, the FDA before it becomes an accepted
another white blood cell essential to a healthy treatment for AIDS.

Please send me a free introductory from GLAAD Newsletter
D issue of GLSO News and information
on GLSO, Heavy metal rock is taking the music
industry by storm, due mainly to its
I'd like to become a voting Member popularity with teenagers turned on by
[:I of GLSO, including home delivery messages of revulsion, fear and disgust. One
of the GLSO News and discounts of the leading heavy metal bands is Guns N'
at GLSO functions. My Membership Roses, and they have a new hit album burning
fee of $10/year is enclosed. up the charts called Lies. A catchy song on
the album is titled "One in a Million,“ and
I don't wish to become a Member but includes the following lyric:
El please send me the GLSO News each
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. ”Immigrants 8 Faggots
They make no sense to me
Name: They come to our country
And think they'll do as they please
Like start some mini-Iran
Address: Or spread some fucking disease."
The album's front cover consists of
City, St, Zip: notes on the songs. The band‘s comments on
"One in a Million” ask fans the following
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111171 questions: "Been to a gas station or
Lexington, KY l+0575 convenience store and treated like you don't
belong here by an individual who can barely
speak English? Hopefully not, but have you
‘ ever been attacked by a homosexual?II
This is no joke. If you thought hard
GLSO News is published monthly by the rock would always be liberal and progressive,
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. you've forgotten that the current generation is
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services made up of children of the Reagan Revolution.
Organization), Box 11471, Lexington, KY 1:05:75 A recent New York State survey on
bias-related violence polled teenagers about
Steve Savage, Editor their prejudices. When asked their opinion of
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar various minority groups, teens responded most
Esmerelda lnk, Asst Editors for Esmerelda negatively to gay people -- often viciously and
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist with threats of violence. Given these
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, attitudes, the danger of hate rock is all too
AVOL, Angela, WSJ, GLAAD, Stonewall Union real.
News, Alan, P., Craig, Kenneth, Bill, Vickie, The album is produced by a subsidiary
NGLTF; Typists: Craig, Alan; Equipment: of Warner Brothers - the same label that
Dave; Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Alan; brought us the virulently homophobic Sam
Mailing: Dave; Courier: Kenneth; Folding 8 Kinison "comedy" album. Send the message
Stuffing: Mark, Dave, Gerry, Alan, Keith, that your safety is threatened when record
Jim, Steve. companies make profits from hate. Express
your thoughts to: David Geffen, President,
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are Geffen Records, 9130 Sunset Blvd., Los
those of the authors and do not necessarily Angeles, CA 90069.
represent those of the Board of Directors.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions _
become the property of GLSO and must include CLASSIFIEDS
the full name and address of the author.
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The _
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any
submissions [including advertising) to meet Roommate wanted. GWM seeks mature
publishing requirements. responsible man to share large contemporary
The placement of advertising in GLSO News home with pool on east end. Reasonable
does not denote a person's sexual orientation price. Non-smoker only. Call 266-5555 or
nor a business's customer preference. 272-1100.
2 GLSO May


Lexington's Gay Pride Week Committee
met for its first meeting on April 17 and began Interweave, the Lexington UU Church's
planning Lexington and Central Kentucky's gay/Iesbian/non-gay group, will be holding its
annual celebration of Lesbian and Gay Pride. fourth annual Spring Retreat the weekend of
We are still looking for additional help with May 12-1'4 near Cynthiana, Kentucky. The
several activities. If you can offer assistance weekend always offers retreat-goers the
with the week, plan on attending the May opportunity for plenty of rest, hiking,
meetings on the 1st or 15th. For more fellowship, and eating! The Saturday
information and meeting locations call: Craig canoeing/swimming expedition is traditionally
(266-8887); Teresa (255-3851); John the highlight of the weekend. For more
(253-5180); Melanie (252-3106); or Kenneth information, call Craig Clere, 266-8887.
(266-5069). We are especially excited about
the possibility of holding an outdoor
candlelight rally during Pride Week, to be AIDS QUILT RETURNING TO WASHINGTON
sponsored by the newly formed Bluegrass
Human Rights Advocates. While several events The Nobel Peace Prize-nominated NAMES
may be added, here is the current schedule Project will again display the AIDS Memorial
for the week: Quilt this October in Washington, DC following

a five month tour of 19 cities throughout the
Monday June 12 Pride Week Dinner US and Canada.
Tuesday June 13 Bowling Night Jean McGuire, Chairperson of National
Wednesday June 14 Open Organizations Responding to AIDS (NORA). an
Thursday June 15 Open umbrella group of 127 nationwide social,
Friday June 16 Movie Night political and medical organizations, applauded
Saturday June 17 Afternoon Picnic the NAMES Project's return to Washington
Saturday June 17 Candlelight Rally calling it, "an important means of gaining
Sunday June 18 Interweave Service greater worldwide - and congressional -
Sunday June 19 Arts Night understanding of the complex issues

surrounding the AIDS epidemic."

Additionally, AVOL is planning to hold a By October the Quilt is likely to include
benefit one evening during the week. The more than 12,000 individual 3 x 6 foot panels,
date has not yet been set. one third larger than in 1988, and six times

A complete listing of events, times, and the size of the inaugural display in 1987. New
locations will be included in the June GLSO panels for the Washington display must be
News. submitted by August 1.

from GLAAD Newsletter

The Rainbow League, Lexington's very
own gay and lesbian bowling league, is having The University of California at Berkeley
a "T-Shirt Auction." The auction will be held has decided not to allow gay couples access to
at The Bar, located at 2214 East Main St., on the 1,000 apartments the university
Wednesday, May 17, and will begin at 10:30 administers for married couples.
pm. All money collected at the auction will go The UC student body had recommended
towards the league's goal of at least a $1,000 allowing gay couples the same housing rights
for the 1990 Bluegrass Classic. The Bluegrass as married students. But according to the
Classic is an annual bowling tournament held Bay Area Reporter, Chancellor Ira Heyman
in Louisville. In 1990, for the first time, the claimed that allowing same-sex couples access
Classic will be a join venture of the Lexington to what was suddenly dubbed "family housing"
and Louisville lesbian and gay bowling could lead to legal wrangles due to the
leagues. Those interested can call Chuck at "uncertain nature of the commitments."
266-851”. Live models will display the T-Shirt Berkeley's lesbian and gay students are
during the auction and the highest bidders considering legal action against the university.
can actually buy the shirts off the model's They have made it clear that discrimination
backs That's right, you get to strip the against gays is the crux of the issue and that
shirt off the model. Isn't that special?! Come gays have the same needs as straight couples
out and have fun that will fit you to a "T." for university housing.

May GLSO 3

 Joseph-Beth Booksellers

David Le avitt » v 1
author of the i . , *l 3
critically acclaimed ’ ' g , i

will be in our store x 3- ~ '

for an autographing 3 g. ‘

and reading ‘\ _ 3
of his latest novel _ . . ' 3
EQUAL AFFECTIONS i .3 3.3% 1; i
The Mall at Lexington Green/Nz'cbolasvz'lle Rd. at New Circle/ ( 606 )273 29] 1

 A VIEW FROM THE SEVENTIES even be happy. These thoughts are directed
to the young whipper-snappers who cannot
The Seventies. Not the 1970's--but the conceive being seventy, or fifty--or even the
decade you go through from age 70 to age 79. Big Four-0. I have news for you kids:
That's where I am now--and I have some news you'll get there. And the kind of person you
for you. are at 140, 60, 30 depends on what you're
The good news first: I enjoy sex just doing in shaping yourself, your thoughts,
as much now as I did at any time in my life. your habits and your careers right now.
Not as often to be sure, but l'm flattered that Since this is an article by that famous
young men thirty and under still enjoy being author Anonymous, I won't tell you how I
with me; not always or indeed often for sex, managed to fall into a happy situation which
but being with me. That's another part of the saved my sanity and probably my life. But I
good news: the sex drive slows down (now, will tell you that "back when l wuz your age,"
stop that snifflingll) and you are free simply I was a street-walker. Can't think of a better
to enjoy being with another person as a designation for what I did.
person, without having always the game plan I cared nothing for, indeed I feared,
in the back of your mind waiting to be set the idea of "a relationship." I don't think we
into motion. even used the term then. I was afraid of
But do let me make a suggestion. More "commitment." l was shy, introverted, and I
important than following David Rubin's advice dare say selfish. But I luuuuuuvvvved sex.
to "use it or lose it," transfer that from his So night after night I'd go on the prowl,
emphasis on the penis to an emphasis on your searching for yet another "Bam, barn, thank
brain, your imagination, your enthusiasm. you, sir!" experience. Hotel restroom, bus
(You don't remember David Rubin? l'm not station, train station, hotel restroom, and
surprised--his flash-in-the-pan book was back again. Night after night I'd come home
called Everything You Always Wanted to Know having wasted another three or four hours of
about Sex but Were Afraid to Ask; my memory‘ my fast hurrying youth, eager for tomorrow
is that he was very macho toward gays, but night and another prowl. When I went off to
don't hold me to that---as | read the book it graduate school, at a quality university where
went in one testicle and out the other.) there were more gays (we didn't use that word
Someone has said that it's not how old either) per square inch that any place I'd
you grow, but how you grow old. And that's ever been - I had yet to discover San
a fact. By now it's a cliche (what I hate Francisco - a friend and | used to see who
about cliches is that they're true!) that if you could do the most guys in a single evening.
keep active, mentally and physically, you'll be It was safe, in those days, you see:
healthy as long as you live (barring the the worst thing I ever had was crabs (three
unforeseen, of course). But one of the things times, and I never knew in any of the cases
I think a man must do as he ages, is to ho_w I got 'em). And feeling guilty, guilty,
demand less and less sex, and less out of sex. guilty, sick, sick, and ABNORMAL. That was
Married men have told me that sex soon in the days when the dictionary defined
becomes unimportant in marriage (which may masturbation as "self-abuse."
or may not be true) but the stereotype of the But the real difference between being
homosexual is that his mind is centered on sex gay then - at least for me and the gays I
and sexual pursuits (which may or may not be knew - and being gay now, is that what we
true). Because few of us have children and were doing was "having homosexual
grandchildren to focus our love and attention experiences:" we weren't "gay." No "Gay
on, there's probably a tendency among aging Pride Weeks" for us. We hid. We had
males to spend too much time remembering the "pansy" and "sissy" and "queer'" hurled at
"good old days" and less about enjoying life us. As early as the seventh grade, I was
now, even if it has less sex in it. sneeringly asked if I was a "morphodite." For
Many older men are fortunate in having the innocent among you, that was the slang
a lover/friend/partner/housemate. (l reject corruption of "hermaphrodite."
the "husband/wife" designation since it refers There was no "gay community;" no
exclusively to heterosexual relationships, and support groups (except maybe close friends).
among gays is simply plastic imitation We never saw ourselves in that light.
role-modeling, often after pretty lousy role What we did was just live from day to
models.) It's the solitary older man to whom day. At least I did. This pointless attitude
these thoughts are now directed. extended to other aspects of my life, which
Actually, it's not to the solitary older could have proved fatal, and has even to this
man; he‘s either coping or miserable; he may day left its punishing marks.
May GLSO 5

 l have a problem with people my own And REALIZE (now brace yourselves!)
age (and probably you will too). I don't YOUTH DOESN'T LAST FOREVER. Life is
particularly enjoy their company. That's nothing but a huge tanning salon: it makes
because most of them are married or widowed, you pretty now, but in forty years your skin
they have children and grandchildren--and and maybe your life will be all wrinkled.
wallets of photos to prove it. Most of them And - this is not vanity speaking -
seem to be Republicans or at least nostalgic cultivate friends who are over fifty. We may
for Reagan. Their interests are simply not my not have youth, but we do got experience.
interests. So you watch out for this. You Your experience is still around the corner:
probably can't plan who your friends will be just be sure it's more than a manhole with the
twenty or thirty years from now, but at least cover off.
toy with the idea of the kinds of friends you We can tell you what happened to us.
would like to have. Read books to keep your It will at least be entertaining [we always
mind alive. If you must watch TV, watch hope, providing we don't repeat the same
Bravo, ASE, KET, American Movie Classics. stories to you), and it might give you some
Avoid the glitzy dream world of Commercial ideas of what to look for and what to avoid.
TV. So. The longest journey begins with a

As for your friends of today: be sure single step. There lies the road ahead, and
they are friends, not just people who do the its gets greyer and greyer near its end.
same things you do. Buy an annuity; don't Keep it sunny. Above all, like the bumper
count on Social Security to support vou--it sticker say, DON'T POSTPONE JOY!
ASK AUNT MARY relationships from a more business-like

approach, but it may also bring us closer to
— reality. My guess is that you are currently
Dear Aunt Mary: My current love and l have spending considerable time weighing the effort
been together for almost two years. | feel as you have put into the relationship relative to
though we both have an investment in our that put in by your partner. One's self-
relationship and that, perhaps on the basis of esteem is likely to suffer when, based on
that investment alone, we are still together. either objective (how can one objectively
Prior to being in a relationship, I felt that measure inputs in a relationship?) or
having a lover was the key to happiness. subjective appraisals, one perceives that he is
Now, I'm wondering if it isn't just the investing much more than is his partner. lf
opposite. My self-esteem and self-worth seem you perceive yourself to be putting in more
to have decreased rather than increase by and more time, your costs are probably
being in my current relationship--what might increasing and your rewards decreasing. You >F
this suggest? And what should I do about it? simply need to decide at what level of
--lnvested, but hurting a little cost/reward you can no longer continue in the
relationship. Given that you feel you are
Dear Invested: There is no doubt that unhappy and your self-esteem is suffering, it
relationships are not all that Hollywood is probable that you have already reached that
screenwriters and novelists have portrayed level. A good, even a fair, relationship is <
them to be. Western culture strongly worth some extra effort, but be kind to
supports the notion of romantic love and most yourself--don't give up your belief in yourself
have some rather idealistic ideas about what in order to save a painful relationship. And,
love is and what a relationship should offer. above all, don't feel you need to have specific
The reality (as realities often are) is generally reasons for ending a relationship--your
quite different from the ideal. Most of us feelings are enough of a reason for action in
have learned this once we've entered a something that so clearly is tied to one's
relationship. As a result, we may be better emotions. Finally, don't put yourself down for
off considering relationships on-going feeling however you happen to feel, your 1
endeavors (not ends guaranteeing happiness) feelings are just as legitimate as anyone else‘s.
that require nurturing and a good deal of Again, be kind to yourself--if you feel that ’
work. Your use of the word investment putting more effort into the relationship will
illustrates the time and effort that you and improve your self-esteem, then go for it, but
your lover have put into the relationship. if you feel that you will continue to suffer

An important question that you might (psychologically or otherwise) then you may do
ask is if the rewards of the relationship best to end the relationship. ‘
exceed the costs--c|early this pulls us out of
6 GLSO May

 Wm *ng
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uxgnfilgq. ' Call gsmwclola 2556891.

} by Vickie
’ Clare calls it frog
.- /'I smerelda S Parlo r On a late-night meandering mission
1"» , Over obscure West Virginia
~‘§‘\ Pit-holes some governor
“_.~ ' Calls state-maintained roads
‘c‘ I don't have to pay those taxes
‘ \ But we all know the truth
lt's fog
Happy May! The Spring semester is And lately I can't see
nearly over and that means I am too busy to What I know are those Blue Ridges
think, so this will be short. I have been Translucent
thinking a lot about the discussion in last Against hazy blue universes
month's newsletter about prejudice at UK, I see no sun today
especially since I have been experiencing some But the weathermen say it's there
lately. So, I end with a poem written by a I guess
good (straight) friend. We have known each I see no stars and
other for 18 years and when I first came out What's the moon doing out before lunch?
to her some distance developed in our Your voice tells me how
relationship. I think this poem demonstrates Wonderful it is to hear mine
that has disappeared and we are again in sync When you first open eyes
with each other. I had confided in her about To a ringing phone
the discrimination at work since my boss But I tell myself
learned I am a lesbian and told all my You don't see these
co-workers. She met my boss and had a Slightly curtain-lined hills.
wonderful impression until she discovered to
whom she was talking. This is her response.
Love and kisses, P.
Dear Rita -
I like you because you look You could direct if from
Like Rita Moreno in one of my Your mouth in flames
Favorite movies. And try to burn my friend?
You have a friendly and involved smile. Oh McCalls magazine lady.
You dress like someone from You must be so scared.
McCalls magazine . . . The blackness you throw
Today's professional working mom. At those with whom you disagree
And who would have guessed Must really be pieces of tar
That beneath your bright, brown eyes, You have slapped on the part of yourself
Under your curly soft cap of You hate.
Well-tailored hair, You have hidden it well from yourself.
A blackness exists But prejudice is self-hatred
Called Prejudice. Directed outward.
Oh, I think most of us are My friend did not burn,
Shadowed by it in You dragon-tongued bitch.
Many ways, Her goodness shines far above
But rarely do we use it to Your tar.
Slice open someone else It can't cling to her.
To expose them in our shadows. Rita Moreno smile,
How can your smile, Curly-haired,
So beautifully tailored, Tailored,
Hide so well Professional
A blackness so overpowering Dragon.
by Becky, for my friend who has endured enough shit in her life!
8 GLSO May


The following is a list of Lesbian prose and poetry anthologies currently in print compiled
by Joan Ariel, University of California at Irvine.

Bryant, Beth, ed. Sinister Wisdom: A Moraga, Cherrie and Gloria Anzaldua, eds.
Gathering of Spirit-North American Indian This Bridge Called My Back: Writings By
Women's Issue. no. 22-21%. 1983. Radical Women of Color. Watertown, MA:

Pioneering collection of poetry, fiction, Persephone Press, 1981. 261p.
and journal writings giving voice to the An immediate and essential classic
experience of Native American women. offering personal narratives, prose, poetry,
Includes many lesbian writers. and analysis from Latina, Afro-American, and

Native American women. Strong lesbian
Wolfe, Susan J. and Julia P. Stanley, eds. content.
The Coming Out Stories. Watertown, MA:
Persephone Press, 1980. 251 p. Rule, Jane. Lesbian Image. Garden City,

Forty-two personal stories express the NY: Doubleday, 1975. 2116p.
confusion, pain, joy, triumph, and humor in An exploration of fictional and
coming out as a lesbian. autobiographical portraits of lesbians by 20th

century women writers revealing that "the
Bulkin, Elly and Joan Larkin, eds. Lesbian reality of lesbian experience transcends all
Poetry: An Anthology. Watertown, MA: theories about it.”
Persephone Press, 1981. 296p.

A wide-ranging selection of poems Bulkin, Elly, ed. Lesbian Fiction: An
showing the scope complexity, and intensity of Anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone
the lesbian experience in the 20th century. Press, 1981. 295p.

' Short stories: perhaps "the best
Roberts, J.R., ed. Black Lesbians: An contemporary fictional representation of the
Annotated Bibliography. Tallahassee, FL: lives of lesbians,“ from a diversity of ethnic,
Naiad Press, 1981. 93p. racial, class, and regional perspectives.

Indispensable guide to books, periodical
articles, and other resources by and about The Lesbian Writing and Publishing Collective,
black lesbians. eds. Dykeversions: Lesbian Short Fiction.

Toronto, Ontario: Women's Press,1986. 186p.
Dignity's contributor to
April off, but the Dignity page

GLSO's annual summer sponsored will return in May.
activity--volleyball will be starting this month. Please check
This summer every 2nd and 11th Fridays will the Events Calendar
find anxious volleyball players convening at on the back cover for May's
Shelter #5 at Jacobson Park, Richmond Road. Dignity schedule.

Come out and join in the fun!

"If you think AIDS is bad, wait until horror of an easily avoidable, never fatal gum
you read this." This statement was the disease. Publications throughout the nation
opening line in an advertisement which are asking individuals to lodge complaints
appeared in the January/February issue of about this astoundingly tasteless, sensational
American Health Magazine. The ad is advertising. Please voice your outrage to the
referring to gingivitis, an oral disease which offending company, J.S. 8 A., by calling
is easily avoidable by regular brushing and (800) 228-5000 or (312) 5614-5000, or by
flossing. Apparently the deaths of tens of sending a written complaint to 3100 Dundee
thousands of people, most of them gay and Rd., Suite 801, Northbrook, IL 60062.
bisexual men, is nothing compared to the

May GLSO 9

The Ohio Supreme Court announced The state house of representatives
February 15th it would hear the case of Lee rejected, by a vote of 79-71, a bill that would
Balser, an openly gay man trying to adopt have banned discrimination on the basis of
Charlie B., a 7-year-old boy. The Court sexual orientation.
stated last fall it would near no adoption cases
this term, but apparently the constitutional CAMP LE JEUNE, NC
questions in this case led them to agree, 5-1,
to hear the case. A female Marine should be dismissed for
associating with lesbians, a Marine Corps
Mid Atlantic Telecom has agreed to board of inquiry determined. "Your
change its hiring and employment practices to association with lesbians, giving the impression
ban discrimination against lesbians, gay men, that you yourself were a lesbian brings
and PWAs. Mid Atlantic‘s equal opportunity discredit to yourself and the Marine Corps,‘
policy now includes "sexual orientation” along the board told Capt. Judy Meade, a 12-year
with race, creed, color, national origin, sex, veteran of the Corps. The board
religion, marital status, disability, age and recommended Meade be dismissed with an
“any other non-merit factor." Telecom‘s other-than-honorable discharge. Meade has
change came as the MCI Company settled a stated she is not a lesbian.
discrimination case filed by a gay employee.
More than two dozen nonuniformed state
The state house of representatives voted liquor agents raided Crossover, a gay bar, on
75-18 to approve a bill that would double February 10.
penalties for crimes if they are shown to be The raid took place at the peak of the
motivated by bias, including antigay hate. bar's Friday night business hours, and several
The legislation now goes to the state senate patrons were arrested. Bar owner Chuck
for consideration. Locy said he believed the raid was sparked by
a recent 11th anniversary celebration that
WASHINGTON featured nude male dancers.
The state senate, by a 38-10 margin, ARLINGTON, VA
approved a bill to prevent gays and lesbians
from becoming foster parents. Opponents of The county board left antigay
the measure said it will dramatically reduce the discrimination out of a new human rights
number of foster homes available and said they ordinance it passed February 25.
will challenge it in court if it becomes law. The board chose, instead, to allow gay
men and lesbians to file complaints, which will
SAN FRANCISCO, CA not be arbitrated but will instead be used as
the basis of a report on antigay discrimination
Members of the board of directors of the in this Washington, DC suburb.
Bar Association of San Francisco unanimously
called for an end to a state law that bans DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
same-sex marriages. The association has
about 8,000 members. A superior court judge ruled that
Catholic University of America had a right to
MINNEAPOLIS, MN bar Rev. Charles Curran from teaching at the
school after the Vatican revoked his
A Presbyterian clergywoman in qualification to teach Catholic theology.
Minneapolis asked that her ordination be set The Vatican ruled in 1986 that Curran
aside to demonstrate her opposition to the was “unsuitable and ineligible" to teach
denomination's policy against ordaining gay theology because his views conflicted with
men and lesbians, reported Equal Time, a traditional Catholic teaching on sexual issues,
Minneapolis gay newspaper. including homosexuality and birth control.
10 CLSO May

— GLSO Gayline ........................231-0335
Due to space limitations, events listed here are gtgg 303'?“"“' call Steve, 266—8887
only a small portion of gay and lesbian “'5 etter
oriented cultural olitical and social activities ca” Craig/Steve, 266—8887
. I ’3 h GLSOSpeakersBureau
takWB Pace amu" ' e C°““"‘Y- call Bobbi, 259—069u
. . _ GLSO Coffeehouse 8 Dance
May, 1989~ Date Pending. A§S°§Iatlon 0‘ call Esmerelda, 255-3851
Gay and Lesbian PSYCh‘atV'5t5~ GLSO Summer Volleyball ... . . . . . . . ..
San FranCIsco, CA. .... call Kenneth, ............266-5069
May 25-29, 1989. Southern Women‘s Music and GLSO Cards 8 Games
Comedy Festival. Athens, Ga. .... call Peter, ............259-3292
May 25-29, 1989. International Gay Bowling GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Organization, Nationa| Tournament, . . . . caII Kalth, . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-81417
Cincinnati, OH. . or Chuck, ............266-85Li1
May 25‘29, 1989. Wiminfest [89' Lesbian Potluck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Albuquerque, NM. L b' ...P. call IEsmerelda, G 252-7837
May 26-29, 1989. National Women's Music es