xt76q52f8201 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52f8201/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1972 yearbooks ukyrbk1972 English Paragon Press, Montgomery, Alabama Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1972 text The Kentuckian 1972 1972 1972 2012 true xt76q52f8201 section xt76q52f8201    J
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University Archives Margaret I. , ing Library . Noftfc
University of Kentucky Lexlnfton, Kentucky 40506
  Lennart Nilsson Life Magazine 1965 Time-Life Inc.
Historians and sociologists
called it the "post-war baby boom
We merely called it "birth
Wayne Miller Magnum Photos  Alfred Eisenstadt Time-Life Inc.
But birth was only the beginning of that greater euphoria known as childhood. It was a time of intense emotions. The pain of a bruised knee seemed to hurt more than it should. The joy of something as simple as an ice cream cone was far more boundless than we would later remember it.
It was a time of other private worlds. Worlds far outside the expanse of space, yet more accessible than a friend or parent. Childhood was the foundation for the metaphysicians. It still is.  One morning we woke up, and we were adolescents. We knew because our bodies told us. Boys quit playing baseball, and girls quit playing with dolls. Neither was quite as obnoxious to the other as they had been before. It was a "first", but then, adolescence was full of many firsts. Finally, we talked to our parents about it. From there we played it by ear.
Ralph Crane Time-Life Inc.
   The Kentuckian
Volume 74
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
   "Program, program. You can't tell the players without a program."
There are over 19,000 people here. Good guys and not so good guys. Helpful people and people who seem to do their utmost to get in the way.
Most of this book is about what we did in 1971-72, but before jumping into all of that, we thought it might be a good idea to introduce ourselves.
16 Who do you trust?
The 1967-1971 University of Kentucky Board of Trustees must surely rank as one of the strongest and most involved Boards in UK history. And it was all largely due to one man.
Louie Brodie Nunn, the 50th Governor of Kentucky and the first Republician to hold the office since 1947, sought to broaden his political base and implement many of his policies for the state through the Board.
Nunn's was a stormy reign indeed, and while the state constitution delegated the chairmanship of the Board to the Governor, few had taken the charge as seriously as the former Barren County judge. In fact, by 1971 the Governor's seat on the Board was a campaign issue, and nowon the heels of the Nunn administrationthat seat no longer exists.
17 Lower page left, A. B. Chandler, former Governor and Daniel Boone fried chicken magnate. Top page right, Jesse A Iverson, Paris, Ky. printer. Center page right, Lucille Blazer, wife of Ashland Oil's Rexford Blazer. Lower page right, Albert Clay, owner-operator of Clay-Wachs Tobacco Warehouse and chairman of Spindletop Research Facility. Also bosom pal of UK president Singletary. Above: The man who pulled the stringsGovernor Louie B. Nunn. A Who's Who
Left, Dr. Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas, Owensboro dentist and chairman of the Central Bank and Trust Company of Owensboro. Also has coal, oil and gas interests. Below, George W. Griffin, Director of U. S. Wholesale Grocer's Association. Also
 in oil and gas
Above, James Pence, 1928 UK grad who got a B.S. in Commerce in 1942. Below left, Mrs. Robert O. Clark, 1952 Business Administration graduate. Former member of UK Student Government Administration. Bottom, Thomas P. Bell, Lexington lawyer and premier NFL referee. Right, Floyd H. Wright, captain of the 1917 UK baseball team and Director of the First Security National Bank and Trust Company. Below, Paul G. Sears, faculty member of the Board and a professor in the Department of Chemistry. Sears also served on the presidential search committee who tapped Singletary for the UK presidency. Far right, Eugene Goss, Harlan, Kentucky lawyer and Commissioner of Highways under Governor Nunn. Far right below, Richard E. Cooper, Director of the National Limestone Institute of Washington, D.C. and Uk Alumni Association. Also brother of U.S. Senator John Sherman Cooper.
21   A few new members
Above left, Lyman Ginger, Superintendent of Public Instruction swept into office on the 1971 Democratic Gubernatorial ticket. Former chairman of UK College of Education. Below left, UK law professor Paul Oberst, first political liberal named to the Board since before 1967. Left and above, W. Stanley Burlew and William B. Sturgill were new appointees to the Board in the spring of 1972. Burlew is an Owensboro insurance man and a $16,000 contributor in the Ford for Governor campaign. Sturgill was one of the states most prominent strip miners up until 1970. Burlew replaced Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and Sturgill took over Happy Chandler's Board seat.
24 25
 They lead in different directions
Left, UK president Otis A. Singletary often seems to be the Board's main source of information on university issues when they come up at the monthly meetings. Singletary came to UK from a Vice-president's position at the University of Texas.
Below, The lone student primarily responsible for dealing with it all is Student Government President Scott Wendeldorf. Continuing the adversary activist role that predecessor Steve Bright pioneered, Wen-delsdorf s relations with the Board, while strained, were never dull.
26  "If I had a dozen more . . ."
Guys like Don Clapp, above, and Tom Padgett, left, are the second echelon administrators. They are not widely known since they rarely have any reason to deal directly with students. Padgett is President Singletary's personal assistant, while Clapp directs the University Budget Office. Of Clapp in particular Dr. Singletary has remarked, "If I had a dozen more like him, I could probably run this place."
From what we know of Clapp, indeed, he probably could.
28 A. D. Albright, left, is one of the most powerful men in the university. As Vice-president for Institutional Planning, Albright is largely responsible for the educational direction the university pursues through the years. It involves a lot more than just deciding which building comes next.
Considering his title, Vice-president for Administration Alvin Morris, middle, should be a king maker too, but we can't prove it. In fact, except for substituting for the President when Dr. Singletary is absent at Board meetings (very rare), it's hard to say just what Alvin Morris does. He is an avid polo player, however.
James Ruschell, right, is Assistant Vice-president for Business Affairs and we're not really supposed to know what he does. As students, our business isn't necessarily Ruschell's and vice versa. If you don't believe us, try finding out about university business sometime.
30  The Student Affairs staff puts out a blue pamphlet heralding their services under the headline "We're Here To Help". In the brochure students are invited to bring their problems to the staff.
But it doesn't happen much, and we don't expect it to as long as Dean of Students Jack Hall, upper left, Assistant Deans Walter McGuire, far left, and Ken Brandenburg, right, keep talking to Joe Burch on walkie talkies every time three or more people get together to discuss political issues.
Nancy Ray, middle left, is also an Assistant Dean, but also happens to be a very cool lady. That of course couldn't last, as enforcing the Student Code and being cool are two diametrically opposed standards of conduct. Nancy now directs the Affirmative Action project under the Vice-president for Administration.
The guy in the photo above is Vice-president for Student Affairs Robert Zumwinkle. Perhaps more than any other member of his staff, Dr. Z manages to get along fairly well with students though at times he seems to try almost too hard and occasionally gets a little paranoid about it. But who cares, at least somebody's making an effort.
35  IS*.
Lexington's long arm of the law reaches far enough throughout Fayette County, but UK has seen fit to establish an autonomous force of its own. Our own legal beagles include UK's own attorney. John Darsie, far left, is perhaps best known for his bumbling attempts at prosecuting a mass of students allegedly in violation of the Student Code back in 1970. It got so bad, Jack Hall took over (That didn't work out any better).
That's Detective Robert A brams at far lower left. Abrams "blew" his cover several years ago, and has been a familiar face around campus ever since. Why he still gets to play the Dragnet game we don't know. Joe Burch probably ought to make him drum a beat with the rest of the guys.
Speaking of Burch, the chief is at left. And in all fairness, he doesn't really walk around looking sinister like that. He just happened to look as we shot, and we all had a big laugh right after. Ha. Ha.
The remaining dudes are downtowers Frank Fryman, lower left, and County Attorney E. Lawson King, below. Fryman or his authorized agent hauls you in after convincing you he's a friend of your long lost brother in Tangiers, and he knew he could get a tab or two from you. Once downtown, King takes care of the rest.
  The people on this page have very little in commonwhich is reason enough to put them here. It shows you just how diverse this place really is.
Take Tom Duncan, left, for example. Tom gave up the spotlight of a promising and honorable career in professional television journalism to head the university's Department of Public Relations. Considering some of the unexplicably tight spots Alma Mater gets herself into, you'd have to have sympathy for Tom even if he wasn't a nice guy.
Or how about Rosemary Pond! Ask Rosemary about dorm life today and she'll proudly tell you about how they're filled to capacity and everyone's happy with new liberal rules on open houses and hours for women. She probably won't tell you how she opposed such liberalized policies for years, or how it took a practical armed revolution to institute
them, or how a dorm president under the old law had to practically be an expert in diplomacy to get even a few open houses on such special occasions as Homecoming or LKD. Of course, if you've only been here a year or two you don't know about all that do you?
Jim Ingle, below, is in a pretty tough situation himself. As Director of Student Financial Aid, he draws a salary to basically tell you that there's no money to give you. Not that that's his fault. In fact, he could split his budget equally among all of us and we couldn't so much as buy a french fry at Kampus Korner. But don't feel sorry for him. Ingle also works as the public address announcer at all home basketball games and thus has the best seat in the house. Unfortunately he can't help us there much either.
 The three toughest jobs on
campus *
So you think you got problems? Okay, so maybe you do, But, Harriet Rose, above, has yours and anybody elses who cares to bring them to her. As Director of Counseling and Testing, Rose provides a critical service to students, and unlike other university offices that promise anonymity, Harriet Rose and her staff deliver.
While Rose will deal with your general problems James Alcorn, right, works to solve a specific one. Getting you a job. Best of luck to both of you.
But if you really want to talk about tough jobs, consider Robert Toll. As Director of Development, it is Toll's assignment to find people willing to donate money to the university. Considering what it takes to run this place, we think no more need be said.
H Akiirtt
37  Black and Drennon: The
39 court of last resort
Their official title is Associate Dean of Instruction, but Herb Drennon, left, and Ben Black more often seem like "Academic Advisors at Large". One can't realize what a boon that is until your advisor in your major field becomes suddenly infatuated with Animal Husbandry or insists upon signing you up for his own three hour seminar primarily known for its mortality rate.
When that happens and you start packing for the Northern border, stop by Black and Drennon's on your way. In fact, stop by even if you don't have a problem. The line will be long, but it will be well worth the wait.
40  I The new Art in A & S
Art Gallaher center, another one of those nice people in a somewhat untenable administrative position. As Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Gallaher succeeds Wimberly Royester who had not been exactly free from controversy during his reign.
Gallaher was selected over 80 other nominees for the job, and the word is that he's an academic progressive type. We can only wish him luck. He'll need it.
42 Two who make history . . . interesting
We discovered history about the same time we came to realize political science was 90% pedantic B.S. The history department isn't exactly Ivory-soap pure, but the percentage is far less.
And it's probably due in part to guys like George Herring, above, and Robert Ireland, right. If you've got Herring you're probably taking "Diplomatic and Foreign Policy of the U.S. since 1919". First semester it's before 1919. Either way, a decent course.
Ireland is into American Constitutional history before or after 1865, again depending on the weather outside.
Actually it doesn't matter whether you're tired of poli-sci or not. Ireland and Herring are just a real fine way to spend 12 credit hours.
43  Look who's got cognitive
Students, unless thoroughly devoted to their major, rarely get to see the stresses and strains of departmental politics. Take the Department of Speech for example. Chairman Robert Bostrom, below, is rumored to be on less than the best of terms with debate team coach J. W. Patterson. Bostrom has often spoke in classes about the relative worth-lessness of debate as a form of communication and would not mind seeing debate funds be used for some more constructive item. Patterson, on the other hand, is relentlessly gearing up for a championship squad much like UK had several years ago under Gifford Blyton.
That's usually the way things work, but Speech is only one example. There are others. Probably at least one for every remaining department.
  Two conservationists
Wayne Davis, left, and Wasley Krogdahl, above, are perhaps the most competent and well known scientists on campus. But they are also well known for their political activity as well.
Davis is one of the most prominent spokesmen on ecology in the country, running second only to Dr. Paul Ehrlich.
Kroghdahl is an ardent conservative and active
member of the local John Birch Society. In the spring Krogdahl was denied active teaching status while he campaigned for the Sixth District congressional seat.
Whether or not you agree with either of the two men, both are excellent instructors. As for their political view, the positioning of their pictures on these pages are about as close as they'll ever get to each other.
48 Leonard and Susan can make your life a hell
of a lot easier to live
You don't find many professors like Leonard Tipton. I mean, how many of your profs go out drinking with you? How many would you invite to your parties? And when guys like that can actually teach, instead of leaving all the motivation up to you, one suddenly becomes a believer in higher education again.
Our thanks to Leonard for making believers out of us.
The young lady is Susan Roughen. Susan is a secretary to the Assistant Vice-president for Business Affairs. Susan is pretty much like all secretariesattractive, efficient and personable. But for you, the student, she can be the most effective way to cut red tape and in general, survive.
She can interrupt meetings to get you her boss, or she can produce them out of thin air. She can look up something for you or refer you to the girl in Records who's really supposed to do that.
Like most secretaries, Susan doesn't have much authority. But she's got the power. There are hundreds of Susan Roughens on this campus. Treat them and her accordingly.
        Ouida Carden Nursing
              Rebecca Hayes Education
William Haviland Engineering
Jack Head Education
		1 {    J? _
i		c6
Shannon Hellard Engineering
David Hendricks Arts and Sciences     ing ion
Gerald Krogge
    80 Howard Cooper; Arts and Sciences
David May; Arts and Sciences
Mickey England; Agriculture
David Blanton; Arts and Sciences
Skip Ludwig; Arts and Sciences
Craig Heller; Business and Economics
Samuel Morris; Arts and Sciences
John Clements Arts and Sciences
William Miller; Business and Economics
Molly McCabe Nursing       chae Bus E
      Linda Ruckel Arts and Sciences
I    Connie Swagger f
            Registration: Heads
The game  is called  "Administration Run Around". It can begin anywhere or anytime during registration. You start by drawing a blank schedule, or someone else's schedule, or a lost I.D. card through the mail.
It appears any number can play, even thousands, but all that is needed is one student and a secretary unsympathetic to your problem who decides to play by the rules.
Length of the game can run anywhere from five minutes to four years, but you know it's all over when they send you to Room 103 of the Administration Annex.
The winner is determined by whoever deposits your tuition check.
in you win, tails you lose
112 "Be it ever so

 humble . . .
It's the last Sunday in August and you're standing in front of some architectural wonder from the mid 50's. You think about the adage "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home" and suddenly gain a deeper understanding of its real meaning. Within five minutes of your arrival, the thought comes that no one at UK knows what they are doing, or what you're supposed to do.
Three days later you go through drop-add and you're convinced of it.
1 IX       They wonder why UK is such a party school. There are lots of reasons, not the least of which is the Kentucky Derby. The Derby supposedly is run on the first Saturday in May. Actually it's got nothing to do
It is really run on the first Saturday
Every year for the last 98 years. And they wonder why UK is such a party school.
 Not there aren't enough social diversions right here on campus. If there are no dances, movies, and the t.v. is borke, you can always participate in the many varied cultural events like the Trivia Bowl.
Staff members from the Kernel did, and they won. Some thought they may have had an unfair advantage due to the content of the paper. There were no grounds for a legitimate protest, however, since the Kernel's content was merely a reflection of campus life as it wasa state for which they certainly could not be held responsible.  A pretty
fair for
the UK bluegrass
Not much new and exciting happens around here each year. Same old ball games, LKD's etc. So when something like the Bluegrass Fair comes along, which is so entirely unique compared to the standard fare of weekend beer blasts, a guy can kind of take a step back and get into a whole new cultural thing. So lets hear ita good old fashioned Amen for homemade candles and autoharps.
124 IS"
 Give bloodplay rugby
Our headline is their motto. These stalwart souls who risk life and limb without the motivating force which a scholarship might provide. No, no such complicating issues. Just go out and tear limbs, lose teeth, and destroy a few pair of gym shorts for the fun of it. And after the match, down a keg with the opposition.
Did someone say a minor sport? We hardly think so.
126 The rites of spring
There comes a day along about the first or second week in April, which you might miss unless you're really looking for it. The temperature jumps up into the 70's as it had during previous warm spells in the winteronly this time it doesn't get cold again. This fever hits and there's no cure but a lot of fresh air and plenty of rest. But then, someone misunderstands and mistakes the increased population of the botanical gardens for a manifestation of a new housing crisis. So up goes another one, leaving us with the conclusion that while trees are made by guys like God, only man can make a pre-fab high rise with central air. The light at the end of the
It used to be that they read off your name and you came forward, shook hands with the president and he gave you your diploma. They changed that to just giving you a fascimile until your final grades came in. Then they quit having you come forward. Next, they weren't even calling your name. Now they just decree that everybody in Arts and Sciences or Education, or whatever, has made it and is entitled to whatever it is that they are entitled to anyway.
Well, it took us awhile, but we caught on. We finally quit coming.
129 tunnel
i 30   Tennessee Week
Story and photographs by Larry Kielkopf
At 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 14, 1971, coach John Ray and most of his 11-man staff were already in their offices. Less than 24 hours earlier the University of Kentucky varsity football team had been soundly beaten by the University of Florida 35-24.
It had been just two weeks since the Wildcats were destroyed by Georgia 34-0. Over a month before, John Ray's third year group had suffered what must have been the most humiliating defeat of their personal careersa 35-6 massacre at the hands of fledgling Ohio University.
The season had not been a total loss, however. The Wildcats had come within four points of knocking off 12th ranked L.S.U. Their last second win over Vanderbilt already had given them one more victory than they had realized during all of last season. And while three victories on a season is no one's idea of success, all the disappointments and heartaches were now behind John Ray and his team.
Sunday marked the beginning of a new week. It was also the last week of the season and most of the 66 man squad would have to wait 10 months for another chance to redeem themselves. A few, the Seniors, would never have the chance again. In addition to these, there remained just one more motivational factor.
It was Tennessee week.
While Kentucky and Tennessee have been playing each other in football since 1893, they did not begin doing it on an annual basis until 1901. From 1899 on, Tennessee has been winning. In fact, they held a two to one edge in wins over the course of the 72-year series. They have not lost to Kentucky since 1964.
A sidelight to the history is a battered beer barrel which began changing hands in 1925. Again, however, there has not been any "changing hands" in
133 seven years.
It may have been the barrel and the student pranks related to it which gave the series its appeal and intensity. Perhaps it was the geographical proximity of the two states grating against idealogical differences dating back to the Civil War. Whatever the reasons, Kentucky-Tennessee has become the epi-tomy of the word "rivalry" and for Ray, his staff, and players that alone would be a sufficient source of inspiration in the days that lay ahead.
Presently there were more practical considerations. For one thing, the past was not completely behind them. Mistakes committed in the Florida game (and other tactical problems with roots far deeper in time) needed to be reviewed and corrected before taking on Tennessee.
So this Sunday, like many others, was a day to see what went wrong the night before. There would be plenty of time later to plan what to do right. Film. 16 millimeter, silent film. A football coach probably sees more of it than a Canne's jury. Everyday from the moment they arrive in their offices to midmorning, UK coaches study films of previous games. On Sunday the feature attraction is the UK game from the day before and the coaches watch closely for frequent sterling performances of their players. Each is duly recorded by the coaches on a sheet and the whole process is known as "grading".
The scoring system is remarkably simple. A "plus" is awarded to that player who executes his given assignment particularly well. A "minus" is given to those who perform with less distinction. With the coaches providing the commentary, the film is re-run in a 3:00 meeting with the players and many of the grades become em-barrisingly apparent.
So it is with Gary Knutson, UK punter and fullback, on Sunday of Tennessee Week. On a play against Florida, Knut got the call. At the snap he took a quick step to his left to receive the ball from quarterback Bernie Scruggs. Unfortunately, the flow was to the right, and as his lead blockers whizzed by him, Knutson suddenly realized his mistake. Turning his back to the line of scrimmage (another no-no) Knutson did a full pivot in time to take the ball from Scruggs and scamper a few yards. No real harm was done but it still had been a rather unorthodox execution.
As Knutson's teammates howled with laughter at the show, offensive coach Carol Huntress looked sternly over at Knutson, "I guess you know what you got on that."
A "minus," Knutson sheepishly replied.
According to the coaches, no reward or punishment is given as a result of the grading. This isn't exactly true, but the important point is that the films are designed for more than entertainment value.
With the aid of a reverse switch, individual plays are run, backed up, stopped, and re-run over and over again. Often the same play will be studied four or five times before moving to the next. The coaches, whether analyzing their own players or an opponent's, con-tinously take notes.
135 Monday Morning At The Movies  'We Work So
Hard On Sunday Sometimes I Think It's Tuesday When We Leave
5 5
By Sunday night all preoccupation with the University of Florida ceased. Tennessee's game films had arrived and were being run through the projectors. The UK films had been shipped off as well. The trading of films is a standard procedure throughout the SEC. Each coach, it seems, is willing to trade a little bit of what he knows about his own team for a little bit of what he doesn't know about his opponent's.
Films are divided as to offensive and defensive units. UK's offensive coaches studied Tennessee's defense while the defensive coaches poured over the Volunteer's offense.
Offensive coach Hal Hunter was one of the first to spot a flaw in the Tennessee team. Hunter noticed that a particular defensive tackle would always duck his head low whenever he was going to angle off a blocker, or "pinch".
Hunter called a group to his projector and ran the film ahead a couple of plays. Suddenly, the tackle ducked his head. "He's gonna pinch," Hunter advised.
The tackle angled off his man. "Zip!" exclaimed Hal Hunter.
After a dinner of Kentucky Fried Chicken ("We alternate with pizza," laughed Coach Ray.) the film and strategy session lasted on into the night. Thus on Sunday, a day when most are thinking of anything but the office grind, the University of Kentucky football coaches are solidly entrenched in their offices grinding away.
Coach Hal Hunter finds nothing unusual about Sunday duty. "We work so hard on Sunday sometimes I think it's Tuesday when we leave," he said.
Some indication of the effect which the films have on the coaches and the players becomes evident on Friday night when the players meet at the sports center for supervised recreation. It is a time when little else can be done in preparation for the next day's game. The coaches want the players to relax and clear their minds.
They do it by watching a film. 16 millimeter, sound on filmusually John Wayne.
138 Meetings: So What Do We Do
No film lasts forever. Eventually the lights come on, and when they do, the coaches have to do some hard planning. They do it in a meeting with Coach Ray. Early in the week, only the barest beginings of strategy take shape such as when the offensive receiver coach George Sefcik confided to Ray, "I don't think we can throw anything long."
That obvious observation came after cursory glimpses of Tennessee's hallowed defense in action against various SEC oppo-
nents. It's known as a "Nose Off 50" and its most notable characteristic is the tight configuration of the inside and middle linebackers. The three often play right in the middle of the line, a few yards off the ball. The inside linebackers are in good position to go straight ahead at line or center, or angle off between their own tackles or ends.
The secondary is a four man zone with free safety Bob Majors playing the ball.
The basic setup has worked well for the
139 Now?
Volunteers. Coming into the Kentucky game, they were six and two overall and the "Nose Off 50" had held their opponents to just over 10 points per game.
Offensively Tennessee wasn't much, and their passing game was even worse. 1971 was the year after the remarkable Bobby Scott's graduation and quarterbacks were coming and going.
By the latter part of the season, Senior Jim Maxwell and Junior Dennis Chadwick
had generally been regarded as the lessor of four evils.
To appreciate how bad the situation was, one needed only to consider that going into the Tennessee game, UK's unheralded Ber-nie Scruggs threw more passes, for more completions, for more yardage, at a better percentage, and for more touchdowns than both of Tennessee's top quarterbacks-combined!
140  THE PLAN:
Veer Away From Belly
Coach Ray summed up the situation rather mildly on Friday when he told his players after their practice, "Tennessee's not a great passing team. We don't have to worry about the pass. They're just going to try to run it right down our throats."
It was obvious very early in the week that the 1971 version of the Kentucky-Tennessee game was shaping up to be a defensive battle. In the few games that Kentucky had won, the defense had been the big factor. Offensively, Kentucky had not overpowered anyone. They certainly were not going to start with a team fighting for a bowl bid.
Yet, if they were going to win they had to score, and there had to be some way of doing that even against the strongest of defenses.
The Kentucky plan was to concentrate on a series of plays known as "Veer" and to avoid their "Belly" series. The logic for the move hinged on the alignment of the three
inside linebackers. While they were able to move forward at tackle very well, UK coaches felt that it would be a bit tougher for them to go out to the ends to stop sweeps. Thus Kentucky felt they could get outside of Tennessee, and Veer was a series that consistently went to the outside.
Also, the Veer series was one which gave the UK quarterback more options on a given play. Many times he could give to either of the two runningbacks, or keep the ball himself.
The Veer series was one of the big reasons why, before the Tennessee game, Ber-nie Scruggs carried the ball more times, than either of Kentucky's rushing leaders, Lee Clymer or Doug Kotar.
A final consideration for going with Veer was a personnel problem with Belly. The Belly series called for two tight ends. It is run inside the line and toward one of the tight ends.
For any series of plays to be effective, it must be run to both sides of the line. For UK to do this would mean setting up split end Jack Alvarez as a tight end and asking him to run and block from an unfamiliar position. Another alternative would be to alternate sides with tight end Jim Grant and to consistently run the play at Grant's end. This, however, would quickly be picked up by the Tennessee defense after a few plays.
So it was, that Kentucky's offense hinged on the ability of Tennessee's inside linebackers to get outside the ends. As quarterback Bruce Wohlleb put it, "With all that movement in there, we knew there had to be some confusion."
For Kentucky, the real question was "How much?"
142 Five days a week For eighteen weeks
From the middle of August until the end of November and from the last of March until the last of April, the University of Kentucky football team undergoes daily practice sessionsfrom 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. five days a week. It adds up to about 170 hours of sweat and work for about 20 hours of game time each season.
Mondays through Wednesdays are the toughest practices of any given week. Coaches drive the players hard utilizing many repititious drills which emphasize physical contact.
Mondays are virtually the only days when the fundamentals are mentioned. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the main days for working on strategyyour's and the opponent'