xt76q52f8112 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52f8112/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1918 yearbooks ukyrbk1918 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian Volume XIV text The Kentuckian Volume XIV 1918 1918 2012 true xt76q52f8112 section xt76q52f8112      BENSON
INTRODUCTORY UNIVER/ITY CLA//E/ ORGANIZATION/ MILITARY ATHLETIC/ ACTIVITIE/ GO//IP ^' 111111111111111111111111111111111111111  11111111111111111111} 1111 (1111 j i f 11 ^ 1111111111 r 11111111111 f 11111 l c ] 111} 11111111111111111111111
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AST June Governor Stanley appointed a joint committee of trustees and professors to recommend to the board a new president for the university. After much correspondence, consultations with educational authorities, and interviews with desirable men, the committee recommended to the board Dr. Frank L. McVey, President of the University of North Dakota. On August 15 the Board of Trustees unanimously elected Dr. McVey to the presidency of the University of Kentucky.
Dr. McVey is a native of Ohio, and celebrated his forty-eighth birthday November 10. He attended the public schools of Toledo, Ohio, and Des Moines, Iowa; is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and later the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. He received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Yale, where he pursued graduate work for three years, specializing in Economics.   Later he further pursued his studies in England.
Dr. McVey has had educational experience as a teacher and director in high schools, normal schools, and universities. For a time he was an instructor in history in Columbia University Teachers College; later was Professor of Economics at the University of Minnesota. He resigned the professorship in the Minnesota institution to accept the Chairmanship of the Minnesota Tax Commission. His services in this position were notable, and the resulting law of such sound value as to be adopted or adapted by many other States, the basic principles of our own new tax law being taken from the Minnesota law.
Two years after his services on the Tax Commission, Dr. McVey was made President of the University of North Dakota, which position he held until he resigned to accept the presidency of our own university.
Dr. McVey was married in 1898 to Miss Mabel Moore Sawyer, a graduate of the University of Minnesota. They, with their three children, will make their home in the historic old Mulligan home, "Maxwelton," which has been purchased by the university and is being extensively remodeled as a home for its president.
Dr. McVey was in no sense a candidate for the position, having known nothing of the matter until he was sought out by the committee, and in a short time asked to accept the position. He had been President of the University of North Dakota for eight years, and during that time had transformed that institution from the small college type of State institution to one of intense and diverse activities, striving to fulfill its mission of service to all people of the State. He organized it into a smooth working, efficient institution, gained the good will of the people and the financial support of the State, and won for it recognition and respect from the educational world. He came to Kentucky, not because he was disappointed with his treatment and his results at North Dakota, but because he saw here greater possibilities for the future in this State of two and one-half million, with its vast natural resources just beginning to be developed.
Dr. McVey is ideally qualified to take up his new work among us. He is a gentleman of unimpeachable character, of scholarly attainments, an author and authority in
(24)  the field of Economics, experienced in the practical applying of theory, prominent in educational societies, interested not only in the classical and cultural work of the university, but also intensely interested in the newer fields of agricultural and mechanic arts. He is in the prime of life, with both mind and body trained to hard work, drilled to careful analysis of problems, and skilled in presenting convincingly the great cause of the university in its relation to the people of the State.
It was not until the first of the year that Dr. McVey v/as able to come to the university and take up his duties permanently, having been in Washington preparing, for government use, a monograph on the Financial System of England. Dr. McVey's wide knowledge of economics and finance and, in addition, the pursuit of his studies in England, fitted him peculiarly for this study. Although not here, Dr. McVey had assumed active control of the university, directing its activities and reforming its administration.
The University of Kentucky has always worked under a great financial handicap. Money was the first thing that was needed. The buildings were out of repair, the heating plant was thoroughly inadequate, and every department suffered from lack of space, equipment and instructors. Circumstances had compelled a process of inbreeding in the university faculty, which tended to narrow its outlook and cramp development. The legislature convened in January and Dr. McVey laid out before it the facts as they were, and the immediate necessity of financial assistance. This necessity was planned to be met by a bill reapportioning the tax, in which more income was provided for the university. The bill passed, and the income of the university was practically doubled.
Furthermore, it was through the instrumentality of Dr. McVey and the university interests that the bill accepting the provisions of the Smith-Hughes Act for Vocational Education, and the bill accepting the provisions of the Smith-Lever Act, providing for Extension Work, were made into laws. Two other bills directly affecting the university were also passed. Upon the recommendation of Dr. McVey and univenity authorities, a bill was passed reorganizing the Board of Trustees. The influence of the university was exerted through Dean Lafferty of the College of Law in cecuring the passage of the bill establishing a higher standard for admission of attorneys to the bar.
These acts are great strides in the development of the university, and are more gratifying because of the awakening of the people of the State to the necessity of centralized educational effort.
Every college on the campus has felt the beneficial influence of an energetic and vigorous administration. The College of Agriculture and the Experiment Station have been greatly benefited by the appointment of Dr. Thomas Cooper as its new Dean and Director, and the preparation of plans for a temporary stock judging pavilion.
Upon the granting of an indefinite leave of absence to Dr. Miller, Dean of the College of Arts and Science, Dr. Paul Boyd, head of the Department of Mathematics, was made Dean of the college. The Arts and Science College will in the future comprise the following new departments. Department of Art and Design, Department of Music, Department of Economics and Sociology, and Department of Bacteriology. Agricultural and Vocational Education are among the new courses offered.
The Colleges of Mechanical and Electrical, and Civil Engineering, and the College of Mines and Metallurgy will probably be combined under a single administration, the Colleges of Engineering. Able professors and instructors of other universities will be added to their efficient faculties.
The College of Law will profit by the addition of a professor and an instructor in in law.    Dean Lafferty is greatly gratified by the success of his efforts in securing a
 higher standard for the admission to the bar, and trusts that it will greatly enhance the importance of the Law School.
Never before in the history of the university has there been such progress, such a bright prospect for extensive development and added scope of usefulness. Dr. McVey has made his presence seem a veritable wand of enchantment. It has suffered greatly from the war, but it only offered another opportunity to demonstrate its service. The student battalion was practically transformed into a Reserve Officers' Training Corps and a Signal Corps Training School was instituted. The buildings of the campus are now being put in shape to accommodate the training of four hundred drafted men during the summer months in the handling and operation of motor trucks, signal and radio work, and various minor mechanical arts. The commandant of the university will be in charge, and the professors of the university will assist in the instruction.
We are greatly pleased with the results of Dr. MvVey's efforts and look forward to a great future for the university. A new era for the university has come. What the greatest universities are, and are accomplishing, we will be and do. No man can estimate the good that the university under our new leader will in the coming years render to the people of Kentucky.
(27) IS
Board of Trustees
Gov. A. O. Stanley................Frankfort, Ky
Judge H. S. Barker................Louisville, Ky
Frank L.  McVey, President.............Lexington, Ky
C. B. Nichols..................Lexington, Ky
C. B. Terrell..................Bedford, Ky
Frank McKee..................Versailles, Ky
V.  O. Gilbert, Superintendent............Frankfort, Ky
Matt S. Cohen..................Frankfort, Ky
V. J. Harris...................Kevil, Ky
R. J. Bassett.................Leitchfield, Ky
T.  L.  Hornsby.................Eminence, Ky
J. R. Rash...................Henderson, Ky
J. L. letterle................Harrod's Creek. Ky
H. M. Froman..................Lexington, Ky
J. M. Elliston .   .   .   .................Elliston, Ky
Fred R. Blackburn..................Stanton, Ky
Tibbis Carpenter.................Scottsville, Ky
Gov. William H. Cox...............Maysville, Ky
Denny P. Smith..................Cadiz, Ky
Richard C. Stoll.................Lexington, Ky
Dr. J. A. Amon.................Lancaster, Ky
Richard N. Wathen................Lebanon, Ky
Judge James Breathitt..............Hopkinsville, Ky
Dr. James K. Patterson..............Lexington, Ky
James W. Turner.................Paintsville, Ky
R. g. Gordon..................Louisville, Ky
George g. Brock..................London, Ky
Frank  Battaile................. Lexington, Ky
J. Irvine Lyle..................New York City
John E. Brown.................Shelbyville, Ky
P. P. Johnston, Jr................Lexington, Ky
Dr. Samuel B. Marks...............Lexington, Ky
Dr. A.  gatliff................ Williamsburg, Ky
 Council of Administration
Frank L. McVey, Ph.D., LL.D.
President of the University
Paul Prentice Boyd, M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Science
Thomas C. Cooper, B.S.Acr. Dean of the College of Agriculture; Director of the Experiment Station
Frederick Paul Anderson, M.E. Dean of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Charles Joseph Norwood, M.S. Dean of the College of Mines and Metallurgy
Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E. Acting Dean of the College of Civil Engineering
William Thornton Lafferty, A.B., A.M. Dean of the College of Larv
Columbus Rudolph Melcher, A.M. Dean of Men
Anna Jackson Hamilton, M.A. Dean of Women
Franklin Elliott Tuttle, M.A., Ph.D. University Senate Representative
Glanville Terrell, Ph.D. Chairman of the Graduate School
Frederick Mutchler, Ph.D. Director of Extension
ELzra L. Gillis Registrar
 The Colleges
College of Arts and Science
The College of Arts and Science under the efficient leadership of Dean Boyd serves four groups of students; regular undergraduates who want a general humanistic and scientific training with an A.B. degree; students who desire four years of somewhat specialized training for teaching, journalism, or applied chemistry; students who must have two years of college work preparatory to professional work in law or medicine; and graduate students who seek advanced instruction in the departments represented in this college.
The College of Arts and Science is also the great service college of the University. In it underclassmen of the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering obtain their instruction in such subjects as English, Mathematics, Chemistry, or Modern Languages.
More graduates are turned out from the College of Arts and Science than from any of the other colleges. The students are attracted to the college by the long list of excellent instructors, and by the knowledge of the high standard maintained by Dr. Boyd.
dean boyd
College of Agriculture
The College of Agriculture and the Experiment Station have now as their respective Dean and Director, Tom Cooper of North Dakota. Dean Cooper came to us highly recommended by his work and record as an agriculturist in the Northwest. While Director of the Experiment Station in the North Dakota Agricultural College he carried on, with unusual success, the work of extension and experiment research work. He has long been one of the experts on cost of production for the United States Department of Agriculture.
Dean Cooper has been received with much enthusiasm, and will be backed up in his undertakings by one of the strongest faculties of the University, the work and writings of whose members have received national recognition as authorities.
dean cooper
 The Colle Res
College   of   Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Dean Anderson of (he College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is widely known in the engineering profession as an able educator. By his untiring efforts and executive ability he has developed a department from a mere dream of twenty-five years ago to one of the prominent engineering schools of America.
The keen interest of the Dean for his department is felt by all the students. This interest is evinced by his efforts to better the conditions of his department, to keep in touch with alumnus, to secure for his graduates the best positions, and to give the students every opportunity to become acquainted with those things which will best fit him for his work. Dean Anderson realizes the importance of training his men to be executives. To this end many methods are employed; prominent men are secured to address the students; industrial moving pictures are shown; extensive inspection trips are taken; everything possible is done to improve the cultural side of the course, and further develop those inherent qualities which distinguish the true gentleman. Few colleges can attribute their growth and national importance to one man as can the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College. Dean Anderson has made his college, and continues to improve it.
dean anderson
College of Mines and Metallurgy
Dean Norwood of the College of Mines and Metallurgy, and Chief of the Department of Mines of Kentucky, has long been a familiar figure on the University campus. "The Dean," as his men call him, may rightly be considered the Dean of the Mining Industry of the State; for much of the high standard of operation of the Kentucky mines is due to his personal efforts to better mining conditions. About forty years of his life have been spent either in public or private station in service to Kentucky in efforts to promote the development of her natural resources, and has won recognition as an authority in matters pertaining to Geology and Mining.
The fact that Kentucky has long been an important mining center, and the opening up of Eastern Kentucky which promises to be one of the richest coal fields of the world, lend prestige to this college, and the graduates are much in demand and hold responsible positions throughout the country.
dean norwood
(31) The Colleges
College of Civil Engineering
The College of Cml Engineering, though one of ihe smaller colleges, finds itself well equipped and located in the best arranged building on the campus, and with a history that it can be duly proud of. It has passed through some discouraging, unfortunate, and trying periods, but these have made the college stronger and more vigorous. The unparalleled loyalty of the students has always been a valuable asset of the college. The college in the hands of Acting Dean Terrell looks toward the future with every prospect of an enlarged and enriched sphere of usefulness to the individual and to the Commonwealth.
dean terrell
Dean of Men
It is the aim of the office of the Dean of Men to build character and turn out good citizens. Discipline is not the only function. Of course discipline is necessary to better carry out its purpose. Supervision of rooming and fraternity houses; aid in finding employment for the students who are working their way through the University; information and advice on every conceivable subject; all these come within the scope of this office. Not more than twenty per cent of the students who visit the Dean's office are summoned, and of these by no means the majority are called for discipline.
Dean Melcher realizes the great possibilities of his position, and is doing all in his power to increase its usefulness and bring about a more co-ordinating feeling between the faculty and the boys.
dean melcher
 The Colle eres
College of Law
Why is the State justified in maintaining a Law School, when there are already too many lawyers? It is not because we need more, but because we need better lawyers. If we can equip our students with progressive ideas, if we can imbue them with the vital principles of individual and social justice, better courts and better laws will result.
It has been the avowed purpose of Dean Lafferty to raise the standard of admission to the bar in Kentucky, and it was through his influence that the legislature in recent session adopted the bill practically as he had planned it. Furthermore, the official State university law school does not teach men law merely as a trade, but aims by scientific methods to train men so that they will be worthy to be, not only counsellors and advocates, but leaders in the movement which will bring legal methods and institutions abreast of the times.
Dean Lafferty, the pioneer and foremost practice court teacher of the country, has succeeded in having the practice work adopted by the American Association of Law Schools, and numerous schools are using Judge Lafferty's manual and methods. Dean Lafferty, who is fast becoming the Grand old Judge of the University, endears all the students to his college by his unequaled personal interest, his abiding judgment, and his kind discretion.
dean hamilton
dean lafferty
Dean of Women
The most vital problem facing the Dean of Women is the improvement of living conditions of the women at Kentucky. By mere careful inspection of rooming houses, by greater cooperation between householders and the office, by the personal attention given at the University Dormitory, and co-operative houses, more convenient and comfortable quarters have been provided. The Dean of Women, as Secretary of the Senate Entertainment Committee, also has charge of the greater part of the social activities of the university. Through vocational talks and personal advice Dean Hamilton is endeavoring to impress upon the women to make more of their University opportunities, and devote less time and energy to the more superficial social life, emphasizing the need to develop a spirit of unity in social life and to create a more democratic loyalty to the University.
 Officers of Instruction
Harry Raymond Allen, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Malhemalics
J. Embry Allen, B.A. Instructor in Law
Frederick Paul Anderson, M.E. Dean of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Virginia Anderson, B.S. Instructor in Freehand Drawing
W. S. Anderson, M.A. Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry
Thomas James Barr, B.M.E. Professol  of Mining Engineering
Matthew Hume Bedford, Ph.D. Instructor in Physical and Electro Chemistry
Paul Prentice Boyd, M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Science Head of Department of Mathematics
Eva Marguerite Brown, A.B. Teaching Fellow  in Education
A. L. Brueckner, B.S.Agr. Instructor in Veterinary Science
Ruby Buckman, A.B., B.S. Assistant Professor of Home Economics
Leslie Burcevin, A.B. Instructor in English
William Edward Butt, A.M. Assistant Professor of Economics
Harry S. Cannon, A.M. Instructor in German
*William Joseph Carrel, B.S., CE. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
JnALiNA Castro Instructor in Modern Languages
Lyman Chalkley, LL.B. Professor of Law
Thomas C. Cooper, B.S.Agr. Dean of the College of Agriculture; Director of Experiment Station
John James Curtis, M.E. . .  Assistant Professor of Testing Materials
Tloyd Cacie Daniels, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry *On Leave of Absence
Lehre Livingston Dantzler, A.M. Professor of Literature; Head of Department of English
Joseph Morton Davis, A.M. Professor of Malhemalics
John Born Dicker Superintendent of Shops; Head of Department of Practical Mechanics
Harold Hardesty Downing, B.C.E., M.S. Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Edward Franklin Farquhar, M.A. Professor of English Literature
Leon Kaufman Frankel, M.E. Professor of Applied Mechanics; Head of Department of Mechanics of Engineering
H. Carman, D.Sc. Professor of Entomology and Zoology
E. S. Good, M.S. Professor of Animal Husbandry
Enoch Grehan, A.B. Head of Department of Journalism
*On leave of absence.
(34) Officers of Instruction
Vernon Guy Grove, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Malhemalics
Anna Jackson Hamilton, M.A. Dean of Women; Associate Professor of English
Albert Foster Hardman , A.B. Instructor  in Chemistry
Cecil Chenault Harp, M.E. Instructor  in   Experimental Engineering
S. L. Hibberd, B.S. Instructor in Agronomy
J. J. Hooper, M.S.A. Professor of Animal Husbandry
Christine Hopkins, A.B. Instructor in English
John Sherman Horine, M.E. Assistant Professor of Drawing
J. B. Hudson, B.S.Acr. Instructor in Farm Management
J. R. Humphrey Professor of Marketing
*Reuben Brent Hutchcraft, B.A., LL.B. Professor of Law
McNeal C James, A.B., B.S.Acr. Professor of Agricultural Education
*Mary Frances Jewell, A.B. *On Leave of Absence Instructor in English
Theodore Tolman Jones, A.M. Head of Department of Latin
P. E. Karraker, M.S. Assistant Professor of Agronomy
Charles Kerr Instructor in Law
Cincinnatus Decatur Killebrew, M.S. Associate Professor of Physics
E. J. Kinney, B.S.Acr. Associate Professor of Agronomy
Claude Clayton Kiplincer, A.B. Assistant Professor of Chemistry
William Thornton Lafferty, A.B., A.M. Dean of the College of Law; Professor of Law
F. T. McFarland, M.S. Assistant Professor of Botany
Marcuerite McLaughlin, A.B. Instructor in Journalism
J. Holmes Martin, B.S.Acr. Instructor in Animal Husbandry
C W. Matthews, B.S. Professor of Horticulture
Ralph Nelson Maxson, Ph.D. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Columbus Rudolph Melcher, A.M. Dean of Cen; Professor of German
^Arthur McQuiston Miller, A.M. Head of Department of Geology *On Leave of Absence
John Richard Mitchell, A.B. Instructor in Chemistry
William Arnold Newman, B.C.E. Instructor in Civil Engineering
W. D. Nicholls, M.S.A. Associate Professor of Farm Management
James Thomas Cotton Noe, A.M. Head of Department of Education
Louis Edward Nollau, M.E. Professor of Drawing; Head of Department
Charles Joseph Norwood, M.S. Dean of the College of Mines and Metallurgy; Professor of Mining and Metallurgy
A. J. Olney, B.S. Assistant Professor of Horticulture
*On leave of absence.
(35) Officers of Instruction
Merry Lewis Pence, M.S. Head of Department of Physics
Mabel Hardy Pollitt, A.M. Instructor   in German
R. L. Pontius, V.S. Associate Professor of  Veterinary Science
John T. Price, M.A. Instructor in English and Journalism
Joseph William Pryor, A.M. Head of Department of Anatomy and Physiology
Linda Purnell, B.S. Instructor in Home Economics
Elijah Laytham Rees, C.E., A.M. Associate Professor of Mathematics
Homer Lloyd Reid, A.B. Instructor in Physics
McHenry Rhoads, M.A., Ph.M. Professor of Secondary Education
George Roberts, M.S. Professor of Agronomy
Mabel L. Roe, Ph.D. Assistant Professor  of Botany
Charles Hodce Scott, A.B. Instructor in Geology
George Slappey, A.B. Teaching Fellow in English
Marshall Ney States, B.S. Instructor in Physics
Mary E. Sweeney, M.S., M.A. Associate Professor of Home Economics
Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E. Acting Dean of the College of Civil Engineering; Professor of Highway Engineering
Glanville Terrell, Ph.D. Head of Department of Greet?
Gordon Thurman Instructor in Forge and Machine Shop
John James Ticert, A.M. (Oxon.) Head of Department of Philosophy
Edward Tuthill, Ph.D. Head of Department of History and Political Economy
Franklin Elliott Tuttle, M.A., Ph.D. Head of Department of Chemistry
G. H. Vansell, A.M. Assistant Professor of Entomology and Zoology
George W. Vaughn, LL.B. Instructor in Law
Isaac C. Watkins Assistant in Engineering Laboratories
Charles Preston Weaver, A.B. Professor of English
* William Snyder Webb, M.S. Professor of Physics
Clara White Instructor in Home Economics
Arza Lytle Wilhoite, M.E. Assistant Professor in Heat Engineering
Norton Moore Williams, B.S. Instructor in Chemistry
*Brice Couch Worley Instructor in Assaying and Metallurgy
T. G. Yaxis, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry
Alfred Charles Zembrod, A.M. Head of Department of Modern Languages
*On leave of absence.
(36) Alumni Association
Charles R. Brock .   . . Thompson R. Bryant Samuel B. Marks .   . . Marguerite McLaughlin W. E. Freeman   .   . .
.   .   .   .   President, Denver, Colo. .   .   .   . Vice-President, Lexington Secretary-Treasurer, Lexington Alumnus  Editor,  Lexington (acting) . Executive Committee, Lexington
The Alumni of the University of Kentucky extends hearty greetings to the Class of 1918, and welcomes its members into the ranks of the "old grads." An invitation to the class to attend the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, Wednesday afternoon, June 5, is hereby extended, and on that occasion they may become members of the organization.
Last year when the Alumni Association met there were among those present many men wearing the uniform of the United States soldiers, and some of them this year are at the front, so the festivities for 191 8, are anticipated with a shade of sadness because of the enforced absence of many who have made it a custom annually to return for graduation, to meet old friends and enjoy a general reunion with former classmates. Many of the Seniors of last year, your personal friends and classmates, for whom you entertained when they were in the University, will be counted on the honor roll of the absent ones, but there will be others here to greet you, and you may be assured those absent, wherever they are, will be thinking of your graduation day and longing with all the intensity of their loyal hearts to be with you. If they could communicate with you on that occasion to congratulate you on the success you have obtained and the accomplishment of work well done, they would in a word welcome you into the fold of Alumni of the University of Kentucky and bid you enter actively into the workings of the organization, and help bring honor and distinction to your Alma Mater and to the Commonwealth that gave you the means by which you may attain position and citizenship and be of value to the State and nation.
(37)  Joseph Dicker, for twenty-six years superintendent of shops, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Uni .ersity of Kentucky, died Wednesday evenino, Oc toebr 31st, at 7 o'clock, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lexington, after a short illness. The announcement was sent to the alumni of the University through the November "Alumnus," and The Kcntucfy'tan honors itself by paying tribute to the memory of one whose professional ability and personal characteristics have made lasting impression on more than 2,000 students, and who has been assoc:aled so long with the growth of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and with its success.
Joe Dicker was a manly man. He had implicit faith in humanity and above all things, he believed in young men and women. He sought to the full measure of his ability, both by word and example, to impress the important lesson that he served humanity best who began whole-heartedly the days work and persevered with singleness of purpose unto its end. So wrote the faculty Resolutions Committee on the occasion of Mr. Dicker's death, and a solemn "Amen" was intoned in the hearts of the many sludents who remembered the genuine approval for wo:k well done, the kindly assistance in perplexing tasks and the genial smile of friendship and interest so generously bestowed by him on those who were called within the scope of his leadership.
That the students, and especially the alumni, were devoted to Joe Dicker was shown in many ways, and especially when, on the occasion of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, they presented him with a watch and "toasted" him at the luncheon in a number of appropriate expressions. And that those students who shall henceforth come to the University may know that such a man as Joe Dicker lived, directed the work of the shop for many years and was loved by all who knew him, a lifesize portrait painting of him has been given by "those who loved him" to the University and is hanging in Mechanxal Hall. The presentation exercises will be held during Commencement week.     Virgil Chapman
president of senior class
Senior Class Officers
Virgil Chapman...................President
Emma Holton...................Vice-President
AlLEEN Kavanaugh..................Secretary
John A. Brittain...................Treasurer
Bertha Miller .  .   .   '..................Prophet
Harry L. Milward...................Orator
Frieda Lemon....................Historian
C. L. Morgan....................Crumbier
Helen Morris......................Poet
Russel Hunt....................Ciflorian
Jasper J. McBrayer.................Representative
(44)  a
Senior Class
Depoy, Ky.
Wiliam Koontz Adkins, B.M.E.........
Edison-Joule; A. S. M. B.; A. I. E. E.; Tau Beta Kake.
Koontz did not make any noise for three years and made still less during his last year. We had high hopes that in his Senior year he would step out in the open and say something real loud and snappy in order to let everybody know that he was here, but he didn't come up to expectations. The Sphinx is a small town gossip by the side of Adkins. But still waters run deep, so here is a bottomless pool. He made Mech. Hall his home, though there is something about the Experiment Station for which he seems to have an affinity. The result of his experiments in that line are still in the dark. Adkins is an honest, tho