xt76q52f8096 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76q52f8096/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1957 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 28, 1957 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 28, 1957 1957 1957 2012 true xt76q52f8096 section xt76q52f8096 I.; Q
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» I Hrs ExcEn.u2NcY, T  Govzn n or KENTUCKY, Gr es THE I  
 _ <>Iume XXVIII November, 1957 Number 4 I ·I I
_ INT I,
 ? AIumni Honor RoII l “  
I ui

_ PERSONALTIES with rm., issue ofthe KENTUCKY Attmmus we are ,,,,. .
I senting the hrst 0f a series of personality sketches 0n ])TOIIIll!@lll‘ I A Qt
· I BV    sgg lllllnlfll, written   (1 dlSt‘l7IgUlSll·€Cl (IIUITIIUIS`,     Kings.
* i bury, vice president in charge of public relations for the Crosley ;
, Back on September 23, 19Il, Car- . A. . . A . *
r . ,. _ . , r _ Broadcasting C0rp. in Cincinnati.
1oll County Circuit Court took an un» _ _ _ _ The Il
_ A usual, trt,€_mrmrr€ rorosr It is a source of great satisfaction to us who work with rht
\\’ord had reached the clerk of the alumni to $(36 HIC ]i€€ll‘Hg of })Tl(l€ €x]}f8·S`SCCl lil fllC·S`€ (lI`¢lCl€S writ. rrrrxisrgirigrei
I court that a grandson had been born, {gn by Ona alumnus about g;hg;~_g_ V gigrrexlcriii
i'i· _ri· Morris, riiiii iiic liirigii- iiiiririg Mr. Kingsbury is a busy and well—l¤ 9* dw IM? C<>¤sr€¤S- Colonel waning. who is sa,€a,_.1€a _ r _ _ iilhiifl
_ i . man joseph \v2l[lllllS Morris, a natlve Soon to get tlic lirst stm Ot it llrigritlicp jack Perkins, 37, ol Cleveland llgiyén  
· l   Oi HCHYY C<>¤m>’» and Mm M°”i$· General, has served as executive singer- 0hi<>» has been named assismvr wlll ¤,t.6sws‘
  i He is a graduate of Carrollton High iii Charge Oi builtliiig 500 miles Ot the president of the McDowell C01Il]l1|li iiiirmn LA
A   l School, a product of the University of Alum Higliwm, during the Carly Part in that city. Mr. McDowell is ll l9l6 Dinggiiryl
 l» : A -   Kentucky and he holds a law degree Ot yvorld yyrir l]_ Later, lic Wciit to graduate of UK. Mr. Perkins lomltrll 4},,, tgoai
  ' . · fI‘0n1 Nutimlill UIllV€YSlty ill YV2`lSl1— the Fm- East where lic was Placed iii was regional sales manager for Delco iiigrraiiéiiirii
‘   iiigioir charge of construction of the Ledo Pmduus Division of Gmcriii iiiiiiii i"l‘;;ic°"·
i_ »~   iirior ro his Eicriiriii iis Prisrriiiisicr Road through Burma. Then airfield  IV·E. Cov
I i in 1955, he was secretary to the late    iiiiggrriég-
’ » Senator and Congressman Virgil Chap- Hap Morris lives now in Arlington, RECEPTION  Hkgxiggron
 . i ‘   man. He held the same job with the Va., and has two hobbies. One is his CARNAHAN H()U5]3 iogtigiiy
  i j late Senator '1`om Underwood and flower garden surrounding the white _  
l   ‘ i then, he became top aide to Con- rambler. The other is attending foot- Ciirriiihaii Hriiisc r¢S¤<·¤gi¤¤ · · ’ Slzelb Count —French Smoot Shelb ville ¤
u C bomben » · · 1; 5 Bulkésvllle y y ‘ Y ‘
gi . ‘ R’°"“'d E· C°°p°"· V‘°° Pr°S'd€"’ °m°r` Daviess C0unty—Robert cravells, 1131 W. Simpson Coumy—LeRoy Hughes. Franklin [
Qhmu, SSL KY- _ _ 1 , Aff . mth St__ Owensbom Spencer County—H:•rold Love. Taylorsvllle l
. ,. ·. H°·€“ C'· Km? D"°°i°r °f A umm a“`S’ Rm]; C0un[y—S[gphgn Ri;-o_ Irvine Taylor County——l~larry R. $mith,Campbells- i
l the Illll:l€[1 · 522 S3¥l`€ Ave., Lexlngton Favema C0umy_Ml_. Robin Griffm 103 Vme }
· T  'B,A:Sh1vely, Treasurer, Department of Ath- H t H our Lexm mn Todd COumy_Lngan Webb, Guthrie
lccrmh {mm mms Umverslty of Kentucky U amp OC Ct VD C gD Bl . Fl . Tridg County Tom Magraw Cadiz ,
‘ ' - · ·‘ ` — . . . air. cmm s- B —- . :
H lillillilmi H§’"‘*Q,’lIE·;}nE‘§(‘;j}g;°’f§§§)t°" H°'a1d’ L°x"‘g` giiilgg mm y r g Trimble calmly-J. cz. Dye, Bedford l
· ` ~ · · - Fl id C t —-Robert Allen, Wheelwrlght Union County-—Bowcrs Wallace, Sturgis
[Ooh . T‘H' Hardwmk'·K€ntuCklan Hotel' Lexmg Frglilklin0ugo§unty—August Luscher, Jr., c/o \Vnrren C<>unty——Harry Lane, 803 Edgewood. l
[ . .1 ll. 1¤ll1Tel·m expires 1960) , , _l· G I
W] (wml J Carlisle Myers Jr 1211 Richmond Road Schenlcv Distillers. Inc., Frankfort Bmy lng rcvn
m gig Tho lexington (Term earpires 1960) y Fulton C0un'cy—Dr. Ward Bushart, Bushart \V;shlng}`0l}dCounty-Charles J. Haydon_
`   , * ` _ , A , Old K Pl , Clinic, Fulton V prmgle _ _ _ ~
Spflllq Wiifl Mgexgzggtcacgm eiirxzs 1959) Ben acc Garrard C0unty—Miss Iona Montgomery, Wayne County—Cllnt R. Collins. MOH-IICEIIL »
L * Wham M· Gam Masonic Bldgq Owensboro, Lancaster \\Ich=tc—r Cr>unty—Harold Trader. Providence
_ Ky. (Term exoires 1959} Graves County——William Parham, Maytield Whitley C0unty——Sam Car;n0n,CC¤rb;¤
4··—‘ Paul G. Blazer, Jr., 2717 Cumberland Ave., Hancock County—Harry Black. H8\V€€Vlu€ Wolfe County-Ev€r§iibM; elrli gimp on R _  
Ashland, Ky. ¢Term expires 1959) Hardin County—T. K. Stone. Supt., of W00df01‘d C0l}nty— 0 ef ¤¤ g0m€l‘y. - [ i
)f Cleyelm William H. Townsend, First National Bank Schools, Ellzabetlgow; B h B 840 H. 6. Versallles I V
_ ° Bldg., Lexington (Term expires 1958) ‘Hnrlan County—J. ran aug , ox _ . P
SSISIIIDI l0 lh! R.R. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky. (Term expires Harrison County—William Renaker. Route Auan}a‘ Ga' Elliott B' Beard` 4246 Eachtme ]
1958) N0 1 Cynthiana Dunvsoody. N.E. h B k ,
' ' a` I ` . l.—N[. `.
vcli C°‘“l;;*j; Blallllm 1.. Collier, 2:9 Ridgeway Road, Lex- Henderson collllmy—sa]l/lil lliambeg. Henderson Bf3rQm.‘?1'1i{}{;].Y’\.L?,,E T mms r°° 5 1
' J ingion lTerm expires 1958) Henry County—O. L. c roy. mmence ‘   ,
Weil is A I Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplanade, Lexing- Hickman County--Jack Newton. Clinton C1§£?)g?°%:aHa£¥§;gégaLi‘ T` Gr°g°¤' Baymr _  
Yklns fomleli {UH (Board of T!`l1St€€S) I Hopkins C0l.lhty—-FI'€d   Nichols, MadlSOn' Charlestén `V· Va-_ EXVEH WA Hataeldl   l {
ger for Dem LIS. Watkins, 251 E. High St., Lexlngton ville Y M_ D J T mr 417 Pemhes Bldg * Q
' lllllll  llll2aE°L.?fl¥2‘§flE$§i2 Ky (Board of Trus “§‘~i,'i§’.§‘.,l.‘£§E"§i,H C::•SSP€)m§0x ‘”i%‘§4 {Sha Gram Ci¤¤i¤¤¤¤-F*¤¤*< V- *3*3***0** HL ”” i .
mem i ' ’ ' _ l . " ` ' ’ _ E, Orchard Rd. Ft. Mitchell, Ky. ~
ieesl Louisville - _ ` - ' I
W- E. Covington, 2655 Virginia Ave., Ash- Jessamine County-Wilson Routt, Nicholas-   gi %alY'P§§?tl?5: 1315 Nmth , ‘
i]"“°* KY ‘I’“m°dm° Past P“’sid‘*““ ville Cleveland ohm-R¤¤Brl`McD¤wB11 3203 w. 1
N k geglierite M°La“Ehli¤» 226 E- Maxvgell SL- Johnson Cnunty—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer, 7lSt‘St ‘ ‘ ` `
Xmgton (Life member, honorary pojmsvjllo ‘ ‘ _ · _ l
VOUSE  LD-Painrore, Frankfort, Ky. (Life member, Knox CounLy—Barnnrd Moxeehan, Barbour- Digg;} Texas Chest"` C" Y°u"g‘ 2921 Fa"' I ~
l Onorary ville . _ . _ 19 E D. _ 5
 ,G · _ r - - Dayton. Oh10—Cu1t1s Kelley. 2 . IAOD E l
’  Engtggrgiiglgzgabigo lI;gmH_l;{_>;§` St·» LEX KlillottdCoung5sl;g§§O1Frady. Principal. Avel l ` `
sldcmmeml L I Lori; ngizrsllllyig Stanley A Hager H¤dE¤¤· D°tr0it]3i\1i§ii`_\¥vii]'hE` Bell` 2210 Cambridge ` i
·    · _ ‘ ‘ ‘ Rd., er ey. rv . il
¤¤i¤¤l“"‘i MSB  °“;T‘Vf12M‘§Y‘BfRf K LVM; C I G W Grim London Nlidland, Texas-]-I. l. Rucker. 207 B. Maple 1
M - en, ox , lnc es er, y. BUTE oun y— . . . _ i . ~
area me in Hgmg L- Baker,_ Louisville Cement C0., 531 Lawrence C0u¤ty—G€Ol‘g€ R. Bl1l`gGSS.tL0\{E8   TCm.‘CSseC_ROb€m T_ Ha¤¤a_ Trimble _ `
cn h()llS€iii wmia€¤f;id. Louisville I_,Q@·COL1nty—DI`, Clarence Combs, Bea tyvl e ROHCL Na$h\,m€_ Tenn V
d V mw Bewm ·Cur1ln, Frankfort, Ky. Logue €ounty—Denver Arlams. Hyden New Ol,1¤m]S_ Ln__G€m.gE E_ Jones, 4969 ;
n il} · EVN M. DeLong, 52 Woodland, Ft. Thomas, Lotcher County»—J.   Hétys. Wlztesbugg wQtmD0m,,,] Drive .
·g  ` ·· L ' County—Char es aggs, ance urg E · _ _ S k _ S h I f I
' from W i`"iEi““" T- mib. Paris Pike, Léxingwn Lixgll Collnty—Marvin Cornett, Stanford Ni"] yiiék C;;yrkBI§;E$;r];/ity pvacygsilingtoylostg 2
_ ·.  gym   G . __ . 1 -11 3\\ , FEVV O • v
euuai div J Wham, Jr., Cllntcn, Ky. Logan County Granvllle Clark, Russel V1 e NY Cmn
 }Yg€€1. City Engineer’s Office, Hender- Lyon County-J. Phillip Glenn, Kuttawa PHi]'aciElphia_ pa__pa1m€r D_ EVans_ 971 Hul)[ `
,. rkky   St McCracken C0unty——J0hn Blackburn, Pa- Road Ncwmwn Sq__ Pa_ —
, lag [  _¤ . urgill, Prestonsburg. Ky. d 1 Bank, Paducah , - ` __ 1 d H · _ 3520 v _
S d°**““‘ 1_. 'LESLOR wllm, 1726 Beverly Blvd., Ash- MC@§§,,‘,,. C.,u.,.y-¤. W. Hume. slams ";Sg;g“§§'?j‘NRl,_C Cy e *""‘s°" an ll I
`boni icsid  ‘ ' y' McLean county-Charles Gatton Sacramento wjmamsoo, W, Va.—C. R. Wilson. Jr., 109 N I
· an CLUB p - . ·- · · J . ph Av¤· ‘· '
;](ilS0ll dmcc t RESIDENTS _ llgggffin Collm; Luther RICE, Salyersvllle Exssgtivc Committee meets second Monday I o [
nm C0E¤ty—Earl Hudclleston. Columbia Marion county-Palll Owens. Lebanon night Of each month September through I V
A¤’i"rs0n3o¥1_{I0hn Pedlgm Scottsville Marsllall County—J. Homer Miller. Benton Moy_ 6;:30 p_m., Colonial Room. Lafayette
burg n y—Wa1t€r patrick, Lawrence- Mason County—Wil1iam D. Calvert, Maysville Hotel, Lexington I
__,.;-? I I 1 I
S 3

 I i   · h J I1 A d UK Grad Succeeds I
E ION, rig I`, O nSOn n Dr. June Huselden Dr
Miss Sharon Miller has been iiuiutd .
        U   K assistant to the d€21n of Women tiiii
- • • place Dr. jane HaS€id€H, who vii  
i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ granted a change of work stattn iii
i Several top administrative positions created position of executive dean of i.€,ii_ Miss Miller will Serve uudcim Z N
at the.Un1vers1tyi of Kentucky have extended programs. i i Doris Seward, new dean of women GW
been filled by action ol the Board of A second admiriistrafpvil post in ex- here iii UK· F¤c‘
Trustees. tended ro rams was lle bt the a 1- . ,   .
Dr Charles F. Elton director of pointmeliit if Dr R. D. Johdson fdr- ,·A rccém UK gmd`i‘“€’ M1_bsM.Il,lHi ’ "i U
- _ _ { _ _ _ _ ·_ _ _ t _ tt ill work with the campus sorontiti lm
i counseling at the University since 19oo, merly an administrative assistant i in Student cmiiioymcm and wumeiim  iiietitliti
i was- appointed dean of admissions and the College of Adtllt {ind EXICIISIOII and as advisor to Panhellenic Coumii tlgmand .
registrar, replacing Dr. Robert   Education, as FiSSOCl3[€·(i€2\H· i Active in mimi, Campus Orgiiiiiiiiiom letter sc
Mills, who resigned to accept the chair- .Another major app0111tnl€l1l Oi spe- iis im undcrgmduiitey Miss Miiici iii tinnges a
1‘2§§iZ*II"{$2§£Ifm$§1.3°“"t‘}'I.2§Z.§EE*I“"‘1?i $$12 ‘t‘i.*f§"§i §§’."%“‘Qi21i““§i?§é."§?‘il?     *****6*m   it   1¤·li     "??‘;
Texas I y Y rector of the Bureau of School Service. édllmuon, hq? .1.11 1936 dmd W i0Ci?l—)" ·
~ _ _ _ _ _ awarclecl a masteis degree lll gettin] '“ "° md
Dr. A. D. Albright, acting dean ol Dr. Street served as director of the cdiicaiioii iiisi yeah  gi,
the College of Adult and Lxtension N.lZ.A. centennial celebration for the She was ii member Oi the Leiidmiiiii iyii Di
I   Cabinet, Student Government Aiitiiii ducted fo
i i tion, League of \/VOll'1Cl'l Voters, prtti. dler.chai1
  i · _ dent of her graduating class in etlutt 15 ih€ 5€‘
¥ U K           tion, president of Panhellenic Council ""$i[l`-
i   and one of the University’s delegzuti   i Approx
in 1955 to the Student Confereiiceun  cludiug re
.   H d T S W K National Ailairs. lending ct
-i__ l-   i     O     y_ In addition she has been zitlvisirio  itctgove;
1 1   the junior Panhellenic Council. i zuteudedl
1 A group of Henderson county citi- and has been marked as a future indus- member of Kappa Delta Pi, Nutimul  morial Ct
I zens last September presented the Uni- trial hub, the report points out, Two Education honorary s oc i e tr. uid Di-I Dic
j versity of Kentucky with a deed to large aluminum companies have pur- Mortar Board. iiimiiisii
 t 50 acres of land and asked for the chased surface and coal rights along I `iitiiii_iii·i€
 i` I establishment of a UK extension center the basin formed by the two streams, DONOVAN S SALUTED iiit Uiiii,
    ii at Henderson. and itidditionai €creageUhas been op- IN PEABODY ARTICLE pittigcdii
i   ii 'Ihei groups pietitionhstatec; indpartii [10:16 Cin Yiiiigi (gin}? H10? C0U!`1[}· The Maywlmc issue Oi the iimiimii  ttitl diggin
i   Hencerson an its t ree or ering I en ersoni is t ei ome o approxi- Reflector, Official pubiimiimi Oi iii Q i.hi.iiii
. I i (,()llH[l€S—UH1OH,WCDSICT and McLean mately 50 industries including the body College, Nashville, Tcmiuiii ittpmisihi
  i -produce approximately 750 high Bear Brand Hosiery Plant, which em- iied ii feature Simi, (iii itiiiiiiiiii iiniiguitii
.- i , · i school graduates each year, This figure ploys about 600 people. This com- Emeritus and Mrs. Herman iicciyiiii, tum pi-es
‘ i ' does not include Daviess county, which pany now has a part-time employ- van written b Di H,imbiCmii»i—iiii,_  toiiiiiioiitt
‘· i f would be expected to furnish a sizable ment program for high school students d· i i Y · i .5 i i- ii'. tllectivelv
A   I s l t otential." maintainin hi h scholastic rat`11 s Hector O the Umverblty 0 \€mm·; ` I
Q · t mu en P g g , _ _ 1_g’ recently established Museum ol lull-  '"H» PFW
  I i Ai,i,i.Oximat€iy 75 pct wht Oi high and plans to put mto eflect a similar iiicki, Life, s<|10ols_
y i i school graduates in that area do not PYOSYQUT for €0ii€g€·¤g€ students Wi1€¤ The Reiiecmi also Giiiied iii ttli.  
. _· I receive further education, the deh;. the extension center is located there. mimi about the Dmiovmisy iwiiiciiii . ··muGii
I     i i gates pointed out, and "the need ""l`he college would be a boon to this DL Alfred Lclzlllcl Ctiihh_ l>o;tIlotli‘i111> niutiitv i
·_ _i _ would appear to be obvious." entire section of Kentucky-culturally icssm and noted Southcn] iititliui.1  dtintitiiii
  " ln preparation for the proposed and €€0¤0mi€¤iiYt" the petition Siiimd. life-long friontl ol President a1111si"*il‘ memoir
_, immediately. The petition also cited of the Kentucky Research Foundation of notable achievement. Ht *111*** ii€11tuckt-
`* the availability of electricity, water and and part-time professor of mechanical permanently and well, and lllillll li;  dent. I
gas, and l·len(l€I‘SOn'S CZISY Z1(IC€SS frOnl engineering, has just been given the ing monuments stand to lliS1lW'“°]" "]`hpi€
any section of Western Kentucky. added title and responsibility of Di- Pyositlont Donovan was 11 il’“““  tiiiwiiiii
i Henderson county is situated at the rector of Research and Industrial Re- professor of education at l’ez1bt»tl1;ii1d ilimitgliou
 _ junction of the Green and Ohio riVCrS. lations by the UK Board of Trustees. long-time trustee of the <`0ii“l%°· eutih thi
‘   4 THE xswrucxy AtUMN”’ HEK
  it ·
J  ‘ 1

 . ti . ‘ ,__,r ` 
r si t l  
. i t l
lt i l
. ll 1 `
_ il:   l ,
ll t
•     .
Dt Frank Graves Dickey Inaugurated As ll  
* ·   , .
been named · i     = i .
onien tort. .   P d 1.     ° ° l `·  
..   ,\ ;,  Seven resi en e niverstiy l   j
< status ln ? i
'€ llllllalli. New Leqder Sqyg UK °lll`$¤_" llie tgoreriior Said- "T0o often Dr. Dickey said that the university i    
of wontt Fnnns Great D nmnn d   nistitatioiis of higher learning are already was meeting growth problems   ll .
o owing in the back round of chan e b establishment of off- · · l tr
Miss Miller .. ·, _· - . _ ., _. _ rather tha11 leading   and shapingit elsewhere in the state adiczlnbptis ciiériinetlig    
.is sororitin ile Ullnclmy. Ol l\€Ii.luLky’ hung to the greatest needs of the great num- building nro ram iart ut ti] P d I i
  a.s...st,.; at  ···ali¤¤€>¤S   ¤·*¤·i·¤lll€l¤l>31ll¤l1ll) i lhe llntgerstty ol kentucky, lll; creasing an atmosphere in which they
lime llllsliyctti will Ol llnllnn llvln Sui) m Eve ol)` l)lCli€y Silltli lll these days ahead will can work most effettixely. l
lll llc llnlt lillllllcln nnnnln inn §nl;lnonl)‘S;l‘i;n:jl ntlt lbe lan lll€il)CllSll’€ Olf;El`}1[lOl]i~ blut Mnnl Mnlnlnln Ann  
and n1:tHll·"  ent ' ` _ m" Well Sl’°"""gi ll wl mo '“_°‘ ·· yi . . i Y; Y-   Z · ·»   R i
l llil lllnlnni ...l.lnnn l i compared to the dividends which Wn] nnnitnnhllnlllngnllnnilgninleilsnlill lhfnlllnln   l
`nnn n lllllllil l nnlnnn illlllibli be ll I`€Sll1"g(fl][jC ol ll(`(`l`llC to [llC l)COl)l€· ol OUI` SUll€, Ollli   lin   n V n) ln n d nun L l l l I
ll, llytli dm; bPll`ll lll lllC Collcgcs legion nnd our ngttnm as ll l-csllll Ol Pdii ol Vlllllg [lU])·— dll Ci lil l l ,
nl ltlllgog hmwgllolll Our land   VVC HTC 2ll)lC [0 ll`l€ C(lll(T2lI.l()ll of [ll€ }’0ll[ll l`O1` [l1CS€ (luculllo `Vc Hunt Pllovldc for varied I `
`“ (0    mam thc })].`lC€l€$§ 1]€fi[ag({ [hat   [asks ;[hQ}{d_" (Citllllllllliiil (lll l)i\g€   l i
---/ ru I I
l .

UK U. Oi L. Medical Schools ¤·R¤¤r¤R »<>·~S AMA Kei
[ _loe D. Miller. '54, a native of stttilllt
_ ' Grove. Ky., and executive clit-a(—lm.u[  
_       the state’s six tuberculosis litlsltitttltm ~ r
_ stgnedtlast spring totaccept a stall lm
~ A statement of cooperation was is- ll"'] With the C<>L}¤¤ llleflicztlstn, B_ GR
‘ sued early last September by the Uni— HOW MANY PREXWS? lce of the American Medical _.tt_Um_ y l
versity of Kentucky and the University UML Wllll lJ€1li<»ll ui `hiw stm
Dum Murray Kinsman Ot the LOulS_ Student “C“.SPuP€l._ Says Ciglm Hospital Accreclitation, which \\';lg;m 0n`nu),m
ville Med School is as follows: Dr. Frank G. Dickey. installed l¤<>¤<>r<>i¤¤¤<>¤=¤1¤¤i.><>¤·¤¤¤¤·¤. “.h€m_··
“Th€ UHiV€rsity of Kentucky and this past week, considers himself   or- Thosc
the University of Louisville are both No. 7. I-lis immediate predecessor. nuugurutlon tmtttol
aware of the needs of Kentucky and Dr. Herman L. Donovan, called (Continued from Page —l) Hetlltmll
l the United States for adequate and hiinself the sixth. Why, then, the activities. but we must strive to tint,. mmmulcu
_ .: t high quality health services." confusion? tain, perhaps not austerity. but at lm Tmsmes
  i "Their role in meeting these needs Herets `Vhv il healthy climate of simplicity at joulmltsn
  can be fulfilled by educating and train- Tl ) _ _ T __ _ ’   singleness of aim." it Pmjt
l ~ ing physicians and other health per- l._ le _l“`“l?’lllTlUm} .l)l0gl(ml N€211‘ lllC (`l0$€ of lllS i1’ who held [hg mlc al I-c` tier of our nation. Throu li our ri. .,  
V t sponsiuil e,. > 1 t lt _ V t It ft _ lil _   __ _   lll ittylicgttl
, E { __ _ I  _ _ j _ gent you count 1 n a prcsi ._, ,, , .. ,. .   ,
portant medical services for patients dem Dr Dickcrwould bc No tt vcrsitics neu stays of thinking aittlt. [mm thc
. t and give assistance to physicians. hos- Mlm ‘_t Willi_um (l86(‘l8té‘ ~‘cl<>i>c~r¤··lt  pa,. mu,
`. pitals. and health and welfare agencies 1 — _ ‘ '   ` )_   ) and new generations of citizeiis iii buildin .
i throughout the state." md -l°5€l)h D' I lflicu (l8§8`l8w) prepared for productive lives. g l'
g— "rhe two universities are convinced PHC Yfllled l"€S'(l‘l`g.°fh°°”· H "Our colleges and uuivcrsitics