xt76m9022g94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m9022g94/data/mets.xml La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 France La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 1797-06-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de Crapart  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 19) 7 June, 1797 text Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 19) 7 June, 1797 1797 1797-06-07 2023 true xt76m9022g94 section xt76m9022g94   


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VOICL 111 substance -

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v91111'11 111 rcgunve. 11S]'<“.1finC(‘11t unjmn‘rl’hui 119, 11-111 pr-WI’”
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11371705 1111 5.111'. '
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dJctcm ) 11’1'51 1.1115 (Inns 17:. 1111211511315 b1'11'..11111.71110.

.:977' I1: (1’.-I7.”177‘/IL'..". 5777 /77 53777771; 1777 13/1ra7'7'7al.


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LI. 71211111111011 , 0111172113 1e 110111101 voile 11': tomes 1735 11112191115
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1111211111. ,5 comma 1771,1115 (11:5 (111’115 511111 accusén. 7111! 1:3
I: 7 7' 11’ 1 51 11115 77I1I71 1,2177, 11 .'1 1:1 13 c.11151:1171711(:.'1t1:1:1111 11:: 1.1




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12.77777.» .1VI111I71L 1)1'1'»., 5:11'31 ; et (11511.1 11-5 {..'17111’75 y
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311151717157. 1: run/3r [:1 [we 7!: 7 "1;.1'0'7'rrZIl . 1173/1077 (1111
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111I \‘01‘I:;I.-I.I11115 11.15, 7111 1111111111113 C};.l;71(}11, 11171: 11111195 1eu1's
' 511111 118.; 111117115 11:,- smlg , 111:. 111:12'1' 81 ('.e 0111110;
.7171'1151 .197 71111215111: 053 1215': ..11195 révolidfonrzarfcs : .wec

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71'1177'. 1111’.1 ','






11'I111‘L1 15-11-171: .11I 01111171: 125t 1171a 511711111110.

”12:: :1111'1:7.I.'-V'n115 111: 11177'bcr [/1 “7'31: 10": [8 [7177.5 oilerx

. .. . . a __ - -.

71- 17 '7;,7;.; I; (,1I5! t’;‘.(,’."l'(‘. 111 11111 (16 11': 1115 t11.11'11111'05 111V'01'111s,
(\1- V7 1111 711 1711 .{Ispun .771: 1‘1 11111111111: , 11ar1'e 1111’1111
1'. , 11..1'.5 11119 (71175: 11217111511: , :1 12131111116 11c


117251111: (1.71; "nu-1.51.1175: 1.21 l1».’u.11.«1”c 11’11511-0111: 1111..
t . :1.1I.7r.»' 1'1111'7" . 571711391721 :11111".I.1t 311111-115 (1113.6: 11 151175
1; 1‘I":vI2:I5, 511'.- 11’1'1'1 1'I'5 11111111155 11.1111211115 (1111 out 1’2111'110
1:21.111'1I1 11711 11111v.1115 11111 51 11mg—

511111—1'1: 1.17s (:1 :11 11121,
111971-3111 15:111.; 1'1I55c 0171777114; 11111

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11.. 1:1- 571.. 11: .5' 1I.13.'.' . 17.71.577.7117'727 , 1'11 11
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11:"II.'I': 1111:1'1713105 1 1.117'5, 1.2:. 1'1’171 711.1721.i11 17111537111111
1111 1' . ..1: (e 71I.'.'.‘ ' . ' .'./7 :I'Irct, 12m:
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, 1111 1 montagrne (amt-“21.3

01’!"'l'77'!'d ’3 C’ est- (11,1’171117 11 ’.1v11it 111151c
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111111111"; 0 ‘SL 1111'1:1‘1e' 111-. 1:1)111'011'111115 11151111111 111175 111111' 71110 _1111 have 511111.11 do. 1
1é1nu111111118 (111’ 1111 0111113111 111': 111.11111e.11y V71c71t a21111ur 11111

pom 1177.1: .7I7 :rluuzr 7m 6.11.1671 [a ”5:157. 7: (1777 56 met en:
71111717“. . . . . . Vous V'11y1Iz , nmssiem's 11:5 1111.11151105 «713115,
11.55 1111’1111 L18 V0.18 b'LSl’ 11111-11115 (11111.5 1:111; 11111.11e , 11 y a.
J‘Vf.‘ c'mu: 111011cz—y 9.11.11: ,Iun 111:11'1: 11-1117': , 11 \I1'1u1n 'LIuste

711777177107“ Ewes: 51:5 7' 717775011 711.15 : 6110:1113 mm {1115, 1.1211437; V

g'uue. 3) Ce 5me 757773 (Ia: 7:717's[.s]'177r71;777.r 72 1'17. crates, (I111
11111111lcr1t «2111111ue 111111, r;p mule/27 [Hr—77177: er ([7777: 1727mm”
uracaursj . .1'77. 2C7 [1... p (mien 77p 5- ucus. . . a3 flr'zia'tucrnzc's.’
c'ust 1111 1111251111: 1 1111’” 1111: 51111Viei11111. .11: ('1'I1VI1115 1111’ '1- 1- y-
71'71111 111115 111113 (11‘s 7oy7.’istas. (111111171: 1'I-.1151: 11 57111 113.1115 :
11 y 11 11: 1 1711 1:1Iiil 1113052111 11'I1:1';111V111.1111'e , 1111115 5111I1'11111..e
cc 111.511.15121111'1115 11" 1:11 11117161“. 711.1177.'.I.t.127-_:c.
CEI‘O;’7L[1'.211.Y, 1.1351 071: 1111, (1171.5 11: 1.11111117121171'13'3111' 121 1"'-
771111111171. 1.11m 01:1".1 1111 111111 50115 , 1' ’.5t .117170. 11
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V4112 1111;11 11111, 111111‘8 , 5 5’11 1:51 V1'.1'111170 ('1: 11111 (1651011‘: (ms


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£91.15 aFr/LI'H": ('.Cr riés, 1’11171'I 1.111017); 1111.11I11VI1111'11121 .:111e

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:11'11111: 1L 1'11InII11a'1 ’\\(‘(‘ 10111175 11.II1" ...'I11I11II111' 111' 1’17111'76‘21 11:—
. .... .

317110 , 11111’1v1.1. 1e. 11151111111: 111,511.17! 115 (111 111I'1:1:-11111'e 111.115

111 lz'b'rt; 6151 11117: 51 111I11e (1111.581 . . . .
cc (11.111111111111,'j1:11r151'1'1r'1I111'15 777: e hymn/17% 7.10 'rzvpla t! 11116

127.11ch 111-. can); 1I1I1 10.111'1'111111111111115 ..sservir. >2. (Jaw. 77121 11.:

: [77775. ).

3.111111, 11: 11735315 110 queue 71577771721 v“.5 1771 11'II1171 71mm. (,1177c1m
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Una 11.11119. 111-11131111111L 1". 1'11.1L' 11f.
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all; 7 1111-11, } m'eu 51'1011'1'115', a 52/11: 11o [mate 11.:
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111.11111111'111-1?1121151- / utrc. 3511/11; 11' Mt. 6:179.

11.: 1:01:11: 20 j’.n'1:1i5 1:1 11:10 1'0111'111 110 C1: «1111 5 5113:: 111151.13 12.

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1'11i'1'1: £21 '1'1’11': .1 11.115 1115 duxwms. Du reste, (jut: D1011 ait 11i111”.


1113 11.11118.
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i115 l.'.1.111 1' $1.011 1111111111 1181;101:1110. ['11111-511111'11 1151111'1'
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.‘.'.::5' 91:11:: 13.1.: 11:: 1:111'i1t1:



'1'1.'1'. Les 1"1'1'51‘1'5' 1'1 1'. 21'5
11121111111: 31 [mire , 5'11:
1 CHM 1111
."'1‘1.u (11.1'1. , 1112 1;0111.:11151ir° .L 1.: Cum,

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11:11 111: 110119 111'“. suns.




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.113-5?111::(1111' '13: 1111111.?" 111‘ 1211i 111 1'12i1’.11 {111113119 51 PI",

.1.': .11" .. 11 I '1'. ‘ 1111‘
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1'61'11111011'1 (1.11 1‘111' 1.2 (111.210. ‘-...'11$ 5: 5 11.11.15 11: 1111.11: 1.15' ('1


fflrm, (.1: [11 I; nt'e~.'c'zo.’;.'£'u!1, 1.1

.111 do 111-155-1110.



17.11011 {'1.-'1':

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0121111” 1011.31? 111.1.151-11uzl01111119 1.1.1. 1 INF CHM/Illi- ; [W {111111115511 - 11.1111...”




51,111 111,211 dc 1111111111, 1111 114111111 13111115 111: (111'1'1111'1'11111 ('t 1'11!
.111.'111'111.111Is: 11111 1111115 11115111121111, <11».



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‘111'1‘x, 11115 11111114111113 , 11M

'1.; (3'11‘11'5 51:1“:
', 13.111'.’."1.u.\ L11"C1‘1.IE'7 CUI'SCJ'YIHLS QV'CC $107”







\:1,. d;-\'-:ri,u, Inc-[re amour pour In
{rs-i110 , {our {0‘ tra\ nil : c}. la r<::v_u;.imi' mu; (it-s 1’13 . ls dam
now i; run. 1e bonimur, 5,5151 noire réunu‘lxeuae. 1’


42m principcs de rt-V 5



J n

P. N. Garau—de(Inulnu a défilllalu Smxthmvx. L’accusé
mé ituit d’m‘nir uu tel m‘ncfi. Carmbde-(mulam, grand
procuraieur dc la Invite adur £1 Uri-3.1m , dcumul )iL la mort
(h: AT. l)€ll ‘

(19 l'iuflyrttzné D

"”iésimu‘ en. drsit. 11 u (lemwud 1:1 111ml

113'." 7 ‘1 l’une condnmnation I).Lrb.u'(‘ :1 Conduit.

an sumrlive; et Cut accusncur , qui liOIll'SlliYOiL {L outmucc
dc {unifies \"ictimas, se déclure l’apolog e (lu Wmn dd-
rastateur rl'es cakmies. Que Ie Ciel [‘néssrve l’immcem‘e

(PuYnir jmnais 1m 1d déienstgur; unis, grace :1 Dim: , L1





«hose 213:5: 1:515; 305555136.
I'nfisxuchE DE Prcux-anu.
J'élzrrrc d1 13 prairial.

Um mesqnge du (Hm!


:ioire mmonre an cnnsnil l’imtalla-
{inn (In nnuvouu directs. 1r, ¥e Citnl'y'en Barlhébsz : 1:1 (6”?—
monic a u: [Len cc: mniia. Barthéiemy se dfluhmt 2‘). 11
[01115 c Lilli l‘uiisndoh , ca: arriwi, hicr LL11 soir, 2‘1 Paris , in-
‘ \isrés avnir enrr'uJu Lonormanr], In consei} 7 par 1m? résn-
L'iian , 4ié1m'miuo , azinsi clex’il wit , It: traitcxmmt des officiers
dc sum:- ulim 'ués inn lu‘n-Lvitnux mililzzires.

(c L’TS “Hi:




ilrérs; d 1m.


rilcti-un xet_:ovmnt 2,400 HY. , neux
qui Drama-mt , aumnr , your ll: premier oa'dru , 2,000 iiv. ,
‘lmnr h: 3%: :ml Duh-0, 1,500 “N. , pour le trois'fime oru’rc ,
“110'? liv. A than dJ E'I'L‘llkiCK‘ pmirial, mute fourniture en
ngurc a ”mun, (in L-zzxr L ;c {6.126.433

L: (1111215551. m (ms i'lszmuteurs expose , par l’org'me dc
Tmuiz' , 1;:Hf 1v, pixie Bourbon sum [il‘C‘L :‘L rwmuuir in
Comm} '2‘ f‘!"'. 'C'I'irurii
1' ”Li [cur-.515.- iu nib:





'0: nrwcimin. (I: (cruxe irirs—lu‘orhain


Lxéuniinu :10 l’m‘réié part-(mt qm: la
lribunu do Itsnllg uctunlie (has (iéiibérations semi: Lransl'éré},
dc l'cnlrémlit'z (itl’ulic twang-e, am miiizm d’un (185 (:(ZH'es
ladémux; 1:1: uhrmgem ‘nt d’uiileurs C'H‘I‘Lemir, s ’
Illi9‘3211117 6,000 Inn, at


9.11 La (‘Jm-
'Cst Hue. miaon (It: plus pam' nu
print l’npe'm L" ramp]. :zr Limmnzle {INCH 511%. ”15:. :‘L