xt76m9022b40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m9022b40/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1938 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.9 n.1, January-February, 1938 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.9 n.1, January-February, 1938 1938 1938 2020 true xt76m9022b40 section xt76m9022b40  


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A Recently Constructed Building at Madam Design for the
Colon-ed Youth of. Henderson, Ky.

K. H. WADE, Pducipxl C. E. DUDLEY, Supt.
“An Equal Educaflonal Opportunl Child”






¥ llNBfllN




0 I









 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Assamtion


Vol. IX January-February, 1938 No. 1

Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Associatian
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street

Uiuisville. Kentucky


Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor.
W. H. Fouse, Lexington, President of K. N. E. A.



R. L. Dowery, Shelbyville Whitney M. Young. Lincoln Ridge
J. L. Bean, Versailles V. K. Perry, Loukville

Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription to
the Journal

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulafion, 2,000 Copies. 1937 K. N. E. A. Membership 1.420



Editorial Comment. The Douglass High School; The K. N. E.A .
and the Merger; The K. N E. A. Spelling B’ee- The Harrison-






Fletehex- Bill; The Superintendenis’ Bill. .. . 5
Outline of the 1938 K. N. E. A. Convention . 6
The President’s Letter..... . .8
Education Needs; in Kentucky—By Whitney M. Young .10
Lest We Furgeb—The Late Julius Rosenwald. . . . . . 15
K.N.E.A.DirecmsMeet............... .17


Advantages of the Merger—By R. B. Atwood.
The Proposed Merger. .
Argument Against the Merger—By A. E. Meyzee
A Scientific Study of the Merger.............
The K. N. E. A. Legislative Committee Meeting.
Speakers Urge Goodwill .....
The Birthday of Booker T. Washingmn. .. .
K. N. E. A. Kullings. . . ..
K. N. E. A. Announcements. .
Teacher Retirement in Kentucky
The K. N. E. A. Honor Roll. .. . .





Built For Your Protection









615 Wyandotte Street
Manufumrets and Dishibubots of:



Kentucky State Suyervisor




 m M e an

Editorial Comment



The Douglass High School, of Henderson, Ky., pictured on the
outside cover of this Journal, was erected in 1932 and is one of the
most modern and outstanding schools in the state. The building is
hated on a high terrace on the corner of Alvasia and Clay streets.
It has a commanding appearance and serves as a beacon light to
the community.

The building contains ten classrooms, a gymnasium. study
hall, library, and administrative office. The rooms have uptmdate
furnishings and the equipment of the school is up-to-date. The
library contains approximately 1.600 volumes.

The school otters four different types of curricula and the stu-
dent is permitted to choose the curriculum which seems best adapt-
ed to his ability and which is in line with his vocational desire. The
present administration, under the general guidance of Prof. Ken-
neth Meade, the efficient principal of the school, has so handled ai-
iairs that the school has been raised from a class C school to that
of class A, the school being given this rating both by the State De-
partment of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools.

Douglass High School is the home of the founding of the Inter-
State Athletic Conference, which conference includes schools of.
Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky. The Douglass High School
has had the champion basketball team in the conference and has
also had outstanding football teams in the conference. The Douglass
High School of Henderson has taken a place among the leading
Negro High Schools of Kentucky.


As the Journal goes to press, it would appear that there will be
a merger oi W. K. I. C. of Paducah and K. S. 1. Ci of Frankfurt. In
this issue there are arguments for and against the merger.

The K. N. E. A. Board of Directors, who represent the associa-
tion took a neutral stand at its December meeting as shown by the
minutes which are published herein. At the suggestion of the til.
rectors, the K. N. E. A. Legislative Committee expressed its attitude.
The directors have not met again to officially express their attitudes

Various members oi the K. N. E. A. have expressed their views
on this important question. The questionnaires sent out by the K. N.
E. A. orifice show votes both pro and con. These returns have not
yet come back in a suiflcient quantity to be representative of the


 state, but might come in by the time the K. N. E. A. directors meet
in February. The K. N. E. A. Directors at its next meeting will dis.
cuss the question and review the information and attitudes sent to
the ofi‘ice of the secretary. The K. N. E. A. which includes all the
teachers of Kentucky is prooeeding most oaufiously in this matter
beause we should not like to enter any controversy that might hurt
the organizadon or offend any teacher.



The K. N. E. A. Spelling Bee will be held in Louisville on Friday,
April 15 at 10:00 A. M. The written contest will be held in the gym-
nasium of Central High School building. An announcement has been
sent to the principals and K. N. E. A. organizers relative to the
Spelling Contest. Any teacher who desires a copy of the Words and
the rules sham write to the secretary—treasurer. After the county
or local elimination contest has been held, please send the name of
the winner, his age, grade and teacher to the secretary or the K. N.
E. A. -

Elsewhere in this Journal mention is being made of the birth,
day of Booker T. Washington, same to be celebrated Tuesday,
April 5, 193& It has been further suggested that this be known as
K N. E. A. night and that at the educational program sponsored, on
this defy in various local communities, there be charged a small fee
or that a colleétion be taken. This collection, or donation, should be
sent to the sea‘etary-u'easurer of the K N. E. A. to go into what is
to be known as the K. N. E. A. contest fund. It is the idea of the
general association that the spelling contest prizes should be much
larger than heretofore. The K. N. E. A. directors trust that each
principal and organizer will look with favor upon this suggestion
and do what is possible to encourage our children in a larger way to
improve their English through essay contests, spelling contests, and
oratorieal contests. At various times the K. N. E. A. hopes to spon-
sor contests in all three of these fields.




The National Educational Association is again sponsoring the
Harrison-Fletcher Bill in the present Congress at Washington. This
bill has the following two items among others:

How Much

(1) An initial appropriation of $100,000,000 and an increase of

$50,000,000 each year until $300,000,000 per year is provided
Appropriations 60 the states

(2) Funds are appropriated to the States and Territories “to
be used by them for the improvement of their public schools." The
manner in which the funds received shall be used for the mainten-


 once of a program of public education is left wholly to the respec-
tive States.

The K. N. E. A. objects to item 2 as it is written. We object
because our past experiences indicate that southern states have not
divided federal money among Negroes and white children in the
proportlon that they make up the total population of the state. The
Negro share is generally too small, and the white child’s share in-
cludes a part at flue Negro child’s share.

The K. N. E. A. will only be satisfied to sponsor this bill when
there is added to Item 2, the following sentence:

“In southern states where separate schools are maintained for
Negro children, federal funds should be alloted to the colored schools
in an amount which is directly proportional to the per cent of the
Negro population of the state to the total population of the state"

Unless some feature of this type is added to the bill, the K. N.
E. A. and all other Negro organizations should use their influence to
defeat the bill. -


"The Legislative Committee of the Kentucky Negro Education
Association, desires to be registered emphatically against the pro-
posed County Superintendent Elective Bill. This bill is decidedly a
step backward, in that it would plunge our school system agaln in
politics in which favoritism, instead of meritism would rule in up-
pointment of teachers We heartily loin with you and your or-
ganization in any way that may seem proper to defeat this obnoxious
bill." .

Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, Chairman of the K. N. E. A. Legislative
Committee, has sent this statement to the Secretary of the K E. A.
and others and thrown the influence of the K. N. E. A. against the
bill. These organizations have worked together to help defeat the



—"If we an to hope that this spent of pas ve cooperation bum
grow and that the Negro problem: will be recognized to in: W.
‘ual Mui not racial, the chief immmnmtal/ify ready to our hands is
edlgwl'inn. This does mt mom educafilm of the Negro alone—4'9
moans education of all the people. Adequate educational fatal".
ties for my grow]; should M! be advawtad primarily on the
grounds of justice for that group, but rather for the reason! that
only or education is adequate can. the group make its proper ml-
tn‘bufimi to America»: life.
Harald L. lakes, Secretory of the Interior.

‘(From yum- dolinrod n the Notion-l (Influence on Manama-l Pmblm h
the Edmfion at Nari-cu. wmmn. 'D. 0., my 8-12, 1934)

 Outline of the 1938 K. N. E. A. Convention

Central Theme: "New Frontiers in the Training of the Negro
Suggested Subject: sud Spa-ken
April 13, 8:00 P. M.—Vioe Pres. H. E. Goodloe, Presiding.
“Needs in the Education of Negro Youth in Kentucky"—Pres.
W. H. Fouse.
”Improving the Economic Status of the Negro by Utmmg our
Purchasing Power"—L J. K. Wells, Supervisor of West Virginia
Colored Schools.
o t t
Thurs, April 14, 10:00 A. BIL—Pres. W. H. Fouse, Presiding.
“The Character Education Needed Today"—Dr. Zenos E. Scott,
Superintendent of Louisville Schools.
Secretary's Finantfial Report.
Reports of Committees: Legislative, Resolutions and Necrology.
Thule, April 14, 8:00 P. M.—Pres. W. H. Fouse, Raiding.
“Facts to Teaeh Negro Children"—Dr. Kelly Miller, Washington,
D. C.
"Teaching the Rural Child"—Mlss Mable Carney, Head of Rural
Education, Columbia University. New York.
t t :

Fri, April 15, 2m P. M.~Pres. W. H. Fouse, Presiding.
“Enriching the Personality of Out You "—Dean David A Lane,
Jr., Louisville Municipal College.
“Problems of the Adolescent”—Dean L. A. Pechstein, The Uni-
versity of Cincinnati.
Reports at Departmental Chairmen.
Fri., April 15, 8:00 P. M.—Sixth Annual Musicale.
t a t
Sat. April 16, 9:00 A. M,—Final Business Session of K. N. E. A.
Satr-Aprll 16, 7:00 P. M.#18th Annual Exhibition, "Pageant of

0 t 0

Suggested neporhnenhl Subjects
L Elementary Educnflon Department—
(a) "How to Deal Eflecflvfly with the Delinquent Negro Child.”
(b) “Better Health as on Aid in Petsonallty Developmen "
2. High School Ind College Deporhnenb—
"Better Living Standards for Personality Improvement."
Rutll Eduction Department—
“Improving the Environment of the Rural Chil ”
Music Depart-ment— .
‘Teaching to Set Up Atfltuda of Appreciation."
Pflnclpols’ Confluence—
"A Mental Hygiene Program for our Youth."
Guidnuee Workers’ Conference-
"An Ethical Guidance Fromm for Our Youth.”


 7. English Teachers‘ Conference—
“Improving Personality Through Better Speech."

8. Art Teachers’ Confluence—
"Art Appreciation as Personality Enrichmen "

9. Athletic Director-3' Conference—
“Charaeter Traits that Might Be Taught Through Athletics:

10. Solace 'l‘euhers’ Conference—
“Noted Negro Scientists and Their Conmbutions.”

11. Prlmnry Teacher! (influence—
‘Hh‘ahrlng the Pro-School and Primary Child for Later School

12. Social Science l‘eM-lzers’ Confluence—
“Desh-ahle Attitudes to be Set Up in the Teaching of Social

13. Vocational Educ-(ion Department—-

“Character Traits to he Stressed for Vowtlonal Adjustments."
14. lersrlms' Count-ence—

"A Reading Program for the Adolescent for Personality En-


15. Foreign Language Teachers' Conferenc—
‘Desh'abie Racial Attitudes to be Stressed In the Teaching of
Foreign languages ”
16. Adult Education Department—
"A Citizenship Training Program for Youth and Adults."
. a n

The chairmen of various departments and conferences should
select a person to speak on the suggested topic, which, in each case,
is in line with the convention theme. It might also be desirable to
have a panel jury discussion of the subject mentioned. About thirty
or forty minutes can be given over to this feature of the program.
About one other number would complete the program.

The following departments and conferences are to meet on
Thursday. April 14 at 2:30 P. M.: (1) Elemenmry Eduwtion Dept,
(2) High School and College Dept, (3) Music Dept" (4) Primary
Teachers' Conference, (5) Librarians Conference, (6) Rural Educa-
tion Dept, (7) Adult Education Dept. The Principals’ Conference
will be at 5:00 P. M. on this date

The following departmenm are to meet Friday, April 15 at 9:00
A. M.: (1) Elementary Education Dept, (2) Art Teachers’ Confer-
ence. (3) Vocational Education Dept, (4) Science Teachers’ Confer-
ence, (5) English Teachers’ Conference, (5) Art Teachers' Confer-
ence, (7) Social Science Teachers’ Conference, (8) Adult Education
Dept“, (9) Librarians’ Conference, and (10) Music Dept.

Onthe same date at 11:00 A. M, there will he the following con-
lerences: (1) Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference, (2) Athletic
Directors‘ Conference, and (3) Guidance Workers‘ Conference.

w. 1-1., FOUSE. President

Lexington, Ky., January 12, 1938

To: The Members of the Kentucky Negro Education Association?
Dear (Jo-workers:

I am addressing you this letter in partial fulfillment to a promise
made in the October-November issue of this Journal to the effect that
I would say a word later about the Philadelphia meeting to which I
and two others were selected as your delegates. Prof. Barker, feel-
ing that his third of the $75.00 appropriated by the K. N. E. A. for
the trip was insufficient expressed to the writer his regrets that he
could not attend. Sufficeth it to say that several from Kentucky did
attend the session of the National Association of Teachers in Colored
Schools in the city of Philadelphia, July 1937. '

The meeting was fairly well attended but there was a falling oi!
in the attendanoe in sections West of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The
theme of the association was: "The Exceptional Child.” This was
either the sub-nonnal or (the Supen'or types. The discussions were
in the hands of those who were experts, Considerable time was used
in discussing the new constitution and bylaws, especially the mange
of the name from N. A. T. C. S. to the American Teachers Associa-
tion The Montgomery plan and the Louisville plan touching fisml
matters after having been given ample time to prove their imprac-
tibility were completely abandoned; The membership fee was again
fixed at $1.50. Prof. I-Iindenburg, vice-president of. the State College
at Durham, North Carolina was elected president. The meeting nan
year is to be at Tuskegee. Alabama.

I next wish to emphasize the very great need of each teacher

, in the State to enroll and become a member of me K. N. E. A. as
has omen been so well said by Secretary A. S. Wilson. Enroll early
and help make our state outstanding by having every Negro teacher
of the State member of the K. N. E. A. This brings us to a. third
issue that presents itself this year for the first time in the history
'of Kentucky. In fact no other state south of the Mason and Dixon
Line has the record that is here displayed by a real Kenmcldan.
'For this reason I believe I am justified in urging every Negro teach-
er of Kentucky not only to become a member of the K. N. E. A.
but also to become a member of the (N. E. A.) National Education
Association. Permit me to mention just two of the many reasons
why you should join the N. E. A. First, because the N. E. A,
with its present enrollment of 205,000 teachers, the largest organi-
zation of its kind in the world and the one too that is fast approach-
ing its goal of 1,000,000 teachers, is the one agency that will far sur-
pass any other in this country in setting standards, fixing educa-
tional policies, and disrobing from education (he muddy skirts of
tradition and local politics. In the second place we want Kentucky
to move from second to FIRST rank, and stand at the head of the


 48 states in the increase of membership in the N. E. A. Colonel D.
Y. Dunn, Superintendent of Fayette County Schools is State Di-
rector oi the N. E. A. membership drive in Kentucky. His attitude
or talrness is set forth in the finest way in a recent letter from
him to me which reads:

“There is a probability for Kentucky to gain a place on the
honor roll of the N. E. A. because of the increased membership from
our state this year.

As president of the K. N. E. A. you may say to your group of
teachers in‘Kentucky that we will see that they will be given repre-
sentation from the state in the N. E. A. Delegate Assembly in the
proportion that their membership bears to the total membership from ’
this state in the N. E. A. This will insure youat least one delegate in
the affiairs of the National Association, and as many more as your in<
creased membership in the N. E. A. may warrant. You will prob-
ably want to select your delegation from Kentucky at your next
K. N. E. A. convention.

I appreciate your interest and cooperation in bringing about a
closer professional unity among the school people of the state."

This letter speaks for itself as 'a clear cut pronouncement of-
the voice of the "New South" and it is ours to send back the echo
of good will, reciprocity.

Let’s answer this clan call with at least a thousand memberships
in the N. E. A. for 1938.

Send letters to your Senator and Representative urging their
support to the Retirement Pension Fund for Teachers. Write them
immediately. It is explained more fully elsewhere in this Journal.

In closing this letter it is due Prof. A. S. Wilson to say a com-
plimentary word for the K. N. E. A. Newsettes which come to us
run of information and inspiration.

Yours very truly,
W. H. FOUSE, President of K. N. E. A.


By William W. Hopkins, Lily Kentucky
If jingling coin would be thy only prize;
For toil, prestige, and fame thy only pay
Then knowest thou this pedestal Will decay!
What of the dreams from peering youthful eyes?
Are you to thwart them ’fore they’re realized?
Or will you he a sculptor great and say,
“I’ll shape a man out of this human clay
Because upon him future civilization lies’“.l
Heed not vain babbling: of your plan or style.
Seek not your own exertions to commend.
Give place each day for prayer and song amid smile;
Let them into your visible countenance blend
Until its charm is benevolent, kind, and mild.
These mellowed in years, you’ll be it teacher, my friend.

(By Whitney M. Young, Director of Lincoln Institute).

One of the most hopeful signs of a better day for present and
future generations is the gradual elimination of petty politics from
our schools. There is evidence on every hand of. a more determined
effort on the part of our local and state officials to obtain the facts
and right the injustices that have been perpetrated against inno~
cent children than ever before.

No intelligent person will deny the fact that ignorance is costly
and intelligence, based upon the teachings of Christ, is the chief as-
set of any people,

In our three Negro colleges, Kentucky sum Industrial College
at Frankfort, Municipal College in the city of Louisville, and West
Kentucky Industrial College at Paducah, we are beginning to visu-
alize a program of constructive citizenship that will eventually mean
a more balanced educational opportunity and economic security for
the Negro.

I quote tram a recent report of the state Coordinating Com-
mittee: “As to the Paducah School, consideration should be given
to its full accreditation as a Class 'A Junior College, expansion of
industrial courses and later elevation to a standard four-year col.
legs: as to the Frankfort School, consideration should be given to
its full accreditation as a smndard four-year Class A Senior Col-
lege, expansion of industrial courses and later elevation to one year
of standard graduate work. It is considered very urgent that
both of fluese school be granted funds for expanding courses in
trades and industries so that they can more adequately serve the
needs of a larger number of Negro people.


In 1890, the State Legislature made the institution at Frank-
fort, now known as the Kentucky State Industrial College, the land-
grant school for colored people. As such the colored school has re-
ceived a just and equitable share of the federal funds known as the
Mm’r’ill—Nelson and Bankhead-Jones, Section 22. There are other
federal funds which the land-grant college for white people re<
oeives, but which the colored land-grant college does not receive in
any amounts. The picture of the s'tuation is clearly revealed in
the following figures taken from Circular 168. page 20, U. S. Office
of Educafion by Walter J. Greenleaf (For year ended June 30,


 Supplc— Hm!» Emizh- Additional Smith» Pin-null Cappu-
[mngwi-mc mam-{y Adams [mu Cooparlfivo Hughm Funds mum
1.1mm.“ gm?“ rund- Funds Extension Funds Fund:
on 5
LL of Ky 59,850 30,000 201,400 21,000 11,596 60,000 36,801



K. S. I. C. 7,250 0 0 0 2,433 0 0
landmine Temporlry 1862 Banldxaad- GRAND
Institufion Rmdsz— Lond-(‘i-niJc-ues
wra; AAAFundA (em 1-21) mus
U. of Kyi 114,375 8,644 309,585 $53,251
White '
K. S. 1. C. 8,145 1,833 2,900 22,611


Please note the totals: $853,251 for white and $22,611 for colored;
me colored college received about 2 L2 per cent of the federal funds
coming into the State [or Land-Grant colleges It is easy to see
that this amount is not equitable and that this is a situation which
needs prompt remedial treatment”

The total amount expended for the education of white college
students in Kentucky for the year 1937-38 was $1,811,000.00; the
amount expended for Negro college students was $120,000.00.

This should be a challenge to the K N. E. A. to see to it than:
the programs of these institutions are not curtailed or hampered in
any way by the lack of funds with which to build dormitories, buy
equipment and to pay salaries, which will permit educational improve-
ment by study and travel. No teacher can do his or her best
work without a living wage.

There are more than a thousand youths, the very cream of the
race, in these three colleges seeking guidance in the choice and
preparation for their life’s work. It is our responsibility to see to
it that these entrusted with the responsibility of guiding them are
of the highest moral and intellectual calibre and at the same time
are sufficiently sensitive to the needs of the masses so as to ap-
preciate their problems.

We invite your attention to the fact that more than 5000 Ne-
groes earn a living through trades; over 8,000 in iransportation;
nearly 15,000 in manufacturing and mechanical industries: 800 in
the extraction of minerals; and over 33,000 in domestic and per.
sonal service. Yet, there is hardly a public school in the state
where he can be adequately trained for any of these pursuits.

There is no denying the fact that there is a vast amount of
wasted energy in our present educah'onal procedure.

We are still playing the age-old game of trying to fit round
pegs into square holes.

Vocational guidance must become a vital part of our educa-
flonal program if we are to correct this evil and save thousands of
our children from educafional blind alleys from which they can
never fully emerge.


 It has been the experience of the race that those who come
back pay a tremendous price.

You may salvage old machines and flood the market with new
models, but human machines are too delicate and too precious to
be disposed of in any such fashion.

There is a crying need for a real vocational junior college that
will fully qualify the hundreds of young people, who, for, various
reasons, fail to enter our liberal arts colleges; 3. school that will
strengthen them for opportunities that await the skilled hands-as
well as the trained mind.

Economically and morally, it is just as important that children
should be trained to build houses as to live in them. It is just as
important that children should be taught to raise food as to know
how to eat it. It is just as important that poor children should be
taught how to make garments as to Wear them. It is just as im-
portant that boys should be taught how to build bridges and streets
as it is that they should be taught to walk upon them. It is Just
as important that young people should be taught how to build and
repair automobiles as to ride in them. It is just as important that
young people learn how to make electrical and plumbing repairs
as to enjoy electrical and plumbing appliances.

Whatever affords an opportunity for earning an honest dol-
lar is of vital importance to each of us and should be a chaiimgg
to educational administrators. . ‘

We have pitied the children of Israel because they were forced
to make bricks without straw. Yet, we ask Negro boys and girls to
make an honest living without giving them educational “straws.”

If injustice and prejudice continue to rob us of the financial
assistance, let us do the common sense thing or pooling our re-
sources for the sake of efiiclency and future security.

It is interesting to note in this connection that the Negro group
spends a great deal of money, but there are only a few businesses
operated by Negroes: for food. . .

9,400,000,000 for clothing

$500,000 for shoes ..........

Millions for lumber .......

Mil 'ons for electrical repairs. .only 23 shops

Millions for heat and plumbing. .only 19 shops

Perhaps there is no ground fior denying the apparent fact that
every last one of these dollars will eventually find its way back
into the hands of other races, but we must see to it that they circu-
late long enough Within the race to convince the other races that
we are economic factors in the trade markets of the world.

Another very important issue to which the K. N. E. A. might
direct its attention is the fact that: In 1934, upon the recommenda-
tions of the Kentucky Educational Commission, the State Legis-
lature passed a bill in which was included a section (Section 43993)


.only 1,923 stores
.only 178 stores
.only 13 stores
.only 26 dealers







 requiring that “each school district provide an approved twelve-
gtade school service for ALL ITS CHILDREN, and may contract
for this service with another district tux-dishing free transportation,
or maintenance in lieu of transportation"

A study made by the Business Manager of our school last year
and exhibited at. the K. E. A. revealed the following:

at There are 61 counties and school districts in Kentucky in
which there is no high school for Negroes.

b. There are 11 counties which have incomplete service.

c. There are 12 counties which provide transportation.

d. There are 9 counties which have no Negro high school pupils.

e. There are 16 counties which have provided schools.

The files or the State Department of Education reveal that
Kentucky has 58,168 colored children at school age: for '101 of them
no school is provided. For 841 of them illegal Dart-time schools are
provided. Seven month sessions are provided for 15,574. There
are 6,259 who have access to eight months schools. There are
15,509 who live in counties and cities having nine months of schools.
There are 10,085 who live in cities having ten-month school terms.
The average colored child in Kentucky appears to have access to
school eight and one-halt months. The average salary per teacher
is $500514

One of the chief reasons why colored people are moving out
of the rural to urban centers is because of the limited educational

Here is a “Macedonian tall" from present and future genera-
tions in Kentucky whidi we dare not ignore without violating the
ideals of such an organlmtion as the Kentucky Negro Education

The most urgent need of the hour is for the formation of an
educational commission that will make a thorough, scientific study
or our whole educational set—up and recommend a sane program
that will safeguard the destiny of our children. Competition and
duplications must be eliminated from our colleges.

Our facilities are too limited and our financial resources too
meager to admit of anything except a unified program that places
the interest of the child above all else. ‘

Education must not he accepted as an end in itself but rather
as a means of preparation for the 50 years of adult life in which
each human soul should make some contribution to the great sym-
phony nf life.

Life is an adventure into the unknown but where reason and
faith hold sway, men may, on the basis of historical evidence, look

forward to a brighter day.
Another vital need of the hour is a revaluation at our spiritual


When we take from our educational program those spiritual
assets upon which this republic was founded, we say to our youth
you must sail the sea of life without compass or chart.


 What greater challenge, what greater encouragement m we
give our young people than to tell them that God has a plan tor

Christ makes a symphony of the races of the world, each play-
ing some definite part which is essential to maximum harmony.

The philosophy of Christ does not eliminate the role of in-
dividuals, groups or races but enriches the harmony by requiring
that each play his role on the basis of Absolute Honesty, Absolute
Purlty, Absolute Unselfishness and Absolute Love.

Such an approach does not admit of the old form of sentimental
love, such as exists between White people and colored people, but
calls for absolute love which encourages the Negro to measure up
to the highest standards and recognizes him when once he has at-
tained these standards—and even forgives him when he falls.


Privileges of Active Membership
in the K. N. E’. A.

L The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Association.
. The privilege of participating in the departmental sessions.

3. The privilege of speaking and holding office in the Kentucky
Negro Edumfion Association.

4. The privilege of voting and parficlpating in the business affairs
of the Association

5. The privilege of receiving all literatu