xt76m902296m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902296m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 2005 2005 2005-04-28 2020 true xt76m902296m section xt76m902296m Thursday
April 28. 2005
newsroom: 257-l915

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence


holds off

Page 9


Students, staff discuss campus safety

BY KyleSlaoley

UK students and employees took
time Wednesday morning to express
concerns at a forum for women’s
safety by the UK Center for Research
on Violence Against Women and the
Women‘s Safety Advisory Council.

Carol Jordan. the center’s direc-
tor, said the risk of victimization
among college women is higher than
that of the general population. She
said she hoped the forums would get
students involved in fixing safety

problems on campus.

About 50 students and employees
attended the forum yesterday in the
Student Center. The first student to
address an issue was English junior
Krista King. an employee at the WT.
Young Library.

“The library is enormous." King
said. “Anything could happen in a
split second before anyone could do
anything. much less the one security
guard on the first floor."

King said she had approached
her employer about fixing the situa-
tion and suggested getting security

guards for every floor. King said she
was told that it was too expensive.

Another issue brought up by po
litical science and Wench freshman
Emily Jones concerned the date
rape that occurred earlier this year
in Keeneland Hall. The victim of the
rape. which occurred March 6. chose
not to press charges.

“The residents didn’t find out
what happened until it was reported
in The Kernel." Jones said. “There
needs to be awareness in the ball as
to what's going on. This could've
happened in the room right next to

me. but i never would've known."

Assistant UK Police Chief said
the Adopt-a-Cop program can help
solve this problem. In the program.
each residence hall has a police offi-
cer who is meant to get to know the
students on a more personal level.

The officer then provides educa-
tional programs in order to keep stu-
dents knowledgeable about campus
safety and specifically their ball.

A recurring theme among the is—
sues brought up at the meeting was
that many of the problems already
have solutions in place but that stu-

dents are not informed of them.

“it‘s evident that the administra-
tion needs to do a better job of mak-
ing the students aware of the pro
grams that are designed to make
this campus a safer place," she said.

Jordan also said the council is
preparing a preliminary report for
President Lee Todd; the report will
outline problems that can be fixed
immediately. as well as those that
need more long-term involvement.
The council will present the report
this summer.

E-mai'l news@kykernel.wm



given to
UK staff,


By Shannon Mason

The 2005 Provost's
Awards for Outstanding
Teaching were presented
yesterday to seven UK facul-
ty members.

Tenured faculty mem-
bers who received the
award were John Christo-
pher. an associate physics
professor. and Robin Coop-
er. an associate biology pro-

Each received a plaque
and $5,000.

Non-tenured faculty
members who received the
award were Anna Secor. an
assistant geography profes-
sor. and lrina Voro. an as-
sistant music professor.

Each received a plaque
and $3,500.

Teaching assistants who
received the award were
Rynetta Davis from the Eng-
lish department. Erin Ken-
ny from the anthropology
department and Allison Ta-


See Awards on page 2

Iraqi leader
shot in Iraq

By Ellen Knicltmeyer

THE "summon POSl

BAGHDAD. lraq After
one attempt on her life.
Lamia Abed Khadouri Sakri
went underground. moving
out of the home she shared
with a brother who was crip
pled in the attack. colleagues

On Wednesday. gunmen
found Sakri at her new house
in a middle-class Baghdad
neighborhood. They knocked
on her door. she answered.
and they shot her. according
to news accounts.

Sakri. a longtime political
activist elected to the Nation-
al Assembly in January, was
the first member of Iraq‘s
three-month-old transitional
government to be assassinat-
ed. To an insurgency that
singles out lraqis associated
with the country's American-
backed leadership. the deter-
mined. middle-aged Shiite
Muslim in a head scarf was a
prime target. a soft target.

“The cowards finally
reached her." said Hamdiya
Ahmed. Sakri's colleague in
the assemny a member of
the same secular political
bloc and the survivor of
what she said were two at-
tempts on her life.

“None of us are safe.
Everyone is exposed to dan-
ger." said Ahmed. whose dri-
ver was killed in the most re
cent attack on her. “There
should be immediate mea-
sures to provide security for
the members. or they‘ll be
finished by the end of the






(Left to right) Alexis Wolford, Alicia List and outrider Viki Vice take part in Keeneland Race Course’s Hat Day on April 22.


Thomas Clarktalks tohistory students aboutihis life

By Lelia Gardner

Kentucky's historian laureate and
former UK history professor Thomas D.
Clark addressed history students and
professors yesterday at the Patterson Of-

fice Tower.

Clark described his life. growing up
in Mississippi and coming to Kentucky
in 1928 “not knowing a soul or anything

about Kentucky. "

His stories sparked laughter from
the audience several times throughout

the speech.

Clark talked about meeting a doctor who

By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
“ ifiilsiiincioiafii’

WASHINGTON Now that it's
clear that his controversial private-
paid trips abroad will be put under
a microscope in Congress. Tom De-
Lay is in serious danger of being
declared in violation of House
ethics rules. legal experts say.

Lawyers who specialize in
ethics cases believe that the Repub-
lican House majority leader from
Texas might be in technical breach
of at least a few congressional regu-
lations. According to published re-
ports. a registered foreign agent
paid for one of l)el,ay‘s overseas
trips. and a registered lobbyist used
his credit card to pay for another
foreign airfare actions the rules
prohibit. DeLay may also have ac-
cepted gifts that exceeded congres»
sional limits. taken an expense-paid
trip overseas for longer than the
rules allow and not disclosed all of
the benefits he received.

“it appears from news reports
that there were aspects of his trips
that did not comply with the ethics
rules." said Jan Baran. a lawyer

asked him as a young man why he was wasting
his life by studying history:

”i wish l‘d had a good answer for
him. Now. i can answer that question. i
don't care who you are or where you are.
Everybody uses history." Clark said.

The ceremony recognized initiates
into Phi Alpha Theta. an honor society
for history students. history seniors
graduating with honors. and the recipi-
ents of various awards and scholarships.

Clark. who will turn 102 in July. be-
gan his 37-year teaching career at UK in
1931. Throughout his career. (‘lark pub-



lished several books and lobbied for document

and ethics expert.

These experts say the best
chance for Delay to be vindicated

or to get little more than a slap
on the wrist in an ethics inquiry
is if he's able to convince a congres-
sional committee that he was un-
aware of what the lobbyists did.

"The rules are written in a way
that indicate that if a member of
Congress is misled about who's pay-
ing for things. that is a credible de-
fense." said Kenneth (iross. a
lawyer who deals with congression-
al ethics. The House will have to
wrestle with whether Delay. the
chamber's second-ranking Republi»
can. knew or should have known
that he might be violating House

History shows. however. that
once an ethics investigation is start-
ed against congressional leaders
such as Delay. they usually don‘t
get away unscathed. The ethics
committee already admonished De.
Lay three times last year for a vari-
ety of lapses. The panel can also
look into other issues that come up
during its investigation.

Leaders "generally get nicked a

and artifact preservation.

little bit." said Baran. who repre
sents Republicans.

This time Delay could be ad-
monished. censured or. at worst. ex-
pelled by a House vote if the
chamber takes any action at all. ini-
tially. DeLay's fate will be in the
hands of the soon-to-beempaneled
lomember ethics committee. which
is divided equally between Republi-
cans and Democrats. The panel has
been in limbo for the past four
months because of a partisan feud
over rules changes Republicans im-
posed in January. On Wednesday,
House Republicans agreed to re-
scind those rules to try to end the

The allegations against Delay
that have been published in recent
weeks are a blur of charge and
countercharge. Two things are
clear. First. the most serious allega-
tions generally involve overseas
trips that were organized by non-
government groups. Second. unless
a link is established between the
journeys and his official actions. it
doesn‘t appear that DeLay will face
any civil or criminal worries. For
now. the issues involve House ethics

He also worked on funding several campus
projects such as the Thomas 1). Clark Building
on South Limestone Street. which is home to
the University Press of Kentucky, and the
Thomas l). Clark Study. which provides academ-
ic tutoring on the fifth floor of the Young Li-

“l have a warm. sentimental attachment to
the department." Clark said. “it has been an
important part of my life for many years."

Having lived through almost all of the 20th
century: Clark said he loved watching the cul-
ture change.

“it‘s wonderful to see the changes in ap-

See Clark on page 2

om DeLay faces more Congressional House ethics inquiries

rules. which are overseen by the
House Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct. also known as the
ethics committee.

The panel hasn‘t formally
agreed to address the DeLay accusa-
tions. If it does. a subcommittee of
four lawmakers would conduct a
confidential inquiry. which could
take six months to a year. it would
collect documents and take testimo
ny_ about Dei.ay‘s trips.

“The process can be a penalty in
itself." Gross warned. “it is inher~
ently partisan and political."

The trip that was most rife with
potential problems for DeLay oc-
curred in late May and early June
of 2000. According to a report Sun-
day in The Washington Post. De-
Lay‘s airfare was charged to an
American Express credit card is-
sued to Jack Abramoff. a registered
Washington lobbyist who is under
investigation by federal authorities
and a Senate committee in connec-
tion with tens of millions of dollars
he collected for pubic affairs work
for Indian tribes. Lobbyists are
barreld from paying for lawmakers'
trave .



Continued from page I

bor from educational policy
studies and evaluation.
Each received a plaque

and $1.000.

This ceremony was
Provost Michael Nietzel‘s

last at UK.

Nietzel will be leaving

UK on June 30 to become
the new president of South-
west Missouri State Univer-
sity in Springfield. Mo.

At the ceremony. Nietzel
said there were three parts
to the “thank you and
recognition“ of this award.

The first being the pub-
lic ceremony. the second be
ing the tangible recognition
and the third being the ap-
preciation and respect re-
ceived from the colleagues
who nominated the win-

“This is a real tribute to
the faculty and teaching as-
sistants." Nietzel said,

“The main mission of

the university is to educate
and you don‘t do that with-
out outstanding teachers."

he said.

President Lee Todd was
scheduled to be at the event

Continued from page 1

proach to American history
Each generation writes its
history within the context of
its own time. It‘s never fin-
ished. lt‘s always being
added to. modified and un»
folding.“ he said.

After the speech. depart-

ment chair Daniel Smith
said he couldn‘t think of a
better person to give the lec-

“People don‘t realize how
much Tom does. He's done a
huge deal with public issues.
He‘s involved in the debate
over water ownership and
improving K-12 education."
Smith said. "Tom is a great
example of an historian that
is useful and engaged with
the public."

but was not able to attend.
Nietzel said.

Recipients said they
were excited to receive the

Davis said the experi-
ence was very surprising
but flattering

"I'm still in shock."
Davis said.

“You never expect to re.
ceive accolades for doing
something you love to do.

"Teaching is why I get
out of bed in the morning.
It‘s the thing that sustains

Kenny. also a teaching
assistant in the women‘s
studies department. said
receivmg the award was a
privilege that adds to the
exceptional year she has
had already.

“l‘m delighted." Kenny
said. "l teach in the anthro-
pology program. and it is a
program that takes teach-
ing very seriously.

“Being nominated in the
department was a great

"I‘ve had a very big year.
1 will defend my PhD. on
Monday. and I got married
and had a baby this year."
Kenny said.

E -mai 1
newsu kykernelrom

History sophomore Anna
Sewell. who was inducted
into Phi Alpha Theta. said
(‘lark's speech was impresv

"It‘s pretty amazing to
hear someone his age speak
so well about everything
he‘s lived through." she said.

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April 28, 2005


amt '  _

Hillary Canada
Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 257-l915
Email: hcanadaelilyiierneltom



FLY ON THE "A”. I feelin' the buzz
Couture coffee served here

. . not: w
Busmess management seniors Catie Hargrove and Vanessa Oberer enjoy a beverage and the patio outside of
ee and Tea on South Limestone.

Bedminster Co

Americans are acces~
sorizing beverages.

Shoes. jewelry. Prada
bags and Fossil watches
aren't enough. We are no

longer just
a s k i n g
each other.
"Who are
you wear-
ing?“ ()ur

dose of caf-
feine is a
fa s h i o n

(in the
s t r e e. t s
e v e r y ~
where. cof-
fee cups
and portable mugs rest in the
hands of busy people with
busy lives. Some can‘t toler-
ate an early morning without
workda ' fuel in their system.

A biocha Cappuccino is
the new Versace. Britney
Spears. Gwyneth i’altrow
and Cameron Diaz run from
the paparazzi holding card-
board covers around steam»
mg cups. (‘offee is t1meiess.
sophisticated and posh.

Society now asks the
question: Who are you drink-

(‘offee critics will agree
that the selection of coffee
beverages is more than a
task it‘s an art, The coni-
merciallzation of this neces-
sary black brew has made
everyone want a version that
is unique and personal. in an
era when people are person-
alizing everything from .1.
(‘rew totes to pink il’ods. it is
only natural that we apply
the same standards to our

A nonfat doubie~shot iced
vanilla latte with no whipped
cream or a simple cup of
Brazilian Bourbon blend is a
reflection of individual taste
and flavor. it is easy to evalu.
ate someone by coffee selec-
tion or coffee shop selection.

Bedtninster (Toffee and
Tea should not be confused
with an ordinary Starbucks
on the corner. The new locale
on South Limestone Street is
equipped to provide students
with a perfectfit coffee or tea
drink with a selection that
diverges from the ordinary
coffee bar menu.

imagine the warm scent
of fresh-baked banana bread.
The aroma rises from the
smooth froth of a Banana
(‘armel Latte when the lid is
removed from the cup just as
steam fills a room when ba-
nana bread is removed from
the oven. This coffee special-
ty is a refreshing alternative
to bland and ordinary op-
tions served at commercial
coffee chains.

Drinks range from tradi-
tional favorites like spicy hot
cider to unexpected combina‘
tions like a mango raspberry
smoothie Employees are
trained to distribute flavors
throughout a drink. rather
than dump the flavor at the
bottom of a cup. Heaps of fla-




KERNEL coiuunisi

vor left to the bottom of a
specialty coffee is a common
flaw that corrupts the quality
of the beverage. Commercial
chains often hurry through
espresso drinks. disregard—
ing the care required to pro-
duce a tasteful drink.

My rights to criticism are
the result of working at a cof—
fee shop in high school. Ex-
coffee shop workers are the
tnost picky and critical cus-
tomers. Working as a barista
can be difficult. ()ur speedy
society does not recognize
that good coffee takes a little
time. And Bedminster puts
in the time.

Employees are flexible
with each customer‘s order
as well as eager to make sug-
gestions to indecisive cus-
tomers. The atmosphere is
well-adapted to the college
scene. with bar stools and
wireless Internet that en-
ables students to settle down
with a cup of their personaliv
ty and study.

its close proximity to
campus makes the conve—
nient spot ideal for students
wanting a quick pick-meup
between classes. Aside from
coffee and tea. the small shop
offers breakfast pastries and
sandwiches including Tuna
salad. a pesto chicken salad
and a traditional BLT.

The employees at Bed-
minster encourage visitors
to indulge in the S'mores
platters that are taken to
each individual table for in-
teractive eating. A coffee
break doesn‘t get much more
personal than that.

The privately owned shop
established its first location
in New Jersey last Septem-
ber. .lonathan Ferguson, pres-
ident of the company.
brought Bedminster to Lex-
ington just last month in
hopes to establish a warm.
personal relationship with
the community.

Ferguson is eager to in-
troduce his products. ideas
and drink recipes to Lexing-
ton. He is constructing a pa-
tio area behind the coffee
shop that will offer a unique.
alley-like nook for coffee sip
ping. He hopes to bring live
local music to the coffee shop
this summer

“We have such a monkey

A mocha cappuccino is the new Versace.”



| surr


soon mom | sun
Manager Michael Dean at Bedminster Coffee and Tea, which serves a
variety of coffee beverages and gourmet sandwiches.


Bedminster Coffee
And Tea

Address: 557 S. Limestone
Phone: 255-1558

Hours: Monday through Thursday
7:30 am. to it pm.

Friday 7:30 am. to IO pm.
Saturday- Sunday 8:30 to 10 pm.




spot we wanted to open some-
what soft.“ he said. “We real-
ly want to establish rapport
in the community.

“We want to be a much
more personal company It‘s
something different that you
can‘t get anywhere."

Bedminster takes pride in
fresh ingredients brought in
daily. and the appearance of
each item is evidence of the
quality products used in cof-
fee. smoothies. sandwiches
and teas. The hard wood
floors and plush couches are
an inviting alternative to
tightly packed and routinely
messy Starbucks.

Bedminster is conform-
ing to the local community to
serve more personalized hey»
erages while providing a
comfortable stop for stu-
dents. The staff there reports
experimentation with ingre»
dients and creating their own
concoctions. Each coffee
drink is made to order with

A coffee shop striving to
adapt to the environment of
a small city and cater to per
sonal needs of citizens is
more desirable than the typi»
cal. fast-paced commercial
chains. Branch out from a
Frappuccino or Macchiato to
try something that fits just

A medium coffee or
smoothie ranges below $4.
Sandwiches are $5.

Accessorize your morn
ing at Bedminster and distin-
guish your coffee selection
while enjoying the quality of
a personal touch.

etroutman la kykernel. com



Unscramble these tour Jumbies
one letter to each square.
to form four ordinary words













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to form the surprise answer as
suggested by the above cartoon


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j x; 2
















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Pile: 4 | Thursday, April 28. 2005


By Susan 5. Glasser
lllE viiisiiiiicioii rosr

WASHINGTON — The US. govern-
ment released statistics Wednesday doc-
umenting a dramatic increase in terror
ist attacks last year and a death toll of
close to 2,000 people around the globe. a
disclosure made a week after the State
Department said it would publish its
congressionally mandated annual sur-
vey of international terrorism without
the statistical portrait it has always in-

The numbers were provided instead
by the government's new clearinghouse
for terrorism-related information. the
National Counterterrorism Center
(NCTC). and included statistics docu-
menting a sharp surge in significant
terrorist acts from 175 incidents that
killed 625 in 2003 to 651 such attacks
that killed 1.907 in 2004. But senior offi-
cials said the threefold increase was a
result of changes in methodology and
urged reporters at a hastily called brief-
ing not to compare this year‘s terrorism
numbers with previous ones. Congres-
sional aides already had disclosed the
increase in terrorist incidents to re-
porters Tuesday after a private briefing.

“The numbers can‘t be compared in
any meaningful way." said John Bren-
nan. acting head of the NCTC. which
produced the statistics. He said his

Documents show terror increase

agency had revamped the process of
counting terrorist attacks after last
year’s embarrassment in which the
State Department withdrew its first re.
port and admitted it had significantly
understated what turned out to be a
record number of attacks. This year.
Brennan said. 10 full-time intelligence
analysts — up from three part—timers
searched for terrorist incidents to in-
clude. resulting in a much higher total
than met the government's criteria for
classification as a “significant" attack.
Although the officials called the data
seriously flawed. they said they put it
out to avoid criticism that the State De-
partment was trying to avoid admitting
setbacks in the fight against terrorism
by not publishing the data. "If we didn‘t
put out these numbers today. you‘d say
we‘re withholding data. That‘s why
we‘re putting them out." said Philip Ze-
likow. counselor to Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice. Zelikow was execu.
tive director of last year‘s commission
investigating the Sept. 11. 2001. attacks.
The State Department also released
its annual terrorism report earlier than
planned I minus the statistics. It de
scribes the evolution of al-Qaida into a
“more local, less sophisticated but still
lethal“ threat to the United States.
marking a change from the highly cen-
tralized terrorist group that struck the
World Trade Center in 2001 to a looser


amalgam of global affiliates. The re-
port‘s strongest words are reserved for
Iran. which is dubbed the “most active
state sponsor of terrorism in 2004‘ and
criticized for failure to hand over or
identify senior al-Qaida figures in cus-
tody there. Zelikow told reporters that
at least one of those in Iranian custody
had helped plan the Sept. 11 attacks.

The NCTC plans to release another
report on incidents of global terrorism
in June. to be available to the public at
www.tkb.org. The new database will
show terrorist attacks not included un
der the old counting rules used by the
State Department. Brennan said.

But a senior House Republican
charged with overseeing the adminis-
tration's progress in attacking global
terrorism said it did not make sense for
the State Department to publish its an-
nual terrorism report without the 1m
proved statistics. Rep. Christopher
Shays. R-Conn.. wrote Rice that it
“seems absurd to request data that
could inform the report. then neither
use nor include that data in the finished

Rep. Henry Waxman. D-Calif.. who
had emerged as the chief critic of the
State Department's decision. praised
the data release. But he said the sharp
increase in terrorist attacks “can‘t be
explained away as a mere methodologi-
cal artifact."



Iraqi groups recrujting insurgents

By Solomon Moore
Los ANGELES nuts

BAGHDAD. Iraq — As a
new national government
has struggled to take shape. a
variety of Iraqi power bro-
kers in recent weeks have
stepped up efforts to reach
out to insurgents. seeking to
convince them to give up vio-
lence for peaceful political

Previous attempts by
Iraqi leaders and the US.
military to engage insur-
gents in peace talks have
roundly failed. And the
steady stream of bombings.
assassinations and kidnap-
pings has been unaffected by
the capture of Saddam Hus-
sein. the appointment of an
interim Iraqi government.
and the election in January
of a transitional national

The violence spiked
again this month with at-
tacks across Iraq against mil-
itary installations. vehicle
convoys and private aircraft.
To the south of Baghdad.
dozens of bodies were found
in a soccer stadium and oth-
ers washed on to the banks of
the Tigris River. The ability
of insurgents to attack US.
troops and Iraqi civilians is
the same as it was a year ago.
Air Force Gen. Richard B.
Myers. chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. said this

Some Iraqi officials are
hoping that the installation
of an elected government
will give them a credible ar-
gument to use against the in-
surgency: that the govern-
ment. far from being an

American puppet. is a sover-
eign expression of the na-
tion's popular will.

"Many of the insurgents
have kept fighting because
they look at Iraq as an occu-
pied country." said Hachim
Hassani. speaker of the Na-
tional Assembly and one of
Iraq‘s most prominent Sunni
Arabs. Hassani said that
high-level government offi—
cials had met with insurgent
leaders since the Jan. 30 elec-
tions. “Now we have a
chance to convince them of
Iraqi sovereignty."

Even with a new govern-
ment. convincing fighters to
lay down their arms will be
difficult because of the frag-
mented and brutal nature of
the insurgency and the con-
tinued presence of about
150.000 US. and other foreign
troops on Iraqi soil. In addi-
tion. there is a sense within
Iraq‘s Sunni Arab minority
that they have become mar-
ginalized in a nation they
dominated for decades and
some influential Sunnis have
argued that no real dialogue
can take place until Ameri-
can troops leave Iraq.

“The Muslim Scholars
Association considers those
who target the occupiers. and
whoever assists the occu-
piers. as honest and re
spectable." said Sheik Omar
Raghib. a spokesman for the
Sunni Arab group.

Other Sunni Arab repre-
sentatives. including Nation-
al Assembly member
Mishaan .Iaburi. a former as-
sociate of Saddam Hussein
who fled Iraq in the late
19805. have argued for Sunni

participation in the govern-

“It is the only way to
bring about peaceful strug-
gle.“ Jaburi said.

Shiites and Kurds. who
dominate the new parliament
and were brutally oppressed
by Saddam‘s Sunni-led
Baathist Party. have
promised to include more
Sunni Arabs in the govern-
ment. Both Shiite and Kur-
dish leaders say they have
reached out to insurgent rep-
resentatives in recent weeks.

Members of the Supreme
Council of Islamic Revolu-
tion in Iraq. a leading Shiite
group. held a series of meet-
ings with the Muslim Schol-
ars Association. which is be-
lieved to have contacts with
insurgents. in an effort to
quell the violence before the

The Kurds have held
meetings with insurgent
groups in northern Iraq.

“We started these efforts
as political parties." said Ab-
dul Jalil Faili. a regional
head in the Kurdistan Demo—
cratic Party. one of the two
leading Kurdish political par-
ties. "But now we are speak-
ing as elected government
representatives. We started
contacting them again a few
days ago."

The new efforts come as
Iraqis continue to bear the
brunt of insurgent assaults.
Attacks against American
soldiers were down 22 per-
cent through March this year
while the slaughter of Iraqi
civilians and security forces
is unabated. This has. in the
View of many Iraqi officials

and US. observers. dimine
ished the insurgents' stand-
ing among many Iraqis.

Electoral politics is also
driving Iraqi leaders to an
peal to insurgents and those
who sympathize with them.
Most of the nation‘s Sunni
Arabs didn‘t vote in the Jan
uary election following calls
for a boycott by their leaders.
Now a number of national
politicians. especially Sunni
Arabs. regard them as a pool
of untapped votes who could
be significant in the election
for a permanent government
scheduled for December.

“We are in serious talks.“
said Jaburi. one of the few
Sunni Arabs elected to the
National Assembly. “We may
enter the next elections in a
united slate."

Jaburi has hosted fre-
quent meetings in his Baghv
dad home with tribal leaders.
clerics and ex-Baathists who
have ties with the insurgents.

But with so many armed
factions in Iraq. even Jaburi.
who claims to “speak for the
resistance." has limited in—
fluence. Last weekend in
Tikrit. a hotbed of the insur-
gency. a car bomber attempt-
ed to assassinate Jaburi. in-
juring four of his guards.
The most public overture the
new government has made
so far has been newly elected
President Jalal Talabani’s of-
fer of amnesty to insurgents.

“Those who believe that
what they have done is a
manifestation of resisting
the (US—led) occupation e I
call upon them to come and
join the democratic process.“
he said.



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