xt76m9022951 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m9022951/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 2003 2003 2003-10-09 2020 true xt76m9022951 section xt76m9022951 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL WANTS A MALE TEAM FOR HELP | PAGE 4


Oscar's is
but worth it]
no: 6


October 9, 2003

Celebrating 32 years of independence



Candidates debate at UK about tuition, taxes

Both sides in the gubernatorial campaign want state to help universities more,
but they disagree on what to do with tobacco taxes in Kentucky

By Crystal Little

While a possible 10 per
cent tuition increase looms.
candidate for governor Ben
Chandler and candidate for
lieutenant governor Steve
Pence stressed affordable tu-
ition at UK‘s Gubernatorial
Convocation Wednesday af-


Chandler. Kentucky's at-
torney general. said he
would like the state to invest
more in higher education.

“I believe that higher ed-
ucation reform is very good."
he told a packed Worsham
Theater. “I‘m going to do
everything I can to challenge
to get more."

Pence said tuition needs
to be affordable for students
and parents.

“We have to make tuition
affordable. not just for (par-
ents) like me. who pay tu-
ition. but for those who will
take out student loans." he
said. “The state does need to
continue to contribute to
higher education."

Pence spoke on behalf of
running mate US. Rep. Ernie
Fletcher. R-Ky.. who was
fund-raising in Louisville.
Fletcher‘s absence stirred
some debate between the two

“It would be easier to
compare our records if the
other candidate even both-
ered to show up.” Chandler

After some applause

See GOV on 3

Ben Chandler (left) and Steve Pence (right) express their views.


Students support sick athlete


Leukemia, a malig-
nant cancer, attacks bone
marrow and blood has
multiple forms.

Schardein has the
type called acute myloge-
nous leukemia which
progresses rapidly and
prevents the formation
of healthy white blood
cells. This causes ane-
mia and infection in pa—




The last
t h i n g
Brooks Pow-
er saw be-
fore enter-
ing the do-
nation area
at the Cen-
tral Ken~
tucky Blood Center was an
enormous photograph of a
smiling young man.

His name is Philip
Schardein. and he was the
reason she came. The former
UK golfer has leukemia and
is in need of a bone marrow




In golf he stood alone,
relying on his own skill and
talent to succeed.

Now. he needs help.

Power, Schardein's
friend. was at the blood cen-
ter to see if she might be a
match for him. ’

“I would have never
thought about it until it hit
home like this with Philip."
she said. “That’s why we all
got involved.”

At UK, Schardein, 24. ex—
celled on the course and in
the classroom. As a senior in
2002, he was co-captain of
the team and he earned Aca-
demic All-Conference honors
for the third consecutive

Sociology junior
Brooks Power donates
blood Tuesday at the
Central Kentucky
Blood Center. She's
getting tested to see
if she Is a match for
Philip Schardein. a
former UK golfer who
has leukemia and
needs a bone marrow



Brian Craig was the new
golf head coach that year.
Schardein impressed him

“It doesn’t take long to
pick out that he’s an excep-
tional person," Craig said.
“You won‘t find anyone bet-
ter than Phillip.“

In May 2002. Schardein
graduated with honors with
a degree in finance and he
took a job in Indianapolis at
the headquarters of National
City Bank.

A year later. Schardein’s
life changed when what
started as stomach pains was

See GOLFER on 4


Smoking ban
hearing set

Judge VanMeter will hear ban again on Oct. 17;
UK prof says he'll probably rule in favor of ban
By Emll_y Hagedorn


The debate over Lexington's smoking ban will go
back to circuit court. Lexington Health Department and
County Council attorneys decided Tuesday.

Instead of challenging the injunction ruled by the
Kentucky Court of Appeals Monday. the dispute is yet
again gracing Circuit Court Judge Larry VanMeter‘s

VanMeter disallowed an. injunction on the ban on
Seglt. 23, which was later overturned by the court of ap'
pe s.

This time, the two sides -— the health department and
Council versus the Lexington Food and Beverage Associa-
tion -— will debate the merits of the law Oct. 17 at 2 pm.

Phillip Scott. attorney for the health department and
Council. said his side filed a motion for the merits to be
ruled on before the appeals court reached their verdict.

Despite that verdict. Scott decided to carry out his
prior motion.

VanMeter is unlikely to rule in favor of the Food and
Beverage Association since he previously sided with the
health department and City Council. said Bradley Canon.
a political science professor who specializes in law. courts
and judicial politics.

It is also not unheard of for a case to be debated in so
many courts. he said.

“It‘s not normal, but it's certainly not unknown."
Canon said. “It could still take six to 18 months.”

Scott said it was premature to predict how long court
proceedings will last but said he had expected a long fight
from the beginning. He said he could envision the debate
going to the state Supreme Court.

Two years ago. Scott said he gave a presentation at
the Holiday Inn on the smoking ban legislation.

“You better be prepared to be patient." he told them.

Despite the events. Scott said he is undeterred.

"It‘s a matter of when. not if." he said.

John Walters, attorney for the Food and Beverage
Association. could not be reached for comments because
he was working on a deposition in Texas.

Lexington’s smoking ban would prohibit smoking in
public places including bars, restaurants. bowling alleys.
billiard halls and sports arenas. among other areas.

The ban. the first of its kind in Kentucky. was ap-
proved in July.

It was to take effect Sept. 29.

E-mail ehagedorn@kykernel.com


UK officer's seXual abuse

Officer Hugh Turner was not given option of plea bargain;
his wife said she wished the case would be done with

By Ben M

The UK police officer
charged with sexual abuse
will face a trial by the grand

Fayette County District
Court Judge Pamela Good-
wine listened to the case in-
volving Officer Hugh “Don-
ny” Turner. 34 Wednesday

morning in Lexington.
Lexington Police arrested
and charged Turner with
three counts of firstdegree
sexual abuse Sept. 8.
According to a uniform
citation by Lexington Police.
Turner subjected a male mi-
nor to sexual contact.
He pleaded innocent at
his arraignment on Sept. 9.
Reached by telephone last

night. Turner's wife. Dawn.
said. “He has nothing to say. I
wish this was over a month
ago," and referred all ques-
tions to his attorney.

Jerry Wright. his attor-
ney. declined to comment on
the case.

Jack Miller of the Fayette
County Attorney’s Office.
who is prosecuting Turner.
said Turner was not given the
option of a plea bargain.

“We didn't offer him any-
thing.“ Miller said.

In a previous intervieW.

case to go to grand jury

Miller said
that it is not
in similar
cases for a
guilty plea
to be offered
in exchange
for a case
not to go to
the grand
At the
time of his arrest, Turner
was on an unpaid leave of ab
senoe from the UK‘s police de

Turner served as a patrol

officer for nearly six years. He
started with the force Septem-
ber 1997 but went on leave
April 29 because of a work -re-
lated injury said Lt Richard
Willoby of Lexington Police‘ 5
Bureau of Investigations.

The leave and the charges
against Turner are unrelated.
said UK Public Relations.

The university would not
comment further. citing that
it does not discuss ongoing in-

During his tenure with
UK Police. Turner never faced
any disciplinary actions. said
Richard Siemer. vice presi-
dent of finance and adminis-
tration and official UK
records custodian.

First-degree sexual abuse
is a Class-D felony.

If found guilty. Turner
could face up to 15 years in
prison. The date of his next
trial has yet to be decided.



l-‘ree depression screenings on campus today met 4

New dorm security system has flaws I note


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2 I MW.0CM9.2003 I mm


The Low-down


LOS ANGELES — Govelect Arnold
Schwarzenegger said Wednesday that he was
promised “a very smooth transition” by oust-
ed Gov. Gray Davis and vowed that he and his
advisers would “open up the books" as they
begin to tackle California's ailing economy In
his first news conference since being elected
governor. Schwarzenegger reiterated several
themes from the campaign trail. insisting that
he will not raise taxes and pledging to be a
governor of the people. But he provided few
specifics and said his transition team will de-
velop a plan in the coming weeks about how
to close a deficit of at least $8 billion.
Schwarzenegger said he had spoken with an
array of leaders including Nelson Mandela of
South Africa and President Bush. who he said
promised to do “whatever is possible to help
California." Schwarzenegger said he intended
to ask Bush for “a lot of favors."


WASHINGTON — A simple foam paint brush
that costs only pennies at hardware stores
could be an essential tool in returning the
space shuttle to orbit, NASA’s administrator
said Wednesday. Space agency engineers
found that the brush may be just what astro-
nauts need to spread a patching compound on
a space shuttle’s damaged heat shield while
the craft is in orbit. “This thing turns out to
be one of the most valuable tools we could
have invented.“ said Sean O’Keefe. head of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion. “We're going to buy it at Wal-Mart. We‘re
not going to ask the Defense Department to

'_ reguisition it out of stock.“ Designing and

testing a way to repair damage in the shuttle‘s
heat shield is an important part of NASAs ef-
forts to return the space shuttle to orbit after
the Feb. 1 accident that destroyed the Colum-
bia and killed seven astronauts.

Non-English spedtinq homes in 0.5. rises
WASHINGTON * Nearly one in five Ameri-
cans speaks a language other than English at
home. the Census Bureau said. There‘s been
a surge of nearly 50 percent during the past
decade. Most speak Spanish. followed by Chi-
nese. with Russian rising fast. Some 47 mil-
lion Americans age five and older used a lan-
guage other than English in 2000. the bureau
said. That translates into the nearly one in
five. compared with roughly one in seven 10
years earlier. There also were more people
considered “linguistically isolated" because of
limited English. a situation that some ana-
lysts say can prevent people from assimilating
fully into American society and hinder activi-
ties like grocery shopping or communicating
with police or fire officials. The Spanish-
speaking population rose by 62 percent over
the period to 28.1 million: slightly more than

half also reported speaking English “very

It. mun reports hem W
KABUL, Afghanistan — Fighting erupted
Wednesday between rival warlords who both
claim allegiance to the government of Presi-
dent Hamid Karzai. and an official of one of
the warring groups said as many as 60 people 0 .
wenekilledandscoresmorewounded.Acom- AS an eng'lneer‘ 1n

mander for the other side, however. said only

three thpeople tfiad been killed in a battle out-

si e e nort ern city of Mazare-Sharif. It .

was impossible to verify either account. The th e U . S . A] r‘ F0 PC e

fighting came as a deal was signed in the capi- ’

taldofh Kabul between the Afghan government

an e United Nations that paves the way for 9 .

teams of UN. and Afghan personnel to deploy g

to cities across Afghanistan to start a much- th 9 Fe 8 n 0 tEIIL-I n W h at
delayed program to disarm militiamen loyal
to warlords.

New test detects Down Synmme safer

A new combination of blood tests and ultra-

EOOund can detecjt fetuses with Down Syn- SEP‘] 0 US-L we can, t t 11
me sooner an more accurately than stan- ( )

dard U.S. screening tests, offering mothers-to y, e y 0 U °

be more peace of mind and more time to de-

cide whether to end a pregnancy. researchers

said. The study of 8,216 women at a dozen US.

medical centers confirms findings in England

and elsewhere. where the combination is al-

ready widely used. It was reported in Thurs-

day’s New England Journal of Medicine. “It‘s

earlier by about a month, so we‘ve moved the

standard testing to the first trimester and im-

proved its accuracy." said lead researcher Dr.

Ronald Wapner. chairman of obstetrics and p

gynecology at Drexel University College of United States Air Force applied technology is years ahead

Medicine in Philadelphia. “The absolute , . ‘

biggest advantage is this allows women to of what you ll touch in the private sector, and as a new

make private decisions" before they are visi- _ _ , ,

bly pregnant, engineer you ll likely be involved at the ground level of new

New media giant formed: NBC Universal and sometimes classified developments. You’ll begin leading

PARIS 7— Vivendi Universal and General
Electric said Wednesday they signed an agree-
ment to merge the French company‘s US. en-
tertainment assets with GE‘s television net-
work NBC. creating a media giant with an es-
timated value of $43 billion. The terms of the
deal were largely unchanged from a prelimi- i-800—423-USAF or log on to airforce corn
nary agreement reached a month ago. when . ‘ '
the two companies entered exclusive talks

about a merger and sketched out broad out-

lines for a combined company to be called

NBC Universal. The new company will in-

clude the NBC television network and its ca-

ble channels CNBC. MSNBC and Bravo, plus ‘ )

the Spanish-language broadcaster Telemun-

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Continued from page I


Pence retorted, “Shouldn’t
you be at work today? Who's
running Frankfort?"

Some said the spats hu-
manized the candidates.

“We saw animosity on
both their parts,” said Silvia
Timmerding. a Spanish and
political science sophomore.
"It was good to see that. to
see them as people."

The two candidates also
discussed domestic partner
benefits at UK and raising

Kentucky's tobacco tax

Both candidates said
that they preferred to let the
university decide domestic
partner benefits for itself.

“The decision is up to
the university.” Pence said.
“I'm open-minded."

“If UK wants to go in
that direction. they should
go in that direction," Chan-
dler said.

They differed on raising
the tobacco tax, which is one
of the three lowest taxes in
the nation.

Pence is against raising
the tax. Chandler, however,
said he is for raising addi-
tional taxes.

The candidates ended
the convocation with a three
minute closing statement.

Chandler summed up his
campaign strategy with one
word: courage.

“I want to provide a good
government that people can
believe in," Chandler said.
“I want to lead us to a place
where we offer opportunity
to all."

Pence called for a change
in the way policy in Frank-
fort has been conducted.

“When you .wake up on
Nov 5. the headlines will
read either ‘same old stuff '
or ‘Fletcher wins governor
race.” Pence said.


Most attendees said they
were impressed by the event.

“I was pleased with the
high student turnout," said
University Senate Council
Chair Jeff Dembo. Along
with the University Senate,
the Staff Senate and Student
Government, hosted the

“Having this kind of fo-
rum indicates we are elevat-
ing our level of civic aware-
ness. If students show civic
awareness in this venue, it
leads me to think they‘ll be
more likely to get heavily in-
volved in other areas."





A person dressed as Arnold Schwarzenegger passes out pamphlets calling Ernie Fletcher the “job terminator." (ltlght) Signs made by some
of the Republicans at the debate. Signs were not allowed in the debate room.


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Continued from page 1


diagnosed as leukemia.

The first to step forward
to help was his sister Chap
pell. In July. she endured
surgery to donate bone mar-
row for her brother. He re-
ceived the transplant and re
covery seemed imminent.
He would be home soon and
his life would return to nor-

But the pain returned.

“It was so hard to find
out that it was back," Chap
pell Schardein' said. “But we
just try to look at the posi-
tive side of things and look
at what we are going to do

The next step was a
bone marrow testing drive
in Schardein‘s hometown of
Bowling Green. Ky, orga-
nized by his mother Lisa
Leachman. Nearly 4,000 peo
ple showed up.

“That support helped
tremendously." Leachman
said. “If it weren‘t for that
love and support we would
not have made it as well as
we have.“

The success of the test-

ing drive astounded every-
one involved.

“Philip's team of doc-
tors was amazed," Leach-
man said. "They said they
had never heard of such

In Lexington, that sup-
port grew further.

UK Athletics Director
Mitch Barnhart told Schard-
ein’s story in his weekly E-
mail to Cat fans. Former UK
basketball player J.P.
Blevins. a close friend of
Schardein, has appeared on
television to encourage peo-
ple to be tested and to raise
money for the tests. Last
week, Gambino’s nightclub
hosted a fundraiser that
generated $1,400 for testing.

The strongest support
has come from Schardein’s
friends and even from those
who barely knew him.

Current UK golfer Matt
Kohn only met Schardein in
passing, yet he was one of
the first to get tested, Craig

“This support for Philip
is a direct reflection of the
impact he had on the lives of
others," he said. “You can’t
help but pull for him and his

Teal Baxter. a friend of
Schardein‘s girlfriend Mau-

ra McGill, has helped coor-
dinate fundraisers and test-
ing drives, including this
week’s drive at the Central
Kentucky Blood Center:

“I know if I were in her
shoes. (McGill) would be the
first person to do something
for me, so I don‘t think I am
doing anything special.”
Baxter said. “It’s just what
she would do for me."

For everyone. the goal is
the same — to find a match
for Schardein.

Finding that match will
be difficult, said Marsha
Berry, spokesperson for the
Central Kentucky Blood
Center. but the act of being
tested will help in many

When someone is test-
ed. he or she is added to the
Bone Marrow Registry, she
said, and that could lead to
helping someone just like

“There are Philips all
over the nation —— someone's
son, someone's boyfriend —
who are all looking for
match and at the same time

looking for blood,” she said.

“That‘s a way you can help

right now."

“Your blood is going to

be helping someone within
24 hours."

Giving blood reminded
Power of Schardein's status
back at the hospital in Hous-
ton, Texas.

“Sitting here puts it in
perspective what Phillip is
going through everyday."
she said. “I just think about
how much he is going
through right now."

From Houston, Schard-
ein inspires those close to
him with his constant opti-
mism and hope for the fu-

“You call him trying to
cheer him up, and he ends
up cheering you up," Craig
said. "He has faith that
everything will work out."

In the mean time. a
growing group of friends
and supporters works to
make those hopes reality.



The Central Ken-
tucky Blood Center, 330
Waller Ave.

Phone: 2762534

Open Monday
through Friday 9 am.
to 8 pm. and Saturday
10 am. to 4 pm.


Arnold's name too long

Editors say ‘Schwarzenegger' hard to fit in headlines


that Arnold Schwarzenegger
has been elected governor,
California newspaper editors
are scratching their heads
over the daily challenge of
squeezing his 14-letter last
name into a headline. Copy
editors, given large headlines
to work with during thenecall
election, are likely to have
smaller spaces for daily sto
ries on state government.

“There were copy editors
across the state who were
dreading the prospect of
Schwarzenegger becoming
governor, not because of poli-
tics but because of the fit,"
said John Armstrong, editor
of the Contra Costa Times.
Editors at the newspaper
briefly discussed using
Schwarzenegger‘s three ini-
tials, like JFK and LBJ. Arm-
strong said.

“But We looked up his
middle name, Alois and AAS,
not so good ” he said. “Editors
like me across the state would
have a sleepless night worry-
ing about the possible typo."

Some may opt for the
bland term “governor." Oth-
ers may take his name out of
the headline as the San Jose
Mercury News did Wednes-
day when it proclaimed

Below the single word, in
smaller letters. was a sec-
ondary headline: “It’s Gover-
nor Schwarzenegger; Angry
Voters Dump Davis.”

Editors who've watched
dozens of Schwarzenegger's
films and followed his wife’s
family for half a century
might take the liberty of call-
ing him Arnold —— or even
Iron Arnie, as he is referred
to by the Kleine Zeitung news-
paper in his native Austria.

“Today we used the word
Arnold,” said Morton Saltz-
man. deputy managing of
The Sacramento Bee. “1 sus-
pect we might be going to that
in headlines, because he’s
used it. He's called himself
Gov. Arnold."

But Saltzman said some
editors are concerned that
might sound too friendly, and
“g3vernor” may win in the
en .


Depression screenings are today

Over eight percent of students last school year reported a suicide attempt;
UK first college in the state to offer the screenings for students

By Sally Oates

Last year over half of
the students who visited
UK's Counseling and Test-
ing Center sought services
for depression. said Mary
Bolin-Reece. director of the

To curb this and as part
of National Depression
Screening Day. free screen-
ings for depression. anxiety
and stress will be held today
from 10 a.m. to 3 pm. at the
University Drive entrance of
the W. T. Young Library.

“UK does recognize that
we have a problem with de-
pressed students." Bolin-Re-
ece said.

A mental illness is de-
fined as any diagnosable
mental. behavioral or emo-
tional disorder that limits
someone's ability to live.
work. learn and participate
fully in their community. ac-
cording to the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Web site.

Each student who par-
ticipates in UK‘s screenings,
which consist of a one-page
form. is given the option of
talking one-on-one with the

clinician to discuss how the
student scored.

Full-time students can
go to talk to professionals at
University Health Services.
which keep appointments
open this week for students
who participate in the

Students can also go to
the Counseling and Testing
Center in Frazee Hall.

“Occasionally, we will
have people that have really
high scores at the National
Depression Screening Day."
Bolin-Reece said. “We will
have them see someone
right away."

In addition to depres-
sion, other common issues
include anxiety and inter-
personal issues.

Over eight percent of
students seen last school
year reported making a sui-
cide attempt. she said.

The center offers the
QPR program — question.
persuade. refer - to help
people save others from sui-

UK is the first college or
university in Kentucky to of-
fer this training.

“QPR is to train every-
day people to recognize
symptoms of suicide risk.

which include depression.“
Bolin-Reece said.

Pamphlets containing
information about mental
illnesses will also be avail-
able at the library today for
students to take and read.

Employees from the
Counseling and Testing Cen-
ter. University Health Ser-
vices and Department of
Psychiatry will be there to
answer questions.

UK has offered the free
screenings on this day for
the past five years.

“We usually screen 60 to
80 people,” said Todd Cheev-
er. associate professor of
psychiatry. “It was up the
year of Sept. 11. and it was
down last year."

Cheever says the pur-
pose of the free screenings
is to inform students about
mental illnesses.

“Mental illnesses are
very common and treatment
is effective.“ Cheever said.

Bolin-Reece added that
the free screenings can help
people understand how they
are feeling. put a name to it
and show them where to get

soakes/u kykernelcom


Free screenings for
depression, anxiety and
stress will be held today
from 10 am. to 3 pm. at
the University Drive en-
trance of the W. '1‘. Young

If in need of an ap-
pointment, call the Uni-
versity Health Services
at 323-5511 and ask for
the mental health sec-
tion or call the UK Coun-
seling and Testing Cen-
ter at 2578701.

Call 323-6021 ext. 272
for more information
about the free screen—

Some symptoms of depres-

* Persistently sad or
"' Feelings of hopeless-
ness, pessimism.
* Feelings of guilt.
' Loss of interest or
pleasure in hobbies
* Insomnia, early-morn-
ing awakening
* Decreased appetite
and/or weight loss, or
overeating and weight
* Fatigue




To register call 323-6163.



Saturday, October 18
9:00 a.m. - 12:45 pm.
Health Sciences Learning Center, Rm 201

The College of Pharmacy will host a career day for students
interested in Teaming about the pharmacy profession. All majors are
Information sessions will include pharmacy careers,
admission process/requirements. Pharm.D. curriculum & a student
panel covering "life as a UK pharmacy student.”

Please visit our web site for more info: ii'wu.mc.uky.edu/phannacy.







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Week of October 6 - October 12

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities Registered Student Or s.
and UK Dents can submit information for FREE online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY in or-

mntion is to appear at hfldeww.ultv.Mlmpul

Calendar. Call 2.1-8.0? for more


'Io bud, twpm, law's East High Dinar

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madam (NV-mom ”TCW




WWI: i_ monsonv OCTOBER9 2003 l 5


Game draws controversy;

activists boycott stores

Black clergy leaders outraged at “Ghettopoly;"
Urban Outfitters stores still carry the product


Trick Avenue instead of
Boardwalk? Hernando’s
Chop Shop instead of Read-
ing Railroad?

Black leaders are out-
raged over a new board game
called “Ghettopoly" that has
“playas” acting like pimps
and game cards reading.
“You got yo‘ whole neighbor-
hood addicted to crack. Col-
lect $50.“

Black clergymen say the
game, the brainchild of a
Pennsylvania man. should
be banned. and have called
for a boycott of Urban Outfit-
ters unless the company
stops selling Ghettopoly in
its chain of clothing stores.

Urban Outfitters has not
publicly commented on the
issue, and did not return a
call seeking comment on

The nearest Urban Out-
fitters location to Lexington
is in Cincinnati, Ohio.

“If we are silent on this
issue there is more of this
type to come," the Rev.
Robert P. Shine Sr., president
of the Black Clergy of
Philadelphia & Vicinity, said
at a sidewalk rally Wednes-
day in front Urban Outfit-
ters' corporate headquarters
in Philadelphia.

Shine displayed the
game board, with properties
including Westside Liquor,
Harlem. The Bronx, and
Long Beach City, and squares
labeled Smitty‘s XXX Peep
Show, Weinstein’s Gold and
Platinum, and Tyron's Gun

Players draw “Hustle"
and “Ghetto Stash“ cards
with directions like. “You‘re
a little short on loot, so you
decided t