xt76m9022862 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m9022862/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-08-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1996 1996 1996-08-30 2020 true xt76m9022862 section xt76m9022862  



By Gary Wull
Assirtant New: Editor

Three years after the first mini-
college was created, funding for
the program may be discontinued.

A federal grant of


courses created from scratch

around the theme of “Develop—

ment of the Modern World.”
Global studies is similar to

Modern, with a concentration on

integrating the classes.

Richard Edwards,


$143,000 from the
National Endowment
for the Humanities
that allowed UK to
the Modern Studies
Curriculum has
expired, meaning UK
must find money in its


I think there is
much more to
the mini-col—

dean of the college of
Arts and Sciences, said
no decision has been
made as to what will
ha pen to the colleges.
E wards said he will
talk to faculty and

administrators before

- “.mm.._ .


of Ohio in tournament play. Stoty, Page 2.

WEATHER Today mostly
sunny; highs in the 80:. Tonight

clear; lows in the 60:. Tomorrow
sunny; high again in the 805.

BIIIIIP, 8H, SPIKE The UK volleyball

team open the season tonight against Miami

.,.~.*~u>m~ Mm... . .





August 30, 1996

Classifieds“ Cartoon 5
Crossword“ Sports 2



Diversions B Virwpoint 10




Clinton rallies
around Chicago crowd

CHICAGO — President Clinton made a
determined case for a second term Thursda
night in a climactic convention address that took
credit for blocking devastating GOP budget cuts
and romised an array of new help for poor and
mid le-class families. “Hope is back in America,”
Clinton declared.

Acce ting the Democratic presidential nomi—
natiOn or a second time, Clinton took credit for
the nation’s economy and pledged that, if reward—
ed with four more years in the White House, he
would balance the budget “in a way that preserves
Medicare, Medicaid, education ,and the environ-

Clinton’s speech was the finale ofa Democratic
convention remarkable for its show of unity, and
he sounded the call to battle for a nine—week
showdown against Republican Bob Dole. While
Democrats were in an upbeat, confident mood,
the embarrassing resignation of Clinton’s top
campaign strategist, Dick Morris, distracted from
his convention celebration.

In speech excerpts released by the White

b d - [e e stem ki d - - _ House a few hours before Clinton’s nationally
pi‘lo git"? continue the ”mg” 2,6143:- maE§§:rd:c£:$id say televised address, the president declared
lobal Studies only that he is “looking “Tonight, let us resolve to build that bridge to

Curriculum, another
mini-collefge, is also in


room setting. ”

at options.” He also
declined to comment



classes in order to form relation—
ships more easily. The two-year
programs allow students to finish
most of their University Studies
Program requirements in two

About 400 students
enrolled in the mini-colleges.

Modern Studies is an interdis-
ciplinary, multi-cultural set of



73 National Merit Scholars in lreshman class


Professors who teach the mini-
college courses have found that
the emphasis on written and oral
communication is much better
than in the regular courses they

“These were spring semester
freshmen and I thought their writ-

See MINI on 5


it's loothall time in the Bluegrass

The UK football season begins tomorrow night against Louisville at Commonwealth Stadium.
The Kernel ’s previews the upcoming season in "A tmed and Dangerous. " See inside.




File photo

the 2 lst century, to meet our challenges, protect
our basic values and prepare our people for the

dan er 0 having its Winston Symmes on the criteria for future. Let us build a bridge to help parents raise

fun ing eliminated Politicalsrimre which the decision will the” children, to help young people and adults

because UK must pav senior‘andfirmer be based. get the education and training they need, to make

for the programs. ' Modern Studies No matter which Citizens feel safer on our streets, to help Ameri-

The mini-colleges student decision is handed cans succeed at home and at work, to break the

\" create a smaller uni— down, Edwards said cycle of poverty and dependence, to protect our
‘ ‘ versity environment this year’s entering enVironment for (generations to come and to

, . . . .
providing students with smaller class will be able to finish the pro- maintain our worl leadership '" the face Of new

threats and new opportunities.”

Ratings systems lets internet users
decide what is too much sex

SAN FRANCISCO — What’ll it be? Chaste
romance, or explicit sex? Harmless conflict, or
wanton and gratuitous violence? The newest ver-
sion of Microsoft’s Web browser lets computer
users be as nasty as they wanna be.

Internet Explorer 3.0 allows parents to decide
exactly how much sex and violence they — and
their children —— can see while on the Internet.

Users control four categories: violence, nudity,
sex, and language. They select settings in each
cate cry on a scale of zero to four — zero for the
miltfist content, four for the most extreme.

Once the settings are adjusted, the Web







wflghggtfradoe" cogg‘iii'sgfiilosophy is to make sure :2: :puiIrftsprofessors and meet cur— 2122193:tifioflfiiiltliienzleiilgisfs': 11:33}: browser will automatically filter out unacceptable
these academica ly talented students “We believe the success we have ships. S'tes' . . . .
Seventy-three National Merit are aware of what the University of had attracting The PSA’I‘ is taken thirrmhzgs:g25:;rigii:::tgsedli;ll anifiiihlili‘dvsilsfr’
Scholars and three National Achieve- Kentucky has to offer.” these scholars during the junior year of will not allow on to see this site If you want to
ment Scholars have made their way National Achievement Scholars are drives further suc- MERIT SCHOLARS high 5Ch00l~ SChOOl see this site aiivway you must get somebody to
intggfiefrijgmthtghafietziiiss yU‘K has :xaéierigg:£en§: trlggglrii/iiediit Sfc 21(1):- cesThese excellent v grtatdes, SAT scores 2nd type in the 5UP94Wi50i password.”
. ' , e ers recommen a- , . a
ranked in the top 10 among ublic uni- standing achievement by minority stu- students, who may Over the past eight years. the ti ons are considered R6332;3:21.?gig‘yvsz‘tregnmyia‘izofiieglolp‘eccill (bngh‘e :
versities in the number ofPfreshman dents. ‘ not have consid— number of National Merit Schol- when awarding final ington Mass a nonprofit induztrv group formed .‘
National Merit Scholars. UK has developed a new recruit- ered us before, are ars attending lite UK has scholarships. to rate’compiiter games and the \Veb More than -
Sand Copher, director of the UK ment program targeted at National now not only dramatically increased. Most students who 4 000 Web sites have al’read ire 'stered and 100 a
Merit cholarshi Office said she Merit and National Achievement lookin at the k h S T l ’ . . . I . ’
ex cts the Univergi to miiintain this Scholars U ' g’ fK ta e t e ‘ A P an to day are joining the system, 53' Stephen Balkam,
pogieuon W According to Randy Mills senior mhglersng": in' 1996 73 attend college OUt-Of- the councrl sexecutive director.
- . c , u a so _ . . - - _
.“Considerinshm dordm she ‘38? Z “a. mi, of... tefiii’cfi‘fi2'23“£22322”???‘l‘fo’fiiéliiifd
tron “mfg many umVfirSltlsS tryirig to rechuitment effort ’5 uniKerSity-Widel Mills Sflid- 1 of-state students who spokeswoman Donna Sokolsky. America Online
recrurt t ese top-nlptc 5%; ents, am wrt h an emp ”’5 on t e persona “These SFU‘ 993 68 opted to attend UK has and CompuServer users will be able to use the rat-
delitghted we :1; ve at?!“ Ue to consrs-f mug“; h l dents 91' e. finding 1992 44 steadily increased. ing system within the year.
ten yattra’ct em to. e nixersiityo d onhg: e many perlsona fiomags that UK '5 a high 1991 48 In 1989, only one “I accept-certain levels of sexuality or nudity in ;..”'
Kentucky, UK Presrdent C ar es Ti ma Pd SC 0 ars recleiive a PR?" .om e quality institution 1990 22 National Merit Scholar TV and movies for my 11-year-old daughter, but 1,."
Wethington said. - presr ent, as we as invttations to With a challenging attended UK from out- I don’t like her pla in Doom because of the vio- ,
Fifty-eight of the scholars this fall numerous on-campus recrurtment curriculum.” 1989 12 of-state lence,” Balkam saidl “gut I know parents who feel 2;;
are“f‘r£,)21c§:cnet:tcrl;yé on makin contact eveT‘lisey also are invited for overnight Students mu“ This year, 15 incom- exactly the opposite, mom] and gore are fine, b‘”
- . - - . - - . score in the top in freshman are from no sex,pease.” I“;
:I’th. alllin-Xaltle National S in: and “I“? to the ci’T‘PUS» RZQWdlng them 0. 5 percent of the Preliminary states other thangKentucky. In the sex category, for example, users can set :
ationa c ievement c o ars, Wit opportunities to S] in on a c ass, their system to Level 0, romance, no sex; Level 1, 'i /
passionate kissing; Level 2, clothed sexual touch- 3,‘

ing; Level 3, non-explicit sexual activity; or Level
4, explicit sexual activity, sex crimes.

Under violence, the choices range from: /
“harmless conflict, some damage to objects” to '
“humans injured or with small amount of blood"
and “wanton and gratuitous violence; torture;


Parking plan IIBVBIIIIIBII to alleviate game day W088

By Allison Marsh
Staff Writer


“Fans would not enjoy tailgating in a parking
structure full of fumes,” Stiles said.

Hundreds of UK fans tailgate before the fall foot-
ball games, making it a tradition all its own.

The Wildcats’ season-opener against Louisville
kicks off at 6:30 pm. Saturday.

Free shuttle buses will start circling campus 2 1/2
hours before the game.

They will only run until 7 .m., so fans will have

the soccer/softball complex construction and other
South Campus renovations have reduced parking

“We’ve lost 4,500 spaces due to the construction
of the new soccer fields,” said Rodney Stiles, director
of administrative services for the UK Athletic

Over the past ei ht years, UK has lost a number

of parking spaces due to the devel-

UK‘s athletic department has developed a new
home football game parking plan.
It’s designed to accommodate ticket holders
without reserved season parking.
Paid parking was available near the stadium, but

NAMEdnoppz'n g


Oasis SIIIIII' altar-Ina Iran larynltls


opment of South Campus. to find their own way back to t eir cars. LONDON “ Laryngitis and household .Ohh' . ‘
Addltlonal “M“: “T ”K both." Spaces have been lost to the Metro police officers will restrict traffic flow into gations prevented Ifflm Gallagher from joming
7 construction of the Gluck Equine the stadium area to reserved parking pass holders, his band OaSis this week — not a much —-

rumored tiff with his brother.

So said the band’s lead singer before flying to
the United States to join the group's tour Thurs-
da . ., , -,

)Earlier in the week, Gallagher refused to board .' '
a Chicago-bound plane with the rest of the band.

Gallagher said he pulled out because of laryn-
gitis and problems moving with his actress girl-
friend Patsy Kensit. He denied there was a rift
with his brother, Noel, who filled in at Tuesday’s
opening show near Chicago.

“Me and Noel are all right. We have had chats

Stiles said.

Beginning at 4 pm, intersections will be con-
trolled at Limestone Street and C00 er Drive,
Nicholasville Road and Alumni Drive, ates Creek
Road and Alumni Drive, Cooper and University
Drive, and Cooper and S rts Center Drive.

“It’s less convenient r people off campus,” said
Jenn Baker, a fifth-year accounting student.

“lint, convenient for my household because we
live across from the stadium, and we’ll let people
park at our house,” Baker said

Fans attending Saturday’s game are urged by UK
officials to arrive early, thereby avoiding possible

Research Center and the establish-
ment of the UK Arboretum.

This year parking will be free at
parking structures located at the
intersections of Cooper and Uni-
versity and mid-campus at Rose
Street and Washington Avenue.

“This is ve important because
we are basical y having to retrain
people who have been accustomed
to accessing paid general lparking
in the stadium area,” sai Stiles,
who supervises football parking.

'\\\\ ,/ \/
s / \,






“Paid parlrin no longer exists.” traffic 'dlock near the stadium. and that,” said the 23-year-old Gallagher, who
Stiles sai the University l9 "0‘ 5“! ens With K‘LOt Parkin P359“ must remove had shaved of? his trademark stubble. “He can’t

considering buildin a Ezrking their car from the Stadium Lotiy: a.m., Saturday. wait to see me.”

structure by the sta ium cause All reserved parking for the l 6 season has been mefi" m1" W-



sold out.


‘ , ’ sum mu Krmrl a.” '00 ""hY hm enjoy ““9th-






2 two. August 30, 1996, Kentucky tome


. .-~~-~

e V'”-~r—~.- ..




AW News Editor
mNMmmrofimeoneouuuunu . m. . . ... m.
- Editor




-‘ : MN 257 287

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Brenna Reilly
















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The Kentuc
will be closed or a well-
deserved Labor Day. We

will publish again on
Tuesday, September 3rd.

Have a good holiday!



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Volleyball team SBI I0 IIIIBII season

By Jay 6. Tate
Stafl” Writer

UK head volleyball coach Fran
Ralston-Flory unveiled her latest
“magnum opus' Monday night at
the annual Blue-White scrim-

ma e.
The game provided a limpse
of the new talent that lston-

Flory has brought in during the
offseason. Although the head
coach has not arrived at a final
starting lineup for Friday’s season
opener against Miami (Ohio), sev—
eral freshmen seem poised to
make si ificant contributions.
Fresfiihan Jaclyn Homan had a

particularly scrimmage,

racking up eigfit kills, 1 l digs and


F ii: photo

8“ III SIMI Ainsley Grimes and the volleyball team open up the reason
tonight in the UK Invitational The tourney end: tomorrow.


eight blocks — the latter two
being team highs. The perfor-
mance likely secured Homan a
starting spot at middle blocker.

Freshmen Terri Crabb and
Katie Eiserman also showed
promise. Crabb notched 37
assists, but seemed tentative in her
first match. Eiserman layed well,
hitting .367 with 13 kills.

Also turning in a solid perfor-
mance was junior Tracy Thomp-
son, who hit .555 with ll kills.

Ralston-Flory went into the

Friday at 7:30 pm. Although no}:

stacked with top talent, Ralston?
Flory says that the Redskins are a
team to watch out for. ‘

“Miami, while not among the
elite, is still a stron team," Ra];
ston—Flory explaine . “They have

a lot of tradition there and they

will fight all the way.”

The Cats thenJilay Cincinnati'

at noon on Satur ay. During the
offseason, the Bearcats lost head
coach Mike Lingenfelter and all:

conference setter Anne Kordesgf

who transferred to


sacraments- .1. ~ 1. T.
era a ers to t e - riva OUlSVl e. ose
other? riliddle blocker GMEInfO changes make Cincin—
osition alongside V nati somewhat of an
oman. The coach The UK enigma.
liked what she saw volleyball team “Cincinnati lost
with Thompson. open: the reason some key people,” Ral«
“At this point, tonight against ston—Flory said. “But
Tracy Thom son will Miami (Ohio) at they will play with a lot
start at midd e block- 7:30in the of emotion, which can
er,” said _Ralston- Kentucky be dangerous for an
Flory. “She had a real- Invitational. op nent.”
ly, really good night.” K concludes the




Coming as no sur-
prise, senior outside hitter Gina
Heustis had another day at the
office, smashing 13 kills — several
of them measuring on the Richter
scale. However, the second part of
the probable outside hitter tan—
dem, junior Cynthia Dozier was
off her game and seemed frustrat-
ed throu hout.

“Cynt ia had a bad game,”
conceded Ralston-Flo . “She
needs to bounce back t is week
and get in a groove.”

III some ”III!

The team will be hosting the
Kentucky Invitational this week—
end. In addition to UK, Universi-
geof Cincinnati, Miami (OH) and

orgia Tech will be competing
in the tournament.

In keepin with their tradition
of playing di cult schedules, UK
starts the season laying strong
talent — each of the other three
tournament teams received votes
in the preseason NCAA volleyball

UK starts out with Miami on

Kentucky Invitational
against 16th ranked Geor 'a Tech
on Saturday afternoon. he 1995
Atlantic Coast Conference cham—
pions come to Lexin on him ry
after a second-rount loss in ast
year’s NCAA tournament. Their.
talent and sheer fire power is
going to force UK to play their
est volleyball in order to win.

“Georgia Tech is going to be a

test for us,” Ralston—Flory said. “If '

we are able to play on a level with
them, then we will be able to hang
in there against anyone.”

VUK’s match is one of two ori
Friday. Cincinnati will play No:
lo—ranked Georgia Tech at 5:30
in the Invitational’s first match. 7

On Saturday, four matches will be. ' i

played. It begins with Georgia
Tech vs. Miami at 10:30;UK vs.
Cincinnati at noon; UK vs. Geor-
gia Tech at 5:00; and Miami vs.
Cincinnati at 7:00. Ticket prices
are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for
children. UK students enter free.

LaBelle injury brings trash
into SIIDIIIQIII IOI‘ Wildcats

By Rob Herbst
Antwan: Sports Editor

UK women's soccer freshman Jennifer
Mclylaster thought she would get accustomed
to NCAA soccer before feeling the pressure as
a starter. It would have been nice to ease her

into the situation.

That’s a nice fantasy, but reality
sets in this Sunday.

Because ofa knee injury to Kim
LaBelle, UK’s career leader in
points, McMaster’s first collegiate
game will be her first ever start as
the Cats take on North Carolina~
Greensboro at Cage Field Sunday


Not only does McMaster have to worry
about making an impression on the soccer
field, but she also has typical freshman worries.
Just like other freshmen on campus, the transi-
tion from high school to college is not simple.

“Oh God, it’s gonna be a big transition
because I came from a small high school,”

McMaster said.




The UK women ’5
soccer team opens
the season at Cage



“I had like 130 in my class so
going from 130 in my
class to probably more t an 130 in
my math class here...”

The freshman who came to UK
because “everything here is awe-
some,” must also get used to more
diverse students in her class. Ner-







. y, .
.i. fiuan
File photo


out or animation Kim LaBelle will he m1.»—
lined for UK ’s rearon~opener Sunday with a knee
injury. ]ennifer McMaster will take her place.
practice, this season the Cats were able to have
12 days of practice. The extra time has UK
hungry for the Spartans.

“It's like right now if you ask anybody,‘
they're tired of being out here (at practice),
tired of kicking each other," Lipka said.‘
“They're ready to play and we'll just have to

UK will face Transy with five
pla ers either our of commission

or imited in playing time because? . ‘ >-

of injury. Rick Dengclegi has a_ ‘3

tom anterior cruciate ligamenttlz
and is out for the year. Jamie}
and :I

Michael Stickler are also all nurs—I-i

Schuer, Sean Endicott
ing injuries.

Freshman Todd Stonestreet
suffered an injury to his knee, and


the full extent of the dama e Wilt: '

not be determined until an
performed later today. ' .

Rlisfv .
. .

“We just need a little time to-I 2

get people back healthy,” Collins.
said. “B Monday or Tuesday, we
should ave most of the people
back at 100 percent.”

UK’s new soccer stadium has
not been completed and as a

result, the first few night games». '

have been moved to 5 pm. starts
in times and will he played at,

Field Sunday . . .
at Thy-forward from St Louis is against North LnthaLl wlas an all—girls Catholic
- L ' ‘ Carolina- 1g“ SC 0,0- _ _
alrtjaldveffs’lsingothrflngssgggsure I Greensboro at I [- Ttl‘lat s gonna be a bigltranSI;
mean comin in as a freshman and p.m. 10.”, 00 — guys m my c asses,
‘ . h E ,, McMaster said.
:ggating t C "St game, McMaster McMaster’s first test on the
,.L . ; . , . ., . field is no small pop quiz. The Cats
I 91”" .t thmk I H be able to feel who are ranked 16th in the nation according to
ftvlll’tglmg l: my, body. I ll be so nervous, but Soccer America will take on a UNC-Greens—
I Milfdxacsltyfgis no ordinary freshman. The 'broro team Wijo ”St missed making the NCAA
graduate of Nerinx Hall High School was a Gui-{filiIiIlEnUlilngigfi-eensboro may not be a
a‘fiififlfikfiifigffifi Tournament MVP high-profile team in a big conference, last
If what she has done in practice so far is an y?“ Sd 1.3-5 (Econ: “lad perfeg;h:0rsifearletn§:
indication of her ability, the Cats will be fine. LfcorLdilqo ding t9 “g a ' P a
UK head coach \Varren Lipka just wants “Y,“ 1p “ 5 a ".11” ")n' f h .
McMaster to remain confident. I have "O‘h'l‘g ‘but respect or t e".- pro-
“She’s stepped in and she’s done a great graint Lipka 5.3“" They have eveiyth'“g,,‘°
job,” Lipka said. “As a first—year player, she’s come 'n and‘gain by playing well against “5-
playing with a lot of confidence and I don’t B‘“ the (3353 Wh‘) went 17'7 135': year, have
want her to lose that just because we’re going had CXIT‘J time t0 prepare for UNC-(Jreens— . ”
into a match on Sunday.” boro. In most preseasons, UK had SIX days of wait and see.
Cats start SDCCBI‘ season against Transylvania I
By Jill Erwin about them,” Collins said. “I’m Charlie Spiegel.
Sta Writer reall not that concerned about UK has a outhful team as well
Y y . .
them, I’m more concerned about and has been working on coming
Coach Ian Collins and the UK what I’m going to see from our together as a cohesive unit. .
men’s soccer team own layers.” “My goal is not SO much to Win
are reparing for T e fact that Transy’s campus or lose, but just to see what our
the first exhibition backs up to UK’s undoubtedly younger players can do,” Collins
game in their played a major part in said. “lIt’s important
short five- ear the decision to stage the . to p ay 2 game
history. y game. a“Milnfo before you get into
The Cats face “Nobody has to travel ' the heart of your
off against Tran- very far and it does cre- The UKM’: season so you can
sylvania (14-9-1 ate some local interest,” soccer team open: take a look atdiffer-
last year in NAIA Collins Collins said. . . the team mu,” ent combinations of
competition) The Univer5ity of exhibition m players.
toda at 5 pm. at The Cage. The Louisville backed out of at Cage ield he players have
exhihition ame came about a tournament against today against been scrimmaging
because of ransy’s proximity to Transy last weekend and Tra barrier at against each other
campus and UK‘s desire to tune the Pioneers’ coach is P-"fi fonweeks and are
up the team before the season also trying to give his anirious to face
starts. youthful team some another team. .
The two teams have never much-needed experi— . ‘You ' can give
played each other and so have lit- ence. players \I'IL. opportunity to iron
tle infonnation about each other’s “This is one of the youngest out some kin a must different
squads. teams we’ve ever had in my 17 opposition," Collins said. “It’s a

“I mvself don’t know that much


years at Transy,” said head coach


‘" "-l.~-”~—~ 0 ‘ ‘

game to find out more about our-


T e Cage.










son. .

ries.‘ l

was a

er, G
don h:

State n

first rt










"E's "If “junior Billy jar/e Hat/rim bar been tabbed by bead roaeb Bill
Curry a: tbe starting quarterback for tomorrow ’.r game against Louis—ville.

By Jay 6. Tate
Sufi" Writer

and Bob Hsmst
Assn-rant Spam Editor

The time has finally come.

The highly anticipated — and
perha s overanal ed — gridiron
clash etween U and Louisville
is ready to kickoff tomorrow night
at Commonwealth Stadium.

The game, despite its ever
increasing importance, was unable
to land a spot on ESPN. However,
the game will be on national tele-
vision, albeit the land of midni ht
alligator wrestling and phosp o-
rescent 01f ball driving contests
— ESP 2.

“This game has evolved into
one of the top rivalries in the part
of the country,” said UK head
coach Bill Curry. “I think eventu-
ally we’ll become one of the to
rivalries in the country as botli
(programs) continue to improve.”

Des ite the fact that Curry
electe to close team practices to
the media, negating any ability to
analyze the team, the squad
returns several players that made

File Pboto

., .. ,. .wumm—q.._w

State bra ing rights, Governor}
Cup up or grabs in season opener

The departure of 1600—yard
rusher Moe Williams to the NFL
means UK will look to senior Ray-
mond McLaurin to carry the load
on the ground. McLaurin started
the U of L game last year but fell
victim to an ankle injury, opening
the door for Williams’ record-
breaking season.

In the air, UK will begin, at
least initially, with Billy Jack
Haskins at the helm. Haskins, who
passed for 1,176 yards last year,

as retained quarterback duties
despite the pro ram landing
me a-recruit Tim Couch.
es ite overwhelming pressure
from a l fronts to showcase the tal-
ented freshman, Curry has refused
to waiver on his decision to start
Haskins at quarterback. Although
he will not start, Couch could
make his first appearance for UK
Saturday night.

“Billy Jack has been firmly
established as the starter,” Curry
said. “But Tim has shown most
assuredly that he is good enough
to et some playing time.”

erhaps the biggest question


Kentucky Kernel, Fn'day, Airgun 30, 1996 I

ball, it is often said that a team is
on] as good as its offensive line —
which bodes poorly for UK. The
)osition requires a heightened
level of experience and seasoning,
something that UK is lacking.

Among the offensive line
starters, three are underclassmen.
However, in the event of an injury
to a starter, UK faces the prospect
of true freshmen at the back-ups.

“Our offensive line is young,”
conceded runnin backs coach
Mike Drake. “But think the can
become very solid —- it will’just
take time.”

When it comes to offense for U
of L, the Cards sport a formidable
passing game, anchored b fifth—
year seniorJason Payne and/junior
wideout Miguel Montano. In
direct 0 position to UK’s youth
on the ront line, U of L instead
starts all u perclassmen who
should provi e strong protection
for Payne and blocking for tail—
back Frank Moreau.

On defense, the Cats return
five starters includin middle
linebacker Mike Schelfimberger,
who led the Cats in 1995 with 104
tackles. Also returning is defensive
end Kurt Su )e who led the South—
eastern Conl’erence in sacks before
a broken arm sidelined him for
the final six games of the season.

gied against the run all season.
hey inished 10th in the SEC in
stogping the run, conceding a mis-
era e 151 rushing yards a game.

If the Cats are to have success
a ainst U of L, Curry knows that
tl§e run defense will have to step
up to the task.

“We exfiect (the Cards) to
emphasize t eir (power running
game,” Curry sai . “We’re going
to have to stop the run to win
football ames.

FrontIine defense is not a prob-
lem for the Cards. Perhaps most
indicative of their strength, U ofL
starts four upperclassmen on the
defensive line.

“They’re talking about the best
front four ever over there (at
Louisville) —- which is a very large
statement,” Curry said when con—
sidering U of L’s re utation of
churning out NFL de ensive line-

But aside from all the stats,
depth charts and media hype, his-
tory has shown that strong rival-
ries often come down to a game of
psycholo and emotion.

“Theng of L) coaches have
been guaranteeing a win,” UK
wideout Kio Sanford said. “I ess
they know somethin we on’t,
because saying things ike that just
gets us more ready to play.”

significant contributions in' 1995 .

mark for UK this year will befpro-

tecting the quarterback. In ot—

Last year, UK’s defense strug— Let the game begin.

Err-Wildcat Cordon makes his
lirst return to Commonwealth

By Chris Easterling
Sport: Editor

When Donnell Gordon takes the field at
Commonwealth Stadium tomorrow, it will be
the one- ear anniversary of his last game
wearing the blue and white of UK.

This time thou h, he’ll be wearing the
opposin colors of e Louisville Cardinals.

Gor on, a 5-foot-10 inch, 206-pound
junior, transferred to U ofL after the Cards’
13—10 victory in the opener of the 1995 sea-
son. At UK he was third-strin tailback
behind Ray McLaurin and Moe W1 liams.

In 1994, Gordon gained 99 yards on nine
carries in a 24-7 loss to Vanderbilt at Com-
monwealth Stadium. In two seasons in Lex-
ington, Gordon gained 315 yards on 52 car-
ries.’ His lone collegiate touchdown came

, against Kent in 1993.

At South Oldham High School, Gordon
was a consensus all-state selection and was
selected as the Kentucky Player of the Year by
Gatorade. He was also a finalist for the Ken-
tucky Mr. Football award.

According to Louisville coach Ron Coop-
er, Gordon will see playing time behind
starter Frank Moreau. Cooper said that Gor-
don has “earned the right to carry the foot-
ball” because of his practice habits and his
ability to hold on to the ball.

UK coach Bill Curry is also expecting to
see Gordon carry the ball against his former

“He’s a big, tough, hard runner,” Curry
said of Gordon. “He’s a tremendous player.”

UK defensive tackle Harold Bell was dis—
missed from the team, UK coach Bill Curry
announced on Tuesday.

A transfer from Los Angeles Southwest
Junior College, Bell was on the third team at
the time of his dismissal.

E31"! 8131'!

The Aug. 31 starting date for the UK foot—
ball team is the earliest in school history.

HIM making "1'8! Cll‘flfl' 8131“

Eight players are tenatively listed as mak—
ing their first collegiate start.

They are: defensive tackle Jeff tanner,
linebacker Dele Ali, cornerback Chris Ford,
tight end Chad Spencer, left tackle Jeremy
Streck, left guard David Berrin er, right
guard DeAnthon Honaker and wi e receiver
Quentin McCordl

Schlarman, 810W!” 0|“

Center John Schlarman and linebacker
Anwar Stewart are the lone (players listed on
the injury report as of Thurs ay.

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Rick Smith will be making his debut as the