xt76m902285g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902285g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1995 1995 1995-03-31 2020 true xt76m902285g section xt76m902285g  


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WEATHER .lIm‘t/i' cloudy ll’li/

cool today. lug/.7 in upper 4/11;
cloudy tonight. 10:." around 1‘ ll.-

mar/h cloudy today in Inner Wlx.

S’Uy _\‘Ili‘i'e.\‘_\‘. STIHTV, I‘t‘i‘lieiz‘ [Mgr i.



DIVERSIONS Dina/n Hurt/n maker it lit;

Int/n return [but pit/ex tn ctnnptI/‘twn In In



.l’ltn‘t'lz 31, 199)~

l o ('liml’icdx 7 [Memo/ii 4

l __


Fun/I. 8 Spam 2

lounge/117 l/t':.“;mlnl 6






Chaney/flannel will lead Still next year

29 votes separate

firstfimm second

By Sara Spears

Senior Staff ll inter

(Iheers echoed through the chilly air on the Stu
dent (Ienter patio last night with the announcement
that Shea (:haney will he the new student gov ernr
ment president.

.\loments later. although soaked in champagne
and heer, (Ihauey said he felt “great."

“I just want the (Kentucky) Kernel, the students
and everyone to watch S(i;\ this next year hecause
we plan to make a change," (Zhaney said.

(Ihaney, a first—year law student from Pine Knot,
Ky., and new S(£;\ Vice-President lleather llennel.
an education senior from Lexington, won the clec
tion with ")3 votes, 33.: percent ofthe final tally.

Rimners‘up :\vi \"eitzman and .\my .\hernathy.
who lost hy only 1‘) votes, sat off to the side of the
cheering crowd.

“I'm never going to give up," \Veit/maii said to
those around him. Tears streamed down ‘\her~
nathy's face.

“\Ve're iust sad hecause we put so much into
this," Ahernathy said.

\Veitzman and .-\hernathy came in second with
704 \iites. {1.1 percent ofthe total.

l).in .\licha|ak and _lustin Stone came in third
with 4“- votes. while Russell llarper .ind .loe llen-
nett pla..e1l fourth with 371 \otes. 'l‘oiiy ( :arota and
-\ndrew l'Ulll. placed last with less than 11) percent of
the total \otes.

\Vltelt asked how he felt aliotit tlte elections.
(Ihaney said he was very pleased,

“l think we proved that you can win with a posi
tive campaign."(Ihaney said “Now we iust look to»
ward to completing all of our promises. and we want
the students. support in doing that."

;\ll of the candidates were pleased with yoici
turnout. though most agreed it could have heeii het
ter. .\ total of 3,530 student‘s voted. including 3.4%
who \oted’in the presidential race.

“It was a hit lower than last year, hut people were
listening this year," \\'eit7man said. “lf 341M” peo
ple would have voted I would na\ e heen happier. hiii
that didn't happen."

\Veitzman said he was disappointed in the results,
hut was glad that the students want change.

“I‘m very disappointed. hut the truth oftlie mat
ter is that there was only a l‘Lvote difference. lfone
more class would have voted. it may have heen dife
ferent," \Veitzman said. “The students are still
aggravated and want change. so change w ill happen.
Amy and I plan to keep lighting for that."

.Sec CHANEY an 3


Studem voter turnout

'I111.\_y't'tlt"\ .S( ixl (bulimia
market! the [meat voter
turnout tn the putt [tie your.




1991 1993

1992 1994





TV "ALPIN Kernel ililfi


NEW [EADEBS .S/a'iz (f/vlney tint/ IImr/tcr llennel after let/rnIng t/ch iron t/fic S“. I prevalent/til ri/t‘c {mt n/g/it,


l l 2' Inn/c fin



('93 votes

477 votes


764 votes


.SIm/cnt (internment .‘lHUt'ltlflml [ir‘t'xtt/entw/ri t.

"awn! to completing all afar/r pron/no“ and

Il‘t' Izwnt f/Jt' students" NIPPON in doing t/mt. "

Shea Chaney




271 votes


GREG EANS km. '1‘

Less than 150 votes





Students voted/1‘07"
and deserve 6/7/17de

By Lance Williams
.lH/nlilli lit/HUI

'l'w'o student g'overiiiiient w arhorses are preparing
to hit the trail for one last ride

'l‘liey won the right to mount S‘. i.‘\‘\ top saddle hy
a surprising I" \ote margin \thther this is a return
to the old regime or a mandate for change is still up
for dchaie hec ause of the small iiiai'giii. hut one thing
can he taken from this election.

(.haiiey /l lennel and \Veit/inan/ \heinathy could
have and still can leatn a lot from each other.

l)espite their differences iii approach and attitude.
they had one thing in stillllllttll in that they want to
help students. and it would do hoth tickets good to
look at how they can work together for students.

l he winners in this race are old hands at Student
(loverniiient \ssociation races and should haw no

ANAlYSIS prohleiii handling relations with the

new Senate. l hey have the puhlic per

sum and the drive needed to do an effector: ioh next

Shea ( .hanev. the first year law student. has heen
often heen i iitici/ed as too carefree almost aloof

hy some in student government. 'lihose who c‘l‘lIlA
ci/ed ilidna question his time commitment or his
work ethii . hut «lid wonder ahout his iiiahility to fin
isli the toh. '1 hey are looking for (Ihaney to Uilllll'll
not only time. hut the effort needed to inch then
goals. He should take a lesson from \Veit/iiiant \hcir
nathy. who were effective all year in getting tla ii
goals acioiuplished in the (‘Vt‘t’tlTl\L' hranch

ln lleathei‘ llennel. S(l.\ should have someone
w ho can handle the Senate without much hassle. .‘\l’Itl
all. she has spent .l maiority of her tune at hls as .i
iiieiiihcr of that group.

llennel must he ahlc to play toiigli w hen tit: iled
\Vheii Senators neglect their duties. she must remem
her she is dealing with the student's I‘t'ltl"\t‘ltlilil\L‘\
and not iiist her friends. She must he firm. and toll .w
the ( :onstitiitit in with the authority giei‘. to her

Sonic critici/ed .\1n\ :\herii.ith\ tot Itt'lllL': too
.il-rmhe this \eai In the esei 'it'xe‘li' inch. h." '5‘:-
qttt‘stloning ofliet ititliot'tty was almost llHlY’t'WSIl t‘t

llennel has almost an entirely new Senate to woik
with. and some of the results were surprising is stii
dents voted for new faces. instead of those w ho have
heeu S( l.\ for a while. 'l‘hey have the opportunity to
get Senate spending under control. and estahlish .i
new trend of rcspon sihility for student government.

'l'he ('haney/lleiinel platform is one that should
he easily attainahle. (Zampus safety. campusw idc recy
cling and lohhying for stttv
dent rights in lirankfort and
\Vashington are all things
students can get hehind.

.\s for \Veit/iiiau and
.-\het‘nathy, their loss should
not mean thr.= should leave
the scene. They should take
it as a learning experience,
and figure out what role they
want to take for students. west
Also, they may hay e learned a little hit ahout dealing
with people. \Veitxiiian/Ahernathy too ottcn riihhed
people the wrong way; they were admittedly ahraswe.
\Vhile (:hanev and llennel were calm, \Vcitliiian ind
;\hernathy wanted to make noise no matter whom
they turned off iii the process.

:\ mix hetween the two tickets would prohahly he
the hest thing for [‘K‘s student government. \ ticket
with the stahility .ind experience of(:haney/ l lennel
.ind the guts and work ethic of\\cit/.iiian/.~\liei‘uatliy.

'l‘wentyinine votes doesn't usually make a niair
date. hut what it does say is that students w ant effec»
the leaders, who do iiist that lead. Students are
also looking for some kind of change in this ineffec—
the organization. One look at the margin ofthe pres-
idential race, and the Sen;.te results show that.

.ind commit to them. ’l‘hey were elected hccaiise they
haie the experience and knowledge to accomplish
something good for students.

Now. all students ask is that they do it.


Senate rare 1
lirtngr many mt.“
Sec rte/)1. rein/t1.
page i. l



since last semester lie and run

HDIIDI‘ code, tall hreak, reading period supported

By Perry Brothers
.\-I’L”.\ I‘ii/Ilrn'

Sqiiealers are out, honor is in,
and just ahoiit every voting mem-
her of the student hotly wants a
hreak. That's the final word on
this year‘s referendum vote, which
supported three of four iroposed
questions, put on the hal ot hy the

Student (itin‘I'lllllt'llI \ssoi iaiion

lilection Boaid of (:ldlllls
(Ih'airinan Matthew 'l’honias iead
the results of the vote. as ahont
350 students gathered on the Stu
dent (Ienter patio last night .in\
iously awaiting the presidential
race results. ’l‘he first question,
“Are you in favor of an honor

L'ttlt‘:“ passed with l._‘(i§ in fo\or
and HH‘} oppi using.

Referendum numher two, “Are
you in favor ofiiiaiidatoty report-
ing other students when they wit~
ness a violation of the honor
code?" failed. receiving 734 votes
for and l,\' W against.

Referendum numher three, a
query ahoiit the need for a mid;


term hreak during fall
semester, passed I. I 8‘) to ), and
the final question proposing an
enforced reading period. or pre—
Iin-als study hreak, passed 2108 to

Thomas reminded the audir
enee that although the students

passed three referendums, none of

them will go into effect immedi—

ately. 'l‘he referendum simply
gauged stu-lcnt support for the
idcas and this siippoit must now
he channelled hy the S(..\ Senate
to the lliml‘ (d the kittlu'l‘stty Seth
ate. \\i \Vcit/iiian. who finished
second in the presidential race.
said he was "ecstatic" .ilioilt the
passage oftlie three referendums,
e\eii though he lost the hid for the
top S( }.'\ post,

\Veit/man has led the tight to
place the questions on the hallot

tiiiig mate \Ill\ \hernatln .ilso
lllL ltlilt'il tltt' lltflllll cinle proposal
in then platlot'iii.

'l‘hc proposal. if approied hy
the L‘l1l\t'l\lI} Senate. will put
of honor in writing. hut
some students said the code will
he ineffectn e without the passage
of referendum No. I. the so called


“sqiiealer rule." w liich would
allow all students to participate in
honor code enforcement.


Boys in military
no my declared invalid

NFH' YORK The first federal iiidge to rule
on the (Ilinton administration's “don't ask. don't
tell" policy on gays in the military declared it iiiicon-
stitiitional yesterday. US. District Judge liiigene
Nickerson‘s ruling harred the Pentagon Iroin dis-
charging six homosexuals. 'l‘hoiigh it applies only to

the Sl\‘, it represents the first step in a process that
could lead to a Supreme (Ioiirt ruling on the policy.
Nickerson said the policy is “nothing short of
()rwellian" heeaiise it equates sexual orientation
with misconduct. Lawyers for the plaintiffs wel-
coined the ruling hut said that it doesn't prevent the
Pentagon frotii taking action against other gays.

FBI investigates GuatemaIan incident

\\' \Slll.\'(l'l'().\' The FBI has opened a
criminal inquiry into allegations that the National
Security .\gent y or .-\riny intelligence destroyed files
relating to the death of an American in (luatemala
in WWII and of a (liiatemalan rehel leader two years
later '\t the same time, President (Ihnton ordered a

review ofall aspects of allegations surrounding the
deaths or abuse of three other .-\inericans in
(Suateiiiala dating hack 10 years. (:linton's ilircctii e
followed published reports as well as allegations by a
congressman that have raised questions ahout (Il;\
ties to the Guatemalan military.

Specter declares candidacy
HARRISBURG. Pa. Sen. :\rlen Specter
declared his presidential candidacy yesterday warn
ing President (Ilinton will win rerelection if Repuh-
licans fall “captive to the demands ofthe intolerant
right." Specter, (1;, launched his hid with a forceful
rehuke of forces he said threatened to tug the
Republican Party away from its winning message.


Iyson sticks with King

(Il.l’\'l".l.-\.\'l) Mike Tyson
reaffirmed that l’on King will lead
his quest to regain the heavyweight
championship. ’l‘yson‘s closest
friends were said to have urged him
to hreak ties with the promoter.

l‘yson didn't mention when he‘ll
return to the ring, hut the chairman
of the .\l(l.\l (lrand expects him to
light within six months.




 2 I‘m/.1). .\I.111/1 1']. 1‘1"”. Amt/1.1.11 [\1/11/11








for scored .. 111ints in .1 1111ti11111|l_\
some televi'sed hout with powerful
(ieorgia 'l‘ech and later \\ as
unknown named MVP of the l",( f.»\(I lloli'
rL‘uS‘mlsl' (la) (:lassle.
Rhl’d'” However, inexperience soon
“m” reared its ugly head and Rhodes
€*’ ““1”“ saw limited action 111 the (iats'
. III“? I” eventual drive to the l’mal l-‘our.
‘: l ‘1: “‘ “RU”, VA lengthy heiiching during
I . L - . L. L
.§ p‘ 111.1 ”fig the l‘)‘)5~‘)~l campaign for poor
‘. .g é:‘(; I t shot selection, and 1.1 rash 11f irre»
’ . ”in" sponsihle technical fouls. During
"‘NJIH this time a rift in the relationship
common or . _ . - . 1
111e\[1erienced}1l'1versin their hctwccn lRl'hwlh and Pmn” HELENA "A” K"""""'v"‘
. ‘- receives pu 1 Icitv
fr' 'hi 11 s' "sons.
l’ l ‘l 't' tle “m u I. V \ dismal 0- 10 shootin1r perA comebacu cats
e111. 1s 1 s 1e pressure 11
. . 11.1111. s \ t i
performing “'L’ll for the scouts (1” II r1111 ”KC III“ [ lanlUCt C n [the “71 l I\ [WW/'1!” [111m ‘ .W/llt/ [V111 1I/III1‘ [Mimi [MI/It! Illilt' 1!!)1/1!!! 1‘IQ/tt- 11m
111 1.tion 1l television or simpl} the . 3“ {$.11 .Ir."‘”“ U“ m ‘N 1111111! 111 17.111 11/ 111 [1111 M111 1111/1111 .5'111/1 11111111'111.111Ifu1 .11/11111 gall/1 1111111
pressure of heing .I ‘(l- vear— —ol1 l kid 1““;3‘. " ‘i, ()lIlr?a”KI[1II' I “ll" .l/1.\,\/.\\1/1/11 V1111 ’I-"1‘ ' “AU"!-
“'0 misset ree 1roII's '.1
\Iith the hopes of an entire state » . .
ridinuonhis1erf‘or11111nce the end ”f nglll‘JilUll “II-Inn“ coon-000.00...ao.onnooo.oaoIon-oooooooooooacoooooo-
(I: 1erhais In his heen sun Arkansas in the championship
Nested l hv Plitino and nuineroiis game of this season's Southeastern '
b 1 sports writers Conference Tournament. 0 BPS o p ay In wens
i - -_ 'l‘he (Iats eventuallv Wnn this
ee 1"! Rod earlier this sea l t Rl I . . l t
. . game 111 1111 es misse. ve . . . V .
ho1ef‘ull . son: .\la}l1e ' ’ ' By Beth McKenzie the L l\ team at this weekend s
l .‘1 R l "k Rh l" another chance to he the hero and S “g .. , . , , .
-\fter watching 01 Flt 01 L8 l' f' h (. l . _ 1h ~ 111]} 11111 tourney are (.rover justice, l)1.111
. ' _ e is - 1st not as s 1111c or t c .ats t tiring crunc 1 l 'l‘ 1 ll
for“ 1rd Rodrick '1 1111501), (U
l l . good as ever"- “m“ , _ The UK golf team will plav Bunnell, .\lil.1e
Rh‘“ L“ “LL‘ ‘ ”Cl” ending V'\ poor performance 111 what ‘ - ' ~ '
roller coaster through his three hotly on1.' III h' 1 “VI I host to the_loh11n_\' ( )vvens ln\ita~ ( assm and Ryan
w Iwm I“ a “ ildcat it s finally thought. L”“‘ ’L ‘5 ‘l‘t game 3‘ “ 'LL'MI tional this weekend at Kearney Io1rhr\1
time to s. II enough' 1s enough ' - Rhodes is that pretty ””th sums up Rhl’LlL“ Hill (iolf Links in Lexington. “ l he most
)rohahl ' as tal- up—and-down career. The tournament. \"lllt’ll is 111 Its consistent plaver
Simply st. 1t1d lhInks Rod hut Jason l .l _ . In th '(‘11t‘ 1141' I \~ th . . . . . -
111tl11nl.‘ ( ive \our incr nsistent n .I ented as cm.“ L " 5 ’ l ”5‘ U' ”r ninth ve'ar, 1s named for former so f'arthIs vear has
1 . s 1 1 . . . . . . , c . - . , - . - . ..
s r\1 es 1 h1t It the next l 1 l 3““! once believed (.arolma ”‘ th “1'5"”‘1' “m" ”l L l\ L’olfet and coach lohnnv heen lustlct‘.
C L' i 1 \ l 1 i ‘.V C it. _ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ » ' s ' - 1 -
_ . _ . .l.~1.-111111 5111111. _ . o , this season s .\(.:\:\s, Rhodes ()1. ens. \\ ho “as one of the first Smitha sald.
regardless of vour posItIoiI 111 the . ut t I“ k n — - 1 - - ~ - — ‘
r‘ - . ~ l'-‘/”"’ .||‘. .\|[-.\ . '_ ‘U’rUl1l’"'m“”‘ll'L”“--‘l “l 1“ golfers met to compete at l l\. J l' lseatnev llill
upcomm1'.\li\ lraft y 1“ ' ' 1 ”1L“ - 1 us we , _ _ .
_ f S shooting while trvin1r futile Iv to (hie of the l-tt1.1111s competing (mil Links, as the
\nother 1e 1.1r 111 l e\1111rton L ”1 ml” l . . ~ . V .
\\Hlll1l<1l1\li)llsl_\ do l\l1odes no \'IIthonI c High School in Ne“ take the game into his ice cold 111 the \Ieekennl event 1s defending natne Implies. Is .1 links—static
l \\l l l l lLL‘r‘L.‘ has sitnplI not heen 1hle to hands champion l.oiiis\1|le. course with open, rolling terrain
Ll") . 11 e 1e 1.1s 1 . .. . . . ,
~ 1111‘” I I l1 Ill I. I I handle Ill the petl[)l1er‘."'1lelements SldlI enough once Rhodes loIIIsIIllc has a lot of good and deep litlnlxcrs. lite tourna»
.fl (‘t l\ l\'lt ll.l ‘ u . , L. - - .
Li” l ll ltl‘ l 1},” HIIIIC\Hll1 heinu one of the departs he will he re""111c111l1ucd.1s plaveis. L l\ head 111.11h Steve ment consists of ‘4 holes. and
i. l \lnlkh ‘ .U 1% [I‘D] 111'1'11 HIM 1““ another tnarglnal L K luck“. Sinitha said. [hey re older and each team \\lll use Its top four
U 111 1111111111 m 7 1. ' l hall l1laver that [Ilaved three vears 1|1c'.\”\1 l‘t't“ ills“ l's‘fil'fl .. ”“llH‘l‘lJl “ML“ l‘” purposes “i
l11,'1,11111e .1 fantastic one 11mg succcssfu 111 sports - - - ., ll l [K . x
, | .._ 1 l t‘e'quirts an “MC.“ to he stronu 111 and then departed to pursue .1 life ‘1 l “‘W‘l ‘ l" ”‘l ""1 ”H l“ “mmfi- .
1111711111 pint. I HS F - , f. | . ' (r . j I . .I shut start Smitha said he hIs “lts tough to tell how well
hecome ol1\1oiis that he “I” lllk' ”1“” 'l L 1PM") M”) r1111 'thml] .1111 in .. . l " g l i 1'l "H -.' t 1‘
. . l" l I . _ .. Rhodes l1 as ce.tt1inl} dealt suc~ pressures associated \vith wearing sc1111111pi1111e1n111t. 1o, .1111t1.1s.111.. \Ic ius cc;
11111r11111c1stat1. “L ””l“’”"”“ l 'll . l h . ‘ “\\ e l1.1\'ent fared too \1 ell so \Iorking h.1rd.11e re hound to see
of team. “C“ll'll.‘ “”h ”l ”“ l’LanJl hard I“ ”K .1111 “ ”L- 1711-" Sinithi 1i l “ll It forth ' II t 111sitiIe I‘esul's soon "
.\t the beginning of l1oth his Lilli“ 1” hi‘ l'l‘kfi l’l” 1“ hi‘ lN "i Rhmlcs‘ however, (”UM have 1..., iveeksi Rex-1' 'Ilorked rLeIllv I The t11urii11111ent-hegins Satui»
l1 ' i l ' i ' 1 hlunders 11nd miscuesonthe court heen much hetter ”‘1‘” ”VCNL’L‘. " ' ' ‘ -- v ‘ -- 1 b i H
WlHImfimI‘ Iin‘ Him”: \IJ‘I‘M" I I I L'K hut he siniplv did nothuild 1111 his hard and have sl1o\\ti .1 lot of dav \IIth the first 1(1 holes and
('oIci ic' itmo ‘l\'lS 1e1 11.1111 1’rew IncreismgI engt I_v . 1 . . 1' . ' 1| l' g I' . r} } .I.. '1
' ' 1 - r1 . ~ » 111111111e111e111. com ut cs, um .I\ \11t1t1t. ast l.s
. '1 . 1 ' . _ f" l l p l l 1H , numerous flashesof hrilliance. lle l . . . 1
Rhodes Intteascd .lhllit} to grasp JHS “' Ms M“ \ 1‘“ t8 ‘lltUJ .l I l. . Ihe five IllMels representing holes.
the [c.1111 Ulllct'pi. and about lug hreal.‘ tl(1\\n in front (1i illL'lr \‘CH‘ Oil} ((11) “Cl" In llltf “ rung . i
' . ‘ (ierLtl()l] ....‘C...’.......I............C...................'
neufound leadership skills, l:_\'L“~- . I' . \,
l’itino and the media hyped, Some instancescontributingI to ("“5 Il’Lk ”1 th' ' ”‘1 RWL P I'-
hut Rhodes ne\erdelivered. Rhodes' slow hut steady demise and thl" “'"L try I“ learn from ytes
l’ach season, the fans see hrief include your ””5”ch V
and even sometimes hrilliant V:\ fast start to his freshman -'l“’-""”’ "WW7."l':‘//"l".71’1‘”” “MIN/0 1‘ 1!
(lt‘llliillsirailtIIIsI l111t soon enough, season during \Ihich Rhodes 11111171111117”11111111111111“: , . .
‘ ‘ Lo k M It lenn., has coached high school
”2,. ”77.. _. _....N_.._,.,. ___.A. Hen—.2 - . . . L
F c e a 0x haskethall In leimessee and
o ‘ ' o o ‘. '. . . ' . . -§
And thev said SAB hasn t done anything this year. . . Kernel - 1...”... ”' WWW" -‘ 1"“ :4
' names 388's an record In seven years at 81.11117
8 Or‘tS' hridge ((ia. ) High School and .1
' Bernadette l.()L'l\‘C‘.\l.l(l’(l.\, 06. 3-} ”Ln-k in five ycurg In
' . W t \vho has named head coach of (;ICthI|I'k ('l‘enn.)' High
S a enln n am us 9 go 0 the L l\ \Iomen sl1.1s‘l\'eth'.1llte.1111 School,
’ Ill" “V” “L'L’k‘ “Ti"; “"“W‘l ”"I “I‘m thrilled to have someone
great engt S “'"L' '” ll” “"lrL'h l” '1‘ “'1‘” “l with Ken's experience on my
' ' . JLLN "1“ staff." l,ocl(es.\lattox said yester—
tO br'ng you I‘L” “.‘r‘l l' ‘ H mm ‘LtLr' da} in 1.1 prepared statement.
. .111 of girls high school ((1.1Llllll”. “”018 an accomplished high
the latest ll-‘fll‘cfin 11 ”“Ul “ l "kl“ '~‘\l ll school coach who should have an
I m“ l'r‘l ”L“ l“"‘li‘m1 LR easy transition to the college
announted Ieste 1.l1\ game,"
0 B.‘ rd -1 '1 ”13L" Hi l Flt IIdsI ille. (,11m/11/1'11fr11111 1111f}. 311111 1117111111.






The Student Activities Board is looking for able,
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Due Monday, April 10, applications are available
in room 203. Student Center. Selections interviews
will follow on April ll l2, 13 .Call 257- 8867.


For further information call the
SDC office at 257-6288.















[1111111.1'1A1'1'm/ [11.1.11, 11.II./' 1/ I‘m)


brings in new laces

Senate election

By Jenniter Smith

(../m[1ui ['../Itru'

1'111r the second year 111 .1 r111v,:\lat1_-\i.l \1astl1L' top
\11tL'L1L'ttL'r 111 the 8tudent (lo1L'r11111L-nt .'\ssoL'1at1on
Senator .11 Large election.

\1'1th 1,31(1111tes, :\ia 11.111 (17 more votes than last
year, although 1111s year's general election turnout
was 11111 er than last year's.

.-.\11, who 11' .1s surrounded 11y his ticket '11111 his
1.1111111 last 1111111t, \1.1s11.app1'.1l1out thL results

1111 L'\1itL1,l 1111,1111 re .1111 L'\LitL'd," he said.
“'1 111s 1s LroinLr to he .1111 and new 1L ar and thL' 8e11ate
1s11111nL11oha1e1L-r1 str1111L11L'1.d1.'1's '

:\1a said attLi the 1'1-11111'111ersiLs .11111 Lontusions
thit surrounded .8(1 :\ this year, he is Lrlad his Lon—
sti t'11Lnts still thought he 11 as 111111111 .111 e11eL'ti1L' 11111

1111 LroinLr 111L111e thL' students \1 hit 1 was eluted
t11r,".\ia s.1.1d “1 need to L11111.'1Lk into the ()fllLC '.11111
do 11 11.11 [11' done (in the pa.st) .\nd 1 have got to go
11. 1111 .111111 111 11 11. at (students) )w ant 111 me

lle'ater Bauer, .1 lrL-s'hman s'Lnator last semester,
came 111 second place 111 the at»larLre race with 1,111)

Bauer said shL 11 as surprised 111‘ the number 111‘

\Htes sl'lL' 11.111. She said she expected lL‘s‘s 1)L'L"atlsL she
did not run with .1tiLket.

“1 11.111 .1 lot 1111 help from the (ihauey and llennel
ticket .11111 that helped a lot, " Bauer said. “1 just
11111111 L'1L'r1one .1t .8( .\is 1.5111111: to get alonLr s11 well
this coininLr year. .8(}.\ is LioinLr to LhanL1e 1 just
know it.

.8hL' said the sLn ators that won will represent
Lh. 111L1L' 1111 thL s111dL.nts

1111111 p.111e, with 1,1198 1otes, went to \Vendy
1111 and .1t1111- 1e. 11' .8L'n. ite vetLran

‘l .1111 iust 1'L11L'1ed 111 at it is .111 111L'r, 1.11111 .1111 1er1
pleased with the turnout 111 people that L.'lLLted 111L'
111111111 said. “1111 sL' ared. though, that that 111.1111'
people trust me to represent them."

\\'hitne1' Hale, \1 1111 ran 1111 Aia and llylan1l‘stick—


SENATE lEAllElls. '11.”) 1/11, 1111.81'111111”1111p :1111'1111111 Q11) .1 11111 11".

I‘11W11111/Il'1' .11“—11)I1d big/ted .1111 MIMI.

e1. came 111 fourth place with 1,0143 votes.

.\lelissa Moore, the 111th~place 1111isher. will he
new to the .8L'I1ate.

"l 1(‘(1 \1111111L',rliltl H sl1L's.li1l.l 1LLls11L'11od right
now. 1111s 11. as to he thL' l1Lst leelinL’ 111t11L whole

Moore‘s other ticket 111en111er,_l11n Hall. the ch~
place finisher said the end results made the election
stress .111 seem worth it.


GREG ms 1.

11.1L1'.1.'.'1/.1111 H1 [1.11m Hun/aw lid/11'1". :.'/'1

“I'm 111st ~11111pp1 111 111‘tl1e1111r111hat 11111111 has
11.11111111 ll1lls111l “ll11"'11 was s111111111'111111L11111
111111 thi 111111111111. l111111s1111e"111111111111l"

811111111 \\11 lei 1111 s1\tl'. pl.'111s1'.'1111oi said s111
111s 1111111111: 1111111111 1111.111111111 out 111'1 1..1111[11.1'11

1L'.11."sh1's.111l11111111 8(1\ 1.111111.'111'1 s111111'pos1

this is 14111111.! to 111' .1151 11


candidates VOW to 11819 Ollt

8y Alison Kight
and Brenna Reilly
8m]? ”lure/'1

\mid cheers and shouts celehratinLrthL'1'1L"t11r1 111
811L1( 11. army and Heather llennel 111r Student (1111';
ernment .-\.ssoLi'1t1on president and \1L'e presidenta
kind 11111111et settled over the other tour presidential
candidates and their supporters.

.\s the Lro111l diminished, hugs and tears 111.11'ked
the end otthe r1 1.111 1111 several presidential hopefuls.

-\\i \\'e.it/1111n .11111 :\1111.-\11ernath1 said they
11111111 1 rem. 1111 11111111ed 111 student attairs on the L K
Lampus, men 11 it is not through 8(1.\.

“,\\i .1111] 1 will continue to work for thL' stu»
dents," :\11er11.1th1' said. “11L inst hope that 8(1'.\
will 1‘

\\e1t/.m.111 .11111 ."\hern'ath1 unotl'iLi'all1 111st the
election by J) votes.

111L11t1 nine votes means that the students want
change '1 \1'eitzman s'aid.‘ ( hanLre will happen \\ e
will propose our four constitutional amendments."

\\ eit/an .111 also said the duo will not he splitting
up anytime soon.

":\iny and I will continue to work together. (\Ve)
n1 alL'e .1 ere' .1t team. \\ e are not going to split it up.

Heir/111.111 and :\hernathy said the} werL not sure
11 Hwy would he involved in the ( harie1 and llennel

“\\11etl1er we are committee heads or executive
officers again will he up to the new administrat111n,"
\Veitzman said.

Dan .\11chalal\', the third—place presidential candi-
-'late, said he was happy 111r(lhaney and llennel.

“’l‘liey‘ll do '.1 great job," .\lichalak said

.\liL'halal< also said he will continue to he invoh e11
in student affairs.

“In one wa1 shape or torm 111 he 111111l1ed 111
8(1 :,"\ \liLhalaL said, although he said he does not
know 11 he will run 1or president again.

“That is not .1 decision [‘11 make anytime soon,"
.\1icl1alak s.1.id

\liLh. 11. 111' s runniuL1 111. He, _lustin .8tone 11 as' up
deredspee"Ll1lLsshyt11e L"'lLLtion results.

1 wish 1 1'an what t11sa1, .8111nL said.

Russell Harper. the t1111rtlr-pl.1ce presidential 1111
lsher, said he 11 is not disappointed.

“1111 happ1 that. somLonL won that 11111 do 1 L11111d
ioh and who knows thL' s1steu1. llaith said.


Harper said he will he involved in 111L' ( hauL1
and llennel administration.

“1 will do anythinLr they 11 am me to do. 1 want to
stay involved," Harper said.

Harper's running mate, 1111c Bennett, also said he
is happy tor (.‘haney and llennel .

“l’ve already talked to them," Bennett said. “I will
he involved 111 their administration."

'I ony ( arota .11111 .\ndre\1 lolt/ \1 1111 pl .1'1L'd titth
111 the race, received less than 11) percent 111 thL'
overall 111te. (Iarota said he also planned to remain
involved next year.

“11‘18L‘L somethinLr I like, I‘ll do it, " he said.
might actually write .1 hill or two and present it to
the 8111ate. Ihere were a few really hiLr reasons 1
r111. 111 like to Lret (my ideas) rollan. "

( arota said he was not disappointed he ran, 11111
did not know 11‘ he would r1111 aLrain.

“13111 1




JAMES CRISP km... 1.1”

00W" BI” "01 01.” 1?: ll Mrs/211m .11/.1. lmy . l/a'r—

11.11/11 111/1/tl'1'v ::'I// 11.11 m: 11/."1'./ :."It/' 811:1

said. “I‘m glad someone won who can
Chaney do things and knows the system well
enough to get those things done. "
( arota agreed with Harper saying
he tl1oquh( l1ane1 deserved the win.
“.811L'a earned it,"
Lroing to do a line 11111."
Michalak seemed rather speechless
ahout the entire scene.
“'I‘he results could have been '.1 little
" Miehalak said,

new to me. you have to understand."

Law student elected
(1.1‘ 86.4 president
From PAGE 1

Harper said he was pleased with the
results even though he didn‘t win.
“Actually I‘m reallv happy," Harper


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(arota said. ‘llL' s



“hut this is all

thL' total l.(:(: votes.

The election 11111 run into some
trouhle with thL'L'1111111sion .11 l. e\inLt--
ton ( ommunit1 ( ollL'L'e
at the 1 (( poll 11 as out 111 se'r111e 1111' Hit: total was added t11t11L' l.e\1nL’ton
some-timL, hut poll \1'11rlLL‘l‘s allowed
students to \ote without callinL1 111 to
contirm they were hilltime students.
chairman 1111' thL'
Flection Board 1111(Ilaims, said that thL'
51 people who voted .11 1.( :(1 without
heing called 111 made up 33
To s11l1L' the

“'11 phone

prohle111.tl1e 1’ilt'k'lltlll lioaid 8lllilrilL'l‘
1'11 33 per11'nt lirom c.1111 senator .1t
larL'e‘s l.(:(: total. \Vhen this new

campus total. theie \\ is 1111 11111L'rence
111 the order 111' the results 111 thL' .8e11
ate races. 1111' totals made no 11lliL'l"
enL'e 111 the presidential race either.
“yen/man and .\l1ern.1th1 11.111 the
inLr thL' 13 percent would have made
1111'111 lose 111' .1 larger 111aann.

percent 111




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Senator Results





36 I West Short Street

Senator At large
Alan/515a 1.256
1 Heather 15am" 1 195)
West). Hy‘a' '1 l 111’)
WM’ 81 11a 1: 108?
MellSSt l~.1""~ 999
Ste1111'11"'wj»;' E1115
(111/11.11111»: 8’51
[11:11:11.112'1' 81‘;
1 Ks'.’ 1111:} 179/
i .191», 13.1.: 795
‘ 111111111'1‘12'1 707
‘ 11.1 (11.11113. 5'33
1 811811 Kllhy 754
1 11111 Hail .749
Kelly Wesiey 736
College at Agriculture
K1111ylta1c1112k 12/“
College at Allied Health
Benny Hay Bailey ('1


0011090 01 Arcmlectm‘e
l 1,119‘111111'1V111111 .,

College ol Arts and Sciences

$1.1M? 11111
College ol Business and Economics

.1111: lvlulitSOI" 134

0011898 01 Communications allll
lnlormation 8818ll888

l B1itP-11rassir»; 101
l .
1 College ol Education
1 Crag Waitate 69
1 College ol Engineering
1 law 1.1:: 11.12
1 .
; College 01 Fine Arts
11111111'1'1271 .13
1 the Graduate School

Dea' Br '111115 211

0811898 01 Human Environmental 881811888

College 01 Social Work
Amy Rrsw 9


1 11.113 (5:11am 9
1 College ol law

1 81,5“. Sa‘frtri 9':
1 lexington Community 0011898
1 Jared 150'. 133‘
1 0811898 81 Nursing

1 Susan Eatingei 12
1 College at Pharmacy

1 Jett Lowe 9




oncr 0111's 5501.311fent

code v11 111:1" " N17 681'ercent

F1111 01911; ‘1 s

Reactor: 1"." .r.” Yes


89 percent


1. ._._.





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