xt76m902284w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902284w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1994 1994 1994-09-28 2020 true xt76m902284w section xt76m902284w    








today; high near 70; cool
tonight, in upper 40s; sunny
tomorrow, in lower 70s.

N0 SALE Bad Religion stays true to music

with first release on major record label. Story,

page 4.


WEATHER Partly sunny




Byars defends scholarship deal

Paintsville senator
calls program racist

Staff: wire reports

A UK minority affairs official said yesterday she
“would applaud” the Kentucky Hi her Education
Assistance Authority’s scholarships that a state sena-
tor recently called racist.

Lauretta Byars, vice chancellor for minority
affairs, said 11 scholarships handed to minority stu-
dents in Kentucky over more qualified white students

'was necessary “as long as the (minority) students

were qualified.”

The scholarships were awarded to 278 students
who hope to be teachers and are for the full cost ofa
year’s schooling or $5,000, whichever is lower; the
average award is $4,200, said Paul Borden, executive
director of the education authority.

Senate to set
election hoard

By Sara Spears
Senior Staff Writer

UK’s Student Government Association has
announced an emergency Senate meeting at 7:30
tonight to vote on the last nominee for the fall
elections board.

SGA President T.A. Jones will nominate
Matthew Thomas for the chairman position on the
Board of Claims. The Board of Claims is responsi-
ble for handling any complaints filed during elec~

Claims may be filed for several reasons, includ-
ing campaign violations or malicious or irresponsi-
ble behavior by the candidates.

“Matt has proven himself to be responsible as a
leader on campus; he is the kind of level headed
person we need to fill this position,” Jones said.

Thomas currently is the executive director of
external affairs for the Interfraternity Council and
coordinator of the recently implemented Campus
Watch program.

After the Senate meeting, there will be a Com—
mittee on Committees meeting that will focus on
new bills and the proposal of new amendments to
the SGA constitution.

Senator at Large Adam Edelen plans to present
the two constitutional amendments.

The first proposal would reserve a minimum of
50 percent of the Senate’s total budget for alloca-
tions to fund programs, services and activities that
are created by the SGA Senate or executive branch.

If passed, this amendment will mean that only
50 percent of the budget will be available to aim—
cate to other organizations’ conferences or pro-

This percentage is a large cut from the money
available for such allocations in previous years.

Edelen said that, in previous years, the Senate
was allocating between 70 and 80 percent of the
total budget on other organizations’ activities.

Edelen also said he thinks the amendment
would force the senators to “do
their jobs” by carefully scrutinizing
every bill proposed.

“This will make us quite a bit
more thrifty with the students’
money,” Edelen said.

Edelen said the two main pur-
poses of this amendment are to get
SGA’s spending practices in order
and to force the Senate to become Jones
a program—producing body.

Senator at Large Alan Aja agreed with Edelen,
saying that in past years it seems senators were
nothing but “resume senators,” meaning they were
in SGA only for the titles they received.

“Now the senators will be in a decision—making
position and not just hiding behind a name,” Aja

Senator at Large LeAnn Norton also stressed
the need for more senators to become involved in
creating programs instead of just passing bills allo-
cating money to other organizations.

“I definitely agree with this proposal of Adam’s,”
Norton said.

“I think more programs need to be created.”

Senator at Large Heather Hennel said she
thinks the 50 percent division of spending is a good
idea, but there is no way it will pass through the

“I think it’s a really good idea, but I’m not so
sure it’s feasible,” Hennel said.

Hennel also said she thinks the proposal needs
more research before it is brought before the Sen-

The Committee on Committees also will go
over several bills requesting a total of more than

These bills are proposed by such organizations
as the new UK co-ed soccer team and the UK
Community Volunteer Expo.

Also included is a bill that would allocate money
allowing SGA senators to attend a “Lead or
Leave” national conference in Washington, DC.


A new law, passed this year, requires that the per-
centage of minorities who get the scholarships be the
same as the percentage of eligible minorities who
applied for them.

Sen. John David Preston, R-Paintsville, drew crit-
icism after writing letters to white students who were
in line for scholarships. Preston said, based on
numerical rankings used in the past, only three
minority students would have received scholarships.

“It’s racially discriminatory, plain and simple,”
Preston said. “It treats a group of people differently
because of their race. I come from an (economi-
cally de ressed) area which is almost totally white,
and we liave lots and lots and lots of deserving kids
that don’t have the resources to go to college.”

However, Byars said the “state of Kentucky — at
least the Council on Higher Education -— is commit—
ted to have a diverse pool of teachers. There is really
no other way for them to accomplish that goal.”

State Sen. Gerald Neal, D-Louisville, one of the
law's sponsors, said he would be willing to discuss the
law with Preston but was stunned that Preston had

not talked to any of the sponsors about it before
sending the letters.

He called Preston’s action “reckless” and “irre—

“It fans the flame of racism," Neal said. “The
intent of the legislation was to afford an opportunity
of reasonable access to scholarship money, which is
tax money, where minorities have been locked out."

All applicants must either rank in the top fifth of
their graduating class or score in the 80th percentile
or higher on the ACT college preparatory test. Their
grade—point average is later factored into their rank—
ing. _

If an applicant doesn’t meet one of those criteria, a
strong letter of recommendation from a teacher or
principal may be substituted.

Borden said 495 students were eligible for first-
time scholarships this year. The top 267—ranked stu—
dents and 11 other eligible minorities got scholar—
ships. Those minorities ranked from 331 to 440, he
said — well below some students, well above others.








PHOTOS BY GREG [ANS Kt’fllel staff

SIGNING "P l/Vildeat Hair Razors elients over the past twoyears have included everyone from UK football players to aca—
demic team members, and many have stopped to sign the wall.

Hair salon hacks SBIIOOI
with Wildcat wall ol tame

Owner says display
‘leeeps them coming’

By Tony Love
Staff Writer

Wildcat fever has infected a cer-
tain hair salon in Lexington.

Since its opening about two
years ago, Kentucky Hair Razors
salon has collected the signatures
of members of various UK sports
and academic teams.

A painting of a Wildcat’s head

“VVe‘d love to get a game ball,”
said Cyndi Allen, co—owner of
Kentucky Hair Razors.

“If we got one, we would defi—
nitely put it in one of the display

“We wish that we could get
more pictures.”

The owners of the salon are
interested in obtaining any type of
UK—related memorabilia.

Located on 442 South Ashland
Ave., the shop has been decorated
in a blue—and-white motif and vari-

ous newspaper clippings and



posters have been put


adorns the front window,

encircled by the salon’s on display.

name, greeting everyone . . Razors also displays /‘

who enters. its team spirit by giv- ? .

Inside the'shop, the 11’; definitely ing SPedflliZf“j ha”? alllllll clll (.‘yndiAllen’s salon will
blue and Wh‘te can be promoted busi- cuts and stylized "all begin git'ingsperialized haircuts and
spied in every direction. 71 e”. I thin k it dCCOTGUOHS- . nail deforming,

Amid the flurried hair k i th m “We’re hoping to idea got started ” Allen said
trimming and shampoo “fps e ” get a lOt 0f girls in “When we liou ht the sho we
aroma, a general feeling commg bat ' here for homecoming. liked the idea andgdecided topc’on-
of Wildcat spirit can be V “We ordered UK tinue the tradition
detected by the patrons. CyndlAllon blue-and—white pol- “It‘s definitel ' rom tei busi-

The signatures on the Co—mvnerof ish,” Allen said, “and I h' k' ky p h 0 ( .‘
wall are written in vari- Kmm‘ky H‘m one of the girls is 3e51,, t m n eepst em coming
ous colors, but blue Raw" learning to design a “Th .
marker, of course, seems helmet.” e atmosphere seems to bring


to be the predominate choice.

The names scrawled on the
reserved wall are a living memorial
to the team members they repre-
sent and will last for many years.

Names of sports figures, cheer-
leaders and band and academic
team members have been
inscribed, but space exists for a
multitude of additional signatures
to be added.

As the news about the salon
passes to members of the UK com-
munity, new signatures appear


in new customers too.

“They see the name and say, ‘If
you support Kentucky, then we’ll
come in,’ ” Allen said.

“ ‘We’ll tell other people and
we'll come back.‘ ”

People who wish to contribute
memorabilia or wish to add their
names to the wall of fame at Ken-
tucky Hair Razors are encouraged
to visit.

The employees at Hair Razors
can perform manicures, pedicures
and a variety of hair-related ser—

Logo and mascot stickers have
been obtained that can be applied
to polished nails.

The letters “UK” can be
inscribed as well.

Allen became co-owner of the
shop with her business partner
Tony Hodges in late July.

The former owners of the shop
originated the idea of the signa—
tures and the usage of the Wildcat

“One of their daughters was a
cheerleader, and that’s how the




September 28, I 994

0 Classifieds 7 Diversions 4
[N (.‘rosiword 7 Sports 3

Comir 2 Viewpoint 5




m American troops
expand mission in Haiti

PORT—AU—PRINCE, Haiti —— American
troops ex anded their mission yesterday from dis—
arming t e Haitian military to taking up posts
around the Parliament building and City Hall in
anticipation of Haiti’s return to civilian rule.

U.S. forces also suffered their first fatality yes—
terday. An American soldier was found shot to
death at hillside mansion being prepared for legis-
lators returning to Haiti for today’s Parliament ses—

Pentagon spokesman Dennis Boxx said the sol—
dier’s death was being investigated as “an apparent


Bosnian leader drops embargo demand

UNITED NATIONS — Bosnia’s president
dropped his long—standing demand that the United
v Nations immediately lift its arms
embargo against his government
and said yesterday he would accept
a six-month delay.

Speaking to the U.N. General
_ Assembly, President Alija Izetbe—
govic said he would agree to the
delay if U.N. peacekeepers remain
in Bosnia, the Serb blockade of
Sarajevo is lifted immediately and

.N. safe areas for Bosnian civil-
ians are expanded.

If Bosnian Serbs continue to reject an interna-
tional peace plan, Izetbegovic said he wants the
Security (louncil to pass a resolution that would lift
the embargo against his Muslim-led government in
six months.



M Ito predicts last my selection

LOS ANGELES ~ The judge in the ().J.
Simpson case predicted speedy selection of a jury
and expressed surprise yesterday at the number of
people willing to give up months of their lives to
participate in the famous murder trial.

Superior Court Judge Lance Ito said the num-
ber willing to serve was 25 percent to 30 percent
higher than he had anticipated when he summoned
1,000 prospective jurors.

Ito had four sets of mu rhly 250 people on call
this week, but said the last atch may not be need—

His goal is to find 250 people who pass the so—
called hardship phase of jury selection and can pro-
ceed to the next portion, where they will be asked
about their personal lives as well as their attitudes
toward the Simpson case.

Panel recommends embryo testing

BETHESDA, .VId. A federal panel recom-
mended yesterday that the government end its ban
on funding of human embryo research, saying very
youn r embryos “do not have the same moral status
as iiiénts and children."

The 19-member committee of experts conclud-
ed that fertilized human eggs can be used for feder-
ally funded scientific research within guidelines
that liinit how long an embryo can be kept alive,
the sources of the sperm and egg, and the purposes
for the study.

The panel would allow research only on
embryos about 14 days old or younger.


House liars raises, lunds lllEll

WASHINGTON -—— The House agreed yester—
day to bar any congressional pay raises for a second
straight year and fund the National Endowment
for the Arts, a favorite target of conservatives.

The NEA was budgeted $168 million for the fis—
cal year.

It was $3 million less than the administration
requested but still a victory for the agency, which
has drawn criticism from conservatives who argue
that the NEA has sponsored programs with porno-
graphic or distasteful themes.


Bren Brady liail couple at lamily allalrs

Brady once dated his mom, but he
didn’t really get excited until he
kissed his sister on a Hawaiian

Barry Williams dished Brady
gossip to several hundred Susque-

anna University students Saturday
night, reliving his favorite he /
moments playin the eldest brotn- Willlams
er, Greg, on ’s “The Brady

Williams, who started playin Greg when he
was 14, said he once had the hots or his TV moth-
er, Florence Henderson, and went out on an
unmemorable date.

His infatuation with Maureen McCormick, who
played oldest sister Marcia, was clear the moment

e met her.

“She was, like, a total babe,” Williams said. “I
knew I had to be patient because she was only 12.”

They finally got together while filming the
“Hawaii” episode toward the end of the five-year

Compiledfim wire reports







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 2 Madman, September 28. 1994, Kmmky Kernel











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You were the cruise director
on the “Monitor?"

General McClellan knew I
was the only man who
could organize a shuffle-
board game under fire.


By Cynthia Wan

Contributing ll 'rirer

Patterson Hall will present the
first in a series of four concerts on
Thursday to promote the art of
music and a sense of community
among the residents.

This is the brainchild of
Nathan Long, a music major and
resident adviser at Patterson Hall.

“The primary goal is to bring
people living in the hall together,”
Long said.

The concert is in conjunction

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Sherman’s Alley by gibbs ‘N' ‘Voigt

And the health conditions! I

Soldiers died of colds.
indigestion feet falling asleep.
A man literally laughed himself
to death at Gettysburg.

Just keeled over.



.. shouamms.

Tales 3mm ‘thc Commodore


That's 500 miles inland.
Why was the navy
there. Corrmodore?

have no
Orr shipyard in Kansas
never pamed out either.




with other hall projects, said hall
director Erica McDonald.

“(Long) is incorporating what
he is learning into his job as an

Long will play the trombone
along with the Central Kentucky
Brass Quartet. The premiere
includes a trombone concerto by
Handel, Passacaglia and Fugue by
Bach, a 20th century British
humor piece called “Mouse,
Please Mice,” and ragtime/jazz

The first concert in the “Pat-
terson Hall Concert Series” will
take place tomorrow night from 8
to 9:30 .m. in the lobby of Patter-
son Hall. The concert is free and
open to all students.

The other three concerts will
be scheduled once every month
during this semester. They feature
different types of local groups
such as the Niles String Quartet,
UK’s Acousticats and the Irish
Celtic Band.



Invitation is extended to the
entire campus. Officials welcome
all students to ex erience the brass
music in the loEby of Patterson

Patterson Hall is the oldest res-
idence hall in UK. Its age fosters a
regal and traditional aura that is
very much in tune with classical
music, McDonald said.

Nevertheless, unlike any tgiical
concert hall, no dress co 6 is
required for the audiences of these
free concerts.

“You can come without shoes
and socks,” McDonald said.

Since Patterson Hall is relative—
ly small, residents are easily united
by activities.

Phil Brock, resident adviser at
Boyd Hall, agreed that small resi—
dence halls have an advantage in
building up the sense of belonging
and community.

Boyd Hall has 142 residents,
slightly more than the number in
Patterson Hall.

r't must be something to '96 l




the last Civil War veteran.


Well. the reunion dinners
are kinda boring.

Of course. the buffet

line is pretty short.


“We are supporting the con—
certs and will try to get as man
people to go as possible," Brock

To guarantee a quality music
performance, Long approaches
groups he already knows.

“There is not much audition ‘
entailed,” he said.

If the concerts are successful, .
Long intends to have a North
Campus recital. Boyd Hall, Jewell
Hall, Holmes Hall and Keeneland .
Hall will also be involved.

An art exhibition by Dawn
Wilson will be held at Patterson
Hall to go along with the concerts
later in the semester.

“We have a very artistic staff,”
Long said.

McDonald anticipated 50 peo-
ple will attend the first concert.

“We have no problem with
seating,” she said. “This is the
advantage of Patterson Hall. Some
other dorms just don’t have the

Tuition up 6 percent across 0.8.

By Jon Marcus
Associated Press

BOSTON —— The average
tuition at America’s four—year col-
leges rose 6 percent this year,
twice the rate of inflation, and
studies show a growing share of
the money is goin toward public
relations instead 0 teaching.

Although the increase was
twice the inflation rate, it was also
the smallest since 1989, according
to the College Board, an associa-
tion of 2,800 higher-education
institutions. The figures were
released yesterday.

According to the College
Board, average tuition is now
$11,709 at four-year private
schools and $2,686 at four—year
public schools, both 6 percent
increases over last year.

UK tuition, excluding manda—
tory student fees, rose from $980
per semester last year to $1,090
this year.

The cost of two—year private
institutions rose 5 percent, to
$6,511, and two—year public col-

leges, 4 percent, to $1,298.

When room, board, books,
supplies and transportation are
added in, the average total cost of
a college education comes to
$18,784 for resident students at
four—year private schools and
$8,990 at public schools.

Separate government statistics
also show that the proportion of
money used by colleges for
instruction, libraries and mainte-
nance is shrinking, and the
amount spent on public relations,
marketing and fund-raising is

“We’re paying more and get-
ting less t an we got 10 years
ago," said Stephanie Arelonio,
president of the US. Student
Association. “VVe’re learning from
videotapes in some instances.
Class sizes have grown. It
would be nice to see the professor

David Warren, president of the
National Association of Indepen-
dent Colleges and Universities,
said health-care benefits for facul-
ty members and staff account for




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much of the tuition increase.

Also, federal grants and loans
have not kept pace with demand,
forcing colleges to give their own
scholarships, Warren said. School
spending on scholarships and fel~
lowships rose 70 percent from
1982 to 1992, according to the
US. Education Department.

During the same period, the
proportion of their budgets that
colleges spent on instruction fell
from 32.4 percent to 30.7 percent,
the department said.

Spending on libraries fell from
2.7 percent to 2.3 percent and on
maintenance from 8.4 percent to
6.6 percent.

On the other hand, administra-
tive budgets increased 45 percent
at private universities and 26 per-
cent at public universities, the
Education Department said.

“It raises the question of what
educational institutions are here
for,” said James Perley, a biology
professor at the Colle e of

Wooster in Ohio and presi ent of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors.

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SUMMER Hm Lady Kat Stacey Reed spent part of/Jer summer vacation in
Taiwan competing with USA Basketball ‘5 font: Cup Team.

By Julie Eilerman
Contributing Writer

Most summer activities include
picnics in the ark, swimming at
the nearby poo and catching a few

But Stacey Reed and Christina
Jansen, two members of the Lady
Kats basketball team, strayed from
the routine and turned their sum-
mer into a‘memorable experience.

Reed, last year’s leading scorer
(18.2 points per game) and
rebounder (6.8 rebounds per
game) was given the opportunity
to play in the Jones Cup Competi-
tion in Taiwan.

Last A ril, she was invited to
try out or the Pam Am and
World Cu games with some of
the best emale players in the

“It was excitin ,” Reed said. “to
try out for somet ing so bi .”

The week of tryouts felfon the
same week as final examinations,
but Reed had her test postponed
to try for the spot.

Reed did not make the Pan Am
or the World Cup teams, but she
later was asked ifshe wanted to be
a member of the USA Jones Cup

On June 13, Reed and the USA
Team left for Taiwan to try and
achieve the goal the USA Basket-

ball Committee set before them.

“(The USA Basketball Com-
mittee) didn’t think we had much
of a chance of winning,” said
Reed, pointing to the fact that the
Korean National Team was the
same team that played the No. 1
USA team.

But the USA Jones Cup Team
proved them wrong, going 8—0 to
win the gold.

They defeated the Korean
Team twice, once in the round
robin tournament and then in the
finals of the championship game
by one oint in overtime.

Ree held her own, despite the
differences in playing internation-
al ball.

Reed said the experience of
playing against international com-
petition should hel her consider-
ably when the La y Kats embark
on their 1994—95 schedule.

One of Reed’s teammates
underwent a different sort of expe-
rience over the summer. Jansen, a
5-5 junior guard from Louisville,
Ky., had a hand in helping shaping
the basketball players of tomor~

As she did in the summer of
’93, Jansen traveled to the city of
Spokane, \Vash., to assist John
Stockton of the NBA’s UtahJazz
with his three instructional camps.

She helped with both the boys'


lllt men's tennis
ranked No. 20

The UK men’s tennis team is
ranked No. 20 in the latest Rolex
Colle iate Tennis Rankings. The
Cats Fost five of their top seven

players from a season ago, when
they finished 17-12 and were
ranked 14th in the nation.

UK’s home individual season

kicks off on Oct. 7 with the UK
Fall Invitational at the Downing
Outdoor Tennis Center. The
invitational runs through Oct. 9.

Shuler to start lfll‘ 3808"!”
ASHBURN, Va. —— Norv

Turner never made it a secret
Heath Shuler was going to be his
quarterback. Yesterday, Turner
made it official.

Shuler, the Washington Red—
skins’ first-round draft pick (third
overall) this year, will replace vet-
eran John Friesz as the starter
against the Dallas Cowboys on

“I’m just glad to get the oppor-
tunity to play and step in and get
on the winning side again, and
give it all I can and give it 110 per-
cent,” Shuler said. “It is not going
to be something that will happen
overnight. There will be some ups
and downs, but we’re going to
overcome it.”

Nance retires from NBA

CLEVELAND — Robbed of
the spring in his legs b age and
arthrosco ic surgery, t ree—time
all—star forward Larry Nance
retired from basketball yesterday.

Nance, 35, was the winner of

the NBA’s first slam—dunk compe-
tition. He split his 13 NBA sea-
sons between the Phoenix Suns
and Cleveland Cavaliers, and
became the league’s career shot-

blocking leader among forwards
with 2,027.

Heat dealing llll' DI‘EXlfil‘?

MIAMI —— As center Rony
Seikal blasted the Miami Heat
for offseason inaction, a report
surfaced yesterday that the team
was considering a trade for Port—
land Trail Blazers All-Star Clyde

The deal, which would send


camps and the one girls’ camp.
There were about 300 boys and
150 girls per camp, with ages
ranging from 10 to 17.

Among the highlights of work-
ing such a camp were meeting
Jo n Stockton and his guest
speaker Karl Malone,Jansen said.
Besides merely an introduction,
Jansen got spend some time with
the All-Star point guard.

“I was skiin , and (Stockton)
was driving the ant,"Jansen said.

Another plus associated with
the camp is that Jansen now can
get a recommendation from
Stockton for any position she
might want to pursue in the

“It’s a privilege to have John
Stockton as a reference,” she said.

Jansen also worked the Blue
Star Camp in Indiana. Blue Star
focuses on recruitment, unlike
Stockton’s camp, which concen—
trates on the fundamentals.

As a worker,Jansen enjoys the
fundamental camps where she can
be more of a coach, instead of a
behind—the-scenes employee.

Working as an instructor at
camps is a stepping stone toward
Jansen’s ultimate goal.

“I would like to coach some—
day,” Jansen said. “(VVorking at
camps) helps me focus on the fun—

guard Harold Miner to Portland,
has received a mixed reaction
within the Heat organization,
according to the Sun-Sentinel of
Fort Lauderdale.

The 32- ear—old Drexler said
he heard about the negotiations
from “a ood source.”

Drexlger added that he would
not oppose a trade to the Heat.

“After being in Portland for so
long, it’s not like I want to 0, but
it might be best for everyiody,"
Drexler said Monday. “And Miami
would be a good place for me —
nice young team, good climate
and they need a two-guard.”

Compiled fiom .rrafl: wire repent

Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September”, 1994 8

Summer hoops no picnic for need and Jansen



Kats bunting
for ballplayers
to scrimmage

By Julie Eilerman
Contributing Writer

Do you enjoy pla ing bas-
ketball? Would you like to be a
part of the UK basketball tradi-
tion? Are you a full—time UK





If you
“yes," then KATscratcbes
you might V
be what the
Lad Kats Tryouts for the
are fooking Lady Kat scrim-
for this mage team will
season. be held Oct. 15 at
The 9 am. Those
Kats need interested should
several call Kerry Cre-
men who means at 257-
like to play 6046 by Oct. 5.
and would

be willing to scrimmage during
the season.

“We want to do it so (the
Lady Kats) can play against
tougher competition,” said
Kerry Cremeans, UK graduate
assistant coach. “It’ll 've them
a different feel so t ey don’t
have to lay against each other
over an over.”

Participants must pass a
Ehysical examination and will

e certified by the NCAA.

“We’ll designate a couple of
guys to be the best players on
the opposing teams,” Cremeans
said. “(The guys) will basically
be part of the team -— they’ll be
on the roster."

The Kats also are looking
for a few females who want to
be equipment mana ers. Those
interested shoul contact
Nancy Eckland at 257—6046.







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