xt76m902275x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902275x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1986 1986 1986-10-01 2020 true xt76m902275x section xt76m902275x a
\ . , t ,
r Vol. XCI, No. 26 Established 1894 Untverstty of Kentucky, Lextngton, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Wednesday. October I, 1986 , ' - ~
0 .2.» f . I ‘m 2.2 ‘ o o . .
W omen l‘BCElVB L 2 *~ = ' “113"“ fOOtba“ Star, ,
'~‘~2. 2 , .
° - - 2e ' « .,. . 'best-sellm author r =
...2 .234 1, ,VI '» .‘ t. I ,
1 e la] e 2,, n 2 .
4- t1“?! 2‘ ‘ .
6 22 top Newman serles
‘ BI. Wn ° 0 c V's-2"": ; . IIII II II I VI II
o Turpm not eltgtble ;, 2 ' ,-
’ y, . . I. . . . \ .' v . _ I .
. _ . at? II 3.; . ; Orgamzatton to hrtng tour speakers
~ t b 01 d fo 25 y ., . . . , .. ,~
. 0 6 par e I“ ears I’ g 2 to Lexmgton area durtng school year 2 2,;
', i lh st ”Fl“ “(1) Bottehattl mil be eltL’tble tor parole ,, :3 * 3‘ l,\\ ““5. lil '2..2‘l2es MK Ninth ,2' ..I‘. 2 Itl\t'."\il\ II, x II‘I. 2".
- ~ : \lattauuau l‘.tllltll' lltt'IL’llI wars 2%.”? “4" ' Stat! ‘2‘,:’:'2-.- 2' \tt/ttz1a .I_‘TI- ' I; 2",
. . I t'ottttuottat-allhs Attorne} Hay ' “XII-i ’7‘}- I“ ”f \\t :t;::.l\ theme, .s Hue ol 'he '. :,1 2‘5“, _'
. It \ Fasette touut} Jury )t‘slet‘ttd} n2on2l Larson, 'aho prosecuted the $.25 . ' .-\ tortza-r \l-E, at ~'2 . ' ftt-s‘ Mam: priests 2:. the l'ntted '-.' I v
’ z Yt‘t‘ttlltlllt‘lltlt‘tl 1”“ H“ pl‘lsttll “1”] ll“ “s“l' ““41 ”It” “1”]an Hltllt'hilrtl‘s 3‘" ‘32:“; lrtl\t'l‘sl.t. 34' ' ~o '_ , ’ ' ' Va'tN -2t,tl 'llt- lit‘l lJLll‘t \llll Pl'd,\ ..- f 4 rt‘; 2.- I." 2‘-
‘ tlhllltt‘ ot parole tor 372 years tor testtntottj. "l-leaheth 'l'urptn would ‘ a} 52;“ . Wng are II.. ... : , . _ '2.v .2: 2M2 h \ex-nran Hm”. -I I 2"-.’-.".-.‘,'.
. l l't‘u'atwth'l'm‘tnn22ml Karen Hrtmn ll2'l'2t'\\21lkt’llllll"ll llt‘t‘t' 'Mth all that ,. , t?“ 1"”5’” 2:21.33“. 2‘ 221,. [K \..I ,, , 2, ~ 22,. I”... ma 7...: r”. 212i2- 2. pm 2" .‘- .5 1' 2’;
a , - 4 l'l‘n“ H" 'M'l‘t' t't’mu‘lt‘tl “l INUl‘tlt’l' mom-f. t't‘lt'l‘l‘llltl to Stutoott 1n ltfe "t , “" "“" l)ts'tngutshetf ‘l" :22 -. 2., . .. ._ II“, \lt" {kt-rs a,» ”III-(M. he -, t ' I2 I ,~ .'
l l‘ltH'V'tt» will” I“ ”11' >l2lllllllltl tttsuratttepoltrtesouherhusbantl T” "’5 '- 'lhe Hm . ., ., . - _. ~.2 .2 " ’I; ‘
J 222.21}: "l l K L’ldtllldlt‘ “It‘llut‘l lUl’ lia'het sattl he and Broxsn \tet‘t‘ -; '5' ', ' best sellers :22 2 2. . - ’ . » H12 lie. ltr .22 l’. 'ter .ttll speak ,"' t
l i "1'1 [“hk‘lwhs‘l‘ml’m“, *“l‘l‘l‘i‘t”: l"- ’llt‘ H‘I‘tllt" "1 don‘t ,2 1 s\ ‘tklllllll the . ' . ~ 2 2:. ‘at. 'f li.'tt” s 22 Pram-mean ' ' I. 2‘_ 77".
l 3' 147251; 1 WOW uutte tau ”I llhl' flunk «11!; the endence presented "‘"‘"”'° “”"“’“'”“ [Qua ott gm ~, ,. ~ :2 A. ;22 2.2-. l”"‘\' -.2” 2;". (‘22u-nnr‘2t f‘ Ii
l , It'ts’u 2- 'ta» been done. sattl v.-.2- "\l’t" 2m 2.2m” :1“. death penalt} Eltzobeth Turpm leaves the :2‘222vtt22 U52. u, “my flight .x;thalet7t21w _, I , I, . . H2. D22 22' t2’ett2a'tot2al (mm care -_- I-: “'5; 2'
t WW1“ “WWW" 'mlm‘ “Mn” ""Yhtww‘ifl“""L’"! the lt)l‘ll‘2t'2’ ‘. » v. 2' 2 Afil ltrom‘au‘ts 2!. \e'u. \‘ork ‘
2d ,, t ”W" Y” "W”“JW‘WL”1"“ “t“ A“ ll“l"’t ‘ “MN“? “Wk R‘N'» 'lt‘ puntshment «il1"'~‘t‘d 11M"? ht? wt. 2 2‘. know. because \te s'tll at Purdue .-. ‘ .t ' waa'erna‘ta 'l‘orot‘.“ and Houston " i2 '
-" Ii ' ' ""Ut' ‘ "I‘ll ”t .‘vt‘dt’llltfl ~_ ltllt'tl turnrr t'lll Amt” lht‘ ll“? ‘ lUVk‘ lit“ t.- 2 ‘.‘ '2. 2 i 'l’urptttdt-atl ” wars '.\:'1 .. * ' lfa'so' tern-ts pro: ‘tlt‘ Ithour emer» I 1“..‘
‘ , l' set-ttts to the taunt} ol Karen rt-t'ttuttta'talalmlt . 2 Math tlttt: ’ - 2 r's ' ‘ v1; L'H'll x New l’teaiil; and meal serx “L‘ ’ '§ "V'.
' l. the sl2llltl2lltls ot the L'llllllllll \ ‘.,\'.§~l‘. sll.tl\'t'!2 lton 'l‘urptn \lt ‘t‘lvurh. I thtuk ”19‘1“”? l”’*~‘:'.' ‘1 :“hfimm‘hfl: a mother W' ”amt .2 .2 :2. _ . ., - ~ .‘ ...“,LPIIM 227221 wtueaton 2,, 6 ”."2.
It haw bet-t. t‘\‘ eeded he satd tn that s 3.2‘t‘22! sattl. ‘lt‘s not uhat W'Ultl haw been 4‘PPr"l”5“" l“ . “I“ “MT her pd” I} the w\ 2.2, '2 ‘ ' ' <2:‘-' , ~ '2 'i 22'» 'hat, goon“ ttoutett-ss am run -';2 . ‘ l
2” *‘tl'Wll-ltttt W‘t'» t'ottterent-e .2 22\p2-2 t» 2: xte ll lm- \Hlll 1t 1 satd But Larson sattl he ts .; -12 217 “I-‘I’“ _ '“I II“ an: , , I . . I . . III 2. 2‘tt2'2llt'2:( ,I .ear , ' - ,2 .. I'
' '- 2"2: 'la‘ 'r..2. ltatht'r pomtett ou' th:z.‘22 she .. sutter more 'hts “at belle-\‘er m the IturIV s}.~tc-t:. ltm A ’I7 Il.ro\\n ‘ reeommendatton (mntm' _ _ 7 , ,, 3“ ' 2,2,":
. 2 "..2' ' «22s Kelli litttlt'ltal‘ti “Alto tl'ul \Unt .ts‘ht": '2, ,tnttm he “as rpm-r t)lt\ttttl>l_\ thoughl lhls 2k2t- n v'. "'I "L 'wId‘I'IIIH“ “with (Tied 11”th . . I ., , bl“? m‘I‘ {Marl Ml‘iii”I‘mijh‘I” ‘ l. ”_ .2l '5 I‘
. '2'2 22 52.2. h22‘ltlls; tat; 'ltt'tra‘ responded 'bolh 2:1 sertttus ease bet'ause tln _‘ , . “ I ‘ "”I'I""*V""~I “99"“er I" llytz‘. I .I " ‘ “ I "I" t""";:_‘ I ”Hui. my“; “TIP, 3 I I'I ,‘."l
' l II I I II I I 2.t2 2 , Ytztut. t'tuttst-rtous \(‘Hli'll(‘t' ‘2. “ "1h I~I‘~“~'-" lidl—‘l‘ Armitml T"-"‘l‘I- II " 2 '» 2 tt'it' l "‘t~‘ . -\ -- ‘21"th Id” U~ I2 '. .2
, . ,2.--.2..2'2. UM .‘~ (I 9th 222»; . . - manner st-ntenre au'rtt~toL -, ' ,4 ' . g _\ (2wa a- Jule: ..2 'ne t ellottshtp ~,‘- _. .I. .
- 2,. ”WWII": ‘ 'ern. 222 in.» .1. law: ‘2: ' 'l.2 turx \ tttst-tslttt. t)n hts um; out ot the 1222 .- 2 ' xtr‘. .s remImmendatton s' l’n 11- ‘ - ~ ' '- ~ "l.tt~‘ ‘t‘Iu’W PW“? M15 t " ' «E
. 21 ' 22:..2124222 l‘t‘ 't’\l‘lllt’ll.\ .. ~ szemutant \2-r2ht-t " sitlt' the 2'our'roou2 Lars“ ’x 't ‘ .2 ‘ 2 .21»: to hours ot tleltlr that, at '22: "PM" 2 .‘ M. ."2 " ,
. h I t 'K' - I'M,“ '2 .1. 2111‘: llll'ltil ~fll 222'“ 1‘; I__ 'lm' It \ llll' . llt‘\l “(Wet and ‘2lll: The \\llt)lt- ll‘2t' L1 ~ - " \ lll’l“ l’aL’t“ lluxl ,"‘ ‘ 2,:1 . 2 'v ‘3 s \l RH" l’Jfi‘. 4‘ 2.7.: 1 -. 2].“.- z.
. f2 r—wwm—m—W-w—w—t > , ~ 2
«'f 5R - - l Speaker :
' - l oyal candidates model ~ * ~ 2
. . - 2 - focuses on r =
Eclothes for fall wmter . 2
2 ' - *' l Sovnet talks 2 - .-
~i~ =tn annual fashion show ~ 2, 2 ,. 1'
. f ' . ”.7. ’ “ 3 l l€\ I lis'lll-i \\\ t.\‘o\s -' ‘ ' I‘
. . l’»\ l \l l 3 \ ll ll‘filbll 2.: 22- stwu‘ut'tt tllt '4' eht-er on J!” r If. A v l le.‘rnil~1:ld\\rTr ‘ \V‘l x". V.
‘ '3 ‘ ”f ' t; "vlri'wt' \lu" ,' '2- 2r t‘l'l'llil'x s nonu ' 7 . ' U.
‘ 22-2 \IVt‘lT .2 22tl22-t :ttenztwrs ot ’22 . .. ' ' " .1 \Zla‘t'lZY 15:2:Is 211ret'2tt .2 the [K ,2- _ ' .
4" 't'p‘t‘, ~ttlt2attse .t'ttl tam 223s \ 22.". \tt‘ta ripst‘ott tame thh I ‘_ 'I I l Hit-HM," N W" ”1 I”Pl‘””ac.\< .'
- 3 ’1ttlt.t*t'ttllllllL’. rauttttlales modeled tun. ' ‘ " ’ . -' ’ " ~' ’ ' ‘ l pole I-t‘tt‘r 1.2; 'd‘. 2,\\U('> surround ;‘ f- . 2 I-
3 ' 'rz- :‘z'tt altt'llml llttltlt‘t't'lli;flt.fi l' s .;2 2...;s 22 It: «teal to have 3‘ 3 .I ”:5 Yht uptutn‘tzrte summtt confer v: .
l'.x\l2t<'l} \lttm 2.2st titLh? 21' put. LA :1: the mmpett .3 ,4 I 3 '1 l ‘ " l""~‘t“"‘ l'l“I“’:“m lteagan and . , . '2 2. ,I
l \lwl' it“! people Yttl'llt‘tl tttt' tttl' ll2:\ s sattl \\e tr} luv plt'k fi ' _ ' I. K 1* l ‘ If N “M?! \lfkllittl > [mrmwhef I. V, 2’ 4 2,"
' l ".2 shout ‘.‘.l‘.i\ t. .sas held .1. ‘ltr \tll' 2222-2 n.2,}: Alxbti‘ V- . ’I j. l new. - 'on‘. ;: L‘I‘Ioup ot about an) . I’ . gI , ,
' x. " 2‘1”." ‘t'h‘r'f ’utilltht‘. l' 2222s l.2t‘2ll" V trtt-xar‘t‘ at‘ aet'ount g” .' . . ’V' L 2“"‘72’2' 5 st "MP-V31"? \dmg Forum : '._. 1' V
' l spotsetztut :t 'he student .\\"'.\ .:.-_‘ sot-hum 222' '22s at the shoxt Lpzéflfgflq l m“ WVNK I! L ‘\ _tournaltst ' I‘
‘ . I. 2' --- lioart l‘ttl'tt‘t «mun: enttttmt '22 ~ tppw' ' ~ wt her soror't} sts ‘Eb’; ' \I ""““ ‘ .t.2:2;2ot.' “n" trennadrt ~, ’ I .
i t “we "2w! featured the ln semtt' ter< ‘.l:"2t‘ \lar'tr; and .\loll\‘ “*“q‘éi: .2 -- , l‘ ‘ NM“: emplo_\ee ”t ’ 'A a
*' .‘ ';.2l:~'s :22: huntet'ortztng (lllt‘t‘ll ll‘ Nhtaruz V 'l “if: $3“: -2 '2’” 3""‘1 \21‘2"'2‘ "MI" ttet'essar} ; . I" ,’ 7I..II.I ‘I
. . a I IIIII IIIII 'ttt IIIIII 'tere .- Ala .. '.2t1:..t..2te someone. . ‘ggfi .IIIIIIII I I ...2 .22! 2111!: “amp“ . ,. IIII III .
. 2 - \ ~- ~ PW -- 2.: t»2-2~.222s2 2n [helr , = a .» i ‘2’?» MM " -' "ntt‘rf’m? 2 .
l ”by“! M' ‘1” “; T.t~l‘2'2ot‘2 zmlr‘lh‘w‘l‘ .uttlx- \‘at'exart' said “You @2322”; l “mil"; “t" t' “i", "7“” .ssues re‘ -2’. : 1' _. .2
I 2' ; W“ ‘h .1\ l‘"! H} 2 411mm} (”HUT l‘“ l‘ “ “3‘4"” “h“ “1“ l‘t'lt"t’-\t"t‘ ‘ i225"; I : \t‘.\t‘7 'tt‘ltlzt‘ lllt' t1132’6‘It'12t't' {‘Vt‘n 5 “ 'I; ...~ .HU" 2‘!
L l “'V‘ t l“ "M" m" MW" 2 ‘txwtel: ttw't at‘lmttes. , V’ [$343 ., '; murs ltaxts sad 'lhet ‘l'te goal 'x v. ' .-
I . l 22.224223}. Halt-2 l‘hannel f, trattt-sanei'ht-trtx-rsonaltt). “fl" ' ? toui l 2.22 to see 't som2 KJ‘J'. 'tt newt ‘_ I ;,5
”sausfiafl t ~ ; v,- 2 . I . . , _, ,
'2 .II,_I.I\ .2122 hut .tas the tttzstrt-ss 22! J I 7.232%? , l 2 tttzIzttntteattw t'apabt. t e:- \llllld be t3 .‘I tI -I {7‘5"} .
. . l ; ~.'t“:_w2'.tes \m. :ult‘otlut‘etl the t l“ Mutt-an has three ol Its I_ It?“ fiféeffi ’ I 21»'.o*.<>p(‘ll.ht'iilltlt‘tl V. 2‘1,” .. .
. l aututtatt-s ”I“ .IWH, wmmm l’l lllt'lllltt'ls .r. the senultnals .ltll _. 82%; 2», 2 I [3222 task 2): tlItplomats ..s to put . .II , ,‘ 1
l I...._.I.I.I,.I,,..I2 “My lX‘l\0llLlll'lt'\ ‘2l2 l.tt2",t‘II‘. .212 .22lxt-rttstng tumor .I ;t;é;® ,‘ §%"::‘§II l; 2 i 122.2: ;.st.s Iot goats and ottteet.\es‘,. .' I. IV'II'II-2'IV.III-‘I-*
I . 2 _ II.I III ”mm. l K hasketbail arztlIa t b. H member said Vottng ‘V L323”? _ 22 t l ' ltu‘xts mitt "then package those .‘~ . , tII ,-
3 2 -\o‘2"s .Ittr. \laster .laek tau-ta ""“l‘l "* *1!“ WW tit"- l” \'0l€’ ‘ ' ’ I ”' ~ .2 't .2: .22:t;‘2e. (TOlet‘ :maautatton .2 , x, '2’ r. .
' i and lttt‘kte Real 3‘” ”1W“t‘iilltlltldlt“. ‘0 were all .2 ‘ , ‘ , ' ' . ‘22 ,\ t22pleaseltotl‘. stdes -I L. ‘- 'I . ; . '...
' l “"mL‘ 9‘" ’llt'llll't‘t't‘l 'ht‘m '- ' ' 5' b , ' lh2 ttut-sttott .s ht- saw no“ j “I . 5, ',
’ 3 Ha .wttllt'fl :etet\2-2l resound . . I . l 'tttttt‘ M's eat'h “an? ‘he summtt .1 I’I'2V._I-'
! ‘ 2»; s*;}2ptttl tzttzr trst-ntls 2l2tt‘n; 12221.2: ts the last 21a} tor young 4 ‘ eonttm-nt'e" Reagan only has two '1“. I ' . '.
i ‘ ' a l maps .ttttl lllt‘tl‘ln'l's 221‘ th.. 22m” tor the hotttt-t'omtnu queen lt- . I )t-ars M. as prestttent and may {I . . ..IIII ,‘.
‘ . S l “hunt that 2222222222.;222-212'2122”; naltsts The the ttualtsts Wlll be 0 ~ I. ' ‘.\al'.' '22 :tnprox‘e hts :tnaue as peace 2’2 I'j', 2‘ - I:
I l announeerl ’l'hurstta‘2 ttttzht at the ‘ § - ': .tkt'!‘ I' ,2_ '2 "1 -_
:. ri’txt!‘ ltafits. an enumeerznu thdt‘al ltoar tn: the other hand. he satd. ' _"I . “I If -.'
I , . ttvtt’baehm ma} be lookttu: tor a ' 'I-l :- 2. ".3
«,2 ' ° satu‘tott to utterttattotutl problems so i.‘ ‘ . .7. 3'. 2.‘
. . Candldates llneup helps ' he ran eoneeutrate on the eeouomtc f. ' - L 5'3
, 3 ‘ slitjdflltll ot the Sonet l‘nton .. 2 ‘2] . IYI '~
' o o o o o t l ' l).2\ts menttoned the strategte lo- -‘ , t
' 2 ’ln makln final deCISlon . t_'a'ton t)l xtltere the sumnut ts to he J . , _.'I
‘ I g lll‘l'l . L" ,'~ .II-’ .I-
I 4 Ireland. he sLlHl. stts tr. the mtddle v_ I' -.
' I l “2 \\lll [”2\§”\\\ \ou uuuh' 2‘21'2l .2 ltt'le more tn 2,, 7he *2. 1 t' K Llap 'hp [2021} m -. II It." I _
‘ ltttytlt'lttiltytu \‘Il‘llt'l‘ lttl'll‘nllilttt “alt'l‘ l‘llllllt‘k‘llllfl. Greenland. [C9' ~ ‘. I“ -,
- t ' _ land and the l‘ntted Ktngtlom From " I ' ~ ,' I.
' V l \;r . ’urt t‘ .2\ l12lllll22lllltll>.llltl H!" “’H‘mmh‘ “ " h" ot the ’ ‘ l‘rtlli Al'stlllfi‘yet jittndt lllthzlllt‘szfs'lgkl « . ‘ 'L H
' ’ l ‘ ‘Y‘1> tut when \ou re trunp to “"3"“’«“3l> alum; \th a text cuvowm 2 III \d-r‘llthl‘ssnll- -~ ~ P _ ~ . ~;,
_ t t22 2‘ “I“ Um] tor .22222‘2222; the tarts that lt'tlL‘lll make ll easier to Nikkti Lynn Ktmer the KODDO Stgmo ltotermty latest football loshtons 2n 0 loshtorv shots w “ltfonte‘tllt ”he \'12(l tht- \Vntets ‘ .. . I I‘ I'
l :m ‘l 'lltt‘t ”hunts. eontestauts. ~.\.( \\|)m\nsI l’ach nomtoee tor homeromug queen models the the StudentCenter ballroom last met" h .222 >222 tiltpto'uats‘thttrt u! 22 2-2; ' ’ ~ -
2 . . _ . _ . .I
[WW‘ and has a populatton it ss 'h.,2' that ' . , I .
— , at lr‘axettet‘ouxttx ' ' 7- ‘
' A t f l t l t' A ' " ‘ ' ‘
2 S ronomy pl‘O BSSOI' CC ures on space exp ora lOn .
lit 1 \ \ ( tt\(2lliTt)\ ——————___—‘——— satd But Earth's equator tttrms ~ 2, ~ +4 - -.. . .'
- ~22 t -- 2- . . . 2‘ t 2 2 . 2 . 22 2 's. 2
‘“ ‘ "” “"“' ”In my mtnd there ts no doubt that man \thl mg N 522222 “ "\ 'uwtu d N 222 ; Artist/architect Vito Gi- - j
. ’ spat‘e t‘\pltlt'.llltttl ma} be used to SOlllC délV colonize, and that sooner or later WC ll ts "\er} probable thatIour un» rone is showing his work at ». ‘ I . ‘
2hst‘mer more about our tmn planet. . ' derstant’ltng of the equator s atmo» . - . the Rosdell Gallery. Sea DI- , ‘»
2 W2 2.22222222222222 Bmdtnm _.2 5mm. thl meet someone else from another place 422222-92 22m be much better" 212222 to ' ‘ “.90,“ 909.2 .
below ,2 2‘r2m2l ol about an» tn - 2' , 2 . ‘ 7‘ sttt2lttng.luptter.Smtths‘atd I1 2 .. ' ' .
\kotsltam lheater last ntght ll ‘\ llll. 10th [ht mm“: [hlng' I . 'ln my mtnd there Is no doubt 2 2 ~ I
s,» 2th mt. team leader ”f the \'.,2 Bradford A. Smith. that man \ttll some (la) eolont/e.“ ’ lnlurlos in Saturday's game '
I am." lmagtnu li\pertment. sand that astronomer \ttttth sattl. "and that sooner or . ' against "... BOOI’CO“ 90' a
' Warrant: more about another s\s ld't‘l‘ “9 “l“ "1991 5011190"? 9'59 ‘2 K' . F "5.
wm helps us to understand our ‘»¢x§f§w§§§sv§.§g

‘ . - ° .- ‘ w ' i ff
Girone art exhibit -' - -_ Ne King 110% 0 91‘s

. M. .
i. ' :7 i

.. ° - abundant ore ch lls

. ‘ ‘\ s ..
ShOWCflSCS architect ’

’9‘. .21.]: . . . By WESLEY MILLER —_—'—
.f' '. .123... i . ' nt 4ditor

‘; ‘ at ['1 1d linear best ’ .55.... AM BOOK "EV'EW

"~17“- , 2- II Stephen King/Viking Press __—_._
\. ._ . 3 . $22.95)

1“. i.. i \ \ l \\l\l\! l~ yet maintained the rigid lines of the . g Derry over the years. jerks the
5:11:35 ‘ ' ~\' ‘I' structures .; . If you have never read a b0°k b." reader into a monsterhunt that
i." ':"'2.-."-‘.‘ 2 z; ‘ Ste hen Ki before. this 1.138- ge « n '93:“.

veil-l. \‘-‘~' ..”... 1......“ ;_» twp, ago The artist‘s love tor solid forms p ng l - h be paood spa 5%) _ 5

‘ “~. l . . . . d h h k to Euro and its - '3’ . monster Of a nove mig t a g . in creating this mammoth tomo-
.1“) .131‘ if 2 . ‘ z n . 'Tlt‘llfiltl! .Il hl.‘ ar “\lb lm 8C p9 . :1; . one to introduce yourself [0 King 8 K' ‘ ‘ A ' l . 1‘ h m
2....ij..-._g‘.~~‘.y;t_- ~ . ..“.“ He 200k up paint urban settings His interpretation of W . special brand of horror. ing uses Her) e (ment ot _ (Hull
.‘).,.‘.-f‘;\‘;. “‘5" - Italian scenes through an architect‘s ._ k , - 2.1 ‘ If vou aren't a stranger '0 Kings and gore that he can think at. from
. '..;-.“I'i.~?’ ~ . ‘ "Le me no L’ulllt’ti ito- exes gnes one the feeling of looking . ’» . " 2 work well fortune COERIE’S thlnt l'eVeal mumml
1.4-}; l. , . , ' . .. . . . 2 » .g ._ ~- . . ' ‘t: . en .- it . t 2-.: .-

._ ‘ 11:4“; , 2 . 1......“ .r... .ntist lit. at impressionistic vtorks of the t9th ,3 .' It. Simply stated, is the embodi- 3:3; ”in spit‘phuxr-Opiilmtiiwc is:
31.351“ .‘ 3.... _ . , .. . ,._..2,...., gm. d“.an m centur) \\'llh contemporary figures 3 «s ment of everything King has written hlmdall m.” the main q ‘ ‘

‘5}...‘3’25-ifl-‘h " “"7 ”I“ "m“ “m,” l” he - ’ to this point. That's not to say that K i |- \- i th . 2. )ii l "
.l‘.72_’.‘;3::.;:-2.§* .2 - :3 ”MT“ ..tvs'. xv...» n; trunt' ol throne sa)s he sketches the scene i .1. there‘s nothing original or intriguing m (11.1.5353 (11(1):):th 1:52: ( r:i:

3......)115. 2 2 in. twain-xx luring .he tnst. then paints it at a later time. . 2 . in the premise or plot development. that pla‘gut (‘midn :1) ‘ mil. dd I.”
-l-'-'.. z’Y-W‘? . . ._ \‘..:; 1.. '{tl‘lll‘ t‘ n' c )ll‘. _ ‘ ~ " ' )5 I i ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ 5‘
.53 l . .» v.1...“ £315.?! ‘ p i "\“U can't always rely on gues- _:. Q‘ gigginoflstgggggg elements In It throughout their il\'(‘.\ His lllt'll,\l(‘l
?."s‘".:"’}‘;v‘;'l: ' . : 5 . s l». »:2‘\ 2..» .d “‘“rk-H h“ *3.“ ”I don‘t Rt” ”‘55?” . a .. .3. ' . . ’ -- 2 is one \Vllh many laces. trom th~
whit»: .lt- ‘ ‘ -‘ " l” “'““ "- ““ 'h \. m , l t d - 2h.[ 1 "2 :2 It begins in the autumn of 1934. In . .

"'2"? i.".=.':"'~. . ‘ ~ 2 .t‘I.i."t‘> arm. 2.:ie.tr tletcl on ‘3“ ”‘55 P” 0““ “ d _ f 1 the small town of Derry Maine Six. aforementioned circus clou ll to the
I :l, 9‘3'2-‘7-‘35- 2, “1,2,1...“ ”.2!” it» uh. ‘ [a 2 . .2 yearold George Denbrough sails a krifiiu::;:::nt::lt7lfxl:fnil ”Filing...“ ,.
“ I~2=II",'I:2.‘.2 _ ‘ *‘f “"“l‘ft ‘ “f “\ ”if" The only non-scenic piece in the f” . 2 ‘ boat, made from a She?‘ 0f newspa- l ‘h .' ' ' . » .- ~;

»I . ..e. - » l. p; .92 v» ‘\t)1i\\ _ . a 2 h as usual, 1 ere aren t mam \.ritm

.23.; 32.. T113: I ‘ A llHL‘ it ti nip” l 5m“ ‘5 the painting Girone labeled, «>~ . . per, down a “wile“ rain gutter. g 'e lodaV in am' genre Hill) ("in creati-

x . ‘, -'. ‘ ' ..‘I‘Ix'l‘st't ‘etl '. 1.. 1 ‘> . , . .. . . .. ~. . .. _ . , n an L 2 _ t . ‘.

"fag: 3‘253‘ , _ , . ..““ appropriatel}. Abstract 1;." ‘ ' \.‘ EggkeieiStgzusfigimndiacihH-m l \ and llesh out a character like knit:

i7'17i..;..’r‘;;l'l . . W H M i 7. . a‘ . .. '9 ' "WV“ 4... 2 I . . .I ‘1 ‘ "‘ ’ .‘ 'I i ‘ ‘

'~ - , ‘ I. ‘ 3f l‘l“-“i““~‘~* Il‘um‘m‘ -: u. t . ~ 2 " ‘ ' - . » When the child looks into the dark ( m ”‘5‘ pulornirrs ‘m nun.

.2 -. .11: . , . . . r 2 .. ..\ l t” abstract 0” ”“5 one. he . = - .2 « z . . . breathing people and the readcz

' 377513. Til? ‘ N l: H 3‘ HTJWTJ“ 9'57“ 5‘11" ”I JuSt wanted ‘0 get it OUI 0f . V . ‘7 $2: " $6 77,552 ~ opening 0f the dram. he 5-985 8 finds himself concerned ii” the ltrtI
1f}; 2.7"? LT}:- “II‘H' .:. lht‘ lynllt‘d m} 5.5....“ : ;.2' 51$" ‘9' :3“, “2:; 3; gig ‘ friendly looking clown holding a t~ ,0” “I“.HJMH.) '

"2““; K 2 7‘" N m" ”Hm Mimi." -. ‘k”‘ {Li‘- 3 . " ‘ ", ' _ .g 3"... bunch of multicolored balloons in a: 1‘ ‘t ‘a 3
3.1.9:".2'6": ' 5’ "‘ “" ’l“"‘"”“"”“' "3 h" till'tlllt‘ attended Next York t'ni— a}? {2%. 7' j“ 7 - “it" a} to % one hand and his paper boat in the l1 ‘:’;““: ”l“ hook, llll‘lllll' l .

‘7:":.‘11“.'.";‘5-§ . ;. c. s :2} \r‘. ems-3:: .mrk WIN.) d. an undergraduate. He at» .35.; . f .» -- p ,2;  . 5: ad other. beckoning to him. "Want your tngt . does not aspire to the pp. 2
.j' I". ii}? - : l‘ '7 ”“1 :‘I‘mkfl filth. “5 \\.l> then accepted to the Baux Arts it ”1.1%: . ‘5»; "f; V'- “a???” boat, Georgie. .andaballmn" 35(1):”:‘I:;;mr:”fg‘h“gum!“ 1‘ '1‘)?“
: 4.5.2.; . .._ - g .3 "ml .er lat t. all ,3” , ,. , - - . . .f ,. ‘ f ,1. .. ' A; j‘ ='.._ , .I». W, . ‘ i ‘ J a 5”\p el ll: 1' .t‘.1\

3,.-_=.f;..»..;.-.»., 2 1" “M“D‘NW“ 59“ ‘0“ “a ~I ; * lg} When George sticks his hand m. trophohia of m- so”... no .

.' » m r::.nei~t-c .> t-spcciati} throne has also attended the Hair—13"? 1" ' 1* 7 ”'7‘ § the clown's lace turns into some Talisman. it seems, at times. a illllt
'1”! . ' . I. " are ~ Human); \tltlt‘ \ard Graduate School of Destgn and ‘,- "1‘ "'47. .. ‘ k” '- thing 59 horrible that ‘1 "destroyed flabby in development and 51>"?
, - 1: ll» .lN .n pa>l(‘l\ the (‘ramlirook Academy. He stud- =" ’ " . ~ hlS sanity 1“ 0““ clawmg “Wk" However. don‘t let the simple fact

.."..." ' . 2' '~ I\‘ -'~."it' pt" were! ted prnmelt Wllh Eliel Saarinen. ".-".“ “Hum.” The boys body L‘ tound later. 19“ that the time! is more than l I!!!

L: fi,f~f.‘,~§f' ~ . - ‘ “r3: 1‘; .:'t m though the whose son designed the St. Louis arm ripipfid otf. his expresrsion one of pages throu )1)“ Km... m: m,

' ‘ 1.~ 2 I2: ts tIl amt: ‘ >1 L “ 2 - » - ainan orror . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ”l '5 "'1‘
2355-" ",gf’i: _'. ,H.,....lh.,,. .. it“? Nth "Kneeling Nude with Flower IS one of fill Vito Girone orlglnols p This incident one “f dozen' of “Sung“.‘l‘ ' “‘H l“ * ll ‘» L
'31"”-.’ ' " ‘ “ ‘ ‘ “j" . ‘ . He taught at Hi and Notre Dame ' | ‘ h 1 t ; * ~ - ‘ 5 . ece.

.£.Ti-‘~_.1.=,§.»‘:'".:2; ‘ ‘ “‘7“ “1”“ ”3“". :2th {mu-rm, tor 13 wears each as an on d'Sp'OY at the Rosdell GO 'e'y m? as ”den Center. child murders that have plagued \ou hane been mtrnett

" in)! IL; 3 ;. H renaen‘rtex .2s‘ ._ , . ~ 7 . -.

,5 'f'f. {31...}! . 2. 2,311,... m fm. same ““hm‘mn piotessot. He 1“ no“ “L really work at it 1 go tlomt to my (‘tll‘tif'llu‘ m the Rnsdell Gallery in
72" ;.'i2'-f?;.5»'_ . 'I. hogan... and Santa tlrcdamnnw nil.e.\ington. studioandlstartsketching ' the Student Center through Oct 21.

l, a. lite Both artists throne saitl he received no formal Th" will?” ‘3 ”PP" N am- to 5 pm; . \

-f/s ., _ ., .2 MM...” 1.. [hp “-8an training as an artist But. he said. “I A showing of Girone's work ml! Monday through Saturday. “dd? ' ‘

a"; .- ~- -- .
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KENTUCKYKERNEL WM], Octobor 1, 19“ - 3
O O ' ’
By.\ll(‘ll.-\l-Il.Pl'TZl-IL him away from several apparently shiili/ said he still hopes a summit pall over t' s .so,iet relations a. 'lt‘t't'!‘ " suggested it had Although neither side would ~.i. .~ 1.
Associated Press inflexible public positions taken in can take place later this year in the dimmed prospects t‘ir a summit this - .5 too It 't.etiming flatly during the diplomatic )II‘IA .
recent weeks, Reagan told report l'nited States, as agreed to by Rea year down that there could he no \tlll.!' ' . _ .
WASHINGTON PreSident Rea- ers. ”The chances are better than gan and Gorbachev last year in Ge Reagan ii: ied h~ would never "Well. I think A ha: .«e saw here while lianiloft was contined ll. \lus '
gan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. they've been for many years tor new The one-on-one talks iii Reyk trade lianiluti toi [akharov who he was Danilot't released Monday cow Shultl said yesterday I itoi ‘ '
Gorbachev, ending the diplomatic reaching some agreement on arms iayi‘i-i the secretary said, "will give said was caught i-i-d handed trying and what i annouiii ’ yesterday think one could haye had a iiyiii‘ . _ V 1'
tugof—wai' provoked by Moscow's reduction " a special push” to the various talks to buy l' S delense secrets tor his was that Zakharoy is being released summit without these matteis tier i p ‘ '
arrest of an American journalist. Secretary of State George 1’ already goingonatlower levels government But Shiilt/ and Soviet trom the l'nited States and Mr settled " - -— ' .1"
agreed ,\'('.\'terday to meet in Iceland Shultl. said those chances include Stiult/ sillti tlii hurry-up meeting Foreign Minister Eduard .\ She ‘trlm' and his “I?“ 1”“ [Wing N‘ ,’ ’ .'
in 10 days to resume the search for "reasonable prospects“ for reducing scheduled in less than two weeks in vardnadze, in seH-t‘al hours of leased from the Soviet l'nion ‘ the And its won as they were Rea; . .
an arms control accord mediumrange missilesin Europe the capital 1 the tiny NATO island closed-door meetings in Washington secretary said He noted the pack ”“mmmml “’“k a ”W" '1’” 'l'” ‘V V i ' l»
The surprise summit was ar- (TS. officials refused to call the nation was proposed by Gorbachev and New York worked out the pack age £1150 Includt‘tl d” *‘H'Htuul N‘dut' ry \u‘ndl”wardlh°\m""' r ,I I:
ranged as part of a deal that Oct 11-12 session between Reagan in a letter delivered to Reagan on age deal that gave both sides what tion in the number ot NAM-ls em ()1; Monday ,\ 1m. 1,“ v " ' - V. '- .
brought the release Monday of MO» and Gorbachev a summit. and Sept iv. which also contained the they wanted most with Just ployed by the l' N although the ”Him”. Mm the 'lt‘la‘l~ 2,1 ‘.‘,ny ' _ ' -. ‘
cow correspondent Nicholas S. Dam Shultz said the administration did Soviet l nion's latest bargaining po enough lace saying provisions to en l'ttlted States granted the Sow-ts a rangeiiient \m} ”if“; Jig,“ ‘ i." f " ' ‘. .I
loft and the expulsion yesterday of not expect the talks to produce the sllltill on proposed nuclear weapons able bothtoclaiinya-tory two-week "gr-ace WW“ to t‘é'ttl'nc agkpd ,i he had ”mlkwil is. I l . '1 J ‘ r, '
accused 5mm SPF (it"tltddly Zakha» signing ofanew arms accord reductions 1 . ~ . > some individuals Sheyardnad/e ,mnmrmng “mum“ ' ' ; . ,1 .- '.'
rov Another element was a Soviet But Reagan told world finanCial The two sides had been carrying Reagan: l”_r.”"“.‘m"‘" 1n51’l9d-Ve” ‘had lOUHdVGF} Uht‘lulltthlltl ' Thai, blinked Mus. , . I; ‘. ' I 5 .‘ j
pledge to tree Yuri iti'lov. a promi— leaders at short time later at the In on arms control discussions at ya ‘F’rdff-‘t ”1‘“ mt"? “‘f’ l“) Wm“ ' " ‘L g . :;'-" ' 1-. .
nent Soviet dissident exiled to Silk» ternational Monetary hind that the rioiis levels while trying separately y‘flh-thlfx: liftt‘t‘t’lltlill s icicase and The t'nited Mal” Md wnwmm ‘7‘“de “a”. ”Wimpy _ .2. _, {‘1‘ .“ 1, '._-
no. as well as ' Wite. ne\t October sessmn is intended "to pre to settle the case of l)anilofl_ whose 4‘ ‘ 'l’“ ‘ m. 3;, people .i told if“. MW.“ p dd}; ed.» if”. chem. , 3 , 7 " ‘.' ;._ '<
week pare the ground for a productive arrest on what Reagan insisted were Asked why that chimiimi be “a.“ wanted out ol the timed \atioiis replii-q . l mum}! , “I ’ 4 t,'"':-".'. i'.“'l_’:'l,;1’
Hintlng at the C“ ‘llill lured summit," 'll‘llllllx'd “P ”PF i'harges (735! a it" ”W ll'ii‘lt‘ “Fluid“ Said he would were lillintelligenceagents \Ht‘tnlilllt'f‘il 2. .‘ - '.’ '3‘ i6
‘:.',"'h-'..".3 Vt " ,'
o o o .‘ ,1 ..
' ‘1' I" .‘I ".‘ If" ‘i'i
Emergency spending bill passe to keep government gomg
1,”, _<. I‘;.._"~ ’1
‘r 1; ‘ . '. V‘ 1;”. ,.'
By STEVEN Kt).\IARtm by noontime. said 01le spokesman to the president. by the beginning of best thing tor the sake ot the repuh The House pro: lst'it‘is would re t‘lt'zir 'M‘étp“!1> '9“in T " .-_, (1,2 'x'g'.
.-\ssoc1ated Press rid Dale t'tietsscai year at 1‘2 ill a in today lic ' quire thlnlllllSll‘lillttli compliance littltt‘f ta‘ 'ltt‘\i1-"-i"'Y-'”-t' " -‘ 9:51"? . :1; "x i, [1,";
The administration would accept a l’iesiileiit Reagan has promised to pl-pglii..,1i Reagan has strongly 0i) with the SALT li treat: tree/e ,.'V if}: Jig,‘
WASHthl'l't)N t'ongress ap- simple extension of government \(‘to the titttllll)US $562 billion fiscal iected [ti idiigudgi- ii», ihi. “mm: in“ spending on the star this progr