xt76m902260f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902260f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1973 1973 1973-11-19 2020 true xt76m902260f section xt76m902260f The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 73
Monday, November 19, 1973

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Winter survival



Kernel Staff Writer

If the nation is to survive the current
energy crisis, citizens will have to unite to
conserve fuel, said John Junot. spokesman
for the Organization for Winter Survival
(OWS), a newly-formed group about to
seek formal University recognition.

The group is currently working out of the
People’s Party’s desk.

DEAN OF STUDENTS Jack Hall said no
officialspace has been awarded to OWS. A
group lending its facilities to an
unrecognized group is usually just
“pushed back within its constitution," he

“Normally, there is no intention to
flagrantly violate the rules. The group is
highly motivated and leaps before
looking," said Hall.

Junot said he sees no difficulty in ob-
taining University recognition, even
though the group would be a community

“THERE ARE VERY few organizations
on campus with no non-University
members," he said. “These rules—no one
ever pays any attention to them. They're
never enforced because they‘re impossible
to enforce."

Junot went on to explain the reasons
behind the formation of OWS.


cut down

on energy


Associated Press Writer

school locker room may be a little cooler,
winter vacations abit longer and field trips
less frequent as the energy crunch comes
to campus.

Already facing a money crisis that has
forced both secondary and college level
schools to cut educational trimmings from
their budgets, many schools were trying to
save energy costs when President Nixon
made his plea for Americans to conserve

The Los Angeles School District is no
longer using its buses to take youngsters
on field trips. The buses are only used to
shuttle students to and from school and
athletic contests. No more field trips until
the system is sure it has enough fuel.

OTHER MEASURES taken by the
district: lowering thermostats to 68
degress, no air conditioning until the
temperature hits 78 and fewer lights in the

Similarly, the Parkland, Pa., school

board has decided to cut late afternoon
school bus runs transporting pupils home
from extracurricular activities.

Students at the four Vermont state
colleges are getting a bonus: an extended
Christmas vacation. It’s part of a state

“Within two years we are going to be
facing economic disaster," he said. “The
country is driving over a cliff, energy and

”THE GOVERNMENT can't cope
with this problem huge corporations can‘t
cope with it; the way people live and think
about things will have to change,” he

Junot also said he sees his organization
as serving a two-fold purpose—finding new
ways to save energy and boosting morale.

“Science, as a way of thought, can save
us. Scientists won’t," said Junot.

effort to conserve fuel. The vacation will
be three or four weeks longer and stretch
from mid-December through January.

THE TIME WILL be made up in the
warmer spring months.

Lengthening vacations is one of the most
popular techniques used by schools to
conserve energy.

In Colorado, where the winters are even

colder than inVermont, public school of-

officials in Aurora are thinking about
shortening school days this winter. They

have been told their heating fuel supply

Everyone can understand the scientific
method of thinking, he added.

SOME OF HIS suggestions for con-
serving energy are bus lines composed of
private individuals, compost piles to
reduce the use of oil in making fertilizer,
mixing glass with asphalt and building ic
houses to store snow for use in

“Our principal job, however, is to keep
up the community‘s dignity, spirits and
morale," he said. “Misery loves company
and miserable people can work together.“

(‘ontinued on Page 6

will be at least 10 per cent less than last

AS FOR LOWERING thermostats, plant
director William Wilcox of the University
of Texas told a meeting he felt that would
make rooms too cold and would “put
people in the hospital."

In Denver, a sweaty afternoon on the
playing field may be followed by a chilly
bout with the shower. Asst. Supt. Joseph
Brzeinski said one fuel-saving measure
under consideration is reducing the
amount of hot water in the locker rooms.


News In Brlet

ly the Associated Preu
and the Kernel sun

0 Israel opens inquiry
OArabs reward Europe
0 War powers approved

OUAW, GM bargain
o Greeks on alert
0 Tickets on sale

0 Today's weather...

0 JERUSALEM —— The Israeli govern-
ment announced Sunday a full-scale
judicial inquiry into alleged mishandling
of the opening stages of the October war
against Egypt and Syria.

0 VIENNA. Austria - Ten Arab oil
nations decided Sunday to give most of
Europea one-month reprieve in petroleum
cutbacks in recognition of a Common
Market political stand generally in-
terpreted as pro-Arab.

The United States, Japan and the
Netherlands were excluded from the pause
in the Arab oil cutback, imposed in con-
junction with the October Middle East war
as a means of pressure against Israel and
its supporters.

O PRINCETON. NJ. — The latest
Gallup Poll reports 80 per cent of
Americans approve in principle the new
law enacted over a presidential veto that

limits the President’s power to send us.
troops into action overseas.

The poll was taken Nov. 2-5, before
Congress voted Nov. 7 to override
President Nixon's veto of a war powers
bill. It requires the President to explain

any act of war to Congress within 48 hours.

0 DETROIT — General Motors Corp,
and United Auto Workers bargainers
bargained on deadline Sunday in an effort
to avert a series of ministrikes Monday

0 ATHENS — The Greek armed forces
were placed on full alert Sunday and
marines in battle dress moved into the
capital to quell sporadic anti-government

As dusk fell and a martial law curfew
went into effect, no disturbances were
reported following a day of hit-and-run
rioting by thousands of students near the

Athens Polytechnic Institute. where the
unrest began Friday after a four-day sit-

About 50 armored personnel carriers
rolled into the city. doubling the number
already on riot patrol duty in the main
avenues and squares.

. Tickets sales for the Dec. 7 John
Mayall, Goose Creek Symphony concert
begin today in the Student Center‘s Grand
Ballroom. Sales will run from 9 am. to 4
pm. tomorrow and all following days
tickets may be purchased in room 251 of
the Student Center.

...brief interlude

A brief interlude between rains will
take place today with partly cloudy and
warmer weather near 60. But the chance of
rain will increase Tuesday after tem-
peratures tonight near 40, tomorrow in the




The Kentucky Kernel

”J ,ouma. ,m 394an UmverSl'v o' Kentucky Lc-unqlon. Kenlu.lv 40506

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Lifestyle: an alternative

In recent years. the University administration has
followed a plan through which a gradual easing of housing
regulations has been carried out. Last December. the Board
of Trustees gave its approval to a coed dorm; several weeks
ago Dean of Students Jack Hall announced a phase out of
the discriminatory hours placed on women during the first
half of their first freshman semester.

Usually great shouts of protest rise from the conservative
Kentucky press and concerned. but also conservative.
parents when new and “liberalized“ housing regulations
are rumored in the making by the UK administration.
Notably. letters and editorials attacked UK President Dr.
Otis A. Singletary last year. when it was leaked he would
submit the coed dorm proposal to the Board with a positive

To the surprise of few. however. little protest is heard
once a new policy is adopted. For example. how long has it
been since anyone questioned you about the possible goings-

~ on in Blanding 1'?

Because people seem to readily adopt new policies, and
because of a pressing issue confronting UK‘s housing
policies ta problem that could put any liberal regulations
back a few years: we think now is the time for UK ad-
ministrators to consider the adoption of “lifestyle dorms"
as an alternative to present housing at this University.

No secret

Item: It‘s no secret the rolls of students who wish to live in
University housing. specifically dorms, hasve diminished in
recent years. It is a known fact that, if these numbers
continue to decrease. the price of living will rise and
perhaps keep some not-too-wealthy students from an ad-
vanced education.

It‘s also no secret in certain administrative circles that it
may be necessary to once again force some students,
probably underclassmen. to live in dorms for a required
period of time.

Although Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 164.200
(“Regulations for university physical training and
discipline of studentS) gives the University authority to
enforce this measure. we think lifestyle living in University
housing is a more reasonable and attractive solution to the
problem of decreasing numbers.

Through alternative lifestyle dorms. a university can
offer its students just as much variation as a town apart-
ment—hopefully at a lower cost.

Several options

We have enough University housing of different sizes to
accomodate just about any combination of living possible. A
couple of options which could be made available to students

5/ Lifestyle dorms—Open visitation, with no sign-in or out -
by occupants. Coed and non-coed dorms offer further ‘
alternatives in this area.

,/ Dorms with partial visitation—again either coed or non-

¢Dorms with no visitation—automatically non-coed.

Many more options are available. Studies could be easily
compiled by an already-standing committee on housing.
The most important fact to rember is that. under present
conditions. dorm life is on the way out.

The administration can be commended for discontinuing
the freshwomen hours rule. despite its stubborness to do so
in the past. But. faced with decreasing dorm population,
administrators should seriously consider alternatives for
future residents, including those mentioned above.









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Nlcholas Von Hoffman

King Futures Syndicate


4"“ l
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Pearl Harbor and Nixon:

What would he have done?

WASHINGTON — What would have
happened if Richard Nixon had been
President of the United States on
December 7, 1941'?

Instead of the News of Pearl Harbor
being radioed immediately to the rest of
the country. the Pentagm have
imposed a complete noun.“ t on
what had occurred in Hawaii. more
would have reached stateside and then not
before December 15. Press inquiries at the
White House would have been met by
Ziegler saying, “We’re not about to
comment on source stories.”

Times correspondent who had com-
mandeered a rubber life raft in Honolulu
would have paddled into San Francisco
Bay with a somewhat garbled but
essentially accurate account of the
destruction of the US. Pacific fleet.

A few days later Ziegler reappears in the
dolorous precincts of the White House
press room to read a statement.

“The rumors of some kind of attack by
units of the Japanese Imperial Fleeton our
naval base at Pearl Harbor have been
grossly exaggerated. There was a small
incident at Pearl. Some Japanese
marines. there as part of a goodwill visit
by the Japanese fleet, got into a fight when
they claimed a madame in a brothel
overcharged them. They were arrested by
their own Navy‘s shore patrol and
returned to their ship. That’s all there was
to it, and may I say these stories that have
been appearing in the papers—none of
them attributed to any official in this
Administration—are just another example
of outrageous. vicious, distorted repor-

THAT QUELLS THINGS until a Swedish
freighter picks up an American sailor
from the battleship Arizona babbling a
incredible tale about Japanese bombers
sinking his ship. In due time: the sailor is
returned to a continental American port
where he tells such a frightening narrative
of destruction that the press goes after
Ziegler again. HE repeats:

“The situation is exactly as it was. No
change. We are receiving our normal

,quota of Sonys and Toyotas, but I am now
in a position to give you some added details
about the scuffle with marines in the
brothel. The dinghy returning the rowdy
marines to their ship did accidentally ram
the battlehsip Arizona and sink it. The
helmsman of the dinghy has been
punished. and the Presidet has sent a stern
note to Emperor Hirohito suggesting that
on future goodwill trips the Japanese fleet


bring its own geishas and not rely on our
talent unless they‘re prepared to pay an
American minimum wage. The incident is
now closed. I think we‘ve stretched apoint
with you guys by even commenting on this
trivial pierside brawl."

Even as he is speaking, however, the
captain of a tuna boat out of San Diego is
radioing that he is netting large pieces of
debris from the battleship California. The
Pentagon denies the existence of any such
battleship. but now a Senate committee
announces its intention of looking into the
whole thing by issuing subpoenas
requiring the Pacific fleet to present itself
at the mouth of the Potomac and be in-
ventoried. The President responds that
such information is covered by Executive

RED HOTS LIKE Senator Abourezk of
South Dakota make speeches saying.
“We‘re going to have to go to war against
somebody. either Tokyo or the White
House. or maybe both." The liberal wishy-
washies like Percy of Illinois and Cranston
of California caution about prejudging the
President. ”We still may have a fleet out
there somewhere," Senator Goldwater
says. “I support the President, and if
somebody can find it. I’ll support the fleet,

Under growing pressure, Nixon
proposes a compromise, which he says will
allay the misguided hysteria caused by
inaccurate press reports and still preserve
the confidentiality of his Constitutional
Commander-in—Chiefdom. Senator Stennis
will be allowed to count our ships and
report to Judge Sirica's grand jury, which
will, according to our tradition of fair play
and due process, say nothing about it.
Unfortunately an antiAdministration fink
in the Justice Department leaks the
contents of the Stennis report.

Upon the truth seeping out, Ziegler looks
piteously at the press and asks, “How can
you guys say I lied to you? Inever told you
seven other battleships hadn't been sunk.
What? Yes. yes, it’s true we’ve been at war
for a month now. but I want to read you a
statement from the President which will
renew the American peoples confidence in
him. He says he can take anything any
American can dish out. He also says the
accusations that he tried to cover up Pearl
Harbor and not go to war with Japan
because of Rebozo's Tokyo real estate
holdings are false, and that he is now at
Key Biscayne. reflecting on the fact he

comes from tough Midwestern farm stock.
He says he’s never been cooler and his
mind has never been sharper.“


inc vii ' ’ ‘







a page of opinion from inside and outside the University community


Whether real or false—
ihe energy crisis is here


For the last 20 miles or so, I'd been
clicking down [-64 toward Frankfort in this
Honda car and, well, the driving was
pretty rough. It was raining—not quite up
to a gully-washer’n-bug-drowner, but
enough so that the road looked like any
other blue smudge on the windshield—and
there was a strong cross wind.

On the radio, WAKY was giving the
latest information on the tornado watch in
Louisville, but it wasn’t quite that bad
here. In fact, the weather wasn’t really
causing me thatmany problems; it was all
of the cars and trucks zipping by.

YOU SEE. FOR one of the few times I
was in agreement with Nixon, so I was
driving slower than usual. Not at 50, like
the man asked——a friend and I had tried
that the day before on the same stretch of
road but had been passed 51 times by
everything that came up on our tail.

But this time I was trying 60. At first it
had been the same, everything just
passed me by, just a mighty whiisshh and
windshield full of water. But then asbout 20
miles outside of Lexington it happened.

All of a sudden the road started into a
slight grade and I found myself looking
into the mud flaps of this semi. That’s
right, I finally got to pass something. And
not just one, but two big smoke belchers. I
was so tickled about it that. . .you know,
like up yours Mister Truckdriver.

SO TICKLED I completely forgot about
taking the Frankfort exit, until I was two
miles past it.


I first heard about the energy crisis last
spring, and I must confess that I didn’t
really believe it. Just another case of the
government and business getting together
and deciding how to slice up the con-
sumers’ money, I thought at the time.

A good case can still be made for it. The
New York TIMES reported on Nov. 11 that
a back making the rounds in Europe, THE

the doubling of Mid East oil prices in the
last two years has been remotely con-
trolled by Washington and the oil com-

AND WHY NOT. The energy crisis was
supposed to weaken the United States
economically, but the dollar has regained
some 10 per cent of its international value
in the last two or three weeks. During the
third quarter of this year, some of the oil
companies had handsome profit gains:
Exxon, up 80 per cent; Mobil, up 64 per
cent; Gulf Oil, up 91 per cent.

But since the latest Mid East conflict
and Arab embargo on oil there are some
new parts to the story.

Item: The energy crisis is already being
badly felt in Europe. Holland has banned
all Sunday driving. In Belgium, the
government has taken direct control of oil
supplies and production. Luxemburg has
ordered all gas stations closed on
weekends. And in England, gas rationing
is considered almost inevitable.

ITEM: ALL federal and most state
government vehicles can be driven at
speeds no greater than 50 miles an hour.
And while Nixon has requested we drive no
faster than 50, New York and New Jersey
have already made it law. But it may not
matter because Administration officials
are talking about a 5 to 40 cent surtax on
gas as an alternative to rationing.

Item: The federal government is
already rationing diesel fuel, which has
meant cutting back coal production in
many strip mining operations. Some bus
lines around the country are now operating
on emergency allotments from the U. S.
Interior Department.

ITEM: HERE in Kentucky, Gov. Ford
has been frustrated because only the
legislature can lower the maximum speed
limit to 50. But that may not matter;
rumor has it the gas rationing stickers and
stamps are already printed—just sitting in
Frankfort ready to go.





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So driving at 50 may be a case of too
much too late. If so, the short run planning
will entail either rationing, an increase in
the price of gas, or both. And the long run
planning—in any case—will have to
concentrate on new sources and suppliers

of energy.

Of the short run proposals, the gas
rationing approach would be the most
equitable to all consumers. It wouldn’t be
based on any special criteria except the
ability to drive or the ownership of car—-
although people who needed more for their
jobs, like salesmen, would get it.





Eugene Miharsco

A rise in the price of gas would be most
unequitable, whether it'ca me from a direct
surtax, a lifting of price controls, a new
form of tax and price incentives to en-
courage the oil companies to do more

NOT THAT there are needs for any more
explorationjconstruction of the Alaskan
oil pipeline should begin soon; out in
Colorado and other western states there
are large areas of oil trapped in shale that
haven‘t been touched yet; and right
now the United States has 1.6 billion tons
of coal-~«enough to yield three times as
much gas that exists in all the Mid East oil

Of course. the Alaskan pipeline won‘t be
dripping oil for years; environmental
impact and mineral rights have to be
worked out on the oil rich shale areas,
but production is still years away; and
while gas can be made from coal through a
liquefication process it hasn’t been used
much since the Germans invented it
during WW II because it costs like hell.

Then there are other forms of energy
like nuclear, tidal. and solar. But little is
known about the last two. and who wants a
nuclear power plant in their neigh-
borhood? Still something needs to be done
since we now import one-third of all the oil
and gas supplies we consume. This figure
will be up to more than half by 1980—10 to
12 million barrels a day.

THIS WINTER it is estimated we will
fall short of oil and gas demand anywhere
from 15 to 35 per cent. Nobody is saying
anything about next winter. yet. So it
might be best to turn down the lights and
heat. and case back on the throttle—it
might help a little bit. Besides the only way
to stop the oil companies from making
money is get rid of them.

Neill Morgan is a journalism
senior and a special assign-
ments writer for the Kernel.





s—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, November is, 1073


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War authority, Dr. T. Harry
professor of history during the
spring semester, said Dr. George
C. Herring, chairman of history

dergraduate course on the
American Civil War and a
graduate seminar on recent
Southern political leadership.

a long interest in Southern
Williams expressed the desire to
teach here, and we are excited
about having such a popular
lecturer teach in the department.

connected with UK only through
occasional lectures,” Herring
continued. “His teaching here is
quite an opportunity for the

said, “History should be made as
dramatic and interesting as
possible without sacrificing its
seriousness. It’s a story, easy to
make fascinating, because it’s a
story of human beings.” He said
he employs this philosophy by






Special funding provides
for three faculty grants

Kernel Staff Writer
Special funding for faculty members is
presently being administered through the Office
of Undergraduate Studies. This includes mini-
grants available for the first time this year.

Intended to aid faculty members in projects
not otherwise funded, the mini-grants are geared
to stimulate innovative teaching and encourage
experimentation in educational research on the
undergraduate level.

THESE GRANTS DO not usually exceed $200
and will be offered until funds are depleted.

Dr. Daniel Reedy, acting dean of un-
dergraduate studies said he is optimistic the
mini-grant concept will continue throughout the

Instructional Improvement Grants are also
offered to support special teaching projects not
covered by other funds, such as educational
materials, special film rentals, and field trips.

THESE GRANTS will chiefly promote the
improvement of instruction in the general
studies area, interdisciplinary interests, and
evaluation of instruction, programs and ad-

Faculty summer teaching improvement
fellowships of $1,200 will be available during the
summer of 1974 and all full-time instructors are

Kernel Staff Writer
Pulitzer Prize winner and Civil

making his


will be visiting The

Williams will teach an un-

“0UR department has had


said Herring. “Dr.

speaker of

“He has been previously


In a past interview, Williams

28 day cycles.”

’ '7’:-

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eligible. Recipients must spend at least two
months of full-time class work on the project
described in their applications.

The faculty member must refuse com-
pensation from any other source for the sum-
mer's activities and must agree to return to UK
for the fall semester.

”BY FINANCING individual instructors’
projects, we make the faculty feel that somebody
really cares about their projects,” Reedy said.

Applications for any of the three grants are
available in the office of Undergraduate Studies.
Completed applications should be routed through
the department chairman, college dean, and
finally back to the office of Undergraduate
Studies. Approval must first be granted by an
advisory committee, and then by Reedy.

Mini-grant applications may be made anytime
during the academic year. Instructional im-
provement grant requests must be completed by
Nov. 20 and applications for summer grants
should be returned by Jan. 15.

EVALUATION REPORTS are required from
all approved and funded projects. They must
include a statement of the objectives achieved,
an assessment of the degree to which they were
attained, and a general statement of experience
gained from the studies.

I970 Pulitzer Prize winner will
teach history courses at UK

biography, Huey Long’, published
in 1969, won the National Book
Award and the Pulitzer Prize in


teresting and dramatic, while
retaining the seriousness of the

Kernel Staff Writer
“Birth Control and Birth” was
the topic; Dr. John Duhring,
professor of obstetrics, was the
presented by the Student Health
Organization and the Student
Health Advisory Committee
Thursday night.

Surveying various birth control
Duhring indicated
there is really no perfect method
of birth control—ail have
problems or side effects. He said
the rhythm method works well
but only for women with “perfect

control pill, Duhring said it has
had a remarkable success rate


' "'1 231-15”


1970. He holds the distinguished
rank of Boyd Professor of history
at Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge.

HE OCCUPIED the chair in
American History at the
University of Oxford in England,
in 1966.

All birth control methods
cause side effects

because it works at several
different body levels. He ex-
plained that women having past
histories of cancer of the breast
or uterus, severe liver diseases or
blood clots should not use this
method. Although the pill does
not cause cancer, it might cause
past cases of cancer to reappear,
he said.

Commenting on future forms of
birth control, he said an injection
taken every three months is now
being developed. Duhring in-
dicated this method would
probably not be popular because,
after a person stops taking the
injections, fertility is not im-
mediately resumed. A woman
might have to wait months or
years before being able to have
children again.

Expounding on what he called a
problem in our society, Duhring
said pregnancy, labor and
delivery are many times looked
on as “horrible things.”

HE INDICATED he is en-
thusiastic about the Lamaze
technique of childbirth, where the
husband is present to help in the
delivery room. He said about 10
per cent of Fayette County births

are now conducted under this


The Pertwlllaby Papers

by don rosa


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, November 1!. 1073—5


Wow! ms MAKES' DERE MusT
TiFF'ANY'S L°ol< L'KE a: Téusnuos
WooLWonTu's..FoRT up nus UF
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INCAS .7?!










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sane um ms TuRoNE... SURE arm»
A MATCHING mos/mm“!









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WHAT IS LANCE our-7. 2-8 CoN‘rmuED!






Kernel Editorials
257- 1700


College Shop

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&.K- -- " ' ' :_
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Sweater Vests 10“ 2“ B|ulsdes d 9°° 39°
99 oi s an Prints
3559'.th Jeans 900 2 6°° Vests and Sweaters 790 to 9°°
emm eans 90
with Cuffs R2523? 9°° 4

Denim glare 7°0 21:94; Jr, Pants 20°° 5°° to 129°

eans - Tops and Blouses

Shirts 39° l 00 790 l 1090
Checkerboard -3"° Skim °"d 800 ((3)0

a” 1972,s of 390 Sweaters Sets 22 5
or 3 for 31000 Group of Wool Pants 3“

Knit Slax Fisherman's Knit Sweaters
Group I 22.00 1000 15°° 39°
Group II l6°° moo Recycled Denim - Embroidered

Knit Sportshirts lO°° 4°° Pants 12300 {3:3

crewsrjveecé‘ters 1950 12” CableKnit Sweaters 90


Flannel Shirts 10.“ 79° . Fashion Jackefsll 8

Corduroy Jackets 40.“ 29.90 - oo 90

Suburban Car 85.°° 39.°° 50'“ efleclive Thursday. 57:5” Fur 69800 2390

Leather TrenCh 150.00 98.90 Frlday & SOlUrdOY
Coats 00 00 Socks 95¢ or 6 for $5.00 H056 1” 99¢

Leatheé Spfort 125. 88. . . 00 Scarves

00 s 00 9 90 Men 5 Sunts 69 Re . moo _ Now 89°

Sports Coats 60 3 . 9


Hrs.: 9:00-5:30 Mom-Sat.




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