xt76m902258k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902258k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1971 1971 1971-02-01 2020 true xt76m902258k section xt76m902258k h ; ' {I .
K _45 . 5 5._ 5 5
Monday, Feb. 1, “WI UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON \iui. l.\ll. No. 73 : '. ' ' - .I .
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By 5- .\l. WINES [.ouisuiic spu'th inst liiuruigu. Mllgivlnl‘} (:iiiHi liH' (hug A 5 g»... "' f . - I -‘ ?
ASSISMI“ Managing Editor Dctutiu' Sgt. FHmL i'iunun ol nimw problem" long H-(ogni/i'ii” ,v ' ' - 1 .5 .'5 '—
‘ PFC-""1“” ”“5 S'I'KINHI'V 4‘“ the Lexington i’oiiu' ln-lmi lml mid [hi- i IHH'NI‘. \s'sh not Q§2*5 . ' ‘- 35. -
. ' 5 ' . . . . . - ' ffi’\)' “v” .w:.: =: < ::.;»3.“‘i=-’ l‘ ' . A. i” i i
""1”"“1 53”““149' ”W 1””"1m‘m mum's nunotus (iiVision (lumiul llllllllll(‘(i to Mt ;l\ u izm' (‘ll ”3.553 V; f. t I‘m-fig? _ ' .. ’
' V ‘ ‘ ‘ » L .. .- 4 L'I;=5.§§§"‘55?2§“-”‘.5:::.:. _..»-:'3,'~\5Qiiif§:.li:..i-.'E'T«' ' 555;...5 ' ‘ " . ' . - .. " ’.
”i "‘ twelve-mun i ”i“"““." ("mi that ()\'('I’ 2.000 of l i\ \ l/Mlll i()l'((‘lll('lll ;l};(‘ll(5\ ”gums! (hug «L535: ‘2 °f "'4 ~ 5.5 .. , I 55.! .=
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””5W’” 0” ““114 i‘lill‘é'll‘m 1” \lu(i(fll[s were (hull. uwrs. llc :ilm mus. ll " L... -: = 5a. 75;" '~ ‘ .. t,
PIOgIdIIls. irolu I'k to (‘\’(‘I‘\‘ high \(llnf)i lllll‘ oi lil(‘ l'\l)(‘lll\(' oi ll\ pm 5. . ’5. . _ 5 5
“W MUNIUH‘UHUH (41'5“ J and practuuily may [1111")! mum-i . . . to main (Ulllllinl * 9 5 4'" 555,. g, 5 5 5 .I {555.5 ._ .' . 5
\x'cck (“div “Vim“ “""i "i ”W high school" in Fuxi'ltv (louiiu. tiom lll lill‘ . ‘;1\ ol minmium 56x. ffggi ’ . ' ." f; '. 5'. ‘ ..
. - . . .. \L“« 5 5 ~ _ ,. . . ‘ " - ~ . \ 2 . “ f '
(mmuilu'cincn had ;i( ( v p l (' (i ‘\Vastclgmds‘ .imi lll'dlllH'lll. .135, £39, , ' '2} £3 - .. ‘ ' . .. ,
- 41'3“ _.> -~"«"-;:L;',’L.."- 35-“ . ' I . »' ’ — i ‘ 1‘
”11‘” [NM-‘1 éi‘ 1' 11‘1"”1‘“ l" 15‘“ Frnnan [iruintui that “(‘H' \mong \lt‘lh pidnimi lli liltiM' 5,”, 45;; ’ «"7 S i: ' '. ‘ 1"
ington 1' ol l( (' i)(‘pélllm<‘l|l lii‘c (unimunitu'x \\’lii hm ()llH‘ .'nm». \.ll(i Siiigli'lun. .m': >4?» 5;? .23 -' . '. ., . . -. .. = '
(imrgm liml liH‘ (ziinpih WA» A "\\';i\'.<'i;ln(i\ ()t (l‘llllt'. lll\('.’l\(‘_ } i)l\ll iiuilioii ul inm him L fiwéfigxy, “5:- ” "not. “‘ v‘ - . 5 v5! ..
lll;ll‘k(‘l pluu' lor the lll‘(‘ll\ um! ll(‘\l)f!!!‘ [ink-xx (ii-liq .'iimw on (illlfl‘x in X'('\Hi('ll((' hulk w 5?.“I 5 ; . 5. L
(iillgx. i\ ”m \\'llil \n‘nllg (”unit-Hut.“ lHlll\ .imi lmh lllll\ imiw ~. L! . . 1r . ‘. ‘-. .. ‘
~ . ' . . . 35'.‘3.=‘-ff§¢..-z==>-~” Z: - ' ’ ‘-' . . . 5 L 5 \. _. _
lill' llL‘\\’i\~iUl’lIl('(i unmnmu- “rt-55 ) i)! UL“ (ilM mwmx Ill i i\ L:;;;;$%L:C Lav ...“ i“ ' ~ '1 '.
“I” ”It lll(i(‘ stiuiviilx. Lu uln .lll(i \‘i-xu'uiuv. \(1 [In-ml. m \H'\( homing mmx six ..I .L_5 1! ;. .- . .i 5-. 5'
.llilllilll\ll';llHl\ illlli \\'lii nmiw il\ “l i ‘4 h I (omh Him-(i innim'x } \ 311mm 'hm hm " i”, «\ ~"f'“”:""’ LMI, - 5 5 :5 .5. 5 1 ._ -‘
hi~15lrlmil in 1hr ])l(‘\l(i(‘lll in (115,“..‘mn; [‘L n... lt‘xi)riil\li)i( .iimmt IHiHHHII: ix'ii) "I ”Ki"! 55
\lIlll lI- illl’ illL‘il \(llIH)i (illlL‘ iIlillliliii‘ iililiillli .liHllli (illlL Jill!“ I. v' 5'.
Strauss llt'udx Stud) M ~IIH. iit'igiil oi I.l,.m(m\_” ) \ (”Hug oi 1mm“... 5  ._.
‘ \iii‘i'd‘ ‘i"‘i‘»1iii'i"‘i “”"mmm' ill .I illlt‘l' It» ir'\ilv;YHli \l.l\ ”mm uill iiiii: li'ilV ,. .
ii‘V“ii*i)i> R"'“"1‘ii-“iW‘i'J” Ill (.imi‘iu \\'\ii:' i’uiigiii l.:ii(li } \ xiv“ 1i: (ilxtllleIi' :1: 1‘ f ‘e_
um!) of (in i)(‘l).liilll('lll ml i‘w hummg ,HH‘HLO ‘mzi .yl [)i.!4< i-Hmi Limim. I.;;.i ..l..;i;i l" -' 5\ 5‘ . .
i“"i""'l “i“i'“ i” iii" (“WU ini‘ .'i i.i\\ ('lliiilnlllt’lll niliiini' ii(l'l\ lit-n: Ii" l<'\lll‘_'i in l 3m . "f. i: 35..
ml \l('(ii(illl'. \lldllxx l\.lll (\lilll _.mi 'umi‘mizmei m. “((115.4 H .g R... mi. (WW, ‘5' 55:.‘3- 5.
i” ii“ iii'i‘i‘ "i "i“’i“’i“”' “"i 11‘. Ill .iii im li i;l\\ (Minimiinii! \iiigiizn‘. .'iii'ilii'li :3.‘ i ix , . .5
drum. men lidm. .mm m I..., ... ,, . " mp1,, “1....1 ii” .5, 1 ..i . .4“, m i. ..t ..- _,_..---.-- ' ‘ . _‘ . ~.
5” i a ‘ ‘ l . '5 -.
(““1 ”i ‘i"‘i"‘[‘~ “Hi 1"“ "“ Ir: Llixl .i 'ilixiiawmimlz iiir'tiimi :iii';.‘il'il:\ 'im-iv .l.;'ii2\i 7:. 21;". 1 5.: . - .
‘ (ildllllldll. . . '\ " ‘5“; .1“... IN “m5”. gI,gi..‘: 1.. WALL}. 21., I ‘1 I) . I] 1'
}»('l\ pmmuv «rim Iuiii:.; ‘95:: p" :‘v ",;=.
\\lii in' .iinmumui \\ill'll .lii il.l\(‘ (loml lislimult' “HUN (imp. _' _. f; 5. ‘
. . h . ‘ . - 'll ‘. I ..i ... ~'. ' “1935"
.iui'plmi ”H.” ”I5!)()llllnl(.ln\5 \M. linwhm h” PM)!“ R4. ll“ Imwizzil “Mi 11555“ ”5‘ \piai‘ing in .i (liHHi oi .li.nlll l)ll LN mgiii m 1.4 \ .imiii (5“. 5 ._ 5g 55, 55 55
._.W._L~LL-- .. . .. . . . . 5 ..Il . I‘ -. I l' . . -‘ _5 '5 {.5 .| . . .‘i.

. Singleton \ami. i.Ili')!!\ ill. (uil‘llhlulli (.ll'(‘(il \HMHH ((HHI Emmi. “Hm”; llaiiioom. [mix \l(l)1)\\xii inumuii lill .llll}l.lli..llUli mi :9 i""‘ 5:“: Var—raw?!
.. .. . 5 . _« 5 - _‘~5 15 a 5 ,5 5.5:“
H“. lenumn. (IN “MI“. (,1 MM l‘l’\lll.lll i1.i(i mmir l1“. iil'Jilil \(l\l(l‘. .imi lill‘ “Wit“! oi tin “mid [HDiIlllJllulL .uumiing lo lll()’)il( u» .u il.l\ inllllli ii. , 5 5. 5 , _55 _5

1}“. (”mmm“. “Hum”; iron! ‘h‘nw..‘ i)('iHl(' 5”“! (1m hh h “h!“ “55‘“ \H h 5"“ 5”“ “ML (ht 5liiliii. l( l5)o\stli 5“ h xiunlwlul in Iin (.nnluh ( lli .. h. in! . 55, ._ 5:5 .55 5 ;
high-incl Ill(‘(‘[lll;,1‘y in liu' .'uir llllldlt‘ (,5 25mm “mum thug in: m “Hm“ “(In (5‘ «i111: HM (him lmnimlimmi. Stun on [mgr “gin. ixw- .. .-_- . 1.: 5.. . . 55.5 5 , 55
ministration luv. l"i‘i(i;i\. in .i mus \\'.l\ ".ix good ;1\ .iiiiomk.” mm,“ 5.5 . ‘ '. '.; 1’. '
1" ' . 1. , 2
. . ' . .. . \ 55’ 5‘ , L ' .5.5
Q ' Docking ”llllClllllt‘S 5 . -» . -.
_— . -'55 I". .7: ‘55. 51.55.45
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5i)3\('l‘i (‘l‘iV'i‘i’iil ”Mi‘i‘m {Mini l‘ili‘ldl i). \lliiill‘ii unhiimi lllllldl‘ \m HAM; : " "'~ 3’5}. "
l.‘\l)"vriill’l‘l‘ ‘\l!]('l'l(‘.‘i" uni (“m.tl\_ ”5:. 15.5,],15!“ (’55 .1!” . ‘5 ' .', . 5. 3’.
§ (‘l('(i (ml oi (‘zll'lil ()li)ll Mimi i\. .’liu'rnult' \lixsion |v_‘_ .1“. L1“: :5... it” .5. ':i5 .55 j 5- I'_. .5 .'
"- r.-.. (‘ii‘l’iii'ii'i'i‘i “Mi ”“'“'-””" J ii liu' \pm I‘ l'l'.'.ii (Ulli‘i mil to iw (imam ii lr i-tfu' -1w i in: i . 'z ' '2
‘ W " inhiii‘ii” ”Mi iii“'”i"i“"i i" in- (im ixt'll lugc‘tiii'i’. Silt-[xii’ii "ltk i-iqumm .l \. MIMI. i .ii. 5 ‘5 .5' 15.. ‘0 =5} _.I '
“2‘ “Hid“ iii" nussum. ““1 “'1'“ka .imi \iil( in'ii “Hilliii Hill in‘ .li‘it‘ it Ill iil In illl“ Hi Ti-r ‘2: arm.“ 1? I it ,5? i' ‘45,.
b toward lill‘ mom: on .lllUllH'I' to {h 1}“. immi llHHiit' (l, I. hm]: V,“ " lin \ \\\ 55,455 5.... 5, 5: . 5 .L5 5. ~
I‘; o ~I5,..I.I‘ Sl‘illl'll illl illlldl \(‘('l('l\. IIIL' 0” llil‘ llillilil \il .lilf'iililll' \‘l:‘l‘y'5i15"‘l;l,r\'?l5fll ”IL, v 'i. -' 5. 5
LI) .3 ‘ ‘5 5 ‘ 5 A 55 ; . 4.
" --x., ‘ ,5 :\l no lnm' \H‘H' iii!“ -l\il'”' llll.\\l()ll. ill)\\<'\l'l'. \\niliiki (.lii in: ii.m'.;vi in .w 5 -‘. ’ .- 5 ' ..
~ ‘ imlits lll (i.llll,'(‘l'. iiiil wim' lilll'f' H”. .i\tl’iill.llli\ 1., (“mind ... "1}” WNW" 35.5 1,. i ,5 .' -
’ “‘53? ~ . 5 5 5 ‘ ‘. 54 . 5~ ‘5 5 .5
- / ”Mi ”“V‘i'i'ii imm'x ”'i“ ii'“ l‘iliiii( £'\[N‘l'lllil‘lll\ ili‘lll mini ‘? Iliiv‘llrii'li :rl .. z M ‘r n? » ' ' "‘
‘ I, .. iiighl~ ll‘Ullilit‘ (ivu-iopmi in lill‘ 1}”. mm,“ ~ilzllli'i It“; :11 ..W 51‘5 ' I.-5
. . k _..! ‘ ('ununnmi \iiip llll(‘lllpll'!i 2:: \mm..li\ ..Hm tiu' .wmirim i 9.5 1,, I. 1}], ..I 9., 3. ..3 ..v. .5 "5, “i .“ . . . i
‘4‘. W. .1 i i\ . 5 ' I . , ' ‘ . .' j i ‘L' I’ .
555 5, III up \\ilh t l(' illlMI‘ i.iini<'i'. \.I),1('i‘(‘l’.lil ..:'<~ ...i. thy]: \‘..i\ in ii“ Ilium wolf's» '« ' ' .' .5 ' v. -
. ‘ A.“ (‘dl'l’il‘li in its lillHi im-iwt \lJL't‘. lin' moon. tin- .l‘xlltili.llli\ up “on”. . . 5. -I -
’l‘iil' (Rlpllll‘l' i‘llk‘lHN l‘llil‘ll ll) .llilll‘ llll’ ("Uiliillililii In”! \(-[\}(¢ l‘.]x.>l“l’lil . .i ‘\i“- . i . * i ‘I‘ .A ‘i 5 5 5 '5
5 .. “""k i”"’i""i.‘ “mi iii“ ‘i'iii‘ mmiiiit'. llllll .ll'UlllHi .imi pniw H'llzuiii.1.‘i-i. '.-: _' .5' _ ~ ~ 5f
MM“ “1'“- llll;li)i(' to iu('i\‘ ltigi-liim, ”HI now ”5* tin‘ \iiii’ into tin- ill tinv i”" ii ii, i ‘2" 3. . _.. 5 5y. 55 .5 5
:1. w’w ‘ -‘\\il"'|i“li M”All “HUN Sim!» imi' lll()(llli('. 'i‘hi‘ t\\‘o t'ldll lllll\i m \t liiitll ii) \1..-.:.n I . - MK '. .I ‘ 1, . 5 _5
- ...L ”Wu-Aw" ' . 5. 5 . 5 . l . , i, 5 .
WW?” W L'it‘d “liil iiH‘ DION?!” M iii" (im h ioi‘ lin' immr ll|()(illi(' to iw Lam \illti\ll!U m. HUN. 4 '3... 55 . - 5 .‘ I 5. .
3W*W '. '..,. - ‘ (I... ('l)llllllllll(l \i'll’ umlmix “illii‘ pniimi from m “ml in llll‘ SAlii tin- hm (mil ' -' - ‘
. . H: .1“ ,5 .t . . - » .5 J I ' " ‘ -
x“ * .. A“ _..g W 1" 5 . Apollo H unnmmuhn Aid” ii- \\ llt‘ll lhv spin-unlit .lll‘ pimp iiw hm.” llltNiliiI n iliH}\(’Ii :v« .5 ‘ -. . » - . 5 L.
’ ' i' ' " ' A) ’ i “ Shepard [I and illnal‘ modulo propvl‘h (i()(‘l\'(‘(i. ”W l\\'() «1.1“ .l \ill'UlHi .llill‘v tiu' lilil(i \mm. [.5 '5 ’. . ‘ '._ . 5.‘
l ‘ incix‘ togetiu'l liuiilil. iiH' \illiiii 3 li‘( iu-l if i um. i. * 5V 5‘ 5‘ I -_
-"‘ 'i‘iu‘ (‘l'(‘\\' hu(i llll'll(‘(i (HI .1 Sitting rm twp of ll l\ liw . w; is .. ‘ ‘ '
. y .'l. 1 5 ‘ . .
...“..- l .r a." 5_ l(‘i(‘\'i\l()ll uum'm and flight ('mi» Hl.ill(i .llHi wn in mum”. .' 5 5- 5 5 5:
CALL. " ' v 2 .\ issimi ('uiitroi \‘.l‘l'(' . . i. 3' . '
7 5 liniius il l Snih In 5 '5 55 5 I 5‘
. :lilil‘ to l()ii()\\ llH‘ pi‘oui'mx oi .. .. , -.
, L . i uni .l ii.ii 9: .. L M“ '1 i l" - . . I. .5 t 1 ~ - * ~.
“3-4;. ‘ - .55 v..-» ‘ I” 3 ~. l ,5 5 - , [u ’ l‘ _ \.llli luv '\0 .Il HM _u.!: 5 i ». 5 ..

" f “a. ‘. a "" ...—A." ‘5 i ’ . _. A - :.." — \ ' _ a i ' ‘ 1 i i
a, 'i 'B‘fi». ~.,-_ Iii; 0‘ .. . L’ ;E:S£§l M ~ 5 3". 'i1 ‘i' JINIHI'i M“! NH ”‘5' ‘HH Forfl‘ml ior lpunszton and \I 5= 5 '. v5
1*" ”finial; ,5...- LwI‘ . 5 f3: . "‘ ' ‘_ 1". L4,; Hutu illc‘i iii.lii l il.l\l‘ in (min: Fair and \vn (‘1)ldll)(l£l\ ' ‘_ ’ _' ~

:1,“ ' K ' ‘ ' . J’ W k. .11 ”k 5‘.' w ‘l. H“ .9 _5 ' ‘ ‘ cw- . . 5 5
' 1' _‘w ' ' .. I '*" L »» ‘ ‘ " ;. A .... .I .. (5 ._.... \l|\\li'l| ( omini mini .m Jill! and tomorrow. High lompcmlurr‘ -5 .. 5 ' .
The 1mm". an the "'l’ “mum.“ the Apollo H em m" 0" their first traverse {mm ,1“. Fm “an,” ll.liI‘ \HillilH'I in .1( im \«~ iill‘ imL today in the high locus. in“ .. . _

. . . . . . . . - . . ' ' ' v .
spaucrrafl (‘ommund module as it would look In us landing sm'. Shepard Is pulling the modular vquili HIL' ”l’ “”“M i“ i” " 1"“ i -‘ lomghl 0705“). finding" 5tomorrou .5 - .
doucm Io Fra Mauro. the «‘hfllulcd landing site. mcm transporter. which (omnins unnoras. lunar l”"i“'~ l“ll-“""Q ii'“ "-‘l‘iim' "hl'h'c *0 " mupilahou PW“ - 5 5 ' .I 5
Dircnly almw is an artist's rendering of astro— sampling bags and tools. Shepard is also rnrrving inn-hm. .imi tin-n .ittmnpt lo «m a nulli‘cs an:1 7;") some!“ lOdflV. .
nauts Alan B. Shepard. spacecraft commander. the laser ranging retmreflu-mr. Miuhcll is (any u-Iuv HH' timlmu idh'iuw (omit l an "I“ R.» _ . ~ . 5
and Edgar l). Mitchell. lunar module pilot. as they ing the Apollo lunar surface experiment pm‘ltagc. ”W (‘Hl’l'm‘ i‘m'ilmmd PN‘i" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-, . '

‘l .I .
’1 t. i

 2—TIIF. KENTI'CKY KERNEL Monday. Feb. I. 197l ______—_____________—____—————-———-—— l
P ' l
”U C
1 oxmli e Leads Renewed SST Batt e
. WASHINGTON (AP) I- Sen. are somewhat less than 5050-” ”The trouble is the adminis- too noisy. ”I think if this gets the Russians and completely ade-
I William Proxmir'e said Sunday The 1,600—mile an hour plane tration is detennined now, they known in the Congress it will quate."
. - he faces stronger opposition than escaped during the waning days have indicated they are deter- help us." In Vietnam, he said, ”We
.‘ ever in lt‘uslilltl. 1* WW“ “l battle "i the 91$ COHEN” IW‘th I20“ mined to do all they can to get Proxmire was interviewed on are spending some $13 or $14
against congressional funding oi ernment iuiancial backing of two it through," he said. That com- ABC's Issues and Answers Pro— billion over there now.We ShouhI
. J supersonic transport plane, but prototypes only through March bined with lobbying by the aero— gram be able to cut that very greatly.
‘ thinks public pressure will tors‘t' 151. space industry and labor unions, ' Budget Cuts ' The American commitment t0
. its eyentll‘dl ft‘jt’t‘llU‘L President Nixon has said he Proxmire said, makes him believe II ,I d f. I Vietnam should not be eliminat-
‘ I . Right now, the Wisconsin wants a continued testing pro- ”We are going to have difficulty Asked about NRC" 5P e “1386 ed completely in 1971, he said,
. ' Democrat said, ”I would say gram funded and Proxmire sees stopping the SST," budget If” fiscal 1972' roxmire but spending"shouldbecut down
' ‘ 1 at we have a chance to win, a new commitment coming dur- said Withdrawal from Vietnam enormously."
‘ -- int I would say that the odds ing the new Congress. ”At the same time I do think w!” allow for sizablerudgeItIcuts Proxmire, asked about Nixon's
' i there is a growing recognition in Vilma}; a loss m military PrOposed cut of $200 million from
. ~ ‘ , h h . . ./ - ,. . the country of the excessive costs 5 ren ' the space program, said it wasn't
’ - ”(1‘ h «“1 ( ( llfi‘h‘ A454,. ()1! of the SST, both in terms 0f "1 think we can cut military asufficient reduction.
, '= i ‘ . . . pOllUtiOll and hi" teams 10f} ”If spending by $10 billicin andfstill “I would IIike t3 cli)it more
-' ‘ _ - , ) ‘ taxpayer - ~ - C sai - .. tlin' have the strongest mi itary orce deeply. yeS," e sai . roxmire
.- 1 0/ Polurlamg Arm rlcans hm 0, ha, we hm .I, hood h, h, “M. he hhhh “We said he hhjhch h, hhh leveh h,
- . . .. ‘ . - ,. - , .r ,y - . , - . . - .- ,- , , chance to Win-n can have a supreme Air Force, spending on space flights because 2
+._ , ‘ . e“ . we by
. .: or“ " .‘ll 1' .nI( L ( ’ . _ - . . ' IS a move 3mm 1" some state Navy, we can have a unclear spiral as deeper explorationsinro '
. , . \lce President Spiro l. \gnew is not in the best interests of l "l t I t b' tl SST ._ . .1 I I 1 ed I
" - Sunday of encouraging divisive- the finest American t‘adition.” egls a ures 0 an 18 as deterrent that 15 equrva ent to space are p arm '
' ‘ ness among :\mericans—”very lie was interviewed on the ‘1 I
h ‘ - _ much at the dictation of the Metromedia Radio \eWs pro— S D b F o l o b R l I
. .. W. 1...... -- mar enato is e ate 1 1 uster u e i
. ‘I ' I- “He's had black angry at Buyh said he was encouraged
. ’ white and white at blile. and by hi“ recent political visit to \\ .\\lli\(;'l'()\ l;\l’l — 'l‘hc blamed the increasing length of chairman of the Senatc Foreign
' 9 I the young are angry at the Old. California bl” that it WOUld be \cnutc cntcrs thc second week sessions on failure to reform the Relations (Ionuniticc. opposed
'- I. and the old are suspicious and some months before he decides of ”h biennial battle m.” the fi— filibustcr ".le ‘ any revision.
4' . ‘ ’ fearful of the )‘Oririg.” Bayh whether t0 make the race. libustcr rulc Honda); and l)cni- .\ total of 5] senators—a ma- m” . . . . t . l‘ I.
II I I‘ ' said. criticizing \gnew for Muskie Ahead ocratic l.cadcr \likc \lansiicld Iiority in thc lOO-mcrubcr body the 80330lI:II'I‘:I)“l)Il;‘;: I? ilrlly'li‘illli
I II . I I ertzyélnghatto erIZIlaIy SIDASISYISLRE: I He said Sen. BdmundS. .\lus- II)Ir(I'(ll('ts another month of st rug- :iIrrI- Isponsormg the proposed consideration in depth of [contro-
' . » . 2., - I,. kie of Maine is the front-runner L ‘ :III . I I ( "ml” ., . , sci sial issues-in the social. tor-
.- I I ' I day. for the 1W2 nomination but add— rncrc is no pressure for curly Mansfield said he is not ccr- ci In )olicy ‘lll(l unit I i" *l l ..
'. , ' . I The lndiana Democrat. 3 [30' ed “1 don't think he has it all action. Senate committees and tain if an ciTort will be made h: \‘lll(l 5.1:] ~t . ll‘lrtltlll (.ll
' . ' 1 I' .. tential contender for his party's locked up. 1 think there are their llousc counterparts are this week to cut oil' the dcbatc 'Ilsti‘fic'itio “I. tIxIllsl'Il .5} .r”
" I- . '. 1972 presidential nomination. a number of people who haven't just getting organized. and no by filing a cloturc petition and 'l ‘ u U u '(H'H I"
a , ' ,. "‘ said the nation needs ”a l’resi- made up their mind yet. legislation is yet on the horizon. forcing a vote. It would require 50” l’rank (Ihurch. D‘l‘lill‘W
A . ' -. dent WhO Will appeal to the finer “They're looking as they Rule 22 a two-thirds \‘otc. riulcss Vice “‘th I?“’l)”‘("l ”W Cir-”H10 i“ ll .
V ’ ' motives of the average :‘imeri- should and examinihg possible \hmhfivm said in a weekend l’rcsidmit Spiro '1‘. Agnew rules three-fifths nile said. it "would é
7' ‘ i can citizen. compared to the altematives"he said. interview he dctccts strong scn- ”1?" ii "Htli’l’lly ”f ill" Senate not jeopardize the right to cx- :
, , past two 3'93?“ when “'C’VC had Of \ixon's Stat fth L' . tirucut f”, revising liulc 22 to can chaiigc its my” ru](*\ at the tcndcd debate nor forcc coutro— I.
It .. a Presidential policy based on message and ‘budegzt foer tilt-Gall make it possible for three-fifths startufn session, errsialIlchislation on a largc. ;
IIII'I I I - fear and suspicron and Southem 1972 Bayh said a“ was hard of senators K'iiiiiig“. rather than rum.” Vi“. inocmmt H..- uercnnineriminority.
. ‘4 I V " to believe that‘this man that two-thirds. to cut off debatc. lli‘rl l" Humphrey IruIlcd two Instead. he said, it would
‘ I ' II. h IIIIIIIIII III I made that State of the L'nion ”lisoructhing isn'tdonctoget )"Vir‘ ”it" ”Ni ii 'WUUTIU “”“l‘l strike a proper balance l)ct\"('p”
. '. as; message and talked about a full it down to at least three-fifths. 5” “(‘i. built“ \I"i|-‘ ""“r'lk'd by ”the hazard of legislative para-
I, I II I I IIgI- h Roted ~ employment budgetwasthe same the Montana Democrat said. the ”W 50mg" "“f'll'R II II lysis on the onc hand and thc
' . I. . .. _,;IIIIII.»III.j§§:" GP man who is responsible for the “WW” "3|" t‘\pcct to become a PP"‘(I‘-‘ (‘I‘W‘m pitfall ofIIprccipitatc action on
' I‘ . ’ ‘ we 6% planned unemployment program year-round operation. llc Sen. I|.\\ .l‘llll)rlL{llt, l)-x\rk.. (Iii-other.
.- . ' I, . . 33b; ‘ of the Nixon economic gain pro-
‘ j . ‘ ' _, 3, s gram, which has resulted in put- . .
I . I .' . -'r:‘::.;;h.;g;f tin five million 0 le out of D l t C P
. - _ . 3 -‘ weir." De p 8 ega l0" ampalgns or S
. ,. . ‘. \* “\lilh “\l‘l — .\ “VP-”WH— forccs in the Pacific. said that asked the policc to arrest us."
‘ 'I' ‘A E WWSPIESMS PASQUALES Elli: :ll'lt'ufill‘I’” {mm MI” IIIINVLI'“ While the delegation was unroll— .\l('(:tilll said. l’rcuch policcruan
I .‘ . ' . ' A i -. ro H ”Ht two Ill "Hi <" ing the petitions. six l’rcnchmcn came. and asked thc delegation
' I ‘I- ‘ I' I M. ”:1.“ P I Z Z A limtl Willi-(”HI ”“iI‘ldi‘ ill" \ it" came out ofthc Vict (Tong head- to clear the way.
" ' . , . 3 . (:HIIiL'\ "Jri‘ H'ilflllltlrtt‘r.‘ NIII' quarters and asked them to ro
‘ '_ : Ir VJI' . \(\\) #1 , 38] South lee day in a campaign in behalf of away. L The delegation h.“ “ft” 15
. ._ 'I I \S in“ . NEW ROAST BEEF l SII‘V“ prisoncrcf I l I "\\ i- told them we were not minutes. but said they would
1 - . ' ,4 i ‘ “It“ tin” HH'” 0 tH' (0011:? terrorists and we camc with continue to press the prisoners
I HELD OVER HOGGlE—$]'19 val' tionI. wearing striped prisoncrs‘ peaceful purposes but they re- issue and ”Closed doors will not
. I. -I-I., -II-II 6th BIG WEEK! SPECIAL uniiIrIirms. unrolIlchtIlIic petitions luscd m talk m ”h and only stop us.
- . . on re pavmen w u c a woman
. ‘ ~ I '. ' swim" 2.46:45‘735'930 EVERY MONDAY dumped a bag of mail in front of P f I . E d
' ‘ I. 1 . Fr" 8' Sat. 2'4‘6'8‘10 89c thc tightly closed gate of tlic 6306 I] P] OtCSt n S at»
I I fl. TURFLAND MALL I I“ ‘3‘"“1 ”"W’mmr‘. ”"l' o 0
. ____~H_.,__“,__g____g r cncc.
I ' I . " ‘I ,‘ !77 6‘00 ON THE MALL I KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS ’l‘hc dclcgation said the pcti- II] VlOlellce and vandallsnl
.I I I I.. ' w BRING RESULTS tions carried thousands oi siguzi- LOS ANCELES (AP) _ One occasionally pelted by rocks from
. ' -. _—_ _——_______ _ __ ll'n" “ll‘lotlw hull Iwil‘ iIl \l'llllel m" was kllled, 30 Stores lootai youths in the area, attempted to I
'I II I . ’ -“II If .1. , \ i”? ill" 1- t”"~‘ ”i ”"I"lI “’lmI'l' and two buildings destroyed by put out the major blazes. i
' -' I I‘ I ij) , / I Ith‘Y lHHl hmllIilllt t” lIélm- Ml" fire Sunday in adisturbance fol- The dead man, a Mexican- I
v . .‘ I ’ _ I no: in! more Information about lowing a Mexican-American rally American apparently shot in the
- -I . '. ‘. Du et a \ h ‘ the American prisoners and for to protest the Indochina war and throat, was seen lying in a street ‘
It ~-'.I. . I . I more humanetrcatmcnt. alleged police brutality. by newsmen.
I ‘ I I """““"ml.\ "W I The members of the delega- The vandalism erupted as Sheriff Peter Pitchess said the
. - - . I BOOT ' lllllliiliiilllluum-- l tion were Peter Nasmyth, Joe youthful demonstrators marched dea’d man, who was unidenti-
I I III» I ‘ “(43”th M Stewart. Lu. l)ina- from the rally, ignoring pleas tied, was 20 to 25 years old and
~ 7 .I ' 2 Pi£ l poli and Denise livers. Saturday from rally sponsors to go home. apparently had been ShOt in the
, - i" I t f (Es OF I they brought about 50 bags of It was the ”1qu maJOI' OUt' head and CheSt by a shotgun.
'I. II I' I .‘ 011 O ”.5317. mail to the North Vietnamese breakI Mylo“??? mffiastefros D9311?“ quelling the violence
' ' I . ' v ' . II I . - F'SH l Icgation which refused to accept Ang‘f es smtcetnlo Ta 0 02‘; 3 ha fired ShIOtIgu'I‘S-
, . : . - - evera -
l i . . . - I I a (HIP: . ”W hail“ smllflgbu‘fnilgO saliserifipsgdeputies S l inIunes Iwere report
' " ‘ 18 YR”! FL“; I .\l(‘(lt|lll. son of Adm. John S. in flak ~ it d h 1 ed. One sheriff's officer Who had
. ‘ . . . d H p0 \lc("iin Ir ‘omnrindcr of L~ 8' ”lac ets an e meIts were been stoned was seriously hurt,
. I. , I I 75; 4N!) ppi£9 I) I , ,. . -- t . ~ - called into the area as firemen, Pitchess said.
I . ' 0/‘20’5 t i . As darkness fell,deputiesiined
. I.I I. , g 4.. RIVIRhfi 8 Whittier Boulevard where much
I, . . .‘ % I? k C . . THRU of the damage occurred.
.. I I ,I 0 OR 8 ec, a Five youths, with bloodsoaked I
I : . c) om Z WED handkerchiefs around wrists,
. - , I LY ' ‘ pleaded for an ambulance.
.' I I .' I I ONE One youth, helped by a girl
, I I TAYLOR S CLEANER friend, was seen limping away
, . . I HOUR with a badly bleeding leg. ”Shot-
- II ' I. I l gun blast" he shouted when
.. I , . l | aSkT‘h what happenIed.
II I C —-——' ere was no gun ire heard in
' I I “SALTESO I TROUSERS F 50 SUITS F 00 the area, aIIIthough one sheriffs
I . , (eputy sai the violence was '
'I I . '. I w-th th- C l 55:50.53 0 DRESSES O touched off when snipers fired
, . :2va | '5 OUpon SWEATERS R (plain; R on two patrol cars.
I I I (P Q. tth Feb 4th I The peaceful rally earlier in
II l IZQR\ - l the day had been organized by
the Chicano Moratorium Com- -
I 694 NEW CIRCLE RD I EUCLID WOODL "3‘“ “£136“ ‘" Wit“;
. v ere a to protest eg "
: 2197 NICHOLASVILLE RD. i 0* AND mice may against Mexican-
I \_________________________/ Americans. .

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