xt76m902231c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m902231c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News July 1988 text GLSO News July 1988 1988 1988-07 2019 true xt76m902231c section xt76m902231c N EWS ; E ; Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
' OCTOBER 8—10
ACT UP, a New York City based group

The NAMES Project Quilt, a National of gay activists, will attend the Democratic
AIDS Memorial, will return to Washington, DC National Convention during July. After the
to be displayed once again across the Capitol Convention, ACT UP members will conduct a
Mall, Columbus Day Weekend, October 8-10, "Freedom Ride” en route back to New York.
1988. The group members have had personal

In the eight months following the Quilt's experience with AIDS patients housed in Bailey
inaugural display on October 11, 1987, during House in Manhattan. The Freedom Ride allows
the National March on Washington for Lesbian ACT UP to display the Bailey House quilt in
and Gay Rights, the Quilt has more than the cities where they stop. The quilt contains
doubled in size, now containing nearly 5,000 about fifty 3 foot by six foot panels. In each
individual 3 foot by 6 foot panels. The city ACT UP members will call attention to the
memorial is expected to reach 10,000 - 15,000 national AIDS crisis by displaying the quilt
panels by October, a dramatic visual symbol of and conducting local media blitzes. ACT UP is
the epidemic which continues to take its toll on tentatively scheduled to spend July 28 in
men, women and children. Lexington and July 29 in Louisville.

“The Quilt demonstrates that Americans ACT UP is the undisputed master of
posses the national will to defeat AIDS“ said civil disobedience among gay organizations.
Cleve Jones, founder and executive director of The group has staged dozens of direct actions
The NAMES Project. "People from every state and marked its first anniversary with a major
and from all walks for life have worked civil disobedience action in March. More than
together to create this symbol of compassion 500 ACT UP members blocked rush-hour traffic
and commitment.“ in the city's financial district, chanting

If you would like to create a panel slogans critical of President Reagan.
commemorating a friend, lover, or relative who ACT UP's goal for the Freedom Ride is
has died an AIDS related death, contact The to command public attention for AIDS issues
NAMES Project, P.O. Box 111573, San and spur citizens and politicians to respond in
Francisco, CA 91-11114, or call (1115) 863-5511. appropriate means to this health crisis.


A national survey of lesbian and gay GLSO News is assisting Partners by
couples is being undertaken by Partners: including the survey on the center pages of
the Newsletter for Gay 8 Lesbian Couples. this issue. Results of this national survey
The research will help determine the nature will be published in GLSO News this fall. If
and needs of this often invisible segment of you would like to respond to the survey,
the gay community. The last major survey of simply fill out the questionnaire and mail it to
gay and lesbian couples was conducted almost Partners, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109.
ten years ago. Additional copies of the survey can be

All gay men and lesbians in 3 obtained from the above address.
relationship are asked to participate in the The survey form also includes a cut-out
survey. The short, anonymous questionnaire form to be used for ordering a subscription to
requests general information on subjects such Partners, its free list “Resources for Lesbian
as discrimination, finances, children, 8 Gay Couples,“ and an opportunity for
relationship problems and sources of support. couples to be interviewed by phone.

D Please send me a free introductory from Craig Clere
issue of GLSO News and information
on GLSO. Well Lexington's 1988 Gay 8 Lesbian
Pride Week is now just a memory. But what a
D I'd like to become a voting Member memory it was for those of us who
of GLSO, including home delivery participated. We can all be proud of the
of the GLSO News and discounts accomplishments which were exhibited
at CLSO functions. My Membership throughout this year‘s Pride Week festivities.
fee of $10/year is enclosed. This year marked an increase in the
coverage of Pride Week by Lexington's press
I:I I don't wish to become a Member but community. The Lexington Herald-Leader
please send me the GLSO News each featured an article about Pride Week on
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. Wednesday of the week, while WLEX-18 and
WKYT-27 both included coverage of the week

Name: in their local newscasts. Radio stations WEKU
and WKQQ also interviewed a spokesperson for
the Pride Week Committee.

Address: A special thanks to all who helped make
our ad in the Herald-Leader possible. We
hope you all saw GLSO's name prominently

City, St, Zip: displayed at the top of the page in the first
section on June 15. The Phoneline lit up that

Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471 night with people calling in to thank us, and

Lexington, KY l$0575 from gays and lesbians who were pleased to
learn they aren't alone.
GLSO News is published monthly by the BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc.
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services July is a time of sitting by the pool and
Organization), Box “”71, Lexington, KY 140575 reading, staying up late and reading, enjoying
Steve Savage, Editor the air conditioning and reading. Our July
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar Forum will be a discussion of good books for
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda lesbians and gays. Bring a book and come
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist ready to talk and/or listen about good books
Additional Contributors: Dave, Craig, AVOL, for us to read.
The Advocate, LLDEF, NGLTF, ACT UP,
Bobbi, NWN, Names Project; Typists: Dave, JULY COFFEEHOUSE
Craig; Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting:
Matt; Layout: Craig, Gerry, Brian; Mailing': There seems to have been a common
Dave; Courier: Barry, Folding 8 Stuffing: theme for the past several months, that while
Mark, Steve, Dave, Marshall, Jim, John. a lot of you really appreciate the entertainment
we provide each month, the main reason you
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are come to the Coffeehouses is to DANCE. Some
those of the authors and do not necessarily of you feel you haven't been able to do as
represent those of the Board of Directors. much of that as you'd like at recent
Submissions are welcome. All submissions Coffeehouses. Well, your wish is our
become the property of GLSO and must include command, so come on out to the Unitarian
the full name and address of the author. Universalist Church on Friday, July 15, and
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The bring your dancin' shoes! The doors will
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any open at 8:30 pm, as usual, but at the first
submissions (including advertising) to meet hint of darkness (probably around 9:30 pm),
publishing requirements. we'll crank up the music, and you can dance
your fool heads off for the rest of the night.
The placement of advertising in GLSO News We're working on some new dance tapes for
does not denote a person's sexual orientation your enjoyment, so we hope to see you there.
nor a business's customer preference. Admission is $3 per person, and it's BYOB.

A nearly six-year campaign by the stated that “Nothing in this act creates a right
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTFI for an individual to bring action complaining of
to obtain a federal response to anti-gay/ discrimination based on homosexuality.‘I The
lesbian violence led to passage on May 18, substitute amendment passed by a vote of
1988 of the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (H.R. 383-30.
3193) in the U.S. House of Representatives. Two implications are apparent in the
The bill marks the first time either resulting bill. First, whereas the term sexual
Congressional body has passed a bill orientation would have clearly included
addressing a gay and lesbian issue. The bill, bisexuality, the final working omits any
which passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 383 mention of this type of sexual orientation.
to 29, requires the federal collection of Second, the bill unequivocably states
statistics on crimes motivated by prejudice heterosexuals have judicial recourse to
based on: race, religion, homosexuality or discrimination based on their heterosexuality,
heterosexuality, and ethnicity.“ A companion though homosexuals have no parallel
bill, S 2000, awaits further action in the protection. While the bill is obviously not
Senate. ideal, it does however reveal great changes
"This overwhelming victory is not only within our legislature - changes which were
exciting but historic," said Anti~violence created by intense effort on the part of our
Projector Kevin Berrill. "While Congress national organizations and from pressure
continues to permit discrimination against gay placed on politicians by correspondence from
and lesbian people in employment, housing and individuals.
other areas, this vote at least acknowledges “We were prepared [to have to fight]
that the federal government does have a duty attempts to remove gay and lesbian victims of
to protect lesbian and gay people from the violence from the bill's coverage," said NGLTF
violence and the threat of violence, which are lobbyist Radecic, ”the extensive constituent
the most fundamental violations of our human lobbying we did, the lobbying by our broad
and civil rights." coalition of 53 organizations, and the floor
NGLTF lobbyist Peri Jude Radecic leadership of our House supporters, like Rep.
credited the large margin of the vote in part John miller (R-WA), Rep. Connie Morella
to the grassroots organizing and support given (R-MD] and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MAI was
the bill by the gay and lesbian community instrumental to our success."
nationwide. Berrill cited in particular letters The bill was introduced by Rep. John
of support written by hundreds of individuals, Conyers [D-MI) in the fall of 1987. NGLTF
local constituent lobbying, and widespread assembled a coalition of 53 organizations called
coalition support garnered by NGLTF. Organizations for Hate Crime Prevention,
During floor debate, an amendment to which included the American Jewish Congress,
remove the sexual orientation clause was the American Psychological Association, and
initiated by Rep. George Gekas [R-PAI. in a People for the American Way. in addition,
compromise arranged by supporters of the bill, NGLTF took the lead 'in securing 109
a substitute amendment defining sexual co-sponsors of the bill, the largest number
orientation as “homosexuality of ever to co-sponsors a measure containing a
heterosexuality“ was proposed by Rep. John sexual orientation clause.
Miller (R-WA). The substitute amendment also
AVOL is planning its Summer Benefit for GLSO held its annual election of Officers
Sunday, July 10, at ArtsPlace. If you and Directors at the Pride Week Banquet on
attended the affair in January you know there June 13. Congratulations to Teresa, Craig,
will be great food and lots of friends to meet. Bill, Edwin and Steve on their elections!
Watch your mailbox for a personal invitation to Officers for the next year are Dave,
one of the best parties of the year - all for a President; Kenneth, Vice President; Craig,
worthy cause. Secretary; Steve, Treasurer.

entertain you. In other words, we want this

P- space to be worthwhile. To that end, we've

i come up with a couple of ideas that we really

,/ I la ’ P Like. :ead on Ito I:7indk'<))utumo.:'e, and leth us

, now w at you t In , o . ntI next mont .

" / smere a S ar‘lo I' Debbie 8 Teresa
‘ r/ The first time I saw her
‘- I felt something inside.
What I thought was lust
— has grown into something more.
| cherish the moments just

Here it is . . . July, already! June being by her side.

really flew by, with all the activities of Pride I want to talk to her,

Week. Many thanks to all the folks on the but I'm afraid.

Pride Week Committee - they worked hard, and It would be easy to reach out

it showed! There was something different and and take her hand.

worthwhile to do every night of the week. We I know she would not pull away.

hope that you all got out to some of the Why should I care the way I do?

events, because it was a great opportunity to Should I give my heart,

meet a lot of people. lt was also a great way and then be hurt?

to launch the summer months, instilling in us Maybe, maybe not.

sense of community and inspiration. I'm afraid of this feeling she leaves inside.

Now that the lazy, hazy days of summer
are finally upon us, we're all enjoying the Emotionally Yours
change of pace and the chance to be outdoors.

It's been wonderful to watch our student NETWORKING - 1988

friends go through their annual

metamorphosis, as they shed all those worries We've gotten an idea for a new monthly
and anxieties for a few months and let off fixture, and we'd like to see what you think
some steam! Their sense of playfulness is of it. A common complaint that we‘ve heard is
quite infectious, as they inject youth and that you've had trouble finding other women
spontaneity into our lives. Good to have you who enjoy some of the same activities that you
back, if only for a short time. do, whether it's sports-related or of an

As the summer progresses, we've been outdoor nature, and coordinating with them.
seeing you all out in force, at the ballparks, You need someone to play tennis or golf with,
at malls, (yes, we do see you), and at various or you'd like to go bike-hiking, or rafting, or
activities. We've tried to ease up on the to the Gorge, or you'd like to go up to
structured activities during the summer months Cincinnati to go to the Zoo or Crazy Ladies
(just a little), because there's to much other Bookstore, but you don't have a ride. We'd
mischief to get into. We are still having the like to use this space as a way to help you
GLSO Coffeehouse 8 Dance each month, out. Please do not, however, misunderstand
though, and the potlucks and passion group our intent. This is not Esmerelda‘s Dating
have a small, but loyal following. If you've Service, nor is it a place to advertise for a
been thinking about getting involved in one of roommate or to let everyone know about your
these activities, but are going to put it off garage sale. Those items belong in the
until fall, don't. Don't put it off, that is. classified ads. We are only interested in
You can't imagine what you've been missing, helping people who share common interests get
so do it now! together.

In the last few month‘s GLSO News, The following are our first few entries,
we've asked for input from all of you as to just to give you an idea of what we're looking
what direction you'd like to see Esmerelda's for (note that you must include a name and
Parlour take. The possibilities are phone number):
mind-boggling. We really want to meet your Lezzie Bien boating/fishing, 555-1212
needs, to interest you, to inspire you (heady lma Dyke needs a ride
stuff, huh?), and last but not least, to to Crazy Ladies, 555-DYKE

HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER VACATION - how in all of us exists a little child with a
GEORGIA 1988 broken heart who needs to be nurtured. She
taught us that it's OK to love and take care of

On Memorial Day weekend about seven ourselves - something many of us forget.
miles outside of Cleveland, Georgia, 2000 Then, of course, there was the music.
women gather every year (for the past five) Cris Williamson never sounded better than the
to party, celebrate, listen to women's music, first night of the festival. Tret Fure, Alix
and, ultimately, be free to be themselves for Dobkin, the Diane Davidson Band, and the
five glorious days. I decided this year to go inimitable Diedre McCalla were just some of the
myself and come back and write a firsthand wonderful acts I saw. Louisville's own
account of the "Best Moment" of the 5th Tendre, such a hit at the festival last year
Southern Women's Music and Comedy Festival. that this year they were promoted from Day
Unfortunately, there were so many "best Stage to Main Stage, wowed the audience.
moments", it was hard to pick just one. Let Watch for them at an upcoming Coffeehouse
me give you examples: and Dance.

There were the women with painted With so many moments, how could I pick
faces, party hats, and horns who greeted us just one? I guess what was best was, simply,
with cheers and applause as we came in the the freedom. How many of us know what it's
gate. Whatawelcome! like to be able to walk around in broad

There was the incredible organization daylight holding hands with our girlfriend.
and perseverance of the kitchen crew who Not being as brave or as open as I'd like to
rallied to serve 2000 hungry lesbians everyday be I hadn't experienced it, at least not until
and somehow managed to smile, and be relaxed Georgia. We were a_H free to do, be, and act;
while doing so. however, whatever, wherever, and with

The crafts women were amazing with all whomever, we wanted.
their beautiful handmade jewelry, pottery, I never saw more nude women (and more
artistry, clothes, etc. I "Mastered the sunburns) in one place in my life. There
Possibilities" all weekend. Can't wait to get were all sizes, shapes, and colors of women.
that monthly bill. We all felt free to walk around in whatever

At each performance I was in awe of the state of dress (or undress) we wanted.
interpreters who, in sign language, Everyone was so relaxed, friendly, and happy
interpreted every comedienne, MC, and to be there that you could sense it
musician. They each put everything they had everywhere. I guess if I had to pick a best
into what they were doing so that the deaf moment, it would be that feeling.
women in the audience could get a feel of the And when the women at the gate waved
energy and style of each individual performer. and shouted, "See ya next year!" to us as we
Sometimes I spent more time watching the drove out, I didn't hesitate to say, "You bet."
interpreters than the act on stage. They
were a performance unto themselves. Teresa

The JEB slide show can't be left out
simply because it brought home once again how
proud I am to be a lesbian. There were slides _
of former festivals as well as a wonderful and
moving slide show on the March on Washington
last October. I was almost able to experience Books. music and gifts by, for,
what it must‘ve been like .as I watched the and about women. Non-sexist
great moments, and heard first hand accounts children‘s books. New age
of how people felt to be among over 600,000 niusic. Black women's liieraiure.
other gays and lesbians. . Lesbian and gay lileraiurc.

The outrageous author, therapist, .
comedienne, and public speaker JoAnne Loulan Ma” 0"?"3: SpecmlOrdzn'.
was there - and how!!! She had the audacity ' G‘f’ C""fi“"“'
and nerve to make us laugh at ourselves and The AskaboutourSAVlNGSCARU
how silly we can be by driving home the fact Crazy Ladies
that nothing we, as lesbians, do with ' .
ourselves or each other is bad or taboo. As Bookstore
crazy and funny as she could be, she also had dilZilnmilion Ave. Clncinnail.0fl45223 (51))50—4198
her serious and tender side. She talked about


Have you always wanted to see Bored? Need money '
something that you've written in print, but
been afraid to take the risk? Well Esmerelda We are seeking sales
has the answer for all you closet literary
geniuses. In her infinite wisdom, she has representatives to
decided to hold a writing contest, with all
winners having their work published and market our products
receiving two free passes to the GLSO from our colorful
Coffeehouse 8 Dance. What more could you t. I d ill a
possibly ask for? ca a 09 an W p y
The guidelines are fairly loose; we will 30% commission on all
accept writings of any sort (poems, short
stories, articles, etc.) that fit into one of the orders ’
following categories: 1) erotica (don't you
just love it!) - we can't guarantee that we'll W ff
be able to publish it, but if you have the e can 0 e" Y°u a
nerve to write it, you can bet we'll read it; 2) ground floor home
romance (any variety - let your imaginations . .
run wild); and 3) anecdotes (there are a lot busuness opportunity
of great story tellers out there - we'd love to marketing the fastest
hear from you.) Also, there's a 500 word ,
maximum, so no War and Peace remakes, selling products Of the
please! decade .
One final note: any works that are
published may be signed however you like,
and that includes leaving your name off Superior quality
altogether. See, you have nothing to fear, so . .
get writing, and send your submissions to the lingerie ' Own your
address shown below: own mail order, party
CLSO - Esmerelda's Parlour .
p0 Box ‘Illl71 plan, or dlrect sales
Lexington, KY 180575 company -
No minimum order and
— no stock investment.
The National Campaign to Abolish the Interested?
Lexington Women's Control Unit and the
Lexington Prison project, among others, are
sponsoring the following events in Lexington: Send $5 for your huge
a church service at 10 am, July 3, at
Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 500 Don fun—CORD" cat-3'09:
Anna Drive; a reception, also at Emmanuel
UCC, at 12 noon for the Chicagoans arriving ' . .
by bus for a vigil at 1:30 pm at Masterston GEM D'Str'bUT-lng
Station Park on Leestown Pike (adjacent to P.O- Box 37
Federal Correctional Institute-Lexington). The .
Prison Project will also participate in Richmond, KY '40’475
Lexington's uth of July Parade. To join them
in the parade meet at Main and Midland
between noon and 1:30 pm on July Ll. -

I I —
I “I to music, nap, meditate, bowl, play tennis,
write (I like to do all of those things), or
whatever, I need to nurture myself daily. I
DICNITY/LEXINGTON know I function so much better when I‘ve had
[(1 Box 1934 . Lexlngton, KY “’59:, time to nurture myself. Also when I'm a bit
grumpy, I quickly realize one reason for that:
259-8417 I've not been taking care of myself as much as
. y I need.

As it's summertime, I hope you're
enjoying the warm weather and taking the time
to nurture yourself. I know I‘ll be playing
tennis in Wisconsin soon. I hope to see you

FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT at Dignity. Peace, Keith
Recently at the wonderful Pride Week '88 REGIONAL HOUSE OF DELEGATES
activities, I had the opportunity to purchases
four buttons from DSA. Two of my buttons Lexington is hosting the Fall Dignity
were, as a lesbian friend of mine so aptly put Region V House of Delegates. It has been
it, politically correct. (Martin Luther King, tentatively set for the weekend of November
Jr. saying II| still have a dreamII and "There 5-7. We need people to volunteer for food,
can be no free men until there are free setup, housing and other help. If you‘re
women.") My third choice, "Better Gay than interested let us know at 269-8101 or 873-6958.
Grumpy" drew smiles. The fourth said, quite
simply, "Nurture yourself.“ RAP SESSION 8 LITURGY
I've been taking significant strides to do
more of that lately. With all we do in a Because of the summertime schedules and
typical day, week, month, there must be time requests of our members, there will be no
for ourselves. Liturgy this month. The July Rap Session will
Whether it be time to read, travel, listen be set at the June Session. Call for info.
Presbyterians for Lesbian] Gay Concerns
working for support, equality and justice——
in our church, in our community, in our world-
interest in a local group?
contact :
Jim Oxyer
P - O - Box 7692
Louisville, KY 40207

The nation needs data on our community! Hence this survey. Feel free to add comments, but keep it anonymous by not signing your name.
1 Please complete one survey form per person & post to PARTNERS, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109. To receive survey results, which are
i expected by January 1989, please send request with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
We have been together: We have experienced discrimination The two greatest challenges in our
1 [ ] one year or less against same-sex couples in: relationship have to do with:
i [ ] for years [ ] employment [ ] taxes [ ] communication [ ] sex
' _ _ [ ] employment benefits [ ] housing [ ] money [ ] relatives
”aye had __.. (#) Prelfwus may}? [1 foster care [ ] adoption [] co-workers [1 health
lesbian] gay relationship(s), 1‘“th 8‘ [ ] membership [ ] insurance [ ] neighbors [ ] career
total of years. I’ve been hetero- [ 1 credit /banking [ 1 hotels [ ]
sexually married (#) t1me(s)« [ ] hospital visitation [ 1 None +
[ ] Our relationship has suffered from:
we met through {Choose one): _._______.______ [ ] verbal abuse by partner
[ 1 work [ 1 friends [ 1 bar . I live in: My partner in: [ ] physical abuse by partner
[ ] 50613} event [ 1 religious event [ ] an urban gay neighborhood [ ] [ ] substance abuse by partner
[ ] classfi'ied ad [ ] polltical event [ ] an urban area [ ] [ ] verbal abuse by me
I 1 _______________.. [ ] a suburban area [ ] [ ] physical abuse by me
We are: [ 1 female [ ] male [ ] a rural area [ ] [ ] substance abuse by me
. - : In the past year, we lived together: We have (#) big arguments and
I “[n; gay/lesbian My paiEt1ner ls [ ] always [ ] sometimes [ ] never (#) small arguments a month.
[ ] bisexual [ 1 If living together, our residence is: I /we have sought re- Were they
I _ Id & rt - . [ ] jointly owned lationship help from: helpful?
am —‘ yrs 0 my pa ner ls — [ ] owned by one of us [ ] counselors [ ] Yes [ ] No
I am: My partner is: [ ] rented or leased in one name [ ] clergy [ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Black [ ] [ ] rented or leased in both names [ ] friends [ ] Yes [ ] No
Wh't l t‘ Y N
E i Latin‘ii/Latina E i We care for (#) children by: [ 1 re a ives [ 1 es [ J o
l 1 Asian/Pacific Islander [ ] E j $23331: marriage Inmogt I(‘ié‘tenridentify Mylpartner
a y a ne as: ca 5 me:
[ 1 —— [ ] [ ] foster parent program [ ] spouse [ ]
was raise : y partner: a ternative insemination partner 1 e partner
I ‘ d M [ ] 1 ' ' ' ' l ] l'f [ ]
[ ] working class [ ] [ ] [ ] lover [ ]
[ ] middle class [ ] W a [ ] mate/ life mate [ ]
[ ] moneyed class [ ] e re: , , [ ] [ ]
[ ] planning to have (more) children ——-_“
[ ] ——"'— [ I [ ] considering (more) children We have executed: We plan to execute:
I have completed (#) years of [ ] not planning (more) children [ ] Wills [ ]
formal education. My partner has W 11 [ ] Powers of Attorney [ ]
1 t d # _ e are sexua y: P t h' L‘ -
comp e e — ( ) years [ ] monogamous [ ] non-monogamous [ ] T323553: $213843]? [ 1
I’m politically: My partner: [ ] monogamous w/agreed exceptions
[ ] very liberal [ ] l l [ ]
[ ] liberal [ ] If agreed to mono- My partner We are committed to be together:
i [ I moderate [ ] gamy, I have broken admits to. [ ] for life [ ] for a long time
[ ] conservative [ ] thf]agrc:;ament: brealfing ”2 [ ] for a while [ ] briefly
t' 0 en
[ 1 very conserva ive [ ] [ ] sometimes [ ] We have ritualized our relationship:
My faith is: My partner’s: [ ] rarely [ ] [ ] with a ceremony
[ ] Protestant [ ] [ ] never [ ] [ ] by wearing rings/other symbols
J ‘ h
i i i CZYIIIZIIC E i In the last year, I have had sex with [ ] W
[ ] Atheist/Agnostic [ ] my partner (#) times a month. I wotuld rlate ti‘he qulalilty :f can; 7
i s i , rom 1 es 0
[ ] _.__.__._____.____ [ ] Oiir]sexuahinteractiopfs: d gages); as}: g
1 t' h' : exce en goo '—
3 In[o]ur :5); 3:22;]? I make I ] satisfactory [ ] unsatisfactory Here’s how I would rate the support
‘ - - , these people give our relationship,
i i i ?:,$u;e:;ig:: the dec1510ns I have sex “nth people other than my from 1 (strong support) to 7 (hostility).
l partner _ (#) times a month. (Use "N" if they don’t know about the
i I spend the most leisure time with: The role AIDS played in my decision to relationship.) .
[ ] myself alone [ ] my partner form my present relationship was: gay friends other friends
i l ] my partner & others together [ ] major [ ] minor [ 1 none church gayehurch
[ ] people other than my partner mother Siblings
3 The role AIDS plays in my intent to father other relatives
l I want: My‘pggtner has continue my relationship is: boss other co-workers
‘ as e or: ' ' none lesbian a cou les ou
[ ] More time together [ ] [ ] major [ ] minor [ 1 —‘ other gig, grgangzatiis p
[ ] Less time together [ ] Regarding AIDS, I am: My partner is: “—
[ ] neither more nor less [ ] [ ] not at risk [ ] ‘_ '—‘————“_
[ ] at risk [ I First 3 numbers of my zip code:
My yearly My partner's [ ] HIV-positive l 1 . ' —
income is: income is: [ l a person with ARC/AIDS [ 1 My partner [ ] is [ ] is not submitting
[ ] $8,000 or below [ ] a completed copy of this survey.
[ ] $8,001 - 15,000 [ ] Within our relationship this past year,
[ ] $15,001 - 25,000 [ ] we practiced sex that is primarily:
[ ] $25,001 - 40,000 [ ] l ] safe [ ] possibly safe Please write on the back:
[ ] $40,001 - 65,000 [ ] [ ] unsafe [ ] We didn’t have sex
[ ] above $65,000 [ ] [ ] We’re HIV-negative & monogamous a> books or resources that have best
: - - - ted our relationship'
. Our income IS: This past year My partner supper y i
i [ ] entirely shared outside the relation- has b > hm}? you would of“? £10 pitherifor
1 [ ] partly shared ship, I have practiced: practiced: ma. ing a sum?“ u_ re 5.1 ions 1p,
; [ ] not shared [ ] safe sex [ ] c > political or soc1a1 Victories you have
‘ [ ] possibly safe sex [ ] experienced as a gay couple.
1 My employer of- My partner’s em- [ ] unsafe sex [ ]
fers my partner: ployer offers me: [ ] no sex [ ] . . .
3 [ ] health coverage [ ] don’t know [ ] Thank you for partzczpating.
. [ ] other benefits l ]
--- Entire contents ©PARTNERS, 1988 -~-
, PARTNERS: The Newsletter for Gay & Lesbian Couples. Practical information & ideas for developing successful relationships:
1 Interviews, news & reviews in an 8-page monthly, mailed in a peek-proof envelope. Mailing list is never sold or rented. By subscription only:
$3G/yr, organizations $49/yr, overseas $59/yr (US. funds only), SSS/sample issue, back issues (from Dec. ’86)/$3 ea. Special offer: Send a
fladdrcssed, stamped envelope for free list of "Resources for Lesbian & Gay Couples."
Would you & your partner be willing to be interviewed for a PARTNERS article? (We would call & talk with you both for a painless
25 minutes. Pseudonyms can be used in the article. Cut off this form & mail separately to maintain anonymity of survey.)
Our names are
, (please print): Phone # - -
Best days & time . .
to reach us both: _ Please write on the back what in particular you would like to talk about.

Bill Barry Robin Jeff Terry
Craig Jerry Keith Teresa Kenneth
Aids Volunteers of Lexington
Dignity of Lexington
Central Kentucky Democratic Socialists of America
Gay 5 Lesbian Services Organization
Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire
Interweave - Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington
Arts Place
Great Moments Restaurant 8 Bar
Joyland Lanes
Unitarian Universalist Church
Victorian Square
Pride Week Service: Bobbi, Brian, Carol, Caron, Dennis,
Steve, Shirley, Sydney
Brunch 8 Tea Dance: Juice
Pride Week Show: Brandi Alexander, Cammy Dietri