xt76m9020p04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m9020p04/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936 journals 010 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.10 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.10 1936 1936 2014 true xt76m9020p04 section xt76m9020p04 T Regulatory Series, Bulletin N0. 10. July, 1936. ·
’ l
 . . I I I
  Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station il I
 — By J. D. TURNER, H. D. SPEARS, W. G. TERRELL and - ,   I
 ` Dol: foods ._.________,,..,.______,_,,..,..______,,,,,. 1 Screenings ...,.......,......,..r...._,..... . r,,.. 5   I
l»€$l>•3d€ZfL IIFLYS ................. - ........... 2 Standards of quality ....,.,............. G {   ,
.v  Distillers and brewers‘ dried . Registration requirements .. ....... T ` I
 _ \,§;i;?§m ’’‘’   ’’*············ — ·········-----·----   Itesults of analyses   ...... I .............. S I §
p i~m..~S ..1 ....... II..ji]jjjfifjifjijjjjjiijf 4 S`El}éEi`¥}}{. 'it..5€it}i£i,·§Z,l`lE»35   I:. ; {
Q There was marked improvement in the feed business during I
  W35 as compared with that of 1934 and the years immediately    
 I I>l'<‘€€lll11Q. Not since· 1030 was there such a demand from feed- I I
_ ers and manufacturers for information on feeds. Increased
- consumption of fecdstuffs in 1935 over that of 1934 approxi- »
  mated 40,000 tons.
 E Interest in the many varieties of materials used as feedstuffs I
  WHS WI(lC’3I)l`(’{1(l as shown hy requests for information and analy- V
  ses. Formerly, only the protein, fat and fiber determinations
 V were wanted; now, the complete feeding stuifs analysis which i l
"A  includes water, ash and nitrogen—free extract is requested. {
Q  (iillllllttl dog foods have COIIIO into prominence, and dl1l‘il1;!`   I
  Illt IHSt year or two u tremendous trade in this ])l'O0lS- ` - I I
  — l  

 lit ..
1*t t  G
V t  
l 2 Ifeiifuclty Agrfezzltwal Experiment Station  ‘
, A large amount of canned dog food is consumed by needy  l
, folk. lt is estimated that 20 to 35 percent of it is used in this I
4 way. If this is true, a tremendous amount is consumed as lminaii  _ ml;
food, as canned dog food ranked first in canned goods in 1934. Q
A general inspection of dog foods was made. Eiglity-the Q
. samples were taken for analysis. The results showe·d some el Y _
the products to he short in net weight, the ingredients 11ot as , lll
guaranteed and the water content excessive, ranging from 70 te { mil
S5 percent of the product. The purchaser of these products  i gm
pays not only an enormous amount for the water content hut at V HF}
similarly large amount in freight charges on this water in ship- = lin,
ments from California and distant points in the west, New Ycrlt 1  TU,
and like points in the east, and (lhicago and like points in tl¤·‘ i  
, north, where most of these foods are· made.   ,,1,
n.Esi=E¤EzA i-1Avs Q  ‘l"'
(`omplete analyses were made of thirty-four samples of lcs  _ ,,,.
pedeza hay of d`fferent varieties, grown in different localities Ht . ,,,,
the- state, to determine the nutrient and mineral contents. 'l`lt<‘#*‘   ,,,.'
samples were systematically collected under the direction ot tlt·‘  _ HV
Department of Agronomy. The results of the analyses wt ,  W,
` interesting. The type of soil, its use previous to the growing ttl  Q ,.,,,
lespedeza, the kind of crops and fertilizer used in growing tlltltl- .,  m,
bear upon the wide variation of results, (lf this group of 2lHt\ll”  A:. ,,,
ses, the lowest and highest results were; Protein, lowest tlelt  i
_ ]l(‘l't‘(*lll, highest l8.45 percent; fat, lowest 2,74 percent, lti$Ill"’l  ‘ m
5.33 percent; fihcr, lowest 22.l0 percent, highest. 35,00 peinrttti _,  1,,
ash. lowest 3.67 percent, highest 6.73 percent; iiiti·r>g¤·ti-lt`*‘,"   ,,1
extract, lowest 42.34 percent, highest 56.80 percent; silit·f>1t.Sl·  A C,
lowest 0.ll percent. highest 0.50 percent; phosphoriis, l’, lo\\‘*"l Y  0,
0.lt) percent, highest 0.28 percent; calcium, t`a, lowest lljii l""`  = ,,,
cent, highest l.4T percent, t ,,,
lt is significant that all the hays from the poorer soils \\'t‘l"' ‘
low in phosphorus and calcium and that most of them \\`@l`t` l"“  _ ,,
ill ]7I'0lt‘lll. The hays from the good soils, on the t·oiiti‘21i‘)'.lll"li  = ,,
ll? 00l1Si(lt*l'<’(l to have a protein, phosphorng and calcium c<·ttl*‘“' ·i  T
= sufficient for nutritional needs, y  i-
*i .
l t i
I .

 T C0‘Hl11l0?'0'7;(I] Foods in Ke111‘ucky 1711 1936 3 _ T
I 1
needr  · .... , . . . . A i
in tm 1  Results 111 det1111 are ilfdllg prepsired tor ])llbi1(£&li'10ll 111 il cir-      
hmmm   eulair ot the ]2X])€l`1l]1(·`f1]i Station, 1  
1 19:11.   , , ” 1
Oliw Ut.  i Distillers’ dried {l'1‘il1l1S are produced from the 111a1111tact11re   T  
not HN   of distilled liquors and aicohol from ·0€1`€?lTS. They ditter 111 . A 1
H To W   llllii'1l"ll`i properties according to the kinds and proportions of N 1
mdum   [!`l`2l1ll used. · If tl1e proportion of the corn is 90 percent, as 111 1 jj 1
t but H ?` llldiilllg st1·111g{11t corn whisky and aleoho1,·the dry residue con-   y ,
in Shiv Q  tanns 30 to 3:1 percent protein, an exceedingly riehl feed. It 21 w 1.
W York  N iill`§A€ ])l’O])01'tl()11 of some Oti1Q1`-Q1`?]-111. such as rye, is used with g
5 in HW l corn, tl1e pe1·ce11tz1g~es of protein and fat are d1Il1l1llSi1(3(T and ` 1
 ‘ that of fiber is il1Cl‘QHS(:‘(i. I)istil}ers’ dried grains are divided j j .
 _ into two ;1·1·on1>s; distillers` corn d1·ied grains 11nd distillers’ rye 1  
 V dried {§l'EiillS. T T
Q of M   · D~iSiiii(’l'ST·(iO1'l'l (T1'i€‘(T grains 11re higher in value than dis- T  
limsiu  j il·iit’l'S rye dried grains and range f1·o111 27 to 32 and even as j
,1,hN   illlilil 11s 35 })t‘l'C&‘lli' protein, They are rieh ill fat, to 1111 averelue  
H of HW  . (li Elbfllli TU ll(i]'(Z(·‘l]i`, with not more than ii ]l(?l‘C€‘lli` fiber. The l  
{SPS W  1 ?|Vi’|'21;:t€· (il{.{G.Sil(}\l eoedieient is T3 percent of tl1e protein. 97 per- T T
ming of   Trlli ot the izlt. illl(i 83% percent of the fiber. They are deSll'&lhie »
W mm 2 reds for dairy (fi1itiG·i1]l(i 111-e ehietiy used for this purpose. They ‘ 1
)§Hmll}». — lllil)' iliso he used $2ltlSf2lUiO]'iiy 11s 11 protein sllppielllellii ill feed- `
r_m_ M4 . *lls`h¤*et·1·:1t1le and sheep illltl to some extent i11 feeding horses. T
lmghm ·  ` i)lSilii(*l'ST. rye dried {]`l‘{lillS are produeed when the gIl‘&llll
111~»1·1·<-111:  V mixture used 111 Illilklllg whisky contains 51 percent or more of _
m_“_1·],',,, A WK The protein Hlld fat diminish 1-llld fiber increases in direct  
imll Si. { i’l`<>ll<>l‘ilol1· to the (-l]l10l`lllt of rye used, running als low HS 16 ]>€‘I'· ` i
)` IMYM 1 WNY ]>l‘du<·ed new byproducts, many of which are being used 2**  , m,
tillers for st oek feeds. The distilleries and breweries have re·eentlI;  ;
produced a large volume of very desirable feeds in the form el  
distlllers` dried grains and bre·wers` dried grains. In znltlillhll  
to these products, they have produced what they call “‘111‘ (Xantlnum glabratum and X. canadense),    
ddmm]  _ irrgot ot rye and grasses (Clayiceps purpurea). f '  
Smlm-  i jlliilafill weed (Datura stramoniuni and l). tatula). · y
ISH m_ _:V   Giil\spiir (Delplnnium ajacisl. · H i ; A E
jus fn,.   j` "l' 00111 (due J[(>.G1l.)l.)G1'(¥ll2l saubniettn and other fungi). .      
OY and   2ll(‘k‘A(‘\\`C(¥(l (Heleniuni antnnn1all€). { U   ~
r · potted hemlock (Conium maculatum). 1  
 _ * 5 a
I · I

 I Iz -
' I `  
I  »
_ 6 Ifeoitizcky flQ7"0C1LZll’lH`Cl.Z Experliment Station  
I Standards of quality established under the feed law of Ken- ._  3
tucky, for all feeds, are regarded as high by comparison with I 
standards of other states, especially the standards for special-  `i I
. . . . 111·1<
purpose feeds. The standards, requirements, and lllIllt2lllOlIS.  Oit
. , . .   c ll
‘ are given for reiiercnee under the discussion of analyses and Slllll·  _ not
inary of results which follow: “
E ¤ Q E U E J   mus
Ea?. E 5 E.?  i
·*·‘ 4-> O   U M L y  I
7*525 -¤1z%’e gfi ; age
2:2.::. Emi.] aa:  .» Pm
I I I `
_ I 1. Standard By—Products; I I I I I MW
·` Alfalfa Leaf Meal ......,....................................... I ........ I ....Y».. I 18.0*  T`
Alfalfa Meal ....1................................................... I 13.00 I 1.50 I 32.05  1
Barley, Ground .................................................. I ..,..,.. I ____.... I 6.0II ;  sim
Buttermilk, Dried .._.._....,__,_____,,,_,.,___,.__,.___._1...__ I ,...,... I 5.00 I ......-_- " CHU
Corn, Chopped, Cracked (Sc1·eened) ....._...... I 8.00 I 3.50 I B0}  `
Corn, Chopped, Cracked, Ground .................. I 9.00 I 3.75 I 20*} j illld
Corn Feed Meal _____...................__.......,.............. I 8.00 I 3.75 I 4.00 I  tar,
Hominy Meal, Horniny Feed ..l.,..................... I 10.00 I 7.00 I 0.0;* · -
Oats, Ground .........r..............................1............. I 11.00 I 4.50 I 12.09 Q
Rye Middlings or Shorts ................................ I 15.50 3.50 I 00'I  ,. MH
Wheat Bran ...1................,................................... I 14.50 3.75 I 10.00  { '
Wheat Brown Middlings or Shorts .............. I 16.00 I 4.00 I 7.9II I 
Wheat Flour Middlings _____,............................ I 16.00 I 3.50 I 3.09  ; QI
Wheat Gray Middlings or Shorts ................ I 16.00 I 4.00 I 00*   `N)
VVheat Mixed Feed ............................................ I 15.50 I 4.00 I S-QI   A1
Wheat VVhite Middlingg or Shorts .,.......,.,.._, I 16.00 I 3.50 I $-0* · IJ
2. Special Purpose Mixed Feeds: I I I _ _  ’ O'
Dairy Feed ____._,________________________,_,____,,..___,....________ I 16,00 I 3.50 I lg·0I ‘
Hog Feed (Fattening) ....,................_.,.._.,._....._, I 13.00 I 3.50 I I0?  , 4.
Hog Feed (emwmg) ........................................ I 16.00 I 2.50 I III?  I
Horse and Mule Feed ................,..................... I 9.00 I 2.50 I 19-II"  l
Poultry ; I I I 1  · org
A11.MaS1i Growing Ratio]. .._.__....._.___...___ I 15.00 4.001 EIII (  _
All-Mash Laying Ration ........................ I 15.00 4.00I Ilj  I 00
All-Mash Poultry Ration _____..___.._._,._...,,. I 15.00 I 4.00 I Ij.'}’I  . my
All-Mash Starting Ration ...................... I 14.00 I 3.50 I   »_
Chick Grains .............................................. I 9.00 I 2.50 I fd`] {  5
Scratch Grains .......................................... I 9.00 I 3.00 I *‘·II.I ` `
Fattening Mash .___..,................................... I 13.00 I 4.00 I III j__
ei-Owing Mash ....,.................__.................... I 17.00 I 3.50 I    ~ on
Laying Mash .............................................. I 18.00 I 3.50 I ;·I_I_ . 20
Starting Mash ..._........................................ I 16.00 I   I TI ‘ ad.
Turkey Growing Mash .............................. I 17.00 I   I "II_  i
, Turkey Laying Mash .............................. I 18.00 I 3.00 I gh,  I
I I Turkey Starting Mash .............................. I 18.00 I 3.50 I I", . for
e I Y. 
I  -
I   .

  , Commercial Feeds in Kentucky in 1936 7  
i . I I
= I I
of Kilt ` 3. Ge·n0ra.Z Rules: I I
son wth ’ . . . . . = I
. (a) In making registrations, care should be exercised to . I
special- I _ . . I I
. .  . make the chemical guaranties reasonably close to the actual II
ntatioiis. · , . . . I I I
g content of the feed. In other words, arbitrary guaranties will I . . I
md Sum- it not be accepted I I I I  
T ( -
Q  (b) If a material change is made in the guaranty of a feed, I I I I
  in effect lowering the value of the feed, the name of the feed   ' I I
IJ E I `  muSt be changed also_ I I   I
§ E    I (c) For oil-mill and animal by-product feeds, the percent- I   .
ti ZZ _: _ _ I
E I gi, I. age ot protein must form part of the name. For example, 41% I I
A ' ·- e I . . . I I
——·——  _ Protein Cottonseed Meal 34% Protein Old Process Linseed Oil ; ;
I . ’ I I .
I II . Meal, 60% Protein Digester Tankage, etc. .  
  18. I .; . . . . . `
,0 I gg_III  j (ll) Oil-mill by-products containing hulls, screenings and I I
...I 6-UU  I similar materials, thus materially lowering the percentage of I  
Ig I 'IIIIII   €1`UllI1t of salt in any stock feed, including poultry { I I
   I WGS, should not exceed 1%-   {
.’ · I
 2 I

tt E 
l 1
8 Kemtucky Agrticultural Experiment Station V
1 ~ 6. Scrc0·n·i1zgs:  
l (a) Percentage of screenings in wheat feeds a11d statement { 
whether ground O1' Ull{2,'1’OU11(l, must be given. t of et
(b) Wl1€11 sereenings are used in mixed or special-pu1·p<1se [  eent
feeds, tl1e percentage must be stated, Ellld the Hlllllllllllll €llHOlllllf—   ll1<‘i1‘
` of protein and fat and tl1e maxin1um HIHOTIIITS of fiber a11d 21Sll i
for such screenings must be stated i11 the regristration. Samples 2  of l1
of sueh screenings may be required t0 be furnished 011 request _ mini
by the l)epartn1e11t. {ther
(e) If all or part of fllG iinmature, broken and light Q,`1'f1lll$  · tell
Hll(l otl1er seeds of (3OH1H1G1‘(JT2ll value have been removed from  
screenings, tl1e material 11111st be called "sereenings 1·efuse" or   wen
` "S(£1'(‘€1ll1lQS waste". T,
l 7. ,ll[(/((?}"l·(/(S of LH/Ze or No Feeding Value: E;
(21) l’e1·ee·ntage of material of little or no feeding valutt ? Sm.
11111st be stated.   Son
(b) \Vhen organic materials 0f little o1· 110 feeding value E oft
as concentrates are used i11 111ixed or speeial—pu1·pose feeds, the 1 ana
open formula must he g'l\'(i‘l1 i11 the registration. Tl1e ope11 fel'-  j
llllllil will 110t he printed on the tag unless there is a good 1‘e2tS<>¤ ii
why it should. Tl1e .l)€]>&1l'l'I1l0]llC.1‘(*SCl'\'CS tl1e right.   ,
(e) ln mixed feeds, the £llll()llIlt of a material or ]ll2lfU‘l'l€ll* l ill
of little or 110 feeding value as a eo11ee·nt1·ate, must not eX0<’<‘*l  L will
  of tl1e mixture. ii I
8. Fu/se lfeyislru/{012 and (l(/7l1(7('H((rlLl.0')li ew
lIll])1'()p(’1' 1'(‘§i'lSll'Htl<)ll, 2l(TlllJ[C*1'&ll`lO]l or 1]1lSl)l‘2l]l(llllQ[ ell ll
feed not only 1'Cl1(l(’l'S the olfender liable to prosecution, but ll**` T mu
registration may be eaneeled by the l)epart1nent. E UX,
` wh
l)\ll'lH;.L` lll(’ }’e2l1‘, l$lZS5, l,`l2—l s;1111]1les were ;|]]3\l}‘Z€ll ltlllll lm
<‘ll<‘ll1l<‘2lll)' alld 111le1‘(1seo]1ie21ll)'. )lill]}' of them were Sl1ll,l*"`l"‘l 1 {kl]
to a l‘(\1ll[)l(‘l`C feedi11gst11lfs analysis. The results in detail “'*`l"`  _
sent to those directly lllT(‘|`l¥‘Sf(‘(l. T
é , lo

  - Commcrclzel Feeds in Kentucky in 1936 9 l  
` I
1 E {
temeat _Z Dried B1tttcrmfIL·. Dried buttermilk sold in the State was   l
V of good quality. The guaranty in minimum protein was 32 per-   l
,m·p(sQ N Cent and fat 5 percent. The three samples analyzed exceeded ,‘  
mounts l their guaranty. _   i l
nd ash   Jlcat Scrap. Some of the meat scrap sold in the State was l
amples   of low qualify and contained excess bone. The guaranty in ,   l
request y miaimufn protein was 50 percent, fat 6 percent and maximum I  
{ fiber 3 percent. Eight samples were analyzed, three of which 1 l
, grains l fell below guaranty in protein and one in fat, l   i
d from ·>:  Tuizhuyc. Fourteen samples were analyzed, five of which { l
ise" or K Were below guaranty in protein and one in fat.    
; l
Brewers dried grains were of good quality, but barley malt    
Q Vllllll Streenings were sometimes substituted for the·m in mixed feeds. E
l Some of the grains contained excess fiber due to the high fiber  
g value I of the barley from the Pacific coast states. Three samples were    
eds, the   analyzed and exceeded guaranty. T 2
ien fel'- .
l 1,c,,s0H ‘r CORN PRODUCTS _
('ora Feed Neu!. (`orn feed meals sold in Kentucky were
mtC_1_mS llll 2111 inferior qualify, Some of the·m contained GXCCSSTVC 3
_ exceed illllflllllls of corn bran and were made of inferior c01'11. FIVC l
‘ samples were analyzed and equaled their chemical guaranty.
Q ('rus/zied Ear Corn. 'l‘hree· samples were analyzed and ` J
In- of H Pilllaled their guarant}'.  
Em th? i l Hvmrny Feed, True honiiny feeds used 111 the State dm'- 4
lll! tl10 year were of good quality and in most ])2`ll`t Cqlléllfbd OY , i y
exceeded their guaranties. Ten samples were analyzed, one of   I
whieli was deficient in protein and one had excess fiber. Synthet— y { y
le lfominy feeds were of inferior qualify, contained excess C()l'1l l l
Coll l"‘lll lllllll Hlltl were usually deficient in corn frerfn and tl1l?1'Ci`01'C ill l l
u1)_]¤·¤·1~‘·l {Hp ` T l , g
l*lll lllllllll ' COTTONSEED PRODUCTS l, l   l  
i (`ottonseed meals shipped info Kentucky were guaranteed . [ ‘
ll' ll" ll liercent protein, llowever, a large percentage of the , =  
] _ | l

   i Y
?’l 2
. _ 10 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Statien i
it i shipments fell below the guaranty. Forty-five samples were V
l analyzed, twenty of which fell below guaranty in protein and . Mwh
ten exceeded guaranty in fiber. ; in Hb
i Twenty—three samples were analyzed, one of which fell below  '· . l
guaranty in fat. One was misbranded. {  Wlmh
Linseed oil meals shipped into Kentucky were of good ‘ A
quality. Five samples were analyzed and equaled guaranty. A
0AT PRODUCTS ~ “_h()£
  Five samples of ground oats were analyzed and equaleil ; wm
guaranty.  — mm 2
One sample of peanut oil meal was analyzed and fell bel0W i (·(,`,m
guaranty in protein and had excess fiber-—adulterated willl  o owls
hulls. ` 5
Five samples of rye feed were analyzed and equnlril  i
guaranty. V; 
SBVGH Samples of soybean oil meal were analyzed and all Y  mth
Gqllaled guaranty except one which was slightly deficient in fill- i—  
wi-iEA·r paooucrs   ml"'
Gray Sherts. Ten samples were analyzed, one of whivll till   ll Sl
below guaranty in protein.   lilim
lVh6Clt B7`l1i’n. Seven samples were analyzed and all eqllflltll i Um
guaranty except one which had excess fiber.  _ Al
lVheat Middliiigs. Nine samples were analyzed, tW0 of I.  ET];
which had excess fiber and one was misbranded,  · Hm,
Wheat Mixed Feed. Seventy-five samples were 31lYil}`ZCll'   imp
twenty-two of which were deficient in protein and fat. Tllw ’ stm
5 i deficiencies were due in part to the inclusion of wheat flour.   are

 Coimnerciial Feeds in Kemfucky in 1936 11 ] ]
IWIQ _ ll'/tea! Nlziorts. Twenty-three samples were analyzed, one   l
and ot which fell below guaranty in protein, two exceeded guaranties    
·. in fiber and two were adulterated with screenings and weed   ]
I seeds.   j  
,6,Ow   ll'/seul Red Dog. 'l`hre·e samples were analyzed, one of , E    
which was delieient in fat. I
(,00,, F Seven samples were analyzed, all of which equaled guaranty. l   i I
== . i ¤
In MIXED FEEDS (Wheat and Corn Byproducts)   ,
 { Under this head, a class of feed is included, composed of l  
Haw, wheat byproducts and a small amount of corn bran, and in most     I I
 _ eases wheat screenings. These feeds vary somewhat in composi- ,  
° lion and value, according to the amount of corn bran and screen- L 3 I
ings used. The mixing of corn bran with wheat byproduct is a I  
Il€I°“i , 11]>s: 16 percent protein, 20 percent protein and 24 per-
, cent protein. Second, with reference to whether they contain a *
I filler, or what is commonly known to the trade as "adulterants".  
Eh {0]]   ll Sllollld he noted here that there is more adulteration and 1niS- i 1
 i hranding in filler dairy feeds, especially the 16-percent-protein I
lmm i ¥l`(ll|l¤, than in all other feeds grouped together.    
 _ lt»I-]Jereent-]’o·o/ein I)cz`ry Feed. Feeds of this group us-   Q
WO Of , ;ltill)’ <·ontain_ with few exceptions, the maximum amount of I I  
 1 ]ll<·¤· allowed, which is 25 percent of the mixture. lt is estimated I ` l
llvzedl fp  2;m;l5,,]>e1‘·0elit of the l6-percent-protein dairy feeds contain ,   ,  
,i,h05C  i St,m(L(;`l‘l‘l}I1llQ f1‘0in little to no lIG€(il]llg’ value and in some in- ]. I     E
` , A · dangerous to the health of animals. Feeds of tlns group _ ] A
;.   are made on the basis of price, of cheapest materials, for a   \  

. I
l .
· 12 Keizluciry Agricultural E.rpcriiiz.0i1t S/ation. 1
, i P market where competition is keenest, under the most eoinpetitiw  A,
conditions and (‘(>1lS(`f(lll(‘llil}' under the most tempting eondilioiis l li ui
to adulterate. One hundred and forty—six samples were ana-  _ him'
lyzed, eighteen fell below guaranty in protein, four in fat aiiil ‘i  bmi
~ , eleven exceeded guaranty in fiber. Forty-seven were mis- ` T
_ -_ meat
branded and twenty—hve adulterated. ‘ Uh U
20—pcre0m‘—Pr01ein Dm'ry Feed. Feeds of this group arr   hhhd
made usually of high-grade materials. Very few of them com- e ,,0,.,.
tain fillers and when they do the amount is small. These ferrls  _ high
appear to be about the percentage of protein most suitable to the T
average dairy needs in Kentucky. Forty-three samples were  _ mh
analyzed, one of which fell below in protein, two in fat and our  ; mos,
  exceeded guaranty in fiber. Three only were misbranded.  W fw,
2·j—])(’i'('(’ll/—P)'0fCl·ll I)(l'Ii)`_lj ltlvcd. This group contains lIll*l"‘  - ci-oy
of the high protein-carrying materials than the lower groiurl  , wm-,
These feeds usually are made to be fed with liome-groxni { 
materials of low protein content. Ninety-tive samples \\‘<‘1`<‘  _ hm
analyzed, fourteen of which fell below in protein, and ten in lil? . hm,
Five were misbranded and one adulterated.  `
Sapp,/01110112* I)u1`ry Feed. This group of feeds is made all  , hw
of high—protein materials and is to be used with low-pro1rl¤  L mh,
materials grown by the feeder, such as corn, oats and r··1‘¤l   (h,.
stover. Ten samples were analyzed all of which cxcer¤l<‘*l   hm
guaranty. L aa,
])0g F00d. The volume of dog food sold in the State l`  { ant
\'01'y large. This class of feed may be divided into two gl'<¤lll‘“ T lll?
canned, which contains a large percentage of water, and dn'-  ,
which is put up in the form of biscuits and pellets. , bel
Canned dog foods vary in their composition but are niailr  E libi
up in most part. of water, some meat byproducts, cereals mill  Z
their byproducts, vegetables, bone meal, charcoal, ctc. lil"`  ’ hy
\\‘&1i€1‘ content varies from 65 to S5 percent, leaving only a Slllilll   h,
p€·1‘Centage of nutrients. The prote-in content varies l`l'¢>l11 li l"  
15 P01`C€11l. As stated before, a purchaser not only pays il mi   h·
· mendous price for water, but he pays freight on this wat<‘1’, f"""i   h,
li distant points in California, Illinois, New York, Masse1clnl`*"l` `:¢ 
Ea  e
¢ ¤ . 

L Commercial Feeds in Kentucky in 1936 13 Q
QQQQQQQQ and ()illG1’ states, Fiftyieight samples were analyzed, six of    
QQQQQQQQ ‘ which fell below 111 protem, SlX·l11 fat HHCT five were too lngh in Q    
QQQQQQQ tiber. Twenty-tive were short 111 weight and tl11rty were mis-   Q
Q QQQQQQ 3 braiided. Q Q Q Q Q
QQQQN . _ Dry dog food 18 made of materials 111 the dry state, such as Q Q Q
U meat product, cereal byproducts, milk, alfalfa leaf meal, soybean Q Q  
A oil meal, riee, bo11e meal, yeast, cod liver oil ELHCT many other ` Q Y ‘
Q) im` products. Feeds of this gro11p ra11ge i11 protein fl`O111 17 to 32 Q Q Q Q
lm"' Q percent. Twe-11ty-seye11 samples were analyzed, three were too   ‘Q Q
ii"i`iQ* high i11 fiber and only o11e was inisbranded. Q Q 1  
t(;Q_QQl;QQ Q Q Hog Feed. This class of feed is Qdivided into two groups: Q   1
QQ Om.  I mifumg imii Q§1'0\\l1h;i`- The fattening feeds are composed Q Q  
` mostly of materials nigh in nit1·oge·11-free extract; the growing Q  
 _ feeds, of materials suftieieiitly 1·icl1 i11 protei11 to produce proper   Q i
~hi"Q"` §i`l`0\\`iil, Twenty-one samples of fattening and g1‘O\Vi11g fG€Ci$ 1  
i'<*iiD*~ were analyzed. All eqnaled their guaranties.    
QNQQQQQ  U Horse and Mule Feeds. Tliirty-seven samples were ana-  
_ Till   i)'Z€ii, two of which were too high in fiber and four were mis- Q
ie im § branded.    
it  l’euItr_i; Feeds. lt sl1ould be noted here that there are fewer 1 i
Nic IT h`1’<‘{Jlila1‘ities i11 the inaiiufaeture of poultry feeds than in thO
Hloiiim Q mUil\lf2lCtlll‘Q of any other class of feeds. These feeds may be
Q WN}   , and SllQ>])i(?1ll(‘1li, The grains lll(ITli(TG baby chick grains, grow- _