xt76m901zr07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m901zr07/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1871-02-jun07. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-02-jun07. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-02-jun07. 1871 1871-02-jun07. 2011 true xt76m901zr07 section xt76m901zr07 


Kentucky University, Lexingtoa, Ky. June 6, 1871

Compensati on
to Regent

Deed to

Report of
the Exec.
Comn. read
& adopted

Dept. of the
Agric. & Mech.

o f Aune
7, 1871


DD! siori tion
of money
rec i from
U.S. Govern-

     On motion of Curator Elley a Comnty. of three vas appointed
to ,whom is referred the fixing of proper Compensation to Regent
Bowman for Individual labors anddisbursments in securing the
Twenty-five thousand dollars from Congress. The following
Gentlemen were appointed to compose said Committee.
                                  G. Lt, Elley
                                  Z. M. Sherley
                                  Benj. Gratz.
/191/ The Treasurer reported that he had paid all of the pur-
chase money for Ashland and presente i to the Board of Curators,
the Deed of Thos. P. Jacob, Trustee and Commissioner to Ky.
University for the sane.
     Report of the Executive Corabee was made by the secretary Dr.
Joseph Smith and upon motion of Cu-.ator Goodloe was approved
Lani adopted.
     The Undersigned being 'he Committee to visit the Prepara-
tory Dopaertment of the A^gricultural and Mechanical College of
Ky. University respectfully report   being under the charge of
D. G. Herron Principal and Fiward Smith Assistant, that the
duties were faithfully performed by them and deserving the ap-
probation of the Curators.
                     Signed Benjr. Grn i z
                            Joseph 'asson
                            L. B. Wilkes
On motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 8i
octlock A. 1.

                          Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871

     Board of Curators met at 8 o'clock. Roll call and the fol-
lowing members present - R. M. Bishop, Benj. Gratz, J. B. Powman.
Andrew Steele, Joseph lasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S.
Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, GI W.
Givens, J. P. Tarbitt, h. M. Sherley, 1. M. Wing, W7. T. Withe-rs,
}3. B. ,room, L. B. Wilkes, Z. F. Smith, John Shackelford.
/192/ Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved-
     Report of Committee being called for - Curator Tarbitt,
Chairman of the Committee to whom was referred the Regents report-
made the following recommendations-
     1st. Thet the money obtained from the U. S. Government visits
and damages to the Old Transylvania property be applied to the
erection of a new edifice at Woodlnnds cr enlargement of the old



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871.

City & Uni-
versity to
unite in
building a
Hig h School

     2. That a Committee be appointed to confer with the City
Council of Lexington and ascertain whether an arrangement can
be made by which the City and University may unite in erecting
on the campus in front of Morrison College a suitable building
for a first class High School.

Adopted on motion.

to Regent

Library &

Sale or
lease of
grounds of

Signed J. P. Tarbitt
       Beua B. Groom
       C. T. Worthington

     Your Committee to whom was referred so much of Regent
Bowmans report relating to the collection of Twenty five thousand
dollars from Congress during the past winter for visits and dam-
ages done by the Federal Soldiers during the late war to the
Medical Hall and to the Transylvania buildings, say that in view
of his repeated visits to Washington City his arderous and per-
sistant efforts to secure the same together with very heavy ex-
penses adjudge the sum of Five thousand dollars should be allowed
to him - all of which respectfully submitted-
                              ,eo. W.. Elley
                              3enj. Gratz
                              Z. M. Sherley.
     Regent Bowman moved that the sum of three thousand dollars of
the twenty five thousand obtained from Congress be applied to the
Library & Apparatus fund and it was so ordered and adopted.
     On motion the section of the report of the ComtY. on the
Regents Report that relates to the sale or lease of any part of
Transylvania grounds was stricken out.

                         College of Arts.
     The Committee on this College made through their Chairman Z.
F. Smith the following report that they have examined that part of
the Regents report relating to this College and find that the
management and success of this department has been generally satif-
factory, for the session just closing - The Comtee. find a sug-
gestion made by Prof. A. -B Milligan of a change of minor features
in the course of study in the School of Latin and a modified pro-
gram submitted by him also a suggestion by Prof. Pickett to intro-
duce the study of the Primitive English or Anglo Saxon in the course
of the school of  English literature in both the College of Arts
and the Bible College. /194/ Also by Prof. Helvfti that his classes
in the A. & M. and Art Colleges be separated if practicable. The
Committee would recommend the final disposal of these suggestions
to the Executive Comtee in conference with the faculty.
                        Signed Z. F. Smith, Chairman
On motion the above report was unanimously adopted.-



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871

                    A. & M. College

Report of
the Com . on
the Agric. &
Mech. Col.

Report of
Con. on COl.
of Medicine

     The Committee on this College made the following report-
which being amended was then adopted.
     Your Committee upon the Agricultural and Mechanical College
have the honor to report that the various departments of the
College are in a prosperous condition and the reports of the
various Professors and Instructors speak in high terms of the
scholarship and good conduct of the students. In the opinion of
the Committee the last has been the nost prosperous session in
the history of tne College and notwithstanding the disadvantage
of the want of proper buildings upwards of two hundred students
have regulc.r instruction.
     The Committee would urge that immediate profision be made
for suitable accommodation in class and society rooms. They
deem this to be a very pressing need.
     The valuable suggestion of the Presiding officer in refer-
ence to the admission of Students expecting to defray their ex-
penses by labor calls for special provision.
     We would recommend that a rigid inspection be made frequently
and a direct oversight kept on the various Club Rooms on the Estate.
     We also deem the consentration of the compensated labor impor-
tant /195/ and advise the removal of the Horticultural Department
to the Experimental grounds at Ashland.
     The suggestion in reference to the classes in Reading, Spell-
ing and composition we deem important and advise that such studies
be obligatory upon all the students admitted to the Preparatory
     We would also advise that the Professor of Civil History be
relieved of the Junior and Senior classes in English Literature
and that the said classes be transferred to Professor ShackeIford
if such arrangement can be made.
     We also think an Instructor in Architectual Drawirng and
Drafting should be provided as early as possible also an Instructor
in Instrumental and vocal music.
                                 Signed A. H. Bowman
                                 Andrew Steele
                                 Jos. S. Woolfolk

                          College of Medicine

     The Committee made a verbal report "o the effect thot there
had been no developments since their report of June 9th 1869 and
beg leave to adopt that their report as the one now proposed
     Adopted - - - -



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871

of Curators
from Donors

Curator F. K.
Hunt resigns

Substitute for
Curator Wil_

Report of
on the
Bible Col.

iam e s of
Gr-duate s

for the
Calculus etc.

      Resolution offered by Curator Elley that hereafter all
 elections of Curators for Ky. University sh-all be made from
 the Donors of the same - was lost.
      On motion of Regent Bowman the resignation of F. K. Hunt
 as Curator was accepted.
      On motion a. substitute for Curator Williams was appointed
 on the Committee on Nominations to act during this meeting and
 Curator Worthington wp s appointed substitute.


                    Bible College

      The Committee on this College mvade through Curator Wilkes
 their Chairman a report which upon motion of Curator Tarbitt
 was considered item by item and the following recommendations
 adopted. In our judge.ment this College has been luring she last
 sessiona more succes'-ful in its operations than in any former year.
      The report of the President is highly satisfactory.
      President Milligan recommends that as the folloring named
 young men have finished the course in the English department of
 the College in Ky. University they be awarded suitable diplomas-
 Their names are as  follows -
 To wit          Daniel Boothe - St. Louis, Mo.
                 Henvry F. Davis, Hannibal, Mo.
                 Joseph A. Graves, Fairview, Ky.
                 Frances H. Hull, Orangeburg, Ky.
                 James B. Jones, Bethania N. Carolina
                 Samuel A. McCall, Lavelaley, N. Carolina
                 James K. P. South, Frankfort, Ky.
                 Collen M. McKinney, 11.'cKinney, Texas
                 Lorenzo D. Redway, Smithfield, Ky.
 The moral and Religious Conduct of the Students in this depart-
 ment of the University has been good.
      We unite with the President in recommending that another
 ?rofessor be appointed for this college provided the funds of
 the University will justify also that a library of select works
 in Biblical and Religious Literature be secured for this school
 if possible.
/197/ We recommend as the President suggests that students of the
Bible College who wish to take a full course in the College of
Arts be allowed to select Hebrew in line of the calculus or the
Seniors Greek and Latin or any two of the MVfodern Languages.



Kentucky University, Le::ington, Ky., June 7, 1871

     On motion this recommende.tion was refered tc the Fxecu-
tive Conmit`ee in conforence g?ith the .aculties of the College
of Arts & the Rible College.
      4th We reconmmend that the day for conmencement be fixed
on Thursday insteact of Friday.

Adop te d.

Signed G. W. Elley
       R. C. Ricketts
       L. B. Wilkes

Commercial College

Report of
the Com. on
the Com'l

     Your Committee to whom was referred that portion cf the
Regents Report touching the Commercial College of Ky. University
beg leove most respectfully to report, that they concur in the
recommendations of Regent Bowman and HR. P. Perrin the Presiding
Officer of the Commercial College - That the rooms have been
very much crowded P-nd that a cnange of location is desired
Also a slight chanrge in the course of study P Viz to reduce the
Law Course, and the Book keeping course slightly and in place to
give them Composition & Rhetoric under the English Professor.
'Fe therefore recommend that this matter be refered to the Execu-
tive Committee with instructions to act in the promises as their
best judgement may dictate   all of which is most respectfully
submitted -
                        Signed D. S. Goodloe
                               J. P Tarbitt
The above renort wes allo-1 ed to be amended to include the names
of the followivig   /198/
Gradi.ates in the Commercial College
Viz  Allen Adeir Percy, Sha.kan Sta. Ky.
     Albert R. Anderron, Edwards Depot, Miss.
     Andrew J. Beasley, Montpelier, Miss.
     Nathana Devine Bullock, Ca.stlehan Springs, Tenn.
     Joel Lyman Bradford, Bonharm, Texas.
     Jacamiah Seasman Daugherty, Shreveport. La
     Joel Ethelbert Dixon, Clay Hill, Ala.
     Wm. Preston Goodloe, Sherman, Texas
     Richard Farrester, Chicago, Ill.
     David Harris Foushee, Lexington, Ky.
     Oscar Henry Hvarrison, Albany
     Chas. Sylvest r Yunter,             Va.
     Geo. Washington Lemmon, Fayettville, Mo.
     Henry Kossath Martin, Opelousas. La.
     John Christopher Meeks, Corinth, Miss.
     Gabriel Pero.t, %ompti, La.
     Isaaac Anierson Sugg " "
     Euene Henri Tallichet, Demopolis Ala
     Howerd Victor Taylor, Owensboro , Ky.
     Melville Lorenzo Mills, Warren, Ark.
     James Mckindne White, Addvi1le
     John 'n'illiam 'Shitesides, Gallatan, Tenn.

Comm ence-
ment day



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1971

                        Law College



Com . of Law


List of
Standi ng

     On motion of Regent Bowman the Standing (ommittee on the
College of Law is instructed to make a detailed report of the
condition and wants of that College at the next annual meeting
of the Boarl of Curators.
     On motion    Curator Gratz was excusud from serving on the
Standing Committee of Law - The folle wtrg Curators composed the
Standing Committee on the Law College
     Judge Cald.well
     W. T. Withers
     C. T. Worthington

College of Arts

Bible Colle


A. & P.. Col



Medic-al Col

   * Z. F. Smith
   * A. H. Bowman
   Enos Campbell
   L. B. Wilkes
   G. W. Elley
 . R. C. Ricketts
   *D. S. Goodloe
   P. T-Orbitt
 . Horace Miller
   '. H. Bowman
   Andrew Steele
   Jos. S. Woolfolk
& Military Departments
  * Jos. S. Wooliolk
  .R. J. White
  A. H. Bowman
  . Beni. Gratz
  . L. B. tWVilkes
  *Joseph I'lascon.


                                    .Joseph Smith
                                    J. P. Tarbitt, excused
                                    G. T.. Givens
                       Committee on Nominations
                                    *Andrew Steele
                                    ,Joseph Smith
                                    .Jno. Aug. Williams
                       Committee on Amending Charter
Special                              C. L. Worthington
Committee                            Regent Bowman       Discharged
                                     Horace IMiller     June Pth, 1872.



Kentucl:y University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1871


Ame ndment
to the
C harter

in the



     Comt. to Visit City Council
                  Joseph S. Woolfolk    (Discharge&
                  L. B. Wilkes           (June 10, 1873
                  D. S. Goodloe
     Committee on Publication
                  Z. i'. Smith
                  Andrew Steele
                  W. T. Withers
     On motion of Curator C. T. Worthington It was resolved to
appoint a Committee of three to obtain amendments to the Charter
of Ky. University in relation to the duties of the Treasurer and
the safe keeping of the funds of the University.
     On motion of Curator G. V. 'Elley
     It was resolved that the sa-me Committee in connection with
the Executive Committee shall also consider the manner of filling
vacancies in the Board of Curators and any other amendments they
may deem important. The following Curators compose said Committee
                                 C. T. Worthington
                                 Regent Bowman
                                 Horace M1 ller
     On motion of Curstor Givens the Rules were suspended and the
following Gentlemen were recommended and elected Curators
                        Henry Bell, Lexington, Kyl
                        H. C. Graves, Georgetown, Ky.
                        William Rogers, Versailles, Ky.
                        Landon A. Thomas, Frankfort, Ky.
     On motion of Curator Givens the Rules were suspended and the
following Officers were elected to act for the ensuing year.
     Treasurer J. B. Bowman
     Chairman R. M. Bishop
     Executive Committee
              Benj. Gratz    Joseph Wasson
              Joseph Smith   Jos. Woolfolk
              Jos. S. Woolfolk
     /201/ On motion of Curator G. W. Elley the Board adjourned
to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock A. IA.
          Benediction by
                        Rev. R. C.Ricketts