xt76m901zq8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76m901zq8c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1942-08-sep15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-08-sep15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-08-sep15. 1942 1942-08-sep15. 2011 true xt76m901zq8c section xt76m901zq8c 



    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Unri-
versity of Kentucky, September 15, 1942.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President Donovants office at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 15, 1942.
The following were present:  Judge Richard C. StoJ1, Mrs. Paul G.
Blazer, H. D. Palmore, Harper Gatton, H. S. Cleveland, R. P. Hobson,
Robert Tways Marshall Barnes, and W. H. May.   President Donovan and
Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller and Secretary of the Board, were also

     A. AD-roval of Minutes.

           1. On motions duly seconded and passed, the
              minutes of the Board of Trustees of May 29,
              1942, were approved as published.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     B. The Quarterly Repo   o  the President.


        It has now been over a year since I assumed the duties
   of the office of president of the University.    I was appoint-
   ed to this position following the passage of resolutions
   changing the form of the Universityia organization.    This re-
   organization resulted in the abolishment of the Senate and
   the creation of a new policy-making body known as the Faculty
   of the University composed of the president, dean of the Uni-
   versity, deans of the colleges and comptroller.

        At the time I entered upon my duties as president, several
   members of the Board discussed these changes with me informal-
   lye   It appeared to be the consensus of opinion at that time
   of many of the Trustees that I should study carefully the new
   organizations observe the manner in which it functioned, and
   make recommendations to the Board if I deemed it desirable
   to amend the new structure of the organization of the Universi-

         I have diligently studied the professional literature on
   the control and administrative organization of universities
   during the period I have been your president.    In my con-
   tacts with other university presidents I have discussed this
   subject with theme   In addition, I requested Dr. Jesse Adams,
   of the College of Educations to make a study for me of the



administrative set-up of other universities. He assembled
information on the administrative organization of 62 prominent
universities of this country. I have attempted during the
past year to appraise objectively the new administrative ma-
chinery of our university from my studies and observations.

     As a result of these deliberations I have arrived at the
conclusion that on the whole our present administrative or-
ganization is excellent, but that there are certain weaknesses
in it that should speedily be corrected for the ultimate wel-
fare of the University. The organization of the Department
of Business Management and Control and the creation of the of-
fice of Dean of the University were constructive changes in our

     The establishment of what is known as the Faculty of the
University, composed entirely of administrative officers of
the University, has created machinery that can secure prompt
results. It is a very efficient form of organization, some-
what similar to a board of directors of a corporation. From.
the standpoint of those of us who have made up the Faculty
of the University this past year, it has worked successfully.
From the viewpoint of the several hundred employees of the
University who do not know what is going on in the Faculty
of the University I sometimes fear that there may be at times
doubts and even suspicions in their minds about what is
happening in this body.

     A university is not a business.   Business is concerned
primarily with profits.   A university is an educational
institution*   Its energies are devoted to the development of
personality and the discovery of truth.   The type of organi-
zation that works perfectly in business may not prove to be
the best structure for the organization of a university

     One of the weaknesses of the present organization is in
its name - the Faculty of the University.   In university cir-
cles the word facultyl refers to teachers as well as adminis-
trative officials.   Some of our able teachers here at the
University have felt a sense of disappointment and frustration
in that they are no longer officially recognized as members
of the Faculty of the University.    I fear that they do not
have the same pride in their positions they once had.    I
would recommend that the name Administrative Councils a name
in common use in other universities; be substituted for the
names, Faculty of the University.

     Another weakness of the present arrangement is that the
president of the University is almost completely isolated from
the members of the staff of the University.   He comes in
contact with administrative officers of the University daily,
but practically his only contact with the teaching faculty is
social.   A faculty needs to know what manner of man the



president is, and he should have the opportunity to see them in
action and to know how and what they think. Without some such
profeawional contact, how is a faculty ever to know the presi-
dent or the president to know the faculty?

     Deans and other administrative officials are selected for
their positions because they are wise people, but they do not
possess all the wisdom.   In every university there are many
men and women who possess great scholarship and constructive
and original ideas about the university.  Such faculty mem-
bers should be encouraged and stimulated to share these ideas
with those charged with le administration of the organizations
Some machinery that will bring these men and women together
to consider the problems of the University is essential it
an institution is to take advantage of all the talent in the

    A university is a cooperative enterprises   Trustees, ad.
ministrators, professors and students can contribute something
to its usefulness to society.   Planning for the future9 policy-
making, is distinctly a cooperative enterprise in which pro-
fessors as well as administrators and trustees should partici-
pate. A university organized on any plan that excludes the
professor in helping to chart its course will certainly fail
to elicit the wholehearted, enthusiastic support of its staffs

     A university is made up of a number of different colleges.
These colleges have their objectives which differ considerably
from college to college.   Often there are conflicting aims
and objectives.   Each college is inclined to become independent
or self-sufficient*   There is always a tendency, perfectly
natural, for each college to provide for all its services and
thereby duplicate offerings in other colleges.   Isolation
breeds independence.   Where no provision is made for professors
and administrators of the various colleges to come together to
consider the problems of the University as a whole, not the
problems of a college, there will certainly develop suspicions
and antagonisms that will have a disrupting influence on the
University. I fear that under our present organization,
in time colleges will be competing among themselves for funds,
personnel and services.   Members of their staffs are likely
to think of their college, not of the University.   My obser-
vations and deliberations lead me to the conclusion that our
present administrative organization is lacking in one respects
t is too highly centralized,   it does not provide for the
full and complete utilization of our available human resources
that have much to contribute to the general welfare of the

     For this reason I desire, in addition to the Faculty
of the University (Administrative Council) that another body
be established that will be composed of both teachers and
administrative officials of the University who will consider
university policies# study university problems and frequently



carry on research for the purpose of discovering what are the
best procedures and practices in university administration.
It may be desirable at present to make this body a Faculty
Advisory Council.   However, I should not object to its being
a policy-making body with final authority with regard to cur.
riculum., entrance, graduation, problems of faculty-student
relations and other strictly professional problems of this
character. The line of demarcation between administrative
functions and policy-making should be carefully drawn. The
Faculty of the University (Administrative Council) should deal
primarily with problems of business administration, finance,
personnel, buildings, grounds and other matters essentially
administrative in character0

     In my thinking I have conceived of three different ap-
proaches to this problem4

     First, let the University establish a Faculty Advisory
Council that would be composed of administrative officers,
ex-officio members, and professors elected by the several facul-
ties on a proportional basis.   For example, one representative
for each ten faculty memberst or major fraction thereof, from
each of the colleges could make up the groupo   Such a body
would constitute a representative form of government rather
than a pure democracy.   The elected faculty members would
represent the faculties of the several colleges.   If such a
plan were worked out, it should be so arranged that there would
be a rotation in office of those who were elected from the
faculties of the different colleges.    This in time would give
every faculty member an opportunity to serve on this body.

     A group of this size would be small enough to secure ef-
fective deliberation about problems that would come before it
for consideration, and it would not be so large as to be un-

     A number of the larger universities of this country have
a policy-making group somewhat on the order of this outline.
The University of Florida is a good example of a university
with a small policy forming group composed of the administra-
tive officers and a group of faculty members elected by their
colleagues,   The President, John J. Tigert, with whom I have
talked at length about this subject, reports that this  oup
has worked splendidly in his institution, and that it has
made a great contribution to the University of Florida* He
highly commends a policy-making group of this character.

     A second approach to this problem would be to retain our
present Faculty of the University, but add to it two or three
faculty members from each of the several colleges.    If such
a plan were accepted, these faculty members should be elected
by their colleagues from the different colleges, and they
should rotate in offlce so that from time to time different
membors rf the fiUlt'Gy Would hate ail opportunist to serve on
this bait I find htK t in a feW Of the univez'iided faculty



    members elected by their colleagues are on the administrative
    council. An arrangement of this character has the advantage
    of being a somewhat smaller group and, therefore, able to
    reach decisions with a degree of promptness that a larger
    body could never attain.   It nas the disadvantage of being
    a highly centralized form of control and, therefore, fewer
    members of the faculty have an opportunity to serve with the
    group deliberating on the problems of the University*

         A third suggestion which I desire to offer would be that
    we return to the old-fashioned and long-established plan of
    a general faculty meeting each months and that problems having
    to do with the welfare of the University be discussed in these
    meetings, and educational policies formulated and approved by
    the group.   Some universities still have open faculty meetings
    where all members of the staff above that of instructor have
    avoice in determining educational policies.   This is the.
    most democratic procedure that can be suggested but it has the
    disadvantage of being a cumbersome and tine-consuming body.
    Where the faculty is large it often results in entirely too
    much debate on many issues that come before it.   There is no
    assurance that the deliberations of the larger group are any
    sounder than those of a small representative group.   The
    total faculty has far greater difficulty in arriving at a
    decision on any policy than a smaller group ever has.   Where
    the faculty is very large this plan does not have much to
    contend it.   I offer the suggestion as a possibility and not
    as a recommendation.

         So far as I am concerned as president of the University,
    I should be glad to work under any one of the three arrange-
    ments which I have suggested, or some combination of these sug-
    gestions.   I am quite convinced that the University should
    amend our present rules and regulations governing the formula-
    tion of educational policies and procedures.   This conclusion
    has been arrived at after prolonged thought and study regarding
    the ultimate welfare of the University of Kentucky.   The
    present form of control is of such a nature that it does not
    encourage men who possess ideas about a university to share
    them with those of us who are administering the institution.

         I recommend that the Board of Trustees direct the president
    to appoint a committee of twelve or fifteen members of the
    staff of the University to study this problem for a period of
    several months and report its findings to the president and
    Board of Trustees for their consideration.

    After the President had read his atatements the Board discussed
with the President recommendations made.



    On motion, duly made and seconded the President was authorized
to appoint a committee of not more than 15 nor less than 12 to marke
a study such as proposed in the President's statement and to report
to the Board of Trustees and the President as early as the committee
deems feasible.

     C. The University and the Wr.

     President Donovan read the following statement and submitted a
contract submitted by the War Department providing for instruction
of approximately 870 soldiers in the College of Engineering on the
campus of the University.

         The University continues to make its contribution to
     the war effort.   Each week one or more members of the staff
     don the uniform of the armed forces of the nation.  The
     number of staff members in the various branches of the service
     now is in the neighborhood of 100 men.  We have a record of
     over 1600 graduates and former students who are now in the
     Army$ Navy or Marines.   That there are many others whose
     names we do not have we are well aware.   These men are on
     the sevcn seas and each of the continents.   Scores of them
     are young officers in the 'army who have had their training
     In she R.O.T.C.

          The University is making its contribution also by pro-
     viding technical education for many of its younger students
     who have not yet been called for military duty.   They are
     pursuing fundamental courses in mathematics, physics, chemis-
     try, bacteriology# engineering and other subjects that will
     prepare them for their duties as soldiers.   I heard General
     Somervell in Washington a few days ago say: "We can lose
     this total war on the battlefront as a direct result of losing
     it on the industrial front, on the home front or on the educa-
     tional front,   Education is the backbone of an army.   This
     was never more true than it is today--now."   He implored
     colleges and universities to continue to educate the youth of
     the country in large numbers so that it would not be necessary
     for the Army to take its time to do this after men are induct-
     ed into service.   Thus# through the education of the hundreds
     of youths who come to th3 University this institution is making
     its contribution to the war effort.

          Recently I spent four days in Washington attending the
     National Institute 2 aEducation &&X =h Has.    About five
     hundred of the nation's leading educators were called to as-
     semble for the purpose of hearing top flight Government9
     Army and navy officials tell us what they needed from the



educational institutions of this country.  We listened to
such men as General Somervell, General Hershey, Dean Landis#
Paul iXcNutt, Secretary Wickard, President Elliott, Elmer
Davis$ Senator Thomas and scores of other officials.

     I came away from this conference realizing more fully
than ever before that this war is a grim business.   It Is
more serious than most of us have realized.   Time is precious
and the very essence of success.   Our nation must do in the
next few months what it originally expected to do next year
and the year after.  Hitler and his allies will not wait for
us to get ready.  We must be prepared to strike and strike
now.   The cost in lives and wealth can no longer be con-
sidered.  It is probably now or never so far as America is
concerned.   All of the hopes of our future depend upon our
willingness to pay the price of winning in this desperate
struggle between two ideologies one of which is certain to
perish.  We were given to understand that every able-bodied
man between the ages of 18 and 45 would eventually find him-
self in the armed forces of the nation.   We were told that
but few would be permitted to graduate, as their services
would be needed long before college courses could be completed.
We were admonished to give the students the essential courses
that would prepare them for war and to forget about long-
established cultural courses.   Most of the delegates came
away feeling that there would not be many men in the colleges
and universities within another year, except the men in uni-
form who were being technically prepared for some specific
service they would be called upon to render as soldiers,
sailors or marines.

     The University has constantly kept Federal officials in-
formed of its readiness to serve in any capacity it can in
our war effort.  A few weeks ago the Army made inquiry as
to how many men we could instruct on our campus.   They want-
ed us to offer the instruction, house and feed the soldiers
who might be sent here.   We responded to their questionnaire
by stating that we could instruct 800 soldiers, providing
barracks could be erected for their living quarters or some
other arrangement be made within the community.   As a result
of our conferences and correspondence, the institution was
inspected by MaJor M4ork about three weeks ago.  A favorable
report was made to the Army.   On Sunday, September 6, three
Aramy officials came to Lexington, arranged to take over the
Phoenix Hotel for living quarters for soldiers, and made an
informal contract with the University to offer instruction in
technical fields.   We are to receive 19^ per man hour of
instruction, which means $100.3O per man per quarter for
the first years after which we will receive 184 per man hour,
which will amount to 495004 per quarters   These funds will
be spent for instructions purchasing of some essential furni-
ture and equipment, lighting, heating, rental and other



.overhead charges.   The Army will furnish its own laboratory
equipment and supplies.   The instruments which they will
bring to the campus for use could not possibly have been ob-
tained by the University at this time.   The cost of instru-
ments which they will use would amount to many thousands of
dollars even if we could have obtained them at any price.

      I should like to inform you that this contract with the
 War Dcpartment is the outcome of the work of Dean Graham who
 has served as our liaison officer between the University and
 the War Department.   Most of the technical instruction that
 will be given on the campus for these soldiers will be in
 the College of Engineering.   This will necessitate his
 employing 30 or 40 additional temporary instructors who pos-
 sess the technical training necessary to offer the courses
 that are required.   The Army is bringing with the first group
 of students a number of instructors who will carry on the
 work until the University can find men to replace these Army

      I submit contract and recommend its approval.

                   AGREEkEiT FOR SERVICES

      THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on September 15l
 1942, by and between THE UNITED STATES OF AivERIoA (nerein-
 after termed Government), represented by the Contracting
 Officer executing this agreement, and the University of
 Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, (hereinafter termed Universi-

                       WITNESSETH, THAT:
      WHEEAS, the instruction and training of approximately
 eight hundred seventy (870) enlisted men of the Corps of
 Engineers, Army of the United States (hereinafter termed
 students) in various engineering specialties is necessary for
 prosecution of the War, and;

      WHEREAS, the University is qualified and prepared ade-
 quately to instruct and train such students through govern-
 ment-prescribed courses of instruction sufficiently standard
 in scope to insure uniformity of training and application
 of Governmental check and supervision, and;

      WHEREAS, approximately eight hundred seventy (870) en-
 listed men of the Arvmy of the United States have been, or
 will bet detailed by the Secretary of War for Instruction
 and training in engineering specialties at the University;



     NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the Govern-
ment and the University as follows:

     The University agrees that:

          1. It will instruct and train approximately eight
hundred seventy (870) students in engineering courses for a
continuous period, as specified in the numbers and on the
dates named, on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part
of this agreement, and that each course will consist of forty-
four (Gil) hours of instruction and training per week for a
term of twelve (12) weeks.

          20 It will provide the academic administrative, super-
visory and instructor personnel for the students, and that
the courses will be under direction of the Universityls Col-
lege of -Engineering,*

          3. It will provide the necessary class rooms$
drafting rooms, heating and lighting facilities, class room
furniture and areas for conducting field work for the stu-

          4. It will permit the use of its campus athletic
and recreational facilities to the students.

          5. It will furnish in original and duplicate to the
Chief of Engineers, Fifth service Command, the following

            . . A report to the attention of Operations and
Training Branch, Troops Division, Fifth Service Commands ap-
prox:imately three (3) weeks after classes are scheduled to
begins to contain the following information:

                (1) Identification of class by proper class
number and by scheduled beginning and completion dates:

                (2) Total number only, of students scheduled
to report for instruction and training;

                (3) Total number only, of students that actually

                (4) Total number only, of students dismissed
for inaptitude or for other reasons,

             ]a A report to the attention of Operations and
Training Branch, Troops Division, Fifth Service Command, three
(3) weeks prior to the date of completion of each class, to
contain the following information:

                (1) Identification of the clauw by proper class
number and by the scheduled beginning and complotlon dates;



               (2) Total number of students, unassigned, ac-
cording to specialty who will become available in each of the
following groups at the completion of the course:.

                    (a) Excellent*

                    (b) Good.

                    (a) Fair.

                    (d) Satisfactory.

                    (e) Unsatisfactory.
         6. A final progress report to be rendered as soon as
practicable after completion of the course, on all students,
accompanied by a copy of orders assigning these students to their
new organizations and stations.

         7t It will not object to permitting a student who has
missed a class of instruction or training through illness or
other unavoidable cause to make up the lost time at such time as
is convenient to the instructor and Detachment Commander of the

         8, According to paragraph 16 Q, AR 350-110, "IIf at any
time any student enlisted man shall be deemed unfitted for any
reason to continue the course, the officer in charges School
Detachment, wills except as otherwise prescribed and except
when the soldier s station is without the continental limits
of the United States, immediately order him by authority of the
Secretary of War to rejoin his proper station and willreport
the facts directly to his Commanding Officer and, through mil-
itary channels, to The Adjutant General.   When the station of
the soldier is outside the continental limits of the United
States, the Officer in Charge, School Detachment, will report
the facts, through military channel s to The Adjutant Generalo"

         9. No expense to the Government is involved under
this Agreement until the students nave been detailed to the
courses and instruction and training actually begun.

        10. This Agreement shall be subject to cancellation
by the Government at any time after date hereof, upon sixty (60)
dayegwritten notice thereof, directed to the Contracting Of-
ficer signing this Agreement on behalf of the Government.

     The Government agrees that:

         1. It will detail enlisted men as students to pursue
Instruction and training in the courses, and in the numbers
and on the dates on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part
of this Agreements



         2. It will provide the necessary personnel for admin-
istration and supply functions necessary for the operation of
the detail of students at the University.

         3. It will furnish the necessary instruments, equip-
ment, supplies and materials for conducting the courses.

         4, The Commanding General, Fifth Service Commands .will
be charged specifically with the supervision of the instruction
and training end of the students.

         5. To complete necessary arrangements for the per-
formance of this Agreement, the University is authorized to com-
municate directly with the Commanding General, Fifth Service

         6. The University can accommodate white students only.

         7. It will provide adequate and necessary medical at-
tention for the students.

         8. It will grant authority for partial payments here-
under to the University each thirty (30) days for instruction
and training theretofore given by the University.

         9. Travel time for the students will be so arranged as
to permit arrival of students In Lexington, Kentuckyt on the
Saturday or Sunday preceding the opening date of the course
which will commence on a Monday according to Exhibit A.

        10. The students will be ordered to live in the place
or places designated by the Commanding General, Fifth Service
Command, to simplify supervision over them.

        11. So far as possible and practicable, students
will have the following qualifications for the courses indi-

             k, Drafting: High school graduates with course
in trigonometry and previous drafting experience; stereoscopic
vision as tested by "Instruction Guide for Stereo Tester X 1 A 3.
TM 9.2653*; minimum score of 100 in Army General Classification

             b. Surveying: High School graduates with course in
Trigonometry; previous surveying experience* stereoscopic
vision as tested by "Instruction Guide for stereo Tester 1 1 A l,
TM 9.2653"; minimum score of 100 in Army General Classification

             a.Goodetic Computing:  High school graduate with
two years of college mathematics (obligatory); minimum score of
100 in Army General Classification Test.



          The Government agrees to pay, and the University agrees to
     accept; the sum of nineteen cents (49.19) per student hour for
     instruction and training provided herein during the first twelve
     (12) months of this agreement and the sum of eighteen cents
     (40.18) per student hour for instruction and training there-

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government and the University have
     executed this Agreement by their authorized agents and officers
     on the day and year first written herein.

                                      THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

     Witnesses:                     By_

                                             (Contracting Officer)


                                      THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                                      By RcadCStl             
     Witnesses:                       Vice-Chairman of the Board of
     (Signed)MIrs. Paul G. Blazer
             Ashland. Kya
                  (Address)         By Frank Dg Peterson
                                        Secretary, Board of Trustees
             William Ho iav
             Prestgnsburgs KY.

    After the President had read to the Board his statement on "The
University and War", and presented the contract submitted by the War
Department, the Board had read aloud the contract in its entirety.
Various sections were discussed and after the President had assured
the Board that the University could provide space and teaching per-
sonnel, the Board took the following action:

                           * * ** * *Fi * * * *

              2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
                 ordered that the contract as submitted be
                 approved and the Vice Chairman of the
                 Board of Trustees and the Secretary be au-
                 thorized to sign same on behalf of the Uni-
                 versity of Kentucky.



    Do Enrollment, Summer Quarter.

    The President submitted the following information to the Board
which was ordered received and copied in the minutes:

                Enrollment for Summer Quarter, 1942
                     and Summer Session, 1941

                              1942                       1941
                   M,     W         Total     X       W        Total

First Term       952    868          1820      631    826      1657

Second Term      900    482          1382      645    531      1176

Total First and
Second Terms
(Dup.Excl.)     1068    987          2055-   1094    1073      2167

    E. Report    the Cormptroller.

    Comptroller Peterson submitted a detailed report of realized
and unrealized income for the months of July and August, together
with a detailed statement of expenditures made by the several depart-
ments of the valious colleges of the University and the Extension
Division and the Experiment Station of the University.   He pointed
out that a budgetary comparison for expenditures at this time was
impracticable but stated that the objective analysis of various de-
partmental appropriations indicated reasonable adherence to the in-
dividual budget estimates.   He further explained that it was too
early to hazard a guess on unpredictable revenues.   The report wai
ordered accepted and copied in the minutes.


   Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Period Ending August 31, 1942

           Colle:e Division

Educational and General
State Appropriations
   Division of Colleges     $933,000.00
   Collegc of Agriculture     24,000.00
   Summer School              10,000.00
   Repairs to Buildings