xt76hd7ns52c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7ns52c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1944-02-21  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 21, 1944 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 21, 1944 1944 1944-02-21 2020 true xt76hd7ns52c section xt76hd7ns52c  


























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Minutes of the University Faculty e Feb. 14, 1944

On motion for adjournment, President Donovan declared the Faculty
adjourned until 4 pnm. on February 21. He indicated that the Faculty
would remain in session on that date until some disposition had been
made of the Report of the Committee on the Lower Division Program of
the University.


Minutes of the University Faculty - February 21, 1944

The University Faculty met in special session in the Assembly
Room of Lafferty Hall Monday, February 21, at 4 p.m. President Donovan
presided. Members absent were A° E. Bigge, B. E. Brewer, H. B. Price,
Carsie Hammonds, Maurice F. Seay, Thomas P. Cooper, and James H. Graham.

The minutes of February 14 were read and approved.

President Donovan called for discussion and action on the substitute
motion made by Dean Boyd at the previous meeting of the Faculty. Assistant
Dean White thereupon read the following statement for the Committee on
the Lower Division Program of the University:

"The Committee to Study the Lower Division Program of
the University would like to make a request.

A mere majority of the votes of the University Faculty
is sometimes insufficient approval of an educational policy to
justify its attempted operation. Especially is this true when
the body giving such approval is a new one whose very existence is
the consequence of the earnest desire of the President to spread
the responsibility of policy making in the University. The
success of any educational policy depends upon a united front.
Its operations must not bring recriminations. The era of good
feeling based upon mutual confidence existing in the University
cannot cease if this body or this University is to do more than
merely exist.

To assume the serious resnonsibility of either the failure
of the proposed plan in execution because of lack of cooperation
or the more grave responsibility of dividing this body into
subgroups is more than this committee would undertake. The
committee is of the opinion that its assumption of such responu
sibilities at this time is unnecessary. It has been alleged that

y. ”P




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Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

the present organization is adequate to meet the objectives set
forth in the report on nage 7. Furthermore, the desirability of
these objectives has in no case been questioned in the delivera-
tions of this body. If as apparently is the case, this body
agrees with these general nrinciples, the means by which the
University attains the objectives is not the most important matter.

Certainly, if we have the means at hand, the creation of
new machinery is unjustified. This committee hopes, consequently.
that every member of the University will strive in every legitimate
way to aid one another, especially those who so sincerely allege
that no extra structure is necessary, in attaining the objectives

For these reasons, the committee requests the privilege
of withdrawing its report from consideration. To do this it
is necessary that the substitute motion now before this body
be withdrawn. Dean Boyd has consented to do this."

Dean Boyd, with the consent of the second, withdrew the substitute
motion. On motion duly seconded the request of the Committee on the
Lower Division Program of the University was granted and the report of
the committee withdrawn. President Donovan then read the following
statement to the Faculty:

”The committee to study the lower division program of
the University was authorized by the Faculty of the University.
The president appointed a representative from each of the colleges
and the Dean of the University to make this study. The instruc-
tions he gave the committee were to take plenty of time and make
a thorough investigation of the problems involved. After many
months of study and investigation, the committee submitted the
report whkh the University Faculty has had before it for considera~
tion since last October.

With the objectives of this report I have heard no
criticism. In the discussions that have taken place in the
Faculty, there have been no objections to the aims and objectives
outlined in the report. Many of those who have discussed it
from the floor have commended the purposes set forth in the
resort. The criticisms that have been made are against the
means recommended to attain these objectives.

Dean Boyd in his discussion of the report last week, and
later in conference with me, has apnroved of the aims and ob—
jectives of the resort, but has indicated that these objectives
can be accomplished within the present framework of the Univera
sity, and to attain these aims and nurnoses it is not necessary
to create a university college. If the goals set forth by the









































. ;;;


Minutes of the University Faculty — Feb. 21. 1944

committee can be accomplished under our Dresent organization.
certainly there is no advantage in establishing a university
college such as has been recommended by the committee.

In withdrawing its report for consideration at the
present time, the committee has indicated a willingness to
a110w the colleges time in which to make such changes as will
be necessary in order to achieve the objectives set forth in
this report. With this decision I concur heartily, but with
the understanding that these worthy aims and objectives must be
achieved within a reasonable time, or some modification of our
present administrative organization will have to be made.

To attain the goals which the committee set un for us
it will be necessary for most of the colleges, and narticularly
the College of Arts and dciences, to adjust their curricula to
the needs of more students. As nresident of the University, I
am accepting the goals outlined on Page 7 of the renort and shall
work diligently to see that they are achieved within the present
structure of the University. The colleges can expect my enthuSm
iastic cooperation in helping them to attain these goals.

The next budget of the University will provide for an
alleUniversity director of personnel with some funds to be paid
for advisors for the extra work which they will be called upon to
render. The Personnel Office should be given more authority in
dealing with freshman students and those students who are not
making desirable progress than it now has.

Coursa and currictla will be left in the hands of the
college faculties as they are now, but the recommendations of
the director of nersonnel should be sympathetically considered.
Curriculum changes to achieve the goals set forth by this
committee must necessarily be made if these aims and objectives
are to be accomplished.

Several of the colleges should immediately consider the
advisability of terminal courses for those students who do not
have the ability or inclination to pursue more than two years of
college work. Vocational courses may well be considered in the
Colleges of Agriculture, Comrerce, and Liberal Arts.

Consideration should be given to the advisability of
offering the associate in arts degree or a certificate of
attendance for those students whose curriculum terminates at
the end of the sophomore year.

A study of why fifty-two Der cent of all students entering
the University drop out by the end of the sophomore year should be
undertaken and an effort should be made to reduce this number.
Students should be able to leave the University before graduation
without having developed an inferiority complex or a feeling of
defeatism which may mar their lives so long as they may live. Terminal
courses and a certificate of attendance will belt to achieve this






Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

There is urgent need for greater breadth and unity in
the students' general education. This will provide a more
effective basis for advanced study both in the College of Arts
and 3ciences and in the professional schools. There is no
objective more desirable in this report than the one calling for
more liberal education on the part of our students. Students
begin specialization in their freshman year. This is esnecially
difficult to justify in a college of liberal arts and it is not
desirable in nrofessional schools. All of the colleges should
consider the problem of a broader base, with a view of having
their graduates more liberally educated when they complete their
work for a degree.

If the UniVersity is to be in a position to serve the men
who are now in the armed forces and who will be sent back for
vocational education and training, it is essential that we
immediately take under consideration ways and means of meeting
the needs of these men. It will be too late to attempt to set up
a program after the men begin to arrive by the hundreds.

It has been asserted by those who opnose the organization
of a university college that all of the objectives can be achieved
in our present framework. I am inclined to believe that these
results can be obtained under our present organization, but it is
a challenge to us to see that these goals are accomplished within
a reasonable time. I am unwilling to assume that they have already
been achieved, for I know they have not. There was never a more
appropriate time for us to tackle this problem. We shall have few
students now that the A.S.T.P. unit will shortly withdraw from the
campus. This will leave us with abundant time to consider care~
fully these important issues. Definite progress should be made
on this nrogram by the opening of the fall quarter. A completed
program with a view of attaining the goals and objectives set
forth by the committee should be in full swing by the fall of 1945.

I am requesting the committee on the lower division program
of the University to continue its study and research in this field
and help us to evaluate that which we shall do in attempting to
achieve the goals set forth in the committee's report."

On motion of the Faculty, the President's statement was made a part of
these minutes.

The Faculty voted to change the official date for the closing of
the current quarter from 12 noon, Saturday, March 18, to 5 p.m. of the
same date. It was explained that this was desirable in order that the
final examinations which are to come the last three days of each quarter
might start on the morning of March 16 rather than the afternoon of the
15th. It is not deemed desirable by the instructional departments to
have a day's schedule divided between class work and examinations.















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Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb- 21. 1944

The Committee on Post—War Planning submitted to the FaCulty the “
first part of its retort dealing with the matter of credit and adjust-
ments in admission and graduation requirements. The renort which
follows was approved by the Faculty:


Retort on Credit for Training
Received While in Service, Adjustments
in Admissions and in Graduation Requirements





I. Credit for Courses Taken While in Service

A. On April 9, 1943, the Faculty of the University adopted
the following:

"With reference to the granting of academic credit

to discharged or furloughed members of the armed forces G
for training received while in service, the Faculty 5
of the University of Kentucky announces the following


1. The Faculty disapproved the granting of blanket credit
on the basis of service in the armed forces without
valid evidence of educational achievement. >

2. It approves the granting of credit for educational
training vauired during the period of service, on
the basis of demonstrated competence in a snecific
subject or subjects and, within the limits of this
general policy, recognizes three procedures by which J
the discharged or furloughed member may establish

a. Credit may be granted directly for a course taken fig;
by a member of the armed forces on the camrus 0f ”
the University of Kentucky when such a course has ’
been adjudged to meet acceptable college standards ‘
and when the annlicant has demonstrated that he
was eligible for admission to the University at
the time he enrolled in the course.

b. Credit in Military Science may be granted dire '
ectly for service in the armed forces. The
amount of such credit will be determined with
respect to a minimum period of service and whether
or not the individual served as a commissioned
officer. The granting of such credit shall be
in accordance with the Army regulations governing

the ROTC. «A

 Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

, ‘ c. In the case of all other annlications for
credit, the educational training accuired
during the period of service shall be eval-

, uated with reference to such records as those
to be suntlied by the Armed Forces Institute.


The above statement of nolicy shall annly alike to men and
women. Transfer of credit, granted by another accredited
institution for military service, may be allowed when the
credit has been granted under the conditions outlined above."




B. The above statement seems to cover the ground satisfactorily.
It is recommended, to sunnlement it, that ASTP courses and
courses given in the Engineering Specialist School be given
credit in accordance with recommendations of the departments
m ‘




It is further recommended that credit in military science
and physical education be allowed in accordance with the
following schedule:







Credit in the required two years basic course in 3
military science and for the required one or two
) .‘ . . . .
years in physical education may be given for three
months' service in the U.S. Military or Naval
Forces. Candidates for such credit will submit duly
authenticated conies of their discharge papers to
the head of the department concerned, who will send
) ‘ his authorization of the credit to the Registrar
for record.


Under the War Department regulations, no credit
can be allowed for war service as a nrerequisite
.y for the Advanced ROTC course or for the advanced
, course itself.






In the matter of credits for courses taken in the armed
forces that are to be transferred from other colleges or
universities our present nractices are satisfactory. A
course carrying credit greater than that allowed for a
comparable course taken here should be accented in
accordance with our findings as to the content and time-
extent of the course.




II. Adjustments in Admission

‘LLL u:

‘x up“;

In order to take care of those returning from the armed forces
, who are not able to meet our regular entrance reouirements,

“a“ either through their secondary school experience or by trans-
ferring courses taken while in service, the age requirement





‘ .

Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944






























E for classification of such persons as snecial students will be «mfi’
‘, waived. » ‘ '
t ,
E In the matter of admission to the graduate school, it is recommended
3 that the nresent requirements he maintained. 1
3 III Graduation Requirements
With resnect to graduation requirements for ex-service men or women,
, our rule requiring the final year of residence for our former students
2 should be waived, provided that the total previous residence credit
i has been not less than forty-five quarter hours. A reasonably
; liberal policy in substitutions of non-equivalent courses for
specified courses or grouns in the graduation requirements should
be followed to the extent deemed advisable hy the Dean of the
College concerned.
Respectfully submitted, {[3
Jesse E. Adams John Kuiper
Paul P. Boyd J. W. Martin 1
Louis Clifton H. R- Price L
L. L. Dantzler Morris Scherago ’
Alvin E. Evans D. V. Terrell
Stetie Erikson Wm. S. Webb
Margaret I. King Logan Wilson
Leo M. Chamberlain, Chairman
Number of Existing University Courses 2
Department and Qtr. Hrs. ‘ For which it Should be Considered
Course of Credit A Dunlication of a Substitution
Chemistry AST 205
General Chem. Lecture 3 None ;
Chemistry AS'I‘ 206 Chem. lb or 2b. We shall accept
General Chem. Leo. the successful completion of
and Lab. 4 both Chem. Aer-205 and 206 as
equivalent to Chem. 1a & lb,
or 2a & 2b.
Chemistry AST 30596 .
Refresher 4a-2 3 None
Chemistry AST 211 Chem. 4, except for the differ: 6fl~
Qualitative Analysis 5 ence in lab hours I
Chemistry AST 261 I
Organic Chemistry 5 Chem. 20a or l27b
Chemistry AST 262
Organic Chemistry 5 Chem. 20b or 127b
English AST 111
lst term 3 English la in part






Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

Number of
Department and Qtr. Hrs.
Course of Credit

English AST 111
2nd term 2
English AST 111

3rd term

Note: Terms 2 and 3 will substitute
terms will substitute for English ls

Mathematics AST 406 Alg.3

Algebra & Trignometry Trig.3


Mathematics AST 407
Analytic Geometry 5
Mathematics AST 408
Differential Calculus 5
Mathematics AST 40§—7-8

fl ' /
Herersher for 4351 Orb

Mathematics AST 401

Integral Calculus 5
Geography AST 163
lst term 2

Geography AST 163

2nd term 2
Geography AST 163

3rd. term 2
History AST 133

lst term 3
History AST 133

2nd term 2
History AST 133

3rd term 2
Physics AST 304

Mechanics 5
Physics AST 305

Heat, Light and Sound 5

Physics AST 306

Electricity and Magnetism 5
Physics AST 304~5-5

Refresher 4a-1 9

Existing University Courses
For Which It ShOuld be Considered
A Duplication of a Substitution

English 6

English 6

for English 7 and any two

or lb.

Math. & Ast. 5a~b or 17

Math. & Ast. 3 (Students with
credit for AST 406 may be
admitted to Math. & Ast. 19
provided they have had Solid

Math. & Ast. 19
Math SC 148*). 208.

No. qtr. hrs
had Differen
Three qtr. “rs. if student has
had Analytics but not Diff.
Calc. Six qtr. hrs. if student
has not had Analytics or Diff.

if student has
~a1 Calculus.

Math. & Ast. 20b

Onesfourth of Geology 24a
One-fourth of Geology 24b
Oneahalf of Commerce 8. The
student should not register
for Com. 8 if he has had AST


History 5a

History 5b

History 5b

Physics la

Physics lb

Physics lb

There is no organized course like
this anywhere


































Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21» 1944

Number of
Department and Qtr.
Course of Credit

Existing University Courses
For Which It Should be Considered
A Dunlication of a Substitution


Physics AST 403
Electrical Measurements
Engineering Drawing AST 001
Mechanisms and Power Trans
missions AST 326
Internal Combustion
Engines AST 336
Mechanics AST 401
Surveying (Elementary)
AST 407
Elements of Electrical
Engineering AST 401
Engineering Drawing (Str.
Drafting) AST 408
Strength of Materials
AST 401
Materials Testing Lab.
AST 401
Stress Analysis AST 413
Fluié Mechanics AST 401
Surveying (Advanced) AST 408
Internal Combustion
Engines AST 405
Structural Design AST 403
Water Supnly and Sewerage
AST 403
Transportation AST 403
Engineering Drawing (Top0¢
granhic Draft.) AST 409
Thermodynamics AST 401
Founiations AST 403
Engineering Drawing AST 406
Shop Practices AST 406
Internal Combustion
Engines AST 410
Mechanical Lab. AST 420
Kinematics AST 402
Metallography ani Heat
Treatment AST 430
Mechanical Vibrations
AST 410
Machine Design AST 401'“
Internal Combustion Engines
Lib. AST 411
Electric and Magnetic
Phenomena AST 405


-b -b-m 0\ \» M-P\fi m


Physics 131
Engineering Drawing la


Annlied Mechanics 3 and 4

Civil Engineering 12
Electrical Engineering 101
Engineering Drawing lb
Applied Hechenics 100

Civil Engineering 81
Civil Engineering 171a
Civil Engineering 120
Civil Engineering 13

Civil Engineering 72 and 170

Sanitary Engineering 151 and 152
Civil Engineering 31 and 35

Civil Engineering 18
flechanical Engineering 104a
Civil Engineering 105 and 107
Engineering Drawing 18
Mechanical Engineering 15a

Mechanical Engineering 108
Mechanical Engineering 112a
Applied Mechanics 2

Metallurgy 35

Annlied Mechanics 107
Mechanical Engineering 100a

Mechanical Engineering 112a

Electrical Engineering 21



Minutes of the University Faculty — Feb. 21, 1944

Depertment and

Number of
Qtr. Hrs.



of Credit__
Shoo Practices AST 406a 1
Electric CirCuits AST 414 7
Engineering Hathematics
AST 403 3
Direct Current Machinery
AST 409 4

Electronics and Associated
Circuits AST 415
Electric Circuits (Tranw
sients) AST 416
(Electric Circuits (Distr.
( Constants) AST 417
(High Frequency and UHF
(Circuits AST 42o
(Raiiation & Propagation
( AST 426
Alternating Current
Machinery AST 410
Communications Networks
AST 422



Servo—Mechanisms and Control

Devices AST 424


Existing University Courses
For Which It ghould be Considered
A Duplication of a Subsfitution


Hechanical Engineering 15b
Elect. Engr. 110a and 114

Elect. Engr. llOb and 115
Physics 114 and Elect. Engr. 131b


Electr. Engr. 132 and


Elect. Engr. 133
Elect. Engr. 116 and 1100
Elect. Engr. 131a

nqr. 107





Surveying (Engineers Spec-
ialist Sch.)

Engineering Draw. Engineers

Specialist School

Topographical Drafting
(Engineers Specialist

Topographical Computing
(Engineers Specialist





(Engr. Draw. la; Civil Engr.
12; Civil Engr. 13, 15, 16a

(Engr. Draw. 1a, lb, 1c;
(C'vil Engr. 18, 72, 170

(Engr. Draw. la. lb, 10;
(Civil Engr. 18, 72, 170

(Engr. Draw. la and 1b;

’ (Civil Engr. 12, 18, 113


The following report of the Rules Committee was adopted:

1. Amend the first sentence of the rule "Unsatisfactory Scholarshiv

and Attendance" to the


Students who are doing unsatis—

factory work or who are irregular in attendance. are reported to
the dean of the college in which they are registered.

The first sentence of the present rule reads:

"Students who are

doing unsatisfactory work, or who are irregular in attendance are
reoorted to their deans.”






















(pn‘fii’firfi: ""7: r . . ..

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Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

2. Add a new rule entitled "Eligibility for Student Employment"
to be inserted in the section on "Miscellaneous" following the

rule on "Change in Courses". The new rule is to be steted as
follows: "A student who is on probation may not be employed by
any denertment or college of the University. However, higher

standards may be required by any department or college for student

On recommendation of the Student Government Assembly, by
Vincent Snagnuolo, President of the S.G.A , the following By—Laws
of that organization were annroved:


1. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the Student Assembly.
the president of the student body shall request the nomination of five
persons by the dean of the college in which the vacancy occurs. To fill
the vacancy. the Assembly may select one of these five candidates or may
ask the dean to submit another list. The appointee shall be sworn in by
the chairman of the Judiciary Cemmittee at the next meeting.

2. The Student Assembly shall meet at least two times a month.

3. All meetings of the Student Assembly shall be open to anyone
in the University.

4. The president of the student body, the viceepresident, and the
representatives to the Student Assembly shall be sworn in and inducted
into office by the chairman of the Judiciary Committee within one week
following an election.

5. A member of the Student Assembly shall be expelled from that
body when he has three unexcused absences from meetings during one
quarter. The power to excuse absences is hereby vested in the President
of the Student Government Association and the faculty advisor.

6. All meetings shall be conducted according to the procedure set
forth in Robert's Rules 3: Order.

7. Henceforth, all reports from committees, both standing committees
appointed by the Assembly or appointed by the President with the approval
of the Assembly, must be submitted in duplicate and in typewritten form.
Two copies of the minutes of committee meetings shall be submitted to the
President to be retained in the files of the Assembly, if the chairman of
the committee deems the minutes necessary.

8. The election of representatives shall take place at least 14
days previous to the expiration of each quarter (excluding the summer
quarter), the exact date to be determined by the Assembly. The Assembly
shall be divided as equally as may be possible into three classes. The
seats of the members of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration



Minutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

of the first quarter; of the second class, at the expiration of the
second quarter; and of the third class, at the expiration of the third


the three elections shall consist of:

so that onemthird may be chosen every quarter.

The classes for




Men Men Women Women fen Men Women Women Men Men Women Women
Arts 3c
Sciences 1 2 2 l 1 1 l l l 2 1
Agriculture 1 man at large 1 l 1
Commerce 1 man at large 1 1
Education 1 1
Engineering 1 l 1
Graduate 1 rep. at large 1 rep. at large
Law 1 man at large
Total Bepree
per quarter 10 9 10






On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the following
course changes were approved:

Math. é Ast. 2. Elementary Mathematics. No quarter hours. A study
of the elementary mathematical principles and operations that are
essential to the comprehension of college courses in elementary


Math g Ast. 25.

Intermediate Calculus.

(A reinstatement of an old course)

Four quarter hours.


To bridge the gap between the Integral Calculus and Advanced Calculus.


To include such topics as Limits, Continuity, Curvature.

Mean Value Theorem and Indeterminate Forms, Series Expansions of

Functions. Hyperbolic Functions, Partial Differentiation, Properties
of Definite Integrals, Reduction Formulas in Integration, and other
(A new course)

advanced forms of Integrals.

Chemistry i.

10 hours lab.)

The following title changes:

Sociology l.

Qualitative Analysis.
ture, 6 hours a week laboratory.

Introductory Sociology.
frOm Principles of Sociology to Introductory Sociology.

Six quarter hours:
(A change from 1 hr. lecture and

3 hours Icon

The title is to be changed

The new

title is proposed as being more appropriate to the actual content of








































Minutes of the University Faculty — Feb. 21, 1944

the course than the old title.

Sociology 112. The Community. The title is to be changed from
Community OrganiZation to The Community. The new title is pro“
posed as being better suited to the comprehensive nature of the

Sociology 101. Poverty and Dependence. The title is to be changed
from Social Dependency to Poverty and Dependency. The new title
has a specificity lacking in the old title.

The following courses to be dropped:

Soc ology lg. Social Origins. Four quarter hours.


Sociology 110. Child Welfare. Four quarter hours,

On recommendation of the College of Education, the following course
changes were approved:

Drop: Education 148. Advisers 2§_Girls and Deans of Women. Four
quarter hours.


Expand: Education 22E} Supervision of Instruction. 5 quarter hours,
as follows:

Education 2253, Supervision of Instruction (4) The development
of supervision, purposes of supervision, organization for supera
vision, planning supervision, use of classroom visitation and
demonstration lessons, use of teachers' meetings and individual
conferences, use of the course of study, use of tests and measures
ments, equipment and supplies, the teacher, and the pupil.

Education 225b. Supervision g£_Instruction (4). Planning of
specific programs for the improvement of instruction which are
to be directed by superintendents, principals. supervisors, of
helping teachers. Special consideration is given to current
programs of ineservice education of teachers as sponsored by
different educational agencies in Kentucky.

President Donovan announced to the Faculty the decision of the
U.S. Army to withdraw a majority of the trainees in the ASTP. He in=
dicated that the teaching assignments at the University would be greatly
lightened by this action and that there should be ample time thereafter
for members of the staff to study and reorganize their courses and to
do research and writing for which there has not hitherto been sufficient
time. He indicated his desire to keep all departments and their staffs
in operation and stressed the importance of maintaining a high morale






m nutes of the University Faculty - Feb. 21, 1944

on the camnus during the remainder of the current period. He suggested
that nothing should be left undone to have the University fully prepared
for a great influx of students following the war.

President Donovan also announced the general convocation to be
held in Alumni Gymnasium on February 22. with Governor Willis and Major
General Charles Scott scheduled as the speakers.



Minutes of the Lniversity Faculty m Marca 13, 1944

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hell
Monday, harch 13, at 4 paMo President Donovan nresided. Members absent
were E, F. Ferouhnr, N. F. Gallaway, i. B. Hamilton, Bernie Shively,

B» E. Brewer, W. P. Garr“gus, H. 7. Price, J. S. Horine, and Vincent

The minutes of February 21 were read and apnroved.

The following recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences
were presented to the University Faculty by Dean Boyd:

1, That the following nsychology courses be listed also as
sociology courses:
Sociologv 9. Individual Develooment and the Grouno (Same
course as Psychology 8, Individual Differences).


Sociology 21. The Child in fipciety. (Same course as Psychology
7, Psychology of the Child.





S 'C’IUP‘I'. 1040 E‘ -;'11 r 110 ()Q‘Yu ( (stifle Corrse 3's PE”: .1010?) ‘
MM OC-nC :ESS (: l 1 Sn

1 I' ‘ \

O‘l'i‘fi SOClril PQ3YCHQ' 0;;ng " L :V

Sociology lll. PsychOwSocial Relations in Industry. (Same
cou_se as Psychology 106, Indistrial Psychology).


These courses are to be taught, as in the nest, by members
of the Psychology Department.

2. That the following new course in physics be annroved: