xt76hd7ns287 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7ns287/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1999 1999 1999-02-12 2020 true xt76hd7ns287 section xt76hd7ns287  



Free party!

Pizza, drinks and a DJ -
all for free! The
Council along with
Student Government
Association is having
a dance in the
Student Center
Grand Ballroom from
9 pm. to i am.

Campus legends

Fact, fiction

True! Student gets
tuition money by
asking for one cent
from each person via
a newspaper column.
Columnist Bob
Greene helped along
a Michigan student.

True! Students find
rolled-up carpet;
take and unroll in
dorm room to find
body. Happened at
Columbia University.
Check out the New
York Times, Jan 30,

True! Student dies after
getting stuck in
Cornell fraternity
chimney, l992-93.

True! Brown student
allergic to peanuts
dies from eating at
restaurant that
served chili with
secret ingredient of
peanut butter.

False! Girl is alone at
home/dorm with dog;
sleeps; hears noise
and a dripping sound;
is frightened but
reaches to dog and
feels a lick; goes
back to sleep. In
morning, finds dog
hanged in shower
and note under bed
that says ”humans
can lick too.”

False! Two coeds alone
in dorm: one goes to
study; other in
room; roomie hears
heavy dragging
sounds; blocks door;
hears scratches;
waits til morning;
opens door to find
other coed with ax
in head who was
scratching for help.
Variation: note left
behind “aren't you
glad you didn't open
the door?"

True! A number of
campuses have
occasional panic
scares because of a
dorm that allegedly
meets the
description in a
prediction of a

True! People's lawn
gnomes/elves stolen;
owners were sent
letter/pics from
exotic locations with
the ornament.

- Source:





Hi Lo

Cold. cold and more
cold. Guess that ground-
hog was just playing a
cruel joke on us.










February 12, T999

‘1 54 gr w*em«-¢n. ., .





Volunteers bring a splash of good cheer to
patients at annual Valentine's Day party

By Richard Cook

Sitting alone in a hospital
bed with tubes connecting you to
strange machines that make
strange noises can be disheart-
ening for anyone especially if
you‘re a child.

That’s why the Lexington
Dream Factory visited the UK
Children‘s Hospital yesterday to
host their annual Valentine‘s
Day party for the children in the
hospital ward.

“They came the first year
and said as they were leaving
that they‘d be back next year."
said Mary Kana. a child life spe-

cialist at the hospital.

Special entertainment in-
cluded Cambo the Clown and a
visit from Lucky. the Thor-
oughblades' mascot. Food and
balloons rounded out the festiv-

Many of the children. be-
cause of the seriousness of their
illnesses. could not attend the

“We have kids in the burn
unit. for instance." Kana said.
“(The party) comes to them."

The Dream Factory hosts
the party to give the kids in the
hospital a chance to forget
their illnesses and have a good





rooms at Monti HILERI morn sour

Carnbo the Clown (top) extended a friendly hand to some kids at the UK Chil-
dren's Hospital, while Bob Golf (above), of the Dream Factory, played guitar.

“Often these kids have been
in the hospital since they were
two or three." said Debbie Felic-
1y. :1 Dream Factory volunteer.
“Their reaction (to the party) is
one of surprise and overall exv
citement. It's a chance for them
to do something outside their
normal routine."

The Dream Factory was
founded in I988 to help fulfill the
dreams of seriously ill children
in Kentucky.

The organization is made up



Students to ring in

Even without millions of fireworks, organizers
say Chinese New Year will come in with a bang

By John lampier

Watch out for rabbits next
Tuesday night _, their year is

To celebrate. the Chinese
Student and Scholar Association
will host its annual Chinese New
Year Celebration this Saturday


Kentucky from 5 pm -10 pm. at UK’s Bap-
Kamo] tist Student Center.

“This is the biggest celebra-
VOL “'0‘ 'SSUE “99 tion we have all year." said Xi-

awei Jiang. a graduate student

ESTABLISHED IN ‘89? in Public Policy and Adminis-
lNDEPENDENT SINCE l9?! tration.

On average. 300 people show
News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:

I . - ... t “
m-oe cocoooooooo-*coocj-~

up to the event each year. said
Leo C ii. president of the associa-
tion. With the capacity of the
center being 350. Cai said ticket
sales are limited to about 250.
with about another 50 printed
depending on demand.

“New Year‘s is like Thanks-
giving for the Chinese people."
Cai said. “Normally. families get
together and have a big reunion
and eat a big meal.“

Carrying with the tradition.
a dinner will be catered at the
celebration by Panda Garden. a
restaurant on New Circle Road.
As a favor to the association.
Panda Garden will cater the food

entirely of volunteers and is sup
ported by contributions by local
businesses and individuals

To date. Fi’llt‘i}' said. the or:
ganixation has I‘olt'illod
.‘itlodroams. ranging from ‘silllliit'
shopping strives to Wal Mart to
trips to Disney World. (‘omput
ers. Fchely said. are quickly ln‘
coming the most popular wish


“()ne of the first dreams we
granted was a little red wagon "
she said. “We will cater to what
ever the children want.”

Year of the Rabbit

at cost. and also provided 10 free
buffet tickets for a lucky prize
drawing. Cai said.

Cai said he hoped the cele~
bration will help (‘hinese stu-
dents at UK have a good new
year. and not feel as homesick.

“As foreign students here.
we don‘t get another chance to
celebrate our most important
holiday.“ said Mei (‘hen. a grad
uate student in agricultural eco-

The big celebrations that
most are used to seeing. the
dance. of the dragon. the huge
fireworks displays. and so forth.
aren‘t possible for the associa-
tion. Cai said.

There is a Chinese martial
arts club that performs the drag—
on dances. Cai said. but it is ext»
pensive. and outside of the the

association‘s budget

As for fireworks. (‘ai said
they aren‘t allowed to set them
off. Back in China. though. soy
eral million dollars worth arc set
off in just one hour. he said.

For the celebration at l'K.
aside from the dinner there will
be karaoke. a dance and various
games. said (‘ai.

This year's celebration
marks the end of the Year of the
Tiger. (‘ai said. The Chinese New
Year is based on the lunar calon
dar. and not the solar calendar.
which is why it‘s different.

The (‘hinese New Year‘s col
ebration is open to all l'K stii

"It is the chance to intro
duce our culture [as well as]
good food to non-Chinese stir
dents." (‘hen said.


‘0‘0r‘s"“‘“““0wwe"‘ "

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentuck '. lairigxion

‘ - ‘. ‘ ’ts‘kw evwayew ”raw-mm:


,fi'fi’“ .‘~.-..,



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Students disagree on
the effect coed system
would have on campus



By Pat Clem

Assnnfihrws EDITOR

Forget about gay fraternities
for a minute. What about coed so-
cial fraternities? That’s exactly
what Dartmouth College in
Hanover. Nil. has done.

Officials at the college an-
nounced a plan earlier this week
to abolish sainesex fraternities
and sororities to give students
more choices in living arrange
ments. to cut the number of stu-
dents who live off campus. to re-
duce alcohol abuse and to encour-
age “respectful relations between
women and men." said James
Wright. the college's president.

But the new policy is drawing
the criticism of students , and
not just the ones at Dartmouth.

“That's promoting sex. not
brotherhood and sisterhood."
said Melissa Thompson. an unde-
clared sophomore and member of
Pi Beta Phi at UK.

Some fraternity members
didn't seem to mind the idea.
though. Josh Ives. an architec~
ture freshmen and member of
Lambda (,‘hi. joked that there
should be a “new rule" that says
all members will participate in
“group showers."

The idea of a coed Greek or»
ganization seemed like a hidden
agenda to many.

“I think that's just a cover~up
for trying to get rid of fraterni-
ties." said Todd Wallace. a jour~
ualism sophomore and vice presi-
dent of Programming for Sigma
Phi Epsilon.

But many students were less
optimistic about the proposition.

“It would end Greek life as we
know it." said Kevin Pierce. a me»
chanical engineering senior and
member of Alpha Tau (lmega.

Most of the fraternities and
sororities on campus are nation-
ally based. and letting in mom»
ht-rs of another sex wouldn‘t be
permitted by the bylaws of the
national organization.

“Our national sorority pro
hibits us from being coed. said
Jessica l’erla. a biology senior
and member of Sigma Kappa. "I
don't think a guy could keep up
with all the activities Wt‘ have to
go to anyway."

Others were worried about
messing with the system.

“We‘ve been at UK since
1909." said Pat Farnan. a market-
ing management senior and mem-
ber of AT(). “That‘s 130 years of

The plan is not going over
well at Dartmouth either.

“(Wrightl betrayed us." said
lirad Bingham. a Dartmouth stu»
dent and member of Alpha Delta.
which along with other fraterni-
ties at Dartmouth inspired the
movie Animal House.

“I know of no modern-day
fraternity or sorority who has al-
lowed anyone in of another gen-
der." said Ben Lewis. a Dart-
mouth student and spokesman
for Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Students at the college are or-
ganizing protests and aligning
the support of alumni to fight the
decision. For 17K. though no such
decision looks plausible.

“There is nothing on the
horizon at 17K to lead to (coed or-
ganizations)." said Dean of Stu-
dents David Stockham, ”Certain
ly. our effort has been to strength-
en the Greek system. not do away
with it."






~‘Oa‘ ‘..

, .

i saw swears/e, w .










t' l"'mrraaum12.m "t



The Low-down

Philip Morris hit with big verdict

SAN FRANCISCO When Patricia Hen-




ley was 15, she watched sultry star Susan Hay- om: 3"“ Pitt
ward smoke on the big screen. It was cool. It '0“ ' “W"
was glamorous. She said no one told her it V."
might be deadly. restrain"!
Three decades later. the former three- 0M" 10 I“!
pack-a-day smoker with inoperable lung can- any I ”It'll
cer convinced a jury that Philip Morris Co. who allegedly
concealed the risks and addictiveness of hoisted herself
smoking, and the panel rewarded her by re- into his house
turning the largest verdict ever in a tobacco and made
lawsuit filed by an individual ~ $51.5 million. herself at home
“I feel wonderful,“ said Henley. who for hours.
pledged to donate any money she receives to “he“.
educate youngsters about the dangers of smok- “um, 19,
ing. “This is a great day for the children." was ordered
Henley, 52, won $50 million in punitive Wednesday to
damages Wednesday on top of $1.5 million in not contact the
compensation awarded by the Superior Court actor and to
M 5 1/2. jury a day earlier. stay 100 yards
y , , away from him
year—old More American flights canceled to. three years.
daughter DALLAS ...- Nearly half of American Air-
18 Pafilcu’ lines' flights were grounded yesterday as the
larly airline‘s problems with disgruntled pilots
. grew despite a judge‘s backto—work order. The
93(91th at nation's second-largest airline resumed con—
the tract talks with the pilots‘ union. The airline
said separately it was returning to court in
PrOSPeCt 0f Dallas to ask US. District Judge Joe Kendall
.. meeting to hold the Allied Pilots Association in con-
' Chuckie tempt. Over 200,000 travelers have been
stranded across the country and 2,500 flights
from canceled since Saturday. Pilots are protesting
KW” the slow integration of recently purchased BEEN AWHILE:
' Reno Air into American‘s pay levels. Mickey House
will star this
“MM. .

mm» Reno: Starr won't be Impeded 33:33:33:
“late Show." of his first car-
who I” head up WASHINGTON __. Attorney General toon short since

the world's Janet Reno has pledged that the government 1953 Daily
Meat hand. will not interfere with Kenneth Starr's inves- Varie'ty re rt-
tigation of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. She ed esterda
said no one would impede Starr's continuing Theyaffahle y.
work. But Reno would not comment on re- od t ho
ports that the Justice Department is probing 1' en w
possible legal missteps by the independent helped launch
counsel. an entertain-
ment empire
- will make his
".5. jets bomb Iraq targets 1.1. “mm m
, v . . the 7 ill-
Vi ASHING I‘OIV US. warplanes attacked minute

several Iraqi air defense sites yesterday after
being targeted by radar or seeing Iraqi military
planes violate ”no-fly" zones, the Pentagon
said. The attacks occurred in both the northern
and southern no-tly zones. In the north, U.S.
fighter jets were targeted by radar in each inci-
dent. In the south. Air Force and Navy fighter

“Mickey's New

jets struck two ant1a1rcraft missile sites
radar and equipment after a pair of Iraqi
M10 235 flew into the hotly zone. U S. pilots
returned safely to their bases, according to
the Pentagon, which denied an Iraqi report
that gunners hit an allied plane in the north.

Greenspan faults bank plans

WASHINGTON ,_ Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan yesterday extend-
ed his disagreement with the Clinton admin-
istration over reforming the nation' 5 finan-
cial services Congress has begun the debate
on removing Depressionera barriers among
banks brokerage firms and insurance com-
panies Greenspan endorses a bill that would
give the Federal Reserve more power over
new financial activities.

Stocks end higher; Dow up

NEW YORK — Technology stocks rallied
back yesterday from a five- session knockout
sparking the largest one- -day point gain ever
in the Nasdaq composite and pushing other
market indexes sharply higher The Dow
Jones indusn‘ial average rose 186.15 to end at
9 363. 46, the day‘ 5 high. On the NYSE, gainers
led losers 1, 747- 1,224. The Nasdaq, which is
heavily stocked with technology shares, was
up 95.97 at 2,405.47.

Olympic panel launches shakeup

SALT LAKE CITY _, Salt Lake City’s
Olympic committee yesterday launched a
shakeup that included hiring a new chief —
venture capitalist Mitt Romney. Two leading
members of the committee have resigned.
Gov. Mike Leavitt of Utah announced a reor-
ganization of the Salt Lake Organizing Com-
mittee, including new rules at avoiding con-
flict of interest.

Bomb threat forces evacuation

FORT KNOX ~ A bomb threat at Ire-
land Community Hospital forced the evacu-
ation of patients and employees for several
hours Wednesday.

Military police and dogs searched the
hospital at the Army post but found nothing
out of the ordinary, a post spokesman said.
About 1,500 people, including patients and
hospital staff, were taken to nearby Sadowski
Field House after the bomb threat was called
in around 7:30 am. They were allowed back
into the hospital four hours later.

“Surprisingly, it’s back to normal," hos-
pital spokeswoman Sandra Anderson said.

Hospital officials said the threat came
from a male voice who warned that a bomb
was set to go off right away. About 25 pa-
tients who were admitted to the hospital
were evacuated within 15 minutes, some
still bedridden.

Compiled from wire reports.




til [arty
Career Award
in laslaytea
ea ledaes-

m win I
mm 51m

Research nets prof
presidential award

Dickey one of 60 to receive $500,000 grant over
next five years for Department of Defense project

By Manisll Bhltil
swr 111mm

UK continued the march to-
ward becoming a top 20 research
institution in the nation by receiv-
ing a prestigious award for it's
achievements in the field of mate-
rials engineering.

This one, though, came
straight from the White House.

Elizabeth Dickey, Professor of
Materials Science and Engineer-
ing at UK, received the Presiden-
tial Early Career Award for Scien-
tists and Engineers at a ceremony
held Wednesday in Washington.

The award includes a grant of
$500000 spread over five years and
will fund her project on Interfacial
Phenomenon in Composite Mate-
rials. Established by President Bill
Clinton in 1996. this year’s awards
recognized research by 60 young
scientists and engineers from
across the country that helps sup-
port government missions.

“My research focused on
atomic scale analysis between dis-
similar materials and bonding
across interfaces," Dickey said.
“(The grant) is for graduate stu-
dent support for a research project
for the Department of Defense."

One application of Dickey's re-
search would be to reinforce ce~
ramics with other materials to
make them suitable for high tem-
perature applications. such as air-

craft engines.

Dickey was already involved
in a $4 million project involving
eight UK faculty members from
various disciplines to manufac-
ture carbon nanotubes. Extremely
strong and small in size, carbon
nanotubes have broad applica-
tions that range from microchips
to aircraft design.

“This is wonderful news for
the department," said Eric Grulke,
chairperson of the Department of
Chemical and Materials Engineer-

“We are benefiting from the
Research Challenge Trust Fund
and hope this is an indication of
what we can do in the future.”

The Materials Research Sci-
ence and Engineering Center is
only one of 24 centers in the coun-
try funded by the National Science
Foundation, Grulke said. The cen-
ter focused on advanced carbon
materials, such as the carbon nan-

According to the White House,
eight Federal departments join an-
nually to present their nominees
for the awards who help the agen-
cies by conducting breakthrough
research. The agencies included
the departments of Agriculture,
Commerce, Defense, Energy,
Health and Human Services, Vet-
eran’s Affairs, the Environmental
Protection Agency, NASA and the
National Science Foundation.





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.‘ ..i, '_,
it. ‘~ on;

Luke Saladin
Scene Editor
Fromm-ms l E-muizimiaoopop.m.eou

“a... , . ,,...,-. ,, _..,, _,_ J 1,. If-..m..’.iymmmmw.~w. ... ,


~ my 7 , ,,



PM»+~ . -q .. clef ,.





(J'W‘a .

’ 1:333.-


Sandra Cain,
who taunt
“use In Lu-
llcm tor chit
years. now
out: a line-
tor at the lur-
tln Luther Klan
Jr. Cultural
Center. The
center I:
«m to
bring diversity
to campus in
the term at
dance, film.
plays and other
art India.

was crusrr |





Cultural Director Sandra Cairo determined
to permeate diversity, education on campus

By Jenni!" Schntnrelll


Two students sit at small,
round tables, eating quietly.

Another student lounges in
a chair, studying for her statis-
tics class. An exhausted student
naps on a couch. curled up in a
blanket. Another student comes
in and prepares to show a docu-

Such is the scene at the
Martin Luther King Jr. Cultur-
al Center, where comfort and
respect coincide.

Behind all this comfort lies
Sandra Cairo.

Cairo is the program coor-
dinator for the center, bringing
to campus exhibits, films and
presentations that celebrate
black culture and history.

As an educator, Cairo’s
main focus is, as she puts it, “to
teach people about life, with all
its beauty and its ugliness."

Cairo discovered the avail-
able position through acquain‘
tance Chester Grundy, director

of African-American Student
Affairs. She took the job and
began studying anthropology
while at UK.

She had been working in
the area as a dancer and dance
instructor in Lexington for
eight years before accepting the

After moving to Baltimore
for a change, she returned to
the slower pace of the Blue-

She said that the job at the
center was a great way to do
cultural work in an environ-
ment with people she knew.

Though she went to school
to be a psychologist, she still
uses those counseling and lis-
tening skills in her job at the
center. But as Cairo will admit,
her passion has always been

“It helps me keep my sani-
ty." said Cairo, laughing. She
also uses it “as a tool to teach
people about culture, about


love of dance

Cairo’s court

shaped her life. She performed
with the Sankofa Company in

in Florida, she took classes
with Urban Bush Women, a
company that performed on
campus last year. And she has
seized every opportunity to
teach dance throughout her ca-

Cairo works with the
AFAMBA Cultural Arts Orga-
nization. which works to pro
mote cultural programming in
the community.

She also teaches African
dance classes at area dance stu-
dios and is working on adding
an African dance class to UK‘s

In honor of Black History
Month, Cairo coordinated “Art
for us by us," “an exploratory
journey of the arts” to celebrate
“50 years of African-Americans
at UK.’

The first event was a dance
and creative movement work-
shop taught by Cairo tonight
last week.

The next workshops deal
with the arts of drama, visual
art, creative writing and story-
telling. These workshops will

take place later in the month.

Cairo said the arts are a
great way to teach and to learn.

“The arts are the best medi-
um“ to explore your feelings
about culture and life, she said.
“Sometimes I don’t want to talk
about it. but I can dance about
it or I can draw about it or 1 can
write about it."

Cairo has earned much stu~
dent support for her work with
the center.

“She has a clear vision of
what the center should be
about." said Denise Brown, a
journalism and art studio

And what should the center
be about? Chris Greenwell, a
computer graphics junior, said
the idea is “not just to invite
African-American students in
here, but to unite all the people
in the community."

Brown called the center a
“neutral meeting ground" for
people of all cultures.

The students said Cairo has
taught them to respect and val-
ue black history.

“It's not just black history,
it's American history,“ Green-
well said.



‘Da noise and funk come to area

Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ’Da
Funk groovin' at Cincinnati's
Taft Theatre this weekend

By W! 1'. Path!


They brought ‘da noise and 'da funk,

and Cincinnati loved it.

If there ever was a musical that em-
bodies black culture, history, rhythm and
dance, it would have to be Bring in ’00

Noise, Bring in ’Da Funk.

And tapping it made its way onto the
stage at Cincinnati’s Taft Theatre this


The musical is a lesson of black histo-


mm r mmumvrzméé’i 3"



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The Campus Calendar Is. produced weekly by the Office of Student Actmtres
Postings rrr the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and JK
Departments Information can be submitted rn Rm 203. Student Center or by

C’)F‘l{rl€'llnq a request form on line at


http / www ukyedu StudentCentei

Friday 2/12

Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday rnformatron is to Appem
in the calendar. ror more information call 357-8866



OSocral Theory [Department Lecture 2 om, Singletary Center i’residevt r


ODIsney Movres in French, 5 pm. Bla'rtimq l basement


OUK Gymnastrcs is
Free for students

0UK Women's Yenrius V§ Mrrlrrqan, 5pm, Hillary Boone Terrr ,‘I,L"liL"

Vichrqarr. Crazy Hat Mont, Vemwwrlrr .eiir‘


'UK Softball \s Nrrholrs State 11.15 am, ‘dTeIas


ry through spoken word and choreogra-
phy. Starting with a fantastic opening tap
number, the mood quickly changes with a
song called “Slave Ships," which un-
doubtedly pulls at the heartstrings of any
ethnicity when a performer rhythmically
sways as if he is on a slave ship during a

The history of the Africans continues
to the slave times in America. To aid the
audience, three screens of text and graph-
ics were used effectively throughout the
show, including the anecdote: “Following
the Sept. 9, 1739 slave uprising, known as
the Cato Conspiracy, the South Carolina
State Legislature issues a series of laws
banning the use of any form of drums by

But that didn’t stop the slaves, or the
performers from an amazing number
called “The Pan Handlers." The pan han-
dlers wear vests adorned with pots and

They play them — on themselves and
on each other —- aggressively.

Behind them is a huge display of pots
and pans, cups and farm tools where the
two continue to find ’da beat.

The beat's delivery is something of
wonder and amazement as well. During
the course of the show, performers go

AAA-“ a. I“ ‘.0¢.~. tr.
V -- :7 Wet ~ «M



Bring in '00 Noise, Bring In '0: rm Iron tour Tony Awards in I996. The show is a unique blend of

Attica history and dance.

through 40 bottles of water. destroy four
to six drumsticks every show and destroy
three trash cans per week. The average
survival rate of a pair of tap shoes is
three weeks.

The history of Africans progresses
throughout times of slavery and lynch-
ing, moving North to Chicago, Industrial-
ization, the Chicago riots, and on to mod-
ern-day Los Angeles and Harlem.

The most moving musical number
came at the end with the “Gospel/Hip
Hop Rant (1987)," where the screens pro-
ject a barren wasteland of dilapidated
buildings and vacant lots.

While 'da Singer (played by Debra
Byrd) laments of old times, ‘da Voice
(Thomas Silcott) asserts his selfish atti-
tude: “And I don’t care / ‘Bout shit / Ain't
gone git no AIDS / But I'm gonna / Keep
gettin‘ paid / Harlem ain‘t / Never/
Gonna change."

Three things combined to make this
show astonishing: Byrd’s radiant and an-
gelic voice (her voice was similar to
Aretha Franklin‘s, though she could blow
Franklin away!), the feverish tap dances
and the well-placed slapstick comedy.

The embodiment of black culture. his-
tory, rhythm and dance opened to an
eclectic and warm, not to mention sold-
out audience, whose screams of awe and
wonder and an instant standing ovation
guarantee the message was clear: spread
'da noise and ‘da funk.

Remaining performances include Fri-
day, Saturday and Sunday nights. includ-
ing matinee performances on Saturday
and Sunday.

Tickets range from $32.50 to $58.50.
Tickets may be ordered from Ticketmas-
ter by calling 257-TICS or online at Ticket-
master‘s homepage, http://www.ticket~

OUK Baseball vs Flurrda Atlantic Lil'ilxe’Sliy 7 pm. ‘1 i‘.


OMardr Gras Party 8 l.“ on Newnar {.entm Vin Hal
0Club Blue Dance 9 1 pm. Student Center brand
Ballroom, Free erKrD


'Catholrr Mass («rmr Newmmrrpmg.

Sunday 2/14

K‘,grr< Piano Trio, 80m. Sinnletary Ce'r'e'



OChamber Musrc So: let\
Free w/UKID

2}}, .. .

sepals ~ " ‘
OUK Softball vs, rrrmmmm, 3 45pm, 'a' 70!/l§‘%}


OUK Men's Tennrc fl Hr, «‘L M d Boston
OUK Baseball VS. Haida A: i' ‘ We'srtv. 7 pm I n
OUK Men's Golf 0 llrjrnia «w’ " "\Matronm

OUK Rrile Ncaa Sectlura’k r l‘.‘ n “V ..
OUK MEN‘S Basket! Hi it ~ 7" alrillrra, 4 pm, le' Arena


WMS - -“
OCatholic Ma<§ 94m " l 4" ' mi RXOpm.Nev~mavr(enter
'Sunday Mornrnq Wm sir i' " 4.’N,‘*rr|<(la" (\i‘tldf‘”? leilrmshrp


0erd Water Cats Punt \Qfi‘x-t ' . ‘pnr Lancaster Aquatrc (enter i.0§i $1.


for info zmerkrnftica My 9 in




.4n~~-.... 7".




. ,, ‘. f Washington wire


. : Winding

‘ WASHINGION - Poised to
acquit President
Clinton, senators
returned yesterday
to their secret
deliberations at the
impeachment trial
with the lone
remaining drama
centering on whether
even a simple
majority will vote for
his conviction and
removal from office.
A vote is expected

Law of

Can you match these key
phrases in the law
with the article they
appear in?

a. “We hold these truths
to be self-evident,
that all men are
endowed by their
creator with certain
unalienable rights,

.- that among these are
» life, liberty and the
pursuit of

b. "Congress shall make
no law respecting an
establishment of
religion, or
prohibiting the free
exercise thereof

c. "We the people of the
United States, in
order to form a more
perfect union,
establish justice,
ensure domestic
tranquillity, provide
for the common

d. “The Congress shall
have the power to
lay and collect taxes.
duties, imposts and

e. “The right of citizens
of the United States
to vote shall not be
denied or abridged
by the United States
or by any state on
account of sex."

f. "The first contention
is a broad claim that
the separation of
powers doctrine
precludes judicial
review of a
President's claim of

btsziqsurisj btiAijeds‘
blotsqsq nuqst pie
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NEW l‘ 26Ci!°U 8 0i
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juqebsuqeuce: p:
Decistsjiou 0;
mu: s: we


Readers are
encouraged to submit
letters to the editor and
guest opinions to the
Dialogue page.
Address comments to:

"Letters to the


Kentucky Kernel

Editorial Editor

35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Building

University of


Lexington, Ky.


Send electronic mail to


Letters should be
about 200 words; guest
opinions should be no
longer than 600 words.

All material should be
type-written and double-

lnclude your name
and major classification
(for publication), as well
as your address and
telephone number for

“*Ffiiflv‘wsl , . .I

. .o .m— npoo‘moooooor¢¢o“w 0"














@ Expressions

each low rise holds 166 students.
So that comes to roughly $52,000
extra that K-II has collected in
three years. Gee. the K-II weight To the editor:
room must kick ass with all that —“’—‘
extra funding, right?

What a damn joke.

The only new equipment that
has been put in the weight room in
three years is a decline bench, a

Wellness dorm
makes this
student very ill

To the editor:


Kudos for Sims
and her fighting
for our rights

I wholly applaud the effort of
Marian Moore Sims. UK’s Board of
Trustees needs to be accountable
not only to the administrati