xt76hd7ns14b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7ns14b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1986 1986 1986-01-20 2020 true xt76hd7ns14b section xt76hd7ns14b —_______________________—____________________—__

A N Vol. XC. No. Q . ‘ffli'yséé'gt‘z I 3.__’? " ' W3“ ~: Untversity of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Wt gm. 197] Monday, January 20, wet»
OW : ‘ I V —. —- ,
King holiday celebrated W‘th march speeches I ‘ '
2 O . ‘ I, n ‘ V ; ‘ ‘
Campus, my ‘ Rights leader ' ' f - » >
986 g .:$ 5 r- recounts llfe . .-
to hono K' "“ ‘ ' r . . _: .: . ; .

r ing ,.. . ta! in Alabama , x _ . . ..
ByElilZABI-ZTHCARAS ’ ~ " V A it By SCUTI‘WARI) .. .' _- .
Editor-in-Chief .' ' ‘ ' I ' . , Special PFOJPCL“ Edit” ‘I " .". LI 2 ‘ C";

w - ‘ _ . j 5‘ ‘ -. ' .‘ g . ,r .. i: .5

“Living the Dream.“ The meaning 432 g . .. 2‘“ ‘ ..‘ ‘ l 33 Although few “'Ollld deny that he t."- .3531
of yesterday's march commemorat- 2 . '- . . . ' has a right to be. the Rey Fred J’ .' . 6. f)-
ing the nation's most famous civil ‘ Shuttlesworth is not a bitter { ‘ rI.;.' -.' ”~23?
rights leader wasn‘t written on the ’ . 2' ’ . r" «‘(Z‘KH . .. man."l've been bombed. I've been ‘ .._ 72:}.
banner infrontoftheprocossion. gr ' ' " 2 ' 2 .9. pg. ‘ I. " -. " “ *’ dragged through the streets. but I .‘ -‘ ‘, '5?" ': it

it was written on the faces of the U‘” ‘ _ i r 2‘ (“‘2‘ 8 .- 2~ ‘i' Q have sunshine in my soul.“ he said ‘ . .- . -‘,‘ ‘ i“?
more than 1.200 blacks and whites = 2“ . I ; f t " ‘, ‘~ , ’ 3 ._ sf; 3“ . inaspeech Friday. . -' v. "._“,,
who disregarded cold and snow to * _\ ‘. .' . ‘. ‘.\ , f1“ 2“" ‘ ‘5 The civil rights leader. who has . 3!
take a somimite walk around cam- ‘ s . . " 92:, . f 1 \ _ “. is: f , ~ been jailed more than 30 times. was '. . .
pus and another 1,800 who attended ‘” ' 2 . .“ a p. . - ‘t ' h 5 h" .“ talking as part 0i the recognition 0‘ ‘h I - -. .4
a commemorative ceremony for . .’ « , ha ' ' ‘ 2 't' t . a c..- Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, . ._;-. ~I . .
Martin Luther Kinng. 3 ’5 t» ' . "’ -. . 1‘7 ..f'"‘ / He Spoke to about 45 petiole in the ' p ' ;‘.‘

The first marchers. arm-in-arm or > 3°} .».‘«_ 'I " '- {I ‘ " . .' it" gallery of the MI King Library . I'v. ‘. , ’3‘
hand-in-handh sangtanttzg aha“ (IQ/er- c ’3 I _ \ II . .4' h. :32? hlileEVOhtirgu‘mt 1anld 9:26;; . - .- .

o “ j . . “I _, , ’I .;-’ S ' ‘\‘ l S . , ' ‘ . _-
3:2; 32m el‘Vigmhrial Chlliseufr: 2"“ . , "‘5 5/ t; ‘ i , ‘ fl”; t‘ . 3 1’ V 3 *“ movement- “ 9 ' 2' '
They were followed by the rest of ,. ' ‘ ‘. if: , A. ”3 r h 3V Shuttlesworthtwho is pastor of the ~ - f
the marchers, some representing 4" , . ,a ”.‘itt ‘rn’ 5‘ -—~ ‘3'}: .3, ‘5 “r. ' - Greater New Light Baptlht Churt‘h . , .5
about 30 campus and community . , . I f ’ , ' I: v’ . .§ . . ., r 2 2 in Cincinnati. has been involved in . ', g 2. ' . .
gm‘fia ‘" ‘5? 33°55?“ “mi" ‘ 7 ' ~ j ' ’ *5“ 4.... .. » .5 , $30331 555?? 333513" i223: ~ . - ‘
woun .own as mg on venue o A... , , r. '3 , .. 4 . - - I.) . a; h 1‘. u M" . . - _ . - ~ .
South Limestone Street and back to . {h , ,1 . 4t , 4 , w l {g . founder and board member of the x . . I .
thecoliseum. V' a, -. v” 0 x g} .i" _ ’ a - ~ ' ' . ‘ . Southern Christian Leadership Con- ‘I . 2 . .* 'r

Some people walked quietly by ’ ‘ =2 . " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . — -' , l .. ference.akey civil rights group '~ 5, -
themselves hands on their hearts; ' ‘ a, ‘1:- ., a -' . . a.” ' ’ He was a minister 1“ Birmingham. . .
some carried tape recorders playing “mum KemelStaH Ala. where the National AssoCIatlon ‘ . I ' ‘ 2

, . .. n . . . . . . for the Advancement )i Colored ‘ ' ’ .

3:13: 'oiInel‘t‘ia‘t‘lfi‘ei: ghiapg‘insgenghlg The leading group at the Martin Luther King Jr. march fight gust- l.8-mile stretch. About 1,200 marched around campus to cele- People "was trying to move things ' -
hymnshrspirituals. ing winds and snow flurries yesterday as they prepare for the brute the first national King holiday. along.” ‘ ' '

Toward the end of the procession. . But the NAACP was outlawed in ‘ . ‘.~ I‘ '
the serene atmosphere was replaced UK student Howard Ray sang an a I‘ There has been a shotgun mar— 1956. “one state legislator got up on . . .
with political exhortations from cappella version of “Deep River.” riage between uncaring politics and the floor of Alabama and said ‘Gen- '
some of the liberal organizations in and Greg Spotts, also a UK student, unethical religion.“ said the 1958 UK tlemen. we got the old goose that . . , , . . .
the march. Members of the Lexing- re-enacted King's famous “1 Have a graduate. referring to Reagan and layed the golden egg.‘ “ Shuttles- ' . .
ton Task Force on Latin America Dream“speech. the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Who he worth. 63. said. But. "he didn't know -
led chants of “Free South Africa" But the keynote speakers stole the Called the titular head of the Protes- that before they got the goose. ‘ -
and“Mandela yes,Reagan no." show, as their jokes. anecdotes and tant underworld. ’ the egg had hatched." The egg. he ' .

William C. Parker, vice chancellor sermon-like phrases brought ap- “They were united somewhere in .. ‘5 said. was the tendency that had de- . '
for minority affairs, who directed plause from theactive audience. the dark, in a shotgun marriage. 0; velopedtoward non-Violence - . _
th‘s involvement in the event. “Every time blacks and whites with the devil presiding over the :fi He said he and other movement - .
opened the ceremony, saying King and all others place arm-in-arm, ceremony t 32" organizers. including King. decided . - ‘

- “never stopped pursuing his ideas heart-in-heart it is because in Jones ended his 30-minute talk » _ . ,‘x a“ to try to affect change through a , . '
and never gave up on people __ even part to Dr, Martin Luther King,“ with a story exemplifying the diffi- _ " ' ‘ .. slow. legal course. because "we , . .
his enemies." said the Rev. Don Herren, pastor of culty in getting into heaven. When thought that all you had to do . ,

That story of King's dedication Southern Hills United Methodist King reached that gate. he said,God , . , was to prick the consCience of ,. .
and perseverance was reiterated by Church in Lexington. “it is a far even tOld the angels to get back. », America. because we believed. andl . - . I ‘
Mayor Scotty Baeslar as he read a better world because he passed our “Get back angels. get back angels,“ . ‘-, . ' still believe. that there's some good 2
proclamation naming Jan. 19 Martin way.“ he yelled. “Martin is coming home.” 3 . ’ .3. l in America. i still like to sing that -. .
Luther King Day in Fayette County, The celebration didn‘t end after j , I » . song." he said. as he began to speak I‘ ,~ ‘ I
when the crowd recited a litany and The Rev. William A. Jones of the the ceremony, as people wiped tears .s '. “f the words: "America. America. God . ‘ ' , . ' .
when group representatives placed Bethany Baptist Church in Brook- from their eyes and hugged their 1.217 .' ‘ l shed his grace on thee. and crown .. , - , .‘ .,
lit candles on a candelabra. Sandra 1th N.Y.. brought the audience to friends and relatives. h thy good with brotherhood from sea ‘ ‘. » ‘. . ' . . ,
Williams of Lexington led the sing- "5 feet With his political opinions, Parker said he was delighted. but “mum “""M'm' ‘0 shining sea-H . ' ' f ,
' -- _ l ' ' ‘ not ur "ed "th th t ' . . . ,, in the 19'0s. Shuttlesworth re- . I . .
hngfifhthsndhaxéeslgiprbnirgemgg :gnleimlsrégaEzsgdagiigangagnfo;fihfi expefcteFdnist." 2):: said? tin-23:: “‘3: Greg Dunniaan, a busmessI economics freshman. po$itions the dicted that :lhe Ku Kux Klan Stats 11 ' ‘ ' . -
as the crowd joined hands, swaying mative action, terrorism and the un- that people in [hm area. given the candles during the candlelightlna ceremony yesterday at the going to throw a stick of dynamite . I. V, : _ . I i ; .'
back and forth. employment rate opportunity would do lt.” Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration. \CC I [ADEIL Pagc.‘ 9; , . . . - ,- I.
Pro ram W'] t f G t 't

g 1 dca s eed on a or bai - -

’ 2;)“ Plow! In in it tlu rh ii pl lp - i '.‘. - .3“ -':‘l‘

celebrates ,, ‘ writ” ‘ = ,. l : 2‘ I' TI‘ "~‘"' -. ,

Hevmctl * ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ 'r . ‘ _ - , . i : .» ',

Second consecutive road Wln keeps Kentucky atop SEC 1213:?“ i Z . : i I i i .. -‘ 51:.

. {- Dad-nae: ~' ‘i ‘ t : .z : »' -‘ ' ~. ‘ , ' .‘l.

Itlfllll I i . ’ ’ ‘ -" i '4 « ‘ ‘," r

annlversary ‘ ByJASON WILLIAMS ”We do a lot of talking and coun- with their teamwork on their own Iii... . . -,'. ,I . --
m ‘ Staff Writer seling to get our players prepared man-to-man holding the Gators to 1&8 not: : : . ., , ‘I ‘ I

H . ' V for that." UK coach Eddie Sutton percent from thefield. 2‘3”“ ‘ ‘ I '1‘? '. .‘ i,“ a.)
~ ‘ GAINESVILLE, Fla. —— It was said of his team‘s attitude on the “For the most part. we had a poor “’I‘ i . " .‘a i,‘ ‘ :‘.‘. l‘ .
onors recognlzes ' .. only play money the basketball fans road. “Anyone can play at home offense.“ said Florida coach Norm {:1 i - .' t. "i ‘ .- '. I‘,‘.5.."“
at O‘Connell Center threw at the with the crowd behind you. To win Sloan. whose team fell to 8-6 Overall in» 2» s5 u :i u l9 I‘ <2 l‘ =_'.- if.’ " :g}
25 years at UK . Wildcats Saturday. but UK still took on the road. you have got to be men- and 3-3 in the SEC “We had too _‘ _‘ " .= .. ." ;. ' "fl". 1
~. » ‘A the money and ran at the Florida tally tough." many forced shots.“ 1, 2' J. "t- g
. I I . ‘ Gators'expense. The Cats were just that from the “The great equalizer is good. solid . ‘ ~ .y ; 'I-{I
militia) AME ELuorr - l e The nth—ranked Wildcats used 3 opening tip. Although the Gators‘ defense." Sutton said. whose team is M ”1‘3"???“ m . .. 2 'I
Staff Writer / - strong. early start to ravage Florida pressure bothered UK at first, it was now 14-2 and 5-1, “and that has care t into. i - , ; t ‘ 2 ' . ‘ ’ It i".

. . ‘ 1‘ 72-55 in a regionally televised game all over past the midcourt line. when ried us all season long. That is the l' 1M: 4 w r _ ; . , _‘I‘.

Light the birthday candles. ‘1‘ - and remain the Southeastern Confer- Florida went to a surprising man-to— one thing which never varies “ :2‘ ' f ‘ . f ‘ 4 , . , . .2 .
. Th? "090's ngla’“ ‘5 “3‘9"?" ' enceleader. mandefense. Another constant is the unruly . : I. ,1 .' : . ‘ g ' . _ .
”lg “5 SHIV" anniversary tonight A II t d “l was expecting a 2-3 zone like Florida student section. which threw um»... ,, . . _~ L ._~ ' , I .~ ~ '= .' .
w‘i‘t‘haspeCialerogram. RAYMOND BETTS omecsiethm 320‘” {or “1914 wel- what most teams play against us.“ objects on the court and shouted vul— . ‘- ~ - ~ . .‘ . ‘ ‘ .

Our intention '.5 to have a modest in of coiensvm (lingl eam With show: said senior forward Kenny Walker. garities at the players. The Cats 1 ‘ I .. . '. .
celebration that is in keeping With . an Pay paper money who ls accustomed to gomg against took it in stride. \I ’ . . . .‘ ‘ _
the Honors Program's position as a The ”08“?!“ has Strgsed that all m an apparent allusmn to recent al- three players under the basket. “That's in the plan." said sopho- I ‘ .~ T ' ' ' - ‘
special small scale unit in the Uni- faculty be )omtly appomted, SO the legatlons 0f Payments [0 UK Fla)" "When I saw that mamto—man de. more guard Ed Davender “We eh. lulals 2.! on v I4 ti I: . ‘ ‘ ‘ '
versity community." said Raymond teafhzrs WW“ ‘hhaV: thtenopportunl- ers. tense, my eyes lit up.“ pect things like that. You can't let it h

. . , .. Illimr . . um. l)! \ «uilmu i»:
Betts.director ofthe program. thei: "Sarge: 22min] grits: During the game the Wildcats When Walker 5 eyes lit up for 25 bother you. an“; ”‘51:“ .13...,.‘ m Chm...” ' .

Betts. who has served as director room inst‘l-uctorsmBetts S: id were motivated by the hostile atmo- pOints and 10 rebounds. the lights Davender's fancy move to the iii loch-ndn Ll . . ,

”Sleight ye‘t‘t‘i: :31? the geltehlfahon Betts said he sees more change in Sphere, however. they were very re- went out for Florida. The Cats were hoop early in the game gave UK the ‘ "~"“ ’
wr cover is or 0 r0- .
gram from its start tottblepresent.p thefaculty than inthestudents. laxed before the game. hardly a one man team. though, 5” M'T' pas“: ' '

Activities. which include several . . . . .

. . “i doubt very severely that the . . . R f h t d l d .
short resentations and a rec tion. . ' .. . .
will bepéin at 8 p m in the UK ecpenter students have Changed any. more - ‘» ‘33: ecovery 0 cras Vlc lms e aye
for the Arts Recital‘Hall than other students. he said. But , at:

St D' h the ‘t' tdi t the students, he added. are a “self- ‘ " " ‘ , . . . . , f ~h't .

even lac un. "'3 rec 0" selected group." They are “students . GUATEMALA CITY tAP) __ Bad Elena airport. about 150 miles north immediate determination o w a
of the Honors Program; Art Gallah- who are looking for a slightly differ. the I." Km continued weather yesterday forced an end to of Guatemala City. while flying tour~ caused the CF35” I
9'3 chancellor for the 14°30'18”" enteducationalopportunity." M roam up and down shuttle flights returning bodies from ists to the ancient Mayan ruins of The first 12 bOdlcS were brought ‘
Elih‘grgsstuii'ihltm Dlzlr‘lfik't‘liatt ‘3‘ 2:1? m to.” to Florida For the isolated northern jungle site Tikal. 'batCk latt'e Sfturdaytmgglfb cagpltall S

i . ‘ ' ' » where 93 lo rished in the Allaboardwerekilled. tn ernaiona aerOT- - I“ re 3'
rent Honors student. and Betta will chmedshuufie‘h‘: fg‘causlty “boats gang: M. Mm. 70.03. worst air ”gym Gitemalan histo- tives jammed the tiny waiting room
bethefeaturedspeakers. the early years of the program. ry. Eight Americans were among The. airline earlier put the death of the Aerovias terminal. waiting to

Also, 11 students Will be awarded Many of the teachers had back- “J... On Dob. a flock oc- the dead. toll at 90. including six Americans. besummoned to identify the hOdleSa
“50 scholarships. Betta “'d the grounds in comparative literature. “‘9' CM” his m. The twinengine Caravelle jet of but yesterday it said two other They huggedeach other. Weeping-
scholarships being awarded are “but now we have a faculty that is ‘3' w p" the “a.” no II- the private airline Aerovias crashed Americans and a Guatemalan were as the first Victims were brought
ggfrchhtSlbuggfiah: mllhm 0‘ morediverseasfarasdiscipline." w" ‘ L P I O ' Saturday as it approached the Santa among the victims, There was no Into the hangar.
ion of the faculty‘s appreciation of ‘ ' H , o
the students intheprogram. The one constant element Betts

1... HM mm m mm, m .n me he“... mm“, a, orner s brother recovering from transplant
in 1959 by the UK Board of Tnistees. years is the “strong commitment to . _ . .

The first class. which consisted of 37 outstanding undergraduate educa- . . ~ . . . ' start reports Romond said Homer. the brother Scott Homer received marrow do-
:tzudents. was heatinaohollowim ece- tion. . M“! h. m of Atlanta Braves first baseman Bob hated by his brother. Bob Homer

mm year. people “'9 -‘ ‘ Homer. was doim well. but it would was discharged from the Medical
currently enrolled tritium-m Emphasizing its importance, Bette ' M “I W h Scott Homer‘s bone marrow trans- be two weeks before the success of Center yesterday morning.

Duriru its 25-er hum-y, mew-o. seid, "the long and influential hieto- M? . fl 2.I plant surgery went off “without a thetrnmplantcmildbedetermined. Scott Hornet. 25. lived nearly a
gram has undergone only a few ry of the Honors Prop-am at UK is a in“ _ W a: I; ._.f.-'.; -flH hitch“ Friday. said Dr. Edward Ro- yeer with controlled leukemia be-
mejor changes, the most significant clear mark of this imtitution's com- " . “°‘ ‘ * mend. one of the surgeons who per. "All the treatments are over fore sidferinC I relapse ll" Septem-
being the establishment of the cur- mitment to undergraduate education » ~21). formed the operation at the UK with.“ he said. “We list have to bet. when he decided to undergo the
rent curriculumin lens. of on outstanding orda.“ “its .: 4w 3. Medical Center. wait endeeehewthis thing goes.“ transplant operation.

 = l
2- RWYKWEL My. my” 7“

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

. ‘ publication date.
e Academics Late registration for returning students who 0 Sports: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Cincin- fl
did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late nati: Memorial Coliseum: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-6046
. admission 520 late fee required 0 Academics: Late registration for returning students who “20; E.T.; 5115; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7.1237
0 Other University of Kentucky Honors Program- Recep- did not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late 170; Hannah and Her Sisters- Free Premiere- Worsham
‘ '. tion following Center for the Arts, 7 pm. CaII7-3145 admission: S20late fee required Theatre: 2p.m.; Call 7-1287
' . : 0 MOVIES, E15 Open to students, faculty staff 8 guests. 0 Academics: Last day to enter an organized class for l/21:E.T.;$1.7S: Worsham Theatre; 7:30p.m.;Call 7-1287
3 ‘ 51 75 Worshomtheotve 7 30pm CNN-1287 Spring semester 1 22:E.T.:$1.7S:Worsham Theatre;7:30p.m.;Ca|l7-1287
" 7 ' 0 Movies Hannah and Her Sisters- Free Premiere- Open to O Academics: Last day to officially w draw from the Uni- 1,23; E.T.;$1.75:WorshamTheatre;7:30p.m.:Ca|l7-1287
,: - ' students faculty stall 8 guests Free Worsham Theatre 2 versity and receive an 809/. refund 1,24: Buckaroo Banzai; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30
-‘ :. p.m Call7-l287 0 lntramurals: Entry deadline for Intramural Basketball, p.m.:Call7-l287
, . g 0 Meetings International Student Council Meeting Bradley entries turned in at managers meeting; Worsham Theatre: 1 25: Buckaroo Banzai; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30
' ' Hall lounge 4 p m Call 7-6601 5 p,m.; Call 7-2898 p.m.; Call 7-1287
- - ‘ 0 Movies. ET: Open to students, faculty, stall 8 guests; 1 27: F X: Free Premiere; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.;
' y ' 51,75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30pm.: Call 7-1287 Call 7-1287
‘ 0 Other Baptist Student Union- TNT- Tuesday Nite Togeth-
,- '_. ‘ V - ' er' 429 Columbia Ave, 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3989
I ~ A i . 0 Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting; 115 3
_, ‘ . ‘ SC 4pm. Call7-8867 “ / ARTS & CONCERTS
. .y I ‘ g
. ' /
I V ' 1/24: UK Opera Theatre: Nieolai's 'The Merry Wives of
I i I Windsor': S5-pub., $3-stu.; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call
‘ ' 7-4929
1 24: Spotlight Jazz Series presents Nancy Wilson; Sii-in-
' dividual ticket: Memorial Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-1378
125: UK Opera Theatre: Nicolai's ‘The Merry Wives of
. - Windsor'; SS-pub., $3-stu.; Center for the Arts: 2 p.m.; Call
‘ - , 7-3145
' ' 1 '26: Center Sundays Series: Patricia Montgomery, piano:
, — - V cen'er ’or 'he Ans; 3 pm co” 7-3‘45
0 Other Blood Drive at UK Medical Center ° Sports: UK Basketball vs, Georgia at home: Rupp Arena SPORTS
0 Movtes ET. Open to students, faculty staff 8 guests ' M0vies: E.T.; Open to students, faculty, staff 8 guests;
51 7S Worsham Theatre 730 pm. Call 7-1287 $1.75, Worsham Theatre: 7:30 pm; Call 7-1287
. ' Meetings SAB Concert Committee meeting 228 SC 5 0 Meetings: PRE-VET Club meeting; 106 Animal Path.; 7:30
, p m Call 78867 p.m., Call 254-8254
0 Other Getting Your Second Wind by Peg Taylor Food 0 Other; Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon; $1: Bap-
‘or YhOUgh'DISWSS‘on group, 1195C Noon CO” 7 3295 tistStudent Center, 12.15p.m., Call7-3989 1 21: Entry deadline for intramural Basketball, entries 1 25-1 26: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey team vs: N.C.
turned in at managers meeting: Worsham Theatre: 5 pm: (Greensboro): S2-stui, S3-pub.: Lexington Ice Center: 3:30
- Call 7-2898 p.m.; Call 266-8666
1 21: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Cincinnati:
' ' Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-6046
' 1 23: UK Basketball vs. Georgia at home: Rupp Arena
~ 124: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Tennessee;
' - Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-6046
* 1 25: UK Basketball vs. Tennessee at home; Rupp Arena
, 120: International Student Council meeting: Bradley Hall
- lounge: 4 p.m.: Call 7-6601
1-21: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 115 SC: 4
' p.m.; Call 7-8867
1 22: 5A8 Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC; 5 p,m.:
‘ Cain-8867
, 1 23: PRE-VET Club meeting; 106 Animal Path.: 7:30 p.m.:
, . 2 ‘ FRIDAY 25 1 24: UK Badminton Club meeting; Seaton Gym; 8:30-10
. 126: UK Badminton Club meeting; Seaton Gym; 2:30-3:30
'. p.m.; Call 278-7138
' ' - I Sports UK Lady Kat Basketball vs University of Tennes- e Sports: UK Basketball vs. Tennessee at home: Rupp
_ see Memorial Coliseum 7 30 pm Call 76046 Arena
' _ ‘ O'her Date by Wh'd" 59""9 59"“9519’ DOYme'" '5 due if 0 Concerts: UK Opera Theatre: Nicolai's 'The Merry Wives
‘ .. paying by mail of Windsor'; $5-pub., $3-stu.; Center for the Arts; 2 p.m.;
, ' ~ 0 Concerts UK Opera Theatre NlCOlOi s The Merry Wives (01173145
- at Windsor 35-pubu 53‘51U- Cenle' ’0’ ”‘9 Al’s 8 pm, ' Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey team vs. N.C. (Greens-
. :1 ’ - ' Calm-4979 boro) S2-stu., S3-pub.: Lexington Ice Center; 3:30 p.m.:
. ' g 0 Concerts Spotlight Jazz Series presents Nancy Wilson Call266-8666
_ ‘ Sll-mdtvlduol ticket MemorialHOll SD M» C0ll7:l373 ' Movies: Buckaroo Banzai: Open to students, faculty.
_ ' _ ° MOV'GS BUCkOt’OO 30015" Open '0 S'UdenlS lOCUI'Yv staff 8 guests; $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-
~ ,_ _ _ ' g staff 8 guests $1.75 Worsham Theatre 7 30 p m. Call 7- 1287
.‘ ' 1287
'. l 0 Meetings UK Badminton Club meeting Seaton Gym:
- - ‘ . 8 30-10p.m Call 278-7138
1 'i “ _ t _ _~ 1 20-1 21: Late registration for returning students who did
-’ . i i ‘ 3 . not advance register 8 for new applicants cleared late ad-
.; ._ “ . '_. . mission: $20 late fee required
.J‘; f. - ‘ i.” 1 21: Last day to enter an organiled class for Spring se-
" ~ i: ' ‘ ' ,, mester
”, ' ' ' I - 4 1 21: Last day to officially w draw from the University and
., , . J i .' ,y ;. receive an 80% refund
i- . - - 9; l 20: University of Kentucky Honors Program- Reception
| . i K ' '.'__ ' —’_ following; Center for the Arts; 7 p.m.; Call 7-3145
* , . r, 3; ' 1 21: Baptist Student Union- TNT- Tuesday Nite Together;
~ , t ‘ - " 2'}; ‘ Baptist StudentCenter: 7:30pm.: Coll 7-3989
' g - .'. SUNDAY MONDA 1 22: Blood Driveat UK Medical Center
, '4: ‘- . Y 1 22: ’Getting Your Second Wind’ by Peg Taylor Food for
‘ ' " , ' ,'. :‘ Thought Discussion group: 119 SC; Noon; Coll 7-3295
' 7; , 'f 1 23: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon: $1; Baptist
-: , ' REU’OlS Center SundOYS Serves Patric-o Montgomery 0 Mavies F X; Free Premiere; Open to students, faculty, ?";‘f"$cf"':" 12g15hp.m._: Cain-3989 . d 1
. - ’i, piano Center for the Arts 3pm. Call7-3145 staff 8. guests; Free: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7- i' a e .y w 'c spring semester payment '5 ue I
‘ ' ' ‘ 0 Sports UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey teamvs NC. iGreens- 1287 payth by mail
: ‘ ' ' : borol $2-stu, Sit-pub. Lexington Ice Center 330 p m.
, 5. ' '_ Call 266-8666
A 0 Meetings UK Badminton Club meeting Seaton Gym
' . 2 30-3 30 pm. Call 278-7138
128: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. Louisiana State Univ.; V29: Entry deadline for bowling; Students, faculty B staff
Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.;Call 7-6046 ellglble- see campus recreation for further details; 135
108: Last day for payment of registration and/or housing Seaton;4p.m.;Cal17-3928
B dining fees in order to avoid cancellation of registration 1/31: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Charleston;
and/ or meat card Memorial Coliseum: IN p.m.; Call 7-6006
1/28: Deadline to sign up for the Fitness Thraugh Weight 1/31: 7th annual Bluegrass invitational Wheelchair Basket- :
Training Clinic; 81; 135 Seaton; 4 p.m.; Call 7-3928 boll Tourney; 113Seaton: i p.m.; Cain-1623
1/28: Fitness Thought Weight Training Clinic; Si/Seaton 1/31:UK Basketball vs. Auburnathorne: lupp Arena ‘
Center Conditioning loom: 7:330” pm; Call 7-3928
l/29: UK Basketball vs. LSU at LSU l

 l . !
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. , .. . ‘ . ‘ ”ir’*ks= xta.«gt°e<°.w.9.>m.~v,
' . ‘ . ’ ' ~ I ‘ :' 7-2" ”was. . -' ‘2»833 e;a%”°5§s§”§wa€¢wa.
Kentucky“ G t b b k I
0 :13; I; '7; .1. n; v; ; n; :g ymnas S ounce ac , .
aors rip ay as -
’ D Miller , 3 8 4 I 6 4 l 10 d b
Hardin . l 3 O t) 2 0 2
. ., ..: . .. own Au urn at home .
. ('rolc) , 2 2 . ' I
UK continues up and down play, falls to 0-2 in conference 3 '3 3 v 3 o 3 '3 BrSTFVFRL‘SH ' .
s Miller 0 o 0 0 l o 2 o - ‘ .‘ .‘ ,‘. ,
By JASON WILLIAMS ida's Susan Stoddard. a native of fourth fouls. Nichols, who was if"? } i 3 g f g) g 3 C°"‘“b“““g““‘e' ~ ,
Staffwmer Louisville, sealed a comeback. very emotional the entire game, To .i. 29 .2 l ‘ ' .- , . - . '.' .i '- l
which resulted in a seesaw scor- protested her fourth foul and was ' "or“ “ 9 u m is a t TheboLKedvggmkehs 5’ "was“? ' . ~ . ‘

GAINESVILLE, Fla. .. The ingleadforboth teams. assossedatechnical. Player .. ,l. ,7 m m _ p, I, earn. tunct l tc ' rhm; tmllid fdist . . g ,

lady Kat basketball team contin- Stoddard, a jump-shooting ju- After Kentucky's fourth time- Jmkim : 4 0 o 4 3 o 4 :pfiom "if“ 33!“: en 0 eea ‘ , ' ’
ued its recent up and down play, nior guard who hit clutch free out at 9:14, Florida‘s Keturah 3"" f l" 3 3 H 3 ‘ H udaurntwniversi lCl 16,0 ”"95 Sat- - 7 . '
falling to the unranked Florida throws in UK’s loss here last Bell got two of her 15 points on a 3:2“ . I; I. Q l: f 3 if urP ’.d itelmoria {Olffim'fl .1 s ' I '-

Gators 68-66 in the second game year. was aided by UK's change well-executed pick-and-roll play Stoddard i is 2 5 2 o i 18 “HE, e wtay 0; d nail or: ' '- . v 3""
of a doubleheader at the O‘Con- from a man-to—man to a 2-3 zone from Sharon Jenkins, with Miller Stem 0 I 0 0 U 0 0 v elhce‘ h‘ na hve” en a . _uclas. . ' ' i' 2' '-.’_’ 4
nellCenter Saturday. defense. Florida, meanwhile. em- being the lone defender under- “m" 3° 5’ ' ° ’5 " " °‘ ““989 a :aroun Store 0 3635 ed ' ) ' . .3: Va".

UK is now 9-6 overall and 02 in played a 3‘2 zone designed ‘0 PiCk neath. Florida led 56-46- Mllflim _ mum u. Harlan :3. won... a Tshcorihb'id t 1 ked m h ' V; A 1' ’ .' I. ~ 5‘

the Southeastern Conference. 0” the perimeter P355» at “mid! omen-um — Hi «J. rimm- sot. Tumours mid frl) ca St 00 k‘ mucd 11m . a . . '~ "5:
Florida improvedtoS-Bandl-l. it was very SUCCC‘SSM. Then the Kats‘ press came -4l|\|°-"orid-=7- Fl. ‘h' . l“ f‘Sf wee s ‘r -p a?” _ '.‘" ’2
The Kats appeared to be head— A long-range buzzer-beater by alive again with the quick hands {Slim-m Ié'LTm .Our-ttfdm meet. 83] “ , ' .» ' 1.." “.
ed for an easy rout in the early freshman guard JOdie Whitaker, of its up-front players, Whitaker, “785”“; in' 91“."; ‘9 {rife ' “1 ’ ,3; .'; ..
stages of the game. UK led 18-8 who scored 14 points, gave UK a Belitta Croley and Sandy Har- jumper at the {0'11 “"9- With 36 "W: gdlgtp amigfi‘co I» -. : W"
over the physically out-matched 34-33 halftime lead. The Kats‘ in- ding. who was playing despite seconds remaining. Croley tied , it I. nh ee 1,9, l“? here . '5.-L"'."="-'i’-"{:'(‘;~
Gators with 11:20left in the half, ability to break the Florida zone being ill the night before, the score at 66 with a put‘back ot‘ iff‘l- ”501p 09mg? ltflde l? . ' .ml i ": -'-’.Y."C’v’-xi,,
Florida coach Carol Higginbot- in the second half spelled their her own missed layup. ingflg‘iihallov (lb; firsl of]: :OUtlgr: ,‘l #51:": t'.‘
tom called her second time-out in doom. The Kats‘ strong surge paid off , . . ' ‘ . , . ~ . j 'it'. . f';._.i_;.'t.:'
four minutes at that point, but “We made some adjustments despite losing Nichols with her LK committed two straight ll?! fof 1"“; ha} and soul’sart. of git . . "I‘ll.” .1 It Intuit-1; .1:-
UK still managed an 11-point lead for it." UK coach Terry Hall fifth foul during that stretch, light;:ntgoggaoisnixénrfgessgo: in; nee o d met an 5 ar compet- KP \l)“ I I l (‘5 ‘ f "3,: ‘3‘}:
', “bt h ‘t - ’ - “ ' ' wr ' t
after that and'appeared [0 be on said . u w en youndon exe w'th 2'23 remaining. Miller on the clock with 30 seconds left. Kentucky. which was predicted to cause of a sudden illness and junior ; 3i". .
its way toacruise. cute,itdoesn tmatter. scored underneath off a pass , . f' "h l - . d . . . f. .. , _ _ , . . . . _,i_ ._
from Whitaker on the break to At the l4-second mark, Florida 5 ms at east secon in its own irst (ind) Durr is still retint‘llllg lioiii _ , .’ '3," .-

The Kentucky defense appar~ As the Kats crumbled, both knot the score at64 ' Janna Bragg, who was 7 {01' 8 in meet, l°°ked tense a wee“ ago. bl" 135‘ week > kneemlu” ,. '. ' I»

ently did go off on a cruise from center Debbie Miller, who had 10 ' the game with 17 points, hit a that wasn‘tafactor Saturday. Four of the eight girls who L‘Ulli' .1 .' ~' ~' . t' ‘2: y.
there, The Kats‘ trapping pres- points, and forward Leslie Nich- Florida's Jenkins answered wide-open 13-footer off the right "Our routines were better because peted Saturda) had been sit-k at one " . U 1 if ‘

sure began to weaken and Flor- 015‘ who had 17, picked up their right back with a wideflpen baseline for the winning basket, we were more prepared this week." time or another ”in past 'M-ek. iiil - 'i a ' 3} .
said Armstrong. who finished fourth coming down witha 34-hoiirnrus .. > .' f

—' ' ' ' _' " ' in the all—around competition, “We Team captain. senior (tiller-n Lat ‘ - ' . " . I‘

. did well for havmg half the team ferty said even though the team had " r - ‘.'; .

. beingSick this past week." its share oi sicknesses, the} still _ . f' '

a1 Vthat had UK coach Leah Little worked very hard this past week to 7 ' , ‘ ' : ‘_

. worried the most were the injuries improve on last week > >(‘tll'l‘ (if '_ - _ ‘ . ',
Continued from page one and sicknesses of many girls on the 168 9:3 ‘ , ' I
lead for good and ignited a 12-0 Walker blocked a shot by Andrew the block and crammed it through the air out of the Florida crowd. Squad: , liar-h “"ek m“ "111“” ‘ll‘ml" "‘” . ' .l "' '
spurt in which UK missed just one Moten, who was already in trouble the iron to make the score 12—2 and using a similar game plan as it used Sophomore Robin WEE?“ “35 “m"? ‘0 lumW- >he “310 n‘" "“1.‘ , . . '
$3011 and that shot was tapped in by aftledr being cutdoff by Roger Harden. prompta Fllorhda time-out ll in the opening period. held out Of competition Saturday be m *C‘Flntlhui ”WUCh mum“ ' ' . , -

a er. Wi cat guar James Blackmon UK easi y uilt on its 36-28 ha '- - '. ' _
The streak was capped when picked up the loose ball following time lead. and in the second half. let . ' , '
The University Counseling Center \ I , ‘ 1 . ‘
. \ 11'. 1 7f ':' .
Kéxihcfiel Announces A Series of Informal “Talks" Sky" "Chg A . " ‘1
:3 UK ’:‘ . ' _
For All Faculty, Staff And Students RE-Cwnsghng 1E ._ . , ‘
Editorln chief Elizabeth Caras , . :: a". I... ’ . . -.
Managing Editor Sacha DeVroomen By' counsehng cen'er STG‘" E2 293,3? £2: "
.;:__ g . _.;.;::. .,'.':g;.g;'.;fjj' ":f:1-:-:-.,:::i.::E’E‘E.:'f_:;:-:3:1:3:i:1:3_;§;§:§:-.;.}:§:: News Editor Fran Stewart ;’ :1 / . Q ‘ :“| ‘ - . ' ' -
it; 5 Q Ma. Cinema Assistant News Editor Linda Hendricks Where: 202 Frazee HO" 7' " ’.',', ‘;‘.‘.‘.‘.‘;“‘| .
_ Assistant News Editor Cynthia A. Polormo h 9 id Af )7: I l l i\\'\\‘:‘ -
BARGAIN MATINEES-EVERYMY - “"0”“ Editor Alexander Crouch W en . Fr fly ternoons , - , . ,
gallium "m‘l’m’lfl Sports Editor Willie Hiatt from 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. .
lywfiifihfllhllumbhh Special Protects Editor ScottWard "LET’S TALK ABOUT lT" ~_
mmmwm Features Editor Kakie Urch . i . , . _ , , _
muslin"! Photo Editor J.D. VonHoose . - I
.5: I mmsimn Adviser Paulo Anderson ' - . -‘ ' 4'
' mum” Advertising Manager Linda Collins “Walt?"f: wm¢°gg°gto ' 26b IN long Term Relationships: Especially for ' . ’ 4
55:5 , ., k Prod ction MCI‘IG Of Rh . ic ae . ic o s, . , irec or cup es . .. . '
FAYETTE MALL “ ' °""°°“°“ a... m... mg . . . '
“'("m‘mllfl’lm (IKHIDS “7‘6“? 43: The Kontuclry Korml is published on class days during the academic year J°"v 31- “o L°"9." Married... other Mart Plavm M S. COUT’iSCiLF and victor-o w"