xt76hd7ns06z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7ns06z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-07-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1979 1979 1979-07-26 2020 true xt76hd7ns06z section xt76hd7ns06z 'nsflde toda WORK P PR
. I y. . . 8H0 B( ESS
Vol. LXXII No. 7 Ker] 2 el
‘ Unlvenlt of Kentuck
Thursday. July 26. I979 .n Independent Itudent newspaper Lexlhgzon. Knuth;
F' d ' I '
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By JAY FOSSETT Slate said the apartment addition. he said that to reach _ y f i i {a} .
lidllnr complex plans originally went the fire drafts, workers must i .5 “14$. Henri:
(‘opyright 0 Kentucky Kernel. I979 throughthe designer's and state take up the carpets and vinyl x $11” 5, ' _ :’ “-¥=§“3‘z~ fi iii-E‘fig'iifii'iEi‘ZS'IE‘JZ:Li-‘Elr’ft-::s:-:-::--:.
g . inCident, and the contractors boards. In some cases.they will \‘g‘fies’gfi , Qt‘wgifi‘ ‘
Major fire code Violations. went ahead and constructed the have to saw holes into the ». 3 “:°§§§,§ g;§;fi§§§
requiring . extenstve construc- buildings according to the outside of the buildings to lfififis‘siflfi f; giifiifilfi '
“p" modifications, have been specifications. He said. insert the materials. .i;:':,fii-’§C:Q.Eée' %“‘:}::§w‘%§: ' '
f discovered In all 25 units 0t however, that when the After the floor boards are X‘s s §° :;::,§§“ ~
UK‘S new apartment complex University, city and state taken up and the holes are + fig , ii; $811”? is.» I
- ~ a complex that Will house officials inspected the buildings sawed into the buildings‘sides, :- .3 . s }
approximately 650 students in on June6.they realized thatthe the drafts will be filled with 31; .. ‘.. Name. if“ ’ . '
four weeks. fire stopping was omitted. two-by-eight wood strips and “‘1‘, S m i
.' Despite the violations, Jack Fire stopping is a term used mineral wool 7 a synthetic, ‘- .: i
_ Blanton, UK'S vice president to describe materials that fireproof wool, Blanton said. s 7; x S r:
for business affairs. to“ the restrict fire from spreading." a When the process is finally :9 g M f 5
Kernel yesterday that “the room is surrounded by fire completed, the University will . Es» “‘2 5
buildings will be absolutely stopping it becomes self have to pay $70,000 in By GARY LANDERS/Kernel sun 1
ready for use when the fall contained and the chance of supplementary funds for ,thc ACOIII'HIC‘IOII workeratthenewapartmentcomplexsllpsa
semester starts." Jean Lindley. fire spreading becomes additional construction and piece of “fire stopping” wood Into the side of one of the ‘
director of University housing, minimal. labor costs, he said. apartment units as a foreman looks on. This lathe first of 25
' W35 '0‘” 0f 10W" and In the apartment complex, Blanton said University buildings "I“ Will be modified before Aug. 26-
unavailable for comment. contractors failed to put any officials tried to findasolution create a minimum type of think we‘ve found an
State Deputy Fire Marshal fire stopping between the to the problem that was least disruption," he said. “We‘ve appropriate solution.“
. Terry'Slate said the fire-code. apartment walls, and between disruptive to the apartments had experts here from Denver, The plans for the fire "
Violations, detected during a the first floor ceiling and the yet could still be approved by Houston. Chicago . . . we‘ve stopping adjustments were not ’.
June 6 Inspection. must be second floor — leaving l2to l4 the fire marshal‘s office. spent hours and hours approved by the fire marshal‘s 9’
completely corrected before inches of empty space or “fire “We‘ve worked in order to addressing this problem and we Continued on page 5
students can move into the two- drafts."
stoiy apartments. Slate said the Blanton said that to put fire I .
officials discovered the apartment walls the contrac- 'na ava a
Eligigyin‘ggs‘did not contain fire tors Willf hali‘ve (:0 tear down By MIKE KENNY Porter handles the task for the Kentucky University in ’
some 0 t c ry walls. In Sports Editor women‘s program. Bowling Green and had also
(Opyrleht ° Kathie” Kernel. 1979 Graduate Assistant Trainer previously been a trainer at
F Wayne Drummond is also over Depaul University in Chicago. ‘ .
ayette stUdent cade After spending over six months at Shively Sports Center, the In all, the 36-year-old Miller
‘ seeking the most qualified football team's training center. has spent some 22 years _‘
. . person to become the head and nine student trainers will working with athletic '
. may Vlo late rights trainer of the Wildcat football arrive next month. programs. ;
- team, Kentucky suffered a Hagan said that he and Although he did not work ;‘ -
. enormous setback when its new Coach Fran Curci hope to hire with the Wildcats while in : .
' By TERESA YOUNG of the Washington DC. man, Russ Miller, left town a new head trainer before school, Miller said he did help ;~ '
\ ' Staff Writer Student Press Law Center, after just two weeks, to take summer training begins August Drs, George Gumbert and ‘
‘ , and gave this legal opinion of the over the same job at the 20. The two are currently William Wheeler with their .
. By DEBBIE McDANlEL proposed rule change in a July University of Michigan. studying the resumes they football clinics last fall. ‘
- Managing Editor 20 letter to a Tates Creek High UK Athletic Director Cliff received when the position last Both Dr. Wheeler and Dr.
' (‘opynghtekenmcliy Kernel. 1979 School junior, Bob Vonder- Hagan said yesterday he became available this past Gumbert are orthopedic . '
\‘ heide. believes the situation is not December. surgeons and work with the 3 . -
i A proposed student code The proposed rules were really all that bad because there In a telephone interview Wildcat football team. 3‘
which will be considered by the authored by a task force which are capable personnel at from his new office in Ann 5 After the I978 season, Head 5
4 . Fayette County School Board was appointed by the board. Kentucky to handle any Arbor, Mich. Miller talked Trainer Mike Ritz resigned at ,‘ . , .
‘ tonight contains a section The task force consists of a problems that might arise. about how this had all come UK to become sports director i ' f
, dealing with student publica- cross-section of administra- “We have Walt (McCombs)' BbOUt- for 8 radio station in Pikeville. "
, tion guidelines that may be tors, teachers, students and and Mimi(Porter) and they are Miller said he first came to Ky. and Miller put in for the -’ ,
. “blatantly unconstitutional“ community members. both full-time certified UK in 1977 to work on a degree job. i y Y
. and a violation ofthe students‘ According to the rules trainers,” Hagan said. in physical therapy. Beforethat “I spent a lot of time during , -
First Amendment rights. proposed by the task force, McCombs is head trainerfor he had worked as the head spring football with my fingers 3. . '
f, Michael Simpson. director Continued on p.‘,4 UK‘s basketball team. while football trainer for Western Contlnuedonpages .
. .
‘ Levis-r4 1am; figures» i‘~;r-“M'efl‘iéw'vne‘xv‘”ifil‘h'flut’iifla “3“’\-§“"aw‘iW‘hi'etem‘Lfi-‘r'en «w- - w-w wow» ”M‘o‘ w». ~~mmvmn~¢-u-nu ~ . ~ ~ - ~ - ,

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KENTUCKY Mike kenm' I 5 ~ 1
Jay Fosser! Sai'i Tarhan Sports Editor i
Editor Entertainment Editor . :3.-
Teresa Young 5
Debbie McDaniel Gary (under: J _ H g
' Managing Editor Photo Editor at amburg ,
O O ;
editorials 8: comments 5.... w... ,
3 .
F' ' m I' | k'l
irewall over5ight costs oney, not was uc iy _.
With the new apartment complex as Does it matter who is to blame? As The construction companies said they reveals the weakness in all the .. . i
’ the setting. UK iS playingthelead rolcin Jack Blanton. vice president for built the apartments according to the departments involved; checking and : ;
the latest bad situation comedy to hit business affairs, Said, “It would take a architects‘ specifications. and say that double—checking facts should be
campus. Picture a cast of about ten court and six months of testimony“ to because the fire marshal‘s office standard procedure for all. from
officials saying in unison. "But. I decide who is to blame for the costly approved the plan although there was construction companies to UK officals .
thought you were supposed to check it.” oversight. UK officials should be no fire protection, his office is at fault. to the Fire Marshals office. ,- .
“It" being the placement of fire- praised for their prompt action to The fire marshal says it doesn‘t “It's hard to say it wasadesign error,“ ‘1’
stopping materials in the walls. ceilings correct the situation; the construction matterthat his office failed to detect the Blanton said. “It’s hard to say who 5‘
and floors ofthe 25 buildings in the new company will be working IO-hour shifts fire code violation the first time; what made the error." .
apartment complex near the for the next I0 to I4 days so students matters is that the buildings don‘t Regardless of who is at fault. the f
Commonwealth Stadium. assigned to the apartments will have a comply with fire regulations and they apartment dwellers may be homeless if 3’ .
University. city and state officials can place to live. must if students live there this fall. the buildings are not ready by Aug. 26 4"
do all the fingerpointingthey want. but The oversight was detected June 6. Dismantling the finished rooms to and no one should blame the i .
the 570.000 bill to place mineral wool during a final inspection of the correct the problem is costly; but the students if they are angry because ' t
and wood planking in the new apartments, and the various officials alternative . which could have corrections were made and they have to
apartment complex goes to UK. And. if present took turns trying to place the happened if the fire marshal hadn’t suffer because of it. .5 <
the lack of fire-stopping between walls blame on each other. Blanton said. noticed the lack of fire stopping Fingerpointing won‘t help correct the 3 ‘
and floors had not been detected. UK The architects claim the fire code materials ~ might have meant the loss mistake; it‘s time to worry about 5 2
might have been the site of a which says there must bcafire-stopping of human life. Whether anything else is incorrect. For f
catastrophe resembling the Beverly materials in walls and floors 7- was not The fact that the mistake was not the sake of the students and the i
Hills Supper Club fire. in effect when they drew up the plans. detected until the final inspection University‘s budget. let‘s hope not.
Congress should abolish capital punishment
. With the American people. at Wh°th it was no doubt slaughtered in the final year Of the Shfth‘S rule. . they would have felt for the Shah's victims. ifthey had .
directed. the Congressmnal resolution condemning One might also compare the Iranian exectmons been equally informed about them. But I suggest that .
the Iranian executions probably had. something of its deplored by our Congress with the tens of thousands people direct their concern where it might have greater it
intended effect: to impress us With the humane killed and tortured by the faSCist generals in Chile. effect.
compasSion of our leaders. But in Iran. . not which somehow managed to escape all Congressmnal The days when Iran's government will kill or stop
surprisingly, the effect was apparently to solidify censure. killing on orders from Washington are over -
support for the elections. Given the American record Another unavoidable comparison is between the We should demand that if Congress wants to t .
in Iran._ the logic went like this: If Washington is executions in Iran'and those in Florida. In simply demonstrate the sincerity of its compassion for those ’
against it. it must be right. making the comparison Andrew Young seems to have facing execution it should do so not by passing ' '
. Nomi don‘t want to be backed into a corner bya stirred up as much commotion within the resolutions on Iran but by enacting a constitutional
Similar line of reasoning. Though I realize that when it establishment as he did With last year‘s remarks about amendment which would spare the 500 people now on ' '
Etna: fl? $25,313:]: gan‘: fight: —————-————--—————‘— Qpier‘iicanApolitical ixisoners. geath row in this country and permanently abolish '
. 5,. wts on a smstant ttorney merican capital punishment. » -
Iran‘s revolutionary justice commentary General Raymond Marky
could be tempered With a little found Young‘s “the most George Potratz , .
more mercy. —__——_—_— "' incredible statement I have ever Former Assistant Professor '
[have come to warmly respect the views and heard."and said, “If hecan't scethediffcrence between Ehlh'h Department ' }
dedication of the Muslims among my Iranian co- this and the political killings in Iran, then the man is '1
defendants, but like many other Americans and plain blind. . .What‘s the matter with that man?" . ‘ :
Iranians who despised the Shah and sympathized with At the risk of agreeing with Mr. Marky, I think there Levels pO/Icy ' ' i
the revolution. I still find many aspects of the Islamic are some important differences. The prisoners on . ' A I
Republic unsettling, from the legal enforcement of death row in Florida are common murderers; thOse in The Kentucky Kernel welcomes allcontributions -
religious strictures to the unconvincing avowal of Iran are responsible for acts and policies which rival from the UK community for publication on the »- - '
commitment to rights for women. Whether the those of Hitler‘s Reich in brutality. editorial and opinion pages. 3 , 7
revolution will substantially improvethcconditions of The prisoners in Florida are at the mercy ofasccure Letters. opinions and commentaries must be 3 , . "
life for the masses of Iranian people who were its and unchallenged government; the impoverished and typed and triple-Spaced. and must include the ' - . '~
_ movmg force seems to me as yet unproven. And divided government of Iran is fighting for survival. writer‘s signature. address and phone number. UK
though I certainly know much more about [ran than and its prisoners are allied with counter-revolutionary StUdehtS ShOUid include their year and major and 3. - i
the night I was first arrested, 1 am hardly an expert in forces within and without the country which threaten University employees ShOUid iiSt their POSitiOh and 7 _ i.
any case. to resume power at any opportunity. department. 9 ' . .‘ '
Nevertheless. I would like to offer a few words in To believe otherwise you would have to believe that The Kernel may condense 0' reject ‘ - .* ,
gefcnse of the new order in Iran against the charges of Allende was never toppled. that the CIA never tried to ContribUtionS. and frequent writers may be limited. 5 ’ ' .
-. its American detractors. assassinate Castro, that the Bay of Pigs never took Editors reserve the right to edit for correct spelling. ‘ ' . - t
.To suggest that the revolution to date has been as place and that the i953 COUP was a figment 0f grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous . ‘. i
. Violent or ruthless as the Shah's regime is preposterous Khomeini‘s imagination. statements. -. 'L' - ‘
and unsupponabte, Umpeakable acts of torture are I do not doubt in the least that millions of Contributions should be delivered to Room I" . ‘ .' . ~
One thing; executions of the torturcrs are another, In Americans are sincerely distressed by the violence Journalism. University 0‘ KentuCRY! Lexington. . - i I i .
terms of numbers. the three hundred cxectued so far being visited upon the defendants in Iran‘s KY- 4050‘- 'iI .‘ h i
. must be compared with the tens of thousands revolutionary courts. as I don‘t doubt the compassion ' . . ‘ I
. . . , , .. ‘ ‘ I . ’ ' . a, . ‘ . _ ‘ . ‘ 1» .,.. I ‘—

 .13, . -
o i ’
. 3." / nu: KENTUCKY KERNEL. nine-y. July 25. "79—3 ,
‘. i ’
- , /
l / / K The Kentucky Kernel, 2l0 Journalism Building,
. g. , 1. University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. is published
‘, ‘ \\\ ‘ y/ , p . \ ' ‘ each class day during the spring and fall semesters and
.3 ': H / fa ‘. *1 weekly during the summer session.
i 1. J ' \t ‘ / \ . 1 , Third class postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky. 405] I.
I ' CV“ ( \\ . i‘ fix Subscription rates are mailed Sl3 per year, $6.50 per
, I , Z? \2’ \\ / ‘ / \ \ \ 1 semester, $2.00 for summer or one cent per year non-mailed.
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WV! die—L ,,, . r DONATE PLASMA
{3% h ‘ i ' \ 7 “I ' uo '
' lll ‘i’l ’ y if 3 Cash Paid $10 Per Donation
““5” , , Hel ourself financiull while 5
1, ”ate Tc 'lm‘ LACKOF PAST) 1s; mfcmsgy 3Ug>9_~:<.',‘.<~._:i_:,j 'yfiT’fg'Bb- P y Y l
5? iPdSIR.:'T CANE: IS 70:1‘,’C,:L.I:l- "1x a.i.a11a":¥.,;fi. J.- ”to. Alums. helping others medically. l
3‘ new..."
.’ Wm Payment paid for each plasma donation. I
Letters ’ Come by or cell i
_.—_—————_—__—_________—« .
‘1 house them‘.’ ‘
l I am not trying to say that the (‘ats are any PLASMA DERIVATIVES, INC.
Deserve the best better than the ayerage UK student. but i do 1' 3‘3 E. ShOI'l 5'.
_ , _ ‘ think the Wildcats deserve a “place ol‘ their
' Alter readingthc recent article concerningthc own!" How clgc can we show our support and '
' Joe 3. Hall Wildcat Lodge. I was puzzled by a reward them except for in the stands? . 252-5586
lew questions lelt unanswered. ‘
Why did the NCAA make the rule to include Elizabeth Bell 7.30 4.00
1 buildings already constructed? Was this just to Dedicated vi Wildcat Fan 0 ' °
try to take away what the Cats already have? it ~ ~~ ~
seems to me that they can't change what is
already done. or can they‘.’ KISS Off(fu” ‘
: lfthe UK students don‘t likethe super athletes Quoting from Mark Green‘s article about
of this great University to live in the elaborate KISS: “Thethings I would do forthe money they
lodge. why didn‘t they speak up sooner? make in one week.“ '
Since the problem of housing the Wildcats Now. what are you complaining about?
now faces the Housing Office and Coach Hall, '
why doesn‘t the jealous non—athletic UK student Richard Watts Franklin
give up his or her dorm room or apartment to Staff member. Counseling and Testing Center PR OFESSI : NAL ' DO...
: : mnrntmem:
. i . . a u e e e . . 0 , .
‘ o «I. e 1 " .
. .. . . r
' A :’ U: r J . ‘t
i z : . . . (, if” 26:, 1,
if. i "EW ‘00“ ' . : pre'lmmanes Mondays ‘ '
- c Q .' r I y‘ [.1 "
1 i . One-edeo'oe-e-ell JUlY16.23v301AU9-6 :/ 13,5} . \
i '2‘ t: ' ‘
. caME/NANDE/VJOYa/RWEE/fiae TM US I'Mg Flnale Aug. 13 1, .7.‘
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was WWWd/kémramwomwo YOUR Ll TRE $300 1st place ,. ,
; Fawwoaeme $200 2nd place / 1
W5” 0 i/SANGRIAOR $100 3rd place - j 1;}, _
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on DINNER v )1: LiTEE Each Week “W
1 o UNLIMITED PARKING a; memo ’ \
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1 _ ( 225 Southland Blvd. Bar and Restaurant \9
_ ? W0 Employees
' Welcome UK Students ”A Fad"
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- ,' WHERE YOU GET A 6/DEOQDER OF FUN 4" - . 75¢
' '1 Vat-“‘19:”?'1k-uévx‘1'3’ \ can .a.- wear; an»;A4«haw-x011.nwfiuwwmseq-tswwrmv‘.um-c- 1--1'~--~~1 "A... ~ - ~ 1 - ~ ~ 1 -~ 4 .. w - . - -- - .‘ 1. . ~ 1- ~ - --. 1 1 .. --- 1 ~ - —- - , -

 y I I 3
d—‘I‘IIE KENTUCKY KEINEL. My. 1‘, 26. I,” _ ‘

Atheist O’Hair is target of petition hoax '

By MIKE KENNY religious organizations. in its entire history heard any “If her attempt is3suceess3ful. However. the petition W“ 3 .

Copy Editor Shapiro explained by phone formal statement or read any all Sunday Worship Serwces placed In the bulletin by _
that the FCC denied the 'petition from Ms. O'Hair." currently being broadcast accident on JUIy l5. while
“'"l’f ° Km KM "7’ request and added that the Shapiro said. either by radio or television Father Rueterwas on'vacation.
. \t The only thing Shapiro would cease. “My secretary was not in the
, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, -. 33‘ 4. knows for sure is that protest “Her petition also protests office and one ofthe helpers -
the outspoken president of the t, “R letters have been steadily the decision of astronauts to saw the Pile 0f petitions in the .
Amman Athena‘mmeimthe :- .- “at coming into her office since read the Bible as a Christian office and thought they were to .
target of a massive, four-year- .’ . ~ -- August, l975. She said she is message to the world from the 80 into the bulletin,” he said. ? '
old religious campaign despite 3» f _;;3 3 3 :: beginning to wonder if the spacecraft while orbiting the Father Rueter Stud there will 'je .
proof from the Federal it? 33 movement will everbe put to an moon in l963_." be a memo vondlng the petition .3'
Communication Commission 3&3 3. end. The Kentucky appeal states l“ ”“5. Sunday's handout. 33.4
that the campaign is nothing V8? _j_ \3, According to the Kentucky that one million signed letters ‘ While nobody seems to 33
more than a hoax. is” “-2 3 ' version of the petition, were needed in Washington to know when the Kentucky :{j

About ten million protest 3333 3 1. :~_ 33 "Madalyn Murray O‘Hair. counter the O‘Hair petition. petition wasformed, It came to 3
letters have arrived in l, .‘ “ .r ' whose efforts successfully The anti-O‘Hair appeal was Lexington JUSt four months E
Washington D.C. from the 2‘ 1‘ 3 3:‘\ eliminated the use of Bible, brought to Lexington by a after the controversial O‘Hair 3'3" .
campaign. which reached N 3 \3 ' 3' readings and prayer from all member of a group known as spoke at UK'5 Student Center -
Kentucky earlier this month. . ‘t _ . i: s. «)33 public schools, has been Our Legion of Mary. The Ballroom. On Manh 4.9'Halr '

The trouble began when a - .. X . granted a federal hearing in member approached Father SP0ke3 01" 383mSt rellglous *3:
rule-making petition was , Washington. D.C. on the Joseph Rueter,pastorofChrist teleVlSIOH programs—which IS '
presented to the Federal f' _ subject of religion and airways the King Church at 299 Colony what the Petition IS all abOUt- .
Communications Commission, . by the Federal Communica- Blvd., in late June and asked if lDurénS her speech, O‘Hair 3

Leslie Sha iro, secrets of lions Commission." ' the counterpetition could be baste religious television ‘-
the FCC'S Solicy and ltitles MADALYN MURRAY 011““ The Kentucky version placed in the church handouts shows such as the 700 Club and 3'
division, said petition No.R.M. commission has no idea how continues, “The petition would distributed at Mass. The PTL Club. saying these '

2493, submitted to the the rumors got started. The ultimately pave the way to “Father Wehage (the shows prey on old persons. .
commission in I975 by two secretary said she is even more eliminate the proclamation of associate pastor) and I “They don‘t give 8 damn '
broadcasting consultants, baffled at how Madalyn the Gospel via airways of discussed the petition and about the old PCOPle.” she said .
requested that the FCC look Murray O'Hair got into the America. She took her petition decided it should be checked during her speech. “They jUSt
into educational television and picture. bearing 27,000 signatures to out before going into the care about their bank
radio stations owned by “The commission has never back her stand. bulletin," the pastor said. accounts." ,
Fayette County student code may be unconstitutional ,
0"“.an “'0'“ P.” l administrators could use to National last it ute 'of anything in this code now that students. including Vonder- ,
faculty advisers and principals decide if material came under Education, has approved the would raise the hackles of heide. plan to write a news ,
“will review the content” of one of these categories. booklet for professional principals and administrators." letter explaining the situation fl
student newspapers “to insure Judy Tipton. first disrict competence yin the field of Warren Featherstone. and its affect on students. This it 3
that material does not contain school board representative, journalism. principal of Tates Creek High news letter will either be 3: .
information which will said, “I am very concerned for professional competence in School, said he hires advisers distributed by hand to lSSC Ii
threaten to disrupt the about this section (publication the field of Journalism. who he “hopes are responsible" members or given to the 5
educational process or which guidelines) and intend to raise The only revision the task and said he allows them to members during a called 3
might be of a libelous or questions. There are too many force made in the guideline proof the paper before it goes meeting today. .
- profane nature or which worriyome problems which changed the statement: “First to print. Digenis said he could not .' '
otherwise might be unsuitable need a lot of work.” Amendment rights of students “I‘m a great delegator of comment on the actions ISSC I
for a school publication." Another problem seen in the producing these publications responsibility." Featherstone might take concerning the '

Simpson wrote in his letter guidelines by Simpson was the are extensive and may only be said. “An administrator has all publication guidelines. but he
that. “in general, school sentence stating, “Faculty abridged if they violate Board he can do besides reading the did say many students plan to
officials can prohibit material advisers and the school Policy” with the statement. school newspaper (before it attend the school board ' 3
which is libelous. obscene or administration will review the “First Amendment rights of goes to print).“ meeting tonight to state their 3
substantially disruptive of content of any student students producing these However. at Lafayette dissatisfaction with the l

‘ school activities, But, each of publication, , , ," publications should be Senior High School. Vice guidelines. .
these terms must be defined." “The United States Court of reCOgnized.“ Principal Rex McHatton reads Although he can not attend 2

Henry Clay‘s newspaper Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Crowell said that the original and censors the school the meeting tonight, Feather— . >
adviser. Jane Crowell, called which hands down decisions Statement would have newspaper before it issent tobe stone said Vonderheide will i
the guidelines “blatantly binding inthestates oflndiana, superseded the First Amend- printed, Crowell said. speak for him. {3
illegal." She is a member of a lllinois and Wisconsin. has ment, and added, “The school Another disputed section of Dr. Ron Farrar, director of ’1
group of advisers and teachers ruled that prior review of high board can‘t overrule the First the proposal reads, “Distribu- UK's Journalism School wrote .
who sent a set of guidelines to school student publications is Amendment.” tion of publications which are a letter to Guy POttS. i
the task force on July ll,after unconstitutional as a prior Also. the original guidelines obscene or disruptive is superintendent of Fayette Ii . v:
the original guidelines were restraint in violation of the submitted by a subcommittee prohibited within the school or County SChOOlS and board i . 1
(written. First Amendment,” Simpson of the task force, composed of on school property." The task members. stating that the ;; ‘

The guidelines were based on wrote. students (including Vonder- force wrote this section because guidelines were unconstitu- '. . ,
the Los Angeles Times' Section seven of First heide) were not accepted by the they were “sca red of tional and too vague. Q “
guidelines for Los Angeles Amendment Considerations in task force. underground newspapers," Crowell said she and her i ‘
county schools. Crowell said Guidelines for Journalism “We had acouple of students according to Crowell. group Will attend tonight's -"
she thought the task force Instructional Programs and With CiVil liberties back- Featherstone said, “There meeting to question the legality ; i I
ignored the definitions in the Effective Student Publications ground." said Paschal Baute. are so many ways students can of the publication guidelines. .
set of guidelines when they says that, “school officials, chairman of the task force. The distribute things” that the They will also question why 3
revised the code this week. teachers and advisers should students “didn‘t want any statement is too broad. student publications guidelines I". '

She said the task force used not be entitled to serve as censorship,” he said. Aleccio Digenis, president of are in the student code because l, i .
part of the group‘s introduction censors” and that approval of “We felt that this was too the Fayette County's lnner students receive credits toward . I
in the revised guidelines. The contents before publication radical at the time,”Bautesaid. School Student Council. said. graduation f0? working on i V ‘
group‘s guidelines defined what would be considered prior “While theoretically I‘m in “The board is being careful of their high SCh00l newspapers. 3 .
ltbelous, obscene and restraint. favor of the whole thing in the how much (rights) they are “Publications are accredited f _ l
disruptive material is, and gave The Educational Resource civil liberties (aspect). giving students." classes. Why are they in the ' ' 9
rules which advisers and Center, sponsored by the practically, I don't want to put Digenis and several other Student code?” she asked. 2'- ' 'j

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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. July 26. l979—5
Head football trainer leaves UK PR'CE '3 N0 OBJECT SALE
‘ u n'
. . (‘ontinued from page I Miller was told that the biggest factor had to he that l 12 major styles Of runnlng shoes
‘ crossed and was really excited MlChlg'dn “C“d trainer had iUSl ““Uld “"w be living 01056! [0 a" reduced
when I got the job." he said. hCCH turn! by the Seattle home,“ Miller added that he
llowe\ei. Miller was in {or Seahawks professionaltoothall hi“! STOW" “P in Kenton.()hi.x Your Chalce
. e\ en .1 bigger surprise when he organi/ation and the position ”1? trainer said he had
‘ went to Atlanta tor a training was autilahle it he wanted it (ll Igtnall) lett Western I
. eomention and wa.s aPPtoaeh— ““3 dI'm-‘Ull I" nail ‘l'lm'm‘~ Kentucky because h" “““Wd -
.‘ . ‘ ed by Bo Scheinhechler. the things down as to wh) I tools (PC ”PC challenge [hill 4‘ hill NIKE‘fADIDA-S—BROOKS—ETC‘
"i. . 5 head coach at Michigan. the tub," Miller said. “but the “”1" school L'Ollld UHCF, orIgInally pnced Up to $41.95
53" 321 S. Ashland 269-8313
’ several fire code violations SIDEWALK
V (ontinued from page I “1;,an explained 1h“ Marshall. “Is the situation In
ottiee until luesda) morning, soundprooting would result “hwh lhc llls‘ marshal has ”1': SALE
Blanton said. Headdedthatthe trom the construction changes‘ right. at arI_\time. whether the
, contractor. L‘. W. Pennington. but said the main reason plans ha\e been approxed or THURSDAY'FRIDAY'SATURDAY
began work correcting the behind the changes waslortire nut. to rcqlllrc additional
j problem yesterda}. Blanton stopping purposes material If he deems them
saId Pennington told him that (‘lit'ton Marshall. director ot necessary "
. he and his men will be working l'K's construction and design Blanton said It was difficult A BAR GAI N '
‘ V. |()hoursadayand areexpected division, said the original to put the blame on any one . .
I to finish work on the 25 architects of the apartment PW‘On-
hutldings in l() to l4 days. thet‘irmofBennettand'l une "It's hard to ski} it was a FISH BOWL/BEST PETS . .
« (iary Pennington. spokes- were hired bythe contractorsto design error." Blanton said. 0 G ' 1817 Alexandria—GardenSIde
man for (T \N. Pennington Co” design the buildings. "It‘s hard to say who made the 277-0003