xt76hd7ns02m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7ns02m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1975 1975 1975-11-21 2020 true xt76hd7ns02m section xt76hd7ns02m    


Friday, November 21, 1975


Bio school

course listings

Muss-“memwsiksssssww mayhem .. .

South Hill residents

file court petition

to stop demolition

By JAMIE l.l'(‘KE
Kernel Staff Writer

(‘lasses listed under four subject
headings are being reclassified as biology
courses. said ltaziel Hakim. biological
scienccs cu n‘icu lum committee chairman.

The changes. however, won't take effect
until at least the fall of 1976. Hakim said.

The four departments merged into a
biology schoola bout five years ago. but the
murse listings are still separate. Hakim

(‘hanges were initiated to simplify
course selection. Hakim said. It was unfair
to give intermediate level courses strict
zoology or microbiology connotations
when the subject matter would be valuable
to all biology students. he said.

The committee tried to make the new


Basketball Preview lssue

Vol. va11 No. 79 er
an independent student newspaper


numbers indicate the nature of the course.
and to group courses together by the last
digitszof their number.

(‘oursesof generalinterest will have last
digits of l to ‘25. regulatory and develop-
mental courses 26 to 50. ecology courses 51

to TS. and microbiology 7599. Hakim said.

“The numbers should be meaningful and
useful. This was a rare chance to revamp
the numbering.“ Hakim said.

The committee has worked on the
changes for over a year. he said.

l'niversity procedure for changing
course numbers is complex. "The
mechanics of setting up the changes was
monumental. A lot ofman hours have gone
into the revisions.“ Hakim said.

Each application for change must be
filed separately and multiple copies must
be made. he said.



— Bruce Orwm

likurrkl Ppclprt’..-

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky


The changes must be approved by the
biology school, Senate Council, and
eventually the University Senate. Hakim

Once the Senate approves the changes.
they must be widely publicized. In—
dividuals objecting to new course numbers
have ten days to voice their dissatisfac—
tion. Questioned course numbers will then
be reconsidered by the committee, Hakim

No course levels have been changed, and
renu mbering without changing the course

level is considered a minor change by the
aniversity. Hakim said.

“The minor changes go through
relatively fast. We‘ll be considering ways
to make improvements by adding or
dropping courses and rectifying problems
in hundncd level courses later," Hakim

A real back up

hill Sowler. a member of the Sigma Tau
dance company, appears to he usw
:nmlhei member ol~ the troupe .l\ a
backrest uuring recent performance at
Shrim rs Hospital for (‘rippled l ‘hililren
The dance company 's I:: memtu-i ~ gau
.. lecture mil danced for children at the

iospital on Nov. IT.

For several months, residents of the South Hill

Kernel Staff Writer

A hea ring on a motion to stop razing houses in the
South Hill area will be held at 3 pm. today by
('ircuit Judge Armand Angelucci, said ()scar
(leralds, attorney for South Hill residents.

(leralds filed suit against the Lexington Center
('orporatjon tl.(‘(') and the Lexington-Fayette
l’rban ('ounty (lovemmcnt alleging relocation
money and assistance have not been provided for
those who have been and will be displaced by the
demolition of houses near the Lexington (‘ivic

'l‘oday‘s hearing is to request a temporary
restraining order to stop destruction of the houses,
(leralds said.

The controversy was caused by demolition of
houses in an 8...“; acre area that will be used for a
civic (enter parking lot.

area ~ which is bordered by Broadway. High and
Maxwell Streets w have complained they were not
receiving enough help relocating.

(leralds‘ class action suit, filed on behalf of area
residents affected by demolition, claims LCC and
the urban county government failed to meet Ken-
lud ' ’ 30 Nleriun Haskins F Jr b 4 205 '20 Lampbellsville, Ky.
3? James Lee F 5' 65 .00 I9 Lexmg tun, Ky.
Grevey & Conner 9 ~14 Hwb FI-wler l Fr 6 41 200 l8 Dearburn Hls , Mich
. _ ‘>3 Pvck R'-l)ey C F \ 010 X3? W New Orleans, La
HomecomIng reunIon at 5.; [Jan Hall 'L _ . o lo 275 I9 [leisy Layne, Ky.
Memorial Coliseum SS Mlkf.‘ Phillips ( 8'. 0 l0 1‘35 l9 Akrun, Ohio

Joe Hall

this season's outlook from
the man who should know

Dec. 1 - Northwestern at Evanston
Dec. 8 - N. Carolina at Charlotte
Dec. 10 - Miami (0.) in Lexington
Dec. 13 - Kansas at Lawrence
Dec. 15 - Indiana at Louisville
Dec. 19 - UKIT: Arizona St.,

Georgia Tech, Oregon St.

in Lexington
Dec. 30 - Notre Dame at Louisville
Jan. 3 - Miss. State at Starkville
Jan. 5 - Alabama at Tuscaloosa
Jan. 10 - Tennessee in Lexington
Jan. 12 - Georgia in Lexington
Jan. 17 - Vanderbilt (TV) in Lexington
Jan. 24 - Florida at Gainesville
Jan. 26 - Auburn at Auburn
Jan. 31 - Miss. in Lexington
V Feb. 2 - Louisiana State in Lexington
Feb. 7 - Tennessee (TV) at Knoxville