xt76hd7nrx5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nrx5r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1930 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1930 Vol.2 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, June 1930 Vol.2 No.5 1930 1930 2019 true xt76hd7nrx5r section xt76hd7nrx5r 1 1 11 ‘
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i”- his: Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1930 - ~
1 5:139 i» 1:
L: 11:2", 5: 1 . . -
_ ' ' . pounded in your questionnaire. I know ‘
15L ‘L LL L T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S 5 our field and get the business.” 7
L1"! LL L? That type of publisher not only -
, ' lr LL Li ————————-—— _ _ drives business from his own paper but 1
' E ELL} .‘LL Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Assocration brings discredit to all newspapers. He L
- FELL: LLLE __._..__——— is a leaner, not a lifter. He is an ad- ‘
‘13. 'sz I.‘LL VICTOR R. PORTMANN, Editor-in-Chief ded burden on the backs of the build—
-. flL, ,zLLLLL FRANCES L. HOLLIDAY, Assistant ers and co-operators.—N.E.A. Bulletin.
. . ‘L 'L _____——-——— _ * * * * s it
{L LLLLLLL LL Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexmgton ABANDONS SUMMARY “LEADS”
! ‘lL'tiL': ‘ ' Printed by The Kernel Press ——_—— L
. LL LILLLL L LL Frank E. Gannett, publisher of the ‘
- iiLL‘luy lL . . M tter Brooklyn Daily Eagle, has had placed L
» .1 r l ._ P dl for Entr as Second Class at , .
. LILLLLL LLLLLL Appllcat'°:_f:‘ “g ____y_______ #______ on the Eagle’s city room bulletin board ‘1‘
. L ii ”iii PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS the following message in which he 1L
. -I-—1::L_u§ '.-.< . - . . .
Li {LL . ' HERNDON J. EVANS, Pineville Sun, President mess the ropoljtorlal staff to get away a;
' l‘ .Li-EL‘ ,L L 1 JOE T. LOVETT, Murray Ledger-Times, Vice-President gfigletlsltiirgri‘fitlseofi: ggrggrgglfigaffie 7‘»
, if“ 9' i‘ 1 1t _ ' L
.1 EliLh‘ LiL Li L . JAMES T. NORRIS, Ashland-Independent, Chm. Exec. (,ommi ee “I hope We will all abandon the old L
.L LLLLJL L LL J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Danv111e Messenger, Secretary-Treasmel' worn-out, useless rule about telling a L
‘L till 1LLL ; ________————————-——-———-——-—-—-——- story in the first papagraph. It makes 1
5 LL. L' L? ‘1 ———_——_‘~ me furious when I read a story in the L
LLL’L'LWL’: “it 5: .,., headlines, then in the first paragraph, L
" L‘L i LL 7 MEMBER Lair th ‘t t 1d ' d l t t id
-'L ”Mfr (Lil L 15.55 .; LL:L . . _ en see 1 0 again, an a er re 0 r
; LLLLLL‘ L LL : W . MBIImCI‘LiEitr-zu 1930 a fourth time. This old rule was mm L
1% ‘LV 5 Li L ‘ “'- " "'4: ceived by a New York newspaper man
ELLE s L L K TUCKY PRES W who often found it necessary to cut . L
1121:4213 1 ff all of the stor xc t th first 1
“it. 1 0 y e ep e
LLLL‘LEW E L 5 ASSOCIATION paragraph, and he wanted the first .
i LlLl't .1 , z
: L5 LLELL t , 1 L ogguuzzo unuuv. 1869 ————-————-———— paragraph to be complete. We are sel- ..
ILLLLLLLLLL' L —_______=—._._—————______——————-——~—..__— dom in that position in any of our L
if”; LLLT' 3-11 , , L . L standard invmce. We are endeavoring newspapers. Our writers should know
LL I Ll; “"L i 1 G0 SOUTH, YOUNG MAN- to co-operate with the other weeklies how long a story should be and should
‘L‘L'il‘p‘ 1‘ L L ———— iii keeping agency billing straight and t 11 t d 1 th t
with?! .. s i ' . u e i accor ing y, wi on any expec- '
’ ilLLHL i 3‘ L Horace Greesleys G0 WBSt' “Kings as near as possible just what they tation that the desk will cut the tail L
' Li‘L'Lfi . . , Man!” comes in handy as 3 subJec wish. We were fortunate iii securing on the dog, at least not just behind
L: l'Lm LI- . for this short editorial. Or we may the latest Ford contract from N. W. the ears.”
L? fit“ L z again Pal‘sphrsse it: “Go To somelse? Ayer 86 Son and did it by following
(LL-FEEL LL;- E Young Man!" Whatever manner 1t 15 the suggestion in the Service Letter * * * * *
1' igiL‘LLL‘ *ng L IL L worded, it means 31151? that every Ken— —by working on the local dealer and WEEKLY SELLS FOR $107,000
LLL ‘L'LLLL‘L ‘L L tucky editor will be the loser unless having him write letters to the Ford . T———————
LL‘ ‘LLLLLM 3L he meets the loyal KPA members at Motor Company. Big-town editors who poke fun at L
'L LL‘LLi L L Somerset next month. A splendid “The Service Letter alone is worth country papers may try to laugh this L
‘L 31']? .2 L: program of instruction and entertain— the price of membership in the NE. A. off: The Press and Recorder Post, a
-L lLLLLLt ‘L L‘: ment has been prepared and CeCil and some of the suggestions have made weekly newspaper of Dickenson, N. D., L
i L‘LLL‘ L Li . Williams and George J0p11n Lhave us many times the price of our dues." was recently sold for $107,000.—leer- i
LLLL‘L 5' LL I determined that this meeting W111 set ,L. * * * ,, pool (N. Y.) Telegraph. L
'11 r'flLL ' . : . . - . _
i'l LILLLLJ i a criterion for all meetings to come. :1: xi: -l< * =1:
"HALE: * * a: a: ____.___. L
.. Li '1 r - . . REFUSE ADS 0F CHAIN STORES ..
L LLLE LLL SEND IN YOUR NEWS 84:2; 3:2]: nfwgggge’rggfis’ gag: If you have accepted chain store ad- I
‘1 Etienne" ; ' ‘ ~ ~ ~ - .
L rLlil‘ ? LL‘ . ' . a paper that paid for itself the first vertiSing from a neighboring WWII and ‘
, :aELLir‘ '1‘ With this issue we are again enclos- issue a local merchant came bustling into
i‘Eirsii-‘é fi . _ . . . . .
7 ‘iili's"! Li mg ieturn post cards for news items According to Albert H. Law, one of the shop charging disloyalty to the
» .LL‘LLM .' 1; about your office, your friends, 37011; the publishers political legal display home town, what would you do about
1 ”El‘i‘J’l-x ‘ 1‘ - . ' . 1 f _ . 9
L LELLLLLLL : L“ family, and yourself. We “Sh to t.h an and classified advertising receipts paid It‘ . .
‘ 12:15:“‘5: i l- those who have sent in news items . . This dilemna confronted Ray Nor- L:
., 11 3'24, 2 ,1 . . d h that such the publishers in full for all money a d‘t f th Oklahoma Clarion L
l L, ‘ELLJL ’é L: i from time to time an ope . 't expended in the purchase of the paper. m n, 8.1 or 0 e . ’
LL LlLLLLL l. L l pl‘Ocedure W111 became a hablll; W1 h a: * * LL L. and thistls the way he answeied the
1M5, L i" L every editor in the state. Ma e use merchan.
L ‘7‘ :1"sz L"; 3 of the cards. please. A BLACK SHEEP First the editor asked the merchant '
" iéii‘r‘it' ' 5: L * * * * * ————.— if he would sell a sack of flour to the L
: Liti‘ 1; z . , .
L. LLLL-LL‘LLL‘” LL 1' ANXIOUS T0 (IO-OPERATE Not all country newspaper publishers manager of a chain store. Of course L
i .1 :i :L 3.: 1 1 . _ if
. {LIL‘LLLLELi . 1‘ ; —— are co-operators. For instance, there he would, because that was merchan . L
L ' Li‘l'iLL : LL ‘ A gratifying number of requests for is the type who sent this letter to an dise. L
L L LLLEWLLLLL : LL samples of the N.E.A. standard invoice advertising agency that was compiling Then Mr. Norman opened his news- i
L ”Li 5: L for billing national advertising and . circulation and other information for paper, spread it on the table before .
L L lnLLLL L' orders for the mat or electro of the use in preparing a list of papers ’to the merchant.
LL ELILi L . ruled portion of the invoice have been receive a large national advertising “The pages of my paper are my
L LLESL "L : eceived the past month. contract: stock in groceries, the column rules L
L 1W; ' LLL Typical of the letters received is “Life is too damn short for a man my shelves, and. on these shelves stand L
1“ LLLLngL L ‘1 the following from F. C. Eaton, pub- who is editor, bookkeeper, solicitor, col- my stock of goods. This is what I . .L-
L. (L‘LLL‘ ‘ LL 1 lisher of the Audubon County Journal, lector and man of all work about a have to sell.”
L LLLLL‘LL Li L Exira, Iowa. country newspaper office to endeavor The merchant promptly left the
E" LLLLLLLL LL : “Please send me sample of N. E. A. to answer all the fool questions pro- Shop. '
1.1: t-iéé‘lfi ' I-‘: - ~
1:: not ' Li
.1: LE ,LLLELLL L. ~
will. ' ‘J .
.- LLL L . .
‘3 Li ‘J L} ‘ ’
met? “L? ' ..
: €_‘t\. f l » «sov-

 "1,,va ,, _ : . WW7 7‘ " ,
' “ I‘ " ' ’31 .
f I. .33 3
r I ah- . .
3 33 3
~ ‘3 3 ." 'I ’ ‘
June, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I? 3 3 3 I
3i ' 3‘1 1 3
3 . . 1 . 135 3 ‘Il‘ 3,
v KPA Promised Big SELECTIfifigHFEoglggg JOB Western Editors Hold ,; 3 I
3 c . o _, 3 3 3.' 3 1 3
' Domgs At Somerset __ Interesting Meeting 3 3 33
(By EARL MORGAN, Consulting _____ 3 :3 3 3‘1 33
.3 Somerset Is Making Elaborate Plans [ThisEgggiifgr’stfféliadéggf) Charles A. Robbins, Hickman Courier, Was 3 3 3
To Entertain Kentucky Editors MsIntii'e of th P . . Reelected For His Third Term - j_ i 3" 333
. Next Month , e ac1fic Printer and _ 1,3 t 33‘ 3‘
Publisher, as good enough for the lead A5 “951““ i 3.‘ 3 '3 3
~ ~ . , . position in his interesting magazine. —— 1; ’f 3 3'3 33
The Kentuc” P1655 aSSOCIatlon 3W1,” 1t is here reproduced for the benefit A. Robbins, editor and publisher of 3, 3 3. 1;
dedicate the H0961 heecher, Somersets Of those Kentucky employers who read the Hickman Courier, was unanimously 3 '31 g 3; 3‘
new one-quartel-milllon dollai hotel. The Press and who may have missed re—elected president of the West Ken- 3 33.3‘ . 3 3 3
Mr. Woodson MOSS’ leesee, Will open it in the Printer and Publisher. tucky Press association for his third i . 3 .3
the. 3193361 .JUSt one WEBk before the as— Originally, this was an address given term at the annual meeting of the 3; 3: 3 3 1‘
soclatlon ls schedgled t9 hffld the mm" at the annual convention of the United association in Paducah. All the other 33 :3 3 33; 3 333
. summer mefatmg m ims Clty‘ l 10 Typoethetae of America] officers were re-elected: Elliott C. ‘3 " ‘ 3 333
'7 The Ohemng date ls lset f0? Ju YD. ' There is little if anything known Mitchell, 'Sun- Democrat, Paducah, _ 3 3 I II, 33
The“? “”11 bia form? opemrtlga f 35' today about how to select men; but vice-president; Mrs. Margaret Hard “313‘: 3 3 3:
tmgulShed. Citizens a1 ‘1 expecMe 320m out of all the experimenting and inten- Hogard, Crittenden Press, Marion, ‘3 1 3‘ 3 3
ivery Simon 0f the 5 336' t3“ 0:5 sive thought being given to the sub— secretary-treasurer. The president will 3 '1 33
IS making elaborate prepara ions 0 ject, we are gradually building up and appoint the members of the executive ' 1» 333 3 333
entertain the editors. t h b developing more and more knowledge, committee before the next meeting in 3 3 ‘ I33
Convention] headquai‘i er: aver can and ten years hence the methods we September. 33 3 3 3 333
, established aria y tin pan: a 1g 1 are using today will probably seem The West Kentucky Press associa- 3 3 3 33 33
mg forward or E? even ' ocad crude. So in the absence of any 100 tion comprises all the papers in the 13 ‘ ‘3 , , 3 33
committees arenmeeting weekly an per cent method, the only thing we counties of the First Congressional ' ‘3 .3 3 ' 313
are perfecting ailangements for enter— can do is to continue to give the matter District, known as the Jackson Pur- 3 3 ‘33 3 3 3 3
22213181339331.5313 tgfedzlgtgefifiiheghteo Digit: intensive thought and study. chase. One of the leading topics of ’3 133
' this the best summer meeting in the The yearly wage Of a $3,000 man is discussmn at the .meeting was good ‘; 3 .3 3 3
. . . exactl the same amount as the an- roads for this section of Kentucky, it 3. 33 3 3 .3
' history of the assoc1ation. y _ . . t d t b Mr Mitchell that 3 .3 .3 33 . 3 33
. hich is published in nual wage of $5,000 of capltla at 6 being pom e 9“ y. - . 3 3 , 3 I33 333
._ The plogram, w . . per cent' so if you think of every man the Purchase is behind other sections 3 1 5 3 33
3 Eh: 1551:; tall: iglofiidnhepgilffipgslsfilgvtg you employ in terms of capital which of the state in road construction and . i 3 33 33
‘ g: 16mg, deiafl. There will be one sur— his wage can command, there should merely d851res ‘70 catch up. . 3 3» '3 "' 3 3 3
prise after another. Mr. Jopiin and be no necessity to urge the use of all Col. Henry Lawrence, Cadlzltecord, 3 3_ 3 3 3 3
. Mr. Williams have secured an enter— the care and thoroughness possible in spoke on “Newspapers and Politics” at 33 ‘3 . : . 33
3 tainer of national fame for the ban- selecting the personnel. the opening session, holding that every 3 3 3» 3 _ 3 3
‘3 quet on Friday night July 13, This No System Perfect good newspaper should be a power for j' 33‘ 3 _3. ' 3
will be a knockout. This feature alone The matter of selection is not one to good in local and state politics, leading j :3 ' 3 3| 3 3 3
will be worth the trip to Somerset, be handled by forms and formulae. It the way for the voters. Joe T. Lovett, 13"3 3 3 3 3 3
3 Then there is the trip to Cumberland is not a problem of mechanics but of Murray Times and Ledger, led a round ' 3 3. 3,11; . .33 3 3 3
Falls on Friday. Cars will be provid- humanics, if I may coin the word. My table discussion on the problems. of 1 3 3 . 13 i3
ed to take ' all the delegates to this experience makes it difficult to believe the community newspaper, and Elliott 3 33 3. 3 . 33
famous resort. Those who desire to that any system will ever be devised C. Mitchell spoke at the luncheon on 3 3 33 3
do so may Bring their bathing suits for selecting the right employee every the “Future of West Kentucky. nt 3 i 3 3I 33
_ and fishing rods. You will enjoy a time. Each case must be handled in— the afternoon sessmn, A. E. fiteln, 3 3 3 3
‘ swim below the Falls. There is good dividually; each case presents a new Hickman County Gazette, Clinton, 5 33 3 3 .3 3
fishing near the Falls_ The Courier— problem in personal characteristics and led a round table discussmn on head- . 3 3333 33; ,3 3 3
. Journey and Louisville Times will pro— the job requirements,, and it is here ing ofi free space grafters, and Mrs. : , 3 3 ‘ ‘33
vide lunch at the Brunson Inn. that the skill of the executive manifests Hogard spoke on the advantages of 3 3 I3; » 3 3
Saturday morning the women will itself by the quickness with which he membership in the Kentucky Press as- 3 3 33
assemble at the Somerset Country :izes uptfionditions and adopts a plan scolatlotnonand the National Editorial 3 33 3 .33 33
Club for a party, where the golf 0 5111 em. 3550013: 1 - . 3 3 3 j: 3 3I 23‘
tournament will be held Saturday af- An employee’s qualifications should At the busuiess meetmg, the PrOVI- ' '3 33
ternoon. not only be weighed with respect to dence Enterprise, Prov1dence, Webster 3 .1 333
, Its going to be a big three days. the requirements of the present open— countyi was elected '00 membership, 3 3 :3
'3 Remember there is a splendid highway ing, but also the possibilities of his and Frank Evans: new “1133‘” Of the 3: 3 I, '1
3 to Somerset and the route is the most measuring up to increasing responsi— Mayfield _M?856n§eri was W9100m9d to 3 3 “ “
scenic in the state. Three large garages bilities in the future. Every opening the assoc1atlon. ‘ 3 ‘ 3- . 3
“ are located in front of the hotel. should be considered as an opportunity ________—————-——— j 33 3 3 .
The committee in charge of arrangc- to develop an employee for a higher- inf to realize that the training and 3 3 33 3
ments would like to know just how up position. experience which comes out of growing 3 3 ‘
3. many will attend the meeting. Cards This is so important, in my mind, up in the particular business is more ' I I 3
3f- have been sent to all members of the that when I was with a corporation I valuable han any experience which . '3 ‘3 3 3 3
I K. P. A. Please return them at once, always tried to constantly keep before can be bought on the outside. 3 3 3 ‘1 3 3
if you have not already done so. me the question: Have we the human Modern management methods de- 3 3 3 3 3
————————- .material on hand and in course of mand that positions shall not be filled ' : 3 3 .3 1 3 3
We are creatures of habit and enjoy development which will measure up to on a “hand—to—mouth” basis, but that . 3‘ 3 3 3 3
orderly homes and newspapers made the requirements, and ——have We the there should be maintained at all ;'_': I. ‘3'" 3. 3
up by system which provides regular executives in the making that we will times, in advance, information as to .3 3‘ 1.7. 33 3 3
places for regular features—Editor need then? the current requirements for people 3' 3‘ ‘3 3' 33 3‘
ll adn Publisher. Advance Information A Necessity and a detailed knowledge regarding - ‘ 3 3 1‘ 3 33
Famous last words—“Don’t quote I am one of those who believe that likely candidates for all positions 3 3 33 3 I 3
me.”——Editor and Publisher. large business organizations are com- (Please Turn To The Next Page) . 3 3 33
, 3 3 3’ .
3 '3 i
3333 3 ,f 3 1 133
:1. 3 31
31 113»
1. '21"

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Which ma. THE 1
1.321213: 11.1 that tfidev‘elep- All of W KENTUCKY P '
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. », =. : . , : Walt . 1n nts Ctor .
5'11} , :1.‘ lug llst” 0f adVaHCe and On the mOI‘ 1 Of an 1n its . J . .
13‘151‘131 '1 ‘2 material ~ .capable a . 3 er 1; . a 8 0r attit Inflllence “He, 193 ‘
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1::~;11.}1I1191; pr ould include a- . uch a Waitin n0t 1DSure sou . Wages alon Olk— applied 1m fmm th _
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Numb 1‘ "[11 advance 6 SO that! 0 y Of the Th rlght' ns’ but 13he S tleated du ‘ p Oyment’ the has :
1111 17.11 I 0Vev100ke;l Worthy emDIiESrtunity t0 and 1:1: is Only One sou d y £1011, how berg: g the prochs oglay he 1“
135" m.» l1, ‘ o - To w - . Be is n at is t n W1 - rOduc Placed Selec-
- :3 1-4; ,1 CCurs and am 11111211 01’ buy ' . 0 buy . ge Dolley Ed 130 th 011 the ' . I
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I $141117. I 1 Whatever . lush out Hey that he same b . 10D, and urmg the t oufldlngs
‘ '1 1511.111“: 1: 1" Yes 1 Is availabl and grad Would be a - usmesS ac G0 enure 0f ’ and S0
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1 11.31141 ‘. Yo . 0 IS Willing t 3’86. The per f managem 8. Payroll ex n Voi Dal COHtact 01316 built 11
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1? r ei~ ‘19-“: " . 0 an _can be (:1 ymg Of a pproach th th - g t that th the P60 1
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.1, I : Of a - 1Zed a Cheap . e of ma - Vt St reCIL , y falls t .-
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1.151 11.. ; I 1 y formula - ' What is the . W111 pl‘Odu S r -~ 81 on futur acqumng th ‘
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i 111.11%“: 111‘ .1 Obtaln regard' 9 data that ’ en rarely . mlnatiOn 0f e1- ln— I‘come eVen t ’ In fact ha ’
. 1 v 1 the . . mg the . I can 15 labor Profits velopm hOUgh ’ rd t0
.1 1M1: 1 1 Posmo _ requn. facto _ the 1 , and ents sh Subsequ
1 -‘1‘}11:~:-[ 11‘? : perh n. The Imp . ements of . rs, It, Is 11 argest‘, of th fled ow them 13 em; de—
x‘i ‘1111121'1r1‘11 s: 3135 the 1110 01mm thin little yOu . 013 how mu ese ' 0 be unju t' H
«1.11:1,» v1 1 learned . St Valuab} _ g, and pay In . Ch 01. h W’ s 1_ 1
- 1: I g 1 e and Wa 0w 1th I
11 I11 1 I: I haVe S n“ 10 pass judthm’ I have fo- What quelity gres’ but 110‘” much ing is a new employee
1111;1I1 1[ 11 ' many 01:;S much infol‘majgment Until IByEm‘ payroll OuflaOdlécfion you get 0955 Ofnecessary during thcarefu1 nurs- 1
1 51"." 3 niOns - . 1011 a 11 ha ' y hat - Select‘ ‘3 Wh 1
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i 1111:1111 11 t O renlember th posslble to In accol‘danc .Xed flat Wa‘ - g. Thls is 6m IBment and t‘ .
1 1115 i 1; 11 ekes are goin at even then g.“ not emu e Wlth theSe ge seale over 1‘ecord phaSIZed by th 1am"
151314 1]: : beliEVe t glto be made m1s_ an gr} by an theories is Which S 0f the ave e turn-
11:21.11 1 g“ be as “1.231: dee‘e I mm; as .1 show 11:5:
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11 1113:1111 11th01‘0ugh1 n attempt is pace- Sumc y' A“ Of Wh' ‘ e gFaded be Dawn “10" echutiv ' FOre-
111% 1 11 1 Qualific -y analyze a made to - lent rBason i . 10h ShOUId Se fact Cularly prOIle es Seem t0
, 1,311,411.31“ 1 i - atmns and t n applicant mcentiVes b n Itself for fi em - and negle t to °Ver100k -
. 1111111: 5 l 1 10b Where h‘ hen place h‘ . 5 import ’ I” there is . nanCial With new C theh‘ res - thls 1
‘ 3.5: .312 :’ i : maxi 15 Strong - ~ mm In a ant factor 513111 a m ~ emplOS’ees pOnSIbilitie 1
I “"1“" g 1 1 . mum di polnts Will of the . e the will Ole PrOVis' ‘ S 1
. 3111111 1“ 1 Weak - re“ apph - have WOlker t and d ‘ ‘ Ions Shoul ‘
.: 11- . : Doxnt Catlon _ 0nly b 0 produ , eSIre Instru t' d be m 1
_ 1.131211; ., , s the . . and h . e fav . Ce. Th 0 Ions t ade f . ,- . 4
“II-131.2: g I under mlmm ls Orably IS Ca 1; . 0 the 01 glvn t
-. :1 1 Give ”2:” Jimene- “m ”were if$2d°pp°eumtyniiliimed by offer? $5153 Infections cififiof‘iiplwee 211113 1
MM 11 ‘ . uch uce 1'11 m 1 ea 8 ‘
1 21: 1 11 I golcint in relatiogiahagms 0f the ails manShip m; y and quantity of standing reggfiéélon' Any milsroment
I. 55111133111 :1 1 r he job and 0 he requ‘ ' not b “We: rec - - Work— ment - r mg ter under- -
1- 1 tn - 1rement 9 left OgmtIon W111 11nd - ms of ‘
j .1 1:111. II 1 1‘ VOIVed. The e 50019,] rel at‘ S Shoul d to ChanCe Should fume ermlhe th emp10y_ 1-
1.13,; 1 1 - . . 1 o .. Bmor 1
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1: 211.1 ‘31 1 0f the p close1 mm th 5 mueh .115 meflees 195 for . e ‘
1 1 1111113 1 1 ’ :Itldtsee that a chi???“ Who is se1ec$§ and Othzr ailment of pel‘sgiaf 05511316 scribed :33 Smmmion Shouiglagy m'
‘ 11 : he 1-] . eis pr d‘ffi “man - Whim I am e de-
, . 141%“ 11‘ .: rst 51 omptl 1 0111b, - tralts . nfOrm
. ‘ 11113 11 3 cannot be Co gm of Weaknessy made meaSur but.Where produ 3 Thls is Colnpan t-he new empl
I I 11111?“ 1.1 1: There is nErECted' Whlch DOSSibl 6C: falrly dEflnite15t1€n Can be Ol‘ganizgt’ Its businesS itzyee of the
v : "1.1 1 1 - e o ' hen - . ion 't . f SChe
I 11111111 ' lesses due 1; QUesnon but 1; auto - make a 1t IS rGgul - ’ 1 S 1301101 - mes 0f
‘ : €211...“ 1i; 1 mend 0 Door 561 . hat the matlc upOn promOtiOn 1 athnS. In Sh BS, Its rules 11"
. 11312115. In 1 . 0‘15. but: th mm are t Standards attainin pa“ keep him 0115156111” - and l
11.11% - 2: 1 Darlson w~ ey Suffer 1‘ . re- 0f Drodu ~ g certai b SOld- A 0 him a
31::1141' ‘1 1: 1 - 1th the 1 113116 In co ReCOgniti “1011- n 8 tom Wh - new emplo ‘nd
"11 1111;111:1fi ’ 11 1 ’mg miSfits t 05595 due t m' be 11 - on ShOUId in tu. at IS Expect yee Should
1 2‘ 111.1113? 1‘ j afte - . 0 Stay On . 0 allow- mlted to s .not necess ' In, What 8d 0f him ~~
I I 111131113 :- .1 1. faillfreltc: Obvious 131:2;6 glozhtoo 10mg gfntly a'WELr{finial}:1 1nCI‘easesI £32135, emplOyer_ he may expect Ofarfii
gflififlge. i 7 1; Ced . n be ex 0 111g but Es the em Ore respOn' --'- —_____
I} 1:,1311'131' I I ure Slm DECted_ eVe . ployee . Slblhf,
i 11111.11 3' 31 Next 1 ply prya‘mids th Such pm- 1‘ r’ If. he Comes a StlmuluS; hows-7 ASS’N 1 1
1 ’131-1151‘1 ‘3 and Gena-:hould like to dfsgoss- £81301? Slbmty give tgrough With the CONDEMNS RATE 1.
. -, 1.1113 ‘ 11 ‘ - 1 iOn uss w 1011 " im 't _ S l
. $11131 1 . ls th 5 of em 1 tE‘I‘ms he IS 6 . he m The A .
1 :1511'113 1 1 . e Seacnd p0yment - The My nt‘tled. oney t‘ SSOClation 1
: 11.1152“ 1 1 which of the f , Whlch 1rd fund lsers at . of Nat' 1
‘1 wk I 1 ‘ I have - undament of treat amental ' ’ 1175 sem' lonal Ad '
’5”. 111 .1 £1 1. The fi preVmusl als to ment. Th‘ IS the matt pasSed a l—anual Ver-
1e; m;- : rSt fact . y referred personm . 15 deal . 91“ d'fi‘ rEsolutio cOIIVentj
.2; 1'; 311131111117 . or 15 Wages ' Em 1 relathDShj S Wlth the 1 Erentjal b t n 00ndemn- 0n,
‘ 3:112:11 ' ‘ 1 _the 111051, p eyee, his p betWeen nwspape e Ween local mg the
:11 “11111th = 11 1 manager - a55001211365 the f - 1‘ rates, 'de - and natio ' 1
31111111 '1‘ ‘1 I It mvmves the mafia the (3:32“ whateVer “in“? that no 03?}
[1* i 1 e hod 0f DOlicifsm Fig aimed cméf‘isfified- The 1
V ,1. :‘ 3': _' I O h y a . “‘
1:211 11% 1 . e me’ero 0’ gamSt the
“ 3111 : p man damee 1

 2: 2 , ii ,\ .
2 :2 ‘2? 217222. 22
- ‘22 :12: ”'2‘ 2‘2
2% l2
2 2 2 2 2:2 2.? 2 ‘2 .2 ‘
' June, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . 222 ‘ 2
2 2 2 ‘
- ' 2 ‘22 222 ‘ 2
2» Mid-Summer Meeting Program o———%——o 2 j 2 .22 2
‘2 9! 2" 2
2" HOTEL BEECHER, SOMERSET, KY. 2 The Forum 2 ‘22 .2; 22222 2
Thursday, July 1'7. —________ 2 2222.2 2
3 p. m.—Meeting called to order by the President, Herndon J. Evans, The Sun, 0 O 2 22‘ ‘2‘2‘22 ; 2
2 PineVille, Ky. May 16, 1930. 2‘“ ’22 ' 2
Invocation by Rev. C. H. Talbot, Pastor Somerset Presbyterian Church. Dear Editor: :2 2 2.22 .2
Address of Welcome by Judge John Cooper, Somerset, Ky. I want you to scan carefully my 2‘2 ‘12 2‘2
., Response by Herndon J. Evans, President K. P. A. publication of this week, (twenty ‘22 22‘ 222.
7 Appointment of Committee on Resolutions. pages) and take special notice of the 022 222 2 2
Registration. automobile number for the Coppock 2 2: 2222 2
Friday, July 18. Motors of this city. I realized more 2 2 2 ‘2 , 2 2
8:30 to 10:15 a. m.—Business Session. than $275.00 worth of additional ad- 2 22 2 ;2 ‘ ‘2‘
2, Report of National Editorial Association Convention by J. Curtis vertising for this week’s issue, with 2 2:. 2: 2
22 Alcock, Danville, Ky. very little efiort on my part, (by cor- I 2 2 22222 2 :
. Round Table. l‘espondence) because most advertisers 2 2 22 2 2
7 10:30 a. m.—Leave by motor for Cumberland Falls. were out of town firms. I also printed 2’22? 222 ‘ 2
22‘ 12:30—Luncheon at Bl‘unson Inn, Cumberland Falls, as guests of the Courier- one thousand additional copies, making 2’2 2. “ 2 '1
: Journal and Louisville Times. (Bring your bathing suits and a total of 3,000 and set a rate of 50c 22‘, 2 2‘ g
1- fishing rods)_ per inch, and take it from me, the ad- 2‘ 22 ‘2 2 2 2 .
2 Banquet Friday Evening vertisers promptly responded nicely. 2 2 2 ‘ 2 ,
‘ 7 —K P A dele 'ates will be guests of the Somerset Journal and The: Besides it makes a creditable edition 2‘2 2': 2 ,
2 p. m2 Commonwealtlgl at a banquet at Hotel Beecher in Somerset. Herndon and a neat additional revenue that ‘22 22 2': 2 2 22
2, 2 J. Evans, President K P. A., Toastmaster. Banquet speakers will be Gil/6123" counftry publisher can always . 2.2 2i 2 2‘ 2
2 “Dusty” MillerZ noted Editor—Humorist, Wilmington, Ohio; Former nnldjillgtmtlhofirght I would call your at- £222 222 1 2‘2 2 2
2 Governor Edw1n P. Morrow, Washington, D. C., SpeCial MuSic, tention to this and thought that you 2222 2 22 1 2 .2
2 Dancmg. would probably be glad to write a 2 22 22 ‘2 I,
. . Saturday, July 19' story for the Press, and hope that I 222; 2. 22 2 2‘
2 8:30 a. m.—Business sess10n at Hotel Beecher. . see it therein. Its worthy to spread 22,2 2 j :2 2 2
22 Awarding of Newspaper prizes by Prof. Victor R. Portinann, Depart- and I hope that many publishers use 2222 2 3‘ 2 2