xt76hd7nrw2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nrw2f/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1894 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Covington, KY: Ledger Printing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Kentucky Equal Rights Association, Minutes of the Seventh Annual Convention, Held at Merrick Lodge, Lexington, KY. 1894. text Kentucky Equal Rights Association, Minutes of the Seventh Annual Convention, Held at Merrick Lodge, Lexington, KY. 1894. 1894 1894 2019 true xt76hd7nrw2f section xt76hd7nrw2f “if )e abide in my word, ye shall know the truth, i
and the truth shall make you free.“
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Kentucky Equal nghts Assoelatlon, .
- I
r..~\'t' CINCINNATI (during the Twentieth Atnnual A'Ieétillglof the . 1 A
American Woman Suffrage. Ass’ociatio’n.) ‘NOVEMBER, I888. " I;
\:\’l' 'RICHIV[()ND, KY. I'IELtEMBER, I890. '
, A'r LOUISVILLE, KY. ‘ 4 DECEMBER, 1891. "
AI- RICHMOND, KI: " ' NOVEMBER, 1892. ' '7
, V‘ AT NEWPORT, KY. , ' OCTOBER, 1893. ,
, A'l‘ LEXINGTON, KY. ' . ‘ OCTOBER, 1894. ~ '
. V. ;
f 7 ' ‘ i
, ~ , i

 fix 1
"5‘3" 7 ”If ye abide in my word, ye shall know the truth, 1
1:21:33" _: and the truth shall make you free." 1
1 Kentucky EqUal RIgbIs fissocIaIIon, 1
_ ' I
F " October 24th, 25th and 26th, 1894. 1

-"*>"E‘ . 1
~23» :

«.t 1 1’RICSIDEN'I'—I\IISS LAURA CLAY, . 78 North Broadway, Lexington. '
5 1:: 18mm VICIz-PRESIDI<‘.N'I‘—MRS. MARY B. CLAY, . Richmond. 1
3‘ . 8mm) .. _MRS. MARY CRAMER, . . Lexington. 1
f 1" THIRI) ' “ —‘.\'IRS. MARY K. _lONES, . Newport. 1
f _ " ' 911 Scott Street, Covington. 1
. ‘ : Rummy; SECRE'I‘ARY—SARAH M. SIFAVERS, M. 1). Newport.

_" ‘ 31 E. 'l‘welftli St., Covington. 1
J i: />’/'/)/(- .S'fszr. to set forth the true position of women : 1
:1; .: iVIISS L. M. S'I'RA'I'TUN, \Yilmore. 1
"x : I’u/f/Il‘a/ .S‘Iz/"jr .- MR. E. W. BAGHY, . . . . Paducah. 1
£51 [.131777/1/1'1' .- M RS. SARAH l-I. SAWYIZR, . . . . \Vilmorc. 1
:1 I’xmr [lbw/s .- MR5. SARAH G. I‘H'MPHREYS, . . Versailles. 1
L" 1’ . 2 All/fumz/ [Czlrn/hmuf: MRS. S. M. HUIIIIARI), . . . Hickman. 1
1;, Lrjg'zlr/az‘lr'r (r/II/ Pym/(w [NW/c : MRS. JOSEPHINE K. HENRY, Versailles. 1
“1 ls'z/In'a/zbllzz/ ()[vfin/‘izzzlf/‘z'rzrfiv' [I'M/1m.- MR5. CAROLINE A. LI-chcI-I, , 1
: ;'~=’ ‘ 1735 First Street, Louisville. 1
$3141 l/m’mn'xlz/ 7l'rI/"xlz'11g'_/EI/' [lb/11m : MR5. MARY C. ROARK, Lexington.

$1211 Mug/2711' am/ PMs/2‘17! (.‘zz/[zzn' : SARAH M. Sll?l\\'IZRf\', M. 1). Newport. 1
x”: 111 i" Il'h/‘A’A/x/uug' VIII/1113' Pun/Jr.- AIRS. ELLA ()IItsoN, . . Richmond. 1
H" 1 .3- .-/I(/7'II/Ia’///(‘///(3/ I I lI/mv/"x H lI/‘K' I'l/ //ir' .S‘r/mzr/s; .- 1
:1 MIss ANNA Mqu';..\.\-', Newport. 1
1 1.? S/m‘r 0/;327/2/317'1 Mus. EUUENIA l}. 1? A RNIFIR. . . Covington. .. ‘ 1 1
g 1 , . 1 9-1 8 3 4 . : .3 1
~59“ ‘ ~

_ i9:
Prm'zz’mt—MISS LAURA CLAY, . . . . . Lexington.
,lfcaI/‘a’z’ng Sa‘l'1’l‘rll:1'—I\/IRS. MARY CRAMICR, . . ‘-’ I;
77‘(‘(751//‘('/‘-—-I\IRS. SOPHIA CHARLES, . . . . “ I'
/’/-m'a’w///—MRS. EUGENIA I}. FARMIIR, . . . . Covington. *J
.S‘vvrn‘mj.'- 7/‘(‘(7.\‘1//'{‘/‘—I\'IRS. ISABELLA H. SHICI’HARI), . “
/’/-I:w}z’r/1/—AIRs. CAROLINE A. LEECII. I
’ .S‘I'I‘I‘I'fu/j'v—LVIRs. M. I“. HII-IIIIcRI). Fa:
7ram/rvr—MRS, M. I“ ROGERS. g :1
~15? T‘
Prm‘z'a’rur—INIRS. SARAH CLAY BENNETT, . . . Richmond. 4
[I’I'mm’z'ug St‘L‘l‘t‘l‘d/j‘v—IVIRS. WILLIAM FRANCES, . . _ ‘4 r ‘
7/‘('I7.\‘l//‘(’/‘———MRS. LL'CY IVICCANN. . . . . “ *5
- In.
Prm‘a’zv/f—SARAH M. SIEWIERS, M. I). . . . . Newport. If;
- [I’I’I'mu’z'ng Swrv/am'—— AIRS. M AR \' I\’IUG(‘.ER1_DGE, . . . H
Trmxzm'r—AIRs. A. ]. S'I'IAII‘SONI . . . . , -‘ 9:?"
l’n'x/lz’ml—I‘RoI". 'I‘. W. SHANNON, . . . . \\’ilmore.
.S'I'm’fzz/jl'a—BI’IRs. S. H. SAWYI-1R, . . _ . . H 4%.:
I/I'(‘.I.Y‘l//‘I'/‘-—.\’IRS. MARY HANDY, . . . . . . “ g; .,.
5:“. -z-.-.~"
P/Y‘SIII’IVIf—HVIRS. I15NXII-z IllGH’I'I’OO'I', . . . _ (Jovington. :3 $353"
' .S'I'I‘ruhnjr—.\IRs. KA'I'II’. I\I.-\RSH;\LI. . . . . ‘I 1 jg,
’/'/‘('(I.I1//'w/‘-——I\IRs. ELLEN ELLISON, . . . . “ £35 5::
> «53' 5::
S'I‘A'I‘E MEMBERS. _ . “I 5?;
MR5. S. M. I'IIIIIIIARIJ, Hickman. :MI 51’
I\’I|\".\‘. S.‘I\'I. (;()OI)I\'I\'II‘.H'I', Frankfort. ‘2;- ‘9
e , LEXINGTON, l{\'., October 24th, 1894. l
4" E I
31'; . Plan of Work Committee met at Merrick Lodge, I. O. O. F. Hall, 1
4' 41 at 9 A. M., Miss Laura Clay in the chair. Meeting opened with prayer ,
3.13, ‘J by Miss Anna Morgan. The following recommendations were carried: l
’l ;. 1st. That the Associations continue the School Suffrage work, with I
3! 1:: a view to asking for full school suffrage from the next Legislature.
r_~‘3 ‘: 2nd. lhat we Vigorously continuethe work to raise the “age of l
:i protection” for girls. i
l ".1 , . . . . 1
.3}; ,3;-I, 3rd. [hat the committee havtng charge of this work be empower- l
‘2" 1.. . . . . . l
e; ,v j ed to appomt asmstants at their discretion. 5
.21' I. . . . . _ i
:3 E3; 4th. That this assocmtion continue their eflorts to secure Houses l
5': 5‘qu of Reform for boys and girls and to urge the appointment of women on
it}; i 1 the Board of Managers. E
'-1i t. ‘7 i i
am ' ‘ = .. .
323' if, - ’ 5th. lhat by an amendment of the By-Laws the words “Hygiene l
‘15: ’ and Dress Reform” in that department he changed to “Hygiene and
i" ’4 5, Physical Culture.”
‘. “I; g 1 , l
" r2339 ._ ()tll. Adjourned. . .. . . l
' \r 1 : 1 ‘ :
,, , . ' *' ; : I
l \x.)
5 . . .- ’1

 4 Kicx'ri‘t'kv Eor‘ar. Ricu'rs Assot'm'riox.
Wednesday morning, October 24th, 1894. '

Meeting opened with the l’resident, Miss Laura Clay, in the chair. ,
Scripture lesson and prayer by Miss Anna Morgan.

A letter from the Treasurer regretting her inability to be present was
read by Mrs. Farmer: On motion Mrs. Farmer was elected as 'l‘reasnrer
pro. tem. . Motion made and carried that the Treasurer’s books be open
until Thursday morning to receive belated dues.

The President announced the following committees .

Mrs. Farmer. Mrs. Beauchamp. Mrs. Cramer.
Mrs. Charles. Dr. Siewers.
Mrs. h'luggeridge. Mrs. Farmer. Miss Wood.
Mrs. Bennett. Miss Wood. Mrs. Leech. Mrs. Charles.
Mrs. Woleott. Mrs. Goodnight.
AUIn'roks. '
Mrs. \l'olcott. Miss Wood.

The following fraternal delegates from the Twentieth Century Club 517'
of Cincinnati were introduced: Mrs. Young, Miss Potter, Mrs. Sachs,
l)r. Swift, Mrs. Addison. The ’l’resideut read a letter from Mrs.
Shrader, President of the Twentieth Century Club, filled with good
wishes and kindly greetings. By a unanimous vote of the convention
the privileges of the floor were extended to the fraternal delegates from
Cincinnati. Mrs. F. E. lgleauchauip, one of the delegates of the Fayette
E 111111 Rights Association, brought fraternal greetings from the Kentucky
W. C. T. L7,, having been appointed a fraternal delegate by that body.

The minutes of the Executive Committee were read by Mrs. l’ar-
met and accepted. ‘

Report of Mrs. Gibson, Superintendent of Work Among Young
People, was accepted, and led to an interesting discussion. Mrs. Heath
champ recommended that SundayeSchool teachers teach one standard of
morals for boys and girls. Doctor Siewers urged the members of the
convention to use their influence with school teachers to teach the erluul~
ity of the sexes in the school room.

Report of the Credential Committee read, with instructions regard
ingr the rights and privileges of delegates. The convention was composed
of thirty delegates from Louisville, Coviugton, Newport, Lexington, ‘
Frankfort, Richmond, Wilmore, Versailles, and six fraternal dclegates '
from Cincinnati and lierea.

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 ' l
KENTUCKY EQUAL Ricm‘s Assocra'rmN. 5 i
Report of Dr. Sarah M. Siewers, Superintendent of Hygiene, read l
and accepted. . 3
Miss Clay announced a change in the evening program. Owing to ‘
the absence of Mrs. Sawyer, the paper entitled “Woman in Politics” by J
, a Kentucky woman, on the program for the afternoon, would be read by 1
Mrs. Mary B. Clay in the evening, following the President’s address. ’
’ Mrs. Mary B. Clay was appointed to solicit subscribers for the Wo-
man’s Journal and Woman’s Column. i
Adjourned. l
. I/ Winery/qr Af/N‘Hflfl/l.
Meeting opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Beatl-
champ. i
Report of Frankfort Committee read by Mrs. Farmer. Accepted. l
An interesting paper and report on the “Age of Protection for ;
Girls,” read by Mrs. Mary K. Jones. J
Report of Mrs. Josephine K. Henry, Superintendent of Legisla- l
tive and Petition Work, read by Mrs. Farmer. Accepted. l
Report on Houses of Reform and the work in connection with the l
Legislature read by the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. S. A. Charles. I
Accepted. Mrs. Beauchamp, being chairman of a similar committee 2‘
from the W. C. T. U., was invited to Open the discussion on this work. i
Moved that no name be recommended to the Legislature for these Hous- |
es of Reform. i
Mrs. Henry recited a comic poem. [
' Miss Anna Morgan, Superintendent of Woman’s Work in the Pub- I
lic Schools, read her report. Accepted. 3
By request, Mrs. S. M. Goodknight read a comic poem. I
Adjourned. 1
I I }’(///(1\'n’a_1' Err/1271;: l
Prayer—Miss Anna Morgan. , l
Address—Miss Laura Clay. J
Paper—“Woman in Politics” (by a Kentucky Woman), read by i
Mrs. Mary B. Clay. '
Thursday Morning, October 25th, 1894. l
Meeting opened with Scripture reading by Miss Clay. i
Mrs. Leech, of Louisville, reported the serious illness of Mrs. 1
Woodbridge, the Corresponding Secretary of the National Woman’s l
ChristianTemperance Association. Prayer by Miss Clay in which our i
afflicted sister was remembered. l
' Mrs. Dodge, fraternal delegate from the W. C. T. U. of Ber-ea, was ;
introduced and unanimously given the privileges of the floor. I
The Convention proceeded to discuss the following recommenda- ‘
tions of the Plan of Work Committee: i
Ist. That the Association continue the school suffrage work, with a
- view to asking for full school suffrage from the next Legislature. It was i
. moved and carried that Mrs. Farmer continue to have this work in charge. l
Miss Morgan moved that petitions be circulated for a State law giving J
1; . A

. school suffrage to women. Carried. It was moved that the Louisville
Association push the subject for cities of the first class, apart from the
general State law. It was also carried that separate action should be tak- Q
en for the cities of the third and fourth class. Mrs. Leech moved that l
the Executive Committee take charge of this work and sub let it, as it I
were. Carried.
2nd. That we vigorously continue the work to raise the “Age of
- Protection for Girls.” The committee of last year, Mrs. Jones and Mrs.
Humphreys, were continued, with power to select their own assistants.
It was moved that a sum of money be raised to further this work; to dis-
seminate appropriate literature. About twenty dollars was raised by
pledges for the use of this committee. Carried. .
3rd. That we continue to work for Houses of Reform, and Mrs.
Charles be Chairman of this committee, with power to select her assist- ‘ -
ants. Carried.
4th. A constitutional amendment that the words “Hygiene and
Dress Reform” be changed in this department to “Hygiene and Physical
Culture.” Carried.
5th. That this Association distribute suffrage literature liberally
. throughout the State, and that the distribution be placed in the hands of
the Superintendent of Literature. Carried. That we adopt the political
divisions for the State House of Representatives as the basis for the sys—
tematic distribution of literature. Carried. That each local association
, be recommended to distribute literature in its own territory and pay the
expenses therefore. Carried. .
6th. To have the Louisville Association assist in pushing school
suffrage throughout the State. Carried.
7th. That a committee be chogen to go before political conventions -
to present the cause of full suffrage, and that the Superintendent of Leg-
islative and l’etitition Work, with the Executive Committee, form a gen—
eral committee to arrange for the political conventions which meet in this
State the coming year. Carried. '
8th. That program meetings be recommended to the Locals by '
this Convention. Carried.
9th. That we accept Mrs. Beauchamp’s offer of a page of the
Kentucky White Ribbon for the use of this Association. Carried.
77/1//:n/17_I ' ,1! fir/7mm .
Meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Dodge. Scripture texts prov-
. ing the equality of the sexes, read by the delegates.
Report of the Corresponding Secretary read and accepted.
Report of the member of the Executive Committee of the National
American Woman Suffrage Association read and accepted. ,
Report of Treasurer was read and referred to the Auditing Commit—
A uditor’s Report accepted.
Report of State Organizer read and accepted.
Report of Superintendent of Political Study accepted.
_ _7fi

‘ i
. . l
KEN’I‘UCKV EQUAL Rimrrs Assocm’riox. 7 i
A very interesting paper on Kindergarten work was read by Miss ’
Mary Hamilton. i
By request, a comic speech by Miss Jennie Rugg. ‘-
1,‘ A paper read by Dr. Siewers on “Why Professional Women Want ’
The Ballot.”
Report of Mrs. Leech, Superintendent of Education Opportunities ‘
for Women. Accepted.
A letter of greeting from Mrs. Jennie O. Morton, of Frankfort, read ’
by Miss Clay.
Adjourned. . ’
T/H/l'.t1/(I_1' 1’:‘7't’//f//g‘. ’
Prayer——Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett. ’
_ _ School Suffrage with Illustrations of Registration and Voting—Mrs. i
Eugenia B. Farmer. ’
—————~ I
Friday Morning, October 26th, 1894. i
Meeting opened with Scripture reading by Mrs. Bennett. Prayer ’
by Mrs. Beauchamp.
The minutes of the Plan of Work Committee read and the following 1.
recommendations adopted: ’
Ist. An amendment to the State Constitution striking out the i
clauses providing for county delegates. ’
2nd. That this Convention learns with pleasure of the interest ’
taken by colored women in the work of the Equal Rights Association, ’
' and commends to them the organization of local associations, especrally ’
in cities where school suffrage will prevail next year. I
3rd. That we urge upon all the local associations to form classes ’
i to study Business Law.
4th. That we recommend the Kentucky Equal Rights Association
to petition the Governor to appoint a woman on the Board of Education ’
. of the A. and M. College. .
. 5th. That we continue the Free Lecture Bureau. ’ ’
A letter was then read from Mr. C. H. Stoll, President Belt Rail- i
road Company, inviting the delegates to take a ride in the afternoon upon '
m the electric cars, taking in points of interest in the city. Mr. Stoll’s kind ’
invitation was accepted. ’
The death of Mrs. Woodbridge was feelingly reported by Mrs. 5
Leech, and the Corresponding Secretary requested to write a letter of ’
sympathy to the officers of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance ’
Union at Chicago. ’
A letter from Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery was read by Miss Clay, no- , I
tifying the Convention that the local associations could obtain certain ’
speakers between January 15th and February 15th, 1895, as they pass 1
, to or from the National American Woman’s Suflrage Convention. ’
. Mrs. Josephine K. Henry informed the Convention that a remon- l
strance was to be circulated in the South, opposing woman suffrage, and i
asked that every equal rights woman in the South send her in as few ’
words as possible her reasons for wanting to vote, to be sent to her with-
in two weeks. ’

Mrs. Humphreys reported an offer from Helen H. Gardner to sup-
- ply her book “Pray you, sir, is This Your Daughter?” to this Association
for distribution among our Legislators at ten cents a copy. This offer
was accepted and Miss Anna Morgan was appointed to solicit contribu~
tions for the purpose. She collected three dollars and seventy~five cents
($3.75). Individuals were allowed to subscribe for the book at fifteen
cents a copy, five cents extra being for postage. The book deals with
the subject “Age of Consent.”
Report of the Free Lecture Bureau read and accepted
Moved by Mrs. Charles that Mrs. H. T. (lroom be made her assist—
ant on the Committee for House of Reform. Carried.
Report of Press Work read by the Superintendent, Mrs. Humph-
reys, and accepted. .
The resignation of Mrs. Sawyer, Superintendent of Bible Study,
accepted with regret. ,
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :
Prat/2170M, - - — - - - - Miss Laura Clay. -
[Vi/tr! I?}‘('—]’n'.r/l/v///, — - — - — - Mrs. Mary B. Clay.
$1me [71‘5—P/t'rz'z/mf, - — — — - Mrs. Mary Cramer.
’l/zz’rd I/El‘t'—P/t’.w}{r/1f, — — - — - Mrs. Mary K. Jones.
Chrraywmiz'I/g S‘r't‘l't'l‘tllj', — — — Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer.
let'ffll‘dl'l/‘Q' Scr/‘vlmj'. - - - — Dr. Sarah M. Siewers.
Z/mrmw, » - - - - — Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard.
Adjourned. ‘
.li'l'll/q 1' /l/}‘r‘/'/mfl//.
Meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Dodge, followed by reading
Scripture passages on “the law of freedom” by the members.
The following motion carried—That in order to facilitate business
each delegate vote for five delegates to the National Convention at one
‘ time, and the five receiving the highest number be declared elected; the
one receiving the smallest number to be a delegate in the contingency
that the Association have enough paid up members by the first of janu— .
ary to entitle it to a fifth delegate. The following delegates to the Nat-
ional American Woman’s Suffrage Association Convention were elected:
Mrs. Mary B. Clay was elected the member of the National Executive .
Committee; Mrs. Leech, Alternate.
Dr/(Zg’fl/z‘x .'
Mrs. Farmer. Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Humphreys,
Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Cramer.
. .4/fr'17m/z'x :
Miss Morgan. Mrs. Muggeridge. Capt. Wm. Henry.
Miss Wood. Miss Hamilton. -
It was moved that if any vacancies occur they be filled by the alter-
nates in numericalvorder. Carried; '
, Moved, that if any member of the delegation be absent in Atlanta,
the delegation are empowered to fill the Vacancy-from other members of
the State Association present.

KENTI'CKV Eot‘AL Ritin'rs AssocIA'rION. 9 l
An interesting paper on the “Age of Consent” was read by Mrs. l
Humphrcys, followed by discussion. 'i
()ration, “Daughter of the Revolution,” by Miss Cora Dunn. 4
Moved that a report of the Resolution Committee be heard; moved
that they be acted upon as a whole. '
The following Superintendents of Departments were elected : ' '
Bib/v .S‘z‘mzfr. Miss L. M. Stratton, Wilmore. E
/’0//7/2‘a/ .S'I‘I/rlfi': Mr. E. W. Bagby, Paducah. 5
[firm/1H? .' Mrs. S. H, Sawyer, \Vilmore. 3,
l’n’rr ”hr/e .' Mrs. S. G. Humphreys, Versailles. / '
AMI/(211MEll/‘(I/b/mzz’: Mrs. S M. Hubbard, Hickman. l
Lag/Malice mm’ I’d/him I Var/c : Mrs. Josephine K. Henry, Versailles. !
Edi/mfiwm/ Op/mrlzm/fzi'ijr I I Iw'Ir/I x
Mrs. Caroline A. Leech, 1735 First Street, Louisville. l
, lmz’i/s/H'n/ 7'1‘01'z1z'ug/nr [lb/11312: Mrs. M. C. Roark, Lexington, l
[fig/NM and l’/{l’.\‘l?tl/ Cll/l‘H/T : Dr. Sarah M. Siewers, Newport. .;
. {lb/1’ All/011;: MHz/1g Prop/v .' Mrs. Ella Gibson, Richmond. :
Adr’rrm‘zvzmz/ (3f HIM/NW} I lbw/r 1'11 f/u' l’lz/I/I'r Sk/mo/x : .l
Miss Anna Morgan, Newport. 1
.S'm/z' O/gmzfcr’r: Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, Covington. j
Minutes of the afternoon session read and approved. 1
Adjourned. ' J
'l‘hc members took a delightful ride in the electric cars. {
, Mir/(rt Eff/1mg. j“
Prayer—Rev. j. W. McGarvey. l
Address‘Mrs. josephine K. Henry.
' Saturday, October 27th, 1894. 1
Plan of Work and Executive Committee met in joint session at the ,
residence of Miss Laura Clay. After prayer by Miss Morgan the Exec- l
' utive Committee made the following appropriations: sixteen to twenty '3
dollars for Printing; three dollars to Corresponding Secretary; three dol- l,
lars to Bible Study; twenty dollars to Superintendent of Literature; three "
dollars to Legislative Work; ten dollars to School Suffrage and State Or— I
ganizer. l
Donations of one dollar each accepted with thanks from Mrs. Sallie
Clay Bennett, Mrs. M.,B. Clay and Mrs. M. K. jones. Ll
Resolved: That a petition for House of Reform for boys and for :
girls and to have women on their Boards of Management be circulated l
for the signatures of officials of cities and benevolent and religious soci» l
eties. ' l
- It was voted that the Fayette association should appoint an editor,
and fill the page in the White Ribbon for the year.
Moved that an assistant for the Recording Secretary be appointed at ',
the opening of the next convention; that files be provided for the tables
of each Secretary; that a gavel be provided for the President. l’assed. l
Moved that each individual member of the Equal Rights Associa. l

to KEN’I‘I‘eR’Y EOL‘AL RmII'rs AssocIATION. f
tion shall, whenever there is an opening, use her influence to have an ap-
pointment made for organization. That said member shall report the '
same to the State Organizer, and shall, with her, make all necessary ar—~
rangements for accomplishing the same. Passed. '
. Moved that the expenses of the Organizer be provided for in such
manner as the President, Organizer and Treasurer deem best. Passed.
Adjourned. :
The 'l‘wenty—Sixth Annual Convention of the National American .
Woman Suffrage Association was held in Washington, D. C., February, '
1894. Our President opened the Convention, and delegates from the ‘
following States were present: Colorado 2, Connecticut 3, District of 1'
Columbit 6, Georgia 3, Illinois 3, Kansas 7, Kentucky 3, Maine
4, Rhode Island 2, Maryland 3, Massachusetts 6, Michigan 3, Nebraska '
3, New Jersey 5, New York 20, Ohi) 9, l’eIIIIslyrt'atiia 5, South Carolina ‘
1, Vermont 1, Virginia 2.
The welcoming address to the Convention was delivered by the
Hon. John W. Ross, President of the Board of Commissioners of
the District of Columbia, and many United States Senators and Con—
gressmen addressed the Convention during its sessions. - ‘.
At the first meeting Of the Executive Committee we resolved that -
“the special efforts of the National American Woman Suffrage Associa‘
tion be concentrated this year on campaigns in Kansas and New York,”
but that the Southern Committee should have full Opportunity to present
the work of the Southern States to the Convention. More than two '
thousand dollars were raised in the Convention for Kansas, and a liberal ‘
supply of money and literature was donated to the Southern Committee. ‘
It was decided to hold our National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, '
in January and February, 1895, and the following women were elected “
Officers Of the Association: ‘
Honorary President, ELIzAm-t'rn CADY S'I‘AN'I‘UN.
SL‘sAN B. ANTHONY, — ~ — — - - President. ‘
REV. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, — - - Vice-President at large. 1
ELLEN B. DIE‘I‘RICII, — — — Corresponding Secretary. .
ALIcE STONE BLACanLL — — - - Recording Secretary. '
HARRIET TAYLOR Ul’l‘().\", - - — - — Treasurer.
RAcH EL FOSTER AVERY, — -_ . . . _ y .
JosERHINE K. HENRY, - - — - — — l AudItor,
CARRIE L. CliAl’MAN—CA'IT - — - ~ National Organizer.
Respectfully Submitted,
.l/rm/u'r (3/ limrle/r'r' Chl/sz/fz'r', A: 2]. II S. /l_

 . } 3:55;! i
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‘i' The following members of the Frankfort Committee were appointed . E ‘
' at the close of the Convention of 1893. Miss Laura Clay, Mrs. E. B.
Farmer, MYS- S L- Avery, Mrs. S. H. Sawyer, Mrs. M. B. Clay and . {'-’
’ Mrs. S. M. Goodknight. Mrs. Josephine K. Henry being the Superin-- '1 i. 7:2;
,3 tendent 0f Legislation and Petition Work, was the (Lt‘ qflin'n chairman of ’
3 this committee.
Q Mrs. Henry, Miss Clay and Mrs. Farmer were the only members 1&1.
ableto attend to the Legislative work. Five trips were made to Frank- s .' l
3 fort, the first time remaining five days. By a unanimous vote of its mem- V _ 7 ’
x bers the House of Representatives was granted to this committee for the i. - l
l evening of January 9th, 1894. Miss Laura Clay, our grand leader, ap- ' l
4 . . . . . . - l
3’ pealed for women physwrans 1n the Insane Asylums of this State. Mrs. .‘g
'1 Farmer spoke for school suffrage, haying been appointed by Mrs. Henry 7 Hi,
3 to take charge of this work. Mrs. Josephine K. Henry fairly electrified . ', 3.: ’
l the audience on the question of property rights and equal rights for all. " ' r
l Many converts to the property rights were made at that time. ’5 ’
i Mrs. S. A. Charles and Mrs. Beauchamp were appointed a commits ’3} .1
’ tee on “House of Reform.” Mrs. Charles was indefatigable in her work, '2 -‘ j
‘ l appearing before all kinds of committees in the Senate, House and lob- Y; 3 f
i ‘ bies, to enlist the sympathy of the men to secure a place for reforming 11-3 . ’
girls as well as boys. a , > '3
l A committe was appointed on the “Age of Consent”—Mrs. Jones ’
I‘ and Mrs. Humphreys. They appeared before a special committee from the f "_. ~j_g j“!
Senate. You are all aware of the decision of that committee—that these * ' 37' ’
: women had I/Hkgomlrm'd f/Il’ M70, when, in fact, the women were right and ' 3 -. “g
i ‘ the men were wrong. . ._ "‘
{ January 30th our committee reported at Frankfort by request of the {I
' House Committee on Municipalities to hear the discussion on the charter .13 3’
. for second class cities, but this was postponed to a later date. ,3} i
i On February Ist the Property Rights bill was discussed and passed .2 ,7, ’
‘ . the House by a vote of 76 to I4. It was passed over to the Senate at , _ i” ,
“ once, and there we had the pleasure of hearing the first reading of the 3-, .’
. bill. This was a day of rejoicing for the women who have labored so 17']
t long for a change in the laws for property rights of married women. ' '7' .. ’
i Our time was profitably spent in discussion with certain members of f .
i both Houses and bills were introduced in the Senate for the co-guardian- - . , : E
ship of minor children, and women physicians in the Asylums for the In— 5. j
’ sane. We were received very kindly by the members of the different ‘ ’
i committees when we presented to them the changes we desired in the 3 if 3’
laws particularly affecting women and children. 3 . ’
‘ We are gaining ground slowly but surely, and will finally obtain all ‘ _ i
1 that we desire. Respectfully submitted, '
EL'UENIA B. FARMER, Secretary. -'~ ., . ’
a . ’
The year just closed has been a successful one. Our membership ‘ : 3|
l has increased. The auxiliary Associations have been quite active, ~ . ’
l - , . _ ’
i l
f 1 ' ‘ ,1
t . a /
54;" ,t - _,-/

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. l
with the aid of the W. C. T. U., in circulating petitions for the “Age of i
' Consent,” with the appeal so ably prepared by Mrs. Henry. These pe—
titions were collected and sent to Mrs. Mary K. Jones, Chairman of this ‘
committee, and arranged for presentation to the Legislature. The mem- ‘
bers of the Frankfort Committee were present when Senator Goebel, of
Covington, presented a bill which he had prepared to raise the “age of ,
consent,” and at the same time when the petitions were unrolled there ‘
was silence in the Senate for a few moments.

A great work was accomplished in securing a school suffrage clause
in the charters for cities of the second class. The local associations of
Covington, Newport and Lexington did very active work. This clause
makes the women of these cities eligible as members of the Board of '
Education and qualified to vote for the same. This right was secured to 1
us on March 19th, 1894, when Governor John Young Brown signed the :
charter and in November, 1895, all women twentyone years and over .

' in the cities of Covington, Newport and Lexington can register and vote.

The efforts for the passage of the Property Rights \\ as ably conduct- ‘
ed by Mrs. Josephine K. Henry, who gave her time and strength to this -\
work as Superintendent of Legislative and Petition Work. She was .
amply rewarded for all her labors when she saw the Governor’s signature ‘
affixed to the bill March 15th, 1894.

We feel grateful to the members of both branches of the General i
Assembly who worked and voted for the passage of these bills. We
should feel encouraged for what we have gained in the past, and be fully -
prepared for the next session of the Legislature. I.

We are glad to welcome two new associations to our membership.

Let the good work continue until the whole State is fully organized. l
have. distributed about twenty-five hundred pages of literature. I sent
to the Fair at Alexandria in September one hundred Woman’s Columns ‘
and other suffrage papers.
rxriz'r'ria EQUAL RIGHTS AssocIA'i'IoN. :

’l'he Fayette Equal Rights Association petitioned the Mayor and »

City Council of Lexington to appoint a woman on the School Board.
Mrs. Wilbur R. Smith was appointed and has proven not only a most ef
ficient member, but a most valuable addition to the Board. _

The Association paid four dollars for typewriting in preparing draft
ofa bill on the “House of Reform” to be presented to the Legislature .
by our committee. Paid two' dollars and fifty cents for advertising
the lecture by the Hon. C. J. Bronston in behalf of the bill for the
“House of Reform.”

It was thought advisable to change the constitution in some respects.

Animal dues reduced to fifty cents, a program committee appointed to
arrange for each meeting—~the result was increased attendance, larger
membership, more interesting and very improving. Our ass