xt76hd7nrv3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nrv3g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-10-09 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 9, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 9, 1913 1913 1913-10-09 2015 true xt76hd7nrv3g section xt76hd7nrv3g STATE ··" LIBRARY
P K i
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Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 9, 1913 No. 4
"HI6llAllIIlIlllS" GAME llllllllllllllllll STWWS W"' RENEWAL UF PIIGSLEY ""F$'”W 9****** BFUVEWS lllllllllll BUYS SHUW
'|' - lust ru ltuums "' ’“"°"'° °“"'““ rmzt run ESSAY *"'""“ *"”"*“ “’ HUSPITALITY ru
_ Of ltudgntg Judah,. coun". ul lh. — vlces were arranged for the purpose of
— ' 9t•t• F•Ir—J. F. Klnenld Announcement has been mudg or f0¤‘m¤|l&’ Welcvmlns the new stu- R l_ G_ lh wlld Q b Hr
Iuporlor Wolghtofbpposlng Tum too wl", 8w,,p"uk"_ the ulxlll l»ug,lé). urlze Ol $100 for llu., dents. Mlss ldllzabcth Byers sang a °°°° '°" 'V°" ° ' °° ' Y "
Much Handlonp for the _.._._. beet essay on "Internatlonal Arbltra- buumul **0]*) “'hlch Wa'! KVBMIY ¤P‘ nm. c°rd°a"
wndegtg, Tlrrough me gencmslty or pommls tlon." written by a male undergraduate Prechted bY all l"`°'*€m· ———
____ ulunur or Agriculture J. W Newman of any unlverslty ln the United States J“dK€ nuke" UW" Woke tu the In response to a question from n re-
The wlluculu mul dofeit at the uumrtunlly ls Elven each year at ml; or Canada. The contest will last nn- !"'€¤hm°“ Im the *“*bJ°"t "wh¤t¤°· porter of The Idea, President Barker
mud. or mmol. slum uluvuu Saul., slum Full. for students In the College tll March I5, the prlze to be awarded ln eve? 8 ma"' ¤°“'°Ul Hut ¤h¤" he ¤l’*° said ol his trlp to State Vnlverslty or
d.,, on mmol. mn. was scm was ¤: Agriculture to wm ssh. pm, for May · "’“"‘ i’“‘:"° “"'“"’T ‘“"°“ “ "°°" "‘° "“"°’**¤
l 21 to 0. but the flgures me by no the best loam; of llv,,,,t0cl,_ Tm, The *’¤¤¤l¤>’ ¤*l=¤ WM ¤<>¤¤¢¤d by ‘°"’”‘ “ “‘ "‘°“° ““° ‘"° “°“‘ "°’° ··r do not know when 1 have been
mum, u mn",. of th, Ntuuvg yu., th, contests were more lnteresb Mr. Chester Pewltt Pugsley. Harvard ““d"" M8 "“"° ““d muy "°°"“°“ °h° more delighted with a vlslt to an ed-
x • strength ot the two eleven:. The lng than ln uny previous yeah More `09 tv PI'0m¤¢¤ ¤ béttéf understanding "”p°“”“’m“°" *1**** are ¤l¤¢¢d “¥’°“ ucutlonul institution [hun Wlth my vlsll
, Illinois were •bI• to earn the decl¤|0¤ students entered and In wma cues ll Or h“°"““u°““' ’·"bm`““°“ °m°“8 Mm in Seeing that they hme every t0 the State Vnlverslty of Illinois.
v. because ot their plurality of beef, and was extreme} ulmct °°“°$° m°“· Eech essay ¤h¤¤ld Show °m’°"u"ny m d°v°l°p mw S"°"g’ Its magnitude was both a surprise
y ut for the judges h m d r l d _
the power or their rushlns machine. to make their decm0.,,,_ 1;,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,, an ¤¤<*°*¤t¤¤d*¤¤ 0* the ¤¤l>1¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ °‘ " ““ _*’“"°°““ “ ‘"°’“ °“ “°"" and an lnspxrstlos. everybody with
The reports recelv•d here in chapel remuneratlve value these contests ur from ““d in °°""°°"°“ wml ***9 H°8“° en' Judge WOM In part as f°"°“”‘ Whom We (tame In contact. from
ms,-uy sm, s cursory sketch or hte romeo expersssce tothe stdenth which C°“'°"’“°°“ °“" '““’ “'“° """" ‘° ““°" "Y°“"“ "‘°" °' ""’ *"°“""‘“" ""‘““ "'¤¤'d€¤* James down *0 the Fresh-
pm from the view polnt ot an llll- wm prove valuable when they go to ”“*’j°°‘“ ““ "‘° P"""“‘"°“‘ C°“"°' ' ""° "'°" "“'*“g "‘° ““’*‘ “‘“‘ ’°“ mm tremd ¤¤ Wlth the utmost
ncl- mum The story of the wlldculy Clrlcago mls ru"' Arbitration, the proposed Judicial Ar- have been with me to show you by kindness and h0upllullly_
nent In the lace uf terrific ¤d¤¢ifl¢ instances lf posslble ls also that gives me more genulne pleasure my rn the United States more richly
r wndeute, sold t, d. r, making the trlp Third, _y_ p_ Kluculd ____________ 5.00 requested. A free list of inexpensive than to look upon a bunch or strong endowed than rt. wml a few more
l - lu a more or less conventional msn- nom., '°’°"°“°°° *’ l’“""°h°d by ***6 Am°’*· "°I’°‘“* °“d "'“b“*°“’ "°““* '°" purchases or land to round out ns
  io-, ·rs• nutuesy i1•l•••¤¤¤ wu Fmt. J. r. Klucald ..........,. moo °‘° “°°‘°" °' “’“*"°"°“· ‘°"· ‘°“°“ "“" ‘“"°" ‘"""“‘ “‘°' boundaries. it wm have about 1300
l· r•o•|v•d in • NUI! ¢0¤¤¤0¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¥' Second, J. W. Mltohelt _________ _ 10_00 In unl"' m' ****7* mnt Wt ¤°¢•d I W"' lu Y"' P‘*°* ‘"m' *h• ¢"°°* mm. tn the campus and lu,-m_ It
  l,, u,. unset. faculty and student ·rhh·¤.o. c.nlc1mus¤s ......,,, 5,00 5°°‘? “'°"’”; 3000 " ’“*¤°'*°" ” °° "°"" "°'°’° "‘° ""’ “"‘ ""'“‘ "'°°" un an income or nearly :5,000.000 bl-
l r soay, and was treated Wlth every cou Dairy ssa nm cm., ”*"°"‘°· °’ ’°““‘ °°“"“‘“8 ““`°“¥" my '°*“° ennisny and has a plan to erect hund-
l utdgnttqm Flrgt, w_ _]_ Hun-lu ____________ ,1500 They should be written (preferably TM gmry °' “ y°““‘ mm is his ings in the next two years that wlll
l Two thousand students packed the Second, J,'F, Kluguldr __________ l0_00 typewrlttenl on one side of plain paper °"°“8m· mt '“°'°ly stmngth °' may cost in round numbers $1,000,000. In
to avg their tegm u good send off. Third, J_ T_ Holt ___________   5_00 of ordinary letter else. Manuscripts 8""IY “ we “m“°°°i*t° physicu °°’"" addltlon to this, they confidently be- l
Ag the wndegts came on the fleld the _ 5,,-,,_ ’ not easlly leglble will not be consid- *$° *h°"° ls ‘ mgm" *“d “°m°" “{"" lleve that the Legislature or llllnols, at
nnnols band played "My 0ld K¤¤•u<=¤ First, C. B. Taylor .,,,_________,_ ;5_00 ered. °’_“"°"8"‘ ‘“"’ ““" ’“ “‘°""_ ’°"*‘ its next session. wln reect for them a
H0¤¤6·" $¤¢0¤d. W. C. Smith ....,,,,___ 3_00 The essays should bear a nom dg w°°‘ TM Sfmngth mm °""'°l°§ " new Agricultural building, to cost
Illinois k‘CkSd! to Kentucky and Third, G,     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.00 plumg fnchgdgd fn an gccoynplnytns lnnn to Say no` “ hin s0ITIi0t?n'uj¥',' Aon  
Roth returned 15 yard!. PN`}! Dlmwd In addition to these contests there letter giving the wrlter's real name is pmceg before him` k In De de There are, approximately, flve
y to Rowe. Then the ZUDDKB ¤1¤¤hl¤° were contests ln judging Dutpy cattle and address. Both letter, and essay c°iv€d’ Od is not mm ed' thousands students on the_ campus
lnltlated a. WhirlWl¤d N¤hl¤8 Kama and Saddle Horses llmlted to frQshm€n_ should be addressed to H. C, Phlllps D0 not think because YOU are able to and everything ls conducted upon the
that carried 016 vvel BWMKM down Horse;. address untll Dec. 1, 1913, Mohonk deceive men at \’&ri0\1S tlnles that you most magnificent scale, and I was
the tleld toratouchdown. This ¤ll0¤ld First, W. J, Harris ___,________ $1500 Luke, N, Y., after Deo, 1, 3531 Four- will be able t0 be S0 successful Wlth especially struck with the magnanl-
huve ended the scoring for IUl¥\0l¤· Second, H, C, (tux _____________ lll_00 teeutll Street, N,\V,,\Vashlngton,D,C, God and nature. Every vicious act mlty or this great University in its
The Wlldc¤t¤ bl‘¤¤¢d Md b°8*“ *° Dairy and Beer cattle, They should be mailed flat, not rolled. commltted against either of these will treatment of strangers. There ls s
flsbt Th9U' °PP°n°m“ c°¤"““°d First. J· T- H0lt ....... , .......,. $15,00 The fifth lll-lz€_ 1912.1913, brought out ¥`9Q\|l¥`€ H Démiliy l‘€0¤¤l shell be KIVBI1 uusvlflshly to Average my per week ```''°''''` $3.% . I *At any rate ln my judgment the team
showed luwlf hel mugs our C ll l l l Amount €¤l`¤€d by the boys this I pray not tor greater opportunltlesl - · .
. . tlat overcomes tle oo a aggrega-
I · D 0 age paper W la [ month $1.32 80 and greater ldeals those you haxe are I I { l b H
Tuttle ripped of! |‘6D9|\9d selus should be. lslncerely thank all those `''''``'``'`'''```'`' ` ' mms ul llllrrols llulrurully wlll lrurl,
around aud and purku wu, u powgyful who have Olrered mall, mmlsumw dun Number of places secured at odd great anu noble enough perhaps, but to Huy gram wm bun l
. _ I .
ground gslner from runnin! D¤¤¢ ¥°I‘· lng the past months. Wlth best wm-k '`°'‘‘‘‘`°``‘`''```````'` _"`9 muwr that you Bhfum The admin lwlsh to express my profound grulr
mnllorr Rom uuuuud wma lu.-rl. wlshu roragmuwrl mowludependam Amount earned ......l........ $b0.05 tage of those open ngs tlat are a l l l
tu;-y by sheer speed. and soon the and useful uuuur lam Total amount taken In by stu- about us, and to llve up to the ldealsltude to Iresldent James, bean
cya yugtqd ou the llllnols 15-yard llne vary truly yours dents for work secured through ot our childhood. Believe ln your gllavenport, Professor Babcock, Prof,
wml one foot to go for Ilrst down. C E Bl;EvlNS Bureau ..................... $192.85 own ablllty and asslst lntelllgence `Rlchards and others ot' the l·‘u.t7ulty,
• Parks called for the squsre tormstlop Employment Bureau. Y. M. (‘. A. wlth good, honest and deterntlned and to all the student body who treat-
""Tc¤¤“"t1HtKaT‘¢5$&gT’•rY"r"’ Patroniu our Adv•rti••r•. Suns University. Glsreuce cmu. mr. 1s¤or.·· ¤<¤ u¤ ¤¤ ¤¤¤<¤¤v -l·¤¤ we MM ¤~¤‘¢·

 · O
z rnmxnmh
  »>< < —¢    ~;¢T_.-- _-__..  
ME AT 5 cmvrs
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. °pg~ 10 A_ M_ To 11 A M_
  V ·‘ . T .77 V;?;.‘TT"rT*;j?:`;·;‘*,fEt§',·  
I I ·_—;__—;~ *-4 _ > ___T IT`.
, _   l ILLINOIS DEFEATS KENTUCKY. looted the beauties of the earth, and
L • #
  = I ~-—— voked them like oxen te the plow or   &  
I ‘ . I I
U , ,t     __ Mlto(I`lVlll"°(l_Fr?w_lT°'f?_g'tl_‘_MM Pl mmon. But the name blue nky In  
  y 0 ·· . over nr the same bri ht d —·—-—l——·»———— '
l that Marshall used effectively against · K ¤\|¤ Mh H
f   SHOP_sl»»l¤· once-, but the backs crossed lr M 80ld¤¤ b€¤m¤ to kin the name SEE OUR BIG LINE OF WOOLENS
o l IS YOUR HEAD QUARTERS, luv and the hull went over. Scott, wan · Wills Wnvce. to wake to life the ‘
' R ‘ I
K K I 10 co-mane in ues. lime and nurlng the delay Zuppxe sent ¤···•<· **¤¤¤·¤¤. to vut the red blood of '"“"'° "°"‘ $22*50 '° $35-00 '
  y 1 NO LONG WAITB. im ,.0,,,,. frpgh m,m.,·;,,;_ and b,,|,,m·,,d llfc into the same rose. Those thang; ""UALQTILY w§§" i
`1 1 1 v
  ELL   PI`0pS.`up the defense. With Scott ont, the lla"! nm $0***% H9¥`0l¤m ll H0! dead. Q d HT A KMAN HIP
OEM! f|’¢¢ *¤m°¤ ln ¤ll d(;Pa"‘l _ __;__,_;_______;,: |Knntu<·l··y hnvkfleld trln had lost their lmld ***8*** YP! NYG. Truth is yet In GU R `NTEED
ments ¢X€¢Pt Lew to gm uatcs; f- \ mnlnstnv In the blocking game with l""*l‘· lt W but {hit 0¤|' will sleeps
. g / » . \_ ` ' '
of Kentucky High Sirhnolsqwho :_   \9/U,   M,. ,,,.,·,.,,,,, c,,m,],.d ,,,0 mm, and ln the letharay of thoughtfulneu, in- HOME OF $2.00 HATS · ·
are prepared [0 enlvt the l`l'¢‘5l\ ·’ (*,1 »` A ` fl :\\ Im,. |,,,|H pmnd makp my |u¤g|ng |m. f"N¢‘Y'Ph(‘¢‘. lll the lethargy of gin, It
[nah CIHQS. l   }, g` ` ,", ilnqlosjnn (yy; (hp |ppgh ||||q0|,; Hnpv wp will ln(`"n9 OUP GRI'! to thé VOIQQ            
_ , ` `_P J `_ 5.;,  ' j Tin- Inst tnnclulown was due to n of limli W W? Wm but lift our com- CNY $1-00
Each County m the Statc "Sl ( ` · .,.'," -‘v }l'ornnrd passlntI1elastqunrter,tI1nt lllalnmli €3`9**· W6 Hhlll BGG beauty,  
entitled to send FREE of tul-I K. /,0 i,,(.p,,r,,.d under exact;). the mma com which ls Gnd,   &  
U°¤· ma"‘culal'°“• l“b°rat°ryl ° ,dltions as that which registered thel newly l¤· Und ¤lW¤Y¤ will bi!. ¢h€
and other fees, one or more   H   ’M_(_(md touchdown {deal of me ,,0u]_" the thought. be 145 E. MAIN Opp. Union Station
8ppOiI’ltCC8. lll {lll! kklkhlg department, Turkey l)8Bl1t“\.ll, HIGH will H10 BYOI behold  
N d I tc l _ Parks showed his old form and out- bewty- lf the mul b° 800*1- Mid Dm‘0·     8IId  
ec°”al'y °xP°“’°S m° ° a ‘ punted the Illinois booter 20 yards and cl°¤n· then Wm <>lGl¤ll¤€¤¤ and
(`onch Zuppke deserves the title of purity ¤bld€· How {N6 if ll "that
For   lnfOTn]atlOl'\ I’CgaI`d·1     the Napoleon of Intercollegiate f00t_ nqfhing fg evi] but thinning make.    
|¤8 ¤PP°mt°€9· Courses Of Study-: ball. The Illinois have a fleld with ”°·"      
cog: of bong, gtc.i3;;§pé5;E;> lb Ari not only essentnal ior ;sc, Short hard awry for practice while the In the city yonder thousand; cur", • •
, , , ut a so or appearance sa c. ou 1 .; iq ld I the heat that fills their til d
President lare judged by the appearance of pa) ng e ms a heavy stand of d h i nu r s tn     n
_ ·K l long blue grass. They are provided- re"': es ther und b°dY in ¤W°•t·     nl
L°x'"gt°n· y' Y°‘" t°‘*lh· that is the players are—provlded with away I hlm "°°li¤¤ in the Y€U0W sold         ,
Telephone 638 l Decayed, uncared for teeth dc- two Bets of ,,h0€s_ the one with short of the sand of one of nature’s beauty  
ltract, while good, sound. well- cleats for use 0,, the practice Helm me spots; cool shade envelope me, yet ` ' l
      Qkept teeth attract. h Come and let other equipped wm, long cleats for mine EYES behold the glorious sun~
°  Ll° put y°ur meth lll g°°d °°ndl' use in the high grass. The Kentucky 8hln€· and mY body N0]! lt! €¤6|'8i¤· • D,  
ation. For any kmcl of dcntallbacks repeatedly got started wen and lug warmth. The winds sing through (ln md)
TOBACCOS, PIPES’ ETC. work come to scc us- _S;;m,,,d bgforg crggging me ling of the willows o‘er my head, and make DOROTHY ])()])[) S}-{QEQ
_ _ iscrimmage, whereas the Illinois squad music °f the WUVBB it mY NN} I BWFH POR WOMEN
PlD€S ReP8"`€d· { Dr. J. T. Slaton lexperlenced no trouble ln running in my chest Mid mY WHS! drink In great   to  
LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY) 127 CHEAPSIDE lthe (311 and uncut, d¥`8U8l\!8 of {TIG (lmbrnglgl gig);       v
a Hours.-8 3, m, to 3 p, m, pho", 354.;* Downing was in the game from the Bteadlly and ¤U'0¤8lY my h6¤1’¢ Dumps FOR MEN
umvznsmr Luncu STANDl I"' ““ ""“’° ““° ’°"’ ""°" ““ ’°“ $4.00 co $s.00 • , . •
. means his man had a whatgeneralsher- *·h"°“8h mY V°i¤¤ to YM VGYY UDB of
Cater: exclusively to students S e lr & F d l
and Faculty of State university p a S   mansaidwarwas of a tlme. Wood¤on's mY *°°¤·   . .
A B   iankk is givlng hlm a world of trouble Mine eyes behold nothing but FOI' HIC 4
O O l
d he may be out of the game for beauty; even in the city seen through
    0 m   the rest of the season. However, the the cbastenlng air of distance. wilt};    S  H  
YES,   211 NORTH LIMESTONE ST. Wildcats have two coming guards in all its ugly scars is beautiful. My G0 to
We are Still Pressing 4 Suits for $1.20 WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Crutcher and Bailey. thoughts are as pure as the ether of The   Cigar C0.
·¤*· It was simply this way—Kentucky heaven—my soul rejoices—llfe is ood UPI- NN Ph¤•••|¤
' ° , °       8   4
Billy B8ll0y S P1‘€SSl¥\g` Club ’ never got the ball except during tue --1 live! Because, L have attuned `
AND DRY Cl-EANWG WORKS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 0cL0cK‘ third quarter. Then they rushed their my ear to the voice of nature, which   1
159 SW"' L'm°°t°"° ph°"° 62** Q   opponents off their feet for sixty yards, is God; I have "loved, honored and On your way to town ··
  j   when Scott was hurt and the team 0beyed" that kind parent and she has stop at O C •
C J S l HO · work of the bncklleld injured. The given meafullness of life. —L. R. The New Pool Rcom
A i T LUNCH AT ALL HOURS rest of the time the Illinois bunch ——;———-—- ug S t
• • l • oath Limo
_ l ·   _ l
when you wm find everything a Q G W   man Ikept the ball in their possession by To whom it May Concern; i
Shcolngphzrz nnug srgnde · _ • p ’ lbnrely pushing out first d<>wn¤· Maxwell Han has ¤ phone. The JOE BENCKART, Prop'? l
MMN°“AND“"3/Asr:U1f°“ST‘;(;éTs· 559 S- I-¤m¢ OPP- AU l Bldg- The Wildcats should not worry over number is 1239,;; pm Hall is stm t
.i........ s-....»~sA»s..-     that *16*68*- Summ¤*`Y¤ 24. Remember! 24;       i
Kentucky—Zerfoss, l. e.; Downing, ___ `
li t.;Y \\’ood;0i¤; and (`.¥‘¤';<‘h¤¥'· l- gd The following is n llst containing m1;;':;_:3:;°'::;`&ogaksmxtnnom __
R"? “· °·· Q;   *1*1; ‘;;°'· '· ;·· the names of some gms Wim nnve mr.   ____ ___ »i
oi,r.e.; ue..· er. .·
’ ' ’ ’ merly been at the Hall, also their prea-
stgn and Meimneimer, r. b., Parks, em lmmm They are an teaching: R6St8\11‘&Dt*!¥   ,
q· · Misses Juliette Gaines. Hurdinsburg; II•tLunch•• null hours. CIg•r•|¤'I’ob•cco • { •
1llluois—Ar1nstrong and Derby, l. e.; wom G,.egg_ Hurdinsburg; L_ S_ Mc_ W. W CADEN  
Lansche, 1. t.; Pruett and Davis, 1. g.; party Shelbyvme. Sophia Hill S0m_ a
Chapman and Slemans, c.; Fullerton el-Set; Marie wimumsi Somerset; corner   and Bolivar Z
an;1 Ilaxgln, r. i.2}\Vats0n andRPru:t;; Edith gm,6,·,,_ New Liberty; Lug",   l
"· ·; S°“ an "“"°"· r- "·i an A Shaffer, Brooksville; Luclle Gastineau,
and Senneff, l. h.; Wagner, Decker and B k . .   & CO*
roo svllle, Vlalo Eblen, Georgetown,
Shoblnger r h· Rowe and Car enter 8u°°°"°r t° SARMS ‘ co'
· · ·· p · Annabel Acker, Marlon; Annie L. Dean ·
P Q Y   f· b-: H¤¤Sl1 and SUk¤¤¤¤· Q- b- Cynthlana· Jo Boerlng Oregon 107 w° Mum SL
S =°*· *·r *’·**··*·· °°" €3”$" 'Z?#E"Z2L"¤.é§' ""E
We are the originators in Lexington of high-class tailored Im“°l“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘······ 7 7 ° 7"21 Tummy evening September 22nd  
. t, .d t , ` Kentucny ............. 0 0 0 0- 0 · · I • _
ea¤m€¤¤ > me <> 0 ww ¤¤¢¤=¤¤¤ for ,,.0u,_hd0__,n5__W_gw_ ROW Sw W the dn., or our nm n.,l..., nm. Slllllllgl S Candy KIYGIIOII
No No bingo. Goals from ¤·0un.d0w..- me 0* ¤¤¤*~ vw- ¤¤<>¤ ¤·¤k¤ We F l1‘°C°°°".** '·’"“ “· . ° '
Less More Rowe 3. umpne-nndney, of ver. ¤¤¤¤•> by Dm H¤·¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ MM "SP ““d‘°s Made D‘“lY·
due. Rcf,,,.€e,p,,d€0, of Chicam mner, nom outlining me plans mr 0P Corn F!’itt¢!‘8·
Positively worth   to $35. We _huy our Woolens direct Line 0; l,,,,p,d,,-10 m|nut6S_ Ave,. the coming year, with regard to rules. LEx'N°T°~· ' ' KENTUCKY
from themillg (illl'flll1;l,Ullg theaigddleman s profit. All age w8igmS_]mnmH 175 nm; Kem Only at slight mnt was given as to the   `
--_.;.._____,____ disregarded. Therefore, everybody en- D
| | | ENTIST
coo nzvznzo in NATURE. $°>'°d *l**** H°“¤° M°°**"8· Clay N•¢‘l. Bank Bid';.
us       U Great and many are the gifts that '—"
I vo s oun u ian o u ou o us rea y iave we lad some sick NA"', "A¤I
lt we will open our eyes to see hlm. girls wlth us; Nat Wood, Sara Winn
We complain of the decadence of McConnell and Elizabeth Palmer; but   P  ,4
237 W. Sh0I'[ dst. 3-2 Opp. COUI1 House ;o::ryl}l:fran;;iwQe3e1n:a; thc; Eighty now they are well on the road to re- and  
Next oor to University Book Store. “ " ‘“‘ "’ “ “ ° °“‘° "°"""Y·
unc or virgn ne buried. We cum .._;__..... Mh. M‘“l' Save?.
the commerclallzlng hand that has up- P·u°¤i“ ow Adv•'6.•"_ Phone 1261 • ‘

TI! fill! 3
· ll
    l I I   _ Money Loaned 0h all goodaof V8l\1¢· I CBD 88V¢ YW {film 30 to 50 per cent on  
Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Etc. l
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repmrmg. Phoenix Block L
ll H l
.     l short vlslt to her home ln Danvllle. KENTUCKY! DIST DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS·
The Memorial lervlces ln memory   M
of Prof James G Whlte wlll be held A   Enden Keen Cutters
~ who is paying his way will be interested to know · ‘ J mm IN trmoror-- d F
ln chapel Thursday, October 16, that _By_ an Jver Ready
THAT WE ARE SELLING day having been Prof. Whlte's birth- Lexington Roller   C0., JUST WHAT you NEED_
' $l5.00 Sults for $l0.00 I $20.00 Suit for $13,50 "°’· xnrnrrrmel   &  
. $25 O0 Suns for $16 50 Miss llllda Threlkeld of Maysville I N
° ° was here last week vlaltlng Miss Fran-        
We makvcvcry Suit and guarantee Fat and Scrvtce M G°'¤°l- A lll . . . ‘ MAIN srnssr Amo enoaowry
Q I l Mrs. Lafferty will entertain the local nt raclte and Bltumlnous ?*‘”"""" ‘—‘”‘ ‘“' “‘— one
nc price`-—‘ pot C8Sh__ plain Igures chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at a      
• I { g
t F ll ft t l l . -
,       l l rf’“t em “ll°"‘°°“ “ ‘°’ ‘°'“" °" {*ff‘;'l§f°ll•e e____e__HK€“t¤°kY_»n ALL Trl; LATEST STYLES AT
l ,as l axwe . -- l   R eTF
Miss Ruby Jane Tucker returned W S   I ·‘ AS
Incorporated • • l
MENS   Tuesday night from Louisville where l -70-
Ph _ she noted as bridesmaid at the wedding The Saflltafy GI'0C€I‘ I  
U5 E' MAIN ST' Opp' Oemx Hotel of Miss Carrie Cleaton and Mr. Fel- PHONF - y •
· *"*‘"*"""'*;‘%,_;f§'_."I*,_;LT1,Z?,,;, ." QLZZ" ‘ "‘·r I  
—·:=T;f::::i‘:~T——-—~——-~~~·---· ·~ as - l ""’*;;’* mar Hoelns. formerly or Lexington. _ _ _ _   S  
  lll .... nlm,. Gainer, M..»llS,.a¤a, Cer- S- lm am! V·¤¤¤·¤ Ae-
J T LA"- L M LA"- lTheodosla Wlckllffe, Frances Gelsel, woo ollol el close qllerlere by e mee er   Phone 1635.x
° ° I l land Helen DeBow were west! M 8 unbalanced mlnd who had losta small Lexi,     com an
        Chl Omesa Dlcnlc at Woodland PNK posltlon ln one of the clty departments. p y
e last Saturday. The bullet was removed from Mr. Mglxltlglexiegdef
Ph H b d h Strollers! Gaynor's throat, and lt had continued HAND.V[A[)E Clf ` *
  All ¤¤¤¤¤8llY large ¤¤ml>¤r of Vmk from tlme to tlme to cause htm great A   Y
_ _____,,__,_._____,.._,,. 7.,..., -.7....,.-A.. W   - ,-.-,,-,4 ,7, .. L A A .
org were present at the HTS! IDGGUDK 3uffer|ng_ Much of his apparent lrri. 136 WEST MAIN STREET
’ • lmP°*'*°d Unc °l M°°k*“°“’$ and Swcmls or me Dramatic Club rrldw me 3rd tammy at omg was du., to one mls.         .. . --
. Call and let us make your Fall cult. ln chapel. 'l`he following interesting gorrnrlrr wlrlch he bore wlrll Sollrlllll   M
· re d red:  
l nt-oosmx Horst suutome tsxmcrou, xswrucxv ;°'2l;m w°° ° Teerle melee Mlehel '°""“°°‘ '
l l l a 8 ..-·-····· He was stlll convalescent from this lcs CREAM PARLOR
· l Plano Solo ........... Ruth McChesney lrurlrnlor wolllld wllorll lrl rllo fall or me
_- _.j._._-._......._...... R€¤dl¤8 -·--····-··-··· Mm? Slleldel 1910. the State of New York was elect- LUNCH STANDS
Vocal SOlO. ........... Allllnle Cramer ing 8 govgrnon He would llave been 606 s0\|\lI ¤fDIdW|y,
.   D     Remarks ............ mr. rarqumr nomlnalrd by ole rlemorrars, in nm,  or ‘ on  
• Al. EIC COI'lCl\lBl0D of the Drogram the Of l\[|‘_ Dix, and would hgvg been urged l l R_w>~ A A —nAAm-V 7 l
l members of the club remained for a as New Yo,-;r·rl oolloldllro fol. rllo   / · ._ .__, _ l l
FOR EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. ‘”’°’ °“°‘“°*“‘ "‘°°“““· "‘° °"‘°’ "“" *°*¤¤*<*°¤¤¥ in *9*2- lf *-*8 ¤¤¤y¤l¤*¤¤¤ l .     ll
" Dose of Whl¢l1 WM to Select V¤l`l°“¤ had not decided that the state of hls l * A ll fl! Q?-li; 
          committees, The m€mb8l'Bl1lp C0mmlt· health forbade any guch ri3](g_ The   l .»- __.,·g:' ;;-·»;y_,.T;e"ee . _
" · ~ 4-r/· l #
‘l             tee ls composed of Misses EHR K- POF breaking down which led to heart fail- ` l / ‘ ,, l ‘ - U"   
il ° , tv? Mid R¤b¤¤¤¤ Smith wd Mus"- ure and death last month was undoubt- l ‘ ‘ `  ll
ll Both Phones 154 Phoemx Bl0€k 1»1,c.wu11am¤ and Blll Cross. Anyone erhy o dlreot result or the wound or  Qzlll   .’   
deslrlnz to become ¤· ¥¤¤¤1b¤¥‘ of the three years ago.—l·'rom "The Progress ·Y° r l
*l “ " “` •club will please hand his name to one of me worrdy in rho Arrlorlcoo Ro.  I l  
 ~—-—·—‘;T of this C0mml\(6B, Bild lt wlll be turn' vlew of Rgvlgwg for 0ct()bQ]'_ l l / ` `   EE"  
` · 1 \; ~ _ lz
A , ed ln to the club and duly passed upon. ..........—-.. l l
l l     S   Thursday, October 9th. Rt 4 P- M·» Recent Magazine Articles of Special l .§   " I ll;
· · the Strollers will present Ml'. Saxon of Intqrggt to Univgrglty Studgrttg, {ei  
FI.Il‘l'\lShll'lg goods 8l'¢ 110W lll to <>0m€ ls invited to W Present in the l Elbrldge Colby, ln the Educational Re-   l 5  
2 l chapel Thursday at foul'. view, September, 1913,   l .    
l   &   l Frldoy afternoon at 4:45 the In the college Making Good? by Ed-   OMCMO  
l l • l Strollers will have 8 second b¤¤l¤€¤S ward Bok, in the Outlook, August 16, l ______m__ V ll
J_ & M_ and Mi]]gr and l meeting ln chapel. Some important 1913, ll —`"”l S C``l S S r`” "S ll
l Florshiem Shoes Stet on Hats l measures are to be discussed and all Rennes ro Mr, B0k'S article, ln rho    
I _. l l members are urged to attend. Outlook, Angnn; 23, 1913_   l l
l __     Athlctlem and Health. in the Outlook   ’ l
— *_ mw- i·—` MAYOR GAYNOR’8 August 23, 1913. lll
‘· PATT HALL NOTES. C. A. meeting was a talk on "The ldeal `l l
E ll Misses Myna Peck, Pauline Hank, College Glrl," by Dean Hamilton. S r I gncrimfrsneof eidufstltlw be l ill    
··-· m . ' . »
  l Newell Smith and Annabel Grainger Miss Ella Mae Cheatham has just Meyer reyeer wee e men er eeeh eu ilmborslgie n le or B or   gl
· . 1 6 € , . l l‘~
l accompanied the geological party that returned from her home in Loulsvllle p G l l ""e ~
_ ll e e Hi h B id S e d h h I b dl f unusual qualities of mlnd and charac- ...-.;..-1- lll l l
. li ww 0 8 T so a ur ay` W em S e ms een gpm ng a Bw ter that he had become a distinguish- The l·rln·erSrry Library yvul be operrl ll IS THE    
;' Miss Lil Roberts has been lll for days. ll ¤l—
l' ed DGPSODKSP. ll0ldl¤S B 1*18% in the during the session every day exceptll; , ll‘
* • several da"- She has a Blight ak Mlss Sara Wlnn McConnell does not lmererll el all sorts and comllllollo or Sender {rem o e m te eee e m eee l       S l
l ~ ;“i"_°‘ “l‘“‘“‘”‘“‘ ‘°"°'· "‘“ *“ “°“’ °°“‘ ¤¤¤’f¤* fmm ¤¤ ovmuvvlv of me vm- men that go to the making of a me- from 1 to 9 ll. m. sunday- hours arsllll i
l r aescen. vorblnl luck of the Irish. She had lropolls llko New yol-k_ Hg Seemed from 2 to 5 l,_ lo   i ‘ » S S   . 4- l
l 4 Misses Mabel Pollitt. of the class of hardly established herself at the Hall lo greet messes or oooolo lo bo tllo Students ere levlrerl uml exrleelerl    
l l '13, received the scenes of her former when she fell and wrenched her ankle very embolllmom ol ello ollloo orgoll, le use the llbrery freely fer reedlrlel   ' Y
l` battles—mental and otherwlse—last badly and having recovered from this lzerl llle and gorerrlmene llo was lll eee emey There ere ee me ebeerQl_ l .
_l week when she visited her slster Miss injury, she contracted a severe cold mlm or ollollololls lllrolll-loo wlrll og. one llumlred Cllrrenl mugezlrlos omlllll Tl`I€ Best ol  
l Dorothy Pollltt, at the Hall. which lasted unusually well. We hope greeelve oollrogol otrllllllg vlowo lroorl me rlelly Lexlegrrml leeulerllle elle       H {   ll
. Misses Sylvla Pettit and Ida Wash that when Sara Winn ls able to at- ell lrlmle ell ellelrs, oe quorlllollrl ooll Frenlrrert eeeerel   0 lng, 3 S lI`lS,  
spent the week end at their respective tend school again, she‘ll move can- Ol wll, and all olmorll lllloollelod talent Tlle llbrerlen eee ller eeelereme ere lll Shoes ele lor Cha S lr
Z homes in Midway. tlously and keep her fingers crossed for llle llullllo debate llllol oollrl.ol.ol.Sy glad le enewer lllleerlerle and re llelrl lll ’ p  
ll Wo woro glad to welcome Miss vlollr untll the h00d00 WGHYS off- mar rnugt attend the processes of the students to llnd what they needllll   know ·l
I . Eblen when she returned to us for Mm zembmd °"l°"l’·*l"€d the Alpha Democratic government. As a coun- for their work, ll  
3 R Vlllt. Mlll Eblen WAS Orlglnhlly 8 Gamma Dslte girls with u tea Tuesday try boy from the upper lbllrt of New The rules are very slmple_ lt ls       ll
{ member of ’14 class, but, partly by ¤“°*`¤°°¤ at hel h°m° °“ “'*’*’l S°°°“d York State, he obtained a good educw understood that students will observe lll l l
l dlllgent work and malnly by consistent SU`°°t· tlon and became early ldentltled wltlllthe usual rule of silence whlle ln the    
I l .
ir blllffllll she fllllslled the c0urB6 lll Mlss Helen l\lt:CuIldl€ss, &llAll1lDllB· llrooklyn and the western Bhd of library, for their own sake as well as       alwrelys  
l three years and graduated with last of K. S. U. ls expected to arrive Frl- Long n.nnno_ He won the lontllng hg. for orlrorsl and rlroy are required ro ll lll
Y8Bl‘°I class. diy, Vlsltlllg Mlsstbs