xt76hd7nqx2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nqx2g/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 2015 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2015-03-16 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2015-03-16 2015 2015 2015 true xt76hd7nqx2g section xt76hd7nqx2g Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky
Monday, March 16, 2015
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March
16, 2015 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower. The Board of Trustees
meeting and associated committee meetings scheduled for February 19-20, 2015 were cancelled
due to weather.

Meeting Opened

Dr. O. Keith Gannon, chair of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 2:01
p.m. Chair Gannon asked Trustee Sheila Brothers, secretary of the Board, to call the roll.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: C.B.
Akins, Sr., James H. Booth, William C. Britton, Sheila Brothers, Mark P. Bryant, Angela L.
Edwards, William S. Farish, Jr., Oliver Keith Gannon, Carol Martin (Bill) Gatton, Cammie
Grant, Robert Grossman, David V. Hawpe, Kelly Sullivan Holland, Terry Mobley, James W.
Stuckert, John Wilson, Robert Vance and Barbara Young. E. Britt Brockman and Jake Ingram
were not in attendance. Secretary Brothers announced that a quorum was present.
The University administration was represented by President Eli Capilouto, Provost
Appointee Tim Tracy, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive
Vice President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday, and General Counsel William
The University faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council
Andrew Hippisley, and the University staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Michael
Guests and members of the news media were also in attendance.

Consent Items

Chair Gannon called attention to the six consent items on the agenda. The items were the
minutes for the Board of Trustees meeting on December 9, 2014; PR 2, Personnel Actions; FCR
1, Wendell and Vickie Bell Gift; FCR 2, Michael L. Marberry Pledge; FCR 3, S. J. Whalen
Charitable Remainder Unitrust Gift; and FCR 4, Dr. James F. Roark, Jr. Gift.
Trustee Stuckert moved approval of the consent items. Trustee Mobley seconded the
motion. Chair Gannon called for the vote and it passed without dissent. (See consent items
listed below on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
Minutes, Board of Trustees Meeting, December 9, 2014

� PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 Wendell and Vickie Bell Gift
FCR 2 Michael L. Marberry Pledge
FCR 3 S. J. Whalen Charitable Remainder Unitrust Gift
FCR 4 Dr. James F. Roark, Jr. Gift and Pledge

Chair’s Report

Chair Gannon reported that there had been one petition to address the Board since the
previous Board of Trustees meeting. The petition’s subject matter was not relevant to a pending
or future Board agenda item.
Chair Gannon reported that Mr. Austin Mullen, a marketing management major from La
Grange in Lee County, KY was elected as Student Government President Elect. Mr. Mullen will
be introduced at the May Board meeting.
Chair Gannon acknowledged the historic moments of the last several weeks, including
the Sesquicentennial celebrations on campus and the legislation passed and signed by Governor
Beshear of the partnership to build a multidisciplinary research facility. He also thanked the
thousands of University staff for their dedication and hard work during the most recent rounds of
severe weather.

Alternate Meeting Site (CR 1)

Chair Gannon stated that CR 1 was the recommendation that the Board approve Hazard,
KY as an alternate meeting site for the September 10-11, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting and
associated committee meetings.
Chair Gannon stated that due to inclement weather, the Board of Trustee meeting
scheduled for February 19-20, 2015 in Hazard, Kentucky had been postponed. This
recommendation was to address the rescheduling of this meeting.
Trustee Grant moved approval of CR 1. It was seconded by Vice Chair Young and CR 1
passed without dissent. (See CR 1 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Executive Committee Report

Chair Gannon stated that the Executive Committee met that morning.
Approval of Executive Committee Authorization of Sale of the Coldstream
Laboratories Inc. Manufacturing Facility Located on Coldstream Research Campus. (ECR 1)
Chair Gannon stated that ECR 1 was the confirmation of an action taken by the Executive
Committee on January 15, 2015. Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 164.190 and Governing
Regulation (GR) II.E.2.a(2) grants authority to the Executive Committee to act during the period

� between Board meeting. KRS 164.190 and GR II.E.2.a(4) requires the Executive Committee to
submit to the Board of Trustees at each meeting, for the latter’s consideration and approval, a
complete record of the proceedings of the Executive Committee.
The recommendation contained a summary of that proceeding. Trustee Vance moved
approval of ECR 1. Trustee Grossman seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. (See
ECR 1 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Process for the 2014-15 Presidential Evaluation (ECR 2)

Chair Gannon stated that a Presidential assessment is required annually as per the
President’s contract. Per GR II.E.a.2(c), the Executive Committee is charged with the
responsibility of overseeing the review and to provide a final report to the full Board. University
boards often engage third-party consultants to assist in carrying out presidential assessments, as
was the case in 2012 and 2013 when UK’s Board hired Dr. David Hardesty, President Emeritus
of the University of West Virginia, for this process. Chair Gannon offered that the expertise
brought by such individuals offers great assurance that the assessments will serve the chief
executive, the Board and most importantly the University of Kentucky.
Chair Gannon continued that a number of highly credible and credentialed organizations
and individuals exist across the country that provide this service. In early January, a request for
proposal for a presidential evaluator was formally issued by the UK Purchasing Department. Of
nine responses, three organization finalists were selected and formally interviewed by a fourmember evaluation committee composed of senior leaders from Purchasing, Human Resources,
Public Relations and Administration. Following each committee interview, Chair Gannon and
Trustee Akins (as members of the Executive Committee) interviewed representatives from each
of the finalist firms. Based on these interviews and subsequent reference interviews, a consensus
evaluator firm and individual was selected. AGB Consulting, a division of the Association of
Governing Boards (AGB), was selected and the individual evaluator identified was Dr. Carol
Cartwright. Dr. Cartwright is President Emerita of Kent State University (1991-2006), and most
recently President of Bowling Green State University (2008-2011). She is a highly respected
voice in higher education with a career distinguished by innovative teaching, pioneering research
and national leadership.
Chair Gannon continued that the scope of the President’s evaluation will be 2011 through
2015 and Dr. Cartwright will follow an interview-based approach, accompanied by results from
a questionnaire, with results of annual faculty survey appropriately integrated. The President’s
evaluation will be based on the guiding principles that have been passed by the Board of Trustees
at each of its last four retreats, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Introductory planning meetings with
Dr. Cartwright will be held in late March. From April to mid-May, surveys will be distributed
and collected, one-on-one interviews performed, and the President will submit his selfevaluation. In early June, Dr. Cartwright will present a preliminary report to the President and
Board Chair for fact checking and then present to the Executive Committee. A final report will
be made to the full Board at its June 2015 meeting.
Trustee Farish moved approval of ECR 2. Trustee Akins seconded the motion and it

� passed without dissent. (See ECR 2 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

President’s Report (PR 1)

President Capilouto began by thanking and expressing his pride in the work done by the
Crisis Management Preparedness Group, Physical Plant Division, Facilities Management,
University Police, Parking and Transportation, Housing and Dining and UK Hospitals during the
recent extreme weather circumstances. Employees worked long hours to provide not only for
students living on campus, but ensured that patients and their families were cared for.
Researchers and staff continued to monitor their labs and research studies and protocols
continued. The Board of Trustees and President Capilouto gave these employees a round of
President Capilouto shared that the Tenth Annual DanceBlue Marathon, the 24-hour
student-run dance marathon, raised a total of $1,615,057.18 for the Golden Matrix Fund and
DanceBlue Kentucky Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic. President
Capilouto stated that he periodically visited the event on February 14-15, 2015, and he saw
scores of students from varying backgrounds, cultures, colors and perspectives standing together
for a common cause. He stated he watched the student lives who were changed throughout the
24-hour marathon, seeing and sharing the full spectrum of emotions, alongside clinic families
and patients who were facing critical illnesses. He visited with alumni who returned to campus
to not only donate funds, but to experience again the special event. And he saw a “community
unlike any other, as they like to say, ‘fighting for the kids’.”
President Capilouto introduced and welcomed Dr. Scott Lephart, the new Dean of the
College of Health Sciences. Dean Lephart joins UK as a former distinguished professor and
chair of the Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr.
Lephart is the founding director of the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory at the University of
Pittsburgh. In this role and as chair, he successfully built a flourishing research enterprise, with
extraordinary growth in academic programs, personnel and facilities. He also led and developed
partnerships between academic units, Allied Health and an academic medical center, and he
cultivated meaningful relationships with federal funding agencies, private and public foundations
and the industry.
President Capilouto thanked Interim Dean Sharon Stewart for her three years as Interim
Dean and for further strengthening the College’s commitment to preparing the clinical,
educational, and research leaders of tomorrow.
Dean Lephart thanked President Capilouto and the Board of Trustees for the kind
welcome and stated he looked forward to the compelling opportunity of serving as Dean of
College of Health Sciences.
President Capilouto thanked co-chairs Dr. Robert Mock and Dr. Nancy Cox, along with
committee members and individuals involved in the Provost search process. The committee
implemented a time-sensitive, thorough and thoughtful process to identify and promote Dr. Tim
Tracy as UK’s next provost. Provost Tracy will be leading several key initiatives that include

� completing the strategic plan, strengthening student success at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels, fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, advancing UK’s research
enterprise, selecting new leadership for the Colleges of Dentistry, Design, Medicine, Public
Health and Pharmacy and help implementing the new financial model.
President Capilouto acknowledged and thanked Dr. Judy (JJ) Jackson for her service as
the first vice president for institutional diversity. Dr. Jackson will be leaving the University at
the end of the spring 2015 semester. He thanked her for being instrumental in increasing
diversity and fostering inclusivity, providing advice and assistance on diversity strategies and
most recently, her key leadership and expertise for UK’s successful application for support
through the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP). This program grant
aims to attract a more diverse student population to pursue degrees in the science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Dr. Jackson received a round of applause.
President Capilouto stated that he would be updating the Board and University
community soon about the next steps for the Office of Institutional Diversity.
In closing, President Capilouto thanked the Board for their leadership and the noted his
appreciation for support of Governor Steve Beshear, House Speaker Greg Stumbo, Senate
President Robert Stivers, the leadership of both chambers, both parties and scores of legislators
that voted to allow the state to provide half of the support and be UK’s partner to build the new
research facility. This new space will allow UK to recruit and retain the very best of faculty,
attract competitive federal grants and build promising synergies in research and discovery in the
area of health disparities.

Appointment of the Provost (PR 3)

President Capilouto stated that PR 3 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the appointment of Dr. Timothy S. Tracy as Provost, effective February 23, 2015.
Trustee Stuckert moved approval of PR 3. Trustee Mobley seconded the motion and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 3 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Appointment of the Dean of the College of Health Sciences (PR4)

President Capilouto stated that PR 4 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the appointment of Dr. Scott M. Lephart as Dean of the College of Health Sciences.
Trustee Vance moved approval of PR 4. Trustee Mobley seconded the motion and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 4 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 5)


� President Capilouto stated that PR 5 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the awarding of an Honorary Doctor of Arts to Leslie Coleman (Les) McCann, an
Honorary Doctor of Humanities to Lillian Henken Press and an Honorary Doctor of Letters to O.
Leonard Press, as approved and recommended by the University faculty.
Trustee Akins moved approval of PR 5. Vice Chair Young seconded the motion and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 5 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Proposed Revision to Governing Regulations: Nondiscrimination (PR 6)

President Capilouto stated that PR 6 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
receive and vote to accept for the first reading the attached revisions to the Governing Regulation
X and XIV relating to the University's statement on non-discrimination. The revisions are
intended to update the nondiscrimination statement to conform to current law by adding gender
identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, and whether the
person is a smoker or nonsmoker.
Trustee Bryant moved approval of PR 6. Trustee Grant seconded the motion and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 6 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Proposed Revision of Governing Regulation: University Appeals Board (PR 7)

President Capilouto stated that PR 7 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
receive and vote to accept for the first reading the attached revision to the Governing Regulation
XI relating to the authority of the University Appeals Board (UAB). The revision is intended to
clarify the role of the University Senate Rules for academic misconduct and the Senate Code of
Conduct for disciplinary offenses informing the decisions of the UAB.
Trustee Grossman moved approval of PR 7. Vice Chair Young seconded the motion and
it passed without dissent. (See PR 7 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Proposed Revision to Administrative Regulation: Residency Review Committee

(PR 8)
President Capilouto stated that PR 8 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the attached revisions to Administrative Regulation 4:5, Residency Review Committee.
The proposed revisions are intended to make the regulation more consistent with regulations
promulgated by the Council on Postsecondary Education and current University organization,
allow the University more flexibility in scheduling student appeals and eliminate any appearance
of conflicts of interest.
Secretary Brothers moved approval of PR 8. Trustee Gatton seconded the motion and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 8 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,

� under agenda.)

Academic and Student Affairs Report

Trustee Angela Edwards, chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, stated
that the Committee met that morning. The Committee heard a report from Vice President for
Student Affairs Robert Mock updating the Committee on the Student Code and the student
conduct process. General Counsel William Thro shared an update on the revision to the
Governing Regulations with respect to the University Appeals Board. The Committee also heard
an update from Provost Tracy regarding the Strategic Plan.

Creation of the Department of Integrated Strategic Communication (ASACR 1)

Trustee Edwards stated that ASACR 1 was the recommendation that the Board of
Trustees approve the creation of the Department of Integrated Strategic Communication (ISC) in
the College of Communication and Information, effective July 1, 2015; and that the corollary
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sciences degrees move into the new department.
The School of Journalism and Telecommunications currently houses three degree
programs: Journalism, Media Arts and Integrated Strategic Communication (ISC). Since 2003,
the School has grown from 14 tenured and tenure-track faculty to 26 tenured and tenure-track
faculty and two full-time lecturers. Each of these fields has its own scholarly and creative
tradition, and faculty research and creative activity in each of the three areas varies widely.
Significant growth in both faculty and student numbers has made the structure difficult to
manage effectively and is a barrier to continued growth.
Establishment of the Department of Integrated Strategic Communication will strengthen
the identity of the program. Students and alumni of the School seem to identify with their
program of study rather than the School as an entity. The restructuring will serve to further
strengthen that identification.
Likewise, the reconstituted School of Journalism and
Telecommunications will be strengthened through greater focus.
The restructuring also will increase the amount of attention the leadership of the
reformulated School and new Department are able to give to the distinct academic and career
counseling needs of students in the three degree programs. The School director’s focus will be on
the over 400 students majoring or minoring in Journalism and Media Arts and Studies; the new
Department’s chair will be focused on the over 600 ISC majors.
Under the proposed restructuring, the School of Journalism and Telecommunication will
consist of the Journalism and Media Arts and Studies programs; the BA/BS Journalism and
BA/BS Media Arts and Studies undergraduate degree programs; and the minors in Journalism
Studies and Media Arts and Studies.
The proposal has been reviewed and recommended by the Senate Academic Organization
and Structure Committee and the Senate Council and endorsed by the University Senate.


� On behalf of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Trustee Edwards asked for
approval of ASACR 1. Chair Gannon opened the floor for discussion. Trustee Hawpe offered
that as a journalist he thought the future of media study was convergence; learning not only
reporting, writing and editing, but the need to be a photographer, videographer and a team player
with advertising and marketing/public relations. Based on the votes of the faculty, it was his
opinion that the faculty votes did not represent a strong mandate for the move. Trustee
Grossman stated that as reorganizations are somewhat balanced between the pros and cons, he
felt the faculty vote was strong and the ASACR warranted the Board’s approval.
Chair Gannon called for the vote and it passed with 16 affirmative votes and two no
votes, Trustee Hawpe and Trustee Gatton. (See ASACR 1 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Candidates for Degrees: December 2014 (ASACR 2)

Trustee Edwards stated that ASACR 2 was the recommendation that the President be
authorized to confer upon the individuals whose names appear, the degree to which the
individuals are entitled upon certification by the University Registrar that they have satisfactorily
completed all requirements for the degree for which application has been made and as approved
by the elected faculty of the University Senate and the Academic and Student Affairs Committee
of the Board of Trustees. Due to an administrative error, the names were not previously
On behalf of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Trustee Edwards asked for
approval of ASACR 2 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 2 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Candidate for Degree: August 2014 (ASACR 3)

Trustee Edwards stated that ASACR 3 was the recommendation that the President be
authorized to confer upon the individual whose name appears, the degree to which he is entitled
upon certification by the University Registrar that he has satisfactorily completed all
requirements for the degree for which application has been made and as approved by the elected
faculty of the University Senate and the Academic and Student Affairs Committee of the Board
of Trustees. Due to an administrative error, the name was not previously submitted.
On behalf of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Trustee Edwards asked for
approval of ASACR 3 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 3 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

University Athletics Committee Report

Trustee C.B. Akins, Sr., chair of the University Athletics Committee, stated that the
committee had met that morning. President Capilouto made brief remarks. Athletics Director
Mitch Barnhart gave an updated report on winter and spring sports. Items of note included: UK
men's basketball team had won the SEC Tournament and championship; UK Athletics has now

� reached the goals it set forth seven years ago as part of a 15 by 15 by 15 Plan, being 15 SEC
and/or NCAA championships and a top 15 placement in the Director's Cup standing by 2015;
and UK Athletics has also continued to succeed in the classroom, reaching the goal of a 3.0 GPA
achieved in each of the last five semesters.
In winter sports, men's basketball's unbeaten record continues at 34-0. As SEC regular
season and tournament champions, the Wildcats are a No. 1 seed in the Midwest Region in the
NCAA Tournament. Coach Calipari has done incredible work leading this team and deservedly
was named SEC Coach of the Year. Willie Cauley-Stein, SEC Tournament MVP, also won SEC
Defensive Player of the Year. Karl-Anthony Towns won SEC Freshman of the Year, and Devin
Booker won Sixth Man of the Year.
Trustee Akins continued that the UK women's basketball team has overcome injury and
adversity to have another successful season. After solid play in the SEC Tournament semifinals,
UK Hoops are 23-9 and ranked No. 11 in both polls. UK expects to host NCAA Tournament
first- and second-round games for the second straight season. The gymnastics team is peaking
with the postseason approaching, having posted their three best scores of the season in their final
three meets. The rifle team finished sixth at the NCAA Championships this past weekend.
Women's swimming and diving team finished seventh at the SEC Championships, the program's
best finish since 2011. The men's team finished 10th. From the women's team, Christina
Bechtel and Danielle Galyer each won individual SEC titles and will compete in the NCAA
national meet.
Trustee Akins continued that in spring sports, after a historic 2014 season, UK’s women's
track and field team posted a school-record fifth-place finish at the NCAA Indoor
Championships. The men's team finished 38th. Kendra Harrison led the way, winning UK's
first-ever national championship in the 60-meter hurdles. The softball team, ranked No. 12,
opened its home schedule to start the season by sweeping four games. Kelsey Nunley is having
another strong season in the circle, headlined by Co-SEC Pitcher of the Week honors in
February. Baseball, men's and women's tennis and men's and women's golf are all off to a good
Trustee Akins reported that construction continues on Commonwealth Stadium, with an
expected completion date of September 5th. Football spring practice is underway and the new
football practice facility construction commenced in February. Coach Stoops will also welcome
another highly-regarded recruiting class this fall.
Off the field, UK’s student-athletes combined for a GPA of 3.112 for the fall semester.
Eighteen of 20 teams had GPAs of better than 3.0, and 63 student-athletes were named to the
SEC Fall Academic Honor Roll, second in the conference. UK also had 31 current and former
student-athletes graduate in December 2014.
A new era of autonomy in college athletics is underway, with schools from the five major
conferences working to protect and improve the college experience for student-athletes, with
student-athletes themselves having a voice in the process. A first step taken in January was the
adoption and implementation of a measure allowing schools to award scholarships that include

� the full cost of attendance. Beginning August 2015, the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
will offer cost-of-attendance scholarships for all 22 sports. Currently, 275 scholarships are
distributed among over 500 student-athletes.
Last week, JMI Sports announced an expanded 15-year deal with iHeart Media that will
ensure UK fans will continue to enjoy a best-in-class radio network. UK baseball star and
Houston Astros draft pick A. J. Reed was named Kentucky Sportsman of the Year at the
Bluegrass Sports Awards. John Calipari was named a finalist for the Naismith Memorial
Basketball Hall of Fame last month. If elected, he will join Wildcat great Louie Dampier as a
part of the 2015 Hall of Fame class. UK football pioneer Nate Northington was featured in a
CBS Sports Network documentary last month. Mr. Northington became the first AfricanAmerican football player in the SEC as a Kentucky Wildcat in 1967.
On February 20 and 21, two UK greats were honored with retired jerseys. Jenny
Hansen, who won eight individual national titles from 1992-95, was honored before UK’s
gymnastics meet against Arkansas. Tony Delk, the Most Outstanding Player during the national
championship run in 1996, had his jersey retired before the game against Auburn. UK AllAmerican Art Still was named to the College Football Hall of Fame in January. Still was a star
defensive end at UK and an All-American in 1977 before a 12-year NFL career. Women's
soccer star Arin Gilliland was selected No. 8 overall by the Chicago Red Stars in the National
Women's Soccer League Draft. Gilliland finished her UK athletics career in November as the
most decorated player in program history. Director Barnhart was also voted Athletics Director
of the Year by the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics.
Trustee Akins reported that Sandy Bell, executive associate athletics director for Student
Services and Rachel Newman Baker, senior associate athletics director for Compliance, provided
an overview of NCAA, SEC and institutional rules and processes. As it pertains to NCAA
Constitution 2.1, it is the responsibility of each member institution to control its intercollegiate
athletics program in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Association. This
educational session was provided in order to share information and avoid NCAA and SEC rules
violations. Information presented included recruiting legislation, complimentary admissions
legislation, review of current NCAA Governance structure (inclusive of an overview of the
process for the autonomous conferences) and a general question/answer session.
Trustee Akins reported that in business items, Susan Krauss, treasurer, reported that the
Audit and Compliance Subcommittee authorized the retention of BKD for the audit of the
University's financial statements and other related audit work for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2015. The fiscal year 2015 audit engagement will include agreed-upon procedures as required
by the NCAA on certain financial data detailing operating revenues, expenses, and capital
expenditures. NCAA bylaws require that an independent accountant verify the accuracy and
completeness of the financial data prior to submission to the institution's president and NCAA.
The engagement letter for the fiscal year 2015 NCAA agreed-upon procedures was provided to
the Committee.
The Committee also acknowledged the generous gift from Wendell and Vickie Bell.
Vickie is a Community Advisory member of the University Athletics Committee. This gift will
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� be used towards capital projects in the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. The committee
also recommended approval to the Finance Committee of FCR 11, Renovate Old Softball/Soccer
Locker Room Capital Project.

Finance Committee Report

Trustee James Stuckert, chair of the Finance Committee, reviewed for the Board the
consent items, FCR 1 through FCR 4, which were vetted in detail earlier at the Finance
Committee Meeting. He thanked Wendell and Vickie Bell, Michael L. Marberry, S. J. Whalen,
and Dr. James F. Roark for their generosity to the University.
Request to Rename the Fifth and Pacific Foundation Endowment to the Kate
Spade and Company Foundation Endowment (FCR 5)
Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 5 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve a request to rename the Fifth and Pacific Foundation Endowment to the Kate Spade and
Company Foundation Endowment in the Center for Research on Violence Against Women.
Effective October 2014, the name of the Fifth and Pacific Foundation was changed to the
Kate Spade and Company Foundation. Accordingly, the Foundation has requested that the name
of the endowment be changed accordingly and that the University use the new name in all
references to the endowment.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 5 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 5 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Proposed 2015-16 Tuition and Mandatory Fees Schedule (FCR 6)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 6 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the 2015-16 tuition and mandatory fees schedule and authorize the President to submit
the schedule to the Council on Postsecondary Education. The tuition and mandatory fees
schedule reflects a three percent increase for most resident students and a six percent increase for
most non-resident students.
Trustee Stuckert reported that Vice President of Financial Planning and Chief Budget
Officer Angie Martin reviewed with the Committee the recommendation, including tuition
rankings relative to UK’s peer institutions.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 6 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 6 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Proposed 2015-16 Room Rates for University-Owned Housing (FCR 7)

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� Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 7 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the 2015-16 room rates for University-owned housing.
The proposed 2015-16 University-owned housing rates primarily reflect a three percent
increase for traditional double and single room residence halls, premium residence halls,
graduate and family apartments and Greek housing. The 2015-16 dining rates reflect a 2.4 to 3.6
percent increase depending on the dining plan. All students living in residence halls are requir