xt76hd7nqg8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nqg8t/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1924 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_168 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 168 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 168 1924 1924 2014 true xt76hd7nqg8t section xt76hd7nqg8t H COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Y . . . .
11 THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
I1 ‘
1a CIRCULAR NO. 168 .
l.._. Lexington, Ky.
1*1 June, 1924.
PUMIMIQII 111 (‘<11111c<‘li<111 with the :1:;1‘i<‘11l1111`;1l ¢·Xlc11$11111 \\'<11`i< 1`ITI‘1‘1P1i
('ii i‘Y '$**1‘Pc1‘:11i<¤11 of tin- 1‘1»111·;1~ of _-\;;·1·i1·11l1111·1~, l`111v1—1·si1y of I{111111vl11g1·uss of Muy S, 1914- _
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Making A Tailored Coat
By Irene M. Piedalue
» Field Agent in Clothing
1. .1111111-1}:1 '1`w1·1·11. 1111111 ¤‘1l'1T1. ~··1‘:‘-·. 11·i1·111i111-, 111·1111111·l11111, or
H11}` 111/. 11·11111 1i1i111'1'1i1i 111‘l11 1-1:1·11;11 1.'11. il 11.111.
11. -·1111111111/-11 is 111·~1 111 111:11-11 111`1` :1 s11:11·1· 111111 1110 width
111` 1111111·1‘i:11 1111 il 111111-111-:111111-;:1111 1:1y 1111111-1-11 1111 it 10 .
_ 111,-1-1111- 1-x:11·11_1‘ 11l1\\` 111111-11 111::1··1·i:11 wi11 111- 111-1-ded.
b. ('11111`11111— 111- >ll1'1‘ 111 11111 11-1- i1` 111:111-1-1111 1111% 1111 111111 down,
211111 11l_\' IN1111'1'11 :11·1·111··1ir1:11·. -51; _1·11s. 111 3-1-·111<}1l mat-
1-1*1111 will 111i1T{1' :1 1`1111 11·11g111 1-11:11 1111- :1 1111-11111111 sized
2. P1lH1l`)1—*,\1l}' Q`lP1|<1 1-111111111·1·1·i111 11:1111·1·11 $1111i1T1ll_* 111 \\`1‘111'Q1`
i11 11111- 111111 (1(°5i;.1.11. 1`111111s1·\1x1·111·1··11·11i11g111 1111s1 111e11s111·e.
:1, 1*111 11:1111-1-11 111u1·1111·1‘ [111*T 1l‘}` 1111. 11 11>U1i11'1I`1‘, 111111 i11
1111‘1(> 111 111:1111- i1 1i1. 11 11111 s1111111. 1`111 112111C1'1l (1171UTl 111111
$111-1-1111 11111 1111` 111·~i1·1-11 1111111111-1- 111` 1111-111-s. 1_S1-e direc-
1i1111s i11 (`i1‘1·111111‘ 12121.-
_ 3. Cu11‘1'11g;——1,11y 1111 (11. 1111111-1-11 1111 111:111-1-1111 111-1`111·1- 1-1111111g. Be
· $111*1- 111 1111111-1- i1' 11111i1'1`ii1i 11:1s 111111, 3111111* 1·11111s 2l1`G 1-111 s0
111111 1111- 111111 g111-s 1111 1-111111-1- 111:111 1111w11. This is 10 keep 111e
111111 f1`(`111l 1;-1-11111; 1.111.ii('(i. 1\111~1 11i111(`1'11< i11iU\\' _111$1 ¥V‘S—i111·11
for S1-11111s, 11` 1111· $1‘£1111< 111-1- 111 111- s1i11·111-11 &1Q'1l111 1111 11111 111-
: 111w 111 11-:1s1 il 1-1111-11. X1111·11 1·111-1-1`1111_1· s11 11< 111 111- s111-1- 111 get
pieces 111;:1-1111-1- rig-111. 1`se 1i1Tl111i$• ii11°i{$ 111 11li11`1{ 111111-es f111·
11111-111-1s. 1-11·. This 111:11·11s 1111111 111111-1-s (I1. 1111- 1-11111 111 111e s111111-
1i111e 111111 is 1111111- 111* 1&11{11lg` il 1-111111-1- s1111111 s1i11·11 1111-11 110111
t111('1(11L‘S$1‘S 111 1111- 111i11llii111T. Tl)[1\-111gi Ti11.;TL\ 1111111s 111-1w1-1-11
s1i11-111-S, 1111-11 111111i11e‘ 1111- 1w11 111i1·11111-s>1-s 1111111-1 111111 &°11i1111g
the 11ll`1‘21(1S i11 111-1w1-.—11. 1`s1- 1111111111- 1111-1-1111.
1. 4. MG1h`I-}1[]T-—1)11l 1111-1-1-s111g1-1111-1-1-111-1-1`1111y.111-1-11111e1-11g‘1-s1-Y1-11;
ti 111011 1111s11- wi111 11111-1-1-11 1111s1i11;- s1i11-111-s 1>1w11 s11111·1 1111lT 1111e
E 1011g). 1f1111sirt·tl lcngth front thc Hoot-
with u rnlt·r or gugo in tht- sznnv ]Il2llllIt*l’ thut u skirt
is hung.
‘ 11. 1}zztz‘t>2tlwlt`s»—'l`l1twl»nttonholt·sntuylw worktwl or honntl.
ll't1rl.·ttl4lt thoy ure to l»t~ workt·tl, t·nt t·urt·t`nlly the
11•Q‘Ctl·.‘Ll l•J1lQ'lll uml ronntl ont the t·ntl nt·urt—st tht— t-tlgtr of
the tout. Blukc u t·ortl ot thc hnttonhole twist. uml work
t thc lJutt0nht;»lc ovcr this. Tho hole slitmltl bc O\'(‘l`CllSl
n first with tint; uotton or silk thrt·utl.
.Bf}llrt¢I4·)lill`l{ tho plut·t~ for tht· l>ntonholt~, tht~n ttnt two
hius strips uhont   I-im·h with- untl un im·h longvr thzni
the bnttonhole is to bc linishctl. Foltl tht—st* piet·t·s with
ctlgvs t·»g‘t·tht·r. right sitlte out uml hush} lllL‘ll1 with tho
ruw t·tlu’t·s ol' tht· two pit·t·t·s nn·t-ting ut. tho lint· whvrc
thc hnttonltolte is ]ll&ll'l{t’t·kt·ts shonltl ht- st—wt·tl on or ]1l2ltlt‘ into
thc cout l>t~fort: thc lining; is pnt in.
i 1)(Ilt']l Zi’0t·7.·c/s—'l`nrn tho trtlgc of tho poukct untl flup
about T};-inch untl bustc tlown t1:n·t·i`nlly, Pin or basic

 llllzzkhzy 11 Trzilorcd Coat 7
tlu- lining 111 tlu-n1 so 1l1:11 it 1‘(lI]ll'S z1lu111t 1/it-l11C‘l1 from
1 1111- 1,-1lg1· 11i` llll‘ 11111·k1-1. Slip tlu- 1I1111l11-twc1:11tl1c pocket
21ll1[ tl11- lining :11 ll1l' lllll illlll 1-:111-11-stit1·h the- pocket t0
tlu- tlzip 1111 tlu- 1‘i;1l11 si1l1- 11i` tlu- ]1111·l;1;t_ ']`]11·117 011 the
\\']'U]lLL" >i1l1-. 1111·11 lllltl l1:1st1- tlu- li11i11u11t` tlu- ]1111·k1-1 111-pp
tlu- 1lz111 :11ul l1li111l stit1-h tlu- lininu 111 tlu: 11r11·k1-t uml
tln]1. 1,1`l‘SS (°llI't‘l·l|ll_\'. 1l11-11 pin tlu- ]1111;k1;ts 111 thc g1,;1t_
_ (Try 1111 t1-s1·1- llllli tlu-y :11*1- i11 tlu- right Illl11}1).?l Stitch
U 1111-p111·l;1·t 111 1·11;1t. 1-i1l11·1· 1‘l!‘l1t (lll 1lu-1·1lu·1·11f1l11;11111:kct
T 111- the szniu- 1ll$l£lll¤'f‘ l.l`l¤lll 1111- 1-1l;:1: us thc stit1;l1i11g
i ('1>lll<‘S i`l`Ulll tlu- $1'2llllS 111' tl11- 1-11:11, \\'ll<‘ll 1h0 scanns are
1 f1-ll1-1l. i
L. .*/71 l’111·/.·1/.1~—'l`l1ix]1111·l<1-1 i< $1-1 i11 :1111l1·z111l101n111l•2 wry
t 1Illl¤‘ll lilu- tl11- l11111111l l111tt11nl111l1-. Aliil`l( thu line f111· the
]1111·k1·t witl1 1·l111ll< 111· l1;1<1i11;r >tit1-lu-s. (`11t :1 hizis {wld
L :1l11111t lg-in1·h \\`llll_* :1111l l lll¤'ll l1111u‘1-1·tl1;111tl1c width 0f
__ 1hc 11111-k1-1. lf this 1111·;1~111·1-1111-11t is 5 l]l1‘l11*Sl1 l111·gcl1i11s
E 11i1_-1·1- Y1 lll(°llf‘N \\`l(lQ' :1111l ;1l11111t lil 3 in1·l11-s long will he
k 111-1-1l»-1l. ]{1111111l 1!Il.Ill<' 1'f•l'l|1‘l`S 111 11111,- 1-111l 11111l fold thc
;1 11111 l’ll;.[`l‘ tit1·l1i11g·;11ul 1·li11 t`1·11111 tl101‘1J 10 the
N. 1-111ls 11f tl11- s1i11-hing. lSL‘(‘ lllll>il'illl1>ll.\l D0 not cnt
h_ tl11-l1i11s1`11l1ls. 'l`111·11 111 tlu- \\`l'llllQ` si1l1-. .l’1·1-ss 1·:11·0f11ll}‘.
M Basic 111111 stit1-h 1h1- 1lllll`1` 11i1-1·1- lll; tlu- 11111-l<1-t i11 place.
h_ (Sec Cut Il.)
111   B11!t‘1111.<—}le11·l< tlu- 11l;11·1-s i`1l1` tlu- l111t11111s \\`lill 21 pin. T11
hg » 21\‘11i1l sewing tlu- l1llIl11lIS 1111 11111 tight: lilkll il 1l1111l1lc
hg 1l11‘1-1111 :11111 l`11s11-11 111 tl11- 1-11:11 11111l1-1· 1111- l111111111 hll(lT 1111
) \\'l‘Oll;I si1l1- of 1-11111), 111l<1- 11111- s1i11·l1 1l11·11 tl11- b11tt1111,
110 lllldll lllil('(` Z1 ll1‘il\'}` pin 11111l1-1· this s1i11-h illlll 1-1111ti1111c
Sl‘\\`lll§' 11v1-1· this pin. A1`11-1- 211 s11l`1i1·i1-111* 1111111l11-1* 0E
up Stitches 11111*1; b1-1-11 1z1k1-11, \\`l`il1) tl11- illlioilkl 111·1111111l tl1·.>
ttc threads between the button and the coat. This makes :1 —

8 I1't11I1tt·.l·3; Ct·I't‘l(llllS uht1ut   1—i11t·l1 l.<1l' st-11111 llll0\\`2lllC0.
l·`old \\'l't1llg.{'Sl1lt‘tllll with t‘tlQ`t‘Slt1§jt‘lll\‘l', ,l‘lilSll‘ll a11it-t·t-
of fairly ht-ary t;111t- t11· t*t\l'l`<’ tl1t- Sl‘2llll is
stitchod 1111 autl Sllllllltl ht} 11lat·t-tl i11 tl1t- t-xavt t·t·11tt-1· t»t`
th0 11i000s of 1lli\ll‘1`l2ll \\'lllt‘ll has llL‘t‘ll t·ut l`t1l` tl1t- ht-lt.
Tl1011 tl10 §C2llll is t111t-11t-tl 1111 tht- lt-ugth of tl1t-l111ttt111ht»lt·
. HllLl l.·li11tl stitt·l1t-tl i11 11lat·t-. lt` a h11t·l