xt76hd7nq97g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nq97g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1899 journals kaes_bulletins_083 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.83. text Bulletin n.83. 1899 1899 2014 true xt76hd7nq97g section xt76hd7nq97g     KENTUCKY  
  OF THE       A
  BULLETIN NO. 83. I   I
A  A   A
A  A. WHEAT. w A
  · 1. Expttimttitt with Ftitiiiztis. A  
|   2. vttiitty Ttttt. Z  
  3. Notts ttiiti Dtttiiptitits. i
A    A A i
LEx1Nr:'1‘<>N, T{IiN'1`L'CI{Y, ` »
` \ August. 1899.
` 33

 `¤· i I ¢ · ‘
; V Y .
G ' g 3 ·
 I " '   • '* • n
:3. V I Agrxcultural Dxpcmmcnt Sta.t10n. I
HART BOSWELL, (.`l12lll`I112LI1, Lexington, Ky.
J. T. GATIYIIITGHT, Louisville, Ky. _
THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky.
. . J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
_ . M. A. SCOYELL, DlI'€Ct()l', See1·et:.u·y.
M. A. SCOYELL, Dll'(.‘('I]()I`.
· Chemists.
. H. UAHMAN, Entoniologist and Iiotunist.
§ (`E. \\'. MATIIIEWS, lIoi·tieult111·ist. ‘
' { J. N.1·1Al{l’1CI{, Ay,·i·ienltni·1st.
‘\'. li. MUNCY, \\’en.tl1e1·(')l>sei·ve1·.
EDWARI) Rllwlilill, S(§Cl'L‘J[ilI')' to I)ll'(‘CtO1'.
Ai1ice utltliwss, or of =m_v Ienilure to reeeive the 1,:n11Cm1S_
l{Ex*i`Ue1;Y Ao1z1<:1*i.Ti·1z.xi. liXl.’l·IRl)ll£NT Siixuiiox,
Z Lmxixiawox, KY.
34 _

  fl l
  . f' 1
* f
Y f
l I
Bulletin N0. 83.   r
WHEAT. ; z
l  if
The field experiments with fertilizers on wheat conducted at l 4   .
the experiment Station farm in 1898-9, as in the season before, f -i
gave only negative results, the yields from the fertilized plots I `l
being little, if any, greater than where no fertilizer was applied.
Commercial fertilizers used on wheat on the soil of the station
farm appear t0 yield no profitable result, as the slight increase
that has occasionally been observed has not been sufficient t0 F
pay for the fertilizer used. 'l`he season was unfavorable to  
such experiments, as wheat was generally sown late and the `
stand was thin and irregular and this affected the eo-operative
experiments that were undertaken last season, as well as those ` Yi
at the station fa-rm. 'llwo of these experiments, however, it is if
thought proper to publish, as they show a marked increase from .l
the use of fertilizers on very poor soil. 'l`he first of these yl l
n experiments was made by Mr. li. tt. ,\ustin of Prentiss, Ohio "
county, Ky., upon soil similar to that on which he made the l f
experiments last season, described in liullitin TT, but not on    
the same field. 'l`he eXpt+l‘i111¤.‘l1tzll plots were l1o1lt'l`(§ each and I A
the same system was followed as is used in fertilizer experi-   ·',
nrents at the station and already deserilred in many Iarlletim . V
cxeept that Nlr. .\ustin added two plots, on one of which he V
;lm,]jCl_1 "|foats" or very finely ground phosphate roek, and on    
the other bone meal. liaeh plot was harvested separately and  
the yields, ealeulaied to the n<·re, are given in the fofloxvhrg _ V g
table, whieh shows also the fertilizer used on eaeh plot and the  
l rate per aere at which it was applied; the value of the crop  
per acre. estimated at T1) ets. a bushel; the cost of the fer- .
tilizer and the difference between eost of fertilizer and value of ‘
\· (Jl`()D.
V i > ‘•¥•¢·   ` A,

 ’   if   A   T
C  {   `
r i' { , ·
_·  ' , i 36 Bztlletin N0. 83.
· 2 E s z *5; [   5..1
ll' l     S E 5 O  
.5 Fi—:1c1·11.1z1:1: Cszcn Ayn     T 5      
; *5 lixrn Pm: Aercic. Ҥ g `   Z; C  
; i sx i gs J ; gm
= ? - I E E 2;**
V 2 >+ I > o >
‘ 1 None .... . ........ . ...A........... 6% i$4.G7 0 $4.67
i 2 Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. ......... .. 10%   7.58 $3.60 3.98
é 3 Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs .......... ll}; i 8.05 2.25 6.80
4 Xluriatc of Potasli, 160lbs ........ 8%* 6.18 3.60 2.58
5 None. .............................. 7 4.00 0 4.90
. $ Nitrate of Soda. 1601bs. l ,   .. - - W.
6 `( Acid 1)l1()S[JllEl.[U, 320 lbs. ( '''’‘‘ 101** mbz I {*80 4*
g ,. . .
» s Bitrate oi Soda. 160 lhs.     . . - . ...,
A E 7 `( )llll'1£lU;‘l)f1)()t&lSll, 1130 lbs. $ '‘'' 11** *93 *20 O""
? { Acid Phosphate. 3201bs. [ . , , , .
8 { Aluriatc of Potash, l¢i0lbs. ) ‘''' 14% wl') ‘J‘8') 4*fO
` Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. 1 4
9 - Acid Phospliatc.320lhs } .... 12 ‘ 8.40 9.45 (1.05)**
l Muriate of Potash, 100 lbs,] V
10 None. ........................ . .... 10% 7.12 O 7.12
11 Floats. 400 lbs. ............,....... 10% 7.235 ...... { ........
12 done Meal. 1601bs. ................ 10% J 7.25 ......   ........
**1,ess than cost of Fertilizer.
T The results bear a general similarity to those obtained by
` Mr. Austin last season. The greatest increase in yield from the
use of any single constituent of fertilizers was given by the acid
phosphate, and the use of nitrate of soda andgacid phosphate
more that doubled the yield. The results from floats and bone
meal are not as good as from acid phosphate and acid phos-
i phate with nitrate of soda. Mr. Austin says in his report:
"T}ie land upon which these tests were made is, very old and

 f· lf 2  
r mf  
Urheai. 37  
poor. It has been in meadow for a number of years; was    
broken up in the fall of 1897 and planted in corn the following f i
spring. The yield of corn was about 20 bu. per acre. which   ,
was removed from the field and the same sown in wheat on .
October 21 and 22. The land being wet at the time, the   _ ·i
heavy rains that followed caused the wheat to run together Z    
zandto not all come up. The wheat made very little growth ,  
during the fall and winter, and the ground was almost bare at Q i  
the approach of spring. Very little difference was noticed be- , n
tween the fertilized and the unfertilized plots until near harvest    
time, when a perceptible difference was observed in favor of
plots 3, 6, S and 9, which made a slightly ranker growth and
ripened a few days in advance of the other plots. Nos. 2, 7, .
11 and 12 made a slightly ranker growth than Nos. 1, 4, 5 and 4
10, but ripened at the same time and were harvested the same A
day. Plot No. 9 was the nearest level of any in the test and  
possibly suffered worse than any of the others from winter-
killing. The rest of the field was fertilized with 100 lbs. acid _ __
phosphate per acre and yielded 10 bu. per acre. Otherland near Q.
by of about the same quality, sown two weeks earlier and ferti- lj
lized with the same kind of fertilizer, made a better yield and , ,  
showed a greater difference between the fertilized and the unfer— P ‘ ,1
tilized portions. I am convinced that wheat should be sown in . ,
time to make some growth before winter sets in, to obtain the ¤  
best possible results from the use of fertilizcrs." I J
It appears from the figures that the ground on which the i I  
experiment was made is somewhat richer near plot 10 than on ; it
plots 1 to 5, and the latter produced about T bu. of wheat to   .
the acre without any fertilizer. If this   accepted as correct, it ’ 1 {
appears that the increase in yield caused by the use of acid i , .
phosphate, paid about $2.00 per acre over and above the cost of  
the acid phosphate. ln the case of plot No. fi, on which the largest *  
actual yield was obtained the increase barely paid thc cost of  
the fertilizer. Comparing plots 11 and 12 with plot 10, it appears   f`
that i°ffoats" and bone meal had very little. if any effect, on f '
the yield. It was to he expected that plot 12, on which the A
complete fertilizer was used, would give the largest yield. and i
the deficiency may be due to some accidental cause, perhaps .
. ""`“"""“‘ ···=·—~·-·— ·-<— »···•= _  

 _:‘ Q r , ,. t
l 1 li i
  i } t .
Q  L   38 Bzzlicffrn N0. 83.
Q — ,·   winter-killing 0n this pl0t, due t0 its level situati0n, as sug·
g. ‘ gested by Mr. Austin. The yield 0n the unfertilized plot N0-
i 10 is higher than was t0 be expected, judging by pl0ts 1 and 5
_ and by pl0ts 11 and 12, which sh0uld have sh0wn m0re c0n-
3 trast with the unfertilized pl0t. Pl0t N0. 6, which preduced
t the largest yield, did n0t give any pr0f`1t 0n the m0ney
expended fer the fertilizer because 0f the great c0st 0f the nitrate
. 0f s0da. If the nitregen had been supplied in a m0re ec0n0m-
ical way, perhaps, by a cr0p 0f cl0ver 0r by barnyard manure, it
1 is quite likely that this pl0t w0uld have given the largest
, prefit, as well as the largest yield. It must be
remembered, h0wever, that the price 0f wheat has
i much t0 d0 with this calculation. If the wheat were w0rth $1.00
per bushel, the largest prefit w0uld c0me fr0m pl0t 6, being
ab0ut 40c 1n0re per acre than plot 3, where 0nly acid ph0s—
phate was used.
  The f0ll0wing described experiment was made by the late
Q Mr. J. C. Bingham, 0f Russell, Greenup Ceunty, Ky., after the
same plan as the 0ne already described, and was reperted by
Mr. XV. T. Bingham.

 Q   _j
I   i
T . l
ll heat. 39 1 1
. ~   r »-i E   f `
4,: T 7.. :.. +“ " N ·~».· l 1
<: , •; v *5**1 L; g 0 . · 1 ·
5 F. . T. T T 225 E B F be {*2 T
.5 1<,ltTILIZl·.RS L_sED AAD T ;A;, _»;¤_, E3 gt _
. T #—< ..2 ¤> *4 ”5©nS
'Q RATE PER A<:iu·;. I “5 Z; OE ··;-4 m *6 Q T _
Q T E?-Q ${9 49 E $*E* . ‘
¤ 1 .2 E 'S 7:*-l l { "
Z >< »> 0 I> l _1
1 None ...... , ............ _ ............ 4% $2.98 0 $2.98 = T _
2 Nitrate of Soda, 1.60 lbs ...... .. ~ 514; 3.62 $3.60 0.02    
3 Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs ........... j 4% 3.15 2.25 0.90 U
4 ‘Muria.te of Potash, 160 lbs ............ i 6 l 4.20 3.60 0.60 _
5 None ............................... 5% :3.85 0 3.85 T
[Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs T. ....., , I T-   ii
6 [Acid or Piiespiiate 320 nm ....... 8% **25 5·“° (MO) ·<
{Nitrate of Soda,190lbs .......... 3, . . T . . T. T
7 riiurmm or rmrasii. 320 ms. ....... 4** ·‘·=‘“ UO ("·*’l`
{Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs .......... , T . .  
8 [Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs ....... 7% 5'02 5'55 (083)* ‘1
[Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs ...... . .... T `»‘
9 'Aeid Phosphate 320 lbs .......T 9% 6.36 9.45 (3.09) ‘ T i
lbluriate of Potash, 160 lbs.. .... ·,
. 10 None ... T. . . .... .. .. 5% 3.07 0 3.07    
*Less than cost of Fertilizer. I T
Mr. Bingham says i`The wheat was sown October Sthfbefore
the fertilizer reached us, and had been in the ground 5 or A   rr;
6 days when the fertilizer was sown. By October 14th the
wheat was showing through the ground, and was well up on all ( ‘
the plots by the 20th. \Vhen the wheat was well up there was   T _
a marked ditlerenee in the appearanee of the diilerent plots. T
On No. 1 it was very short, and the plants seemed spindling , Q
and weak. It was still very short at harvest, with very poor 75
heads, only partly Hlled with grain.  
On No. 2 the wheat was somewhat better and seemed to _
have a better color. No. 3% made a still better showingithan
No. 2, although when the wheat was threshed, No. 2 turned
out inore grain. lt did not appear to stand the winter as well

 . ' ` t
· , 1 .
 i t T T 40 Bullettizgz. N0. 83.
i it =   as N0. 2. No. 4 did not appear much, if any, better than N0.
B · _ Q 3 in the fall, but seemed to stand the winter better and looked
E ‘ much better by the first of May. No. 5, for some reason
is unaccountable to me, turned out more grain than some of the
; fertilized plots. It is possible that the soil contained more
5 natural fertility than some of the other plots, although I could
not perceive that it did. No. 6 made a much better showing
last fall than any of the other plots except Nos. 8 and 9, and
. stood the winter well. No. 7 did not seem to get as good a
. start as No. 6 in the fall, but stood the winter fairly well. The
= heads, however, were rather short. No. 8 seemed about equal
Q. to No. 6 last fall, but appeared to be damaged more bythe
cold weather. The grain was not as large and plump as in
No. 6. No. 9 was much better than any of the other plots
except No. 6. The wheat grew much better, stooled more and
. was in much better condition in the spring. The grain also
. seemed more plump and sound and weighed- more, according
ti to bulk, than that from any of the other plots. Plot No. 1O
  received more protection form snow than the others, being
somewhat on the protected side of a hill while the other plots
were on top of the ridge, which may account for the slightly
better result obtained here than on the other unfertilized plots."
The experiment seems to have been conducted with great
care by Mr. Hingham, but the results are unsatisfactory. A
much larger increase from the use of fertilizers on such a poor
soil was to have been expected. The complete fertilizer gave
the largest increase in yield, but none of them produced
increase enough to pay the cost of the fertilizer.
— The mnnber of varieties tested during the season of 1898-
A 1899, was inereased to I-I?}. the additions being mostly red
wheats. They were all planted October ZH, after having first
been treated with copper sulphate. to prevent smut. As usual, —#
they were sown in twentieth—a<·re plots. The stand was not
good. but the <|ualityot`tl1<.· grain was better than in either 1897
; or 1N$t$. and some of the new varities proved remarltably line.
It is with the desire of bringing some of these to the attention
, · of our wheat growers that this brief bulletin is prepared. The
wheat was harvested June 24.

. 1 ]
’ 11*11611;. 41 1
The Sws0n.—The following table shows the rainfall per   V
month, highest. lowest and average temperature. and the 1 1
amount of sunshine during lthe wheat season: _
E     Degrees. V _.’
BIONTIIS, 1898-1899. if "E 1 . . ‘ `
Q g `E_= 1 *.7; +,3 q 1 5
= U E gz d 2 E · i l
1 E g Es [ g   5 1 1  
1 P-1 L4 < I »& Ei 1J .  
1 1 1 1  
September ...... . ................   47. `53. 3.55 1 72.0 82.1 61.9
October   ....... . ............ 38. 62. 5.27   56.0 63.9 48.2
November ............. . ....   37. 63. 2.89   43.0 51.0 34.9 V
December .... · .... . ........ . ..... 1 -14. 56. 2.80 j 32.9 41.1 24.7  
1 "
January .... . ...................   40. 70. 6.69   33.8 41.2126.4 i
February ....... . .................. i 46. 64. 2.84 1 24.5 ZK1.5 17.5 V
March ...............,.... . ....... 43. 69. 1 8.61 l 42.0 70. 1. ZY;
April ............. . .............. 63. 54.   2.16 l 56.0 86. |24. .i
1 I I a
May .............. . ................ . .... 64.   3.63 66.7 74.8158.6 · _
June ............ . .. ........... 77. 257. E 2.55 74.6 \$15, 51. ’ .1
_" _ _ _______i__/v)i ____#4_.,____,_,_? nn _. _, ..... ,_,___ 1  
.. _ | e
Liser or \'AniE·i·ius Axn Fi1·:1.n-‘BoT1cs
The following field notes were made by Mr. Harper on June ls
16, and serve to give a list of the varities tested, as well to in- I A
dicatc the period at which theyiripen. Varieties 1-19 inclusive, ` 1
are red wheats. 1    
No. 1. J0m».<’s llTi)l{I*7` Fife. Averages 10 stalks to a stool.  
__ 42 inches high. Stillgreen. ‘  
N0. 2. 1—l1m»1·ir·11111 Brmzze. 9 stalks to a stool. 49} inches  
. -, . · *1
high. btillgreen. ’
N0. 3. Bwc/1-1¢·oo¢Z Hybrid. 11 stalks to a stool. 45 inches ’
high. Ripe.
No. »i. 1·’ri¢7e of Ge1z1»s¢»¢<. 9 stalks to a stool. 46 inches
high. Still green.
` i.`  »—- _   ·. .
. V li ` ` ' ‘~·¤a.¢. -•¤—¥ I

5  . · {
A T 42 Iiullefin. N0. 83. »
  ` · N0. 5. Ivuiiaaa Szramp. 6 stalks to a stool. 40 inches high.
S ` · { Almost ripe. l
l' N0. 6. Rz`r·0 TV/wwf. 11 stalks to a stool. 45 inches high.
" · Ripe.
· N0. 7. ·I0n0.s`s Br»mvZwd. 11 stalks to a stool. 41 inches
T high. Green.
· N0. 8. 1*ri¢?r». 13 stalks to a stool. 45 inches high.
Green. _
` N0. .9. ]i'022su.< fllortguge L’I·ft/’7'. 14 stalks to a stool. 45
· inehes_high. Almost ripe.
N0. 10. FuZz‘z0—fI[¢·zZitcrrun0011. 12 stalks to a stool. 44
` inches high. Almost ripe.
N0. 11. Rurly. 15 stalks to a stool. 40 inches high. Be-
ginning to ripen.
iN0.12. Jliumioizzd Grit. 10 stalks to a stool. 42 inches
_ high. Beginning to ripen.
{ N0. J3. TurL·i.<7z R01?. 12 stalks to a stool. 44 inches high.
l Beginning to ripen.
Ai N0. 1/. ]1l(’}H‘l(S{1’7` Im?. 13 stalks to a stool. 44 inches
high. Almost ripe.
N0. 1:7. FuZ¢·0.wh»r, 10 stalks to a stool. 41 inches high.
Almost ripe.
N0. 1/1. }[ur1·0.wt Ifiing. 12 stalks to allfstool. 40 inches
· high. Ripe.
` N0. 17. Fzdtz. 9 stalks to a stool. 44 inches high. Almost
N0. 18. J0r.w·_1; Fultz. 15 stalks to a stool. 42 inches high.
Almost ripe.
N0. 19. Ertru Early ()0kZr»y. 9 stalks to a stool. 38inehes·
high. Almost ripe.
‘ N0. 20. ]h»m.0er0/. 12 stalks to a stool. 39 inches high,.
Beginning to ripcn.
N0. 21. Early ll'/zitw L¢»0d¢»r. Sstalks to a stool. 40 inches
high. Green.
N0. 22. IIur:·¢».rid.. .............. l 10.9 1034 94
{ 4 Pride of Genesee. .................... 8.5 1011 92
, { 5 Indiana Swainp- .... . ............. l 13.0 1443 99
l 9 Rice Wheat. ....... . .... . ........... l 13.2 1798 99
7 .Iones`s Bearded ............ . ........ 7.9 1273 90
8 Pride. ..................... . . .   12.9 1297 92
9 Kansas Mo1·tgap;e Lifter. .... . .... 14.9 1499 99%
10 Fultzo-Mediterraneaii ......,.. ..   13.2 i 1023 94
11 ~1{udy ........ . .......... . .... . .... 11.9 ‘ 1074 92%
12 Dl£lI1l<)1l(lGl‘lC .. .................. 12. 1239 94%
13 Turkisli lied. ... ........... .... 13.9 1557 99
A 14 Lancaster 1{ed ..... . ................ 11.7 1409 94 .
` 15 )I·`ulcastei·. ....... .... ..... 10.1 1148 92%
19 Harvest King ........................ 12.3 1023 94
17 Fnltz ............ . .................. 10.8 1079 99
18 Jersey Fultz.. .................. 12. 1028 94%
19 Extra1·]:1rl_v<_1al;ley ............ . .... 9.3 1291 99
20 Dl3lll<)(‘I'2lt . ...................... 11.8 1429 , 94%
21 Early Wliite Leader. ................. 7.4 1148 l 90
` 22 1H£1l'\`€H1' Queen .... . ..... . ........ 8.2 1028 90%
23 'Oatka (Thief ...... . ........ . ........ 5.2 801 58%
1 24 ,I.ong1>ei·ry Amber. ................... 9.3 892 92
25 1(inld (Join ..... . ................... 9.1 719 l 91% . ·
29 ‘1·]a 1·1_v <§enesee Giant ................. . 5.9 s9N 91%
27 {Early Ar<·:1dian ..... . ......... 4.7 791 39%
28 jliearded Winter Fife . ............... 8.9 489 94
29 1Gold (kwin `.' .... . ...........,....., 4.9 939   57%
30 i“ll1lt(‘-H(‘0(l(*(l Golden (Toss .......... 4.7 999 l 57%
% 31 i.1ones's l.()Il}.l`l}Cl‘1'j' No. 1. ,......... 9.1 898 , 93%
32 llloiig .·\llll)(*1'. ...... . .......... 5.1 719 V 58
33 {1)awson`s Golde11Chaff ............. 5.9 791 I 91
‘ \

 li li V.
ii `
I .
Uiizeut. 45 Z
1- l
BY H. eamrxx, ENTOMULOGIBT Ayn Borraxisr. i
Numbers 3, 5, 6, 9-11, 13, 15—17, 22, 2-1 and 31 have not  
been described and figured in bulletins from the Station. Their ' Z
characters are indicated in the descriptions and Egures follow- § T l'
ing. All the other varieties grown this season are described, Z ;Z
and most of them figured, in Bulletins 69 and 77, the former _  
published in 1897 and the latter in 1898. . l ·
On the whole the new varieties make a much better showing  
than those which have been grown for some years on the Zi
Experiment Farm. The wheat produced by them is as a rule
harder, heavier and finer in appearance. Numbers 3, 6 and 9
produced exceptionally fine wheat. Number 13, perhaps the
hardest wheat of all those grown this season, is not quite as  
attractive in appearance, partly because of the small size of its  
Z seeds, possibly to some extent because it was not as thoroughly
ripe when cut. No. 9, while not by my tests as hard as either
numbers 6 or 13, produces a large, deep brown, seed of very  
fine appearance, and ought to prove a valuable wheat in the ii
hands of Kentucky growers. _  
But while the quality of the wheat is better on an average ~Z Q
than that of wheat. grown in 1897 and 1898, the stand was not  
so good, and for some reason, difiicult to explain, the heads or  
spikes are this yrar small. The varieties mentioned below, j {
taken at random, show hOW Cleoidedly a variety may vary with ,
season in the size of the head and consequent number of seeds `Z;
produced : ,
Average number length of . l _
of seeds from of head Q
\';u-{Qty Year. one head. in inches.  
’ " E=¤‘1>‘ GCHQSQE (**1**--     Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZiiZEsZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z   it
Z . (1897 .......... GO. .......... 4.19 _
~ Diemml tim ·····   `risao .......... 40.6 .......... 2.s75.
”»( ·· *7 "" f'
J<>¤¤S’S Bmlsl --·-··    ZZZZZZZ  Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Zgiig
TZ g  ‘.= 'if   · · ~_ ··— ·` ,;,“;___;___,,__, tch .4••¤·=· __,·

  ,-‘ { P `. .~ l .
1 lf l
 * . l - .
Q l _  P 46 Bulletin No. 83.
 ; { It is probable, therefore, that the size of the heads of the
  i g new varieties described below is not what it would have been
` · > if the conditions had been more nearly those under which our
l i wheat has commonly been grown.
T _ N0. 3. Beeelz-u·oml IL?/l)}'l(l.
, ‘ Beardless. Seeds red. Spike (head) not pubescent, taper-
' i ing to the tip, at which are a few bristles one—half inch long and
less. Length of spike 3 inches; diameters equal, about O.37
inch. Color of spike umber-brown. Stem a trifle purplish.
T ` Average number of seeds from a spike, 25.25. Average weight
' , of seeds from a spike, .975 gram. \Veight of IO cubic centi-
meters of seed, 7.8 grams.
° Rust frequent on stem. This is a handsome wheat recogni-
zable in the field by the rather slender brown heads, the spike-
lets being loosely placed on the axis. The wheat produced is
among the best, the seeds being moderately ha1·d. of a deep
V brown color, and rather above medium size. The variety rc-
,. sembles very closely our number lti (Harvest King) and may
g E be the same.
I The seed of this variety was received from the U. S. De- ·
partment of Agriculture, and was grown in Ohio.
No. :3. Imlimzu Suwnzp.
Bearded. Seeds red and large. Spike of medium size, rather
slender and tapering, not pubescent, its bristles as much as
2:3 inches long. Length ¢·l.tl5 inches: greater diameter(l.5tl inch;
lesser diameter 0.375 inch. Spike yellow. Stem slightly pur-
ple. Average number of seeds from a spike, 2t}. Average
weight of seeds from a spike, l.i} grams. \\'eight of lt) cubic
centimeters of seeds, 7.8 grams.
` llust rare. A good wheat, with rather slender head, the
ehall disposed to separate so as to show the seed in ripening.
Seeds large and of good color. Seed obtained from .l`. A.
Everitt, of lndianapolis, lndiana.
Ne. O. eli’z`r·¢» ll'/wm'.
, Beardless. Seeds red and large. Spike not pubescent,
rather small, tapering, with a few short bristles at tip. Length
, · of spike, 2.5875 inches; cliametcrs alike. .375 llltjll. Color of

   - if"? ·.
lt G t
I .
‘ wwwa. 47 I ,
. spike and stem, pale yellow. Seeds fro1n a spike, 24.5. \Veight _
of seeds from a spike, 1.3 gram. VVeight of 10 cubic centi— i  
meters of seeds, 3.1 grams. f .
Rust rare. While lacking in showiness in the field, this .
variety possesses many desirable qualities, and judging by the .
fine appearance and quality of its seeds, I am disposed to rate E -'
it as the best wheat grown on the Experiment Farm this Q   
year. The head is somewhat insignificant in appearance, re- . i ·
sembling in this respect Fultz and Extra Early Oakley (Nos. _  
17Zand 19) . The seed was obtained from Hon. G. Y. Green, of f ¥
Hopkinsville. .  
No. .0. Jfunsus J[orfguy:· Lifter.
Bearded. Seeds red and very large. Spike slender, tapering,
not pubeseent; average length 3.125 inches; greater diameter,
0.50 inch; lesser diameter, 0.375 inch. Chalf yellow. Stem Y
purplish. Seeds from a spike, 2S). Yileight of seeds from a  
spike, 1.3 gram. \Veight of 10 cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.95 n
. Rust frequent on the stems. The Mortgage Lifter is a inore `  
showy wheat than X0. 6, and might Sell better because of the  
fine appearance of its very large seeds. It is not quite as hard  
as No 0, and has this year been more affected with 1·ust. It .f f
yielded more by weight than any other wheat grown on the i'
farm. i
The seed was obtained from Hon. (Q. \'. Green, of Hopkins- ;  
ville, a member of the Board of Trustees. f if
Ko. JU. FuZfzo-.ll¢·r/i/r~r1·uuwm. li
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike short and compact, sometimes ‘
a little widened at tip, not pubescent, spikelets crowded. g  
Length of spike 2.3125 inches; diameters 0.50 and ()_:j7 j¤e],_ l  
Color or spike yellow; of stem, purple. Number of seeds from  
a spike, 34.75. \\Yeight of seeds from a spike, 1.275 gram.  
\Veight of 10 cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.7 grams.  
ltust common. Seed obtained from J. .\. Everitt, of Indian-  
apolis, Indiana.
, * **"-·—···-···- ‘ ` *•%.a. -••-> li

 ` ‘ L   i  
 r _ L I 48 Bzzllefin N0. 83. l
 _ V A i N0 11. Rudy.
E I l Strongly bearded, Seeds red and large. Spike rather large,
, the spikelets loosely placed, not pubeseent. Length of spike
A 3 inches; diameters 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of spike and
, A stem yellow. Seeds from a spike, 24.25. Vileight of seeds
A A from a spike, 1.125 gram. \Veight of 10 cubic centimeters of
seeds, 7.75 grams.
. Rust frequent. This is a showy wheat, with large brown
  seeds, but ripened later than some of the preceding varieties.
Seed obt iined from J. A. Everitt, of Indianapolis.
. X0. 13. TurZ‘1`.sh RM?.
‘ Strongly bearded. Seeds red, small. Spike small and
tapering decidedly to the tip, not pubescent, the spikelets
somewhat loosely placed. Length of spike, 2.3125 inches; diam-
eters0.375 and 0.25 inch. Color of spike and stem pale yellow.
, Average number of seeds from a spike, 22. Average weight of
E seeds from a spike, 0.675 gram. lVeight of 10 cubic centi-
I l meters of seeds, 8.25 grams.
Rust rare. This differs from all other varieties grown on the h
farm in the small size of its spikes, their noticeable contrac-
tion in diameter towards the tips, and the small size and
extreme hardness of the seeds. Only No. 6 approaches it in
the latter quality.
‘ The seed was obtained from the U. S. Department of Agri-
N0. 1:7. FuZ0usz‘r·r.
Bearded. Seeds red. Spike of medium size, flattened,
tapering, not pubescent. Length of spike, 3 inches; diameters
_ 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of spike obscure yellow. Stem
V purplish. Seeds from a spike, 26.5. \Veight of seeds from a
spike, 1.2 gram. \Veight of 10 cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.7
Rust frequent. A good wheat, of rather large size. The
, sample shows some evidence of mixing with No. 16, in occa-
V sional brown heads among the others.
_ _ The seed was sent to the Station by the U. S. Department
of Agriculture.

 t »,.
é 1 `
l»V7zeal. 49
No. 16. Hrorvesf Jfing. I
Beardless. Seedslred, of medium size. Spike moderately A
long, but slender, flattened and tapering, not pubescent.
Length of a spike 3 inches; diameter 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color _‘
of chaff, umber-brown; of stem, yellow. Seeds from a spike,   7
31. Weight of seeds from a spike, 1.225 gram. Weight of 10   I
cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.65 grams. I
Rust frequent. A rather handsome wheat, closely like No. 3 I i e.
(Beech-wood Hybrid), and possibly the same. Occasional  
pale heads interspersed among the sample indicate some cross- if
ing with No. 15, such heads even bearing occasional long
bristles. Seed obtained from J.·A. Everitt, Indianapolis.
AI0. 17. FNH2. _·
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike rather small and slight, taper- if
ing, not pubescent. Average length 2.6875 inches, diameters,
0.375 and 0.375. Color of chaff and stem, yellow. Number  
of seeds from a spike,   Weight of seeds from aspike, 1.125 T,}.
‘ gram. Weight of 10 cubic centimeters of seeds, 8. grams. 1.
Rust frequent. One of the best of the varieties grown, closely · I
resembling in every respect the Rice wheat already described, ‘ .,
but not so hard. Seed obtained from J. A. Everitt, Indian- _}
N0. 2.9. Hr11·1·w.wf Quwm. n
Beardless. Seeds white. Spike stout, and thickened at "
upper end, the spikelets crowded, not pubescent. Length of i
spike, 2.6875 inches; diameters 0.50 and from 0.37 to 0.50.  
inch. Color of chaff and stem yellow. Number of seeds from a Q
spike, 36.5. Weight of seeds from a spike, 1.2 gram. Weight  
of 10 cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.6 grams.  
Rust rare. The short, stout, whitish yellow head of this  
variety is characteristic. The seeds are large, but soft. Not to 'E
be recommended for this region, if judgment may be based on `
our sample. Seed obtained from J. A. Everitt, Indianapolis.
L ,____ _.   4 V , . .   · . . · » ~.,,“_ sew ,_n

 -1 _ ..
·   7
  :» {TEENS I
I t * g ‘ I
I » { .
E _   50 i Bufhfivz BI:}. 83.
if ’ 1 N0. 21. 1)mzgZ1¢»rry Amluir.
  Beardless. Seeds white. Spike rather long and stout, flat,
, tapering, not pubescent. Length of spike, 3.3125 inches;
* diameters 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of stem and spike yel-
low. Number of seeds from a spike, 36.25. Weight of seeds
from a spike, 1.125 gram. VVeight of 10 cubic centimeters of
I . seeds. 7.55 grams. -
. Rust very rare. This wheat was not well` ripencd in the
_ sample, but I can see nothing in it calculated to place it in
. competition with such varieties as Fultz, Harvest King, Rice
. wheat, and others, for this region. Seed obtained from J. A.
Everitt, Indianapolis.
No. 3]. »I0‘l2l’SiS ])0ngZ»r»rry, N0. 1.
Strongly bearded. Seeds white. Spike rather large, not
  thickened at extremity, not pubescent. Length of spike,
.   3.1375 inches; diameters, 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of chaff
umber-brown where exposed, pale where covered. Stem yel-
low. Seeds from a spike, 29.25. \V