xt76hd7nq845 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7nq845/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1940 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 3, Autumn 1940 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 3, Autumn 1940 1940 1940 2014 true xt76hd7nq845 section xt76hd7nq845 The Quarterly Bulletin 0f
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VOL. XV WINTER, 1940 NO. 3
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Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. V 
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Oflice at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright 1940 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. “

I < ···——
  Attributed to Ella. Wheeler Wilcox.*
Whether you frolic with comrade boys,
A Or sit at your studies or play with toys;
I Whatever your station or place or sphere,
For just one purpose God sentyou here;
` _ And always and ever you are to me
, Dear Little Mothers of Men to be.
A So would I guard you from all mean things;
{ From the dwariing of wealth and from poverty’s stings;
And from silly mothers of fuss and show
And from dissolute fathers whose aims are low.
’ I would take you and shield you and set you free,
I Dear Little Mothers of Men to be.
I And then were the wish of my heart fulfilled,
  I Around about you the world should build
{ I A wall of Wisdom, with Truth for its Tower,
I , Where mind and body would wax in power
I Till the tender twig was a splendid tree,
I 1 Dear Little Mothers of Men to be.
I { , It is only a dream; but the world grows wise,
  l And a mighty truth in the dream seed lies
; I That shall gladden the earth in its time and place:
1 A We must better the Mothers to better the race!
g *The publishers of Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s poems, M. A. Donohue & Co.,
I Chicago, Illinois, and the W. B. Conkey Co., Hammond, Indiana, have been
so kind as to give permission for the publication of this poem in the Bulle-
` tin, if it is included in Mrs. Wilcox’s printed works.
, . / l

 s INDEX  
A Mountaineer’s Religion H. E. Browne 19  
Bargain Box · 20  
Beyond the Mountains 36  
Brutus Nurses’ Christmas Day Verse 6 2
Field Notes 44
Finland Letters 7
From Tahlequah l. D. 33
"Little Man, What N0w‘?" Louise Mowbray 3
Little Mothers of Men to Be Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1 V
Old Courier News 10 V
Old Staff News 22
Town and Train Mary Breckinridge 13
Bravo! Major New York Times 32   A
Clean Prayer Light 12 L
Clove Tea Midwives Chronicle and  
Nursing Notes 43
From a Scotch Calendar 21
"God Knows" British Journal of Nursing 9 7 _
Letter from a Christmas Secretary E. C. 18 W _
Mrs. Jog Sees It Through 13 I
Not There Wall Street journal 49
St. Christopher's Chapel Pledges Report 35 V  
' There Was an Old Man of Hawaii Contributed 49 l
To Canada A Tribute 35 L
When an Old-Time Chinaman Contributed 49
? 7 ? Kentucky Newspaper 35  

  Fnoivrrnn NURSING snnvxcm 3
E —··—
  By LOUISE MOWBRAY, R. N., s. c. M.
  EDITOR’S NOTE: Twenty years ago in the Hebridean Islands, off
=‘ the coast of Scotland, I found the same desolate poverty, and the same
winning courtesy and consideration, so characteristic of our poorer Ken-
tucky mountaineers. Many of the Hebrideans still lived in "black houses"
with earthen floors and no windows, and with the live stock often in the
. S3.1'I1€ €I‘1ClOS'l1I'€.
It was one of those nights of breath-taking beauty, which
one finds on occasion in every season among the Kentucky hills:
· a full moon over a silent, snow-clad valley; each branch and
4 twig glittering in its icy coatings, clearly outlined against the i
" sky; the icebound creek, snapping and cracking as it wound its
way towards the river. I took one last look before bedtime at
all the loveliness and at the rapidly dropping termometer.
Christmas Eve! I looked out on a world of extraordinary
brilliance and clarity. Even the dark, rough cabins with hearth-
_ nre smoke curling from their chimneys blended into the picture.
  How it was freezing! The ice in the creeks would be pretty
Q. bad and it would be "slick" as anything if one had to go out.
There came a loud "Halloa" from the gate. The call had come!
r An inadequately clad and poorly shod Paul from Turkey
‘ Trot scrunched up the path. Yes, Cordelia had been "sick" for
. about an hour before he left home. Yes, she was "punishing
— pretty bad." He had made very sure because he would not like
" to get the nurse out on a night so cold and so bad underfoot
- unless he had to. Paul, a jobless renter, had laboriously broken
j rock with a borrowed sledge hammer to build up a particularly
nasty fall in the branch, so that the nurse might have a "road"
Q up to his house. He would be sure.
J So We gathered together the bundle of baby clothes for
3 Cordelia and the bags; saddled Puck, snorting at the indignity
* of being ousted from his warm, cozy barn to travel over ice and
snow at midnight, and set forth.
_ As we made our way out of the creek and up the road, my
  mind was engrossed with our progress. Would Puck be ridicu-
  lous and balk at the ice'? Would he choose his places to step
l A .

and keep right side up? But for all Service horses, once the  
heavy midwifery bags are slung across the saddle, the trip to _
follow seems to hold a special significance. We made our way  
uneventfully, if cautiously,-—Paul trudging in front with the `  
bundle, Puck, the bags and I trailing behind. i
No one could have been more solicitous than Paul, who at  
every particularly icy spot waited till Puck and I were safely  
across. For three miles we traveled in this fashion. Then we ip
reached the mouth of the branch, and decided to hitch Puck  
to a fence. So we loosened Puck’s saddle girths and, with  
Paul shouldering the forty—pound saddlebags, we set out to walk ;
the last uphill mile. ~  
Now as we climbed and slithered our way along, there was `
time to look about, to wonder at the natural beauty, and to re- I
flect on the poverty and constant battling of the elements for  
mere existence, which are a matter of course to the Kentucky ,
mountaineer. r;
At last, after a steep scramble, we reached the house in the  
upland hollow. Outside it looked like a fairy tale house, win-  
dowless, with long icicles hanging from the uneven, snow-cov-
ered roof. Within blazed a huge log fire. On the hearth steamed y
a kettle of hot water. Before the fire a neighbor and her hus—  
band stood. There were no chairs. A box made the only table.  
There were two iron beds with corn husk mattresses, in one of R
which the four children were curled up asleep—like so many  
kittens. In the other lay Cordelia, under a heap of dilapidated ;
quilts, with hot rocks wrapped in feed sacks to serve as hot-  
water bottles. I?
With only the illumination of the log fire and a flashlight ill
held by Paul, I got busy. Soon we ushered into this world an  
eight-pound boy.  
One might think him unwelcome under the circumstances, .
but from one and all came exclamations: "That’s the peartest,
finest boy that ever came to this house. You name him, Nurse,— i
something right different and pretty." So he was named Noel, '
in honor of the night.
It was still bright moonlight as Paul and I set out on the  I
return journey down the branch. A patient Puck was standing t 

l quietly by his fence. We tightened the saddle girths, I mounted,
t and again we traveled along the icy road.
,   It is a Service rule that a nurse going out at night must
  be accompanied home, but when we reached the neighbors to
the nursing center, Paul and I held a consultation.
;y It would be dark by the time he got back up Turkey Trot,
  for the moon was waning. Was Paul cold'? Would he like to
li come on and warm and have some hot coffee?
  No, he wasn’t cold. Was I "certain" I could make it in all
[A right? He’d "sure go all the way" unless I was "certain."
  But I was "certain." Puck and I returned to the haven of
3 barn and home, leaving Paul to trudge and slither once again
  up road and branch. He had traveled 8 miles afoot that Christ-
  mas Eve, just to get Noel "borned."
  Every second day for ten days Puck and I again made the
_‘ journey to the head of Turkey Trot, but the countryside was
no longer beautiful as it had been in the glittering moonlight.
- It became bleak and brown and muddy and icy, with here and
I Q there patches of dirty snow.
  The house in the hollow no longer looked like a fairy tale,
, but looked like what it really is-—the poorest of poor mountain
l cabins. Built of logs with broken clay chinks letting the day-
3 light in (also the raw January winds) it has a door without
  hinges, which must therefore remain wide open or tightly closed.
=l In addition to Cordelia, Paul, and the five children,—a cat, —
j one very small pig, two bedraggled chickens and two white
F pigeons reside in the cabin’s single room. These were not in
Y .
W ·l evidence on Noel’s birthnight. Doubtless they were in the lean-
to "kitchen" which is iloorless and surrounded by a few rough
. hewn slabs meant to be walls.
¤ This "kitchen" houses a rickety cook stove with a stove
E pipe, rather ingeniously fashioned of ten telescoped lard pails.
There are also a tin wash basin, an iron frying pan, and innumer-
Q ’ able lard buckets. One, filled with water, has floating on top a
A . . . .
 ll hollow gourd, which serves as dipper and common drinking cup.

 . I   WWW
On top of the stove are six lard pail lids for use as plates, and  
four tin spoons. .
Noel, the only member of the family dressed in warm, fresh, l
new clothes, and Hlled with a sufficient quantity of suitable food, i.
is thriving.  
What, I wonder, does the future hold for him? ,
Dedicated to their kind neighbors. L
The childrens’ parties had come and gone. .»
We greeted a quiet Christmas morn,
And sat by the iire, far from Home,  
With thoughts and longing for kin of our own. -
A hog had been killed very near our house,
And a small boy crept, just like a mouse ‘
Over the snow and the icy creek
With a gift of meat to last a week. .
The next to arrive were pickles rare, Q.
A can of beet and preserved pear;
A timely gift of a very large platter, '
On which to place our turkey and batter.
Then later, as the morning passed, _
Came boiled ham (sliced) and salad. Last ~
But not least, in our list of gifts ` .
A can of sausage to add to the lists. j
Our thoughts during this Christmas Day,  
Were on new friends near and old away.
Apples we took to Robin and Heather
Then out of their stalls to look at the weather. —
The cow and the calf were visited too, =
You know that the calf was then quite new, , V
The cats and the kitten and doggie came out,
And wondered why all that snow was about.
Our luncheon partaken, supplied by friends,
Then Minnie ran out to feed the hens,
While Foxie, inside, made stuffing and sauce "`
For turkey and Christmas pudding of course. ·
When the pudding came, we gave a wild cheer _,
And wished the "Giver" a Happy New Year.  
No sick call came—What happened? Alas!!!  
We awoke and found that Christmas was past. _ _ V 

 .i '
  Fnonrxrm Nunsmc smzvicm 7
T "His Majesty greatly loveth courageous souls"
  St. Theresa.
  From the K-H News-Letter, England, of February 2nd, 1940.
1 "Turning to the question of Finland, we include in the Sup-
plement to this News-Letter an account of the Finnish position
a by one who has just paid a visit to that country.* The Finns
deserve the fullest praise for the gallant fight they have put up
_ against overwhelming numbers, but how long can Finland hold
* out, and what are the likely consequences if she is beaten?
’ "Against Russia’s 180 millions, Finland has a population
1 of 3,800,000, out of which she can mobilize a fighting force of
300,000 to 400,000 men. Up to some weeks ago, Finland had
— lost 10,000 killed and wounded, which means a more serious
f loss for her than the many more casualties suffered by the
_ Russians.
. "The Finns themselves are moderately confident that, un-
" less the Russians’ winter offensive develops on a greater scale
.4 than has been the case up to now, they can hold out for three
— or four months. By the end of April or early in May, spring
q is normally rar enough advanced to make conditions favourable
. for the full force of Russia’s weight being hurled against the
Y Finnish defenders.
2 "We estimate that the minimum requirements of the Finns
· are 70,000 men and 400-500 fighting planes, in addition to am-
, munition and other vital supplies. This help must reach Fin-
  land before the big Russian push begins ....
, V "I.f adequate help is not sent, the Finnish plan is to retire
as slowly as possible towards the south-west coast of Finland.
The Finns hope that by making use both of the natural de-
‘ fences of the country and their fortified positions they will be
—»l able to hold up the Russian advance until sufficient time has
l ` been gained in which to transport the non-fighting population
A into Sweden andiNorway.
 tgt "The Finns have no doubt that if their country is over-run,
  it will be colonised by the Bolsheviks and it will never again

be possible to re-create an independent Finnish nation or culture. I
Their young man-power would be gone, since it will iight to the  
last, and the old men, the women and children evacuated to  
Scandinavia, will be assimilated by the people of those coun-  
tries."  {
"I have just returned from a short visit to Finland, a  
country I know well and where I have many friends and .3
possibly you may be interested to know the general trend  
of public opinion there .... i
"Finland is a small and poor country and is making the  
most superb stand against heavy odds, but although ‘Mr.  
Brown, of Upper Tooting,’ can at present open his news- ‘
paper each morning and say with satisfaction: ‘Splendid,  
the Finns have defeated the Russians again,’ the unpalata- __
ble fact remains that unless large supplies of planes and t’§
other munitions of war are available in the immediate fu- l
ture, there is little hope that the Finns will be able to last ,
the summer. E
"Yours faithfully, ’~
"Nykoping, Sweden. ' H
22nd January, 1940." ¤
The following letter appeared in the Evening Star of Wash-  
ington, D. C., January 22nd, 1940: I
"To the Editor of The Star:  
"In a recent issue of The Evening Star there appeared `”
a letter of Senator Alben W. Barkley and an editorial com-  
ment thereon concerning a proposed United States loan ·,
to Finland. Both the letter and the editorial were calm, ,_
dignified statements such as would be expected from men Y
in high places. They were read with interest. _ 
"But this writer, only being one of a great multitude, ·
referred to by H. L. Mencken as ‘so many June bugs’—-that
is, the ordinary garden variety of man without influence,
power or wealth—does not carry on his shoulders the pub-
lic responsibilities of a legislator or a journalist and can
therefore permit himself, upon occasion, to dispense with I
mere argument and give rein to the dictate of conscience V
alone. He simply wishes to voice the earnest hope with ’
respect to the proposed loan that for just once, regardless _
of neutralities, precedents, consequences, or what have you, ,
Uncle Sam will reach down in his striped pants pocket,  

pull out his roll, peel off a $50,000,000 bill and say, ‘Here
  you are, Pal, make it go as far as you can, and I don’t care
Il whether you use it for gun-cotton or gum drops.’
  "Sentimental, impulsive, ‘fraught with danger’——per-
j haps so, but what a thrill it packs in solid satisfaction!
  Goodness knows we have forked out plenty of money here-
` tofore that will never come back to us, but this time we
would be sure to be paid. If not in currency, because Fin-
, land is finally enslaved, then in that intangible but worth-
ii while recompense which comes from an exquisite content-
{ ment of the spirit when we know we have done all we could
  to prevent a vile crime.
L "We June bugs want mightily to help the honest and
  respected little country of the Northland in its life—and-
  death struggle .... We want to provide this help now, before
it is too late.
i "The buzz of one little June bug is faint indeed, but
, there are millions and millions of us and I predict that our
* united hum will yet be heard—even within the sheltered
l legislative halls on Capitol Hill. ROGER GISH McDARE.
l January 8."
U The origin of the quotation with which the King ended his Christmas ‘
lp Day broadcast to the Empire was unknown to His Majesty, and literary
Y experts throughout the world sought in vain to discover it.
{ The lines were written by Miss M. L. Haskins, novelist and poet, and
  occur in a collection of short poems called "The Desert/’ which she wrote
{ before the war of 1914-18, and printed privately in aid of an Indian char-
_ ity. The poem containing the quotation is called "God Knows." _
i The lines quoted by the King and those following were:
2 And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
. "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown!"
‘  And he replied: .
"G0 out into the darkness and put thine hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way."
So I went forth and Ending the Hand of God trod gladly into the night.
` And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.
V So heart be still:
What need our little life
’ Our human life to know,
_ If God hath comprehension?
—The British Journal of Nursing, January, 1940.
Q ,

The Frontier Nursing Service is proud and glad to have a  
representative on the Finnish front. The following letter from ,
our courier, Peggy Harrison of Philadelphia, was written from  
Edinburgh, on January 29th, 1940.  
"Dear Mrs. Breckinridge: I  
"I am just leaving for Finland and could not go without _
wishing you the best of luck in these hard times. It will be  5
such a struggle to keep the F. N. S. going, and what with de-  l
pression and war during the life of the Service you have had  V.
no easy time. The fact that I had been a courier with the  ,,
F. N. S. on two occasions was a very great help in being accepted  
as a member of the F. A. N. Y. ambulance unit. Edinburgh ·
Red Cross gave one of the ten ambulances, and gave me the great  
honor of asking me to drive it; but there were such difficulties {
as being an alien, having had no training except first aid, and  
being under the strict age limit of twenty-five for the Finland  
expedition. We have had some delays-—-we ought to have been Q
off by the 14th but things at the Ford works froze, convoys  
were changed, and so on. However, the extra time has given  g
us the chance for more training in mechanics, stretcher drill,  
gas, etc. Also the collecting of equipment was rather hard. We .
are limited to a duffle bag, sleeping valise, and suitcase; but  _
have to include things ranging from special Arctic clothing to  
musical instruments, chewing gum for mending a leaky radiator,  ji
iron rations, and a knapsack in case we have to abandon ambu-  3
lances! We have to be prepared to stay a year but doubt if i
the war there will last beyond the summer. There are eighteen of  
us, including a Canadian and an Australian. I will try to write l
from Finland but it will be hard. We must leave all our books
here. Playing cards, even writing paper, have to be sealed by
the censor, and we don’t get them until we land—-a nuisance, T
as we may be days on the sea. Well, good-bye for now."
Our former courier and volunteer photographer, Marvin I

i Breckinridge, writes from Luxembourg on December 31st as
1 follows:
" "It seems a far cry to Wendover from the ancient town,
‘ · deep in snow, only twelve miles from where the French and Ger-
mans are fighting from time to time .... My new job of roving
g reporter for the Columbia Broadcasting System will take me to
 { Holland and then Denmark, I think. I am supposed to do color-
if stories, as they are called in the business, giving the human-
Y interest side of this war, as it affects the daily lives of people,
_ and I find it very interesting. I broadcast weekly, usually on
” Saturdays between 6:45 and 7:00 P. M., E. S. T., and you can
get me on any Columbia station. Can you get Columbia in the
 “ mountains? It is easy for me to give my latest news quickly
 . to my friends, without having to write forty million letters!"
l Innumerable members of the Frontier Nursing Service, in
 ‘ and outside of the mountains, have listened to Marvin’s broad-
v casts with pride and profound interest. A former F. N. S.
  nurse, Frances Fell, in New Mexico is one of many who have
Q written us about them.
 { ....
  We love it when one of our old couriers undertakes the
,  hard work necessary to fit herself for a great and creative
  career. We are proud to announce that Mary Elizabeth Rogan,
` of Cincinnati, has nearly completed an arduous course of train-
, ing in dramatic art, and did it so well that she was given the
I lead in her class play "Hay Fever" by Noel Coward, at the
 i Empire Theater in New York, on January twenty—sixth.
  On January 27th Marion Weir, of Cleveland, was married
  to Mr. Edward Knight. The young couple are living in Perrys-
" burg, Ohio, where we are sure that Marion will be one of the
most useful as well as one of the most delightful young matrons
_ in community life. We send our affectionate good wishes to
her and to her husband, for every happiness. ‘
~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hays Hawkins, Jr., announce the birth
of a daughter, Ada McCrea, on December lst, 1939, at Van-
couver, B. C. Mrs. Hawkins was our courier Christine Eken-

gren, of Washington, D. C., and we are enchanted to enroll Ada
McCrea in the year 1958 for the courier Service. ¤
Miss Deedie Dickinson, our dear Detroit Courier, presented  
the work of the Frontier Nursing Service before the girls of the l`
Kingswood School, Cranbrook, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, on
February ninth. The headmistress of the school, Miss Margaret K
Augur, gave Deedie a check for ten dollars for the Frontier Nurs-  
ing Service.  
Just as we go to press, there has come a most welcome let- V
ter from our old courier, Mrs. John Pugh (Louise Myers), giving _
us a few details about her son, David Myers,_ who was born on  A
February 7th. "Weezy" gladdens our hearts when she tells us  _,
that the baby’s father was able to get up to Washington from his  
army post in Texas to welcome his son. She adds that David is (
the image of his father, and although small, he is very strong —i
and healthy. The best news of all to us is that "Weezy" had an (
easy time, and is in fine shape herself.  
Christmas, 1939  
"From far across the world I want to send you and all the  
F. N. S. a little greeting for Christmas and every good wish for  
the coming year,. I think of you often and hope next spring when L
we return to the States I can come back to Wendover long  
enough to say hello. ·  
"I have two cunning fat babies: Anastasia (3%) named for  {
her Kentucky grandmother and Josephine Swift (1%) named (
for her grandmother, and great-great-grandfather, General Jo-  
seph Swift. We also have three dogs, so you see I’m carrying on 4
the best traditions of the Service!" {
U. S. Navy Yard, Cavite, P. I.
God of compassion for men, show me that ere I pray for peace none
may remain unforgiven by me. Make clean my heart of all jealousy, all
arrogance, judgment or enmity, so that thus cleansed my prayer may be
acceptable. Amen, .
From Light of December 14, 1939, London.  

g. On Monday, January 13th, I left Lexington for two stream-
i lined weeks in and around Washington and Baltimore. Marion
K Shouse and "Too-Muoh" met my train Tuesday morning in Wash-
1 ington, and after I had dropped my bags at the hotel, I went
} straight to a beauty parlor to get the grime of coal soot and
? horse leather off of my nails and head. With the best will in the
 _ world, one just cannot home-groom like the specialists.
After that the engagements came fast and furious. At noon
_ there was a luncheon at the National Women’s Press Club, where
 s I heard a fascinating report by an AP representative lately from
  Poland, Mr. Saleras, and made a few remarks myself.
 if At four o’clock we had the annual meeting of the Frontier
( Nursing Service in Washington, in the lovely Textile Museum of
  Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt Myers. It is always refreshing to
  speak in a beautiful place among old friends. Our Washington
  Committee Chairman, Mrs. D. Lawrence Groner, introduced me,
l and I was well flanked by old couriers, including Louise Myers,
 I now Mrs. John Pugh, who was home on a visit. That night the
 g charming Woolley family had me to dinner.
l Wednesday my engagements began at 9 in the morning, and
  included luncheon with Mrs. Groner at the Sulgrave Club, and
 Q tea with Mr. Justice and Mrs. Brandeis. One of the things I look
  forward to anew each year in Washington is a quiet hour with
 Q these two dear friends. When Mr. Brandeis talks about the
  moral law of the universe and its violation by any people at their
i peril, one realizes again that the moral law is as real as anything
 t in mathematics, and it works with or against us, as we obey or
{ defy it. Margaret Fuller said once, "I accept the Universe."
When Carlyle heard of it, he responded, "Gad, she’d better."
Tuesday night I had the honor of dining at the White
House. We were a group of twelve. One of the great charms of
the President and Mrs. Roosevelt is that they can keep a group
. of that size welded into one unit throughout a whole dinner, and
that everyone is given the opportunity to take part in a general
discussion. I have seen the same thing done in France, but it is
Z! rare in America, and takes leadership of a high order. Before
`1 .

the dinner was over, the President was called on long-distance to
Europe, and was not able to join his guests again. ‘
At ten on Thursday, the White House Conference on Chil-
dren in a Democracy opened at the Labor Department Audi-
torium. One had to be there beforehand to register, and it lasted
all day. Madam Secretary Perkins opened the meeting. Any- J 
one interested in reading a full report of this, the Fourth White 5
House Conference on Children in a Democracy (they come every j
decade) is advised to get the February Survey Midmonthly, ‘
where the reports are very full and well illustrated. My own .
section met in the afternoon at a hotel, where I had the joy of
lunching first with Dr. Fred L. Adair, of Chicago. Late in the _
afternoon I hurried across Washington to tea with Admiral and V
Mrs. Adolphus C. Staton, and their charming young daughter, .
who will be a courier of ours when she is nineteen. That night  .1
Mr. Justice McReynolds invited me to dinner with Judge and _
. Mrs. Groner, and I had one of the most delightful evenings I ever N
spent. He is a charming host, and fascinating raconteur.  .
Friday the White House Conference on Children in a Dem- g,
ocracy took the whole day and most of the night. The evening  _=,
session was at the White House where the President addressed  
us. The Conference adjourned Saturday at noon, with an ad-  
dress by Mrs. Roosevelt.
, I caught a train at 1:25 p. m. for Chatham, Virginia, where  1
I was the guest of the lovely Edmund Lees, at Chatham Hall A
School. Sunday was a full day, because I went to the early serv-  
ice at the chapel at eight, and then to the later service, and we
had members of the faculty and student body for breakfast, and I
lunched and dined at different tables at the school. Other mem- .
bers of the faculty and students came to coffee after lunch at the j
rectory, and again for tea. That evening I spoke to a delightful  1 _
group of girls, in whom I was particularly interested because of N
our Chatham couriers Molly Hays and Sheila Clark. The school 1
car sent me to Danville, where I caught a midnight train for 1
The second week, beginning Monday, January 22nd, was
quite as full as the first one. I attended a luncheon of the Ameri-
can Friends of France at the Raleigh after I got in from Chatham 1
on Monday, and for the first time since this war began saw my old 1

A chief, Anne Morgan. She looked frightfully well, if a bit tired,
and spoke with all her old dramatic charm. She was followed
by the French Ambassador, and it was easy to see that tons of
people were profoundly interested in this work among Alsatian
i refugees. A vital point not always made clear in connection with
_~  the needs of France is the fact that all her available supplies, of
E blankets and such, were used up on other refugees, before she
had refugees of her own. France is chock-full of refugees. Aside
j from some hundred thousand or more Spanish ones, there are
 p Czecks, and Poles, and others.
That evening I went with my cousins Princess Margaret
— Boncompagni and Mrs. Henry Waite, and Margaret’s other
guests, to the world premiere of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois/’ which
p was a benefit for the charities of the Newspaper Women’s Club
‘> of Washington. Our loges