xt76hd7npz7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7npz7f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-07-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1946 1946 1946-07-26 2013 true xt76hd7npz7f section xt76hd7npz7f The Kentu cky Ker

Basketball Seats
Two Solutions



Barracks May Be Completed
By Fall, Richman Declares
Reaches 2,896


- TO




Registration figures for the second term of summer school have
reached 2.896, 941 less than last
term's enrollment of 3.837. according to Miss Maple Moores, assistant registrar of the University.
for the first summer term established a new record, topping the 1940 enrollment
the previously recorded high by
more than 1,000. The present enrollment also tops the 1940 record
of 2581.
The office of the registrar ha
sent out numerous letters to pros
pective students. Informing them
to find living quarters before mak
ing plans for registration.
Housing space for students in
private homes is available at preS'
ent through the office of the dean
of men. The office reports that
living space is available for approximately 100 men students, begin
ning with the fall term.
story on Barracks-Housin- g
where on this page.)
The peak of the veteran enroll
ment should be reached by the fall
term, according to the office of the
dean of men.

Dr. James Martin,
Miss Vera Briscoe
Attend Conference

Struck Enters Low Bid Of $848,600;
Fine Arts Building Location Changed

Trustees Accept Bells

All bids for construction of the proposed new service
building were rejected last Friday at a called meeting of
the University Board of Trustees. The Board announced
plans to advertise for more?
home demonstration agent In
bids at a later date.

The University Board of
Trustees, at a called meeting
in the office of President Herman Donovan Friday morn
accepted a gut
ing. (July


f ro m Alexander
Knoxville, Tenn., industrialist,
for purchase of carillonic bells
in memory of his son, who was
killed in action during
battle of Tarawa.
A native of Lexington, Mr.
Bonnyman attended the
from 1885 to 1888.
President of the Blue Diamond
Ccal Company,
he is a life
member of the UK alumni association and the American
Society of Civil Engineers.
BonnyAlexander (Sandy)
man Jr., in whose memory the
carillon in the Memorial Hall tower will be dedicated, was born in Atlanta and
lived most of his life in Knoxville. After graduating from
Princeton University in 1932,
he returned to Tennessee to
work in the coal fields. Before
entering the service, he operated a copper mine in New Mexico.
A private in the U. S.
Marine Corps Reserve, he was
nominated in the field during
the Guadacanal campaign for
promotion to commissioned officer. He was killed in the baton November
tle of Tarawa,

The low bid on the structure,
which is to replace the building
burned last winter,
given by the Struck Construction
company of Louisville. The Struck
bid was $348,600.
The trustees awarded a
contract to Clark. Stewart,
and Wood for installation of sewage lines at the shawnee housing
A gift of $1,200 from the Inter
national Minerals and Chemical
corporation, Chicago, for further
research in tobacco nutrition.
accepiea oy me Doara.
Approval of the placing of a 15
miles per hour speed limit on the
University campus was given by
the board. The move, according
to officials, was brought about by
the increased traffic on campus
drives and the fact that a number
of small children are now living
in Cooperstown.
Location of the proposed
Fine Arts building was changed
from South Limestone street (opposite Memorial hall) to a site on
Rose street between Maxwell field
and Maxwell Place. The building
will house the departments of art
and music, and the Guignol theater.
The appointment of Dr. Floyd







Friday, July 26 is the last day
on which seniors and graduate
students expecting to complete
their requirements for graduation in August may make application for such degrees. No
student will be considered for
graduation who has not filed
an application, according to
Dean Leo M. Chamberlain.
These applications should be
made in Room 16 of the Administration building by all
candidates who have not filed
one previously.
Candidates for the bachelor's degree will be charged a
graduation fee of $9.00. This
will cover the rental of cap
and gown, diploma fee, the
Kentuckian and senior dues.
Candidates for advanced
grees will be charged a lee
of $15.00, which will cover the
above with the exception
the Kentuckian and In addition, the cost of the hood to be
presented the candidate. Graduation fees are payable not
later than Monday, August 19.

J.L. Arnold
Will Address
Vets Monday

Breathitt county;
Garland H.
Bastin, assistant county agent in
Logan county; George F. Lacy,
senior assistant county aent

$16,-146.- 74


Shown above are (left to right) Professor M. E. Potter, head of the department of physical edication;
President H. L. Donovan; Miss Elizabeth Ragland, former U. K. tennis s'Jir; Dr. H. H. Downing, retiring tennis coach; and Dean P. P. Boyd. This picture was taken folbwlng last Thursday's presentation of a plaque honoring Dr. Downing for his 25 years' service as tennis coach.

Physical Ed
Are Changed


Board Of Trustees Rejects
Bids For Service Building;
OK's 15 MPH Speed Limit



Denman Strikes
For Back Wages



"Although we are
bit behind
now. I believe that the
project will be partly completed by
the beginning of the fall term,"
laid Mr. Harry Richman. head of
the Lexington division of the Federal Housing Authority, when a
Kernel reporter questioned
concerning the story about the barracks printed in The Kernel last
The Scott street project will be
near enough completed by September 20, "to house 250 persons," according to Mr. Richman.
"Although the plans are not too
complete at present, we do know
that two "H" type barracks will
to up on Scott street. These buildings will house 155 persons each,"
Mr. Richman continued.
These "H" type barracks will be
flanked by two small dormitory
a portion of the 13
buildings of that class to be built
by the FPHA for the University.
Another building of this type will
be erected behind the
The other ten have
not yet been placed, Mr. Richman
Mr. Richman made no comment
concerning the barracks that are
to be built for women students.
Work on the Shamnee project
began August 12. and within three
weeks "we will be erecting a house
a day," said Mr. Richman. The
Shawnee project will house
families, of which 100 will be University students and personnel. The
remainder of space will be occupied
by municipally approved veterans.




Daviess county; Robert H. Ellis,
senior assistant county agent in
Oraves county; Durward Olds, assistant in dairying. Dr. Martin E.
ExWeeks, assistant agronomist.
periment Station, was promoted to
Resignation.-- :
H. Thompson, county agent at Catlettsburg;
Henry J. Hayes, county agent at
John W. Hubbard.
county agent at Jamestown; Dr.
AnhuT T. Ringrose. assistant pro-fessor in poultry husbandry; Mrs.
Nancy S. Beck, home demonstracounty;
tion agent in Caldwell
Mrs. Laverne Hixson. home demonstration agent in Caldwell county; Thomas W. Morgan, county
agent. Hodgenville; Meach Craig-myl- e,
county agent. La Grance;
Carl W. Allen, county assistant in
land use and adjustment. Benton.
College of Engineering Appoint-


C. L.

Smith Jr., graduats

assistant; Clifford D. Kennard.
Mr. Joseph L. Arnold. DemocratDr. James W. Martin, director
pattern maker and fountry techClub,"
ic candidate for
Congress, will
The "WBKY Dinner
of bureau of business
nician, temporary basis; Albert J.
featuring music in the modern College of Commerce, and Vera
address the University Veterans'
22. 1943.
Spare, graduate assistant.
6tyle, and interspersed with cam Briscoe,
club and interested visitors at 8
research associate in the
The carillonic bells were inLeave of absence: Ernst V. Johnpus news items of interest to bureau, will attend a two-da- y
p. m. Monday, in Memorial hall.
stalled in Memorial Hall sevson, associate professor of archieveryone, begins Friday night at ference, August
A special emergency session will
being held
ago and were used
eral weeks
(part-timtectural engineering
7 o'clock. A thirty-minube held at the club at 7 p. m. pre
by the Tennessee Valley Authority,
In connection with baccalauron leave for the months of July.
"WBKY Dinner Club," will be a Fontana Dam. Tennessee. It will
ceding Mr. Arnold's address. The
eate services June 2.
- and September.
weekly production.
business session, designed to air
of animal pathology is effective Auustbe a joint discussion among rep
College of Education
expected housing shortage at
September 1.
Dr. Hull succeeds!
resentatives of six state univer
the University this fall and to hear
Dr. William W. Dimock, who asked ments: Dr. Charles R. Spam, as
Also new on the Friday night sities: Tennessee, Mississippi, Ala- recommendations
for expediting
to be relieved of his administrative sociate professor of education; W.
schedule is a medical series, en- bama. North and South Carolina,
Gerald Jaggers. research assistant.
new housing projects, will not be
titled "Time Out." It consists of and Kentucky.
open to the public. However, evof Schoo! Service;
Dr. Dimock has been a member Bureau
thirteen electrically
The TV A, which is collaborating
Sprowles. graduate assistant; Char
eryone Is invited to hear Mr. Arprograms.
Brief health sugges- on public administration of natural
University trustees will receive of the University staff since 1919.
F. Prewitt, junior instructor.
nold's speech at 8 p. m.
tions will be given by W. W. Bauer. resources, will discuss final drarts
a loan ol $35,556 to finance tne He has served as consultant for les
Mr. Arnold, who is opposing DreDarations of Plans and specifi several foreign governments
Leave of absence: Miss Pauline
M. D.. and W. W. Bolton. M. D. of the report and the publication
Rep. Virgil Chapman,
critic teacher.
been president of the Amer Hilliard. fifth-grawith interludes of organ music as plans of it.
cations for a new men's dormi-ihcongressman from Lexington,
in tory. the Federal Works agency at ican Veterinary Medicine associa- on leave for the summer; Miss
E. Reeves is assisting in
Prof. J.
the Democratic primary, August Washington announced
tion. Dr. Hull has been with the Bernice Calloway, first-graWednesinclude the work, but will not attend the
Subjects of discussion
3, is the third political figure to
department of animal pathology teacher. July and August; Miss
for living, sleep, play, meeting.
sixth-graclub this
address the Veterans'
critThe dormitory is scheduled to for 21 years and is now professor Katherine Conroy,
leisure, work, clothing, food, prompt
Each state represented will reyear. Mr. Phillip Ardery, Frank cost a
of $1,244,470. It is to of veterinary science and associate ic teacher, July and August; Miss
inventory, accidents,
care, medical
copy of the report along
ceive a
fort, and Mr. Norris Vincent,
facilities, veterinarian. As head of the de- Meitha Hiteman. critic teacher in
include central dining
first aid. getting along with peo- with a general summarization of
D. C.
candidate for the Senate, kitchen, and cold storage equip- partment he will be responsible music. July and August;
ple, and restful moments. This
appeared before the club earlier ment.
the whole series of studies.
for teaching, research, and exten- Kemper, critic teacher in science.
program is scheduled for
Miss Martha
this summer.
This meeting is one of several
is the second sion projects. Dr. Dimock will con- July and August:
The dormitory
o'clock, Friday nights.
Howard C. Bowles, president of building in the University's pro- tinue with his teaching and re- Shipman. eighth-grad- e
critic teachstate cooperative projects in
inthe Veterans' club, has issued
gram for which the agency has search duties as professor of vet er. July and August.
Steele, newly appointed
Mrs. Phillip Boden is reported vitations to all candidates to ap- approved an advance.
President erinary science.
Resignation: Miss Louise Galloeecretary to Radio Arts departat the pear on behalf of their candidacy Herman L. Donovan stated. The
as showing improvement
Members of the board attending way, librarian.
ment, has be added to the WBKY
Good Samaritan hospital, after be- if they so desire. This move was first was the Fine Arts biulding. the meeting were Thomas Cutler,
College of Commerce Appoint
production staff.
ing stricken with poliomyelitis this made to give voting veterans on
The location of the new dorm Frankfort; Richard Stoll. Lexing ments: Homer Lewis, assistant proapcampus
an opportunity to
Jack Feierabend has been
has not been definitely decided on. ton; Robert Hobson. Louisville; fessor for the summer
Mr. Boden, a University student, question each candidate and get
pointed producer of "Musical NightMaintenance of all but two of The War department has anMrs. Paul Blazer. Ashland; Har-p- et Herman Ellis, instructor for the
first-han- d
information, to aid them
cap." Strictly a "pops" show, "Mu- the University's drives and roads nounced the increase in quotas, and Mrs. Boden live In
Elliott summer quarter, assistant profs-sGatton, Madisonville;
I in
voting intelligently.
sical Nightcap" features the music has been taken over by the Ken- for recall to active duty, of 1,000
Frankfort ; Robert
for the academic year starting
of the WBKY Studio Orchestra tucky Department of Highways,
Tway. Louisville;
Fred Williams. September 1.
of E. G. Sul-se- r. Mr. E. B. Farris, head of mainten National Guard and reserve of
under the direction
Frankfort; and Grover Creech,
Dr. Konrad BecResignation:
ance and operations at the Uni- ficers of all grades for service with
Gov. Simeon Willis announced Louisville.
ker, assistant professor of economan adthe Civil Affairs division,
versity, said yesterday.
Monday a "complete and compreAppointments
and other staff ics, effective September 1. Dr.
ditional 40 for service with the
hensive survey" of Kentucky's ed changes approved by the Board of
Mr. Farris stated that follow- intelligence
Bekker is accepting a permanent
division, 35 for service
12:35 Agriculture
system will be made with Trustees were as follows :
would be resurfaced
position with the State Departwith foreign liquidation commisseries)
improving conditions.
some time before the start of the
By O. C. Halyard
dent books are used, Mr. Shively a view to
College of Arts and Sciences
ment in Washington.
sion, and 50 additional for service
over-a- ll
7:00 WBKY Dinner
Included in the $19,200
suggested that probably the odd and
fall quarter: the road from the
Kernel Sports Editor
Appointments: John Paul Stoakes.
AppointUniversity Library
with the finance department.
7:30 Time Out (medical)
Armory to Lafferty hall which is
turns see- survey will be a $4,000 survey of the professor of English; Miss Gladys ments: Miss Carolyn Hayes, part-tiOne of the big problems that has even numbers would take
7:45 News
University. The Chicago firm of M. Kammerer. assistant professor
This and previous authorizations
diFaculty club drive,
known as the
ing the games. If the schedule is
been troubling the atheltic departlibrarian. Geology depart7:55 Womans Column
the drive starting at the Health make a total of 7,589 vacancies ment is what to do with the host of vided between the townspeople and Griffenhagen and Associates have of political science; Miss Mary ment; Miss Emilie Smith, assistemployed to conduct the sur- Muediking.
8:00 Mumis Program
available to officers who have gone
'.building and passing in front of
instructor in bacteri- ant cataloguer: Mrs. Mary Pope,
townspeople and students who will the students, the studnts will prob8 15 Princeton Preceptorial
Neville hall and continuing past on inactive duty or terminal leave want to see the basketball team in ably be allowed more games than vey. Gov. Willis stated that he ology; Miss Louise Wilson, gradulibrarian. Engineering library.
by the
8:45 Jive Jamboree
expected to put into effect
Mechanical hall. Mr. Farris con- but who desire further active
ate assistant in physical educaaction this winter. With an enroll- the townspeople.
Office of the Dean of Women
end of this year such necessary tion; Mrs. Bess Donaldson, gradparking space Wa r department representatives
tinued that
A committee has already been apexpscted
changes in education as he could uate assistant in physical educa- The following were appointed house
the indicated that this number may be ment of over 5,000 students
12:35 Agriculture
south of Memorial hall and
and an equal number of townspeo- pointed, according to Mr. Shively, by executive order.
effective September
7:00 Round Table
drive from the Biological Sciences increased in the near future.
tion; Vincent C. Doster. graduate
is com
as soon
(vocalist) biulding passing in front of McVey
The governor said that both ad assistant in psychology; Miss Ol- - Mrs. V. P. Ligon. Mrs. Lucille
department ple desiring to watch the Wildcats and they as the scheduleup to fit
7:30 Jo Ann Talley
Although the War
will divide it
play, Alumni gym with its 3.000 plete,
ministrative and academic work at ive Johnson, graduate assistant in Phillips. Mrs. Lillian CaldTell.
7:45 News
hall would also be resurfaced. He is authorized to recall officers to seating
capacity is obviously insuf- one or the other of the possible the institutions surveyed
Mrs Ethe, Fisn Mrs A M HaIe
will be
7:55 Woman's Column
said that the roads of the Univer- active duty without their consent
Airs, ixjruiny amuu
solutions. They will make the di covered.
Henry. Mrs. Will
Mrs. Robert
8:00 Carnegie Room
attention for during the emergency, it is desired ficient.
sity have
graduate assistant m Hughes. Mrs. Elmer Mav. Mrs. Mi-b- el
Of course tne new field house vision as fair as possible in order
part of this to fill these vacancies with volun8 30 Dramatics : Adapted
some time and that a
physical education; Ralph E. Meythat each group will get to see some
Riedell, and Mrs. Richard Wilquotas
have would solve the problem immediatePlays
work will begin almost immediate- teers. Accordingly,
er, graduate assistant in chemistry; liams.
ly, but we don't have the field house of the better games.
been established to meet the needs
graduate assistant
Saul Gordon,
During the discussion Mr. Shively
Mrs. Belle Drury.
Mr. Farris then said that the of each of the branches of service yet, and probably won't have it for also explained
12:35 Agriculture
Dr. Paul K. Whit-ake- r. Mrs. L. M. huLiOck. Mrs. Lois N.
in chemistry;
the reason for movhave three or four years. Bernie Shively.
Rose street entrance to the Uni whose personnel
of the depart- Coxe. and Mrs. Bessie Birchfield,
acting head
ing the
from the
UniConnie Gaines,
versity and the road passing in been made acute by the rapid de- athletic director, said that to build customarystudent section
during the ab12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
house mothers.
south side of Stoll field versity graduate and operator of a ment of German
the field house now even if we
Biological Sciences mobilization of the army.
front of the
sence of Prof. A. E. Bigge. who will
Ap7:00 Books and Authors
near be away during the second term University Health Service
get the material would cost to the north side for the coming wood
Volunteers under this program could
Marge Blaisdells Piano building and the road
as football season. He said this was Harlan, was killed Tuesday after nf cummer nnartpr- - Jampft CTftlvin- - pointment: Miss Ann Brown, regbehind Kastle hall, plus the service may elect to serve for an unlimited between two and three times
istered nurse in the Infirmary. Resdone in order that all the students noon when the small plane piloted j
entrance to the Small Animal length of time or for a 12, 18, or much as normally.
assLsUnt professor of psychology:
7:30 News
He went on to add that the field desiring to see the games could be by Pete Guthrie. 30, coal operator, William R. Kimble, graduate as ignation: Miss Esther
building and the drive north and 24 month period.
7:40 Story of the Night
"imuuaieo. ana yet De seaieu
crashed into a cornfield about six sistant in mathematics and astron- nurse in Health Service.
house will be a permanent fixture
south of the Dairy Products buid-in- g
7:45 Symphony Hour
Department of Public Relation
Guthrie was omy; Samuel J. Jasper, part-tim- e
miles from Harlan.
on the campus and as long as we ve
on the Experiment
8:30 Listen, the Vet
Kenneth L. Kuhn was
It was also done so that there med jn the crash also.
over by the
waited thus long for it we might
farm have been taken
instructor in mathematics and as- news editor, effective July 1. He
8:45 Musical Nightcap
A licensed pilot, Guthrie was at tronomy;
well wait a little longer and really would be room enough for the wives
state for maintenance. The only
Bernard Johnson, psy- replaces Miss Helen King, who rerhursday:
remaining roads not to be taken
build one that will have everything. of G.I.'s to sit with their student the controls when the plane left chology:
Edward E. Gotherman, signed to become secretary of the
12 :35 Agriculture
over by the state are: the drive
Mr. Shively asks that the students husbands. Mr. Shively further ex- the ground, airport officials said. Jr.. graduate assistant in sociology;
U. K. Alumni association.
in front of Maxwell Place, the drive
Dr. W. Lewis Roberts will serve and townspeople be patient and co- plained that there are approximate- Although Guthrie owned a plane. Charles L. Riggs. part-tun- e
inUniversity of Kentucky Pre.55
ly 2,000 seats that have been re- the one which crashed had been
in front of Patterson hall, and the as acting dean of the college of operate with the athletic departstructor in mathematics and as- Dr. Morton England,
jroad running from Stoll field' past law at the University during the ment in any temporary solution served by membres of the alumni rented from the airport.
tronomy; Miss Helen Hutchcraft. editor, succeeding Dr. W. H. Stephwitness said that
summer quar that they may have to the problem. for years on the south side of the
Barker nail and ending at
second term of the
physical education; Miss enson, resigned.
today by
gymnasium. Mr. Farris said ter, it was announced
Mr. Shively stated that unless field, while only about 500 such he saw the plane crash
Edna Safley. graduate assistant in
Department of Business Manageseats are taken on the north side.
roads Dean A. E. Evans' office.
spinning twice at about 500 feet. political science.
that the above mentioned
something new develops, in the line
ment and Control Edward Gab-ba- rd
were to be resurfaced by the state
"This will give the students more Both men were dead when neighof
Dr. Evans, of a miracle between now and then,
In the absence
Resignations: J. C. Eaves, inwas appointed special assisbut that the University would have who is instructing in the Univer-t- y there will be one of two solutions room, and I believe tend to create bors arrived. The cause of the crash
structor in mathematics; Dr. A. B. tant, purchases and stores.
cost of resurfacing
spirit," the atheltic director has not been determined.
to assume the
of Michigan law school this offered to the problem this winter. better
Warren, assistant professor of psyUniversity Station Post Office
Gaines, a member of a prominSUKY . . . will meet at 5 p. m.
part-tim- e
summer, acting deans were ap- Either students will be admitted to remarked. "We asked Coach Bryant
was appointed
Greely Bradshaw
family, was graduated chology; Harold Black,
Wednesday, room 128 SUB.
the first summer the games according to the num if he had any objections to moving ent Harlan
pointed. During
instructor in psychology.
mail carrier.
H. Randall acted bers on their student books, or the the team and the student section to from the University with a civil
College of Agriculture and Home
BSU . . . hayride and picnic,
engineering degree in 1934, and
Dean T. T. Jones, dean of men, in the raDacity. Or. Roberts will schedule o home eames will be di the other side of the stadium, and
Georgia Booher and Mm Leot.
Thommeet at 4 p. m. August 3, SUB.
will vided between
replied. 'No. the opposition seems was a member of Kappa Alpha Economics Appointments:
from assume the duties . Tuesday and TP.,
has sufficiently
the Lexingtonians he
were named
dairy- - Sullinger
n riht on the fraternity. He is survived by his as M. Ludwick, assistant in
tn hnve hwn a
" "-;ame students.
YM and YW . . . will meet at his recent illness to resume his serve until the reim m
ing; Miss Alice Harris, assistant managers.
two sons.
In case the numbers on the stu- - other side for the past few years' Iwife and
duties at the
ans ui September.
6:30 p. m. Tuesday in the SUB.
10-1- 1,




Changes in the curriculum
two departments and the establishment of two new courses was
approved by the University faculty at a special meeting Tuesday
in Lafferty hall.
Approval was given a plan, proposed by Prof. M. E. Potter, head
of the physical education department, to set up a physUair fitness
standard for all students and to
them additional physical
to personal
training according
needs to meet the standard.
The "Potter Plan," approved by
the faculty of the arts and sci
ence college last week, will be instituted with the beginning of the
next school year in September.
A new course in the geography
department, entitled "Geographic
Foundations of World Politics,"
was given approval as was a course
referred to as "Field Participation
in Group Work Programs," to be
presented by the department of
social work.



UK Plans To Build





Polio Victim Improves

National Guard Quota
Many Campus Drives Increased By Army

State To Maintain

'Miracle' Needed To Solve
Basketball Seating Problem

Education Survey
Includes University





Former UK Student
Is Killed In Crash



Roberts Acting
As Law School Dean





Dean Jones Returns



� Features





The Kernel Editorial Page
Self Control - Less




Rumors of a vigorous
have liecn circulated on the campus since the
insiallat ion of lihis on I lie east side of the
ion building and in other campus dark
Sx)ts. As so often happens, these rumors are
wilil exaggerations. It is not true that students
will le lined S 0 if they are found in the
aniens. It is not true that a goodnight
kiss at ihe door of a sorority house will lead to
The lights were ordered at t lie beginning
of the spring quarter to light the campus so
that women would be protected from attack
or from a bad scare bv some marauder who had
no legal business on tampus. The lights have
been needed for some time, and it is to the
advantage of all students that they have been
The campus tops have been driving a station wagon equipped with searchlight through
the botanical gardens anil the hollow between
Maxwell Place and Stoll field not to startle
couples there, but as a better method of overall campus patrol.
The administration has no thought of expelling students for holding hands.
But emotional exhibitionism is another matter. Unreasonable demonstrations of alfection
(from prolonged embraces to uninhibited indulgences) are a reflection on the University.
Such misconduct on the part of a few students,
often in embarrassingly public places such as
the parade grounds, can drag the name of the
whole campus into disrepute. The few who
will not cease such conduct after warning
should be disciplined in order that they will
not harm 3,000 innocent
The lights aren't searchlights. They're for
our protection. As long as University students
behave in a manner becoming Kentucky belles
and gentlemen, there will be no need for an
ing campa ign.


Friday, July 26,1946

hibernating, you know.1

"It's our winter policy

Port Office t Lexington. Kratuckr. M
HI th
inn matter under the Act ot March 3. 1879.




Wright or Wrong
By Or man


I haven't any analytical mind I
found this out the hard way by
taking courses in chemistry, phys- ics, and a few other related sub- jects) but just the same I have a
penchant for c a..ifying things or
persons in categories. About two
weeks ago I tried to do this with
and this week I'm
poing to try to do it with professors
and their Brothers of lesser rank,
the instructors and assistants. You
understand, of course, that this is
no sort of personal application. All
the professors I know are truly
gentlemen and scholars. Besides.
there is not much to write about
this week unless you want to re- hah some of the old gripes (registration, for Instance). Remember
ve niofessors are a dear lot and
also remember I said it. I've still
got a lot of time to spend here.
You've probably all seen exam- pies of the "pedantic" type. There
are several pedants loose on the
campus. Nearly every department
has one or two. The pedants start
their classes with a roar. They bang
on the desk and demand attention.
In fact, everything they get they
pet by demanding it. They are loud
ill demanding that you think, but
only in the way which they prescribe. Disagreeing (orally, that if)
with a pedant, is an extremely
dangerous thing. The pedant is
quite likely to believe that he is
the only one in his class who has
a genuine appreciation and feeling
for his subject and very often he
is absolutely rieht. You see. after
the first day, pedants get very, very
The exact opposite of the pedant
is the "Goodltime Charlie." Charlie is generally a good dresser and
supply of the
he has a
latest jokes and anecdotes. He is
apple-polishe- rs









I don't know how to
classify them. In fact, I don't know
anybody who has ever been able
to figure out a woman. I certainly



Said a constable stern on his beat,
To a couple more fond than discreet,
"Though a miss mean a kiss
Give the next kiss a miss
For a kiss Is amiss on the street."


er. If you have troubles don't hes
itate to take them to Charlie. He
loves to have people cry on his
shoulder. Charlie is very liberal
and even says "hell" and "damn"
He might even
now and then.
admit to a liking
lor beer in his undergraduate days
However, don't let Charlie's manner beguile you. Beware of him!
You always get the ax on the last
day. But he does it with a smile,
of course.
Then there are the graduate
bless their hearts. They
really try hard. They are short on
and experience but
they try to cover it up with bravado
and a very thin veneer of self-a.Eurance. Actually they are asa as
naive as a freshman and they try
to be just as blase. They dress in
the height of campus fashion and
:ilwavs disDlav their Phi Beta Kap- They date
pa keys prominently.
now and then and talk their
heads off trying to awe the girls
with their tremendous
Naturally this is good psychology.
Women love to talk. Particularly
about their dates. That's why the
graduate assistants always date
women from their own classes.
There is nothing wrong with the
graduate assistants. You've just got
to remember that they are men of
the world and want to be treated
as such.
We shouldn't forget the really
conscientious teachers. This type of
man "who is beyond analysis, by
the way) gets a genuine thrill out
of his thankless job. There is no
way to explain this type of person,
All you can do is just be thankful
even though he is
that he exists
a distinct rarity. There are a few
of them on the campus but they
are hard to find.
Nor should we forget the female

,.No, who?"
"Adam. He furnished s