xt76hd7npz6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7npz6v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-08-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  2, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  2, 1946 1946 1946-08-02 2013 true xt76hd7npz6v section xt76hd7npz6v Dei uopy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

Little Ado About A Lot
The Housing Problem

Does The Football Team
Have To Maul Others?





Arnold Addresses Veterans; Student Art
Housing Problem Discussed On Display
Bowles Announces
Joe Arnold, candidate for the
Democratic nomination to Congress
from the Sixth district, speaking before the University Veterans' club
Monday night, declared himself "In
favor oj federal aid to education
without federal Interference."
The candidate attributed Kentucky's low ranking in education to
the fact that the state is "hog-tie- d
to politics."
Mr. Arnold stated that he would
support legislation for raising the
standards of education and that he
would support veterans housing programs in state schools.
Prior to Mr. Arnold's address an
open meeting on the housing situation was held and proposals adopted
to help alleviate the present campus
housing shortage for GI students.
Howard Bowles, president of the
club, announced that a survey of
11 available
housing possibilities in
the city of Lexington will be mad?
In an effort to secure adequate living
quarters for the 400 married veterans now unable to bring their
wives here, or are forced to live separately or in one room.
A proposal to establish a veterans
preference list for dormitory housing of unmarried GI students was
advocated by the veterans and will
be recommended to the University
administration in conjunction with
recommendation that they waive
me ruie requiring ma.e iresnmen
student to reside in dormitones.


Knowledge gained through the
of University
strengthened the war effort of the
United States, increased national
security, and provided additions of
permanent value to the theory and
practice of medicine.
This information was contained
in a letter just received by Pres
ident H. I Donovan from A. N
Richards, chairman of the Committee on medical research of the
Office of Scientific Research and
The letter follows:
"It is my privilege to attempt to
express to you, and through you
to the University of Kentucky, the
grateful appreciation of the Corn- mittee on Medical Research for the
assistance which the committee
has received from certain members
of your faculty and staff in the
fulfillment of the responsibilities
delegated to it by the President in
1941 in the order which created the
committee as an agency operating
within the Office of Scientific Research and Development.
"Under the direction of Dr. P. R.
Edwards, typing sera for identification of strains of Salmonella
were prepared throughout the war.
These sera are not available from
other sources and have been useful to the medical and laboratory
lunarlmpilte fif f V P A ftTlpH Fnrce.V
reater portions of
nave beea dlstributed
through the Army Medical School
in the course of the work a num
ber of new variations of the Sal
monella group of organism, apt to
be associated with episodes of 'food
poisoning,' have
and described in the literature of
"The new knowledge gained
through the efforts of Dr. Edwards
not only strengthened our war ef
fort and increased our national se
curity but has provided additions
of permanent value to the theory
and practice of medicine."
Dr. Edwards, who directed the
research work at the University, is
bacteriologist in the department of
animal pathology.

While agreeing that every effort
should be made by students to find
"outside housing facilities, the vet
erans proposed that the University
rule limiting men's dormitory residences to three quarters should be
abolished so as not to work a hardship on those who are unable to secure other housing.
A plan proposed by Dr. Herman
L. Donovan, president of the University, to allot 40 of the 180 family-typ- e
government housing units in
Shawnee, new housing project, to
faculty members gained support of
the veterans as a "fair and necessary move."
The veterans also approved a plan
suggested by local Federal Public
Housing Authority officials to attempt to secure 30 carpenters and
60 laborers needed to rush construction in the Shawnee project. Club
President Bowles said that he would
contact city, state, and federal officials in Lexington and seek their
cooperation in aiding University veterans.
A proposal is being undertaken by
the Veterans' club with the aid of
the Kentucky Aeronautics Association and the Veterans Administration to Introduce a course in flying
at the University. Upon completion,
plans will be submitted to University officials for radification.
The Veterans' club is inaugurating
"Share a Ride" campaign. Anyone
who is making a trip to such points
as Louisville, Danville, Cincinnati or
other towns are requested to rr port
to the club office in the basement of
the Administration building and
share their ride.
Within the coming week the Vet- erans club plans to make a house
to house survey of the available
vacant rooms in Lexington It is
estimated that it will take 200 men
to comDlete the t.im.r tv,.
requests that anyone who feels thev
might aid in the survey please sign
up at the club office.

The exhibition which will be
shown for the remainder of the
summer term is the fifth annual
exhibition of student art work to be
sponsored by the art club.
The paintings were part of the
regular class work of the first year
students in the art department and
were produced during the fall and
spring quarters. The work varies
from portrait sketches which were
completed In one afternoon to design composition which took weeks
to finish.
Some of the paintings will later
be sent to Louisville for exhibition
by the Art Center which has exhibited the work of University students on previous occasions.
This exhibition was previously on
display in the Music room of the
Student Union.
Also on display in the art gallery
Is a series ol twenty-foplates,
which through the use of photographs and text, gives the fundamental principles of design. According to Professor Raymond Barn hart
of the art department, this educational exhibit is practically an introductory course in the study of design.
The charts which were bought by
the art department from a New
York art firm will be loaned to
other schools in the state for exhibition, according to Mr. Barnhart.

Blair Will Sing
New Bataan Song

Eighteen Alums
Are Appointed
To Committee
Eighteen outstanding alumni of
the University have been appointed
to membership on the UK Alumni
association executive committee and
two other University graduates have
been chosen to fill vacancies of elected members of the committee. Miss
execuHelen G. King, newly-electtive secretary of the association, announced today.
To fill the unexpired terms of two
elective committee members. Association President Chauncey E. For-geAshland Daily Independent
publisher, chose UK Athletic Director Bernie A. Shively and Guy A.
Huguelet, both of Lexington.
Heading the list of appointive
members of the executive" committee are Lt. Gov. Kenneth Tuggle,
Barbourville, and immediate past
president N. C. Robinson of Lexington. Other appointees are: Miss
Margaret McLaughlin, Lexington;
Miss Lucie Logan, Bourbon county;
John A. Whitaker, Russellville; G.
Davis Buckner, Lexington; L. E.
Frankel, Lexington; T. H. Cutler,
Frankfort; Dr. E. C. Elliott, Lexing-ingtoGrover Creech, Louisville;
Mrs. E. D. Shinnlck, Lexington; Dr.
George H. Wilson, Lexington; T.
Jere Beam, Clermont; E. E. Hub
bard, Bardstown; H. D. Palmore,
Frankfort; John R. Bullock, Ryland;
Richard Le Grand. Warsaw; and
Henry A. Taylor, Henderson.
Current officers of the Alumni as
sociation, elected in June include
Mr. Forgey, president; James S.
Shropshire, Lexington,
dent; and Miss King, Lexington.
executive secretary. Present elected
members serving a three-yeterm
on the executive committee
State Senator William W. Blanton,
Paris, and G. Lee McLain, Bardstown.


Acts As Moderator
Of WHAS Series

Political Science
Appoints Two


Vets Must Present
Eligibility Papers

Dr. Rannells




Doctorate Thesis


Z HlcTeeVa,lrTfHockensmith Elected
!psjj fJQp President

Dr. Edelman Returns

Donovan Expresses Doubt
Facilities Will Be Ready;
the "three Chapman Will

University Has 1,000




Dr. Vandenbosch
To Address Institute

Veterans' Wives
Program To Be
Tuesday Night

Sanders To Speak
In Library Series

Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, head of the
department of sociology, will be the
speaker in the final "Invitation to
Reading" program in the current
series. The program is scheduled for
four o'clock Tuesday. April 6, in
the Browsing room of the Library.
Dr. Sanders' topic will be the
Balkans. He returned to the campus
in March of this year after serving
one year as agricultural attache of
the U. S. Embassy at Belgrade. Yugoslavia. He taught from 1929 to
1937 at the American
College in

The second in a series of programs for veterans' wives is planned
for Tuesday night, August 6. at 7:30
in the Browsing room of the University Libnry. The program presented by Hiss Harriett McDonald
and Miss Hary Spears is entitled
"Small Blwm." It is to be a discussion of informal flower arrangement
and is to be illustrated by actual
Sofia, Bulgaria,
Dr. Sanders received his doctor's
degree from Cornell. He came to
the University in 1940. During the
summer of 1943 he prepared a handbook on community organization for
the Bureau of Agricultural
in Washington. In the fall of
that year he worked with the Office
of Foreign Agricultural Relations
police because
of it is preparing material for the War Department.
in the county.
"Farmers of the World" of which
The county police may help in
he was one of the editors was pubsome measure and their organization is efficient, but small and in- lished by Columbia university in
adequate considering the amount of 1945. He also wrote a chapter called
"Health Is Welfare" for "Kentucky:
territory they must patrol.
In the event that you are won- Designs for Her Future."
dering what part of Cooperstown is
in the city and what part of it is
Col. G.
in the county, this will ease your
mind or vice versa.
Lt. Col. Gerald P. Lerner of the
From Oldham avenue extended,
imagine a line running parallel with University military science departColumbia avenue, as far as Donnell ment has been awarded the Bronze
drive, from there the line cuts across Star medal by the War Department.
to the observatory, and from there Lt. Col. Jehn L. Carter, acting head
it runs down Hilltop avenue to Rose of the military science department,
street All houses south of this announced today.
imaginary lint are in the county.
The award was for "expert superPeculiarly enough Hilltop avenue visory and distributive policy
from Woodland avenue to the Aero- expediting the establishment and
nautics Laboratry is in the city, but coordination of the China theater's
the houses are in the county. This signal supply at a time when the
makes the situation even more con- China theater transferred its activfusing, to call the city or the county ities from West China to East
police, that is the question. Why China (2 October 1945 to 15 March
not have some means of protection 1946).," according to the accomall of the time and especially during panying citation.
the interim from the end of the
Colonel Lerner joined the Unisecond summer quarter and the be- versity staff only recently and durginning of the fall quarter? Can't ing the war was signal supply officer
of the China theater.
something be done about this?

No Protection Is Provided
For Cooperstown Residents
During Summer Vacation

Haag: Preparing

Reliable Source Reveals

UniverSome 1,000 students of
sity are able to pursue courses
ranging all the way from
comR's" to labor relations with
plete disregard for the lack of housing facilities on the campus.
They represent the unseen part
of the UK enrollment which completes educational work, without the
necessity of ever seeing the campus,
through the facilities of a University agency unknown to many, the
Department of University Extension.
Although the office is now operating with depleted personnel and
tapering off slightly from its record
wartime registration, approximately
Dr. Pickett, who recently received j 100 different courses of instruction
Ms Ph. D. from the University of are being presented by correspondChicago, has been named professor ence to students located all over the
cf economics, specializing in business world, according to Director Louis
finance, to replace Dr. M. D. Clifton.
The University is one of approxKetchum, who resigned after a
lave of absence in June to join the imately 80 colleges and universities
University of Chicago faculty. He in this country accredited by the
b the present head of the Depart- United States Armed Forces Instiment of Commerce, Kansas State tute to offer work to men and
women In the service in conjunction
Teachers College, Emporia. Kansas.
Professor DeVoe has been ap- with U. S. A. F. I., Prof. Clifton
pointed associate professor of eco- said. The University Is also one of
nomics. He has been doing graduate the few institutions having a conwork at Ohio State University tract directly with the Veterans Adwhere he also instructed as assist- ministration to give training by correspondence to veterans under the
ant professor of economics.
Dr. Hahn, professor of accounting. educational benefits cf the G. I. Bill
has been on leave from the Uni- of Rights, he added.
During the war years. Prof. Clifversity to serve as price executive
with the Office of Price Administra- ton said, the University had a high
registration of about 800 men and
tion, Louisville.
Dr. Tolman, assistant professor of women of all ranks and branches of
economics, also has been with the service in this country and every
OPA, as price executive in the At- overseas theater. Approximately 25
lanta office. All four men will as- per cent of the total registration up
to the close of the war was comsume their duties effective Septemposed of servicemen and women, he
ber 1, Dean Wiest stated.
said, but since VJ Day there has
been slight decrease in service enrollment and an increase in veterans
taking correspondence work.
Students of the department of
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch. head of extension are generally of three
the department of political science, classes according to Prof. Clifton.
order of their percentage of the
left Saturday for Boulder Colora- In
enrollment they are "civilian"
do, where he will deliver an address total
and participate in a panel discussion students in absentia all over the
country and overseas, those men
at a conference being held at the
and women in the service both in
Pacific Islands
United States and overseas theaters,
Dr. Vandenbosch's contribution to and veterans and others taking work
the conference will concern the in residence here. At the present
Netherlands East Indies.
time, approximately 40 veterans are
The conference is being sponsored taking correspondence work. Prof.
by the Institute of Asiatic Affairs Clifton stated.
and the American Council of Learned Societies.



Margaret McDowell

Hollis P. Guy, of the Commerce
college, has resigned his position as
assistant professor of commerce to
become executive secretary of the
Washington, Dr. Edward Wiest, dean
of the College of Commerce, announced yesterday.
Guy left the University in Feb
ruary, 1943, on military leave of absence to accept a commission as
lieutenant (jg) in the navy. At his
discharge and acceptance of the
NEA post, he was a lieutenant commander and personnel officer at the
Pansacola Navy base. Graduated
from Bowling Green in 1932, Guy
has been with the commerce college
since 1937.
Appointment of two new Instructors. Dr. Ralph R. Pickett and Mer-r.- ll
DeVoe, and the return of two
more from leaves of absence. Dr.
Robert D. Hahn and Dr. W. A.
were also revealed by Dean

One Phi Tau was heard to
tell another Phi Tau, however,
that it would make a good rush
policy, at that.


Shawnee Project Finished
By Fall Quarter Opening)

In Commerce;
Profs Named

The Kappas and the Phi
Taus won t be living at the
same house come fall. That was
what we call a typographical
error, a reporter mistake in
disguise. The Kappas will live
at 232 East Maxwell and the
Phi Taus will live across the
street at 231. in the house occupied by the Phi Delts last

Bill Blair, tenor, will sing the first
public performance
of "Bataan
Went Out Flighting," a new song
by a Lexington composer, at a reception in honor of Col. Jonathan M.
Wainwright to be given in Frankfort today.
Music for the song was written by
Maury Madison. 343 South Broadway, a veteran of World War I.
The words were taken from a press
release issued b yGen. Douglas
after the fall of Bataan.
Blair, arts and sciences junior at
the University and member of
Kappa Alpha fraternity, was an
Army first lieutenant in World War
II. Accompaniment will be played
by Perry Parrigan, former University student.
Mr. Madison, a graduate of the
University of Texas and member of
Delta Tau Delta fraternity, also
wrote the music to a musical comvoice of a would-b- e
It will be the
edy. "Out of the Blue," which was
lawyer that WHAS listeners hear
produced by the Guignol theater in
as moderator cn the summer round-tabAugust, 1945.
Miss Irene Haynle Russell, who
series entitled "We Think So."
graduated from the University in
beginning Sunday morning. July 28.
June, has recently been appointed
Not since the inception of the Unidepartmental secretary of political
versity panel discussion programs
several years ago has a student or a
Mr. Kenneth E. Vanlandingham
woman served as moderator, but
A new plan affecting all veterans has been appointed
instructor in
precedent will be cast aside when
Margaret McDowell. Lexington to enter t'.ie University for training political science and will also assist
junior and a prospective law major, under the "G. I. Bill of Rights" was in research work.
announced today by Dr. Lyle K.
Vanlandingham has both a B. A.
faces the board of "experts."
personand M. A. degree from the Univerpast experience and a flair for nel of assistant director of
the University.
radio means anything, however, no
Effective with the beginning of
one need worry. In 1944 Miss Mc- fall quarter,
September 23, new vet'
Dowell was one of four winners in eran
students enrolling in the Uni'
contest sponsored by versity
a nation-wid- e
should have in their1 pos'
the American Town Meeting pro-- session a certificate of eligibility
Dr. Edward R. Rannells, head
fam on tne KBC Blue network. issued by the Veterans Administra of the art department, is expected
Entered from Lexington's Lafayette tion,
to be discharged from the Good
Dr. Henry said.
re- hih school, her
"In the past," he explained, "the Samaritan hospital, where he is
corded speech on the subject, "Does
University has accepted veterans on recovering from a minor operation,
Youth Want Social Security From
for in a few days.
the Cradle to the Grave?" won her the basis of their application
this certificate only and extended
a trip to Columbus, ohi. and par- - them
credit until such time as their
ucipauuii in a ruuuuuiuie uiscuasiuii certificate was granted.
with other winners.
"However, this has been found to
During the war. Miss McDowell
be too Irregular a procedure to con
broadcast homemakers news over
we are ask
WLAP, Lexington, and entered the tinue and in the future
University in the fall of 1944. where ing that they either have the certif
pay their
she did considerable work with icate or be prepared to
tuition and book costs until such
Prof. W. G. Haag. associate pro- WBKY, the University's FM educa- time as
their certificate is issued.
(An Editorial by Dick Stofer)
tional station.
fessor of anthropology
Advancing to the post of night At this time, the veteran will be re
chaeology, who recentlv made an
imbursed for these expenses which
First reports of the release from
extensive tour of principal eastern '"Pcrvisor at WBKY has not hin- - will
be paid the University by the j Hllttr rn wT..1.. di, VI . l IlltlV n'n (ell
f LUC i ..V. t
aereo- - Mlss McDowell s oiner activ
umvj uu U1JT t
collecting data for his
Administration," according
man in Cooperstown, caused a great
doctorate thesis, is preparing his ities- Sne holds membership in Veterans
to Dr. Henry.
dissertation which will be submit- - KaPP A'.pha Theta sorority; serves
In addition, he said, veterans who deal of furor among many of the
ted to the committee of anthropol- - as President of Mortar Board, na-oresidents. A close examination of
will enter under public law 16 (disand zooloev at the Universitv tional senior women's honorary; is
the situation shows that the watcha past member of Cwens, local ability) should have written approvof Michigan.
al of the Veterans Administration men, all of whom are great friends of
Museums Prof. Haag visited were: sophomore leadership society; and
the residents of the vet village, were
Washington; was president of Alpha Lamba allowing them training under this hired in the first place to protect
American Museum of Natural His- Dflta. freshman honorary, during
dur"It also must be understood by all me interests of the University Cooptory. New York; Museum of Com- her first year at U. K.
ing the construction period at
parative Zoology at Harvard, Cam"We Think So" will be tran- prospective veteran students," Dr. erstown. The
houses contained much
scribed weekly in the University Henry stated, "that they must meet irreplaceable
equipment and the
entrance requirethe academic
His treatise will be a study of studios with a guest board of ex
University and have need for protection was great. Since
dogs of the American aborigines, perts discussing such topics of cur- ments of the
this construction phase is at an end
Presently, he is making a series of rent interest as "The Relation of been accepted for admission the
and only four units lack occupants,
measurements of dog skeletons ex- the Bikini Explosion to Our Rela- same as any other student."
it was decided
watchcavated by expeditions and insti- tions with Russia." "Occupation of Freshman Week is scheduled to men should that the night
be released.
tutions throughout the country in Germany." "Disabled Veterans," and begin September 16. he announced,
This release, however poses a
but students accepted may come into
an effort to determine how many Kentucky's Constitution.'
the University personnel office at problem in the minds of residents
ciinerent kinds of dogs might have
any prior time and complete the of Cooperstown. The problem being
this, if the night watchmen are rerequired placement examinations.
leased from further duty, who will
dog skeletons at the National Mu protect the many houses and their
contents from July 31 on and who
C. Hoye Hockensmith Jr.. Irvine
ural History museum; 25 skeletons,
will watch over them from the end
Museum of Comparative Zoology. pre-lastudent at the University.
Dr. Alexander Edelmann. former
Those measurements will be added was elected president of the newly Lieutenant Colonel in the Army has of summer school to the beginning
to the ones alredy evaluated in organized Young Republicans club returned to the campus and will re- of the fall quarter?
the University. The collection here of Estill county at a meeting in sume his duties in the political sciCertainly most 0f Cooperstown
numbers almost 400.
Irvine on Monday night.
won't get protection from the city
ence department.
Mac-Arth- ur

Number 37

Guy Resigns

It Just Ain't So

Thirty oil paintings by first year
art students, are now on display in
the art gallery on the second floor
of the Biological Sciences building.

University Scientist
Aided War Effort

Housing Survey



Eco-nmi- cs


P. Lerner
Gets Bronze Star




The Shawnee project "will be finished by the fall quarter,"
reliable authority, who requested The Kernel
to use
his name, stated yesterday. Dr. Herman L. Donovan stated lat
Friday that the Shawnee project would not be hnMied.
Dr. Donovan also stated that with 5,000 students exerted v
enroll in the University for the fall quarter, present and planned


a usually

housing could take care of only 3,000 students.
The Shawnee project, to be located on the University farm behind Shawnee Place, which turns off the Nkholasvillc pike, will


Final Enrollment

two-stc- ry

The authoiity stated that sewage and water contracts had been
let, and buildings on Shawnee
should be seen soon. He sta'ed
that the University had fulfilled
its part of the contract. The FPHA.


Research Foundation
Has Way Cleared
By Dummit Ruling





Anderson On Leave
Dr. C. A. Anderson ef the socio!- department is on leave for the
second summer term. Dr. Irwin T.
Sanders, head of the department,
announced yesterday.
Dr. Anderson is doing research
work at the Widener library, Harvard university.




week inten-

A ruling by Attorney
Eldon S. Dummit has cleared the
way for the beginning of operations
by the Kentucky Research Foundation, President H. L. Donovan announced Wednesday. The foundation was formed by the University to
exrjedite work which otherwise is
subject to state government "red
tape." President Donovan said. Dum- mit's opinion gave transfer to six
contracts from the University trus- tees to the foundation.
Most of the contracts, ranging
from $5,000 to 48,000. Involved re- search work for the army. Dr. Donovan said.
He explained that the foundation
would give the University more freedom in carrying out its research
Contracts assigned to the founda tion will not be subject to delays
caused by
"red tape,
Dr. Donovan stated. Preparations,
bidding on work and equipment and
other routine matters often require several months' delay, he
Another advantage, he said, will
be that the foundation can bring
in specially skilled men and pay
them more than the
salary of $5,000. However, this is
not the purpose cf the foundation,
he added.
The foundation comprises trus- ties and faculty members, but is a
corporation operating
the University. It is chartered as
organization, with any
earnings transferred tr the University, owners of its assets.
Dummit's ruling stated that contract could be assigned to the
by the trustees so long a3
no provision specifically prohibits
such action. The contracts will be
transferred after consent has been
obtained by the contracting parties. In the future research eon- tracts will be made in the name of
the foundation, Dr. Donovan said.'


bar- -


Existing housing facilities at the
University can care for only 2.500
students. Proposed Increases include three buildings
on Scott
street, three on the Miller property
on North Limestone, three on the
Leet property on South Limestone,
three in front of Patterson hall,
ar.d three on Pose street near the
tobacco greenhouse. Two barrack
of the
will house


mid-ter- n



buildings. These will
house 130 families, some of them,
to be University professors who
are unable to find accommodations

history. Miss
Moores said. Previous record
high for a summer term was
set the first summer term this
year when 3.464 students enrolled.
slightly short of the anticipated enrollment of approximately 3.000, Miss Moores explained that predictions
enrollbeen based on term-en- d
ment which will include stu-

dents entering at



Final enrollment figures for
the second term of the current
summer quarter at the University totaled 2.308 students at
the close of registration Thursday and set two new records.
Miss Maple Moores. assistant
registrar, announced.
Showing an Increase of nearly 98 per cent over the previous
high for a second term of 1.472
in 1340, the figure set a record
as the highest enrollment ever
registered for a second term and
the second highest enrollment
of any summer term in the

two and one-ha- lf
sive courses.


racks buildings divided into

which is responsible for dismantling the buildings at their present
loctaion. moving them to Lexington, and erecting them here, "ran
into a little trouble
he said.
Frank D. PtPrson
stated that FPHA had advir.d him
the contracts had been Ipl Loral
contractors have assured the University that their part of the work
laying out of streets, parkins
areas, driveways, walks, and approaches,
and laving of utilities
lines will be completed by Sep
tember, Peterson said.
"We have not been advised bj
the FPHA whether their portion of
the work will be completed by
September," he stated.
Some delay in the work has
been caused by inability to obtain
on less than
delivery the
specified pipe for
the project.
Peterson said, but he added that
negotiations are now underway to
purchase a different kind of pipe
for earlier delivery,
The list of ve'erans
houses in the Shawne
proict far
exceeds accommodations.
said. The list was closed at 300.
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
women, stated that all married
90-d- ay


students, all graduate students,
all students over 25 years of age
(except veterans), and
students with exceedingly poor





tne resiaence nalls. M
must Ilnd nousi




The University ha3 promised
housing for 65 women students. 43
of them to beplaced in the barracks in front of Patterson hall.
There are 45 more women on a,
waiting list, but the school ha3 assumed no obligation for them, she
Dean of Men T. T. Jones stated
that housing had been pnvulfd
for all single students, wi'h 200
of the
scheduled for occupancy
barracks. Peterson stVed the Uni
versity has been assured that the
barracks will be completed by the
opening of the fail quarter, except "r the insta.!'itirri ?t l.eating
CongT-snru- i
Virail M. Chapmjn.
running for
Wednesday night assured Howard
club presiM. Bowles. Veterans'
dent, that "he was doinT everything possible to expedite construction of additional living q'jar-te- rs
for student veteran-i- .
Chapman termed the hoa-iishortage the only obstacle facir?
veterans who wih to a' tend the
University, and urged ronim'ini'y
support cf a program to supple
ment federal housing.
U irned
Chapman said he i..--J
that a conference between Mavor
Mack Oldham. Dr. Donovan.
other city and Universitv official;,
groups of forward- j and "interested
looking patriotic citizens'' had been
olanned to devise ways and meaiu
of solving the housing problem.

� Features



Tom Di ncan
j,M Donovan

Entcn M tb Port Offleo at texlnfton. Kentaeky, M
eeond cimi Butter wider tb Art of March 1,




COm fmkktkm ktnttnltln-4Z- O
Ni York. N. Y.



Tlie University should have a great football
team ihis year. In f.irt. it should he the finest
ever to don the Blue and White.
On or off the field, nicmliiis of the team
tirelessly devote themselves to eating, sleeping,
and drinking football. What tricky or deceptive tactics are used in sleeping or drinking
are unknown, but the average patron of the
with the
Union cafeteria is
brilliant maneuvering and scintillating strategy
which they use to crash the cafeteria line.
The coordinated attack, a leauty to watch,
plan, each
generally revolves about a
and executed with all
timed to a
the precision and deadliness of a military operation. A couple of emaciated
by edging up close to the
begin the break-ihead of the line as it is formed, probably
crushing several old ladies and
probably don't know that the gridiron gentlemen arc undernourished and apparently are
exempt from sweating out the line. After all,
the star athletes might coHase from sheer hunger; then they would Ik sorry.
With the advance agents securely planted,
the main body begins to emerge from the grill.
The plan is progressing nicely. The hostess
mousetra)xd and decoyed out of
is gone
position by the grand strategy. The long thin
line is now three deep near the front, and for
about fifteen minutes those who are so unfortunate as to indulge the